-amill............‘ malixm bluo. "kha’goootttac c o ‘ mtaO’U'I-lv'o'qiculnl g Wheat ............ Midge‘pmof Wheat ï¬Wheét . . . . . . oooooo mack. Mm OV'I‘fO'OOI'ouoooouI. . o. I {over one year old" 'un‘dor one year 01c [may one year old... Turkeys over one year old.. undorono year old vet one year old..- dot one year old. ‘ ~nillloolvlonnu.u- s olland. ........... Cochin China ..... Hamburg .......... [B‘Ihma Pootru. . Bht‘n yard ......... Dhcks.... .. ........ lamb. ............................. Ewes, having raised lambs . ;thiuueason....s ......... 1 Even, Shearliug ............... . ‘Ldo. lambs .................... __ ~ HAAUUPO ind“. in addition to sï¬po, according to time of sheab ing and length _of wool.) of Oxen our. GENERAL PURPOSE. 7' â€Mare, with foal by side ...... 3 .oc ‘ Mares or Geldings ............. 3 Of or Gelding, 2 years old ...... . l 5( one your old ...................... l 5( ’ aged ..... I yearling der on. year old P, two years old qu Ayearold.“ can-0000.... ‘- CLASS B~~Carriage Horses.- ’, two year-sold one year old.. Calf ............. i Mare, with foal by side... Mares or Geldings ........ .. or Gelding, two years ohl. one year old .................. ,nilnal (any Class) Eli’sfld 2, 30m SEPIEJIEEZI / r, We years old one your 0141.. Dalf. .............. OOOItIOoIIoo’ '01. 'Earling. [Mare with foal by side More: or Geldings ........ or Gelding, 2 years old.. one year old... ............. legrling‘ I... Mare 0}? Geldmgm Harness do do Saddle . . [400000303004 IO ton-acct Itu0oooao-o wlgi'te ...... one bushel 2 00 Worth Victoria 8. D. “Multan Society’s D. Show, to bo hold at VICTORIA non STATION, on K‘s. .. CLASS G--Grain. CLASS F--Fowls. IOIOIICInonIoooouoovtoooo-o .0000... Iltlovcoolvcu o.- 'I-ooaoaolnnovuoooooo o III oI‘OOOIIO- CLASS Ev~Pigs. CLASS A-~ Horses. DRAUGHm 3.00.0...Il .IQ I... to. CLA SS C--Cattle. DEVONS. OI..- 0-000- .IIOCOI.IOII.'.loolIOIQI .OOOIOOC|UJOIolo out Oct I.‘..I“....' .0. OGIODIOIOOIOOIOOIOOOIIJI nooaoooo-g. 00. 3.0000 PRIZE LIST sugLL BREED. LARGE BREED. 000.0030 ol’vo 00.000 o... no- 0-0. .000 O. optou-con COTSWOLDS. LEICESTERS. 0.0.00. 0 .oootlooouoooouoo can onoouocIo-on 00.050 £CI| ... to" In. DURHAMS. Coin-~009000... nuaovououtuo-oo go oo-o-oo nacuao. 0". I'cocoo-o. ‘lllooll .. . avatccgg..... do do Lt do do do do do ‘ db .ono'pack do J .d0'_ 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 75 1- 00 1 00 1 00 75 50 76 GRADES. COCO-ll cane-co. out... 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 75 75 1- 00 lat prize. 2nd. 3rd. 83 00 82 00 $1 00 .. 3 00 2 00 1 00 .. 1 50 l 00 50 .. 1 50 l 00 50 1 60 l 00 50 200 100 150 200150 250 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 150 50 000 005 320.. 100 150 150 150 l 50 1 50 l 50 1 50 75 50 50 75 75 50 25 50 25 55 E5 25 ‘75 55 25 05 150 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 75 l 00 l 00 l 00 l 00 l 00 50 25 25 50 50 50 25 l 00 1 00 75 25 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 l 00 7b 100 1 00 1 00 50 50 l 00 50 50 50 I 00 l 00 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 l 00 50 50 50 Oil Painting ..... . ............ a... Water-(101w Paintin Pencil Drawing...................;... Indian Ink Sketch................... Collection of Photographs ....... .. r. Mucus-oi Loom- PremFl-inting. (lo fruit ......... Paper flowers ..... . Vegetable flowers. Tatting...... ........ Crocheting ..... .. . . . Guipute work ...... Feather work ....... Bead work ........ .. Moss work .......... Cone work. ... Embmidory, Silk do Musiin do Cotton ([0 \Voxste BI aiding ......... . . .. Fancy Kni!ting.... Fan-titers Wraith†Cabinet of Sheila†.Pair worked Slippers ..... .‘ .Beflin Wool work, raised do do do hat Wax flowers ............ Rag Carpet. ..... .... .... Rug Door Mat. ........ . Sheepskin mat, colored Ottoman ........ . .......... . ‘ ’ " ' v J do Union ....... .. ...... do Woolen Blankets, pair of ............ Coverlet ................... Uounterpane................ ........... . Quilt, lancy............. ............... do Woolen................... ...... do Log Cabin...................... Fulled Cloth. ........ ......ï¬ve yards Woolen socks from home made yarn \Voolen Mitts or Gloves. ............ Woolen yam, single thread colored three pounds... ...... . ......... Woolen yarn single thread white ,. three munda................... “ Maple augm Honey in Comb ......... Pickles in glass jars.... Jelly ........... .0... ....... Preserved fruits ......... Tomatoe Catnip ......... Flynnel, all wool ......... Fall Wheat flour ..................... I ! Loaf hgmo mgdg bread, notless than 24 CLASS L--Domestic Manufactures. Butter, Firkin of 501bs do Variel G do Crab.. rapes........ Poam.......... Plums ........ Tomatoes ..... Citrons ........ Watermelons‘ Muskmelonsu ' do Roll of 6lbs ........ ‘ Cheese, not less than lOlbe‘ Apples, tabla 'ly aho;n............‘ Collection of house plants do' 'whice... ........ 713'" Variety ofVegotablea not previous- do rod ..... . ......... . do Pumpkin................................ Winur mu‘shOCOU.COOI .03.... OOOOOOO Bed Peppers..................twolve. Corn, yellow.......... ........ six oars Cauliflower"... Cnlzblgo, whiita do â€" V rod‘ Celery, whim do “Fl. “0...... O" 0.. do Boots, long blood ............ six root: do Turnip. ..... .......... do Mun gold Wurtzola, long red do doso do yellow aloha, 6, Radish“, long.... ........... nix mots do turnip ..... do «10' Yellow Aberdeen do Carrots, Yellow Garden...†roots do Red - do do ' do Yellow Field do do While do do Paunipe......................eix roots Onions, rod..................half peek do yellow............. do do large potatoes" . . do do small do do do “DI-nu... ........ d0 do Kidneys ...... do do Garnet Cbillix do do Early Godorich do do Peach Blows do do Early Rose do do any other aort do Turpipo, S_wodo.............lix roots Potgtou, cg CLASS H-‘-Roots and Vegetables ROOTS. ICIIQIQOOIIOIOIIIOQOIIIOIII000.0- OODI'IID on. one. ‘Ioooocloo on... O... CLASS K-«aDairy Produce. CLASS Mâ€"-Ladies' Work. hours baked can't. I"! 0.". - I... on. so. otuooonnouo IO. In. .90 o Cooking ............. ..... 3i; Yarjety of. . .six of each kind cautious-oaooooouoaloh coco-a0 IIOIOOIIOIIIIDCIOO'IOOOC can... anon-o- ........ .... DIDOIQDOOODODOQIO'CCOOI \Votsted .. 000.00.. 00 octane... Iells ...................... _ 75 CLASS N--Painting It...oooatsuutun.at0-oouanu ocutoaouooocooouygoolonoo 9.0... cc nan-o0 a... cool cut-I Ibo-Io .oIIIoOIO ‘oouuuouo D'OCIOOIollocnoaoIOIOO n.0000 ouse plants ........... 75 CLASS l--Fruit. I .iOoo-ouoloo .o. 'OOOiOIOOIIOU can... coco-co. ouoapoc-noooI-ocn . (VEGETABLES. 3000000000 . .tnn pounds ..ï¬ve pounds .. ...one gallon three clusters 0-0.0... . ï¬ve yards do six yards thme heads do half bushel .six roots do ad do aloha, 6, six mots do ' 50 50 50 50 50 x. ...aix twelve do ...two .. . two . ..two ,six 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 7 5 75 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 50 '15 75 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 26 26 ()5 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 60 50 50 50 50 75 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 75 25 50 ’15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 1 00 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 v.- vuâ€"un owl-luv“- Is furnished with svel;;thing necessary to the turning out of good work, cheaply and promptly. . Orders by mail will receive immediate ‘attention. That circulates in the ‘NortrRiding. @’ ADVERTISING RATES VERY MODERATE It contains every week an epitome of the labe's‘t Scotch, Englinh, Iliflll, American and Unnadiu'n news, short. stories, choice selections, and devotes a large portion of its space to local afl'uirs. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Local Paper published in the Province. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 l7th.â€"No intoxicating liquors shall be allowed on the Show ground, nor within the distance prescribed by law. Gambling of every description shall also be strictly prohibited. 16th.â€"All Wheat taking the ï¬rst prize may be sold by the Secretary, at not less than market pnce, and proceeds given to owner. 15th.â€"-The public shall be admitted to Show ground on nenting their tickets at gate ; and to the show room wit} any extra. charge, after the Jud es shall have completed t in: ction and made their awar . The price of .dnuesion ti: shaï¬be 10 cents, which can be purchased of the Treasurer, Heulip, Esq., on the morning of show day. Nthâ€"Should uni dispute arise in connection with any award the Treasurer shun old the prize money until the matter is set- tled. The decision of the Directors in all case: shall beï¬nal. l3th.-â€"No owner of any thoroughbred animal shall be entitled to receive a premium unless a. satisfactory pedigree be left with the Secretary at the time of entry. l2th.-â€"No exhibitor shall-be before 4 p. m. on day of Show. llth.--All live stock must be placed agreeably to the direc- tion: of the committee by 10.30 a. In. on day of Show, and all Bull: so placed must be chained. loamâ€"All nticlos for the indoor department must be given i1111 charge of the arranging committee by 10.30 a. m. on div of I ow. ' 9th.â€"Intending exhibitors shall take notice that the Book of Entries for the show shall be opened on the lst, and closed on the 27th day of September, at 6 p. m. Normâ€"Ethibitors will please bear in mind that no entries shall be received on day of Show upon any considerau'on. Lists of en- tries may he sent to the Secretary at Kirkï¬old by mail, and if so sent must be mailed in sufï¬cient time to be received by him on the 27th September, or they will not be entered. Such lists mug: plainly state the Class and variety in which each entry is to m e. THE .ADYDC ATE ! 8th.â€"-No prizes-shill be paid on the day of show, but on and after Monday, the 13th day of October, and shall be sell by mail, when so desired by recipients, and at their expense. tnblo. “ILâ€"No person shall make any more thnn one entry for the «:30 vuï¬ety, mufwturo; grain, dairy prpduce, fruit or vege. in n “ ‘ cumâ€"ram exmbmng, not in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, shall forfeit all prizes awarded to them, and be excluded from the Society for two years. Kirkï¬eld, 17th July, 1879. _- ---_-- -.... ...... mun-u unvv wvu y: awn ul' manu- factured by'ziw exhibitor in 1879. ' “ILâ€"No animal shall be allowed to compete in more than one class, nor mote than once in the some class. the oxhibiiér: Bo mu. ’2 f1 (For entry, so. Rules and Regulations No. 3.) Cultivator ............. ............ . 2 00 l 00 Souï¬lor.................. l 00 50 Grain Drill ..... ....... .................. 3 00 2 00 Turnip Drill......... ................... l 00 50 Roller..... .......... ................ 2 00 l 00 Lumber Waggon.... ......... . ........ 3 00 2 00 Double Can‘iago....................... 3 00 2 00 Single Buggy......... ............... . 2 00 l 00 ‘Double Sleigh....... .................. . 2 00 l 00 ‘Cutter...................... ......... 2 00 1 00 Wooden Plow. ........ .. ...... ...... 2 00 1 00 Iron Plow.................. ............. 2 00 I 00 GangPlow............... ........... 1 50 l 00 Pair of Harrow: ........ . ............ . 2 00 l 00 Set of Home Show . ............ l 00 75 Specimen of Cabinet work........ . l 50 l 00 do of Tiasmiths work ......... l 50 l 00 do of Cooper: work ........... l 00 50 Bowed Boots, one pail-"..."; ...... . l 00 50 Pogged do do .......... 1 00 50 Set Harness, double team .......... 2 00 l 00 Set do do Carriage..... 2 00 l 00 Set: do single do 2 00 1‘00 Snddlo............... ........ 1 00 75 Qtliâ€"Iiu‘ï¬u exyilgjting! pphnin accordance with the CLASS o--Tools and Implements. QWAJQb. Department Rules and Regulations. -All article: exhibited shun have been grown or manu- l... at- “Jennd ,- .n-n - -All animals exhibited than be the boua ï¬de property of h; Gn- HENDERSON <9: CAVE, Dunn 8, WOODVILLE, P. o. SUBSCRIBE FOE J OH N M cTAGGART, -be allowed to remove any article nitted to Show ground on pre- 1 to the show room without {es shall have completed their 'I_‘he price} of Idmlwion ticket Secrcdzry. l 00 l 00 50 50 50 l 00 l 00 luvsuns,ldo you wish to gather flesh, to acquire an appetite, to enjoy a regular habit of body, to obtain refreshing sleep, to feel and know thst every ï¬bre and tissue of our system is being braced and renovated If so, commence at once and use the Quinine Wine prepared by Northrop 8c Lyman, of Toronto, and in a short time you will feel the whole system invigorated and strength- ened. It is a well-known tact that Quinine has been acknowledged by the medical fee. ulty for many years as the best up retizer and tonic known. And for general ( ebility this combination will be found superior to all other preparations. And combined as it is with ï¬ne sherry wine and choice aromatics, it is made an agreeable and pleasant invigor. star to the whole system. The properties of Quinine are a febriiugo tonic and antiper- iodic. Small doses, frequently repeated, strengthen the pulse,increase muscular force, and invigorate the tone of the nervous sy. ‘ stem. The peculiar operation of this medi- cine in enersl debility and as un appetizer, has ungergone long and close observation, and it is believed it will neVer fail, if pro- perly and judiciously administered. unless other diseases predominate of u‘dill'erunt character. Persons of weak Constitution may take it without the least dilï¬culty, as it strengthens the stomach and digestive or- gans, and seldom require more tmm one, or two bottles to effect A decided beneï¬t as it contains nothing injurious to the most deli- cate constitution. Remember tn «sit for the “Quinins' Wine prepared by Northrop . Lyman, Toronto,†and we are sure you will be satisfle that you have full value for your money. , Sold by all Medicine Della“. E’urohasm should look to tho mm. on the Fats and. Boxes. It the more†mm oaaogtoro Street, London, thov are spurious. And are sold by :11 Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with di- rections for use in almost every lan uage. The Trade Marks of these edicines are registered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may kee the American Counterfeita for sale, wil be prosecuted. The P111: and Ointment are Manufactured only at And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. it in an infallible remed . If effectually rubbed on the neck and 0 eat, as call: into meat, it cures bORE THROAT, Diptherin, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glundular Swellmgs, Ab- scesseas, Piles, Fistula, It: Searching- ond manna onto: are Known Throughout the or1¢ For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, OLD WOUNDS, SURES AND ULGEBS and BOWELS, givin tone, energy, and vigour tothese great A AIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are conï¬dently recommended as a. never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or Weakened. They are Wonderfully efï¬cacious in all ailments inci- dental t9 Females of all ages ; and as 5 GENERAL FAMILY lEIEDIClNE, are These famous Pills plirify the BLOOD, and act most powarfully, yet soothing on tho nus Great zomhom Medicine m" among- tho leading necessaries 0: Lite. 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, N. B.â€"â€"The demands of our bnehmvhiok necessitated our removing to Toronto. to which place please address all future com- municatione. LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, - Sold in Woodvillo b d! Dmggilta, and b all wholesale and re i1 dmggnsts in Guns n and the United States: 114-157 ‘71) money by addiéssiï¬g ï¬Full particulars in our pamphlohwhich we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all dru into at 81 per package, or six. package. for , or will be sent free by mud on receipt of the mnnnu l“; nanâ€"And-.. Gout, Rheumatism, mm All-m5 Diane: thntAM m. follow as a se- uence of Self~Abuso ; M loss of Memory, niversal Laaaitude, Pain in the Back. Dim- mm of Vision, Premature Old Ago.and many othar diseases tint lead to Insanity or Con- sumption and} Premature Grave. ‘_‘la II V ‘ new. Spenmr Mmengtency, and all Dlleusel that _follow as a se- , “rmâ€".n -. -5- GRAY'S Speciï¬c MEDICINE. ARTER he. Carling done to and from the Railway Station and the mug htho Village at Moder-to rates. Expreu parcels carefully attended to. ram! MARK. The Great "ADI II much-mm ody an unfail- ing cure for ,‘ Seminal Weak- A 4 PETER CLIFFORI unsurpassed. Till GRAY HINDIâ€! 90., Toronto, Ont" Cami“. 64l25