- Collecting Asscciatlan -- ~â€"DOING BUSINESS [Nuâ€"- CANADA AND UNITED STATES. -â€"‘VA8'â€"- ESTABLISHED IN [884. Having fnrita object to collect from all that it is possible tewolluct (r0111. than publish the uumcs of all that cannot or will not puy, \vhlch list is supplied to every member of tho Association throunhdut Canada and United States. Addruss 4 moans, 3 23.}:ng J. BIDWELL MILLS (70-. _â€" â€"_. -wâ€"vâ€" flamed. Irma Binders. Reworg -uA___ Woudville Ehaap TE! Sims! HERO}! A NTS‘ PROTECTIVE l 5111101126, $363 LI OUOR TEAS With‘xhich nu! not a valuable book with every three pounds 0! :ea. Good. Ourmnts 2511):. $1. School Beaks Bibles are. All kinds i’atent Mcdzcincs. no {or Allan Line of Steamships I 610 .W and all loading nuwsmmara. an d. Rollers! l. \Yhithy: Clark. D. C. Macdonncll. \Vhitlyy Jan. 3. Feb. ‘2. Mar. 9. April ‘3. May 3. Juno 2,.Iuly 4. Sept. 2. Oct. 3. Nov. ‘2, Dec. ‘3. 9. Brougham : Clerk. M. Gleason. Greenwood May 4. Jniy 5. Sn it. 3. 9.. Pickering V'i Iago: C!erk,M.Gleoson,Grcon. wood. Jan. 4. Mar. 3. .\‘ov. a. 3.- Port Parry : Clerk. J. W. Dm‘uham. Port Pun-y, Feb. 3. April 10. June 21. Sept. 6. Oct. 18. Doc. 13. ‘ 4. Uxbridqa : Clerk. 7.. “emphill. Uxhridgo. Feb.0. Avril m. June :32. Sept. 7. Oct. 19. Dec. 14. 5. Canninutuu : Clerk. Geo.Smith. Cunningham Pub. 10, April 21, June 23, Sept. 8. Outï¬t), Dec. 15. 6. Beawrim: : G. F. Bruce. Benetton, Feb. 11. April 22. June ‘21. Sort. 9. Dec. 16. ‘ 'l. Uptm grove : Hark. I". J. Gillespie. l'pter~ â€" - -‘ - ,_,-‘ . n I f, ..__n3 0-... 1n n... 1 uv\- -7 'Tnd “311;â€;an County of Outage ! C. GILGRRIST. \Voodville. Money to Loan . at a low rate of interest. from 9.10 so years. 0. GILC‘IIRIST, Clerk Village of Woodvifle, . \Vobdvine. Out. I G.GILCHY‘.IST. agent for ï¬rst~class insur- l . anco Companies. does insurance at; what it 6 worth and no agent's fees required, making a twins of $1.50 to tho irsuror uverv time. JACOB BARNES, Pump Maker. WOODVILLE'AND BEAVEBTON. Pumps and Cistcrns of all kinds to order at short notice. I will be in Rom-oï¬m on £1102,de and Friday a! ouch wook. orders lw mall may be addressed 10 Bummer \Voqglvfllo uni win noun W mmmï¬g We want. One Hundre'l Good Men at one. to ad .1 for m; Cold in Head. LL... . “ ‘ HAY FEV£R. _~ RiH EASY To USE. Not 38mm. Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 60 eta. and $1.00. "mot obtainable at your drug- glsts, acnpprcpnid 8" receipt of price. Address VII FONT!!!“ NURSEMEB. lARcEST IN CANADA OVER .105 ACRES. Steady Employment; and no lost time. lihoml commission cr salary. best ad- vantagou. splendid ox tï¬t furnished free : may pushing man can succeed. Apply for tonne to. fists, sent "repaid n receipt of price. Acute: a FULFg'ï¬tR 3', 0.. Brockvllle, Ont. ADVERTISEMENT. Farmers! and Mowers at Beaverton Foundry W. SMITH vrw vn. Feb. 1?, April :3, J11ne°x86pt.'10.' Die. 17. By 01 601‘. J. l-‘.. I-ABl-“V‘ilm. nL...\. Av nu. nnnnn mmioï¬ Gout Sittingsâ€"1337. *‘E‘QEAS JOS. J. CAVE, Pubiisher. J. G. GILGHRIST wwxua. Gang Plough: (2 and 3 Furraws‘) Managers, Hamilton 0111;. BTON 8 a WELLINGTON. Toronto! Ont. From 20cts. up. “'OODVH.LE. ’éilérrkV Uri-the Pence. Horse Rakes; MITRE NEE GATflRRH. (3191-25 lmmadlata Relief mships also tor PROPRIETOR North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser. { Pleasure Parties supplied at ‘dmrt Notice with CHOICEp lPASTRY and I CO} 9E0] my BB! ICE CREAM «c. Prices Moderate. B ESTAURANT. BEAVERTON Brick and Tile Company. ‘ Bills furnished to order at Shortest xotico. 03‘ TH!) SIKIRTEST NQTICB. and at. Reduced Rates. All sizes of tile having been reduced $2.00 per M. Railway qouvunipuce known as Taylor’s Siding runsmmczly mto our yards and kilns, sav- mg to purchasers cost of loading. Freight paid on Tile in car lots to nnv station withzn thirty miles of yards. \VM. TAYLOR. SCAN‘I‘LING. SILLS, JOISTS. LATH, SHINGLES, (from $1.05 to 32.45 per thousand) LIME, k0. BEAVERTON BAKERY. P. D. McARTHUR. FRESH BREAD. B'ONS and man: alwavs en hand. I have now on hand the largest stock of Lumber ever in town. of all grades and a: all prices from $6.00 to 3%.00 per thousand. \ EST half,Lot 6. Con. 6. Thanh. containing ' LXI acrus with good hum. House and Well on the promisos. For tm‘ther particulars apply to H. )l. l[.\ LTORF. Prnprietor. Orangeviiie. or to JNO. BRO“ N, qu.. on the premium. Beavcrtou. Feb. 11th. l$7.â€"-5 BEIGE; AND TILE! 'BEAVERTON /0£ CREAM PA man, d}. S. MQMISLLAR. EAST half. lo! 13. on the fonnh conconlcn of Thumb. One hundred acronJmuse, bum audotbvr buildingl. gunned Jun outside tho {arporntion ol Benetton. For further pantsu- nl npply to tho onus! on (he prolnlm. IIRNRY sxnwnova. Dunnâ€, Jun m. Vie-gm. -- ' Address lit-AVERY!“ BRICK AND ’11“: (‘On Boavetton. Out. Beaverton Lumber Yard. ’oodville Cqstomers supplied by D. K. Campbell, and orders for Pastry, ézc lcit with him will receive prompt attention. The undersigned beg to announce to the pubiic that the have formed a partuarship an at tho «boy» mane and IEO now prepared to [in all ordcra tor OATALOGUIS FREE. BELL (30., Guelph, 0m. Farm fm Sale or 10 Rent. Farm for Sale. NO MORE PILLS! Hgvo you a Pain anywnero about you ? USE PERRY DAVIS “PAIN KILLER†and. Get Instant Relief. BEWARE or mrrAflons. 25 On. For Bottle. THE BEST QUALITIES 0F PRIOI. 88o. FIR 30711:. ii BELL UHGANS “approached for Tom: and Quality. P. D. Mca R'I‘HCR. OWNERS UKE ITI ' amen mm m: W" I. ammo I. hit- I'l‘ CUR“ LIVER COMELAINT. Buuous DusonoeRs. Aclo S‘roucu. Dunn“. Loss or Amnts, SICK HEADACHE, Wynn ca Camus WOOD‘VILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1887. HENRY MOYLE, The history of the Canadian people begins in the year 1608, in which Cham~ plain founded Quebec, the oldest and most famous city of Canada. For near-~ ly one hundred and ï¬fty years the devel- opment °of Canada was exceedingly slow. It is said that the total of all the immi- grants from France during this period did not exceed 8,000. The exploration of the interior made little progress until the closing ‘years of the seventeenth' century. In the year 167E Juliet and Marquette reached the Mississippi ; nine years later LaSalle followed its course down to the Gulf of Mexico, but it was not until the year 1738 that French eyes beheld the eastern slope of the, Rocky Mountains. The British conquest open- ed a new era in Cunadidl history. That conquest is known to have hastened the secession of the United States, and, by a singular turn of affairs. the secession of the United States conï¬rmed our strength in Canada. A multitude of ‘ loyal Americans followed the retreating 3 flag of England. No less than twenty thousand of these exiles settled in Nova Scotia alone, while others penetrated into lands previously unsettled, and beâ€" gan the prosperity of Upper Canada. At the close of the Napoleonic war there set in a steady flow of emigrants from the United Kingdom to Canada. Much of the work of settling vacant land was done under the direction and with the assmtance of' Government, and it was done with a success, which helps to justify modern projects of State-aided colonization. Nor did the influx of English, Irish and Scotch settlers check the growth of the ‘French Canadians, ‘ who have multiplied «twenty-fold under British sway; One thing only was want- } ing to the prosperity of the Dominion, a world‘s highway crossing her territory ; and the want has been supplied. The space of 3,590 miles which separates Halifax from Vancouver can now be tra- Versed on the Canadian Paciï¬c railway in 116 hours. From Halifax to England, from Vancouver to Japan or China, the voyage is comparatively so short that the Canadian line promises to be of the highest value in the intercourse of West- ern Europe wlth Eastern Asia. We may apply to Canada the sentiment of an orator in the Oxford Union Society :â€" “The Church of England, sir, has a great future before her, and the existence of that future depends upon the use she makes of it."â€" [Pall Mall Gazette] ‘ p30 of the northern portion of the County. but not until he came to live among us did we learn the secret. The ! kindly nature 0! our deceased friend at i once became apparent. H. was a warp rienxl. s neurons oppqnong His win Before the rising of the Division Comt. Whitby, on the 4th instant, His Honor J udge Dartuell spoke as follows; ~â€"“As I may have no other public op- pomiuity, I desire on this occasion to express my own feelings in respect of the loss this community has sustained in the removal from our midst of Thomas Paxton, late Shetiï¬ of the County. As chief executive officer of the Courts in this County, the highest in dignity, es his appelation denotes (Reeve of the Shire), few men have ï¬lled his onerous position with more acceptance and f9.- vour. He has received from the Super- ior Court Judges warm cemmendations, and I am sure I voice the sentiments of my brother County Judge. as well as the liar and people generally, when I say that. u more attentive, zealous, and conrtc ms public ofï¬cer could not. easily be found. It is an ofï¬ce where harsh. ness might. be exchted. He was never harsh, exacting or overbearing. but on the contrary often risked indulgence. which a man of his kindly nature would be justiï¬ed in withholding. But it is of the man, rather than the ofï¬cial. that I desire to speak. We are all aware of the extraordinary regard and affection entertained for him by tiy) poo- A Kindly Tribute. CANADA. ing manner and sweet good-nature won all our hearts. Between him and my- self a mum and personal friendship sprung up, and there is no one within this building who will miss his cheery voice and kindly presence more than myself. His hxuily have our deepest sympathy in their bereavement, and I. can only hope that his snooassor. who- ever he may be. may prove to be as good a. man and citizen. and as efï¬cient an ofï¬cer as the late Sheriff proved him- self to be. They talk of getting up a viligance society at Stayner, tho 115.1111 of the County judges not. being considered} \ heavy enough by the citizens. of that burgh. One month for burglarly cor.I tainly strikes us as beiuga. 1i tic too light. A Colliugwood citizen 119.3 been at con. siderable expense getting up a. private park, but the benighted inhabitants of that far away hamlet pulled down the fence and let the cattle in. Ah Peterboro‘ an itinerant corn cute pedlm: had his stand dCIHOIlSth by the crowd. He retaliated by going for the heads of his tonnentors witha. hemy stick he carried. A policemen came along in time to save the corn man from total annihilation. Wall Papers. - w.._Vv_ "The Latest In English and Amy can Wall Papers. Choice patferns 9. -l a: all prices, Juo. McKmuom llt use u ~. Mr. H. M. Sutherland, President of Hudson Bay Railway, estimates the cost of tho line includma improvements at. the terminal points and elevatozs will be 617,000,000. Lindsay is to have a. handsome new post-ofï¬ce building. Two Lindsay cxtizens fell Out dlscus. sing the post-ofï¬ce site question at Bunting‘s shoe shop on Tuesday mght, The earnest citizens grew so emphatic over the matter that they came to blows upset the stove. fractured the work- bench aml ruined a pot of valuable paste before they could be separated. Some ancient bottles containing papers nging particulars of a. hidden treasure have been unearthed at Brad~ ford. The Trunk Telephone line is being ex- tended from Barrie to Orillia. The poles are all up. The county of Wellington is said to have as large a population as the whole province had ï¬fty years ago. M“ Charles Thol-Ipson “f P0“ PGYIT~ ‘ nd have betas: crops than my neighbors. (lied very suddenly .431. WCCR- “0 “3‘1 i I always build ferces when the horns of 3 9111““ pimple 0“ his. 1““; Eli-“W9, WM?“ the moon point up, and put on thcsmkcs ““3â€! excessive swelling, he I‘ll-Vi“: 1“ l and riders when the horns point down : some way conlmctcd blood poisoning. I then the two pull together. and “#29 During the late storm the house of fences never fall down. Our school Joseph Littleton. of Fcnolon, was struck house contrary to my advice, 'was tabled in the full of the moon. and itlcalm badly and last winter all the children lmd.t‘n':-. measles. I once attended camp-meet- ing and got converted in the dark of the a. line. moon, but I backslidcd wonderfully. A lad named Walter S. Clmpiu went I Since then I 80“ converted in the light down to the pond at Gould‘s old mill at ‘- 0‘ “‘0 moon. and my religion has “hid: Uxbridge to bathe last week and jumping i to me ever since.†“'9 might mkefll’ stories of how the orb is sand to cflcct in. found lnmself beyond his depth, ‘ people by the car-load. but the above Before assxstance arrived he was drown- l ed. 1 simple narrative of an every-day kinsl of an... 4..-...“ .mnknmnl... “.0. human 5 man, will be enough for this week. by lightning. which smashed several lengths of stovepipo, tore up part of the kitchen floor, and drove a lot of splinters into some clothes that were hanging on A lad named Waiter S. Clmpiu went down to the pond at Gould‘s old mill at Uxbridge to bathe last week and jumping in. found )nmself beyond his depth. Before assxstance nirivcd he was drown. 0d. The steamer "Coboconk" was burned at Fenclon Falls last week. Balls. ‘B’géé Balls, Foot ' Balls, Lacmsse Sticks, etc. at Jun. McKinnon's, Beaver- ton. Mr. Chris. Moore, of Orillia has retir- cd from the ï¬rm of Moore (‘3 Porter, acnemlmerchants. - The barley harvest of South Ontario is good. . The Uxbridgo "Times" wants the town hand to be equipped with suits. Mr. W. if. Higgins is preparing for publication “The life and time of Joseph Gould. ox-M. 1’. P." The work is nearly ruazly {or the press. It will incln 10 a sketch o! the history of the couhty of 9mm» Hashes Ham and There. VOL. XI.-â€"- NUMBER 25 Last week. a man while driving along the Allandale road, stopped his horses, jum out of his wagon, and deliber- ate picked up a pup that was amusing itsqlf in front of its owner's residence and carried it of! notwithstanding that ‘ he was told by a child that it was no: 1 his property. l A subscriber asks us to publish the following treatment of an eminent Lon- don physician in treating diaptheria wit h sulphur during its prevalence as an opi- demic among his patients. He put a toaspoonful of brimstone into a wine- lglass of water, and stirred it with his ï¬nger instead of a spoon. as sulphur does ‘not readily amalgamate with water. 1When the sulphur “as well mixed he gave it as a gargle and in ten minutes (in: patient was out of danger. Instead of spitting out the garglc he recommended . the swallowing of it. In extreme cases I when he had been called too late for the. milder treatment, and when the fungus was too nearly closing to allow the gar gle to enter the oriï¬ce oi the throat. he blew the sulphur through a quill into the 'throat passage. I-Ie ucveu it is said, lost a patient that he treated in this manner. If the patient cannot gurgle, take a live coal put it on a shovel gind sprinkle a spoonful or two of the lion's n! brimstonc at a time upon it. Let the gpatient inhale it holding he head over it. Indeed the whole room. the doors being closed. can be ï¬lled with the fumes of burning brimstoue, and the patient ' can thus inhale it freely without effort. Surely such a simple remedy as this might easily be tested by some '0: our physicians and a report published. That it was successful in London there is no doubt, and if in London why might it I not be equally successful anywhere. The Orima Driving Park will be opcn~ ed on August lï¬tln’ and 16th. $1,200 in prizes for racing will be given. The Moon. __ The moon still influences the great majority of the people in .this country. One man says: “I always go by the moon ’3 changes, because then I know I‘ 211 right. I See a great deal in the papers about how to choose a. cow, but I can tell you a. rule worth all the rest. If a. cow is born when the horns of the moon point, down, then she will be a. good milker. but if born when the horns point up, then she will run to nothing but skin and bone. I always butcher cattle and hogs in the new of the moon, and then I have a. quarter more meat... I alwayu sow and plant in the new of the moon, ml have bet. var crops than my nexghhors. I always build forces when the horns of the moon point up, and put on the stakes V ; Stayner.............. ..... Sept. 21, ‘32 M4 93'- } Ornngevillc.........‘.....Sept. 21, ‘22 and 2M ‘ Colliugwood.............Sept. 2H. ‘1" “"‘l 3†i North Victoria, Yiczoria Road. 5‘3“â€- 27 Dominion and Industrial, Toronm, S 5th to 173]). and 28. Shelbnme.................‘ I)olton......~................ Newmmkm............... Ban :\lli%ton.................... Cookstown................ Beeton..................... Sc,homhcrg..;............‘ Simple Treatment. FALL SHOWS. OOIOOOOIIOI'OIO;CIOCtI ...... ...()ct. 4 anâ€. 5 ............()ct. 4 am! 5 ‘.............(Ict.1am“; ......Oot. 4. 6, 6 mad '4' ............-0ct 6 and 7 ......... Oct. 7 and :1 ..........Uct. II and l'.‘ 18 and I" Sept