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Woodville Advocate (1878), 22 Jul 1887, p. 7

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'A'molu Feb. '20.-We hereby certify that we have‘uled Nervilino in our families, and have found it n moat reliable remedi for cramps in the stomach, and also {or ead- acho, and externally for rheumatic inn. No home should be without this inva uable romedy.~ LUKE ('ome. ELISHA Com, J. l‘. It is stated that the action of the Imperial Commons on the China mail contract has canned very little dfuppointmenflat Ottawa, as the Imperial Government has romised ample pecuniary support to the anadian Pacific route. and a proportionate amount will be voted by the Dominion Government. Several Quebec merchants In the leather trm‘o intended sending exhibits to the forth- »ooming Spanish Industrial exhibition to be held “Barcelona. Prof. Saunders in en aged in the. reper- ation of another bullet , to be iasn short- ly, givln the insults echeived and details accompl shed so far this season at the form. All farmers throughout the Dominion eend~ ing in their names to the Department of Agriculture will secure copies free. AMERICAS. H. Miller. treasurer of Perry county, Ind., has defaulted to the extent of 867,000, :mdl fled. Hie predeceuor was alsoe de- eu ter. The commission sent into the Kootenay district, B. C . to enquire into the ex oted uprieing of Indians have sotlsfeoto ly er- nnged with the belligerent Chief Isadore, who binds himself to deliver Keplon, the rescued prisoner, when called to do :0. Trouble ll nverted, and mounted regulars are not to go in. Prof. Saunders reports that everything is looking lovely at the experimental farm at Ottawa. Despite the present continued warm s ll, mostoi the varieties of wheat are do g well. The imported Russian wheat is evidently larger than other varie- ties, being now full in the ear. It is rob- ably aweok in advance of the Red yfe, although both were sowed on the same date. A lively scramble is ex oted for the eecretor ship of the Montrea Harbor Board renders vacant by \Vhitney’s defsult. The son of the chairman is thefsvorlte candidate, but is strongly o posed by the French mem- bers of the comm ssion, who are on {envoring t4], secure the appointment of a French gen- t emun. torilv. All the contracts in the State of Maine have been awarded, and the sections under controot are expected to be completed in November. It is stated that operations on the Cape BretonRsilwey have been suspended owing to adispute between the contractors and sub- contractors , the letter bein accused of using inferior material to that on led for in the specifications. Work is laid to have been suspended on the Cape Breton Railway, owing to ediepute between the contractors and subcontract- or- about the nnllty of the material used by the letter. he Government in endeevor- ing to get the matter settled so that work my proceed, and Mr. Sohreiber, superin- tendent of Government rdlweye, he: left for the none of the trouble. Many hundred recommendation similar in character tothe one given below have been received, and give proof of the great value of Poison’a Nervilino u a pain remo- dy: Try it; _ Mr. Isbiater, one of the contractors for the Sault Ste. M Lrle short line, states that the work' a smgfessing very axtisfactorily, and the ma will robabl be completed ind' In operation by the mi« (110 of Novem- er Work on the short line railway from Mogtrealfe the sea. in_ prgglzeuigg gqtipfao; It is rumoured in Montreal military cir- cles that the recommendation of General Middleton, in his last report, that the mil- itia force of the Dominion be reorganized, is likely to be carried into effect. ment will. not entextain any ropoaal for the urchase of the Intercolonia railway until t 6 effect of the short line through the State of Maine has been ascertained. The Quebec Government intend proceed- ing against common-aid cor ration- for thy pnyment of tho tax radon y doolu‘ed coh- sticutional by the Imperial Privy CounciL John Greliah, convicted at the recent criminal “size: in Toronto of criminally as aaulting a little girl, receivedthe first instal- ment of 25 lashes at the Central Prison the other morning It is stated that Mr. Mercier will shortly visit the Maritime Provinces to consult with the Premiere of New Brunswick and Nova Scotin respecting the forthcoming inter- Provincial Conference. A family of idiots named Brown. consist- ing of the mother, two grown up daughters and a baby in arms were consigned to gaol at Peterboru’ a. few days 310. In the House of Lords, dnrin s discussion on the Canadian iron duties, rd Onsiow said the pelloy of the Government was to eilow Canada to manage her own fiscal ef- fairs. two wives, twélve'cliildren'of his own, and an adopted son, besides his father and mother. Mr. DAVid Rogers, 0! Harve , N.B.. who died a_few flayg agq._(_‘l9ring _h_l_ life buried_ Mr. Fletcher. Dominion entomoio lot, has gone to Prince Edward County to in edge!» a mysterious disease which is destroying the pea fields in that country. t is_ believed the Dominion Government will take no further totion to prevent the construction of the railway to the boundary by the Manitoba Government. The ions from the .fire in the Citadel at Quebec in estimated at $150, 000, on which there is no insurance. About twenty horses were burned to death. Rev.‘ E. G. Edgohlll, chaplain-general of the British umy, has been elected Biihop of Nova Scotln w aucceed the late thop Bigney. _ _ ‘ _ _~ - I10“ I. Pl men: 0! tbs clam. ndjn-ud by the Ru lion Lone: Commiulon will in com- menced Ihguly. Canadian cholera is more provoleut in Montreal this season than for many years past, and children are dying from cholera infumlm at an alarming rate. Mr. Fletcher. Dominion entomolo lot, has gone to Prince Edward County to luv stignm mu mama, mm of Sir w. B. Rich- udu, 'diod vary suddenly tho othor morning at her brother I todduwo in Ottawa. It‘is {gported thatfihe Dominion Gpvexjn- THE WEEK'S NEWS. Home Testimony. I4“) 'I'IIB ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. __ um Insurance Claim Paidâ€"Endorsement of the Hutu-l learn. Oiiioe oi W. D. hurrnlws a 00., Grain ond Produce lienlnnts, Toronto, 11th Iloy, 1887. J D. We", 84.. Gcnmu Manager Mutual Ream I'V'ld Lila Au ciuion: Dan Sm- We be; to Acknowlodn‘o receipt oi cheque tor fies Thousand Donors in iull oi cloim under A polio oi Insurance issued to us by the Mo- tun Reserve and Liie Association ior thot omount, as creditors oi the lute Edwin 0 Fisher. We have much pleasure in beefing testimony to the rompt and satisfactory manner in which this claim Ros been adjusted. and ot the some time to express our confidence in your association. lining on inti- mote acquaintance with {our President and ehiei omcerO. we know them to w gentlemen oi the hi heat integrity, and in whose honds we believe the mer- om oi the members oi the Mniuel Reserve ore per- iectly saie. ' Wishing your association continued succen. Your: iruli’. W. i). Min-mun a C0. Couii; ”of Putin, by the help of ail '3de Frenchmen. would be king. tiem, kidney end liver complain", neurelgie, akin diseeees 0! every deseri tion. es well es its recuper- etive were of the hu nese man needing quiet end mt e ter the yeu’s lebere, can he testified by hund- reds of our prominent citizens. The Hotel, situated on e slight eminence in the quiet pert of the town, with cool, terreced gardens croquet lawns, etc" is well edepted for the invelid or so her oi quiet sum- mer re use end rest. The eccommodetions, ere most oomto hie with ever modern convenience. th teble fleet-clue; billi tehle end livery stable in connectioa; the retee lower then my other summer resort in the Dominion. lte close promixity to'i‘o- ronto, with low nilwey retes. mekee it the most de- nlrehle spot in Onterio ior our citizen to nd their eummer vecetion. Preston can he reeche by G. W. R. to Preston station b Credit Velley to Gelt. with- in three miles, or by . . R. to Blair. one end e hell miles. Tickets for Springs on be bought et reduced retee irom Brentiord. Bus meets every trein et Preston stetion. Send tor circular with retes end pertiouiere toC. Knee, llinerei Bethe, Preston, 0nt., .The Court of Paris, on bidding fuewell to his friends on the Isle of Jersey, said he was confident the Royalists would win before long, that monarchy would come githout_s_violen_t effort 9nd the]; he, the A committee is being organized at Geno: to mange for a celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbuu Alizthe States of America will be invited to send repre- sentatives to the celebration. The Portuguese have surrendered to the British end German Consuls the Sultan's ateomer “ Kilws,” seized~duringthe dispute between Zanzibar and Portugal concerning the claims of the letter to Cape Delgsrdo. Portugal will also pay Zeuzibarsn indemnity. anmxâ€"one oi the prettiest little town: in West- ern Cum! with its buntiiui, cool. shady walks md driven, in oval ' Milan, with the charming little rivers ed flow n through it until it reaches the Quad ‘ iveg. hagng been noted for it; oelebggfipd Gnud River. bu Em; befi: noted for its oelebiafia Minerals ring. The remark-bio cuntlvo quiltlu of the b. a In “)0, moot chitin-to cm: 01 rheuma- The Paris Figaro my: the Pope in a recent conversation expressed a most friend] feel- iws 2°st Ffincfi: and EM“! fillet y 99- cific intervention he could mist Fm'oé in her desire to regain Alamo-Lorraine. A terrible exploaion of na hthe took place at Antwerp recently in a. «fins store. Ten persons were buried benenth the burning ruins. Three of the men 'were rescued, but they-are badly injured. The relations between Germany and Run- sia. are becoming very attained, and atten- tion is drawn to the. fact of the immense amount of German mdney that is invested in Russian bonds. Hive been on trial at Leipaic en a charge of treeson, have been sentenced, the former to six and the latter to five years in the peni- tenfiary. .During a. drill of suppers at Jazbereny, Hu ary, a dynamite cartridge exploded pre eturely, killing twenty- seven and in- juring forty eight others. Of the killed, four were otfi Jere. twenty-sean houses wore on ulfed and twoncy of the occupants drowns . :Klqin and qulyertL t‘woiof the man who ously dieagpeared in Marseilles, is believed to be safe m Brussels. Martial law has been proclaimed in Vaien- cits. Twenty-one persons have been arrested for complicity in rioting against the col- lectore of the octroi tax. A portion of the land borderin on the @ake pt Zug, Switzerland, has subgided and Commander 'Chulea Leatrange, of the British despatch boat Surprise, who mysteri- 9u§ly digagpegred in} Marseilles, is believed A rebellion that’flook place recently at Chung Chow, neafiShanehm, was suppressed by the authorities, and 90 of the conspire- tora were executed. mound, sud map peasants md thousands of cattle hove di from, want of fopd. - The Wenchow B‘I'ver inChlna. h: I over- flowad its banks, submerging miles of torri- tory and drowning thousands of people. Mgre. Persico and Gualdii who hane beep gae‘nt by the Pope to enquire into the eituetion in Ireland, have arrived in Dub- _ V . --_ ..-.â€"-â€". - J ...... . Two unpublished letters from Luther and five from Melancthon have been found in an old school desk in Hailbronn. The Ameer of Afghanistan has offered a free psrdon and the remission of two years’ taxes to all rebels who surrender. A terrible famine prevails at Skagefjord, 1901.111}, gud zquyrpemntn md thousands The military had to be called out in Bolt- on. Eng., receptly, to quell thq riots vi the "trike". ‘ A new and olalioiato railroad train for carrying sick and woundsd in being tested by French military officials. Two déatht are upon-ted at Palermt‘, which are believed to have been caused by chat“. ‘ g 0 amount modvod to: the sulfate" by the recent Opera Comique fire in Paris is 673, 0 ‘Of. Mr. Parnell, who;in Ituying'at Carlsbad, in suffexing from dlubétes. Tho :Xf bun Commission has resumed the consideration of the boundary question. Tye brothere med Ben were kllled by llghtnlng on Mondey, Qt Nuhvllle, Mo, end two women end e child eeverely injur- ed, one fatally. The some day a party of plckniokere at Louisville, Ky., took refuge under a tree from a thunder shower. The tree was struck by lightning and two ho)! Were instantly killed. The Indian Government kiteâ€"ml issuing 4 per cent. bonds for a loan of £2,000,000. Mr. Edison 1! ex rlmentiug on me leteet discovery. by whlc manages ceu be trum- mitted Iron) ship to ehfp batman): of stun. whistles apex-«ed by key: e e telegraphic Instrument. Lizzie Kelly. nged 81, from Nov; 800th, Wu found in n Inning condition in Wuh- ingtou Sq cure. New York. on Saturday. She hui eaten nothing eince Thur-day. A rehellion thgg’fioolg place recently at; Pronton Summer Resort and Mineral FOREIGN. arm ”3'61” '"“ 1:333:de :‘S‘J “FEW :ngn 13m woe . And Glugow nglhdolphh o . For night, , or other lnfonnaflon I It A. Gammon» t . Buttmore' 8. Cum On. Halifax ' Show 00., fit. John‘s I3. .; Wm. Thoop son a ., a; John, N.B.; Allu;0o.,0h1ca 1,2" 8 __Alda_nLNev! Yprkzll. 1’9“"!35 Eggpq _ Mug during winter from Portland 0v Thur thy and Ball!“ every stand-y to IJvorpoo And I: mm 0! [tom Quebec no 8.0mm, to Ll'utpool odllm: M Mndondorranfio d Imus And a tor Stotlmd And In d- .100 "on: Bu on vi: Hum: ml at. John’ M. to Live 1 mung: during mgr month. 7 1'11. Ito-13:: o! the If: Emind,‘nouo' " ii iii mu between 01m mm. me 0:06.; (11:86.36: Wain. Brdoifii, iiiiiiix phh; B. A. Allen Forum Boston Normal. TINGLEY STEWA RTiM'F’G co. TORONTO, ONT. 11149-11!!! B0144 AMLSFMMLIIDI Please mention this Paper when writing. FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. Artistic Beam combined wit) unequalled Durability HAMILTON. ONTARIO. MERIDEN BRITANNIA 60. MANUFACTURE ONLY Dairy * Salt, mum LIVE 01* STEAMSIIIPS. Sailing weekw between Montreal and Liverpool Run: or PASSAOI :â€"Saloon, Montreal to Live erpool, $10.85 0 andwo: Return Tickets, 880, wound 8100 wcognlln tosmumer and accommodation. Inter- mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further firtlculnrs and to secure Bertha, ugly to II. ll. sqllllRAY. General Manage :- l ustom House Sq,um Ho Itreal, or to the Locangenta in the dil- lerent Towns and Cltlea ngles, three kinds; Clothes _l Wringers, ten klrfds ; WashiEg Msohines, 2 kinds: Carpet Sweepers, nest. Chopp'ers, Trucks, sud other sundries. HAIIL‘IOI Inn-nun Won: (30., Hsmmon, Csnsds Sand for articles wanted. or Illustrated Cstslogus youn and old. Home truatment, autficlent to: two man: I, Inhaler and all complete, sent by express to: 812. Moved my ofllce [ram 73 King West to 41 King Eas‘. MRS. C. STIDMAN FIEROE. Four years estanllshed in Toronto. 32 03100 Treatments for 318 Send for circular. Amgs! I. W]. LIIS‘I‘BONG. l' ermntoloxlst. Specialty. Skin diseases. Scrotum and all dis- easuot we blood. All cancers cured tun are our - uhle, without the use a t the knife. omce hours, 1mm 9 to 12 mm. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., 8bbaths ex~ oepted. 28 Dundas Street. Toronto. "Ln COMPOSITION GOLD. Antique Bronze 2 Natural Wood, and other Picture Ind Room, Mouldings, Frames, Etc. Paintings, En- glncings, Etchin , Artotypes. Artists‘ Materials, imm, cw. olesale and Retail. Trade Cat- alogue. IAHBEWS BROS. a (20.. Toronto. 'Géntlemen of influence wufited in Vfinfifibééhted districts. 4.}. 34900131)“ 0mm" vm 'eoms, etc."mnlled m6. 'A‘ddmi' '3’ xi 8 u. niooonmox. Prinolpxl.| HE LONDON GUARANTEE AHDABBIDENT (:0. ([0), OF LONDON. ENE Cup ital £260 000. Dominion Government Deposi‘. £65, 009. Held_ Qtflce: 72 King St. Eut,’1‘oront¢0._ 3 Twelve States and Profinces already‘mpreunt. on the ml! of this Institution. To thorough- praotiul instruction. Ind the emcienoa and suooea. 9!. its_ gradqayeqlthh qulego gwgql pquladty‘a ammo OXYGENâ€"THE CONSERVATOB of health. the enemy of disease; hulls the Lungs. Re_ builds _t_he Broken Down Constitution of G. 0. Ron, Chief 15113311361; h K. iii-A333, Soc'y-Treu. I dow Shades do. . Wholesale AnJRe m1, at the 0m nun 001.» Minn. Tux-r MANUPAO'MRY 70 King 8b. West. Toronto. NATIONAL HANUFACTUR’Gg CO. ANGTHER JOVELT .--‘::r'.:::'fi.zfir:;': A“ file “ninth Staten. Auentswanted. Sample by mail 45 canto. CLEMENT b 00., To onto. .fl ".-:~ um bu v aim WGWua, and? or Eemu‘o, whole 0: man time. on salary or commit 3.0.0. or Fon‘m'lfim aim time. onWI‘flâ€"Iéi‘or Gemini;- “on. Industrial Union 0‘ B.N.A.. 46 Amado. Tomato. (hunk. (ban-m Dunno“ and In! Fever. Halon" m not count”: Arm that has diam m contagiou- 0: am thoy mduc ‘0 tho mum 0! thing pun“... in tho lining numbnua o! n now had omhchhn tuba. Mommplo noon howcvu, ha loved mu to b. Olwkwdthom mum. amp nuody In. been {emulated fluuby «mm. «mm datum And My but no ound In "on “atom-Lupin and.“ ham. A mph!” ox In: D A": Watson mum on (“I “flip . 100 I). ll). Btu» Vic... Tom». éflfih ' A. P. 858 PATENTS ‘03“! [‘0 CUTTING SCI!”0I..â€"uuuleuwu deslmul o! acquiring a thorough knowledge 0! mutant cuttlu should up 1y at once to 3 Common. ‘22 Yonge St; omnto. arms on uppucutiou. lull: noun!" Issrlwnos "(mu lnsur uuce Company of t‘umula. Consulting Englneem and Solicitors 0! Patents. ”(runox'ro. FOE BU'I'I'ER. ETC. E W Impomuonm- -Hi gins’ Eureh. Washing. ‘ tonnndAshtonB lnlugoorunnulmks. {so Rico's Canadian Salt~ Write tor prloea. Inn-Inn -‘--‘-h n 5.--..- lily! EII‘IIIOQIJSQ'I'JQKO, pnqlph, om, CASES 0!? CONSIIMI'THW 0118!.” ‘ withoutalzlfi ure Address W. ll. MluLER 51.0.,18 Elsi 11th St . N. Y. City. ‘000 ”‘8 AGENTS WAN’I‘I‘. IN EVERY I Ccuntvln Cmadn. Address, , ID I“ cannot month. The cumin 0! no. all darts winter .0 And from an‘d, Ration-n fihmfiolpplh; md_ glut “393.8 Pfiuifiv 5671‘; - __. -ILUJW, "if“ a 00.. simmer} smgogggg: Wholesale Produce Merchants, Toronto. Resident Secretarv tor'the Dominion. Risa]. ‘ wusmda dmnpt-vo Cut- nlocuo flee. ll Chgubcrlin, Tomato. nUDDEII OIRIIII'O) Sten. cits. and Burning Brand) to. bend torpatalogue. BARBER bRos. ca, 31 800“; St" Toronto. BUBBE R SIAMPS.‘ Bicycles ! END AT ONCE FOR LIST 0! Second-find Machines, Pro- 315 Upwards. New O‘cdogue Ready 1» April A. T. lANE, MONTREAL g and? dudniiizifi Mounted “m SENS. The E. 8: G. Guaarney Go.(Ld) w_as in eradicating all affections of the skin to which Sheep are subject Sold In Tina 31:350., 700. and 81. A 35c. Tin will clean 20 Sheep 01'35 Lambs. HUGH MILLER GO. . Toronto. This Splendid MaChine Oil ! nu never lulled to take the hl heat and: wherever exhibl It Has No Equal. Farmers, Thrashers and Mfllmen Use No Other. Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder 011. Harness, Bolt Cutting. Wool and Lard 0118, always in stock. sou: MANUFACTURERS o'lr LARDINE. McCOLL BROS. 00., - - TORONTO. This on keeps the Machinerr in first nto werkinggrder, thereby lessening the chances o! noddenh And breakdowns. To be had of al fine-class dealers. wnre of imfitations ! GURNEY FURNACES nus and Lung Troubu: ; Joan Wood. 95 Cathcart sm, cured of Liver complaint and Blllousnela. used only 3 an '-ceut bot»! a; Mrs. J. Baal. 0 August: St. trouh ed for years “'lth Nuvons Ptoatruion. two mull bottle: guve her great tenet. Sold at 600‘ a: 81. F. F. DALLEY as 00.. Pmprleton. tipo Auu nper. nur terms v'r'e Mar-L'Seud (or c roulu. l. LIAM [HUGO \. Publisher. Toronto. Tot‘wvuu lot out Sub-or! non Bookl. Out and-to and popular work. Dr. “ithrow'n “ Hinton o! ( unuh'L . hook uh‘oh ought to b. In every “bun. mu hwvucme. ummnx uwl soul-touching t-mwnnw huoll, “ I Inform a; how," by J. cough. our “mph“ hook at unuom. And Into- hlwraplw on s In 1'. Jun :9. with a nhort It“ h o! the lulu 01 Sun. w. Small. and three o! M: spook! unuou-u. Uur beau! tul hook {Um'rxgnd meringue .- u A68! libâ€"W or Grille-non Walledâ€"- I “Imam. uur beau! lul book . ( m'ry und literature cl uh. «and all knds emit] "Uoldvn Thou ht.- on M - er, Home and liruven " Our hundpomo um- lly Blbla. beau: lul llllutnuoni, tullol uululwd helplul {lulk‘t (or bxhlu awn), bpgldu gopd 9|?" MILLER’S TICK DESTROYER. "Bféfi'éifW'E. fifib'fiié’ §tnfiirunm Ixxnu Ed PfiiUflfl-fiu can't. you “mu-FEST. 512:; Ln 1 wilgcnplou. 4d!!!“ DB. 11. O, 3001‘. nuonrfi'no’i Edi molvlng I euro. Bond at one. to; haul. and I I‘m Bow. 0! my numb]: yang”. A"! I...“â€" __A h..; n--_ u. , A.. , m: In cm I do no: man manly to uopthom br- Illno and than have them nturn again. I man 0 Med Can. I In" mm the diluu or“ EPILEPSY orl‘LIJa- [NO HORN“. libâ€"Ion; "My. vnmnt mynm Effigyjhoi'yfl‘ can. jean-o other! my. filled 13.3 LBIIBE FITS ! In this pager referred to the Annual Meeting of the A tion. his meeting (being the 15th since the Com] was organized) took p ace on Tuesday. the In April. when the following gratifying increases were announced a PREMIUM INUDME INGREASED FOR YEAR, INTEREST AND RENTS, - ASSETS, - - $356,375. SI Were allocated as Holders. Profits pa , > ay lst. HAMILTON. TORONTO. MONTREAL. and WINNIPBG. 'g'a’iocgnor. gr. ;.. quofliq, Recent Testimonial to M’ederafioui “$850051" OUR. LAST N OTIGE s'rocxnax, givethls nimble pro- } ‘pantion a fair trial. It oueratesn rompuynnd eflectunlly in deutroyinfi I ckswd.9thsrver5fi2péew- 521w; . Lardine. ' WE (In-amt Dis. 1 eatery o! the [present age (or Raou- “A"!!! nu Downs. mu Crime all 8100!). ‘LIVHR and K wunCou- shuns. A Perlect flood ['urlllcr. A law :1 Hamilton who have wen benefited by Its we: Mn. M. Keenan 92 ltobext 8%.. cum! -t Bu sipelu rl two earu'staudlnk: Robb. tome", 24 South Sh. luuxhwruundot E - ep Iu Hts Alter a x ear-'suflerlng : Jen- “ Hirrell, 55 Walnut 3's.._cnreg 9t Wonk- \I. MoGREGOR, PASTOR. J. H. FERGUSON. CARETAKER. (J. THOMSON, CHAIRMAN B'n'ole J. FARNSWORTH, B'n'a Insrvmn. Send for Cam logue. Were allocated as Profits to Policy lloldcirg. Profits payable on and men- nay s . J. K. MADDUNALD. Managing Director. $356,376. smws, To W. E. CONN, Tilaonbnrg, Ont. : Dun Slfl,â€"â€"Thi. is to certif that the two Gurney-Hunk No. 15 Wood urnaces, lnood by you in our Avondale Preeb terim C arch, have ven cmnplete aatisfact on. We hove found t posulbm to beat our building, from free:- lug polnf. up to 60 deg. in two hours. We hevo also found them to be very economical in the matter of fuel. We can cheerfully recommend these furnaces to any parties who contemplnte heating by Hot Air. (Signed), FACSIIMLE clue" Wlll De “10"]!wa O! A Jun or an. JUG'. remembered by mock. MEDICINE. tlon. ‘thâ€"‘Olll’ Mend: will be able to recognize at once that. they are new!!! the genqine argigle, as there is no othernmedlcine pu ~_A , ___A_........ m ' “(in)“ given to my one. 6;? {HUGE mfififbb’diifimcmn 00.. ' Toronto Ind smflotfi. Clare Bros. 00.. ‘8‘ Mentlon this paper. BPE OI A I: NOTICE. IHE_ ALVBANY' “STEAMW TRAP N5. “2111"!“ and Mudeutn. Attention! 8 Special all: u durlnx summer holidays, h tonhuud, Tum-am“, Hook-keeping, MM). cw. Wilts [or Inn with-nun. Cuwlhn Bum Unlvonfly Ind Shultluud [ix-“NW, Publh) WM Building. Townm THUS. FI‘INGUUG". Pruldout CHARLES H. "nooks. lung”. MomwAamcuu' Bunch Oflce. 37 Yonge St..'1‘m [have . pocluve remedy for Ike nbovo dlm ; by It. * thousand. of use- of the wont kind mm of lana‘mum I". been cured. Indeed so strong In In chill money, nm 1 v” mm five non-m pain, “no: with n VALUABLE TRBATIBI on thin dunno to “9 Motor. am "ply-gm! ELEVEN.- GDNSUMPTION. tars. on the aide. Out reasons for making 3th change are : latâ€"Its won‘ derlul curative quautlea will be better preserved by the medicine being kepI entirelyinthedark. 2nd-- As the lug will be not. ed it will be impoem 10 to countarlait it. Stdâ€"Tho name “ Dr. Jug‘o Medl- : clue" will be more Gully “16.. remembered by mock. tlon. 4thâ€"-0ur Mend: HILBORN 77‘ HOT AIR FURNAUE Bonnâ€"flaw. :Mudeinsmea. Emclont. u economical 1nd dunbln. Write for iilustnud oak- logue at tho [argon And best variety oi tum and registers mmulao. tured in Canada. to put Dr.\!ug'n I om. in a brown jug. lasts. 0! ‘ has homo u hereunto". he jugs chit we will III. for this put are made olthe finest mpoItedRock. ingham, of a mottled brown colour. with “ Dr. Jua'l Hedicine (or Lun , UV“ and Blood"ln la loi- We havp doomed rip [Mun cock Implant." " mtg-hall's Aqmflc p “canning mm. ”martian a Auto-um Mum Feed Lubrlcuot. arllnxinoon' 3 Hum!» eru’ Surpliu o! ovory demlp ion. Send to. olmulnm. ‘ J “Ills MORRISON. 75 571 Adelntd. St W.. TORONTO. spic'abaaaxsa». ”The >C§lebpM Eu. Estimates cheerlully Preston, Ont. $96,894. [3,029.

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