M Orphan ond Connie-cent Home: M by tho exextlone oi the iota wile of Who]: of Omterhnry, hove I per- It endowment (and 01 835.000. Eighty i are eeeommodeted in the orphm home, women recovering from serious It: the eonveleeeent home. ill Council of tho 11.310de Epiloopni lob in Omedo decided at their meeting M) to row in thoir present position to the Genetei Council, under the at their preeent Bishop, W. B. Noon. D. D.. ondp do preeeted ony "pen. tom the Botomed E pileop e1 Church on Hodgkinâ€: oraenizodp by the late Bishop I’m]: Sundoy School Society repro- lfllh 1.100 Bundoy Iohooll ; ond thou m hon boon ennui-had in .11 hm I ll! flop-"mom: of tho Republic. Icgmmoc has begun the pnblicotion of lath the. eomee to sudden- ft. for th thet. dom mute our loved onee hue no: lo“ nl, lmmortel now end pure; ere lull beside ne walking. unseen by mom! eye; lg m vmglng‘ln guyineypgd, my know our though u ï¬nd feelings. I onflmnut bout. to rad r mourn when we no tom tad 7 '0 an $0 now good and p ‘91 Inoplnu. yo my gating h Inglis]: Inquirer. e Unltuien peper. thet the eilorte oi Uniterieniem emong lurking elessee in Blnninghem, Wolver- pton end meny other lerge centres ere l ehott ol ieilnre. Correspondents oi lhll Unlterlen jonmele eleo etete thet Ierlenlsnt in Brlteln is very ieeble end been losingprutige. The reason esslgned ht in other religions bodies meny oi the I to: which Unitarieniem hes been wont Item! ere now prevelent. mend“ Metthewe. U. S. N.. informs Wt of Minion: thet in e loeelity within recent temine district in Ohlne, e oom- Ilty he! presented e lerge end magniï¬- iheethen temple to whet they cell " The Ohmh." end Dr. Nelson, in e letter in the eeme peper, speeke oi the In, in the eeme dietriet. 0! 000 pereons I. tune by two of the London Society's likened“, who heve, besides. 1,000 een- II Implied Imtheren Synodloel Con- see of Amexiee elosed its hesion et flbtu, Ohio, on the 22nd of July. It decided to publish e new querteriy mege- D. to loan Btete synods, end to estebllsh e nelTheologieel 8eminesy. The Lntherens D Stet“ heve ebout 3,160 ministers, â€emanation, end 725,000 communi- I. They ere inoreesing repidly iron: line Gemen end Beendlnevien immine- u in I growing tooling in England uud In [nor 0! abutting up public hon-u I‘l’l. Petitions in support of the Bill Input}: this object huvo been anon- duuhtod und numerous}: “and. Robust Hon-t, thou whom no one in blamed on whouvor oouoem tho! “In mid, an ant “ million-work I South Atria. his boon'thrown book “moot moblo churchoo seem quite III! II computed with ouch o church oo it St. Potor-npon-Uornhill. London, no to oolobnto ito unntoonth con- ! haunt 8. Tho trodltion lo thot it Md in tho you 179. round Incl quo at St. Bop bio ct Con- boplo, which‘l hoo to: centurion been ulnphut tho tntruoion ct unbollovon. to open our: Tucodoy cud Frldoy tor il 0! on foltho to ottond o loooon tor collating tho dilemmas of rouglono. bound xenon! mooting of tho Ottowo (0911939. tho Bond -0! Eon-sou worc 'Telmege the Giugow Mail eeye : Ipered with Moody hewente «meet- with Bpnrgeon originelity. end with h the knowledge 01 pletlorm efleot. epeeking bed we not known thet m oelebreted American oretor who lamina, we might heve mieteken him I «diner, thyterien minim: meking none eddreu et e ï¬rehouse eoiree." N wonldit do ior England to leern I Item Belgium? The Government oi Iet nemed oonntry he decided on per- no other then oommnnei burial endtheeeere tobe opento ell. Any “my be held in them, eoeording to Ilehee ot thou concerned. The question Ilhll would be well settled ie noh e I II thin were edopted in the mother Government hn Idop tad I b â€mm:‘ on the buginlmquutima. 1; porn! lop-rue n: groan I to nonunion. but req nirol mom 30 one man! cemeteries ulowing the separ- googouon 0! “oh grove by the denomi- Bone became the «pits! of united "1'0 Protesum Church“ have been “at any. of which thus no Epiloo- m m Methodist. The Bap‘iltl and In" one each. Bibles as now __» _ln the mom 0! the principnl Id, t5 ipply to tho Parllimont of for the mount, Act to give afloat to feed connection with ‘ho Presbyter- m then «on (in nu! hour to mull: their burdens. untwknowmspowex? to world or glory, lvldgdjrom our 0mg, _ nu,- Fm- £01090ngyb° 29w: ï¬liééiliém'our'bwn. no Influence my)!!! no influence m min lo flu “his oath huh own ? Fishing 15 an vinoi-fd. m with the rumor, nigh. imuum , don t: n no. 33% bus pone baton ? lap! lightning 7 7 ly_ 0 3685523116 um um 10nd beam reeelve us 1' I. we "not volcoe greet ? THE CHUBCII. I! say they no not with us ? mono. god of late. toll Ill '10: your wisdom. do: your volume. porn. Ivan m hr be and u- . "gnu utopia shove 7 Eli â€" 7307mm ii God's magnum 0! low n u u o! voio'r t "on cloud In slumber from on high, ohm! vlflon. by tho pro-ant war with the 3‘0} in. you. to: :39? m in. 8 Hod of 'tho United Church o! and hat you Ind In 3 new: umon that am“! hnnnn qronturgg. hh belle! on one 0! the doctrine. In question. '11.. everhlting punishment: " The pun- llhmnt of notozgtvea tin in evetlutlns 1n the um 01 entelllng upon the nine:- en humble Ion o! the highest klndâ€"nemely. the lou ot thet lite in God into which those only en edmltted who believe in the bond Jeane 0hr!“ now.†He etaudl equuely with the Rev. Devid MW“, who wee recently dc- poeed. on this dootxlne. The English church Union publhhos n “Moment showing the prom"- o! Bitmuam In tho Angllosn Ohnxoh. Out 01 2.000 churches [mm which returns has been received, onndlu In 641 ouu stand un- lightod upon the altar. nnd In 487 omer innunool ntollghud “ during the oolobn- “on o! the Holy Enchant"; " voumonu," "ooloud vntmonu," and “ linen vent- montl†nu resumed u balng worn rum tlvoly in 24 men, in 141, nnd 168 ; nnd ma «thud pomlon in unumed n bnuon in 1.864 channel. The Eu! of Slum-bury has oddtouod on oppultotho public {or oominuod nod ox. tondod old $0 the work 01 Bible woman In. Imam! by the late Mn. Bayard. Ila um“ his ballot um he: work “ hu done more to ollovlno misery unions the poorolt olouu no bring 714mm _to_ a govp o! “The Bobk.’ and 0! on} bloued Lord. than may or indeed All 0! the mono o! wounding gon- endow." The chief Rebbil end Pmidente oi the two principel eonsrcgetione et Jemnlem hue ieeued en eppeel for eid, in consequence o! the ecucity oi 100d. due to the odvenc heneete in Pale-tine 10! the lost three ycere. They ctctc thet the condition of poor ’Jam in Jerueelem ie moet cppeliing, or they have neither iood nor the meme 0! procuring my. They do not not ior money, but tor wheet, buley. flour and other articles of food. The London Tablet regrets that whetever propxiety there wee in tanner tlmee in deegneting Ftenee. Auetrie, Spein. Itely. Beverle. Belgium end Portugal u Outholio Stetel “ hoe elmoet entirely dteeppeered." In Spun elone in the Government influenced by the Church, and even in Spun “ the Oetholielun ot the Btete in euperï¬ciel end formel. and nothing like e wum eupport oi Oetholie intereet et home or “no“ in to be looked (or from thoee in power.†Mr. Spurgcon. any: the London New, has been gilted by neture with e voice distinctly eudiblc ot the edge of a crowd of 10,000 per. eon! in the open eir. end hie perlect mutery of hie own lenguege in never muted end epoiled, u the for interior style of many highly-educated people is apt home-due to be. by the nneeuoneble intrusion of foreign idlome. But beyond and ebove these ed- ventogel he hes the indeï¬neble power at no flying whet he wiehee to any u to meke it both immedletely intelligible end perman- ently impreuive to all who beer him. It me, be emetter o! surprise to many that there in e 0hrietlen church in the City of Cebu], Afghenieten. But in the Belle Blue: (or veiled lort) end not In irom the Ameer'e pelece. there hee been It little Arme- nie'n ehnreh ever einoe the den 0! Nadir Bheh. end hie little bend at Armenien Chrietiene here been ellowed to worship their God end Sevienr undisturbed in thet ehureh ell through the meny politieel die- turbeneee end edminiatretive ehengee that heve teken pleee in thet city. At one time there we! I eon-idenble number of Armenien Ohrietiene in Cebu], but now there no not i more than twelve ecnle. Meet 0! theee have received beptiem lrom elergyrnen ot the 1 Church 0! England. Fiity years ago the Fiji Blenders were savages and cannibals. Now they are civil- ized and Christians. Eighty-ï¬ve per cent. 0! the entire population attend upon divine worship in the Wesleyan Churches, and most oi the others attend upon God's worship in other churches. This is having “ the abund- ance of the sea converted†unto Jesus. Their zeal and oonetanoy put to shame the lack 0! interest shown by the American peo- ple to the claims of the Gospel. it should be remembered that besides liberally supporting and largely attending upon the Gospel, the Fiji Islanders contribute some 815,000, or more. each year to send the Gospel to the perishing heathen beyond themselves. The Eetebliehed Church of aeotlend doee not flourieh in the Highlandl. if the returne from meny of the periehee mey be trueted. In one perieh in InverneeI-ehire. with e populetion of 1,005, the number of communi- cente in eight. In e certein Preebytery. out of e tote] populetion of 10,403, there ere only 236 membere of the Htete Church. In the Perish of Croick there are eix communicente, in thet of Knock four, in thet of Eddreohlllle ï¬ve. In the Perish of Lochcerron the mini:- ter her en income of 0300 e your for each member of hie church end hie entire income ll 8600. A perish in Skye hue e populetion oi 1,068 end furniehee three members of the Stete Church. The Council of the Evengelieel Alliance here invited ettention to recent merked menlfeetetione of religioue bigotry in Auetrie. The edherente of e eect neer Prague have been forbidden to admit to their iemiiy wor- 1ehip eny pereon who ie not etrictly e member of their family. The Attorney-General e: Pregue holde thet it ie not lewiul for them even to re, grace et meele while e etrenger ie preeent. The edherente of the “ New Church " et Vienne, efter ten years oi unin- terrupted rervicee, were forbidden leet fell to hold any meeting! at ell. Meetings of the Americen Boerd Mieeion were prohibited at Pregue. end et Grez, in Styrie. The Free Church Preebyteriene end the Beptiete heve been forbidden to use eny but the Englieh lenguege in their eervicee, end the undenoâ€" minetionel Bible reedinge heve been put down. There thinge. the Council euggeete, come with at bed greoe from It power which bee eerieted in demending religioue liberty from the late provinoee of Turkey. Polvgmny Declared a Crime. an You. Aug. 14.-â€"The Herald's Weeh. ington epeoisl esye e member 0! the Cabinet ststee thet the object oi the letter to our dip- lometio representetivee wes to properly set forth chsrges egsinet Mormonism. eo thst s public discussion in the foreign press would lollow and make the chergee known to ell clseeee. This object sppssrs to here been slreedy sttsined. The right of every nation to police its own territory hes never been denied. Polygemy hee now becn declsred e crime.snd the Administration bee now e right to reiuu permission to lend to steemshlps lsden with Uteh recruits. The most oleï¬n. p'nruoln of thin uuon :er of whit. out. with whlu In. on Mac I... monmoman. A Bomnnllc Scene on the Beck at 11"“ helppl Iteuucr. It to doubtful i! on, thentre ever (tiered Inch volumee o! romnntlc lndlcetlone u the deck 01 the old time Mleeleelppl eteemer. In the old deye before the rellroede trcvoreed the Continent in every direction. end the West wee e wllderneee. end the fleet. weve~horno pelecee ol the lnlend eee oerrled thoueende of pleasure eeekere to the Heath. It we then thet llle wee e oaronul. and men end women neve them-elven up to the moat levieh enjoy- mente. Mm were u prone to brewle or the eperke to fly n words. Con-plonone emong the ï¬erce an rollicking hebituee ot the eteemere wee Oepteln Welt, e noted duellet. One day he engaged in c controversy with a gentlemen with whom he met on deck. whom he counted 0! storing at him lmpertinent‘ly. " Why do you etsre st me so intently t" demsnded the Ge tsin. “ I em not 100 in st you," eslmly replied the strenger. his eyes mesnwhiie ï¬xed in s stony glue upon the duellst's isoe. " But you ere. six 1" “ I am not.†The Ospte'n turned swsy. but e short time eitsrwuds he hit those stony eyes were upon him. snd iollowiug sll his movements with pitiiess ferocity. It beosme inexpreseibly snnoying end the Csptsin st lest deteunined to meke an end st it. Stepping up to the strenger he enquired, with snppre seed pas- s on: “ Gen you ï¬ght so well es look 7" “ Perhspe so. I never tried it. Place gage. ’however. in position, end I will do my st. ’ The singular conduct of the stranger had by this time attracted universal attention. and whispered conferences regarding his remarkable appearance agitated the little groups of persons all over the boat. In a short time. however. the boat rounded to a landing for wood. and then the parties to the impromptu duel went ashore. The passenger was led of! by a negro servant, who seeming- ly leked his way. Indeed. irom the intense in rest he was manifesting {n the encounter. the servant was apparently more interested in the encounter than his master. But the time allowed 101‘ preliminaries was briei. and the men were speedily put in position and pistols pla_ced in their hands: The word was given. and two ringing reports fleshed out on the sir. Oeptsin West tell pierced to the hesrt. The stranger stood erect, calm snd digniï¬ed. His second xnshed up to him : “ Are you hurt, sir 2" “ No ; how is it with my antagonist 7" ‘- Osn't you see 7 You hsve killed him l" “ No ; I sm unable to see.†“ You can't see 2" " No ; I sm blind.†And he wee. The tragedy was s nine day s’ wonder, end. sll sorts of rumoxs-wele rile ss to the indentity oi the istsl strenger. But who he was and whither he went was a mystery never solved. The circumstances went to mske up an incident in the dsrk and bloody memories which made famous the olden time.â€"Ncw Orleans Picayune. The report that Lord Dufletin will be tranulerred to Constantinople is not com ï¬rmed. Hon. John O'Go‘r‘xyar 3nd family have rammed to 0m“: {mm the Lower Pto- Councillor Campbell. of Paternmo, he fastened to take the position of tax col- eozor. Senator Brownildn New York inspecting the newspaper oflioen and visiting the press clubs. . The Omwn Prince of Sweden. who is 6'11 3 visit to Edinburgh, was taken paddnnly in yesterday. ‘ ,cnwuou. Speaker Blanchet is to visit Paris and sovepnl places on ma continent} before return- ing to Canada. Later advices 1mm Mr. Metoall, M. P. P., who in at present in England, flaw that he continues quite ill. The attending physiolsns have given up all hopes ol suing the life of Miss Julia Holman. the when. Mr. Funoiu Parkmon. the historian. has lent 3 contribution towards the erooiion o! a monument to the hero of Chateauguay. Hon. Mr. Lnngovin returned to the onpitn yesterday unomoon. having lelt Quebec din gamed ut the non-success a! his muaion. 7 It is said that. Mr. Oimon he: been named Engineer for Public Works below Qaebee by the Fedenl Government. Capt. Kirwin. Into editor of the Montrnl Evening Post. in said to hue mepted n sim- ilar uppoinunent on the Montreal Star. The London (15:13.) Pictorial World. '0! Aug. 2nd. contains ï¬ve woodcuts o! Wim- bledon celebrities. led by Mont-Col. Gibson The ygoun Duke De Moray, son of the Mute: of the Household 91 “no late Nap 0 Icon Third. is in Montteal. He is a hand some young man, abom twenty-tour years of age. Mr. Thomas Carlyle has been very ill. Hie condition in now said to he so much im- proved an to relieve the anxiety of his ltiende. At the same time the doctor still visit: him daily. and by medical advice Mr. Carlyle driven out as frequently u pouibl. A maniag e haa been arranged between the‘ eldest eon o! the Big ht Hon. Lord Justice Brett and Eleanor. xoungaat daughter 0! the late M. Bylvian van de Weyer. {or many yearn Belgian Minister at the Court of St. Jamea‘, ands grand daughter at the late Mr. Joshua Bates. ol “Baringa’. " The Earl of London. whose mother. a sister of Lady Flore Hastings, ordered In her will that her right hand should be buried under a white pillar on her estate, in lull view ol the trains which take the Queen yearly to Balmorai. the pillar being inscribed with the ï¬erce device, " I bide my time.†is to marry Miss Alice Howard. a cousin oi the Duke ol Norlolk. whose dnchcss is Lord London's sister and sister-in law oi the Marquis oi Buto. Bishop Bompee. of Athabasca, knows how to hold service in seven netive dieleetl. He has leerned to endure hetdehip like e good soldier of the Oren. He eete nt-Itewd reported to be e dainty dish; he like. deer‘e meet, ortongne. or moose-nose. squirrel-stew. end routed lynx or beaver. end he epeeke with approval of e new deinty with which he mode eequeintenee among the Toneheen Iodine. It eoneiete cekee mede ol lee- weed. popler but, g-epewn. bitter bent". e mm med el-oll end the [tone of the liken fl A BLIND MAN'I DUEL. Person-l. CGIeWflY. In the Marshes-A Brill-h Ito-advance. On: Town. J an 29.â€"80mo Zulu prisoners upon that 'Ootowoyn. with his urmy. are in me nut-bu o! the Umvallua River. where he intends “hung. Two Butiuh columns will to advance on the 3rd 0! Angus and meet at Mcgnabinium on “as 6th. Mono tor the Woolwioh monument to the Palms Impoxialâ€"" Cadet. Uaoid'u. Beaur- gut.†SPEED ml PMUOK.-A way at a recent agricultural dlnuo: made an agroeublo tool of bunnell by proposing tho loan and sentiment of " Small proï¬ts and qulok returns." ox. of " Small proï¬ts and qulok returns." 01. plainlng thin quick returns 0! mm by the landlord woke needed to permit oven amall proï¬ts {or the tamer. The present wot summer is just tha time for a general eleo‘ion: it. would put all Eng- land under canvas. me â€"" U110, Brown. how are you 2" “ Very well. thank." " How are )on 3‘ home, 2" “ My wife lays I'm very grumpy: " fl VIhianlty if; Excelaï¬â€"Bky olo'ud'ed. {with a few lucid Intervals. “Econ." u- Evn Tuna Wu Oran.â€" Whero in the hero ever earned his spare by service in the ï¬eld better then Archibald Forbel by his ï¬fteen houre' ride with the new of the victory 01 Uluudi? After such It gellop he deserves to be Knight of the Bath â€"il only by perspiration. Duauom. â€"'Buu driver (to rival Conduc- tor with inflamed visage. in the course of rooriminalion)-â€"“ I b'lieve yer mother mm 'u nn‘ued yet for I month upside down I" Edison Outdoneâ€"Mnke light of the rain- nut. “ In Fon I'r."â€" Innocent Touristâ€"1' No ï¬eh to be caught in Loch Fine now 7 And how do you support youreelf 7" Nativeâ€" " While: she carries parcels. and whilee she zewe people in to post. and whilee a sheath- mun ’ull give her 3 nxponce or a shillin' I ’ Doc nu) CAT â€"Old ofliceu tell no “ the services are going to the dogs." Can this be the reason they are getting rid of the cuts ? A Baltimore inventor has n patent for a suit of flying clothes. By working the arms the men in the clothes monnte hesvenwnrd. Weterproo! psnteloons and jecket ere in one piece. To this is lsstened a reservoir mule of oiled eilk, and stretched irorn shoulder to waist. To each sun is attached a wing made of silk. with steel ribs. Alter the mortal hne assayed the flight of n bird and ie high in eir, he hoists n soil. A must four feet long is jointed with his beak. and n triangular sell is set so as to be regulated by his feet. When the sail is raised the nuns ere motionless, end the gentlemen in the air booms slong like 3 centre-bonni- ynoht under a spanking breeze. Wisdom Teethâ€"Tho tasks sent in by Ootewsyo to-oonï¬rm his deaire {01' pesos. Museum -â€"Fred. T. Dean, Station Agent etthe Air Line depot in Tilsonbnrg, hes levented to the neighboxing republic, as mentioned in these columns the other day. Dean passed thiough 8t. Thom“ on Satur- day evening upon the Paciï¬c Express bound for Detroit. having in his possession n nil- wsy ticket for Ben Frencisco. It is reported that Dean has victimized several Iner- ohcnts of Tilsonburg. us well as the railway oompcny.cndnshe is not known to have informed any person of his intention, it is believed he has gone to parts unknown.â€" Free Press. Gama Lawâ€"The following are the dates of the opening and cloning of the season: under the game lawn zâ€"Deer opens 15th Sept, closes 16th Dem; Partridge opens lat Ooh, oloeee lat Eel»; Woodcock open: In Aug., closes lat Jam; Snipe opena 15th Aug., clonal In May ; Rates or Rabbits opens let Heph, clones let March ; Ducksâ€"black, wood. grey and tealâ€"opens lat Sept. clones lat J an. ; all other kind of ducks opene let 80pm, close- let May. A men climbed a tree to eheight oi seventy ieet, at Oflhem, England, and drew a crowd of specieiors, among whom was his wife end daughter, by singing hymns. Then he took I rope iron: his pocket and saidâ€"" Good-bye ; I hove mode 3 nice noose. end now I on going to tie the knot. Merwood says that a drop of six feet is necessary. but I em only going to give myself three. I have tied the knot and I cm going to jump." Then he hanged himself. Anthem Dunn! m 8nmsw.â€" A correl- pondent of the New York Herald. writing irom Birmingham, England, ssye th st recently a lending msnniseturer in Bheï¬ield showed his workmen an assortment 0! American msde goode. and. taking up a psir of tsilor's shears, oflered to give the Union £50 it any one of his men, in a month. would produce one pair 0! shears ss good as the Ameriesn ssmpie. We endorse the remarks of the Stretlord Herald when it esyeâ€""Diehoneety in the mutter of tall show prize lists eeeme ss pre- vslent es in race track prize lists. Kingston advertises 88 000 in prizes and the prize list ï¬gures foot up less then 83, 000. I"Toronto offers 820, GOOâ€"in its mindâ€"end gives eotuel I sures much short of that. It the ehow bneiness were not alresdy overdone it might be well to ofler a prize tor en honeet direc- torste.â€â€"Brunel‘s Post. According to a Paris journal an interesting experiment in the use at the electric light will soon be mode. The great csptive belloon will soon carry up on electric light to an altitude ol perhaps one thousend above the city. in order to determine what effect each n light will have at such a height upon the streets beneath. This may possibly be the precursor ol 3 new system 0! city illnminntlon. It olwayl nppoarl absurd to hear the he": villuln in rho melodrama‘ exolulm a the lootllghu. before secreting himaoll in n musty clone: in tho outle:â€"“ Andâ€"nowâ€" llâ€"Iâ€"‘mâ€"duâ€"covâ€"Nr-r-r-r-r-ed - Iâ€"‘m- loutâ€"I’mï¬ou I" whon the stupidest boy in the top gullory knows very well thut ll he's din- oovered he’s found â€"ho‘s found. A Ducovnr.â€"-Mr. D. O. Brioker has in his pouonion a piece oi qumz, which he had onmincd at Hamilton, md yhiohia [lid {o oonmn gold. The plm when the (HI- oovory was made is known to hlmaoll had three Indianl. Ind it In supposed the vein oxundl nbont three mm. 10 It all gold thlt gluten 2-Port Elï¬n Free Pun. Scene, . sanctum. Enter the oxohnngo ï¬endâ€"M Ah, thought I'd drop in to look over your oxohun u.†Editorto devil: “Thom“. not Mr. le rim tho Memphis Appeal and Avalanche." Exit ï¬end. 'I‘IIE ZULU \VAII. Punch. Lenten lun Raul. to the Anaerâ€" Cholera. Manon, Aug. 17,â€"~A (Mouth dupuoh‘ any: the Anne: 0! Mghanilnn bnviug ro- ootved Iomo touml 1mm [tom the Rnulm Gonoul Kunflmnn. he hln ukod mo ndvloo o! MIjorOuvnanul. His answer will be in amrdanoo with Oangnari'a ndvioo. The. Amou- hu lungs-39d to Knuflmnu um all luturo oommuniofllons be um through the Indian Govommcnt. Ohoienil still prevalent ct Cabal and among the regimenu from Hem; come of the soldier: hnvo donated in consequence. The oholan is diminishing n Omdahur. Trouble Ari-Ins Out of the Tax on Funny Trees. Onourn. Aug. 18.â€"Aflt3!l in the Bumps Dietzic‘ 0! Medal Preeidency, growing on‘ o! the levying o! e tux on palm treee, ere l0 carious chat the Duke 0! Buokinghem hll decided to proceed in person to the scene. This nap in much criticised. as k in consider- ed that meet hum he! elroedy bcen done by- the conflict 0! euthoritlca. EGYPT- Be-lgnntlon of Cherlll' PIIIIII'I I'll-alum Onuo. Aug. 18.-â€"'l‘he Egyptlnn Ministry. loaned by Chorifl Pushu on the secession of the present Khedive, hu resigned. Another Ministty. oompoaed of various Push“ of whom little in known. ha been formed, the Khedivo holdlng the Presidency ol the Council. Gosrnnn. Aug. 14 â€"A fearful boiler ex- ploeion occurred on the 14th inst. on the 10th- oonceesion oi the Township of Garï¬eld. Mr. James Gordon was engaged threshing Mr. A. Gunning’a grain. and about ten o’clock. while the men were standing around the boiler look- ing at the engineer making some change. the boiler suddenly burst, throwing fragments 200' yarde 08. The boiler turned completely over and rested on its side. The engineer had a. miraculous cecape from sudden death. being thrown completely under the wheel, but was saved from being crushed to death by a piece of wood being under the wheel; as it wee. he was badly scolded. D. Fraser, 1. Milea and W. Lodgsm were severely scalded. Had the feeder been in his place his death. would have been inevitable, as the machine wae laid bare to the cylinder. Two men- eitting on the straw stack had their hats knocked of by a piece of the boiler. A horse- need for drawing water, which was standing near, was instantly killed. The straw stack was set on ï¬re. The boiler was a new one, and had not been in operation ten days. Hopes are entertained that the injured men will recover. A Methodist end a Spiritualist camp meeting are only two miles apart in Bucks county. 1’... but the religious separation is- mueh inrther. A delegation oi Spiritnsï¬ete went to the Methodist camp with a. proposal to exehsnge sponsors. “ You have no Christ,†replied Presiding Elder Chsplsin. “ no stonement. no repentsnoe, no new birth. no resurrection. no judgment, no hell. You- ellow every men to think as he pleases. to not as he pluses. No. we hue no piece for euoh as you.†A hosted and eomewhst seri- monious theologiesl discussion ensued, end ï¬nslly es the Bpiritueliste proposed to go, the Methodists knelt end began to pray for them. The Spiritnslists stood upright and dis- dsininl. A Methodist clergyman hesought psrdon let “those who formerly preached Jesus, but now dishonored Him," referring to‘ two oi the visiting delegstion who formerly belonged to the Methodist ministry. Be sdded: "0. that we ell present may enter heaven." “We will! we will! " shouted the Bpiritusliets. “ But. 0,Lord."eontinued the ‘Methodist. teking note of the interruption, N“. we know thst nothing shall enter therein thst deï¬leth or meketh a lie. 0. but many shell seek to enter inend shell not be sble." This time the Br‘ritnslists msde no response. Finslly, the Methodists sang them out at esmp with “ Old Hundred." "I: this the place?" she asked, as she wandered down on the barren undo. " where eyoung Indy â€"3 beautiful young Indyâ€"fell in the weâ€: lest cannon and was rescued by agellant young men whom she alterwerd married?†He looked at her carefully. eeumnted her at. square lortymeven. with false teeth, and said: "You. madam, but Idon" know how to awim."-Indianapolie News. A Springï¬eld women recently borrowad eorne eiiver-were of a neighbor to use at a eocleble. end then neglected to invite her to help nee It. The petty of the second pert, to set even, when the were wee returned, declered it wee not whet ehe lent, end celled {or a dlflerent eet. The dcrnend bed to bc ecceded to, end now the borrower ï¬nde that whet ehe received in the ï¬ret plece was bought at e tln-pedler et one-sixth the coat 0! whet she returned. Tho Kremlin In Moscow was not on ï¬re in broad daylight on July 19, u wooden nulrouo huvlng been “turned with petroleum. Bed flags were displayed on the church towers, the cousin was rounded and the whole popu- lnlon hurrlod to the place. but the paluoo run only nyed by great onertlona. ‘ ,. Mr. Ward, the prieoner for breach of pri- vilege. who wee let u liberty ï¬ber a week‘s conï¬nement under the big ball in the tower of the Home of Commonr, had to pay hie own personal expenses. £5 tee of errant. £1- tor the order or commiual. end £1 for the order of release. and £1 a. day during his imprisonment. _ uâ€"r-w A young Divine preached n sermon o! n very diluted character belore Dr. Smith. "That was it very poor sermon. air. you sure your people this morning.“ " Was It Well, yea know God does not need man’s wisdom." "True. air, but um leu does Re need mnn’e ignornnco. __ n! _ III-XI uwu Ill-ll w louvaâ€"v-v There ll 3 wk of demolishing tho Tail- erlee in Pale. The ediï¬ce, no It now Itende, la n melenoholy monument of fallen gren- donr. Like the elm'o! Saint Cloud. it is a. new min. end :5 none of the no“ pictur- eequeneu which use _end I}! flow on give. _# I I‘-__A-_‘ OI uonou wmon .30 um Iv! IIUIW v-u 5-w- ho divorce one oi the Em and Countess of Doom. apropon oi the Indy’l tduliery with Ohntleu Sugdon. the ooior. whom she has since mottled, in oguin boioto the London court; on the Euro petition ior a utioilon oi the analog. uiilomopi. The French enny exlm only on peper; the II to ny, the number of men come“: under the leg he been reduced to the Iowa! poulble name, end compenlel which In time 01m were 250 “tons only uncured mmn am an I noun nvhw. AFGHANISTAI Boiler Explosion. INDIA.