Tm: IInIIIlgaIIIIItion of the Garden and Bexley BIIIIiclI AgI-Iculculul Societies with the County Society, as .‘llllOllllCt’d in another column we III-raid us the ï¬rst sign ‘of the breaking up of the pm. sent nysteuI of full shows in this county. The apathy of the farmer in regard to these shows in well known and in many places only by II vigorous system of cum vassing can the required number ol Inembem be macured. Such bring the case the usefulnnss of tlm iIII-ItitntiI; :I has cealed and it would lIl‘ butter tII abolish it altogether. 'l‘lIII Luge IIIIInII IIl money annually granted by the: bow I-I IIIIIIIIIt foI this INII'IIUHH ix Ieully little lIIIIII-r than thrown l|‘\‘l|\' IIIIIl could curtainlv be applied to oil. or pIn-IIpIISI' with butter Insults. llO\\(!\’t‘l, il IhIae shows must go on would it IIIIII III- III t~ tI-I- for the various townships in tho lliding III follow tlII- I-xIInIplIsIIf (‘III'dI-II IIIIIl l‘mxlvy IIIIIl lIllllt'. with tlIII Bounty show, or with IIIIII another and lI.-I\II IIII I-xlIilIiliIIn “Drill looking at IIIIIl l'l'th'H \I'IIItlI cIIIIIpotiIW fIII “'II would ulso \H_ I N'\l IlII- II-Iluciug of tin! pIizI- l at to IIIIII t‘II- lIICIliI), A IngII number IIl Ilw III'IiI'h n tIIlIlIIIl III) not ï¬nd cohIpI-ti- l iI‘I'R “‘lllit.‘ utlmrs mativ more impmtmt l IIII- ‘t|\\:|ltll‘l| ptizI‘s which does lint pay 1 Im IlII- linnblt‘ IprIInIlcd in luinging‘ them to the shot. The Nitlook for business in Ontario without being extravagantly rose~colur~ lad, is suflicicntly good to satisfv most reasonable business men. The lumber trade is active, and good prices are be» ing obtained for our sawn and hewn woods, both in the United States and in Europe. Our cattle are being ex« ported year by year in increasing quan- tities to England. Dairy products are already ï¬nding ,market, and will be plentiful, the lmsturage being good. “railway receipts from ‘traliic show an increase over last year, while steamers and vessels ï¬nd it. hard to earn a profit. The improveuwnt» in business in the' United States has affected this province hwmnrably, and we continue to export ‘ much to tlnlcvconntry. The unfavour- able features of business me the too ‘ great. number of people selling goods, the too urea; cheapnvss at credit and the small pioï¬tn' to which shoplxet-pers ‘ are being forced Crop piospects va'y but hon) diflunent reports it, is safe to assert that. the crap will a moderately good one and with fail prices as at pro- I sent. are prolnmed farmem will not. haw ‘ much loom for complaint. l THE Inhabitants of A kynh in Bur- nmh luu’e informed their Govurnment that, an smlure the effects of opium ehting in their city and district, tlmy will willingly make up any of remnant- which may unsue upon the abolition nf the trade in the :lrug. The peuple of Ahynh have. thus art. an example worthy of imitation hy peoples who prctend to sumo‘lhing higher in the scale of civil~ izatiun, while once more is Christin: England rnlmkml hr in. lwathen rnc». \Vhen shall Cmnuliuns see the evil of tho liquor truflic as clmrly us the Burâ€" mesn have seen that, nf t-llP Opium trmle mul bravely grapple with it as they have dona 'iâ€"~Wituess. - ‘ The over nhundnnt supply of women in England, their munbms exceeding the male population by some half mill- ion, has induced thQ starting ofu move- ment; to promote the emigration of the surplus females. A difï¬culty seems to intro arison in the home ties of women lu-ing so much stronger and in their not living animated lw the mnuly Ipiri‘. of mix'untnro The Echo sngg, vests, how- «*VH‘ lllnt women should preter inde- pandencr III u Colony to pauperism at home Tinl umth» western pontion of tlu- Dominion wherethepiepondemnce of the nude populali'm is large, should hd'the Mecca towards which the omiâ€" grating females of Giant. Britain should direct. their footsteps. Elm Wuudcillc iidvncutc CANADA’S flevt tho- “Charyhdisf’ is now Saying at 8!. John, and like the fauuuus white uluphunt, tho question how arises wlmt me \\u going to do with her. \VOUDVILLE. AUGUST 1], 1881 “ Pro Bono I‘ublico." And in prunf‘of this ; trmu: st‘Mcml-nt, we on" furnish nl-l dmnt tmtimoniuls 'rom those having: them in use. 1:0 .mtvmlml pnrchnsvrs “u )vnnl sqy,‘ cnnm mul are It. lor yoursph'ca' and, we Ice] Cullï¬dc'mt ym- “ill be «Mm-l snhshc‘d that. they are all ‘ ‘ they are represented. 3. It. ish perfect cleaner. and chnil‘or. It will take out Wil Oats pert ctly. 'It will take mi!- all ( ncklu, Chess and other luul act-«ls. making a purfct sample of Mmkct \\'heat. It in a must porfvcl. separator. and will sown-uh: nll (lzu lav; lim-mls funn the small and mapkrn grains. H. is very inpid in in mlinn. lt sepmu :s all kinds of grain as Well :13 aculw, nml‘if (mm and l‘uns. nr 'l‘ilmthy :nul (fluVL-r M; I am mixed tug-thermullmt tho-muzh this Mill. they will cmny nut In l'fCully n'pnmlml. It. will twp.- rntu- small nuLsplit l'cna {mm lm'y: l'ons. inking: (Lt-m fwm Ihc rhull‘ in l i must purl‘cct manner. The . llmmy liltpruvctl Fanning Mill nml Svrmnlur. is m Imwlmlgcd by all to he The Best Mill Manufactured Ill The Dominion. S. S. No. 8. Brock: This is one of the re- sults of the troubles that agose between the two sections last fall. and which we pre- dicted would lead to one. 'or more law suits. 'l‘hat School Section No. S. of Brock. has any legal claim to the money so raised we «in not for a moment holieve. The. very act ot incomoration placed all within tlw limits of the village ’nntler the 'nrisdiction of the Vill- aue School Board. an the latter were remiss in their duty in net '\SSel‘tlll'J, their claims to it in soon as the village was incorporated. That the township Council may have a. claim to part of the mnmy to l‘n)’ oll‘ the deben- tnres issued for 5". S. No. 8 ii aclmittc]. and we holievo it is the intention of the village. (.‘mmciltn tendm such sum m snon new the amount (um ‘be navel-mined ; hut théy can have no furtho claim, mu] should they enter wit to r \cnn‘r it, thu matter will be defend- cd to tho utmostâ€"«Ulmnrr, A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUR MILL 13 ALL WAY IS CL’JMED F0 HCNEY’S IMPROVED FAEQNING MILL W e dogho tn on“ the Mtvntiuu of (he ï¬lm: mrv unnmII Ii! y to the above \\ ell kn own Fanning Mill, mm being IIIIIIIIIf.I<.lIIIcIl M 0m “mks. \\ re prcpmcd to give Athalnng tlv T. 8:, N. I}. R extensive alterations are being carried on preparatory to the third rall lining put down. Umnmenc- inf; at the Junction the pl :tforms have been altered to allow of the third rail hein-z plac- ed. In one or two exceptions the rails will he moved alittle away from the platform. Last Week men were busy altering: the Stouï¬â€˜ville Station. Alittle north of UK- bridge conntrncton train has been at Work some time ï¬lling in the swamp, and other. wise. improving the road. Near Uninnville a gang of men are busily engaged widening and strengthening the bridges, in order to carry the extra. weight that will be taken over them. On every hand Work is lively showing that the Managing Uirector is deter- mined tn make this road one of the best in Canada. ‘ 11‘ appears that the township of Brock is threatening the vxllage of Cannington with a law suit- for the alleged illegal payment o.‘ some S'V‘O or $90 of school money to the treasurer of the Cannington School Board. said money having been collected fl om that porfionof Phgvillage forfntjrlv belonging to m Your correspomlent had the pleasure 9f Mapping a few days in this place. The boat. us: is excellent and ï¬sh and game abound in the vicinity. I would advise all who wish to spend 3 pleasant holiday to come here. Tau much cannot be said in prune of the ac- comodation provided by Mr. J no Patty, pro. prietor of the Cohocouk Hotel. I think 1 run sale in saying that it is the best hotel in the â€"North Riding. and far surpasses anything of the kind back here. THE votinglnt Uxbridge on the proprie-ty of establishing a market. remilied in the question being decided in the afï¬rmative by a nmjnrity of 101. A juiut.stnck cnmpnnyis tn erect the necesmry buildings and run the Market free of cost t0 the village for a term ,of years. The basement story will be used as a. skating and curling rink in the winter. Vlcronu CnU x1“ Cousvu. granted 810’? to the Mechanics’ Institutes of the Cnunty, $50 to the town of Lindsay ; 3‘25 each to Fenclou Falls and Bracebridge. They also appr0p~ riated $500 for encoumgcmvnt of agriculture, $200 to each Riding. and $100 to Musknka. WHILE attending a picnic on the share of 1 Lake Simone, and taking a. promenade on} the banks of Beaver river, Miss F. Staback, of Munilla, missed her factiug and fell part I way down the embankment, dislocating one 1 of her ankles. . 1 1333’ Manufacturers of Reapers Mon‘ers and Threshing Machines prefer “ Castorine " Machine Oil to any other. It will outwenr Lard, Seal or Elephant and is warranted not to gnm. Massns. \‘v'. D. Tisdn‘o and J.’“'. Pater- I so“, of Bonverton, who have gune to Mani- ' tuba, were pasaeugers on the steamer “ City | of Winnipeg. †which was burnt at Duluth. ! ' hey lost all their baggage on the ilLfated I steamer. From our own Correspondent. ‘THE people of Dnflin’s Creek wish their Itatiou on the Grand Trunk to ho stylcd by the enphonions name Pickering. 'Largo quantities of iron ore from the Snowdon mines pass over the Victoria rail- way. - There is to be a grand band competition at Ingcrsollon the 3151: August, 'opcn to the United States and Canada. CAsuxn'mx is to have a lock-up at. last. Not before it is wanted. The potato bug is very bad at Oshawa this season. homes are the rage of the 'season at Ben. vertou just now. Tux Mngéou \Voyks, Oshawa. have been purchased by G. A. Masson, for $21,000. Tux-2 township of Reich hm: a papulatiun of 4,385 people and 424 dogs. STORE" in Buwmmnvine will be closed at l p. In, each Tuesday ducing August. ’ \ A W111â€? «‘ VIP-u, Typhoid féver is reported at Fenelon Falls. HARLAS is practicing for the Hop Bitters n lt» .‘ V \_ r :n/.\ x I II»\ C(‘BOCON K. WOOD VILI 103T; “I I No truth is clearer than that Scriptural dealnrut‘ions:â€" “ The blood is the life. i * * * nud the leaves shall be for the ‘ healing of the Nations." Bummcx BLOOD Bl'rucus m purely vegetable. and makes 3 pure bluo-l. renovatns. invigorates, and re- ‘istores the system when impoverished by disease. One bottle, at the nominal cost of l one dollar, will convince the most sceptical l of the truth of these assertiuns. .â€" ‘HE partnership hitherto existing between \Vm. Mullen and Wm. McASkill of ancville has been tlns (lay dissolved by Mutual consent. All debts due the late partnership must he paid to \V. Mullen. who will liquidate all lawful claims. ..--. - “Q- Dissolutiâ€"m of Eartnershiy. Lorneville, March 2lst, ISSI. The owuer can have the same by proving pmperty, paying expenses and taking them away. JOHN COSTE Lt. Eldon, July 5th, 1881. LA DIES, would you be'beautiful. have a clorm compla-xinn free from hlotches, pimples. and utlm' skin disoascsnrisingfrmn impure blood; \voul‘l y-m restore the bloom of health to the pulixl cheek. the brilliant sparkle tn the eye, and elasticity to the step. take BUR- 1mm: 3mm) Brrrrnns, the great blood pur- iï¬er, vitalizaor. and tonic. A sure cure for all forms of female complaints, Weakmss anal irregularities. One dorm-[yer bottle. ï¬eld by all druggiats. T. MILB RN 6', C0.. Union-I Pun: superior to all 9thcr pu auves in strength and virtue. in safety and madness 0 union. ’l‘orou-to. Has no equal {or the urrmanzm cure pf Coughs. (folds, Son‘ Throat. Asthma. {‘rnu}, Whooping Cough. Bram-hut». mad all Lung Disc-nuts. 88‘ Evcry buule guaranteed to give satisl‘acxim. '1‘. MILBURH 8: ($0., Proprietors 'l'cromo. Burdock Healing Ointment should be used in connection with Burdock Blood Bitters for curing Ulcets. Abscesses, Fevers, Sores. c. Price 25 cents per box. _ T.»MlLl}URN _CO.. \‘T O the premises of theundcrsigned. Lot 13, ($011.3, Eldon, TWO \IILC' { 00“ S. STRAE ED. Sou: Anus-rs. Toner-no. (<3. 2 Crï¬mz. 5.3. 295.22%: 2-} IT . We will, selmat these ,pripeS‘ï¬lutli-August lst- CRADLE AND GRASS SCYTHE-’2 3‘, FORKS-1 Y HOES, mum, cuss emu. OIL, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Glass- ware, Earthen and China-ware ’K‘iw lamest Siesmssmttmiamai mast, Attractive Sicck‘ FLOUR, OATM EAL, CLACKED \VIUSA'I‘, CORN M EA L,Sa\LT 6w. The highest] price paid for all marketable proï¬ucc. Butter tubs given to our customers to ï¬ll. Plow Boots Worth4$l.75 for $1.55 “ “ whole stuck, worth $2. 5 for $1.90 Fine Laced Boots worth $2185 for $2.50 “ “ “ worth $2.40 for $2.00 Ladiea' Pmnplla Boots from 50cts. upwards 5 pounds J apan Tea for $1.00 5 pounds Tea Dust for $1.00 20 pounds Dried Apples for 81.00 20 pounds of Rice for $1.00 Men's Cobourga worth Sl.25 for $1.00 “ “ worth $1 50 for $1135 [Summer Dress Goods, Tweeds’. Men’s and Boys Straw Hats, 20 yards Print for $1.00 3 pairs \Vomen's Hose for ‘25 cents 3 pairs Men's k Hose for 25 cents Dress Goods worth 45 cents for 35 “ “ warth 3|) cents for 25 “ “ worth 25 cents for 20 > “ “ worth 22 centa for 18 “ “ worth 18 cents for 15 “ “ worth 12; cents for 10 “ “ Worth 10 cents for S Grenadine worth ‘20 ctnts for 15 Bunting worth 25centx for 20 10 yards Brown Duck for $1.00 20 yards Cotton for $1.00 SUN? HATS 33mm“ Fans ‘9 NOTE THE sAcmm-ca. ' Fashionable Borderedfriqts ! jhecked Mournmg Prints and Pompadours .‘s ) . .33 " 4|; I‘o make room for Our full stock we have determined to an" at cost om- WOODVILLE CHEAP CASH STORE! wcmwaa Eï¬Wï¬â€˜. R EAD THIS ! GQEQEEï¬MEhEAGEENE @133; @G. Readynpzade and Qxderei Clothng a Speciality. 18 pounds Currants for $1.00 flaws; and Sï¬wcg ! We feel fully justiï¬ed in stating that we have EBa'y Gama’éss! _ . ®§°®e§*§@§ E ~-â€"WE KEEP IN STOCK GREAT LADIES’ A ND MISSES‘ Ladies see our new stock of â€"-.â€"-qâ€"‘ AT '1‘ I I E Yankee Ties worth $1.75 for SL150 " “ ï¬ne. worth $2.15 for $1.85 Gaiters worth $2.00 for St 75 Carpet Slippers worth 60 cents for 45 Women's (‘arpet Slippers for 40 cents Ladies' But. Boots worth $1. 23 for $1. 00 ' Ladies' Laced Boots worth 8!.20 for SI. 00 12 pounds Raisins for SLOO 25 Bars Laundry Soup for $1.00»- Smokiug Tobacco 25 cents per pound Chowing Tobacco 40 cents per pound Brooms 125 cents each ‘ Corsets 5.) cents per pair Brown lloilaud 8 cents per yard . 6 Tow uls for 25 cents ‘ To“ ellingb cents per y (mi. Men’s Felt Eats 50 cents each 'l'w-:eds worth $1.25 for $1.00 “ worth. $1 .60 for 80 cents. ‘ ‘ worth 85 cents for 70 “ \t orth 70 cents for 60 “ worth 50 cents for 40 3i: W‘ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬g Button Kid 0‘ .oves 500w. pr.