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Woodville Advocate (1878), 27 Jul 1888, p. 7

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An Albany womm named Briggs lost her husband. few weeks ago, and to show ha grief the dept on his grave in the ceme- tery. _The.po_lloo 611.111 nght_ her at it A little French Canadian boy in Oldtown. Mnine, is credited with one of the Ihorteat and moat comprehensive composition: on re- cord. The teacher told him to write about anything he could lee. and this wee the re- sult :â€"-“ The shove. She be cracked." mi the jidgo wmo'd he; Serionl trouble has arisen on the “ Q" road. The brakeemen have struck, and the cheirmen of the Grievance Committee of the Brotherhood of Engineers and the Fire men’s Brotherhood have been "rented for con- aplrecy. General Fink. Prohibition candidate for Pmident of the United States. any: that the Temperance plank of the Republican Convention has driven thousands of voters into the Prohibition ranks. Robert Brynn, e eixteenyenr-old colored boy, etnbbed Riley Hancock (white), 3 ed nineteen, on Saturday, at Henderson, y., md kllled him. The murderer we: lynched by 50 meshed men. It is reporhed that the efforts It destroy- in the grasshoppers in the northern rt offifinnenou have been so successful {has at least hnlfnyield of wheat may be ex- At Lon Illnnd City during a drunken row Snt ny night Mn. Wat-on wu thrown from the Itoop over 3 three‘foot bannlntar by three of her tenants and killed. The flood- ut Parkerabnrg, Welt Va” con- tinue and the dent-notion to property along the Little Knnuwhn and Ohio rivers in gmhrthnn 1111884, when the first flood AMERICAN. The citizens of Canton, Man, are alarm- ed over All epidemic of typhoid fever. John thar of Racine Wia., has complet. ed the fiftieth duy of his fut. He in very weak but his mind in unclouded. The weekly statement ehowe that at the present date the United States Treasury conning $710,409,510. Genenl Sheridan continues to gain strength, nnd it is hoped that the wor of permanent improvement ha been entered United Sente- Representative McKinley in of opinion that the plunge of the anifl' bill in n to one conclusion, and that it will tnke phoew wthin two weeks. The Muplowood Park Association of St. Paul, Minn, will sue Rev. Dr. Talmuge for $10,000 dumgea {or failing to deliver an .ddreu there on the 4th in“. as agreed. Senator Hour made a long speech in the United State: Senate bitterly attacking the Fisheries Treaty. Judge Falconbridge, who, with Mr. T. P. Gait, and others, is spending his vacation salmon fishing at Matane, P. Q , succeeded in killing the largest salmon taken there for several years. The fish, which was captur- ed after a hard and exciting struggle, last- ing one hour and fifty minutes, weighed 45 pounds and measured 49 inches in length. A lnrge number of salmon have been taken by the judge's party. Two Mennonite gentlemen from Russia have chosen a township west of the Sourie fiver, in Manitoba, for a party of their fel- lowcountrymen, who will arrive in the spring. The structure being erected at Ontario Beach for a :nmmer‘hoapitul for children was blown down on Saturday. One worn- man was killed and another injured. Gabriel Dumont has received letters from Helibreeda in the Northwest. threatening rgbellion unless their properties are restor- ( . It' 18 announced that Major General Cam. eron, son in law of Sir Chmlea Tapper, is to succeed General Oliver as C mmandant of me 11. M. College at Kingston. The bookkeeper of Quesnell. the abscond~ ing carriage-maker of Montreal, says that he and his employer have been carrying on a system of forgeries. The nail-feeders It the Hamilton null works are still out on strike, and it is re- pog'teal that self-feeding machines will be ob- mne . It in reported that Bishop Lafleche, of Three Rivers, has suspended the Jesuits from exercising religious ministration: in his diocese. A recorder in Montreal compelled a young men to enter into bonds to discontinue visiting 3 young lady. Rev. Mr. Matthews, of Quebec, has been elected permanent secretary of the Pan- Pmbyterinn Alliance. It is rumoured that there is a possibility of t strike of telegraph operators for more pay and shorter hours. Sir John Macdonald has sued Nathan Mixhnel, a Montreal tobacconiat. for using his name for advertising purposes. 11w wharf Inbourer: of Montreal are on strike. and the nhopowners are determined to mint their demand. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Macdonald will lpond their summer with Sir. John Mac- dondd at the Inside. Discontent in aid to be cumin numer~ 9n: (lg-onion- Irom the Landon ilitu-y Five oflicorl of the Governor Genet-31'- Foot Guards hnve resigned owing to a dis pate with the colonel. Tho hunhter of J notice says the Provin- cinl Government must enforce the Dominion Bucket Shops Aot. The Salvation Army barracks in King ~ ston, rebuilt at: couyt of $10,,000 were opened on Sunday. Citizen: of King “on have met and do- nounocd Sundny 8mm: on the Wellmd Crop report from tho'neighbouthood of the city of Quebec .11 of I very hvournblo olnnoter. Burio in up eating 33 got electric light {or 25 cum . knight Mord the lame. Two bucket. «hop- hnvl- been mmd in Mantras! in defiance of the luv. Tuck l- bei laid on the Red River 'dloy mud n t o nu 0! two miles a duy. CANADIAN." ‘ Woodstock is to laws electric light. Laid Shale, desires to ply 3 visit to Kingston st sn ycsriy dsp. NEWS OF THE DAY. Dr. Gerhardt, in hie report on the late lmperor'e dieeue, accuses Dr. Mackenzie oi duplicity, and that nmong other things, while he knew the Emperor wee suffer-in from cencer, he removed 3 eonnd portion 0 the thront, which he submitted to Prof. Virchow, thereby deceiving thet eminent eeientlet. The monthly organ of the German Free- masons states that the Kaiser is strongly prejudicedfigninst the craft, and is cause quently, in this respect, very unlike his inther end d father. who were both dis- tinguished Mons. Wilhelm II. has never been initiated in the Order. Sir “211. Smith, leader of the IT-ritish Home of Commons, intimated that a Per- liamentary committee was incompetent to inquire into the charges against Parnell, but Parnell afterwards gave notice of a motion for the appointment oi such commit- Herr Dleiz, an Italian railway clficiai, his wife and a railway aeeiatant named Kappa], have been convicted of selling to the French Government information relative to German military operations, and have been sentenced to long term: oiimpriaon- ment. Patrick J. Tynan, known in Invincible ranks a: Number One, published II card in yeaterduy'n New York Hera'd stating that the announcement that he was in collusion with the London Times inn foul and un- natural slander. The Pope is msking strenuous efforts to suppress the slave tnde throughout the world, and non-Catholic Governments are invited!» usistin putting down the in- fsmons traffic. Tho locust plague in Algerin is becoming worse. Sixty thonnnd laborer: and two thomond Ioldiern are powarlm. The whole conn indevuted, And it is {cared hm~ inc on peatilenoe will result. Mr. \V. J. Ashley, M. A.. lecturer of Lincoln and Corpus Christi ()Jllegee, 0x- {ord. has been oppointed to the choir of Poll~ ticol Science in the University of Toronbo. There were 33 applicant: for the position. of '70. Iti- reported theta marriage in being arranged between the Cmewitch and one of Emperor William's sisters and that the alliance has the entire npprovel of Prince Bismerck. The British army authorities are pushing experiments in military ’0 cling. A regular bicycle corps has been ormed, with 120 men, of whom 11 are officers. ‘ police keepihg the‘orowde coniinnallyiihov: 1 n . gA bill which has passed the Federal Council of Germany nrovidee for the pen~ aioning of all working people who no in- capacitated or who have arrived at the age pun A meeting announced to be held in Trefelger :quere on Saturday, to denounce Mr: Be‘lfonr, was prevented by_ the London The Austrian Grand Duke Vladimir says his stay in Berlin convinced him that Em- peror William was Russia’s friend, and was prepared to become her ally. Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, will send to each crowned head of Europe a. per- fected phonograph. Such a present will speak for itself. In the Imperial House of Commons on Friday night a resolution in favour of the payment of salaries to members was rejected by a vote of 192 to 135. At a mercantile conference at Birmingham a committee was appointed to report on a scheme for a ship canal from Liverpool to Birmingham. The French Conservative pa re denounce the seizure of the letter of the not of Paris to the Conservative mayors of France. The new Papal encyclical is paid to be broad and tolerant, but decidedly opposed to the separation of Church and State. The report of the German physicians who attended the Emperor Fredrick is a direct attack upon Dr. Mackenzie. At a meeting of Unionist Peers it was de- cided to support Lord Salisbury’s bill to to- form the House of Lords. Zobehr Pasha think: that the White Pasha seen in the region of Behr-el-Ghazel in not Stanley, but Emln Bey. Dr. Momll Mackenzie complete: his fifty~first year Saturday of this week. The French revenue surplus for the first six months of the year amounts to 28,000,- The Emperox' of Brazil has quite recovered from his illness. The Boon are said to be anxious to fight Gxeut Britain again. The intomtionsl L§w Congreu will meet at L‘usanne on September 1. time ago a clerk’s accounts were investigat- ed and he was found to be several thousand dollars short. To remove and prosecute the man would have been troublesome and apt to hurt the reputation of the bank, so they made him stay as if nothin had happened, but have placed him in suc‘lzl a position that he can take no more. and informed his fol- low- clerks of the deielcation. He is avoided by the insiders, and his sition is about as disagreeable as can well imagined. Con- stantly under surveillance, he will work out in time the amount he hss taken and will then be discharged. The Servian Synod has annulled the mar- riage of King Milan to Queen Natalie. A new method of punhhing dishonest bunk clerks in now bein tried in n certain in- stitution of that k din New York. Some le'ty. were caught in (bloat, 11L, have been ex .111an by [ml ornithologhu,_ who pro emlnea by local ornitholo lets, who pro- nounce them genuine rob nu. These ex- ceedingly rnre Ipecimenl of the fathered tribe are spent two-thirds grown, nnd were teken from n neat known to heve been built by robine of the ordinnry red-breuted ver- Rev. Oscar (J. McCulloch oi Indian-polio. rend n pl at before the Convention of Chur- itiel end ‘ traction: in Bufi‘alo. on e Itndy oi Socinl Degredetion, in which he lhoWl the condition of thirty inmiliee, through five generation, embnoing 1,690. person, which, with in finding (not. of hereditu'y crime. is worthy of the most careful tending. Two poyrfootl ypure white birds, which were ogught_ in Guiana, 11L, have been ex petition would mean eixty deye tn the cooler. Hr. T. M. Nelle he: completed n oley model of the bronze etetue of James W. Merehell, to be erected on then t where old wee firet discovered in Celi ornis. It fl of colonel Iizo, and re ruente Mar-hell clad in e mlner'e dreu, ho din e nus et in his right bend end with his le 6 point as to the epot whence it we: taken. FOREIGN. A few months later she received an invite- tion to attend the wedding of n achoolmnto In s neighbouring town. She knew she would hove to go to New York to buy a nimble present, and she didn’t care about tekin the journey jmt then. All at once the! ee come into her head thet the had 3 great mperflnity of fruit epoone. Why When a sister of the governor of a neigh~ bouring state was married, a few years ago, says the “Tropical Talker" of the Pittsburg Dispatch, she received a great many valu- able presents, and among them were many pieces of plate and silverware of all sorts. But particularly was she overwhelmed with silver lruit spoons. Beautifully chased, gold. lined, in every sort of variety, were these spoons. After the wedding, and when they had returned from the honeymoon, the bride found that she had no immediate use for half the silverware she possessed, especially as for the time they were to live in her mother's house. So she consigned some of it to the care of a bank in town. The trult spoons all went to the vault. l‘he ceilings of most rooms will not need whitening every year, but they will alwe a need sweeping, as well u the wells. 0 one who has not swept o well down with 3 clean duster, firmly pinned on to a broom, would imegine the amount. of dust that will have collected in spite of the moat tidy hounemnid. Queen Victoria hal now reigned over England longer than any monarch but twoâ€" Henry Ill., and George III. She overtook Queen Elizabeth six years ago, and has out. done E lward IIL, who only reigned 148 days over half a oentu . If she lives a few yearn longer Victoria w ll have reigned longer than any royal personage of history. Mrs. Oscar Wilde in said to weer the same “ beet. ” drone through the season. If not the some dress, it in mode on the same plan. being a whit): clinging silk, embroider- ed down the front in gold and adorned around the neck with n high standing rnfl a la Queen Bees. ten, she is clever with hei- nhhal'e; as they had to make their own clothes before their father got. to be King. The Queen Regent of Spain chooses a word daily for the c ountersign, without which no one is admitted to the palace by the many guards. This is communicated to the highest military official, who happens to be Marshal Campo, who proclaimed Alfonso hing. Eugenie, ex-Empress, is saidto have de veloped strange ldlosyncracies, besides being a recluse. One is.a tendency to Spiritualism and a belief that she can communicate with her dead Prince Imperial. It is well under- stood that she intends to make Princess Beatrice of England her heiress. Dagmar of Russia, the Princess of Wales sister, is said to be politically smart, though not in_tell_ect_ual otherwise. Like all her sis- The latest Paris fashion in dogs commands two pockets in the canine ulster or dolman when travelling. one to hold lumps of sugar and the other for a smell fine pockethand- kerchief to wipe the little brute’s nose with. The Queen of Sweden, since she learned and be en cooking by the advice of her phy- sician for her health, takes long walks, and often goes into the peasants’ houses end shows them how to make good dishes. The Queen of Spain recently, after the per- formance, called Sarah Bernhardt into the box and gave hera bouquet tied in ribbon and secured by a splendid sapphire mounted with diamonds. Marie. the daughter of the Em press of Austria, 1s about to marry Prince Ru precht of Bwsris, who is ,eooording to lay sl J acob ices, the heir apparent; to the English throne. Queen Olga. of Greece is practical, dresses plainly, and goes in for domestic economy, etch, even making her own bonnets, it is Olga. of Greece is the most beautiful Queen of Euro , and is ainber-in-law of the Empress of Ru me and the Princess of Wales. Isabella, ex-Queen of the Spaniards, when she appears «brand wears a costume much the lame as that of a nun. The Queen of Denmark is intensely deaf, but fond of music, and has a. big and power- ful organ that she can hear. Elizabeth of Austria has developed an un- fortunate akin dewase. and wears a veil continually. ()n this, thy birthday, I?“ friend. What is the wish to t e 'd send 1' That earth may be a g rdeu fair, Whereiu bloom only were ra'e ? Nay, that were vain, f r here below We always find weeds, , will row, And e’en the rose, esteemed by a I, Has thorn that's sharp, althou h ’tis small, But who would e’er reject, wit scorn, The rose because it has a thorn? Not one i We rize it {or its worthâ€" Naught perfect oi earthly birth. Wilt though, my friend, accept from me This earnest wish I crave for thee ? 0h, make thy heart a arden bright, Wherein grow virtues air to sight, And may to thee be giv'n the st: ength To root out every fault at length ; For faults, like weeds, do show that we Must watch ourselves continually. The choicest flower of every heart Is loveâ€"of lite the sweetest part. Oh, may it for thee ever bloom, And shed on all its rich perfume ; For love grows most when most it gives, 1 And bliss bestows if it but lives; And should'st thou find that, like the rose, Sorrow (love's thorn) time may disclose, 1 Be not cast down, thorns will decay, 1 For all things earthly pass away. ‘ But love to man alone was given To be a foretaste here of Heaven ; And when we reach our Home above, And see at last the God of Love (Who knows how weak we are, and frail, And sees how frequently we fail To keep our he srts at all times white, As they should be in His pure sight), Oh, may His touch on weed and thorn Cause flowers immortal to be born, And since in Heaven no sin shall dwell, Their beauty aye His praise will tell. Queen Elizsbath of Roumanin is intensely musical, fond of dancing, and has written a ballet. um um A80 Tm: erom Coun'rzous. A Blflfun‘ A BOUT quxxs. There no only forty-five female hwyon In the United States, but they talk like "A... n A sailor, just arrived from Central Ameri- can waters, brought a curiosity in the snake line to the Academy of Sciences. The ac- quisition isa veritable sea serpent, according to the statement of the local scientists. It is about twenty-{our inches in length, with flattened tail and narrow head. Its body is a bright yellow, with a broad, wavy stripe of deep black along its back. The s cimen is undoubtedly venomous. Dr. ewston says that he cannot at once class- ify the reptile, but he supposes it to be a species hitherto unknown to science. There is, however, a watermake much resembling this one in East Indian waters and along the coast of New Zealand. These snakes travel there in great schools, and are a con- siderable annoyance to fishermen. It may be possible that the specimen in question was drifted by ocean currents from ito propsr habitat to the place where it was oun . on my left elbow, taking a ieoe out, and then buried ite long, eharp auge into the joint until they met. At the same time I wae hurled to the earth with such force that I knew not how I got there or what became of my gun. Sti 1, throughout, I maintained a clear impression of whet was going on. I knew that I was lying on the ground with the panther on top of me, and I could {eel my elbow joint wabbling in and out as the brute ground it- jawe with a movement im- perceptible to the bletandere, but which elt to me ae thoufiqh were bein violently Ihaken all over. ow I listener? anxiouel for the report of Saudford’e shot, which knew would be head im-nediatc y, and carefully refrained from Lurking the alight- eet sound or movement, bet hie aim ebould be disturbed thereby In a few eecoude the loud and welcome detonation, which from its proximity almost deafened me, struck upon my ear. I eat up, I was free, the panther gone. Mechanically, I always turned my head so as to keep the thick, wedded curtain of my helmet cover in front of the creature's muz~ zle; but still I could hear and feel plainly the rapid, yet cautious, efi'orts it was mak- ing to findano ning, soas totearopenthe jugular vein. had no other weapon but my gun, which was uselese with the animal clouly embracing me, so I stood perfectly still, well knowing that Sanford would lib- erate me if it were possible to do so. At: the first onslaught we were so placed that he could only have hit the panther by firing throsgh me, which would have been very injudicious, to say the least of it. As may naturally be supposed, the animal did not spend much time in investi ting the nature of a wedded hat cover, and fore my friend could get around and take aim without ieop ardigingeny own life the beast pounced lhead, and, without waiting to adjust thle chin-strap, I seized the latter in my hands and faced the enemy. The panther had meanwhile floored a heater and got him by the arm, but, dropping him, she at once came for me with lightning bounds. I could see nothing owing to the beast‘s tremendous speed, but a shadowy-looking‘form with two large bright round eyes fixed upon me with an unmeaniug stare as it literally flew to- ward me. Such was the vision of a moment 1 My presence of mind did not desert me. I raised my gun and fired with all the care I could at such short notice. But I missed, and the panther landed light as a feather with its arms around In shoulders. Thus we stood for a few secon s, and l distinctly ‘ felt-the animal sniffing for my throat._ _ j It then is much sickness nbout the neigh- bourhood, boil the water which in used in baby's food, for boiling kills all the animal- oulau contained in the wucr. Cool it be- fore using. Short savage roar: broke upon my ear, mingled with the wild shouts of the natives, who were evidently beino chased by the now furious beat. At this crisis I felt that my but would probably do more for me than iny gun, so I orushed the_ former on to n_1y Never tickle :5 child, it in dangerous, end rodncee vitality. Any unnatural emotion must be Avoided. The more quiet end free from excitement a little child is kept the better for the child's health, strength, end mental vigour. For huduche, or any form of indigestion, drink hot water, half 3 pint at a time if poa- aiblo. Give children oranges before breakfast in the spring time. It in better than sulphur doses or Any spring medicinal. Use cream, with hot water and sugar. in place of condensed or natural milk, as it in more anally digested than milk. If hot wnter in edded then it will not tequire my warming recess, whereby it my come in contact With metal. Warm the food by placing the bottle or cup in water to heat lb with the water. If the child does not sleep well give him a blth before ing to bed. It is an excellent Iedative.â€"[ Voman. I: is not wise to give away your weiding pro-outs. In the spring let the child take his out. door walks in the afternoon; in outumn let him go out in the forenoon. The spring morning partake: of the preceding season. Inlaummn thelmorning ie more like summer, the afternoon like winter. The whole bath is to be preferred to the partial bath. N inety-eight degrees Fahre.» heit must be the degree of heat ; to be re- duced as the child grow: older. Dun Mama :-â€"I am very grateful to you for returning the spoon. I thought they were too vood {or you when I sent them to you n A wedding resent, and it is houeat for you talent! t em buck. You", ed, 00 thet it wee iltogether lmpoulhle to tell from whom this pertlouhu‘ eat of Ipoone hed come. The epoone trevelled once more to e hymenenl eltu', and the lady who eent them heard nothing About them (or eev~ lerel deye. Then ehe received the following otter :â€" the t tend loan 0! them to her whozlmno ! 5 present I Then named to be no objoo . lo 0110 none the butler down to the bunk :11 orders to iok out u pretty one of upon The but or fulfil!“ hi3 m_haion. _ Kong of the among: wgro tick”? A Two-Foot Sea-Serpent. A Panther’s Embrace. Pom'rms Fon Mo'runns. A New York house which ten years ago employed 100 travellin salesmen now does its business entirely y Illustrated caes- logues and correspondence, end its trsde is ahead of what it used to be. Others sre moving in the same we , and in s few you. heulce the drummer wll drum less numer- ons y. Notwithstanding there were already 3'20,- 000 epochs of ineectein the world, of which 25,000 ate found in the Uniwd Sum, Prof. Sim n be: gone and discovered e new kin of bug. A man must be insane on bugs, when 25,000. epeojoq don't netieiv him. to draw my sled next Whit}; ?_" “No, indeed, you little wretch," and she took her slipper and drew out all the curiolity in L2_ “ Mn, is a. Porous plaster good at draw 2” "You, denr.’ can!» use it in draw poker I" “ Hugh D’dear. “ Can I have one The Emperor Frederick bestowed the order Pour 1e merilc upon Sir Frederick Leighton. It rained considerable discussion among Teutonic painte re. Spongiug has all the attractions of a gambling adventure. Should the' cruise be successful, the profits are large ; enough money may be made in a short time to in- sure the enjoyment of months of idleness. And idleness is a real luxury when a man can recline under the shade of his own gaava or orange tree, and have the latest news from the passing neighbours as they saunter along, their fanners (round fist baskets of palm leaves) piled With glowing tomatoes, large, green avocado pears, or red and yellow = peppers, for sale in townâ€"or else chew sugar loans or smoke a pipe, as the spirit moves him, taking no thought for the marrow, which is pretty sure to be sunn and balmy as to-day. Dwellers in the dar and sombre north can hardly realiza the charm and joy- onsness that seem to radiate from earth and air in the lotus-eating southern climes. The more sense of existence becomes in itself a happiness; one can understand what ani- mals probably feel in pleasant pastures on brilliant days. Then, as the sun sinks down- ward, the golden heaven glows over a re- joicing earth, flushing every moment into richer beauty beneath the departing rays, while rosy beams of light streaming up. ward like so many auroras, is a singular and very beautiful efl'ect often to be seen in a Bahama sunset. When the sun has set new beauties appear, every bush and tussock be- coming alive with thousands of fireflies; and when a silvery-green moon rises in the calm, deep, sapphire sly, it is difficult to decide whether night or day be the more full of loveliness. Besides the fireflies, a fire beetle â€"-one of the elytraâ€"is a singular insect with a brilliant green phosphorescent light proceedin from two round spots on the thorax, Mfiled to which, when excited, the insect has the power to emit a regular blaze of light from the segments of the abdomen, of such brilliancy that one can read by its light. In Cuba ladies fasten these elytra, as ornaments, in their hair, or let them flash beneath the folds of tulle dresses. Directly the heads of two alligators part- ed the reeds near where Jose lay motion- less. For a time these were also motionless asan Oriental study in bronze. Then the bodies followed, slowly and cautiously at first, but soon with incredible rapidity they moved upon Jose. I believe I was never so apprehensive and excited in my life. “ Silence l" hissed Don Manuel. Instantly one flopped about, scampered to the land-edge and whisked himself into the bayou. But the other, with snappin eyes and quivering jaws, was bent on aving Cuban meat for breakfast. In another instant he was at J ose‘s side. The latter bounded into the air like a rub- ber ball. Flinging his canvas hat into the alligatcr's jaws, which snapped and crunch- ed it hideously, the quebrahacha stick whiscled through a wide air-circle and deo scended with a crash into the reptile’s skull. Before its first quiver and sprawl Joe’s machete was through its shoulder a foot into the solid soil beneath, and the bull alligator, seventeen feet in length, was dead. Three alligators were despatohedin this remarkable way. The dose kept oloee to our home' heels, and when we belted and tied, the letter muched clone end ellent beelde them. 1 had noticed Joee nt work u u some old pieces of blackened cenvu. Vhen we die- mounted he removed his eombrero and put one of theme upon his head, placing others in the waist of hie blouse. “ Come,” said Don Manuel, “ we will show you how harmless alligators are when you know them, and what a simple thing it is for Cubans to kill them !" Moving stealthilv along the edge of the lagoon, we suddenly heard here, there, be- yond, and again as if all about us, heavy splashes into the water, and the quick par? ing and subsequent trembling of countless swaths of mods showed where unwieldy ob- jects had made startled passages. \Ve were among a school of alligators. The silence of the local“ wee somahing wonderful, eeye Edger L. Â¥ alumna in the 85. Louis Republican. Strange birdl, with long, geunt bodies and trailing loge, circled dolor-curly above. Not e ripple broke upon the eurfeoe of the eumy bnyuuu. The reed- were “night and etill. The grue mou wu motionleu in the ehedowe. J one had a tremendous quebrahoehn clumped stick as large, almost. a: bee Ind quite on strong as a crowbar, in his end. At a word from Don Manuel he glided for- ward and flung himself in o reclining glow ture on a firm bit of ground, perhepl ty feet from the edge of the lagoon, while the Don and myselt hid in the edge of the jungle 1103} many? "We'll; Vmaybe seven! thousand within aaquue mile," answered the' Don,_ooynplaoeptly. An almost unendursblo silence of pain-alga half an hour ensued. Then gentle - ings among the reeds were heard. hose were shortly followed by many soft, hslf~ wnlsbledgrnntings. Thou were tiJea with .u manner of lux- urhnt {topic vegetation and roads “ml!“- to tho» from which theGuinu valley mm in nume, inter. ported at Intern]: with stretches of wilu «no. Hero 3nd than drift. of moss clung from mum of gigantic "93' to'Ehe very gurfacopt the Itill lagogu. We 1nd ruched tho Sm Jun river. sud following in oouue for 3 upid ride of 3 (low on or more miles, «mo to a series 0! wide, low luyouu, or lagoons, which let buck from themgivor in logic} glncgq fol: ynllol. 'on'iltowi: £101:de Life in the Bahamas. A School of Allluaton.

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