mm «W‘nudvillc gamma, ArIlIIII \Villtinson 483; AlerIl Baker, .403; John SIeIIcII, 395 Flml. Coclmme, 385; Mulnd Rilnnco. 383 3 John PIIIIIell,37-1; William Pronae. 374; Johanna Sullivan, 372; LUIFIIZO Davidson, 370; Isaac PIIlfIII, 307; Adelaide Dnvidson, 365; OIillIIFiIIIIIy: 365; Alex. RobIIILIInII,.363, Euin Adams, 358; JbIInie DIIIIkII, 357- W Atkinson, 353; Flï¬e Mclmnn. 3-;48 IsIIlIellI Flack. 345v; l’lIOI-IIII Gillan, 3H; \Villinm Foul, 341; AllIIII \Inlloc, 63“; Maggie Terrill, 338 EIIIIII 'l‘womIIv. 337; Noble \VIIIIIIIII, 336; Bella RuslIIIIIl, 335; Maggi" Mcl’lIIII-- son, 331; Silas Smith, 32 8 ,JIIIIII MIIIRIIII. 327; Mar-Lin IIwaIIIIl. 326; .VIIIth SIIIiIlI, 326 , Maggie PIIIIIIIII, .124; \ankm l)-IIiIlsIIII, 323; Minn IlilIIIiIIglwI, 323 ; {t!l|i)|I_lI01.l{’))', 31!) A‘USTuLl-A is-excited and indignant over a large aud‘suddenliuoreuse imthe numbers 0t Chinese immigrants; The Golonies and India guys. that- John Chinamanhas-maven been an. objeos of wpnlanfnvorimuny part of Australia, although his presence has been tolerated in default of having any lawful means of gettingrid ofthim‘hin the less popna lous~ parts. of the country/c Even in Queensland he has been enhjected to a poll tax of $10 on landing in-the mlony. The Giwernmentvof \VeetuAustmlin, it is‘tine, humrather encourage“ the em- ployment oï¬Chineeeï¬n despair of other. wise getting: a. sufï¬ciently nipid supply of up ner resohrces, the value and extent of which are only‘just beginning to berecognized. But \Vest Australia is: the corner of Australia most remote from the Flowery Land; while Queensland-is» the most easy of access, .und John is more inclined. to follow imthe-l‘ootstepe of thereuccessful colonial, nnd'renp the fruimofvthe emly labor of thewhite than to -"pioneer" on his-own account. They are entering Sydney. it is said, at the rate olln thou- munlm .week. and the authorities- are. in despair what to do about it. New YuORK abounds- in wealthy bachelors. YouugBennett tries to get along. on the income of“ 84,000,000) Hullhurt, cf the Wm-ld,’. less wealthy than the proprietor of the Herald; is in comfortable circumstances. With his $1,000,009) Henry Bridge may be con- sidered “ eligible.†' Frederick Punld'pg' the actor. is considered the richest man. of his age. Any one who can catch Samuel J. Tilden, with-$6,0002000; or. more, may calculate onï¬bOO a week for,ietc., The Cincinnati Gazette says he “ has an income of $1,000 per day, and nwife would no increase his happinesethat the above would be but ectriflle when compared with the beneï¬t. Rkvonuuomsu in Russia is not con- ï¬ned either to rank or sex. Among tho-victims o£a court martial. at Kiefl' recently, were Nicholas Sschedreen, gentleman, end Aleksay Brecht-adieu. sky, son.of-,an orthodox; priest and for- merl y. student at Kharhofl‘l‘ university, sentenced to be hanged for distributing revolutionary proclamations and for possessing and‘aworking a secret print- mg‘press; Elimveta Koralskaya, gen~ tlewomaurto hard labor for life, and SephiaBogomoletz, wife of a. medical practitioner,. to 20nyears hard labor, .in penal factories for being active Illeflh bars of the revolutionary- party Mary Pmessetskaya, the daughter of an army lieutenant, though not an active menu- berafthe party, knew of the illegal. proceedings of her fellow accused, and- being trled for not. having informed’ the authonities thereof,.was sentenced l List of camfldétes who passed the Oakwood Eutmnce Examination, J “by, 1881. Tliia~list is subject to revise! fat the education Department. 88 candia (lutee- presented themselves, of which number 52 passed :<â€"- to 15‘ ,yeum Iml‘d‘ lkbon in the penal factonies. Sophia. Kooznetzovu, genu tlowonmn,t1ml fdv having a fmhidden revolutimhu'y, \vor'k in her lumsession, was detained m a gnol for three weeks. Most of the plisonors was not male than twenty yems of age. -‘m~v\,\ an mlW\ \WNWVVW WOODVILLE. AUGUST 4, 1881. annoy ï¬Amsnloss. “‘Pro Bono Publico." John Baum 319, FIed Brethour, 3l0; EInIIIa Gi'iflin, 309; [Iowaul Davidson. ‘308; Funnv \VIIllace, 308, John Ibiuundfll, i305; Fwd. Shaver, 298; John Cook, 295; Geome Woodward, 292, Celia UIIIIInIiIIgu, 291; Barbala R088. 291 Hattie PIiOI, 289, Ron éDaines, 989; Sarah Bmleway, 288, Lolli‘m PIior, 28-1, Euphemia FOIgI'I- son, 283; Alberta Small, 280; Thomas Vicam, 280. We would beg leave to correct 1';an typn- graphical errors that. appearadéin last',wuck'e correspondence: the word " huge" should Imatl "bateâ€. and the word “ rull" should ~apoll " role.†5 Second Part, JAiniorâ€"Book Iâ€"J no. QKiI-kland, Jno. Farrell, Annie Mc- anchel-n, Neil: McEacbern, Archie fDavis. Farmers in this neighborhood are getting along splendidly with their harvesting, des- pite the heavy rains that recently fell. Crops have thus far amply mmuneratedthe farmer for his toil. Mr. Malcolm Campbell ‘ lot 26 on 5 Con, had a twelve acre ï¬eld of fall wheat reaped last week which it is : presumed will yield at least ï¬fty bushels per more. Kilrklielll to sell. As he can)? to the Village, the animal became uunmnageable. .nnd Mr. Stewart while (mdezworing to Con- trol it, somehow lost his footing mtl fell. As soon as he fell. the animal assailed him‘ most furiously with its horns. allleOIlld in a few minutes have closed his earthly career; had not timely assistalice been promptly rendered. As It is he lies in a Very precarb 0113 state; but will it is hoped. recover bo- Iurg long.» ' , Mr. Kilmoth Humph'oll n cnmnmroinl travellorlromuear Mantras! is waiting hin con-in John Campbell lmra. J. J. l’lrlmr 51m M. (‘nrminlmnl lmvo- taken a cnnh'not of Ianmthiug Ancl lovolliug- the Victoria Road. W6 are mnry to learn that Mr. l'iitulmrul. Inlay sclmul Mueller. is spanking 0! hmvmu muly going in Culley» to M hiiugolf fur a Ciufgymm. Airs“ numb.» M tho 'l‘nrnnm rup ml Inn been! Immght into- thin udkhlunlmnd, tlu-y all givg good q:_|_li§h_«m_on. 1 Mr.. Burke present owner of the late gCIII‘IIIiclIILel Homestead has lately. erected, a. lame addition to the barn formerly on the ’premises. This Is a. step in the I‘ivht direc- tion, and we sincerly hope he will be able to ï¬ll his enlarged barn with the products of the soil. Mr. Currie nuothorieeident of this quiet community, has madea similar im provement on hissown premises. The last mentioned person’ s barn is now Liuety feet long and forty wide. l’mpnro our voml organs H. MnKonlin from Sam! M, io!now nlnmt starting n Iinging scluml at Glonurm†llu nlfm hi"! Inlmrl {or a trifle {or tholmlmnbnf the congrugninu. Miss Tooke'n concert which came off on Thursday evening last was a mm trout. mul the only thing to be rogruttml in connection with it. was the smallness of. tho nmlioncc who sailed themselves of the evening's enjoy. mountâ€"owing dou ‘utlouly to the busy lemon 0!: lurvust. III? l’iiIlly MdNnb‘I has ï¬nished his onu- trwt inward. tn draining Two‘ 3f our Palestinian friends have had quite A caucus lately origin Iting from a dis- pute about their own physical strungbl'. Mr. Wekaby in u'lmildinz n lhm new: Ipric-lr. house which int great ilnpmvumunt tn our vil_l§ge. . Iiih‘inulliluhrintls Ipoodily rwouvoriua 1 {mm the aovem Idols ho gut [mm III- Alallion ; 3 low wool“ ago. , I First Classâ€"Minnie Kirkland, J as. Mitchell,.Amnie McLean, Gracie Wil- son, Win. Jack, Katie McQuarrie, Thomas McLean. ~ F/om Our Own Corrapomlml. Ross, of'Woodville, and R'. Gnnn, of Argyle. . The gloat progress made by the pupils was noticed by all preeeut. Altogether the school is in a. very pros- perous condition. 8qu oined are the names of the pupils in ‘ the .difl'erent classes arranged in the order in which they stood in the examination held at the end of the'lmlf year :â€" Fourth Classâ€"John H. Baxter, 399 3 Flora Boss, 300 ; Katie McIntyre, 286; B111 b11111 Ross, [274; John Mo- Eachern, 2723; Alexaudm Andrews, 2247; David Wilson, 214; Eliza Eu1,1el 209. ‘ Samuel Ki1kla11d, 14L Tl1i1d Classâ€"Dollie Ross, Annie Baxtm, Limie McFadyen, Malcolm MoEnoheun, D1111. McEachem, Sarah A... J 110k, Kiatie McKay. ‘ Second Part, Seniorâ€"Book Iâ€" Minnie Ditynes, Lex McRae, Maggie Mitchell, Flora. McEacharn, Flank Rolston, G. McAlpine. Mr. Stewart one of our esteemed pioneers has recently met with an accident which might have proved fatal Were. it not fox the timely aid rendered». by\- Mr. Hector: Campbell (hotel-keeper), oï¬; Kirkï¬eld. It gppga‘rq ‘Mr. Stewart was ._lemling a. cow to The half-year] y examination of Argyle school was held on Wednesday after- noon, July 6th. A large number of the patents and friends of the pupils were presentnhus-showiug the interest taken in the welfare of the school. The several classes were- examined by our teacher, Mt. Cathpbell _an«_l> R~evs. A._ Seconéi Glassâ€"Maith'ew Andrews, Mary Kirkland, Katie Fï¬rrell, Francis Daynes, Mary J. MQEgcherrl. From our own Correspomlent. From our own Correspondent: IBGYLE BCIIOIDI: EXAMINATION. ELDON STATJON. KIRKFIELD. GLENARM. A Speciï¬c Remedy for all summer com- plaints, such as diarrhoea, Canada cholera,, 'oholera, morbus, cholera infantnm, sourr stomach, griping pains, and all derengments: of the bowls caused by using improper food,. such as raw vegetables, unrine or sour fruit, bad milk im are water, or change 0‘ water, changes oft e season, exposure. Nomatterr from what cause or in what.form you are! 1subject to any of the above complaints, ‘Dr' lFowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry will- irelieve you and a speedy' cure will be 'efl'ected without injury to the system, It is manufactured from the Win}! Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other in- jurious drugs. For sale by all dealers at Is. 10; per bottle. 'qu'l‘mnt Valley Canal is agitating the people of the North Counties. B u- thuino Gold Wedding Rings at Gunn rou. SEVERE storms occurred to the north of how on Sunday and Monday Inst. .-_J n to work. \Vomen are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large summ. ‘Msny. have made ahtlie business over one hundred dollars in a‘. single Week. Nothing. like is ever known before. All who engage are sur- prised at thewase and rapidity with.which they are able to make money. You can en- gage in this business during your spare time at great proï¬t. You do not have to invest capital We take all bhe risk. Those who need ready money, sBould write to us ,at once. All turnished free. Address TRUE , Co.,Angnsta, M aine.. ’ GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Dehility, Premature De- cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre- tion, ,will for the sake of suffering humanity, sendlfree to all Who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by ‘which he was cured. Suerel-s wiiling to 'proï¬t by the advertiser‘s experience can do so by addressing in. pcrfect'couï¬dence. There in not a more dangerous class of disorders than those which affect the breath- ing organs. Nullify this danger‘ with Dr. -- n a n . e I I ‘ _ 0‘ A: I n _... “A... H' + L Yourselves by. making mo- E ney when a golden chance is offered, thereby. always keeping poverty lrom.your (1001'. Those who always tske ad- vantage of the golden chances for making money that are offered, generally become 'wealthy, while those who do uot.improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls \to wozk for-us in their own localities. The :busineas will‘pny more than ten times ordinary. wages. We furnish an expensive outï¬t nndlall that you need, free. No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly. You.can (16- vote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full infornmtion and all that is needed sent free. Address Thomaa’ Ecleclric" Oilâ€"a pulmonie. d acknowledged efï¬cacy. It cures lameness and soreness when "applied externally, as well as swelled neck crick in the back ; and, as an inward speciï¬c, possesses most sub- stantial claims to polio confidence. Measra..M1Ibum d: 00,-, GameaN,â€"Dk. Fowum’s Exrmcr or WILD Snuwnumw has cured the worst; case summer complaint I ever know. Our little child major one mouffh! not_eXpected to recover. We got medicine from our family physician, but like everything else, it failed until we tried Dr. F owler’s Great Cure~l§XTRACT or Wan S'I‘RAWBEBBY,. which wwd like a charm. and perfectly cured the infant in lees than three days. Yours faithfully. 1 will mail (Free) the recipe fOR‘a'a" simple VEGETABLE BALM thnt‘will remove TAN, b‘llECKLES, l’lMl’LES and BLOTCHES, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growtllol lmir-un n bald head or smooth ‘face. Address. inclosing 3c. stall , Ben. fVmulelf «1', co., ,5 Beekmw St. N... . me'mm mx ~Um'. Dollar per your, Strictly in Admmcr, $1 Outï¬t furnished tree, with full in- structions!“ conducting the mo'qt ‘ proï¬table business that anyone can engage ‘ m. The business is so easy to learn andi Our' instructions are so simple and Iain that any one can make great proï¬ts mm the very start._"No one can fail who: is willing 351w Wumlvillc gamma, at Inweut. ml?" EVERY THURSDAY MORNING .A'r nw-orvwmâ€" ’ If I n (I Htrmd. Wood ville. IO years. $143.20. 20:yo.trn,.895.30. 'l‘lmnuSmnspnynhln M tho and at one): your pay at? Hm untim «loht. Principal mul Inturust. NO FOMMISHIDV. N0 FINES. 'l‘llo Subscuilmr ls propavecl to lend Money at greatly reduced rates ofdintorest in sums ' - of According tn amount. required and terms of imynmut an a Straight Loan 0" Sinking "umlk‘iyntmn. lnamlnmntsru nirod to m- pny a» Loan ul snow in tin, following pm'imln : ; Dnn't ("mot your lnnmmw. J. (7. Oil- uhrint In Alan nuunt fur am «ml ï¬rst-clans In- nurpuua Conwaniua. Farmer'a riskn mkon ERRORS OF YOUTH. iOHN B. 01mm. 42 Cedar _sz., N. Y â€$200 to $20,000:, CHEAP MONEY '!: A Lm‘rzu no»: t CLmavuAn Vkuxoxvxus, Sept. 8th, i876. EXpuuuus rmlncml. I. (L OIIATIIIUS'I‘, l'usmmatur, \Vnmlvillo. STINSON CO. Portland, Maine. 6 'l‘() 7 PER CENT. PIMPLES.. M llllfllJfllllEl) A I: from REV. S. R. KEARNS. {SACRIFICE [lFGllllIlS’ ;5 pounds Japan Tea for $1200 5 pounds Tea. Dust for $1.00 ' 20 pounds Dried Apples for~8L00 20 pounds~of Rice for $1.00 Dress~Goodh worth 45 centa~fon 35 “ " worth 30 centsidQEE “ " worth25 cents fggo “ “ worth 22 cent: {033-18 . “ “ wax-1:518 cents for 15 " “ worth-mgcents for 10 “ “ Worth 10 cents for 8 Grenadines worth :20 cents for 15' Bunting worth 25cent3 for 2D 10 yardsoBrown Duck for $1.00: 20 yards Cotton for $1100 20 AyardsJ'rint fo'r.$l.00 ‘ 3 pairs “’omen's Hose for 25 cents 3 pairs-Man’s LHose for 25 cents SUN HATS,‘PMWIS, Fans 53; NOTE ma. SACRIFICE, 'Dry' (Fromm! ' Summer Dress! Goods; TWQeds. Men’s: and Boys Straw Hats,~ Men’s CoHourgs wort}! $1.25 for £1.00 “ “ worth $1 50 for $1.35 Plow Boots worth' $1.75 for $1.55 “ “ whole stock, worth $2.15 fox-$1.90 Fine Laced Boots wort-h $2.85 for $2. 50 “ “ “ worth $2.40 for $2.00 Ladies’ Prunella Boots from 500193. upwavdé The largest Best Asserteimmlmost Attractive 'S'eck. WeLwill selliai these prices uutxl August,_lst.. m Ready-made and Ordered Glbthng' a Speglality, Dry Goods;.Grooeries, Bootsvzandl Shoes, Glass-~ ‘Ware,.Earthen and China-ware CRADLE ANDLGRASS SOYTHEï¬E, F0 RKS» y HOES, NAILS, cuss COAL OIL, GEX‘GEQQ‘NE MAGEENE 0H. $6. FLOUR, OATMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, GUMSIEALSALT 81.0. The high»? paid for all marketable produce. Butter tubs given to our customer: tofu". Fashionable Bordered} Prints .! masked. Mourmng Prints and Pompadours To make room for cub-fall amokzwe have-determined to sell-utcoat our WOODVILLB CHEAP CASH STORE! READ THIS !‘ MGISN-Tï¬ï¬‚fl 89 wmm 18 ppunds Currants for $1.00 Boots and Shoes! WeJuel fullyyjustiï¬ed in stating that We have . Growri’es ! ' LADIES’ AND MelSSES’iâ€"uâ€". Ladies see our new stookgof WE KEEP lN=STOCK-â€"â€" -AT THEâ€"- OE 12 pounds Raisins for $1. 00! 25 Bars Laundry 803p for $100- ‘Smoking Tobacco 25 cents per pound Chewing Tobacco.40 cents per pound Brooms 125 pants eaclx . Corsets 50 cents per pair Brown Holland 8 cents-per yard 6 Towels for 25 cents Towelling 5 cents per 5' ard.. Men’s mum 50 cant: each Yankee T193 worth'6l.75 for $1.50 , " “ ï¬ne, worth $2.15 for $1.85 Gaiters worth 82.00"for sl 75 Carpet Slippers worth 60 cents for 45 '~ \Vomen’é Carpet Slippers for 40 cents Ladies’ B'uc. Bodts worth $1.23 for $1.00 Ludies’ Laced Bwts worth $1.25 for $1.00 Tweeda-worth $1.25 for $1.00 “ worth $1.00 for 80 cents. “ worth-85 cents for 70 “ worth ‘70 cents for 60 “ worth.50 cents for 40 . @WEï¬BS. 2 Button K-id Gloves 500129; pr. The higheltl price