The steam burg e 1‘. Walter! was sunk in «storm off Black8 River, Ohb, on Monday nighz, and eight lh as lost. In the Quebec timber market several sales have taken place during the past week, two large rafts of Nipissing timber, comprising a large quantity of weney pine, having been placed at prices that have not yet transpir- ed. One raft of nice Ottawa wood, about 38.5 f et average, was placed at [5 cents, and a lot of common timber at 14 cents. No transactions in hardwoods are reported. The accounts from (3 rent Britain are decid- edly gloorry and there is nothing so indicate any improvement in this market. AMERICAN‘. The crops in Illinois have been seriously injured lay the Hessian fly and cut worms. It in now stated that Gaudy and Racette, the murderers oi Hector McLeish at Wolse- ley, have escaped in a canoe from the Qu’- Appelle river down the Auiniboine, and from there across the boundary line. The police eo far have been unable to get on their trail. a" An uninteresting return fof nearly 900 pages, repared at a coat 0 $500, was re oentl Brought down in Parliament while the c ancee are that the member who asked for the netnrn could have obtained all the information he required by a couple of houra’ examination of the original docu- ment-1 in the departments. Mr. Mercier, on behalf of the Quebec Government, has taken out a writ of in'nnc- tion inat the Waterloo and Magog il- way m y with the ob’eet of preventing the sale 0 the line to the anadian Pecï¬c. The Canadian Paciï¬c railway has decid- ed toinstitnte a sex-vice to summer resorts on Lake St. Louis, and lively competition is expected with the 01an Trpnk, who in- .a_,, j , The new bridge of the Canadian Paciï¬c railway at Lanhine will be com leted by the middle of next month, and t e line from Smith’s Falls to Mont-real in expected to be opened for traflic about the same time. tendâ€"extending the Lachlnoibrgï¬ch wit-h the same object. It is stated that the Manitoba Provincial railway to boundarï¬ can be graded in six or seven weeks, and t at the extension of the Northern Paciï¬c to connect with it will be completed in about the same time. The recomm 'ulation of the Library com. mitten that m J Parliamentary reports, from " unfederation to the establishment of Hanna! be printed at a cost of $10,000 has been shelved until next session. At a meetin of the Canadian branch of he Im erial adoration League, held re- cently 1n Ottawa, it was decided to hold public meetings in the various provinces for the organizati - I of branches. Sixteen cadets have retired from the Royal Military College at Kingston since June 30th, 1885, before completing their col- lege course, to accept special commissions in the Imperial army. Mr. No nay, who has just returned to \Vinnipeg rom the \Veet, says the crop prospects throughout Manitoba. are better than he had ever seen them, and that far- mers everywhere are jubilant. The Indy of the young man, N icholes G. Hart, who m stetiously disappeared on the day of the f oral election from Indian Cove Quebec, was found floating in the river op- posite St. Michel. The revising ofï¬cers are to be paid for the current year a. salary of $300, and an allow- ance of hve cents per name on his list up to 4,000, and three cents per name from 4,000 to 10,000. ' Depositors in Government savin s banks in future cannot have more than 1,000 to their credit, nor can they deposit more than $300 per ennum for the ï¬rst two years they hold a bank book. Mr. H. Sutherland, President of the Hudson Bay railway, estimates that the cost of the line, including improvements at the terminal points and elevators, will be $16,- 009,0 )0. A Sunday train service between Montreal and New York has been arranged by the Delaware and Hudson Eeilvray, _in__resp9nse ï¬A - .__,__ It was announced the other da in Mon- treal that a loan of one million ollara for Manitoba had been taken up in that cit on behalf of a syndicate of English capitalists. , ,‘._V‘V- to a. request of the Montfez'tl Board of Trade. Crop prospects throughout the Ottawa Volley counties are reported to be of the most promising character, in most cases far surpassing the past few years. Mr. Foster, Minister of Marine and Fish- eries, proposes visiting the Lower Provinces shortly to acquaint himself with the working of the ï¬sheries protection fleet. Private Short, formerly of the Slat Foot, 107 ears of age, was the oldest veteran at the mperinl pensioners‘ banquet in Ottawa on Monday night. The Minister of the Interior will leave Ottawa on his North-Western trip on July 15, and will probably be absent about six weeks. The Cult coal mines heve been shut dowu. owing to tulle ed abitrary demands of the miners, throwgng 150 men out of employ- ment. Sir Henry Blake, Governor of the Baham- os, is the new Governor of Newfoundland. _Sir Ambrose Shea succeeds him in the Ba- A number of the passengers on the steam- er Abylinni: frdm Yokohama. have arrived in Montrealâ€"twenty duys from Yokohama. "J‘he expense of purohssin snd distribut- ing ll,8l0 bushels of see grain in the North-West in I886 was 831,867. The Toronto Ministerial Association has gum! s resolution protesting sgsinst the unit; of the street cars on Sunds'y. The Toronto detective department has been reorganized, and will now consist of an inspector, a sergeant, sud ï¬ve detectives. The expense of the Dominion Railwa Commission averages 8200 a day, not inolu - ing cho puyment of witnesses. The Manitoba Methodist Conference has decided to eeteblieb a Theological Institute in Winnipeg at on early date. The amount of Mr. Ryan's tender for the contraction of the Red River Valley nil- wsy is $780,000. ï¬nd do'llu'l. "058. Ex’Ald. McCall, of St. Thomas. has de- mpqd.__lesvlng liabilities of over two thou- THE WEEK’S NEWS. “Golden at morning, silver at noon and lead at night," is the old saying about eat~ ing oranges. But there in something that is ri htly named Golden, and can be taken with beneï¬t any hour of the day. This is Dr. l’ierce’e. Golden Medical Discovery, literally worth its weight in gold to any one eufl’erin with lcrofuloue aï¬ctloua. impuri- ties of t 0 blood, or (Hamel of the liver and lungs. It is unfailing. By druggiste. The three Emperors are expeéted to have their meeting shortly. Earthquake: ware felt, Monday, in Smyr- na and Scio. Boaumul woman, from whence ceme thy bloom. Thy beaming eye thy features fair? Whtt klndl him on thee wu hidâ€" Endowing t co with beauty are ? " ‘Twu not ever thus," the demo re lied, " Once pale this face. these teatumgold, The ‘ Favorite Preecnption ' of Dr. Pierce Wrought the wondrous change which you behold." Haste impaired; experience a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough, and general deb It , then you are sufl‘ering from chronic nasa catarrh. Only a few of the above named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case at one time, or in one stage of the disease. Thou- sands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in con- sumption, and end in the grave. N0 disease is so common, more deceptive and danger- ous, less understood or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy offer, in good faith, 8500 reward for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at only 5’) cents. Hi, ,.V~_ , __ -----,-.. mv nun-n, "awn , and inflamed ; and therein ringing in t e ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expeotoration of offensive mat- ter, to other with scabs from ulcers; the voice ing chmied and having a. nan-l twang; thg b‘mt offensive; smell and $500 Reward. If you suffer from dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, some- times profuse, watery, and sol-id, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ;‘if the‘eves are weak, watery, ’ A special cablegram says that upon the ‘Secretary to the Treasury moving in the Imperial House of Commons the adoption of the India and China mail contract, Mr An- derson advocated the alternative service offered b the Canadian Paciï¬c, and moved an amen ment to that effect. Mr. Goschen said the Government would consider the Canadian proposal, but he objected to the amendment, Which was accordingly with- darwn. It was then pro osed to refer the question to a select comm ttee, and a debate ensued, lastin till three o'clock in the morn- ing. The In la and China contract was ultimately approved. This does not abso- lutely bar the Canadian Paciï¬c chances, but the action of the House considerably lessens them. Advices received at St. Petersburg from Aqkabad state that most of the Ghilzeis who were loyal to the Ameer have now deserted him. The insur ente have attempted to destroy the Quetta railway, and the British are fortifying its terminus at Gulistan- Karez. l A collision occurred on Monday between two trains at Potsdam. One of the cars caught ï¬re and was consumed. The bodies of two persons have been taken from the wreck and one still remains. Several per- sons were injured. The French Chamber of Deputies have passed the ï¬rst clause of the Army bill, which declares it to be the duty of every Frenchman to perform military service, and the second, which provides that the duration of military service shall be twenty years. 1 Russia and France have protested to the Porte against the signing of the Egyptian convention, and it is reported their commu- nication contained a. threat that war would ensue should the convention be ratiï¬ed. At Ennis on Saturday the court com~ mitted a girl for trial who was charged with throwing vitriol on a bailiff during the Bodyke evictions. A mob on Monday set ï¬re to a Jewish quarter of the town of Duna Sigerdhely in Hungary. The quarter was almost entirely fiestmyed and 125 families were made home- less. In a fencing match at Hevre the button dropped off the foil of one of the contestants and he mortally wounded his antagonist. Lord Salisbury has refused to accede to Turkey’s desire to modify the terms of the recently concluded Egyptian convention. Five of the Alsatian: on trial at Leipaic have been found guilty of high treason. They will be imprisoned. The Spanish Senate has vowd 850,000 towards the erection of a statue to the late King Alfonso. The London Lancet states that the Ger- man Crown Prince is enjoying excellent health. The floods in Hungary ere subsiding, and the towns of Make and Vesmhely are now out of danger. The French Superior Council of War has approved of Gen. Fen-en’s army reforms. A Russian force is making its way towards Badakahan through Bokhara. ,, 77,7-v. The ï¬delty National Bank, of Cincinnati; has been closed by order of the authorities at Washington. for allowing its drafts to go to protest. The Bank of Montreal secured an attachment against the bank from the Supreme Court of New York for two prc- tested cheques of $109,000 each. FOREIGN. Rumours are current that King Milan of ServSa is about to abdicate. Ellen Stunts, 25 years of age, her brother James and the letter’s three children, aged respectively 10. 8 and 4 ears, were poison- ed at Philadelphia. on ouday morning, by eating canned nlmon for breakfast, an all are in a dangerous cpnditlon from its effects. Mr. Gladstone, in reply to nn invitation from a Washington entlemsn to visit the United States, u s t at his age and engage- ments preclude h undertaking the journey. Frank Triggs, of Washington, about 25 ears of s e, deliberately threw himself nto the N sgsrn rapids from one of the Sister Islands the other afternoon, and was immediately sn'ept over the Falls. A mail train on the Pennsylvania road has been successfully run from Altoona. to Pittsburg, a distance of nearl 120 miles, without the use of a stick 0 wood or a lump of coal, crude petroleum being the only fuel. L‘II-.. GA ______ l In Columbls, South Carolina, on Sunday, the thermometer re ï¬ltered 100} in the shade, 105 degrees_ tug reached inside umny'houm tad ofï¬ce». THE ALBANYflSTEAM TRAP CD'S. Artistic Designs, combined wm Unequaiied Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTARIO. Bunny during winter lrom Portland eve no? dly end Bum: every Saturdey to leerpoo , and I: lummer 1mm Quebec overly Saturday to Liverpool «lung u Londonde to and male end ne‘er! “115““5‘333‘ {if “ï¬r “311â€â€œ â€I“: °" '4; u an o 'l . . verpoo 0 do lununer month. l'he eteunen of the In gow no. all (lungs, winter to And from Hell!“ ortlAnd, Boston on huedelphle ' And (In Inna Iner between 0 w end Manned weekly ' 0 end Boston week , end macaw end “Imam tortulghfly. for freight, , or o‘her (Momma e y t A. Bohumeoher a; 3:. Bdtlmore - 8. 011an mum- stm a 00., be. John's ï¬at; Wm.1'homp em a ., at. John. rm; AllentOo..Ohl Love A Alden, New York; 11. Bourller, Toron . Allm, Ree baa" Quebeo' Wm. Brookle. Phil-do! mm; B. A. Allen Porn-n Boeion llontreel. FINEST SILVER-PLATED WAR E. MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00. MANUFACTURE ONLY man Line Bola] Mall Steamship: _ Bulllngjnrlng win r {tom Portland oven nun ALL «0005 éUARANTEnn. TORONTO. SILVER PLAIED \‘IARES. Toronto Silver Plate 60., v you, II: but! Ulhl' nunn Gonn Mum. TINT Mannmnv, 70 King 8|. East. Toronto: NATIONAEMANUFAGTUR'G co. AGENTS OHPOILVD oxYGENâ€"THE CONSERVATOR of health, the enemy of disease; heals the Lungs, Re-builds the Broken Down Constitution 0! young and old. Home treatment, suï¬lcient for two monthfl. Inhaler and all complete, sent by express for 312. Moved my ofï¬ce from 73 King West. to 41 King East. MRS. C. STIDMAN FIEROE, Four years eatahlished in Toronto. 32 Ofï¬ce Treatments for 318 OnnA I..- -:__._I- __ Send for dim}; BABY'S‘BITa-ï¬-Im ULUI "L6 w "mum, Ha: Washing Machines, 2 kinds. Chums, Carpet Sweep- 95-5, Meat Choppers, Trucks, and other sundries. Hunmox Iuommun Wonxé 00., Hamilton, anada Send for articles wanted, or Il]u3trated Catalogue 7â€" -.-_-‘,_u -. luvu|v us. Jug's Medicine will be put up in a Bnowu JUo instead all glass bottle as heretofore. Our reasons for making this change areâ€"lat. Its wonderful ~ ‘ curative qualities will be better preser ‘ ved by the medicine being kept entirely in the dark.â€"2nd. The name. Or. Jug's Iledlclne, will be more easily remem- bered by association: â€"3rd. Our friends .. illbe able to recognize at once that they are e ing the genuine article as there is no other In icine put up in a. Jug. ELUTHESWRINGEHS RAVE]! LINE OF STMMBIIII’S. Sallin weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. A138 or ABBAOI :-Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, “0, 860 and 060; Return Tickets, $80, 090 and 8100 â€"â€"acconllng to Steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further gin-ticulam and to secure Bertha, up by to ll. 1!. URBAY, General Manager. 1 ustom House Square. Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dil- ferent Towns 3nd Cities. m are }5g;xa‘m2'§m'te‘s.‘ mm ï¬nk? by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT a 00.. ' v -v-â€"-â€" â€" vv- - -IIIII- IIVIVW lulu'll'lU' tion Bowman! to: journal bearing: in machineryâ€" Gunnuteedcopper mixed,aup lies eve re ulrement. Ask your hardware dealer for! ALON 0 . SPOON- ER. Patent“ and Manulwturer. Port Hope. Ont. k §BQEMEBI$QFPP£RENF a V mam-u fluulnees Conege, Guelph, 01“. I Twelve States and Proï¬noes already represent - e on the roll of this Institution. To thorough. practical instruction, and the calcium end succee- g'i itel‘gradgiinafes,“thie College .323.“ poAï¬léluity. mu re. v n3 rm:i e ., m roe. nee. . MAOGORMIOK. Principal. V--- v...†. “nu-no n mun-“nun. ot “ï¬lmâ€"WEE 517 557m time, on salary or commisâ€" sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 46 Arcade. ToroMo. KGEWSNEIEMMSHH wuwdï¬mu or Female. who a or spare time. on mm or nnvn h. LADIES Who ore Weak. Nervous and Exhausted; who feel themselveoloainx Strength; who are pale. dolicote and sickly in appelnnco, suturing (mm the many complaints nllur to womenâ€"send (or and read M. V. ZUBON’B Treatise In noon Iron on the Disease. of Women. Mailed sealed and secure from observation 2:! raoelgt of 80. in spggpglvusuun Ill-- A AA...- 1mm observation on recur of 80. In stumps. vusuun ran. Address, 1!]. V. IJBON, 47 Wellington St. East. Toronto. Ont. A. P 339 mm ecquuuunoe wun {our Pteeldgnt and chief oak-en. we know them to e gentlemen o! the hi heat Integrity. end in whose hands we believe the uter- esu o! the memben of the Mutual Reserve are per- (ecuv sue. . wishing your mlatlor continued success Yours truly, W. D. Murluwa 6; Co. urge Insurance Chum Paidâ€"Endorsement or the Hutu-I loan-v0. 0mm oi w. D. MAI-mun a 00., 0min And Produce Memhuutl. Toronto nth my. 1887. J. D. Wei). 8611.. Ganja! Manager llama! Retired "and 143/4 An ci ti'm : Du: 8m.â€" Wq box to Ickuowlodge receipt oi cheque for A“ 'lhous-md button in full of claim under; polio oi insurance honed to us by the Mu. mu Reserve ‘uud Liie Association for that unouut, to creditors oi tho Into Edwm C Fisher. We hove much pleasure in boning testimony to the Krompt Ind uthiwtory mnnner in which this claim u been adjusted. 1nd at the same time to expats our conï¬dence in your association. lining an inti- mate acquaint-no?L with your Pgesidgnt pngi (-hiei -13--.. . ..._ I._-... MANUFACTUR RBI 01" TB. BIG": l‘T GRADE 0? TRADE 001) um AGES“ “memo IN EVERY! County In Qtugygg. 7 Address, 'WQIII. mbiiudu":fwi_'56.. Mound, W. vanâ€"\- . «luulcu, i‘ifk'iils a 00:18? Church St; A Beautiful Imported Blrthdny Cord lent to my bob: whose mother will lend noun lumen of two or more other babies. um! um: ponnh' uddreuea A110 3 handsome Di. mond e Sump]. Card to the mother In! 1996!: v A noble Momaflon. I'll! ASSESS-EAT SYSTEM. «413E? §!’EI3!AL.NOT[QE.â€"In future Dr. hes. Agents wanted. Sample CLEMENT 00.. Toronto. MTheRCeleblntfg Hm- coc Insp m r. Mmaham's Automatic j RQsMrtlng Injector. â€Morrison's Automatic 8| ht Feed Lubflcator. En nee‘rf' a {Plumb- era' u ea 0 eve dmrlprlgn. Send '3 circulars. JAMES MORRISON, 75a 77 Adelaide St. W., mnâ€"._.._A D. W. BECAME NURSERY 00 Sr. CLmAnmm. Om. Apply to the TORONTO. ‘rvv-N-Iv‘. n dowShndes ac. Wholesale amine tail, It the Cm- [Dewy-Med Will MARK. (foldml‘n'pflprjnk )er und Atomlzer ï¬brous 'Anuiir’i‘o- Baï¬bltt 'â€" Non- WANTED FOKET ‘N TRAP. '... Toronto. ggkinds; Th__e E. 8: 0. QT“;ig§9y_Qo.(Ld) AI... mn‘v â€"A_«_.._._ lgcCOLL BROS. 8266.} This Oil keeps the Michinery in ï¬rst breakdowns. To be had of all ï¬rst-01a Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder 0i]. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Lard Oils, always in stock. $01.11 MANUFACTURERS 0F LARDINE. 'Il' “Au-nâ€" â€"â€"A-. This Splendid Machine Oil ! Haanever lailedtotnke the aghast “mm wherever exhibi 1!“??qu ,EWI' _F_a.rmers, Thrashers and Mfllmen Use No Other. Please mentio 1 this Paper when w ritmx. M TINGLEY’ STEWA RTiM’F’G Co. n nun- nus and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Cathcurt Sh, cured of Liver Complaint and Billoumess. used only 3 Mt -oent bottles; Mrs. J Bean], 6 Augusta St, troub ed tor years with Nervous Prostmtion, two small bottles gavg hzr great relief. Soidgt 500, 81. _ v â€"â€" _ _ â€" â€" - v - Men I u: cure I do not mun merely to flop then: M a “me and then hue them temrn exeln. 1 man I redial are. I hue made the (mean or FITS EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SICKNESS: life-long nudy. I’wemnt my rem to cue the worn cuee. Becenle other. have felled In no "mutu- not now receiving e cure. Send I! one. (or. but!» end A Free Bottle at my humble remedy. am In nu end PoetO‘mce. 1: com you nothing for I trial, In I will cure you. Addreu DR. 3. 0. 3001‘ Branch 011108, 37 Yonge St, 'I'dronto. BARRIAGE 10Ps are lemon: for their I lo. convenience. durabll my. and uhenpness. Buy no other until you see them. A] the leading Carriagefluilden sell them. PEARWEN AND ï¬eï¬c'lf's‘i’fmi WITH NAME soc. m LELIBE F I Tï¬ In this page er referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion his meeting (beln the 15th sinceh th e Com was organized) took pace on I'l‘Iesd ay. the l2t April, when then following gratifyin increases were announced: PREMIUM INSSEE INGREASED FOB. TEES, - $95,394 INTEREST AND RENTS, - - I3 029 ASSETS, - - $356 375 SURPLUS, 80:234- Were allocated as Proï¬ts to Policy $260, 420 go] derg. Proï¬ ï¬ts payable on and After ay 5 "w“ a ..,.... II Inc: II. lnrlor) I 401 lung“ at. W" TORONTO mmnxros, Tonom‘o. mmmnu. End wmmï¬w. Recent Testimonial to 0113 LAST NOTIéE _.-. ........... uu nu u.uuuw ur'l‘ F. F. DALLFinzCOH Proprietors. ‘ in ï¬rst rate working order, thereby lessening the chances of accidents and ï¬rst-class dealers. Beware of imitations ! ‘uE Greatest. Dis- covery of the present age for Raou- umxu run Downs, m: Comm all moon. [mum and KmmvCon- Phhls'ls. A Perfect dlood Puriï¬er. A few in Hamilton who have been beneï¬ted by it: xse: Mrs. M. Keenan 192 Robert sz.. cured t Eryslpelaa of two veals’standing; Robt. ornell, 24 South St, laughter cured of E!)- ‘lepllo Fits after a x voars’sutleriug : Jen- ie Bin-ell, 55 Walnut _S_s.._curegi 9! Weak- M. McGREOOR, I'Asron. .l. H. FERGUSON, (Max-rum. (I. THOMSON, (Innuuux B‘n‘qut J FARNSWORTH. B'n'n Ixsrncmn. Send for Camdwne. Were allocated as Proï¬ts to Policy Holders. Proï¬ts payable on and After Hay lst. g. x. manomn. Managing Director. To W. E. CONN, Tileonburg, Ont. : Dam qm,â€"'I‘hie is to certify that the two Gurney-llsrris No. 15 Wood Furnaces, laced by you an our Avondale Preibyterian C urch, have given complete satisfaction. We have found t pnuible to heat our building, from freez- ing point 11,. to 60 deg. in two hours. We have also founl them to be very economical in the matter n' fuel. We can cheerfully recommend these fn arms to any parties who contemplate heatim; :py Hot Air. Signed), FOR BUTI'ER. PM. W Impomtionamfli us’ Eureka, Wishing- ton and Ashton Bran a, in large or small Each. Also Rico's Canadian Salt. Wrige for prices. Baum muncwn's 0r Ail mus 6r GI-‘SI‘Sâ€" Dunes or Gentlemen Wantedâ€" 1'_ To t amass Ior our Subscriï¬tlon Books. Our abandon! nnd po ular work Dr throw' a “ History 0! Chants" agook which oug ht to be in every library. Our instructh e. amusing and soul touching temperance book, "Plluorm Emoes.†by J. Cough. Our complete book 0! sermons, nndnuion: biografhy's‘m of Sun. P. Jones, wiihuahort akeiohol the li Sunnw. Small. md three of his special sermons. Our beautiful book omtry and lltsrotun of all ages and all lmds. entitl ‘Golden Tho MI on Mo er Home md Haven " Our hmdsomo ily Bibles, beautiful illusintions, iulloi useful and helpful matter lor Bible study, beside: good olou tfpe andv’npe r. Our terms nre liberal. Send for mulu. lLLl AM BRIGGS. Publisher. Torontor 33 Send Sc. stamp for Catalogue. HE'L'oiï¬â€˜dï¬â€"aï¬ï¬hiunl AND AGOIDENI 60. ([0). OF WHOM. ENG. Cupital, £260,000. Dominion Government Dope-it, £55,000. Head omoo: 7?. King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unmpmnm districts. A. T. MLCORD, Resident Secretarv for the Dominion. m0 CUHPOSITION GOLD. Antique Bu) 2 Natural Wood, and other Picture Room, Mouldings. Frames, Etc Painting» lim- mings, Etchin . Artoty Artish'bhterhll. 1mm. cm. W olesale and tall. Trude Cot nlogue. IIA'ITIIISWS BIOS. gt (‘0-. Toronto. ,V,‘ ,--_._--â€"â€"--' o--I$- Iv , ,, U I- I Special (In es during summer holidays. in Shorthand. Tgpewriunx. Book keu lug. Poumuuhlp. etc. Write for lull partioulnn. L ludlnn Busine- Uuiveroity uul shorthmd Institute. Public “bury Building. Toronto. THUS. BENGOUGH. President CHARLES ll. BRUOKS. Man-get. ' ‘III‘S “MILE“ [Sal‘hl‘l‘luh uuu Illâ€. nun-c (‘oupuny or (annual. Consulting Engineers um Solicitors of Patents. 1‘ 0 I 0 N 'l' 0 . G. O. Roan. Chis! Engineer. A. Ens“, Body-Trent. PATENT§ The Snow. Driï¬ï¬akiug Powder £30.. Uranium, Ont "on. 'r A. smcm""" "' Branch om». 37 Yongésa. Toronto 1 hi“ I Nikkei-9mg, for the Ibovo-d-lleuo ; 13be m lhonundl orcuea o! "I. wont klud mm! of Ion; landing no strong [I my am In lb hive bun cured. Indeed one-o1, um I will lend who Ito-rum mu, «mu '1": I VARIABLE TREATISB on (till m ‘0 ll, “flu-u. Gin ups-05mg {plug-p... WNSUMPTION. we a uannman salt. Write for JAMES PARK _ S N,_ \lYL..I_..-I - n__J _ Izgrunus any] ggqueuu. mug-mm: Whoiwue Produce Men-hunts, Toronto. l-‘or §iiu lulu-muted «lmript‘vo cu- I'Oï¬lleliw. R Clumturlin. TM'OII‘Q SEND AT ONCE FOR LIST cl Second-81nd “whines, From $15 Ulel'dl. New Citaloguo Ready m Apfll. Bicycles ! A. T. lANE, MONTREAL TORONTO. Wool and GANUES