"EVERV THURSDAY MORPING- First-'class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar well supplied with the choic~ west liquors and cigars. ‘Bus to and from all ‘l‘rains and every convenience for the “travel- ling public. ‘ELDUN HOUSE, Woodville, '1‘. EDWARDS, . - pm; This House is situate in the centre of the ‘bnsiness portion of the Village, and has re- cently been refitted and refurnished, and is ’therefore must suitabic for commercial men ‘and the public generally. The Bar is sup- plied with the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Gnod Stables and attentive Hostler. Inspector of \Veights and Measures County -of Victoria. Auctioneer, Land and General Agent. Debts and Rents collected. 1 :NORTHERN HOTEL, \Voodville, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. EELANDS l'EN'l'LANI), Dentists, N LINDSAY, - ONTA Rm. Onccftlm above will be at Hamilton‘s '1lotel,.'icavcrtun, on the SECOND MUN. DAY 0f each mnnth. He will 3’30 visit '\V'oo‘l\'lllc (m the Sccnull TUESDAY of each mmnth, stopping at Mcl’hcl'aon's Hotel. d. NRRI.A.\'I)S, l..l .3. I JUS. PENTLAND, LJ‘LS. PRACTICAL Aannacr, anozn AN!) Cor:- “Micron. P18!“ and Speciï¬cations made an the shortust. notice. Estimates given for all :kinds nf wurk, on reasonable terms. Heat- ing and Vientllation of Churches and School lluaacs a. specialty. King Street, \Vuud- ville. 37 SL‘BSCIHPTmNâ€"-~()nly ()anullnr at year, Strictly in AIIGIHICE'5. ADVBI'TISIN(_:â€"â€"â€"Yem'l_v Advertisements charged qnatterly; "l‘rannienb Ad- vertisements, when ordered. Clerk 131: and 7th Division Courts County Victoria. Clerk Township of Eldon. Sce- r'otury Eldon B. A. Societv. Agent P. B. '6‘. Company. Convoyancer, Commisswnor in Queen’s Bench. ‘ HUDSPETII BARRON, Barristers, c., c. Ofï¬ce-Kent St., Lindsay. ADAM HUI‘SI‘ETH. ‘ JOHN A. I!.\RRON. Eizrufcsmnal 0mm uvw,,w HM, -\’\M".\.\/\ ‘MM. A. SH VERWOOD, J. P. G EORGE WI LLIS M'I'LLA R, J... HAL WARD BROS‘ BRIOELAYERS, I’LASTE [119195 AND MASONS (0c. HAIR-DRESSING, SHAVING in the latest styles, at the “Parlor" 0mm» site the: Northern Hotel. \Vnudville. Sash and Door Factory 'I he subscribers have now got thu’r Factory ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style and are prepared tn furnish anything that may be entrusted to than in the shape of HAIR-DRESSING, 850 SASH.DOORS. AND BLINDS I’USI'l‘lVlEIX CUREI) All sufferers from this (ll-HUI!!!†that are anxious to In: cnrvcl Slll‘llld tr ' l)ll. K [SS- .l\l“.l{'S (.‘l‘ll.Elill.-\'I'l'}l) CUISUMP'I‘IVE POW “HRS. 'l‘licsv powders are the only wcpamtion known that will cure Consmnp- tiun and all diseases of the throat and Lungs â€"-~in«l«-ul, sn strum; is our faith in them, and .1180 tn CUIIVlIh‘u )ml that tlwy are no lnun- lmg, Wu will fnrwnrd to (every sullcrcr, lvy mail, pmt will, a free trial lmx. Henderson 8: Gave. \vu.(l1|ll‘l: want your money until you are perfectly Bfltlflllvl‘ of their curative pmvers. ll' yuur Me is Worth saving. don’t delay in giving tin-so l,’uw<lcrs a trial, as they will surely mm: yun. Pn'lw. fun2 lnrqc 1m $3.0", sent to any part ofthc United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, ASH ROBBINS. 90.1â€- 360 Fulton' Street, Brcoklyn, NVY. PLANING, MATCHING, MOULDING, SCROLL S :\ WIN†«:0. on short nutice and nt'uuttom )ricvs. Also shingles and umber for sale cheap. Ki My ‘Sti'vcf, COMMONS AND BUILBWB 1510K, D. POWELL, CONSUMPTION PLAFME‘JG MILL “ E5113 gamma," 3311,3111?†(Earï¬ï¬. 5130191 @nrag. \\'u() I) VI I41 .1!) A SPEC! A LTY. Md} 1' msie Bros. Is prvpmcd to do lfl PU “1.1811 ED SHAMI’OOIN'G, )- NT) "'nml "NIP. DY I'll NC, Pr 0 priet o r c., C. \VATCHMAKER PHOTOGRAPHER. ONE noon WEST OF NORTHERN ROTH. woom'ILLE, ONTARIO. Music Lessons on the Grgan At her residence on King St†next door to Mr. McSweyu’ s. Pupils can he attended at them 0\\n residence if required. Ofï¬ce on King Streï¬t, or orders can be left at Tm; ADVOCATE Oï¬ico. ,‘ ONEY TO LOAN on FARM PI‘O- Bl PERTY, £01 a. term of years, at a rea- sonablo rate of interest. w Mortgages and Municipal Debuntures bough}. _Apply to Agent London and Canadian Loan 6: Agency Compa1_|_y_, LIVER‘Y! W. A. SILVERWOOD, 1*IEN RY EDWA RDS is â€(spared to sup- ply LIVERY RIGS it any time and on the shortest notice. Special Attention given to Commercial "l‘mvellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS CASH. Sta- bles in connection with the Eldon House. cure for Hard. Times. If you want money to buy more land, to [my otf a mortgage or other debts, we Would iMiYiSL’ you to see the reduced terms of the Canada Permanent loan and Savings Com- pany. which has made mose‘loans to farmers for the last twentwthree years than any other You can get any time you want to repay, up to 20 years, 'I he full amount of the lnan is advanced, no deduction being mm‘u- for commission, payments in advance or cxpenccs. For further particulars apply to 01- 1 [CLâ€"-â€" ’One door east of Post Ofï¬ce, WWMWWWM v- N. S. SHERMAN, ï¬iatiegery, School Supplies Firstdnor east of Northem Hotel, \Voud- ville, Ontario. MIRRORS, PICTURES, FRAMES, Snead House I’nrulishvings, L. I(. C. 8., ELINBURGN. (LICENTIAI‘E ROYAL commas: or PHYSICIANS, AND LICESTLlTF. 0F lm-‘Al. comma}; or SURGEONS.) CYN:EC()LOGY-â€"-(hiseases peculiar to 'Wmnun) practiced in Hospitals exclusively (luVuCed to Diseases of Women in London and lwlin'lmrgh made A SPECIALTY. PROF. LISTER'S Appliances and appar- at as fur the Antiseptic System 0! 'lreaunent 10W adopted by all the leading Surgeons of Eurupc on hand. N. I}. â€"-Dr. McKay s vmied and extensiIe experience in the Hospitals of England and Scotlandâ€"Aim {om Diplnmns whit II he holds fInm the heat Colic}, 'es of the Mother Coun- in}! in addition to his Canadian chrcem should he a. sure guarantee of his efï¬ciency. air PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ANu Am 1 HTCH EUR. J01] N McTAGGART, Kirkï¬uld, ; Commissioner in B. R., Conveyancer. Agent-(for the LANCASIURE FIRE LIFE INSURANCE ('0. Capital, $10,- 000,000. Appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan Savings Company. MUNIGY 'l‘U LOAN at. a luw rate of interest and on easy terms of payment to suit borrowers. The STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO. Authorized capital, $3,000,000. 'l‘h.-. HULATED RISK an mmmn’s Fl 1‘: L: INsuuANcE (:0. Capital, $600,000 ’12.: ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURA SUN 00., of London, 011%. A want for the sale of the celobrntcd “ILSUN A., and LOCKMAN SIHHNG MACHINES. ' H - MISS H. G. STOTT ()fliccâ€"â€"King-st., \Voodvillcfl VOL. III. LAND and General Agent. J. s. LEEDHAM, no H. CAMPBELL, BOUNTY AUGTIONEER TERMS MODERATE“ Mu'KAY, M. D., L. R. C. P. and THE ADVOCATE. Money to Loan.‘ COUNTY AUCTIONEER. is now prepared to give HENRY EDWARD 5513.. WOODVILLE, ONT. \V’ODVIIILE DUN. CA'MPBE‘LIS, JNO. C. GILCHRIS’I‘. WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1879 WoonvxLLE, ONT 106 (Iu a recent number of The Nursery, the following little poem was published by Emily Carter. in which one branch, at least, of Phrenology is very naturally and pleasantly illustrated. ) Now tell_me, mx own lyxby-aister, un- What lmuips 'do you lï¬ml on uiy head? You’ve felt it all over so wisely, ' With your little soft ï¬ngers outspreed -! In my brain do you ï¬nd any music? Am I good at a tune or a glee? Or is it your private opinion I never a singer shall be ? Can I fight? Can I cipher? 0h, tell me?! Am I ï¬t for the pulpit, the bar"! \Vill it be my desire to travel From you and my dear ones nl’er ’2 Now any, little sister : you've studied The bumps right and left, up and ileum Do they bid me be painter or poet? \Vns I born for a Deacon 2 a clown? ’Oh, stop there, you strong little baby?! To play such a trick is not fair : Do you think. little maid, I‘ve no feeling? 0h ! how she is pulling my hair ! The 3130 and. Fan of the Toronto Commission House Company. (From 771': Mail.) During the pm Week or have the name of the Toronto Commission House Company has occupied a. prominent position in the reading matter which‘ï¬nds .1 place under the head of “ Police C‘onrt News." \Volf Simon, one of the directors of the Company, recently answered two charges, one for perjury and one for larceny, preferred by Samuel George Ginncr, a fellow-director. From hints (ll-op- ped by counsel during the progress of these trials at the police court, it became apparent that there was something “ crooked" at the bottom of the concern. Enquiries made show that the whole «(fair was a “ bumble" speculation. got up by men as devoid of honour as they were of that useful commod- ity, cosh. THE msn. 0n the 27th of May the following persons met together and organized the Toronto Commission House Company :â€"â€" Samuel George Ginner. lVolf Simon, Josiah Dar- lington,John Potter and William Darlingtcn. The moving spirit in the scheme appeared to be Ginner, who held out bright hopes of untold wealth being rapidly accumulated. In fact, when the salary list was struck, the directms and ofï¬cers already felt themselVes growmg rich, and were h ppy. First came the president Josiah Darlington. with 3|,500 per annum, while John Potter, as vice-presâ€" ident was to receive the modest sum of $1,000 for his services. “’0“ Simon was required to ï¬ll the trustivorthy position of inspector of merchandise, for which he would be paid $1,200. The future business was no doubt expected to be heavy, sn-l would often re- quire another inspector of merchandise, so Win. Darlington was awarded the position. coupled with that of shipping clerk. For this he was to receive at least " a fair living salary†of $800 per annum. Ginner provid- ed for himself as managing director at a salary of SlUO per month. to be paid weekly. Everything being satisfactorily arranged in reference to the remuneration, the next move to be made was to procure the whore- withal to remnncratc each other. The for- tile brains of the oilicers and directors soon concocted one. A joint stock company, with a capital of $100,000. met With approv- al, for it sounded well. Shares to the numb- er oi 2F .00 were to be issued audput on the market at a fare price of $5 ear-h. '(‘vinucr who had a small commission business, was to be handed $50,000 Worth of shares for his good will in the concern. The under- standing arrived at was that this $50,000 was to be put forward as a “blind" in the shape of paid-up capital, and as soon as the money could be realized on the sluires, it was to be divided up amongst the directors. This also was favourably received, and the next step taken Was to apply to the Ontario Legislature for incorporation under the “THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT I†A VERY YOUNG PI‘IRENOLIGIST. “’hen to the flowus so beautiful The Father gave n name. Back came :1 little blue-eyed one (All timidly it came}, And standing at its Father’s feet And gazing in His facq It, said. in lnw and trembling tones‘; “ Dear God, the nmne ‘thou gn’vest me, Alas ! leyc fnrgot.†Kindly the Fa'FIxér Ioo'ked‘h'im t‘lown And said: “ Furgct-meqmt.†“ Pro Bcno Publico.†A HA [’1’ Y CONCEIT. gouty. EMILY ‘CAR'I'DR. Joint Stock Companies’ Act. In the meantime shares Were printed and a “ responsible†man Was shod to put his name down for $2, 500 worth. merely to give character and tone to the undertaking. This was done, the “reSponsihle" man being told ’that the shares ’would be cancelled as soon us a charter of incorporation was procurred, and that 'he Would 'he handsomely treated for the use at his name. 'Ginner resigned his position as managing director and accept- ‘ed that of travelling agent, at the same sal- ary, with all expenses paid. THE TOTTER. The travelling agent went skirmishing in ’country places for victims. in the shape of shippers of produce, etc. Butter, eggs,pork end such like stuï¬â€˜, were sent in and sold. "and the money was consumed in paying sal- ‘sries and expenses. Thirty days drafts and ‘notes were given to the owners of the goods and they hold them yet, although twice thirty days have expired. Simon either be- came convinced that something was going Wrong, or that he was not getting share for share of the spoils. Ho commenced to get noisy, and to look upon his co-directors as rogues. The “ responsible" man also com- menced to feel uneasy in his mind about the there: he had purchased. just to oblige the promoters. He consulted a lawyer. who told him that should the airy company col lsnse after they had receiVod their charter, the creditors would hold him responsible to j the value of the shares he had signed for. I This news was not comforting. and the "re- l sponsible†man set about undoing the e‘vil l he had done himself. THE FALL. One half day only remained to the “re- sponsible" man to have the application "for i the charter withdrsWn. Finding that Sim )n l was growing cold toï¬mrds the scheme he in. duced that person to accompany him to the Parliament buildings, where Simon with- drew his name from the !application. This wss the finishing stroke, and the Toronto Commission House Company Vanished into the substance from which it emanated-air. Simon then proceeeded to the warehouse of' the now defunct company. on Front street. threw the oï¬icers and directors into the street, and put the key of the building in his pocket. The remaining stock was sold, and ‘the money receiVed Was paid, always less commission and expo-uses, to the consignors. Ginner became Wrathy at the turn of nflairs and had Simon arrested on a charge of per- jury. This case Was dismissed by the mag- istrate before a plea Was entered. The Pres' ident then had a warrant issued against Simon, charging him with larceny. Ginner was about to be called as a witness for the prosecution, but Was not allowed that priv- ilege. While the case was in progress he was arrested by a constable from ‘Voodville and taken to that place to answer several charges against him of obtaining goods un- der false. pretences. Simon on the larceny case. was discharged. Further actions against the travelling agents and directors are expected, but one thing is certain, the plaintiffs will. at the conclusion, he minus law costs, as well as the amounts at issue. The late president has gone back to the business he resigned to assume controll of . the vast affairs of the company, viz., i peddling through the streets small wares, lsnch as towellinqs, hendkerchiefs, combs, etc. A coal but daring burglary was perpetrat- ed on the residence of James Squelch, Esq., Merchant. Prince Albert, lmtwaen the even- ing of the 20th and the morning of the 30th inst. Master and Misttess Sqnelch retired about the usual hour, between ten and eleven, on the night of the 20th leaving a lamp burning on a table in the herl room, the doors and windows were all fast, the pantry window Was raised a little but the veuitian outside was fastened.â€"â€"The burglar or hnrglors in order to gain an entrance hr he the bottom slate of the venitinn and putting in their hand uufastened the hlind, raised the win- dow nud passed through the pantry into the bed room in which Mr. and Mrs. Sqnelch were sleeping tool; Mr. Squelcn’s pants from the hodialdt', extinguished the lamp, took Mr. Sqneloh‘s pocket hook from his pants poeket, threw down the pants in the pontrv and made their escape in the some manner as they entered. The pocket hook contain- ed o 34 hill, 0 8|, about 36 in silver, quite a number of notes, receipts and other papers. Before retiring Mr. Squeleh took 350 out of his pocket book and laid it away, otherwise that too would have gone It is the duty and interest of all wishing: Well in society to make it n rqraonal matter tn ondnnvnr to diacovor and )ring to punish- mnnt the perpetrators of so during an act. No man's prhporty is safe; while such charm tors are at large.--Obaervcr. DA RING BURGLARY. No. 137 There was a IIIIII-riago at tlio upper end aié the Dehoit, Lansing NOItherh Roml th§% other «lay. A great big clIIIp almost able “9% “now (I car- load of illlllbcl‘ of? the track. II a? in love with a widow “ho was cooking {of the bands in a sawmill, and after a. week'i. acquaintance they wore married. The boy" around the mill lont William three calico slIiIts, a dr-ess coat and a pair of white 9 llti~ and sk ppoIl III a purse of about 820. and tilt couple stmtel {III DctIoit on a bridal tour within on how after being married. “ â€â€™llnis cm lady,‘ exclaimed William Al: the conducton came along fox ticketa, "are: my bride. Just splic ed fifty six minuu‘7 ago. Costs 82. but duru the coat ! 8110’ I $7; 1in of the valley. Mary is, and l’ m the rightcgé b0“ er in a new pack of kcords. Conduct“ 7 aa~lute the bride r!" {i The conductor hesitated. The widow ha“ freckles and wrinkles and a tuflmï¬p nosq and kissing the blide was no gratiï¬catioil. " Conductor, sa- Into the bride or look 011% for tornadoes. "' continued William as he rot! up and shed his coat. The conductor Ia-luted. It was the best thing he could do just then. ‘ c‘ “ I never did try to put on style before.†muttered William, “ but I’m bound to no this thing through if I have to ï¬ght all Michigan. These’ ere passengers has got to come to the chalk, they has. " The car was full. William wblked don the aisle, waved his hand to command “but; tion, and said: " I’ve just been married, over £11th 90%: the bride. Anybody who wants to mph“? the bride kin now do so. Anybody who§ don‘t want to will he cause to believe flat? 9. tree fell on him.’ One by One the men walked up and kieeed‘ the widow, until only one was left. He wee asleep. William reached over and lifted him into sitting position at one movement and commanded: .’“Ar ye goin’ to dust oVer that en' tilt the bride 2" “ Now, then,†said William, on he put his coat, “ this bridal tower will be mum' as usual, and if Mary and me squeeze . or git to laying heads couch other-'5 shoal '3 are I shall dam :nd to know who laEed tboï¬ it, and I’ll make him e-magine that I'm“ hull boom mu of the biggest kiod‘ pt: my“ legs, ou’ more comin’ down on the file. N], " Mary, hitch along an’ let‘me get my V ‘ around ye l"â€"-Detroit Free Prue; ' “ Blast your Ibriac, and you, too i" ed the pmsanger. \Villinm drew him over the back of Jhéi 30“. laid him down in the aisle, tied his legil in a knot and was making a. bundle of .hiin‘é just of a size to go through the windoï¬; when the man caved and went over sud ‘ "i lumd. ‘ Willie Edouin,that irresistibly funny - .. « cdian of the Rice Surprise Party, is n . ously nota handsome man. His wifq I". graceful and talented Alice Atherton of tn ‘ stage, is generally conceded as one of tli handsomest women before the Ameri- " footligbts. Fortunately for the two ren, they inherit the beauty of the moth. ‘: heightenedhy'the freshness of babyhoodgev’i while they display in a measure the pro .. , of that force and energy of mind which ’ characteristics of the father. The elder I the'se children, little May, who has u? made her mark upon the stage records: Jenny Wren, in ‘Babes in the Wood,’ "- photographed by Mora two years ago, wh she was but three years of age, in ’ character of a cherubim. As oVer £1": thousand of these pictures have been - nil it is probably familiarto the public. It xi presents the little babe with angels win 5? and is called ‘ Angela.’ As the name of ti! original has. never been attached to the . . . tograph, it has generally been supposed be an ideal subject or the reproduction photography of some old painting. ‘ . fact led to a very humorous scene in N .‘ Haven, when Mr. Edouin was playing _ that city. Attractcd by this picture of . 5‘ little one prominently displayed in the - dew oinbookstore mainly devoted to an. sale of religious publications, the com . i with pride, wired for a copy of ‘ that pietu' of my child.’ The book seller, a man lit ing every appearance of being an excelled exhortcr, gazed at his questioner in Man dismay, and in answer to his look the eoni edian pointed out the pieture called ‘Angela and said he was the father of the originals 'l‘he gentle-nan behind the counter, slwayl, ready to check irreverence at once informs Mr. Edouin that his remark was the con“ trary of humorous, and had a decided tend. ancy towards the blasphemons. He'llu'thill more comlcscemlcd to enlighten the 'ign-l rance of the Comedian by informing him th .. tho picture was the typical representation . an angel. Mr. Edonin agreed with his r ligious instructor that the picture Wee th of an angel. but firmly maintaining that ll was its father. At this remark the hu" ; seller. delivering a warning as to the fin, destination of senders. retired to the low mrt of the store, leaving the angry an imfllod comedian in no pleasant frame . mind. ï¬rst, became his Word had hm (lullhtml; second, hecau 0 his child's us was not upon the photograph, and last .5 cause his personal appearance was so (loci erlly against the suspicion of his being t father of an sheetâ€"Boston Times. " SA-M'TING TH E B!†I NC. AN ACTOR’S ANGEL CHILD.