' l’uxmt'rmuw (Juuuuu.-â€"Sm-vice is held 11 tlw ulmvo church M II o’oluuk 11. 111.. and (3130 p. 111. liuv. MN. “031, M. A., pastor. Sabbath 51,1100) at ; o’olnck. UAR \m M muupm‘ Cunncu.~â€"Servico 1 vow :‘nhluuh uh Min-5 r at 6: '11! o 'uluck. Rev. \V Richardson, pastor. 5: “Hit“! h‘choul at PM“ a. In. Owl; non-r. Luna. 1 0.0.1‘. meet «my '1 t'eszlzw chuiu-v at 3 o 'cluck at Mcb'ncyu 's llzlll,\\um1ulw \VVunm'uJJ-z Human, P. of 11.; meet. the Manual \\'o-lutsduy in each month, at. Ma- ï¬woyu‘s Ila. l, “'outIVille. ’ ‘ “:unm u L f I. 0.1.. No. 3‘2, meat secmnl‘ “ mlnmcluy each month, at. \lub'wa) n’ 5 Hull Womlviile. HAMLIN L.0.L. No. 1,153, meet last Wednesday (I! mull manâ€: at Hurtluy. , ,Pmcwuy Dag’vu, I.().0.l".. meet every 'Ilmï¬dny (aw-mug, at; UM Fulluwa’ Hail, Caoungum. ' ()Athrrnx lfxs‘mmmx'r. I.0.0.l“.,meut ï¬rst and MW 1 Friday in each month an ()«ltl .lj‘cllowa" Hall, UaI|uiu$tpxI. .G‘U‘IUISO Sm: lixmmmnm, meet-ï¬rst and third Mumlnyuf every nmnth, at Odd iuHu‘.v’s.Hull, Mxmillu. 'l‘n'umn Lunmz, 1 h. 50'}. meets at Sclmhl ‘llnnsc, Sucliun N0. 3. 'l‘lmrall, every Wednesday evening. A. D'. Mclnnis, 'l‘.D. Visiting hretlnou cordially welcomed. Court ‘ I! Be of Victoria.†No. 38, C.O.F., meets in the Court Hall, Victoria linm‘l. the third Wednesday of every month. F. G. Millar, U. 11 ;J. W. Shields, R. S: Trains rmimr South-8:05 am. 7:45, 3.11). C O , ’ 3:10, p. m. - Trains gain; Northâ€"11:40, mm. ; 2:35,p.m.; 7:50 p.m. TORONTO k XII'ISSING RAIIAVAY. 11.1113, and"! :40 p.111. Trains going‘b‘outhâ€"S'ï¬o 5.111., 11:00 a.m., and 3:90 p. u). B‘mouma Ross LODGE I. O. G. T. \Voodvifle is no be revived shortly. . Paris Green, best qualit y, cheap, at Unmn Bros. . A HEAVY rain storm on Saturday last done considerable damage to the grain but. “as badly needed by the root. crop». 1 ll Tea: Tux-IRE is greatdmnnnd for labor here at present. ‘lhrvvsb lmmls being read- i] y engaged at, good wages. BAsrmmmus in.“ (his seclion are scarce. The want 6! rain has made the fruit. very smull. Guuï¬ Bros. Mom‘s 'Oues, the now Canadian Weather prophet, savs he intPnds to leave next. month to take care of itse‘f. I‘or extm value in Green and Japan Teas. go to \lclntyro 3'. Prior 8. RUST has m. ule its nppmuancc among the lute gmin and III doing Considerable dillllzl"e.n1“ully ï¬elds have become quite =3black since the recent. IaiIIs. \ _ MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. [(53 Get your Machine Oils at Gym) Bros. A large quantity of' Livm'pobl (especially/for butter use) and Barrel Salt. M McIntyre «K: Prior’s. (9;? Now is the time: to buy your Ik-uts Simon. All are invited tn in- spect. McIntyre S; Priur'a L-xrgn Stuck. \Vnnru told, that. the very sman-st Mir throws at s'umluw. Au-l so it does. It Lln-uws a shadow over yum‘ appetite when ynu ï¬nd. it. in the butter. \h‘. JAR. ML. ‘MHJAN is sum-ling from u am wre lmru on tho tight hand cunsml hl some boiling tallow splashing 0\0.' It. 'l‘m: sudden (la-1th. from which m; an pmy to lm_ «loï¬verml, now comes nontly prepnrml in email green upplps. 'l‘lmy are as hand and about as fatal as n musket bun. a???†M-flntyro Prim' are selling [03‘ thuix' Room Show; at at grunt, reducu lion. See ule. in another column. A! A. Ifumpiml. ‘64}? in.“ Lomlnn Mutual is the sucuuswzful l’ioncvr of cheap insnrnnce nu I'm-m prulu-I-(y nml private residencvs. SM 3. Curm-il’s advertisement. in mmtlwr czflmnu. $523" Now in tho. time. to secure lmr- gains, as ï¬lm inluncn of nnr Stock must. lm cloarml out. this month. K: {.5 A. Campbell. ‘ \ _ , Mmsns. Dr. McKay, szlwth hianu-N, P. Molntyrv, muL I). K. (Ixunplmll. left. on Mondnv In!!! for n holiany trip (0 Rochester, N. Y. . $29" Molnhma Prim have 9 L‘Mï¬e Mock of Bouts Shoes which must. 80‘!‘ In makv room for Hmir (all Mack Gmno and secure Bar wins. 0 ’raiusgpiqg Northâ€"11:00 a. m.. 12:35 â€:5?“ Lay in n supply of our Soot mm 'm noknmfleuhwl to he ltlm host, 'H‘ “V"! ‘le. ('uvm'ru mutwwuv. gum imam. G0 to Gunu'Brus. for best wine A‘ “If u; BOC‘I’II‘IEIS. «.mwml in \Vuodvillc. usSmLuumt 0f Fans at 'mu.‘ (51‘? Glymriuo MacI-ine Oil, Cunl Oil, c.. at McIntyre J: Prior,s.‘ A RUNAWAY lust. Saturday awning lute a rig luelnuging to Mmsm. Smith A: Swvvnsun, shatmwl and torn by com- ing in contact. Wialo the Queen's Hotel Sluhk‘. k'rlul"5. \VB ure infamy-J (ha: the crops in tho NuIthr-u tuwmhips or this County “'3†in nuny pl «an3 not pay in' the out» iug, grain is not over seven and eight eight. inches in height and otTu-r 1.10-- (hncm equally am hml. Thu gluing frosts haw Cause-d thn trouble. may Dmin" the next. ï¬fuen day's wa will sell the lhlxmcn u? om Stock ath per cent. below coat. K. «1'. A. C'Implwll. Tile ln-‘zw list. fun the Annual County Full Exhibition in pumyhlet ‘onu will he isxuod in It few days.‘ The HIIOW will be held mi Suptc-mbcr 29th uml 30m, ut Victm'iu Road. The Garden and Boxlvy 'l‘mvnuhips Brunch have also aruulgnn‘mtcd their funds with the County S-Jcieby. Tim ln-izm have in many instances been incrensml and new ones addel. \Vilh favourable _wentlwr tlw Show will prolmbly be the lpesc ever held in the Riding. _ $433†Ordered Suits, $9.50 ; good all \le-Tweed Suits made t0 order only $1100. A ï¬nch-class Tail-3r on the premises. McIntyre Prinr. I): the ten )ems fro'm 1871 to 1881, the popolaï¬ou of South Vicroria has increased from 19,244 m 20,815; North Victoria frnm 10,956m 13.824;Muskoka from 6919 to 27,213; Suuth Ontario fvmu 25,907 to 23,437; Turnntn from 58,092 to 86,445; E215â€. Yank frnle,360 tn 23,313; Went. York from 16,260 to 18.891; North York from 23.262 to 24,514; South Simeon, fvom 23.879 to 26,966; North Simcoe, from 23,719 to 47.358. 0 ism" Omh'e Printsmul Ribhms, {Le u-s'rcuhn', just. mrived M McIntyre. 6a - THE Yankeee patent right men are still on the war path, and farmers should beware. Their modus opcmmli in this case is as follows: Aman represents him- self as general agent for Ayels’ sharp ~- enors, with headquarters at Toronto, calls and desires his intended victim to become an agent for a township, and on inducing him to become so produces a memorandum of an order fo' :1 quarter of a gross of the shurpencrs, with an agreement that us he sells them he is to remit one half of the proceeds to the Company at Toronto, and keep the otherlmlf. A few days after another man Calls representing himself an attol- ney for the company, and producing a hill of shipment demands immediate payment for the goods or n note. for the same, which. if not compliml with en~ denvors to frighten his victim into my- .ment by threats of legal proceedings. $3? Stock of Groceries now complete. New Teas. New Sugar. Lowest prices at H. \Vilsuu’s. . “"6 are showing the cheapest and lust. Stock of Buots IS; 'lIoes in town, and as our S’ock must be cleared out, to make room for {all importation weal-e off-Hing special inducements. Read our adveniaemvut in another column. The PliCCS Cannot be beaten McIntyre IL PI 10!. . PROF. Tonmxcu of \Voodsbock, who m company with his wife and family went. to Bobcuygeou last week for the good of his health, divd very suddenly on Wednesday. Hi3 leumius passed through Lindsay on route for Vooda stock yostordhy.â€"â€"â€"I‘u.s‘£. Tim (incensed gentleumu id well known to :1 number of our roudvrs, he having taught, at Black’s School, Muriposa, for .I long time. H†was also mismrof tho Baptist; cougrogutiou which for Some years assembled in the present Methodist church in this village. At the Limo if his demise heoccupird u Professors chair in the Baptist. co'lrgo. \Voodssock. and was to liavo been elevated to the Pl'iu-a cipulship of thn umv imztirution in Toronto on its lining olmnt-d. Mr. Torrance was purely a se-lfwducah-d mun, and his imiclutiguhlc industry raised him to :1 position highly honor- uhlo nnd distinguislu‘d. x There ism Evapnmtion or De-mrioréti m in strength about; Dr 'I'Immrls‘ â€electric (Iii. The ingredients of this incomparable anti rheumatic and throat and lung remedy are not volatile, but. than], pm'unml ilnpcnidmble. , A _. ‘ t I l’m'n, laménuas and stilfney; nito relieved by it, and it may he used “’1“! equal beneï¬t externally nn-‘l internally, Fall Whom; Spring W’hvnb Oats . l’ons ...‘1 Rye 1 May 1 Potatoes ‘. ' Butter Eggs .. . . 1 A ) xles H‘ucs .. I Sheepskins... Wool â€reused Hogs Beef .. Flour. per cwt. Timothy per 100 cwt Clover per bushel- .mufl a 54 Z .wznw 7. z 4; MEAT, 200.5 11 0 00 to I) 2‘2 0 01) (07 no 0 00 to 7 00 5 89 to 3 ()0 4 00 to 5 0!) 4.00 to 5 00 l (‘5 MI 10 l 10 to l ‘20 33 to 35 B (m in 3 09 n :m tn 0 4x) W) to 6" 76) to 75 Nu‘v'nn’s wa Rwhm’. fur the prompt, perfect and speedy cure of cholera mnr'nus. colic, cramps, diam-ham. dysentery. and all bowel complaints in adults. and that, terriblu scourge. cholera infantum in chllzlren, which anngmlly (betrays 30 upuy puts of the house- bulllm "hature’s cure fog tlIese dex mun“; lllltlulucs Is that 0\ er lMJPIIlIH' um liclIIu, hr. Fowler's 'llxtnut of Wild Strum: Iry. pleasmt to flillllilllSQL‘". safe to take. a-Hl ewr reliable. Null l;_\' all (lIIIvgiats IIIIul IlanleI-s at 37!; cents 1m lmltle ‘ NTO the bremises of thd undersigned, Lat 10.0011. 6, Eldon. an M nlmnb the llth duyof July, A RED (.‘vW. with white dawn luck, two white hin I [eat and hrolm 1) let: horn. 'l‘lw owupr c m have the same by prnviu; prop-:rty, paying expcnscs and tak- mg her away. - ALEX MCKAY )6 ll Eldon, August- 9th, 1381. LONDON “MUTUAL, Balance of’ assets over liabilitiesï¬ v 285,2 07" ...00 Rates on Farm Property, only SOcts per 8N0 for a three years’ risk. For nearly a quanter of a. century, it has been managed by farmers for the insurance of farm property, giving the greatest protection at the smallest coat. Its poiicies are more favourable for the insurance of ‘ coutcnm~ than those of any other Company. Send me a pmt card and see how quickly you will be callm] upon. 8. CORNEIL, Agent, Lindsay. P. S.â€"â€"-J'ames Eilis of Munilla is not; allow' .ed to insure isolated proparty of any kind in any part of Mariposa. The Canadian Singer. 1. W. Gameron, For raisins: the sum of $5,000 for Tile Drain- age under the provisions of “ The Ontario Tile Drainage Act," will be taken into consideratiqn by the municipal council of the township of Eldon, on Eonday. September 5th, '81. Strayed 9 Eldon. August 191;. 1881. Voters’ List, 1881 Township of Eldon. WQGBNT‘ELK‘E, 0N??? \rQVI‘lCE IS IIEfl BY GIVEN thatI l have transmitted r deliVered to the persms mentioned in t 0 third and fourth auctions of “The Vet rs’ Lists Act†the copies required by ‘sni sections to he so transmitted or deliver of the list. made pursuant m" the said At, of all persons n3)- pearing by the last revhexl Assessment Roll of the 81ml Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Munoipiliby at eleeï¬mm for members of the Legislut 0 Assembly. and at Muueipnl elections ; m that the suit. list was ï¬rst, posted up at l y alike. at. Wood- ville on the 25th day m Jilly, 1831, mnl ro- nmins there {or impecli n. Electors are called up" to examine the mid list. and if any mni «ions or other errors are found thereinnto tke immediate pro: NOTICE- Electors are called it mid list, and if any omi are found therein, to t cocdinus to have the 8:? according to law. ST lONGER.THr\N EVER AND STILL INCRFASENG, at which time and place the members of the council are hereby required to attend for the mrpuse .aforeénkf. CMYRE'S HBTEL; LORNEVILLE, Clerk of az‘d Muucipaliby Dated July 25th 183“ ' at the hour of 1 o’clock pm. at ‘CU NTY OF VICTORIA. ANDREW MORRISON, TH E 0 LT) AX DREW MQI‘JSON. To kc notice that a AGENT; IN TIP. ~--- Township Clerk. errors corrected Du. anwu's Ex'mwr 0! WILD STRAW- nsuuv is the mmt. successful medicine known for all summer complaints. diarrhoea. dysen- tery, clmlom Inorbus. etc. lta eï¬'ects are Imuvolluus. Much-s libs a charm ; relief is ulmnst instagtmwous. lu sun-sickness and vumitlu-I it. Is Worth ten times its oust. l‘ quallyigmul for the guung. the uld. and the middle-algal Fur sale y h“ dealers. 'J‘. MHJZU “N k (KL, 'i‘nmmu. n I have now All kinds of DOUBIJE ï¬WflZEfls’ï¬, “8.83358, mama £33355, BU’EWER Also a fun assmtmeut of choice “ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ CRACKED FAMILY GPOU EP IE S, [*LOU1, OA HIE AL, (101“ v‘N\1E:\“L, J \VHEA'1T, PE; ME AL, BEEF PORK, 11AM, 51’1me ROLL __ ..Arnt 1 («A1Y{,,“|l\l‘ â€"â€"AND 1130: (3*S~â€" -â€"-â€"-For which \ve win pay th‘e I'lighest Market; Price in Cash.â€" A few NEW and SECOND HANDED BUGGIf‘IS am] SPRING “:AGGONS for Sale. TWO CA RS COARSE BARREL SALT at at$LlO per Barrel. "" "" â€WE'VE-1 5?- fln ' Mitchell’s old Stand, \Voodville. ‘ A. 3'. SMITH, :fonzu‘csss 1\-IA13§E~‘;:, fi’sADDLER z; CANNINGTON, 3 duz TIN-WARE. TINWARE; TINWARE NEW mlmTS. , ; NEW COTYONS. - “ “ NEW DUCKS AND ‘QE’ZFWMS. _NEW REAEY-MADE CLQTHENG. NEE-“l TEAS AND SUGAR. 10 QUAPIT MILK PANS, 15 cents each. 6 QUART MILK FANS, 1:2; cents eagh. DIPPERS,_8 cents each. EAVES- TROUGHING A\D REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORI‘EST NOTE} I’EIMJS, CASH 01» [MIMI PRODUCE. ' r EEDES, Sflflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚s EUfl WGQEEEEEKE- ' SCENES @1591 E89333 @G. FRED. LEAS, TIMOTHY AND CLOVEFQ, TURNIP, Cï¬RROT, . MANGOLD GARDEN SEEDS. At L. Maybea 01d Stand.’s Wuodvilio. Arm 4a., 1881. At Bottom Prices. Come and inspect my. Stock . and get prices before elsewhere. Having secured a ï¬rst-class Tiusmith, I am now prcpmed to sell Tinwm‘ej at the follow- ing low prices: do TO BE SOLD AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE . G. SMETH 8:. CO. lo Steel Barley Forks :z \Vooden Barley Fni~ks, only 45 cents, worth 75 cents GOOD 'VALUEZ‘ â€" 300 Pairs II‘AIWI-ss'rfl GLOVE; on up ï¬n' Cash. SPRING STOCK NOW COMPLETE! STOVES AT COST PRICE! :ytbes do 750$. to 31-20 ' IOJ doz Harvest {Gloves, 45 to 55 cents, Prong Hay Forks which are the best Glove in the marketl “ " _ ‘ - being Double \Vzued Sewed. Keel Barley Forks 200 Kegs Cut Nails, which will be sold to mden Barley Forks, only 45 cents. parties building lower than tho wholesale 1 75 cents price. BOILED AND- RAW OIL, 011 hand a new stock of \Villl’h’. HUN-ï¬ll MOVERS, [CURRIE COMES“ BRUSHES, \Vllll’ LASHES‘. TliUNlib‘ 5:0. . CHEAPER THAN EVER. Eï¬ï¬‚flfl Wflï¬ï¬‚ P URLE and SINGLE at the shortest. “0th KING STREET. ' 1mm) ‘VI'LL '1'). . F. KILLALY,2 L'A “1134\11, Dlhlhl‘, L'qux, 11:; u, u BACON, AND BOLOGNAS US AGE. 1-4 SEEDS. LOWIES'If PRICES AT Bas just received 403ts. to 300156- I 5) Cradles from 750ts. to 31-20 I 100 doz Harves‘ lU'cents each. Just received a large lot. of GL1". HARNESS made to ordcr, (mm the best miteriul and. notice. Repairing promptly nttuudcd to. The highest Cash Price) paid for Scents each. 12 QUA RT PAILS, 20 cents each, k cents each. 10 “ 18 cents each. cents each. ‘ 5 “ “ 125 cents each. | DISHPANS, 20 cents each. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF RII‘AUR‘ Joa. Ileaudm. M. D.. Hall, P. Q. writ“ :â€" Dr, ’l'homas‘ Eclectn‘c Oil commands a. large amlincrbasing sale. which it richly merits. I have always found it exceedingly helpful 3 I use it. in MI ens-33 of Rheumatism. as well as fractures and dislocations. ‘1 undo use of "q -.-..-y....-r. . -VVVV it van/30!} tn culm the ï¬rms of a lwukun leg with dislumtiuu of the (out, and In two c’ays 1 “as cutiruly relieved from pain." II U0 II "71'; ’9' 3. ’1: yon purchase- 32.00% 32.50 \Vbodvino.