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Woodville Advocate (1878), 14 Aug 1879, p. 1

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SUBSCRIPTIONâ€"Only One Dollar 9. year, Strictly in Adaamz. ‘ Anvrzn'nsmoâ€"Yeurly Advertisement-s charged quatterly; Transient Ad- vertimments, when ordered. J. anusos, nus. I J03. PBSTLAND, LES. T0 LOAN AT FIVE PERCENT. HUDSPBQTH 65 BARRON, Barristers, am, ac. fiomceâ€"Kent St. ,Lindsay. ADAM HUDSPETH. ' JOHN A BARRON. EELAVD S PENTLAX D, Dentists, N Lmbsu , . ox“ mo. One (I the above will be at Hamilton's Hotel. Beaver-ton, on the SECOND MON- DAY of each month. He will also visit \Voodville on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at McPherson‘s Hotel. WE have recently put in new mill stones, new cleaning muchinory. and other \1lntble improvements. and luvs in our em- loy 0N l-I Ill“ THE BEST MILLERS IN HE COUNTRY. To our customer: Wu Guarantee Quantity and Quality! And respectfully request scontinnnnce of their patronage. Flour and Feed delivered toallparts vi the village free of charge. , Clerk lat and 7th Division Courts County Victorit. Clerk Township of Eldon. Sec- reury EldonB. A. Society. Agent P. B. 8. Company. Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen' 3 Bench. Inspector of “'eightl md Measures County of Victoria. Auctioneer, Lmd and General Agent. Debt: and Rent: collected. 1 Eltimtea furnished, and contracts tsken for up): 01: all of “3" a_buve work. Materials lur- HAIR-DRESSING. smvmn, EVERY- THURSDAY MORNING. This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Vilhge, and bu re- cently been refitted and refurninhed, and is therefore most suitable 'for commercial men and the public enerally. The Bar is sup- plied with the st bands of Liquors and Cigun. Good Stsbles sud nttentive Hostler. am; kc. In the latest styles, at the “Parlar” oppo- nitu the Northern Hotel. “'oodville. , The subscribers have now got their Factory fitted up in firstclus atyle and-hrs prepared to furnish anything that may be entrusted to them in the shnpe of QUEEN’S HOTEL, Woonvxue, J. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. Bu Inpplied with the but wines, liquors md cigars. Sample Room: for commercinl tnnllors. Good 313wa and ahedl. Atten- tivo butler. nin'hed if required. PLANING MILL AND Sa§h and Door Factory ELDON HOUSE, Woodville, T. EDWARDS, - Proprietor Fintoclus accommodation and attentive aervnnte. Bar well supplied vgith the choico eat liquor: and cigars. ’Bue to and from all tninl end every convenience for the travel- ling public. GEORGE \VILLIS MILLAR, J. HAL WARD BROS. SASH.DOORS. AND BLINDS NORTHERN HOTEL, Woodville, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Ptoprietor. HAIR-DRESSING, 8w Henderson 85 Cave. PLAXING, MATCHING, MOULDING, SCROLL SA WIN G c. on short notice and at bottom riceo. Also shingles and umber for sale cheap. "a, 7. l379. CONTRACTING AND BUILDIND A SPECIALTY. chGlnwle Bros. King (Street, Woodville. BRIOKLAYERS, PLASTERERS A ND HASONS d'c. ELDON MILLS. . $10,000 D. POWELL, Apply to grotessiuuat auras. me \N‘ VW . A. SILVER\VOOD, J. P. “ E112 gamma," WM. J ORNSO‘I Law Office, om Wnbon’o Store. 33115112255 (23mm. ‘Vt’ )ODVI LIJE $0M wards. h preparw‘ ; do IH I'L' BLIBHID SHAMPOOING. DYE-ZINC. [127ij Linux. W HITE dz BRO. The ISULATEID RISK FARMER’S FIRE INSURANCE CO. Cugiul, 8600.0“) The ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN. SURANUB (30.. of London, Ont. Agent for the ale of the celebrated WILSON A. .. and LOCKMAN SEWING HACHINES. omen on King Street, or orders can be ' left :1: Tu: Anvocrn: Oflice. ONEY T0 LOAN on FARM PRO. PERTY, for a. term of cuts, at 3 re:- sonnblo nte of interest. I" ortg a es tomd Municipal Debentures bought _.:pp_y The STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO. Authotizcd capiul. 83,000,000. DUN. CAMPBELL, Agent London and Canadian Loan Agency Compnnz. 67-ly \ oonvuu, 0M JOHN Mc’I‘AGGART, Kirkfield, :Commissioner in B. 8., Conveyancer. WATCHMAKER PHOTOGRAPHER. on can I!" or uomnu [out woonvmnn, onnmo. At her residence on King 81L, next door to Mr. McSwoyn’ I. Pu ill ctn he attended at there own ruidence' I reqnmd. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Oflice, N. B.â€"Dr. McKay’s varied md extensive experience in the Hospital; of England and Scotlandâ€"the four Diploma which he holds from the best Colleges of the Mother Coun- try in addition to his Canndiun Degrees Ihould he a sure guarantee of his efficiency. Appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan Savings Company. MONEY TO [JUAN a; a low rate of interest and on easy terms of payment to suit borrowers. Music hum on the Organ ENRY EDWARDS is prepared to sup. ply LIVERY 1le at any time md on the shortcut notice. Spocul attention given to Commercial Trovellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles in commotion with the Eldon House. rainy, which has made more loans tovfarmere or the hut twenty-thrown years than nny other You con get may time you want to repay, up to 20 yeurs, The full amount of the loan is advanced, no deduction being made for commission, psymente in adnnce or expenm. ' For further particulars apply to JNO. C. GILCHRIST. GYNIECOLOGYâ€"(Diseues peculiar to “'omen) practiced in Hospitals exclusively devoted to Diseases of Women in London and Edinburgh made A SPECIALTY. PROF. LISTER’S Appliances und appar- ntnl for the Antiseptic System of Treatment tow ndopted bv all the leading Surgeons of Europe on hand. A entlfor the LANCASHIRE war. a pm“ INSURANCE Co. Capital, 310,. J. MCKAY, M.D., L. R. C. P. and In R. C. 8., III'INBL'KG". (uczsrmn umzu. comma or mn’sxcuxs, AND ucsmntz up noun. cougar: M‘ scuusoss.) W. A SILVBRWOOD, If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a mortgage or other debts, We would advise you to see the reduced terms of the Canada. Pel:maneut 1:011: end Saviugg Com- MIRRORS, PICTURES, FRAMES, Small Ilouse Furnishings, I? PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND ACCO UC H EU R. First door cut of Northern Hotel, “'ood- ville, Ontario. N. S. S ERM A N, Stationery, School Supplies LIVERY LASD And Generd Amt. '- TEBMS MODERATE. 51' RENE? EDWARD JR. Ofliceâ€"King-st., Woodville. MISS H. G. STOTT VOL. III. J. s. LEEDHAM, RCH. CAMPBELL, ' BOUNTY AUOTIONEER cm for Bad Times. THE ADVOCATE. Money to Loan; COUNTY AUCTIONEER. ignow prepared to give woonvnmm, ox'r. WODVILLE WOODVILLE, THURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1879. 106 We feel hsppy at the more then shnndsnt harvest thst hu {Allen to the lot of moot 01 our neighbours. Every other fnrmer we meet hss s smile on his (we. and sll seem bent on treating themselves by going on the Excursion to Menard. We think, consider- ing the shundsnt harvest. the ridiculously low fare, md the study herd work farmers hove hsd for the last three months, we would be sorry to say mythingspinsttheir going in on Wednesdqy for a regular day’s enjoyment. It will do than 3 hi; amount at good. By .11 nuns p. lone: and insurance of the fire which occur- red at Stoufi'ville last Thunday afternoon: E Miller, lou 86000 ;inluranco in the Wat- erloo Mutual 81200; E. Wheler, loan on dwelling house 8800; no insurance; W. Wat- eou, furniture, 8600 no insurance; J. Hop- kins, lose on etnblee and removing furniture 8500; Mrs. Johnzton. removing furniture. 81m; A. Parka, remuving furniture, 3100; Toronto Nipiuing R. 3., lot. on wood Piconice ere the order of the day, they Henge ebout 1: per week. Mean. Gerrow Henderson and Towke, three Oehun young men, hove been camp- ing here this lat week. They intend to leave this week and go father north. They are enjoying themeelvee first rate, their sport consist-of shooting, fishing, etc. A cricket mtch was played here on Thurs- day, the 6th inst" between the first end 2nd eleven of the Beaverton cricket club. Rein commenced to fell in tne middle of the 2nd eleven 2nd innings which put a stop to the game, the score then stood let eleven [169 runs; 2nd eleven 96 tune, and 9 wickets to fall. At noon yesterday the building occupied by Mr. Wm. Domain, u a black smith shop and carriage factory, on King street, was destroyed by fire. How the tire originated in a matter of uncertainty but it was proba- bly from the forge. The Workmen left the building with everything apparently all safe but five minutes had not elapsed after their departure before I great portion of the structure was «Uncovered to be in flames, which spread so rapidly that but little could be saved. Two hone: and a few tools were got out of the blacksmith shop, and a cutter out of the carriage department; the remain- der of the contents were a total loss. The building cost between 8600 and 8700 and was insured for 8400. Mr. Domain estimates his loss on stock in the neighborhood of 81000, which is partly covered by an insurance of 8200. Fortunately the wind was blowing from the east, or the main portion of the village most probably would have been de- atroyed.-â€"llera(d. The following births, marrilges and death- were registered et the office of the town clerk, Divinon Registrar, for the month of July :-â€"Birth-, 9; nun-ingot; 2; deaths, 2. In Peterboro' for the same period there were registered :â€"-Birthe, 16 gmarn'sgee, 9; deaths 2.â€" " arder. There will be no 4111'" of Volunteers this year, but as soon as the necessary step- can be taken the drill 'shed will be removed fro-n its present location to some spot in the neighborhood of the Elgin Park. It is understood that Monday the 25th inst, will be our Civic Holiday, when there will be it grsnd excursion: to Toronto and re- tum for the low {are of 50 cents for adults nnd 25an for children. This excursion hosevery year been A great success. ~â€" Guardian. Mr. M. Burlington of Emily, had a field of fall when which yielded 40 bushels to the At the council meeting on Mondny even- ing last a committee was appointed to en- quire into certain charges nude against the Market Clerk and Constable June for receiv- ing money in settlement from persons guilty of violating the market by-law. 8368 will be required for County purposes this yen, whilst hat year 8460 wu required 3 decreue of 892 for the present year. 1‘ \V‘ The following is the full scoount of the (0m: givighhoum. “ Pro Bono Publloo." STOUFFVILLE. BEAVERTON. UXBRIDGE. LINDSAY. OMEM EE. and other “portsble property”;uid our ‘cow, which is putured in 1 field behind the Methodist church, was sppmutly blown over s solid bond fence. for she was found next morning on Bond street. In sn sngle formed by the junction of Mr. Edward's livery stable sud driving shed stood two handsome helm-of-Gilesd trees, springing seemingly from the sum Mt» end these here both disseppeered. one having been hrokenofllevelwithths eve-oi the shed natummwovdw Not On Saturday evening last, shout hslf past 5 o'clock, Fenelon Falls was visited by s storm which, though of very brief dnrstion, wss one of the most violent that has been witnessed here in s good while. It came up suddenly from the West ; lightning flashed sud thunder roared ; rsin fell in torrents, sud the wind blew with such fury as to rsise upon the main street s cloud of dust so dense that the eye could not penetrste it for as distance of more thsn twenty or thirty ysrds. A good deal of dsmitge was done gto stsnd- ing grsin, garden produce sud outbuildings; the air was temporsnlv full of rails, boards Loom with the Sham-och heronâ€"so Club of Montml no on the tapis, and it is oxily to be hoped that the wuther will prove 0n Wednesdayafiernoon st s few minutes pest three 3 fire wes discovered in the stable in the rear of the house occupied by Mr. F. Mills, on Dublin street. The steam whistle of Beptie’s planing mill was immediately blown, end a. moment after the fire alarm was sounded. The Brigade turned out in quick time end soon reached the scene of the fire. The stable was almost completely destroyed, and only by great exertions on the pert of the Brigade, assisted by the citizens, were the adjoining buildings saved. 0n Tuesdey evening last on the return of the party from Oak Orchu'd, Meyer Lundy entertained the band to an excellent supper in Chamberlain’s testament. A pleaannt evening was spent. In weordnnce with s numerously signed petition, the Mayor hea named Monday, 18th instant as our Civic Holiday. Several private pic-nice. anti an exhibition game of A most disastrous fire supposed to have originated in a frame building occupied as a liquor store, occurred on Wednesday, and destroyed over tWeuty different buildings in the very heart of the town, Mississaga street, and caused a loss of property to the amount of about $100,000. The buildings being all frame, and the‘wind blowing brisk- ly in an easterly direction at the time, it was impossibleto subdue the llamas; the fireman confining their exertions to saving the structures on the opposite side of the street. It was supposed by many that at one time the whole town was in danger, but luckily the wind changed to a southerly di- rection and stayed the spread of the flames. As it is, a large portion of the business part of the town is in ashes. From the corner of Mississaga and Peter streets to. Mr. Grib- bin's store on the west, aud up to and in- cluding the Albion Hotel on the south,every- thing has been swept away. A number of the sufl'erers succeeded in saving a large portion of their stock, but of course in u very damaged coudition.-â€"-Pacl-el. On Tuesdnyevening the driver of the mixed train bound for Lindsay saw three cows on the track a short distance south of McLaren's creek, and, slackening speed, caused the en- gine to emit the loudest and most terrifying slirieks of which it was capable ; but the animals, though badly scared, persisted in keeping betwueu the mils, and quite an ex- citing chase ensued. The passengers thrust their heads and shoulders out of the car mn- dows in hopes of seeing the fun, and were grst'fied by occasional glimpses through a cloud of dust of the heels or tails of the fugitives, who finally, after a med gnllop of about half a mile, left the track and dashed up a narrow path in the embankment which probably led to their owner’s premises. - - Times. About fifteen minutes to two o’clock “'edneedey morning. : man conveying 3 huge bundle was seen entering Mr. Seed- ding’e premises, end keeping close to the fence, going to the boat-house Where a boat with mulls in it, wu moored. Into this the individual 30', and rowed ofl' rapidly down the lake shore. There is little doubt the bundle was good: stolen at the fire. Mr. Scdddiug has Lot yet recovered his boat. PETERBOROUGH. FENELON FALLS. ORILLIA. No. 139 The occupant: of the mnil sing. in Penelon Falls had 3 narrow escape 0! UN lives on Saturday. During n heavy norm large tree fell directly behind the coach. Who Beavenon foundry nnd Wilhelm hu turned out about 40 tingle mpél known as the Harvest Queen. not [not An extension of the Toronto and Ni j Railway from Coboconk, its pro-mt tori f nus, northwud to Minden in cm at tho ' way enterprises now talked of. Ti. mu ' through which this projected line would ‘ in very incurable to roilvoy construct? , and otonda greatly in need of an outlet mining forest ond ogricnltorol produce. . abort bunch would connect it with thi Snowdon iron district, whilo there on a large qnnntitieo of lumber to be {and f 5 export. The rood, ii built, villionn one oi seven] nilwny orterico intondod toponetratl the free grant district in the direction oi tbl Upper Otto's A horse belonging to Mr. aha-1a Ii rence strayed on to the line of the G. '1‘; on Sunday and was struck by n 1“ freight tram md killed. McNaughton ml Yellowheul, In‘ In from Lindsay, are matched to run. d mile race in the Driving Park. on How the 18th inst... for $25 a side, and on same dsy Geo. Hodder and M. I)!" II run a three mile race for“ a Mo. T will he both good races. ' On Monday morning the driver of e i w trein on the G. T. R. discovered the - e men lying by the side of the treat _ two miles east of Oshewe iltetion. -- brought his train to e stendstill, end pt! 1 the body on board, brought it to 0 . Station, where it wee recognized to be ' body of stid Kennedy, e young men ’ formerly lived In this piece end up“ , month of Msy lest, worked in K Barber Shop. Dr. Rio, Coroner, wee T ified end empenelled a. jury, and the h 4‘ ing fects were elicited. He jumped osi': eastern bound freight trsin at Toronto, Sundsy evening, it is thought, with the? tention of coming to this Town to - l ' friends before going to work in e Ii .. . which he bed received in Kingston. 30‘ ' discovered st Scarboro end put of the ‘ I, When the next freight trein ceme -‘ ssked the conductor to carry him to 0 ~_ but the conductor refused to do so no it. . contrary to his instructions to cerry v , gers. But it eppesrs thst he got a ,7 trsin end kept himself out of sight d,. hands, intending to get off when he 1 at OsbsWs Stetion. but the trein did stop here, end it ll believed thetine‘ w ‘< ing to' Jump 03' he wes struck by the _ end instantly killed. The beck pert d scnll was crushed by coming inoonhot one of the ties end one of his heede- mangled by the wheels of the we. Coburn wes exsmined ss to the mjures -‘. deceased lied received, end testified thet deeth must here been instenteneou. 1 ‘ Wm. Murphy seid thst in compeny e young women, he pessed the plsoe’ , , the body wss found, end it wes not . ’1 thst time. They returned s couple of " lster end sew the bloody end mended msins lying beside the trick. The women would not ellow him to go neei‘ When he got home he told e fellow wq men of the circumstence, end eskedhui go with him end see whet it wes, but ud ed to go end he did nothing more ebout The' Jury returned 1!. verdict “thet i said David Kennedy came to his doeth injuries received in getting ofl’ efreight 1 while' in motion. and tbst no bleme Is ed to the Grsnd Trunk rieilwsy Com . its employees. "â€"quurmcr. 1 The avenge et ndnnce of pupils a PO borough Public . bool {or June WI. 8“ of 3 possible 1005. The deepen running stream that in in; la the Niagara River, which, juet and“ lower Snopenlion Bridge, in seven hind feet deep by ectual measurement. u very short distance to “I. I of the Falls. though M: Mr. J0“ house. nLout a mile from here. it 00!! distinctly observed ‘ ‘ carrying on” out! village.-0axellc. Thursday next, 14th inst, ha been ‘1 chimed a public holiday. The Odd Folk are In king preparations for an excurd by nil, to Hamilton. A lawn party In: the auspices of the Lndiea Aid Society of C. M. Church, will be given on the gm of the Mayor. Croquet, nrcher‘y, and ot‘ amusements will be provided. ' The school rate in Cumington thb is seven mill: ; [not year it was eight a tenth. (tannington Council mist: the Brock ricultural Society by granting it .15. I luv hrmer- hul to turn out Ill huh wotk Wroughout the night hoiflin‘ M And some, we beat, hul their crop! H injured. The norm mm. to II". II over but. u limited area. and only add ITEMS OF INTEREST. OSHAWA.

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