if VBnocuvac, July 30.â€"A most distressing growing accident occurred here about 11.30 » . morning, which resulted in the death of 7: 1' lily and Edith, aged 18 and 12, daughters . ' Mrs. Hegel, hi this place. *It appears the ‘ : nugla’dies were bathing at Sherill Ratrick’a ' 'Ieuee, where the water is very shallow far some distance out and then it suddenly , ,- 0 us. They had waded out some dis- 7, no. And. not being aware of the water pening, went too far and suddenly sunk. Meir cries were heard and two young men, 0 were some distance from the shore, im- ' telv hastened to their assistance, but are they could reach them they had dis- " posted forever. One of the young men y-‘Inediately plunged down and brought ?1 th up. but was unable to raise Emily lions. A Mr. Gritï¬th then went down :31...†succeeded in bringing her up. Three rs were immediately ’summoned and ":gerything was done to restore lifevbut with- h‘ Ivail. When the newa reached town, the greatest excitement prevailed, and huno duds flocked to the scene of the accident. The greatest sympathy is. expressed -on all aides for Mrs. Hegel, who is at present on a Visit to Hamilton. The eldest girl was very ‘wnfly and had just ï¬nished her education. :40]:th 28th day of July the tender of Wm. a) . am, of the town of Peterboro, was ac- uted and an agree nent entered into he. ‘ Ween the said Contractor and the corpora- fonof the County of Ontario binding said , 1 ~ hector to have the Work completed nc- tuning to the speciï¬cations, on or before 7., ctoher let, 1880. The sum of 84,900 is to {.; fpeid when the material has been placel : i a. proper position on the said roadway.â€" â€,f'oouree the Contractor is bound to furnish ï¬ll the material. The Commissioners ore pot bound to accept of the work before Oct. Jet 1880 but the tim‘ or work must be done {not later than July let and the grchl Work f not later than September Yet The Uontrno- ,tor in further honncl not to interrupt public travel in way of driving or riding {or n long- '91- period than two weeks dying the cull- gitfllction of eaiul Work mpl that font passen- )7 re will always be m'm'i'l-ctl with a safe "i Inn: of oroeiing.--0b.v»rrwr. f. I. The largest ocean [in the world is the Wwiï¬o. 32. The largest sea is the 'Mediterrunean. .3 3. The largest lake, Superior. ‘-.4 The 1m"b rest river, the Amazon. 5 The lnrg, vest gulf,tl1e Gulf of Mexico. ' -5. The largest cape, Ca ape Horn. ' 7 The largest bay, the Bay of Bengal. 8. The largest Island, Australia. =4 0.1118 largest city, London. ’: 10 The largest public building, St. Peter' -8 linroh at Rome. €2.11. The largest hotel, the “ Palace Hotel†_’ San Francisco. On July 23rd “'m. Treunam tendered at $7,300 On July 24th J as Montgomery iï¬ondered at 86, 820. The following tenders m put m on July 28, I). McMillan $9, 990 5 ..V Thompson 89, 800; J. V. ThompsonS‘], {‘95 On the 29th Thou. Devcrell tendered two Tenders received by the Commislioners up Ho the time given for putting in the same: â€" ‘Thoo. Deverell II, 200; Duncan McMillan E’IOJ’OO, J. V. Thompsou $10,200; Thomas {Graham $9.700; Joseph Bigelow $9, 640. “Tune Ireland $9,489; S. Griflin 89. 300; S H Chï¬ltian 89, 000; \V. E. Yarnokl 89, 000; H. fact-don $8,800; N. S. Dyer.- $6,850. 12. The largest steamship, the “Great tern. †13. The largest desert, the Sahara. g 14. The largest theatre, the great opera 3101130 In Paris. g. 15. The largest country, Rania. 16. The largest park, the Phoenix Park In :bnblin Kg: 117. The highest mountain, Mount Everest W the Himalayas. E 17. the longest railroad, the Union Paciï¬c ï¬nd the Centeral Paciï¬c. E: 19. The largest canal, the Great Canal m Whine. “ 20. The largest bridge, that over the Tay mt Dundee, Scotland. “:21. The largest railroad depot, the St. anal-as depot In London. 22. The strongest fortress, Gibraltar. ._â€"â€"â€"-.~q.. W Wâ€! THE’GREATEST OF THEIR KIND. :WMn-mm l'r iIoNRSTK.\'.â€"Iii these days. $13!! the temperance question absorbs so flinch of public attention. it. may not be om "fplace to qvotc the saying of an eccentri‘ $31k!) gentleman, at a VOCUHt meeting of '41“! constitiimim. A mm in tha- crmwl cn'l :jd out : “ What ill m the Liqzmr Bill 1'" ff?» Well †said the candidate. " Minn: was Ill - gopmmonly high last year. llmv was y'olim?‘ ‘g-"Tnl boy stood on the backyard fence. 5|)an all but him had fled, the flames that {In his father's barn Rhone just above the ï¬lled. Ono bunch of crackers in his hand. 'tt’vo others in his hat, with pitcnus accents toad he cried. †I never thought of that !" A bunch of crackers to the tail of one small 4â€â€œ he'd tied; the dug in anguish sought the burn. and 'mi-l its ruins died. The spark-i Maw wide and rod and hot; thcv lit “pt-n that but; they llrevl the crackers in his hand Mud elm those in his hat Thou came a hunt of “titling soundâ€"tho lmy ! Where was he “one I Ash of the winds that for around chewed him of meat and bono. mul nomps of clothes. and balls. and tops. and nails, and hoops and yon». the relics of the dreadful boy that burned hi1 hither’l barn. TH E sDANUERS 0F BATHING . SCUGOG BRIDGE TENDERS. The following is a list of delinquents which we purpose publishing from WPQk to Week, as they come to 'the surface. \Ve Would be very sorvy~to publish the names of any who, by misfortune, are unable to pay then-just debts, yet we think the public should be warned against those who run up accounts which they never intend to pay :â€" “abort-McLean, Beaverton. sub. 3.50 Alex. McDougsll. Gamebridge. sub. 3.50 Wm. (llovur, Gamebridge, sub. 3.50 John ll. Campbell, Gamebridge, sub. 3.50 1’. Campbell. Gaznebridge, sub. 2.00 U. W. Kennedy, (lormcrly of Besyer- an tn ton.) advertising and subscription 20.50 F. 11. Braithwaiw, (formerly of Bea.- vertou.) removed to Port Perry, advertising c. 5.00 l“. llemlcrsu , (formerly of Beavertou,) ‘ Insurance Agent, advertising, 10.00 A. McFadyeu. (formerly of Orillia and Beaver-torn) Photographer, adver- tising c. 10.60 T. S. J. Cranmer, Orillia, sub. 0. 3.75 H. Wallace, painter, (formerly of \Voodville, advertising and sub. 6.25 W. A. McCutcheon. of Argyle, moved to Cooper’s Falls, Rama, sub. 2.50 R. J. Staples, Kirkï¬eld, job-work. 3.00 Names-of delinquents will be removed as the amounts are paid. Others will be added from time to timé. vaauns. do you wish to gather flesh, to ‘ acquire an appetite, to enjoy a regular habit of body, to obtain refreshing sleep, to feel and know thutevery ï¬bre and tissue of your system is being braced and renovated ? If so, commence at once and use the Quinine \Vine prepared by Northrop 8'. Lyman, of Toronto, and in .a short time you will feel the whole system invigorated and strength- ' ened. It is a well-known fact that Quiuine bus beenaeknowledged by the medical fac- , ulty for many years as the best appetiZer and tonic know". And for general debility _ this combination will be found superior to all other preparations. And combined as it is with ï¬ne sherry wine and choice aromatics, ' it is made an agreeable and pleasant invigor- ator to the whole system. The properties of Quinine are a febrifuge tonic and antiper- iodie. Small doses, frequently repeated, strengthen the pulse,increase muscular force. and invigorate the tone of the nervous sy- stem. The peculiar operation of this medi- cine in general debility and as an appetizer, has undergone long and close observation, and it is believed it will never fail. it pro- perly and judiciously administered. unless other diseases predominate of a dill'erunt character. Persons of weak constitution may take it without the least difï¬culty, as it strengthens the stomach anal digestive-or- gans, and seldom require more than one, or two bottles to effect a decided beneï¬t as it ; contains nothing injurious to the most deli. cute constitution. Remember to ask for the “ Quinine \‘Vine prepared by Northrop 6L Lyman, Toronto," and we are sure yet will be satisï¬ed that you have full value for your money. Ger-Sold by all Medicine Dealers. AliTEI’ c. Can-ting (lone toand from the H ailw ay Station and thr onghthe Village at Moderate rates. WHAT THEY SAY 0F ['1‘] A FEW FAC'I‘S FOR THE PEOPLE. â€"-There are but few preparations of medicines which have withstood the impartial judgement of the people for any great length of time. One of these in Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. Read .5 following and be convinced :â€" Thom Robinson, Funham Centre, P. Q., writes, " I have been afflicted with rheuln- atism for the last ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relict, until I tried Dr. 'l‘bomas' l‘chectiie Oil and since then have had no attack of it. 1 would rec- ommend it to all.â€â€"J. H. Earl, Hotel Keep- er \Veet Shell'ord, P. Q., writes, “I have been tr'oubled with liver complaint for sev- eral years, and have tried dill'crent medicines with little or no lmmlit, until 1 tried Dr. 'l‘homas’ Eclccuic Uil, which gave llle im- mediate relie', and I Would say that I have used it since with the best elfcct. No one should be w tbout it. 1 haVe tried it on my horses in case of cute, wounds, etc., and think it is equally as good for horse as for man.â€-â€"A. Mayhec. Merchant, \Vm‘kWorth, writes, “ I have sold some hundreds of hot- tles of Eclectric Oil, and it is pronounced by the public, ' one of the best medicines they have even used ; it has done Wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throats. etc. and is worthy of the greatest contidence.â€-â€"- Joseph llumn, 'l'o-thip l'cmy. writes, " l was persuaded to try lh- 'l‘hemas' I'Iclcctric Oil for a. lame knee which troubled me for three or four years. and I never found any- thing like it for curing lameness. It is a. great public lrcnciia.†u Bin-mun up IMII‘A'I'IU.\'S.~â€"Ask for Dr. Thomas Eclectric 0i]. Sm that. the signature of S. N. "(Yam/{an is pu_thu wrappm-_. ‘mul the names of Northrup 8.; Lyman air-0 blown in tlmlmltlc, and Tab 110 (oi/111'. Sold Ivy all medicine dutlcvs. l'rmc 27.- ccnte. NORTH- liOl’ I, ‘ MA N, Toronto, (mt, Pmprietora for the Domininn. N013. -â€" . clcclricâ€"Sclcctcd and Electerizcd PETER CLIFFORD Express parcels carefully attended to. Falling Sickness PERMANHNI'LY ClTlll‘Dâ€"no humlmg ~â€"lpy one month's nanny.- of Dr. Goulard’u Celebrated lnl'allihle l-‘it. Powders. To con- alincc wull‘ercrs that. these powders will do ml We clann for them, We will Lend them by v ail, poetpaid. a free trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that. has ever made this (“some a special stud). and as to our knowledge thousands lIaVc lrecn perma- nently cured by the use of these powders. we will guarantee a pernnmcnt. cure in every case, or refund you all money ex ended. All sullers nhmlld give these pow: era an early tiiul. and be convinced of their cura- ti\'_e pmver». 115 I’Iico, fur largo lmx, 83.00, or 4 boxes for 3w, aunt by mail In any part. of United States uI' (Iamuln on receipt of price, or by express, C. 0. 1). Address, AS†81. ROBBINS, 360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y OUR DELINOUENT LISI. Fl’ ' I '1 I ’ l L [CPS Y, -â€"-0|{â€"- 3. 50 3.50 3 .50 3.50 Bur supplied with we and cigars. Sample Ron travel on. Good sublr tivo hustler. To LOA N AT 51 v 1-; 1' Eu CENT. A l to ppy “'M. JOHNSON Law Oï¬ice, over W atsou’ s Store. May 7, I879. [127- -3m] LINDSAY. ‘ â€IE have recently put in new mill stones, now cleaning machinery. and other valuable improvements. and have in our cm- }ilï¬y ONE OF THE BEST MILLERS IN ‘ E COUNTRY. To our customers And respectfully-request a continuance of their patronage. Flour and Feed delivered toall parts of the village free of charge. We Guarantee Quantity and Quality!- - gay: an unfail- " ing cure for Seminal \Veak- ness, Sperma- _ torrhea, Impo- _A__-‘~‘.;;: . tency, and all "“5“"? Before T319118 Diseases thatAfter Taking GRAY’S Speciï¬c MEDICI NE. U follow as a se- quence of Self-Abuse; as loss of Memory, Universal Lassit'udd, Pain in the Back, Dink ness of Vision, Premature Old Age,and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con- sumpgion and a Premature Grave. . ‘91 “it-Full particulars in our pamphlet,which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all (lruggists at 8] per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing ' THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., , Toronto, Ont... Canada. 65' Sold in \Voodville by all Druggiets, and by all wholesale and retail druggistg in Canada and the United States. “4-! y rams MARK. The Great mm: MARK. m Epgnshnqm- A N. B.â€"T he demands of our business have necessitated our removing to Toronto. to which place please address all future com- municatious. This Great Household Medicine ranks among the leading nocessarios of Life. These famous Pills urifl'y tho BLOOD, md not most powerful ly,yct soothing on the and BO\VELS, giving tone, energy. and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become inquired or weakened. They are wonderfully elï¬cncious in all ailments inci- dental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are Its Searching and. Healing Propertios are Known Throughout the Warm For the cure of BA 1) LEGS, Hm! Breasts. OLD WEJUNDS, SDRES AND ULL‘EBS Itis an infallihlu I'Ulnc'ly. If eifcctually ulbbed on the neck and cheat, an salt into meat, it cures MHU'} TH HUA'I‘, l)ipthcrin, Brunchitir, (laughs, (Jul-ls, mul oven AS'I‘H .\l.~\. For Glandular Swdlmgs, Ab- scesssuss. Piles, Fistulas, And evvry kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been knnwn tn fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at LIVER, S'I‘OMACH, KIDNEYS, And are said by all Vendors: of Medicines throughout. the Civilized \Yurld ; with di- rvctiuns for use in almost every language. The Trade Marks of those Mediéincs nre register-2:1 in Ottawa. Home. any mm thruuulmut the British l’ossessinns, who may km-p the American Conntcrfeits fur sale, will lw pl‘nsmmlefl. ELDON MILLS. z’urchascrs shaum look to the Label on tho Fats and Box“. If the address Want 533 Oxford. Smut, London, thev are spurious. ’UEEN'B HOTEL. Woonvuu. ' J. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. AGENTS READ THIS We will pay Agnnts :3 Salary of 8100 per month and expenses, 01 allow A large com- mission to sell our new and wunderfnl in- ventions. -We mean what we my Sample ffeq: __A¢j(lreu, SHERMAN (.10., Mar- uhnll, chhigmï¬ 9533, OXI’DKI) STREET. LONDON, Gout, Rheumatism, €810,on unsurpassed. \VHITE BRO. flnu. liquors "\mcrcial A “en- 6412:") Having rented Mr. D. McLEOI)’S lmko shop mu! oven, begs to announce to the public that ho is prepared to supply them with FIRST-CLASS BREAD CAKES! '500 Feet to Supply . with Boots and Shoes. NEW STOCK OF Boots and Shoes GREAT REDUCTION A. Large Vatiety {05‘ Ladies’ Pmnellas, Cheap, WHITE 1 W0 Would respectfully call the MILL now In: THE ‘HONEY’ IMPRQVED FANNING MILL FULL LINES ! LATEST STYLES! WANTED ! Best and most Complete Mill Man- ufactured in the Dominion. HAVING TAKEN MORE FIRST PRIZES THAN ANY OTHER. AND INVARIABIN RECEIVES THE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATIONS WIIENEVER AND VVHEREEVER IT IS BRHUGII'I‘ INTO COMPETITION \VITII OTHER MILLS. C3..A.LL AND EXAMINE FOR CASH on cost, and can consequently sell very cheap. which I hive just. purchased WOODVILLE HARDWARE EMPORIUM CALL AND SEE MY i, Nassgy pram, OYSTERS, c., IN SEASON. m AREHQ @AM PBEML Agricultural Works, CALL AND SEE - . B. MCKYES, in all the And ‘overything in his line, at Reasoun‘ 10 Prices, and “'01an our friends and the farmers generally to all the attention of the farming community to the FANNING now made at our works. This mill is known as ()N EXHIBITION AT It is undoubtedly the TH E Grain Cradles, ~ Hay Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, HARVEST COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. 20cts. PER GALLON. PAINTS, All kinds of Hardware BARLEY FORKS ! MACHINE OILS ! HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF VARNISHES, OILS, ONLY. BRUSHES, a,