Terrible Panic at. Mar-eulo- and Toulon. “node 0! Annette. Tendonâ€"Graphic Loco-ut- ot the Doc-co t- the Plea-e- mr- ( lake. A London cablegrem eeye: The indiflor- once to the enbject o! oholere which hee oherecterized Euglend hoe dieepzered under the eppeerenoo ct ceeoe in 'vor- 1. end the penio will ooon be here. y it bee etteehod ï¬ercely meny Amerioene, who are tehing elmoot the next eteemer beck to their own country. end thoeo eeeocieted with the oomlorte end hueineee of Amorieene in Europe ere elmoet driven dietrectod by eppoele on to heir opinione on the oomperetlvo eetety ct journeys on the Continent. while meny young lediee tlud oeblegreme ordering their return et the moment they put their toot upon Europeen soil. In Frenco the plegue eontinuee to produce its mixture 0! trogl- eel end tercicel. Olovie Hugoe. the pet end Bedioel member tor Ilenulloe. ecoom~ peeled the Miuietere who peid evieit to the plegue-etrlcheu citytor the purpoee ol erroetrng the penic. end nee given e peinlully grephio eooount of the eighte in the hoepitel. The limb: o! the petiente ere block end toy. Nothing ehowe lilo but the eyoe. which look etering end onlerged. They exprote nothing but Werenoe. end when eomoo! the visitor- proeeed the head at e boy of 12 he geve no nun. did not even turn to look et hie vieit- nre. but kept hie eyee etoedtly ï¬xed on the tun-lighted blue one. which he could eeo hem hie bed. A ledy whoee buebend died in one of the towno outeido Mereoillee hee been returned by the Meyor to nee the oorpee of hu huebend or even to enter her own house. and hen to enoemp in the open eir. Inetenoee ot heroiem elternete with the terrible prevelent oowerdico. The Sie- tore of Chem y ere true to duty. The Duo do Ohertreee. one o! the Orloeniet Prinoee. heetollowed the exemple ot the Minietere in visiting the heepitel. The ledy who ie the heed of the lemelo euflrege movement. ineteed ol eeneetiouelly eehing her turni~ ture elter the menner of Miee Muller. cells on ell the members of her eeeooietion to go to Mereeillee to serve no nuroee. Hr. Labuuohere’e correspondent in Pain. apropos of the plngne. advises English sud American Visitors to send tor 3 doctor 0! their own nutionehty. instead of e French- men. The good French prootitioner will not pay nigh! Vinita. end the enhetitntee are young and inexperienced. A list is given of the good doctors. in which ï¬gure Dr. Prou, ecu-mlrw of Muion Sims, Dr. thman, a great friend in her early drye of George Eliot. and Hon. Allen Herbert. brother of the Earl of Cornuvon. The writer of this article deoluee thet ice-huge to the spine are the greatest of on reetorere o! dissipated energies. Be eepeoirlly recommends the u to Indies who went to lure themeehiee of the morphine intuit. Another onblegram says: Cholera has madea long stride northward. appearing at the same in went near Paris and in the‘ Mersey. The Paris correspondent of the1 Daily News telegmphs a minute account of a clearly established case of Asiatic cholera. within ï¬fteen miles of Paris. and thinks it to be directly traceable to the hot that the patient was standing at are Hotel de Ville, on the jets day. besidea lady trash from Marseilles. The patient has recovered. The steamer 8t. Dunstan. from the Mediterranean. via Marseilles. arrived at the Mersey yesterday. Two deaths had occurred after the ship left Marseilles. The health ofï¬cer at Liver- pool pronounced the symptoms to be undoubtedly those of Asiastic cholera. The whole crew were down with choleraio diarrhces. The ship wasquarantined. The American Cousul-General’s orders for a thorough inspection of chi outward bound for America will be rigid y enforced. Sundry queati. he have been asked in Par- liament, and rflicial precautions are becom- ing more general and striking. but the public continues to take things quietly. Bummer tours on the continent are mostly abandoned. The English watering places promise tobecrowde . I hear daily 0! Americans who are returning home on aeccunt oi the cholera. The deaths and icin Toulon and Marseilles are increas- ing. The condition of the Thames excites alarm and large sums are expending. There is a dead rise of sewage. which. though dis- charged far below. washes u t the Parliament Houses. 1) p“ “tablaâ€"Ivan“; Insulation to: branch 0! mm tho “be: thy in Enï¬hnd the ofondsnt'n maul-nod the all mun. " Did my dam on“: Kn‘o A poo tin “manna my you 7“ " Well. not My," III. "pa-d. " but In conned In. t 309d dul. mutiny liner in humid» nary khan-any." The lettuce is a neglected vegstsble, slthough it constitutes s prominent in- gredient in every good soled. At one time the lettuce wss suppose to possess soporiflo propIertiss. but 0! lets yesrs it hss, perhsps soc sstily. been diseetshlished ss o drug in the repertory o! the therspentiet. Borne sre now strongly insisting thst lsttuoes should he need more generslly ss food. suggesting thst they ought to be boiled. After such trestment they sre ssid to be ss pelstsble ss spinseh. ll thtshe the (set, it is worth knowing. as spinsch is neoes~ .rily excluded from the am 0! the mimic psuent. Ind it is precisely in this close 0! cssee the soothing properties oi the lettuce. it it hsve say. would he 'Whn Iï¬mr was eh». George? " she and. holding him book with both heads. “ Why. over one hundred and any people was poisoned from 3 single freezer." A Young Glrl’o lent... . “ Iwonld like to at you to toko some ion-cram. dear." he said, looking bonito» y in me windows of u saloon, “ bm one: an: dimuona mm in Brooklyn a tow days ago I am droid to." And ho mode In oï¬gmpt _:_o forgo thou). "'It must. have been terrible. Still, George. deat, there is e poeeilnlity of our eon-ping will: our lives. and if we do die " â€"here xhe hermo girl geve him 3 look of lava nmmenblen" we will die logether." THE GREAT PLAGUE. THE SUARE IN ENGLAND. Boiled Ina-cc. n is snuounoed shot Mr. D. Osmoron. of Loehie). is being pressed to reconsider his doorsion so withdrew from Pulismentsry lite. The Tories ere desirous the: he should sgsin eontes‘ the oouncy o! Invernses. The Free Church 01 Scotland inerssses its membership yeerly: In 1881 it wen 312.426 ; in 1882. 314.027; in 1883, 8143“; end in 1884 is is 322.265. 8mm: roundly. she Church hes sdded 10.000 to its member- shi_p iu ï¬hres yeus. Competent nnthoritiee lute thet the recon: drought in the north end eastern district: of Scotland hue not been eqnnlled in severity time 1829. In some of the oonnï¬ee. notebly Inverneee-ehire. not 3 drop of nin hnd tellen for nine weeks. ' Liam. 3mm. o! the human mm. In- and. the romantic. 3nd “inbo- Ihnd nupnoodonbd. noon 0! 102 on o! a 'No 105. with um Ihotl «oh a two. we and d: hundnd yudl with s unsu- bon much tins. _ > The Britieh Field Merehel Oommending in- Chad hee evaded ï¬retoolell peneioner Doneld KoKey y. lete Boote Fueiller Gouda. the eilver medel (or “ meritorione service,†end the oflloere of the Brigede o! Gouda heve eleo evidenced their ep reoietion o! the worth 0! the old eoldiernv ohee eerved £1 yeere. by preeenting him with e puree o! sovereign; _ 7 _ Mr. mum. the all“. In: routed u lugs nhooting ground in Scotland. including 3 ulmon May on tho Tuy, und will npoud the summer und nummu than. Generel Grehem’s cempeign hes taught the Arehe et leest one good lessonâ€"respect for the English. e more pleeeent feeling for them to herbor then their contempt end inextingnieheble hete fer the Egyptiens. The kindness which their prisoners heve received et our heude. end the lorbeerence shown to them when they might well heve expected stern punishment, heve un- doubtedly given those feerlese herberiene some glimmering of e new world of ideee; the English. they underetend. ere es merci- ful es they ere breve. " But why. then, do you come to ï¬ght us?" eshed one of the prisoners. The questioner wee not well up in politics. And he hed nerrow views ebout other metters, es for exemple. in militery teoties. when he bluntly, end even roughly. expressed his inability to understand how en honest people like the English could heve sneeked round by the reer of the entrenchmente et El Teb, insteed oi etteching them streight- lorwerdly from the front. where his tribes- men were prepered to receive us. On the other bendâ€"end this is one 0! the most pleeeing feetures of Generel Grshem’s bril~ lient little cempeignâ€"ths British soldier very soon conceived, end es heertily expressed. his edmiretion for his enemy. In the fleld,ot course. he did his best to exterminete him; but in cemp he otten spoke of the “ pity of killing such splendid fellows. who eltcr ell ere only rebelling egeinst those rotten Egyptiens." (The Brit- ishsoldier'econtempttortheEgyptienegrew rether then diminished in consequence of en ‘ ineidentet Taker. The blue-jestetshed, with their own hends. dregged their guns ell the wey from Trinhitetâ€"eeventeeu milesâ€" ecroes send end mud. They were thirsty. They eelred for weter from some of the Egyptiens whom they hed just come to relieve. “Buhhsheeeh." replied the Egyp- tisns. holding out their pelms. The Egyp~ tiens who oeme up with the convoy drenlr hell the weter in store end spilled most of the rest.) The British soldier cheerily edmits thet he might heve fered much worse then he did it only the Arebs were es knowing es they were plucky. “ Why did they not out ofl our convoys 7" " Why did they not ettech us at night in the “rebut?" “ Why did they use weepons which they did not underst 7" “ Why did they not keep quiet et st. end, when we got close enough to them, jump upon us with their speers ?"â€"Nineteenth Century. Bu. Don-Id lunto, Fm Church minis tcr of Buy. In hthtcch â€cry 0! Cdthncu. hu rccigncd his pawn“ cod his ccnnoc “on win: tho Free Church. in consequence o! the Gcncrd Assembly hcving uncuonod the me o! instrumental mum in the public unice- ot chc Church from the city euthoritiee 0! both terry fnnchieoe from the foot of Brcedvny gives thet perty precticnl control of the entrence gete to the city of New York tram the hey end ell the surrounding country. The pro- ject. which dude enoouregement in this ection o! the city euthoritlee, involvee en enluged terminel end etorege eccommcde- tion m the herbor hy meene o! bridgee between New Jereey end Steten Ielend Acte to euthoriee. which were progreeeed in Oongreee during the recent eeeeion. It is cleaned that the etoeege on provieione. dour cotton. end tohecco. end other pro- duote from the Weet end South for export on he reduced 30 per cent. by the com- pletion of the project. Michal Knldowno . noon-hue, ha been minnow to do“ a 81mm Iain. in: in the nude: of Dohom, u tumor. in 1881, while the Inter m sanding the raid-none! m Dada-800nm for In- lmd. Mnldmg pron-M hhinnoounoo sud tho town win: “.0th unborn with... from Ana-ties. and an Oro'wn with stunning to unborn tun-u hon Anni“. The Iago; Oompuy will commune. to '0." win. dosh. Aconeert wee recently given by eome metenr‘ mneieinne. It wee lugely et- tended by the generel nhlio. One young Indy belonging toone o the tint tnmiliee, with e Inge umy-eined month. enng e selection (tom en Inlien open. which wee vooiferonely epplended. putionlul by n stronger on one of the trout eente. ning to his neighbor, with whom he won not ecqnninted. the stronger odd : h "Whet benntilnl teeth thet young lndy on I" “ I on gled to‘henr yon eo eey. It is n hlgh‘oognpliment to me." A New York do an: The Inquire- mant by Brutus 7 imm 3nd his friend- " Ah ! you one the young ledy’e tether. You heve indeed e churning deughter." “ Oh. no, I'm not her tether." “ Her Mother ?" " No. I em no reletion whetever. but I'm the dentist who ï¬xed her mouth a? with those teeth you edmixe so much. only eherged touteen dollen for them, but they heve not been peid for yet." Inn-- “In“ ouu-o- Control of Ike Inn-ecu New York m- the Boy. The In.“ Soldier 1- the loud“. Michal Moldova.) A van-Imuvo Inc-uni. Late Scottish News. psper on the sdvisshility. pro risty. or. wisdom o! killing idiots. nsturel ï¬xoustros-1 ities. or persons entering intense mieery from disesse. Dr. Leflmsu ststd thst he sdvsnced his views on the subject, not he- osuse he wss irrevoeshly committed to them. nor wished to convert his fellow- physicisns to them. but becsuse he desired ‘ to excite debste on thesabjsct. Unfortuu- \ stely. other business interfered. sud the} dehete wee not extended. Nevertheless. it1 wss shown thst there wes on inolinstion on the pm of msny to with Dr. Leï¬msn thst within reeeons s hounds it would be wise sud Justinshls to remove from life the clsssee oi persons mentioned. Thst this proposition should he lsid down st sll shows thst ecientiflo men ere yesr by your becoming more hold snd leer- less; that it should be seriously enter- tsinsd shows thst the disposition to frown upon innovstious is passing swsy; thst the here mention of such 3 proposition does not excite horror end inuignstion showe thst the messes oi the. people hove lesrned thst the wisest plsn is_to suspend judg- ment until such questions ere fully dis- cussed. Viewed trom sn unprejudioed stead. pointâ€"thet is. considering msnhind in the uhstrsct. without regurd to the sfleotions ot bloodâ€"it must he sdmitted thst Dr. Leflmin's propoeitiou, so tu- ss it ‘08 to idiots end monstrosities. is Irony of storing consideriatiou‘; We do not oonsiietr t it epro on remove s lering trom mummy disease moonlit to he entertsinsd for sn instsnt. - > The charactenstice which distinguish nun from the bruse ere lsngusge. n desire cud 'espccity to acquire knowledge, a sense of individucliby or peteondity. en chem conception of me existence of I supreme being. end e hope or deeite (or n cominued future cxishncc. The Absence o: eny of these chsrceteristics bring: mun neue: the brute ; the sbsence of on of ohem would ucnsform him into n brute. will um- be Allowed to u". or he Killed to Improve Ito Inch. 9 A. I muting at tho Pennsylvania But. Medial Society on Tue-d†kn. an the Dunno" Hardy D_r._ Loflmun rad a An idiotâ€"end we use the word in its most strict senseâ€"possesses none 0! these cherecteristice. except. occesionelly. thet oi lengnsge; in e mejority of ones they heve only voice. the power to utter sounds. but not to term them into words. The mentel quelitics of men, end not his physicel for- metion, constitute hie cleim to superiority over hrntee. end in thst view of the metter whet cleim hes en idiot to he considered e humen being ? It is impossible to believe thet he wee crested to serve my end. end itheweshe fails to do it. His life is e mere eoimel existence. He is more in- cepeble of taking csre of himself then the hrutes. for the instinct which is given to them is denied to him, end he leeks even s degree of the intelligence which is im- plented in the breest of men. The idiot is not only useless to society. but he is dengerous. Heving no conception of the difference between right end wrong. he is ihely tocommit murder. erscn or my other crime. Under certein circumetencee he ‘ might propegete his species. Viewed irom ‘e religious stand-point. the idiot cen serve no useful end. for neither by instinct nor educetion does he its the existence of e supreme being, end e hes no hope nor desire for a. future existence. Viewed from e worldly etend-point, his life is o! no ob- ject, for he does not possess the intell' nos. neoeeesry to mehe him e d eble citizen, end there is no hope thet his condi- tion will ever chenge. Viewed from en economic stendpoint. the idiot is e cherge upon hie triends or the community. Viewed through the specteclee oi the scientists. the idiot. lscking in everything thet distin- guishes men from brute, occupies specs end consumes food in e world thet is not too lugs for the people on it who ere desirehleinhebitente. All the obeervetione on idiots epply with equel iorce to mon- etrosities.‘ qnoluon. " 1- than n-n-n- mu. boy or u-I-n-y little girl who won! like to at no a qnudon ?" A “We Ihrill voice. ullod out: "Plea-o, III. why did the unsol- walk I: and down onh'o [udder when thoyh wings?" "0h, uh. yenâ€"I m," aid the hilhop; "and now in than warn-y um. boy or mn-my ma. girl who would , like to unwu little jury's quanta-1" South Kenninglon hoe recenlly been wished by e novel "cherity orgcnizction." icomprieing e pieno org-n. worked by s wtootmen in full livery. contributions being Ecollectcd by I well known clergymln. who icolicin donctione. which h r‘eecim on I ‘eilver ulver. The explcn 'on, as given ‘by the revarcnd demon himself. in thee \ the idea of “ wor ng" e picno orgcn occur- ‘ted to him II n lixel mun- o! collecting \cdditioncl eume for much needed relief 10? the cutout poor in hie diaerict. Be hue been working the gtreeb during the put :ecn dnye, end profane: doing so (or come. time to come. he picno in c tuber elegeul one, cud upon it in 5 white muelin ourtuln heving the words " For ohcrlty" on it in embroider . Ae might be expecied, thc"ehowâ€ie ollowed about by c luge number of per-cone. Agood awry is told of the Binhop of Minna. Georgi. Ho noon“ oddruud n urge mom ly of Sondny ohool obn- dnn, nnd wound up by noting in ovary pound ond condescending my: "And nomin shore own-y limo boy or n-n-n-y little girl who would like to not men qnootion ?" Mhropnnu hero Mod tho qnoluon, “_ Inflporo n-n-n-y ht a boy or A nonunion hu ban umdinDnblln by the meal of A Quiet nunod Pillar who in I muriod Inn And the (“her of 3 lug- lunlly. und who lo aloud to In†mmmm w fortune by lung: home. a onormoul mm for vuiou olonloon prune... Warni- hun bun land for anal other mu on Ilmlu ohm Pitt County, “shun. will and a 1.000 poundblookolmmtolho World's Rx- It in plein, therefore. thot it is deeinhle to remove these nnfottnnetee from o world in which they monfltted tolive. Whether it Ihonld root with any man or nay eel of men to decide upon their fete we will not ottempt to fly. but thoee who edmit the justice of oepitel punishment will ï¬nd it herd to urge o velid ergoment egoinet the tight to remove idiote end monetroeitieo. A N." QUII‘I'IONo Mule Man‘s Que-Ito. A Claim! Grid". "and. dmnoon nm on. 0! on Jun: Ouy ton .md m unduly “Mom 31:21:: mwmwhh Ion lair 3nd tadddo vi Iton- akin; an ! mu: rod olsy. The ondlu wm ovidonfly not “too or [up enough to hold 3 hodthy boby. u: whoa 3 young con I. cum up and sued mantis n them a all nun what! rsginy .9 with gun upimpflpp. __ Thu. puny ted 5nd imptohblo 1002:: and!“ Ibrdhblinuring m um um loo 5y darnoon nm on. o! “no Jon†“ Certainly any m not for buhiel." In aid. “ And in order to undonhnd me use to which than and]. no pm you must am all to your mind an aunt. o! an aim. and the has that . gran may poop o objool to duping under mooquito netting. beau-e it swo- thun u feeling of nufloouion. “ V0 well. A 00mm liv' in New J amv'lylhn'n wing“; In In": :13 mind) Jersey (thet’e where I wee horn en‘d reieed) hnye one o! theee eredlee. which ere very light end my to entry. He tekee it home. etretohee e piece at moeqnito netting tightly over it. puts it in hie bedroom end goes to eleep. “ The moeqnito intond of hehy end hes en exeeleior netnreâ€"thet in. he elweye tries to dq,the herdeet thing. He imeginee there in e hehy in thet eredle end he worh herd ell night trying to get et it; too hue even to sing. In the morning the men w ee up retreehed. without e pimple on hie none. end ï¬nds the mosquito penting exheneted on the window eill. The thing in never known to teil. They ere only 85 oente epieee. end I will eell the right to menuteetnre them in en! State but New Jemy for 815.000. No. ‘heven't eold egreet meny yet. heeenee true ‘genine neede me to mete iteel! known. ‘Look et the eteem engineâ€"look et Ohrie- to her Columnâ€"look et Femâ€"look"â€" hetell men eeme to end perted the heir from hie eyee. end' the young eonple hed damâ€"New York Sun. New Jon" Inn-av. God-- Wad-g Ill Damon the MI Alb ~ Spotting of drowning. it is by some can- sidorod tn only (loath, but mapoue make: Clarence unluim : 0 Lord. memonght whnt pnin i$ In: to drown; Whnt dradtnl sound 0! wntor in mine one. Whnt sight- ot ugly duth within mine eyes. 0n the other hand. a man who was restored when very near such a death said his last consciousness was going to sleep. Drowning is the frequent fate of careless bathers. and as the season is new opening a few suggestions may be appropriate. Many good swimmers are seited with cramp. which is often due to the shock occasioned by a change of temperature. Hence bathsrs should not go beyond their depth until they have reached the proper equilibrium. In drowning death takes place by asphyxia or suffocation. In other words. the inability to breathe prevents the puriï¬cation of the blood. the circulation is obstructed. and the result is insensibility and death. The human body is but little heavier than water. and with a little judicious sï¬ort one can keep afloat. but the inevitable fright destroys all recaution. All exposed to such danger s uld keep the mouth closed and avoid raising their arms out of water. as this increases weight. The lace should be elevated and the neclr thrown back as tar as possible. Death by drown- ing is otten very rapid. and one minute oi submersion has been known to prove iatal. Others. however. have been rssuscitated after a much longer time. Shahspeare carries this idea to a strange excess when he says (in " Pericles. Prince 0! Tyre â€) concerning a person cast upon the beach : Death may usurp on nature man hours, And yet the ï¬re of life kindle age 11. I have heard of an E tian Had nine hours been cad By good appliance was recovered. In cases of drowning the lungs are always ï¬lled with water. which never takes place when death precedes submersion. This fact has often been of importance in criminal matters. and was used in the Jenny Cramer case (New Haven mystery) to prove murder instead of suicide. The euioide at Mr. Burnhun, ï¬he broken- down New York etookbroker. irteeietibly bringe to mind we well-knowmunee .o! Holmee: ‘ Alu the: those who‘ve got their box 0! cosh beneath the mongeet loch Should em their ten with tenoynoeh And rush upon epecnle on'e rook- Without the leeetrepology! While workmen were recently waged in “Heist! the root of lhe old open home es Viola rg. no... they found 3 20- and Pence shell batted in me timbers on no. exploded. It must hove lodged lhere during the siege of l863. The cone] .3 Sum Ste. Muie ie now lighted by eleetnoity. The Pioneer tone no thet " excepting when the engine get-tired. a dozen or more 2,000 oendle power lumps pour their brillinnt light down upon -the 2“}? 8.. Meg River. nod ehe rgpï¬de go A New York deder 1n gude hu' 1:: etore a box of cauliflower ,weighins only 54 ponnde, which he eeve. will not him 02. 700. Be an he could not rep hoe the reed end therefore keepe it' m 3 age depoeie comp-my to sand man Ion by ï¬re. Miss Mary Clm Dawes in the am vomun in England to gun the degree of Mute: of Attl, which ha boon untied her by the Inndon Uninnity. flushing and “mining put a it it ui ecstasy of Joy st the much of menus." Else Wuhan 311mm: J 08. J. CAVE, PROPRIETOB. â€TIC! â€" nm '11-. woo-run. on WORM POWDERS. mun-anon; mun-Ito" fund“ II I Uh. IIIâ€. 0|!“ 0W Wyn-“mm Childrenw‘dnlu II“! IAIY CIA-l4... Good Advice to: the '11-". About Drowning. THIS INCOMPARABLE MEDICINE In: so- cured for itself uufyporislnblo tune throughout tho world for tho neviauou cud 01".» of most W to which humanity in heix. urif ' regulate all-limprovo 010 qualitSVOI 0 31003.. Thoy assist the digestive organs. clcï¬â€˜go lucmse tho secretory powers of the Liver. Ibrtoo the nun-vans syntmn‘ and throw into the circuit- tiou the )lu‘esS Elements for “awning and to paring e Mum. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that i their usa Mono they have been restored to new and 3mm 1;. alter every 0mg: mews had prov: unsu . WWthMeir Weight in GoltL will be found invaluable in every household in. the cure of Open Sores. Bud Tumours. ( Colds. Sore Tlxroats. Bronchitis, out] all disordm of mu Thmat. and Chest. as also Gout. Rheunub ism. Scrotum. and every kind of Skin DiSt‘nSO. Manufactured only at Professor Hoznomu‘a Establishment, 18 Now Oxford St. (law 533 oxford St.)l.oondon. nnd sold at 1.1. l}d..28.9d.. 48. 611.. 1224.. $5., and $13. each Box and Pot. and in Canada. t 36 cents, mcents. and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. the cure of Open sores. 11am “.lumours BAD LEGS, 0L0 WOUNDS, CUUGHS «*0 ‘ .UTION. -â€"I have no Agent in the United States nor are my Medicines sold there. Pur- Chasers shouhl Uiorciom look to the Lark I on th "ots and Boxes. 1! the address is not 553 Oxfad ‘btreet London, they are spurious. / um u “rm roi mum "ram mun" DAILV AND'W’iuLv â€All. Tux um. human. The w lean- the H. 1‘. _ mu MWMonwna-uumm c. that. llmwmoflhm ADVER ssuaxrs our .. u w....a.~--s£L.--.,. "sad miï¬lfltum 1m; wnxu MAIL. mm cord m mu pg: .006 “â€4: “~32". at I. m, IMoMouvmmvwdmthI-I‘ A d 0‘ 3'10; £68“! sing {I n eve s w; 0 may: an om mgflcre Blgod.‘ c. c. Climax c migLCompany, WILL CURE OR RELI£VE Biliousness. Headache. Dys- pepsia, lndi stion. Dizziness. Jaundice,_ ropgy. fluttering Health Happiness for all. AND OINTMENT. aroma: and. nowms, YOU nunlo IV In; Till NAIL Injho