Eli J08. J. GAVE Publisher. 7 -w VIII. V. . _ . â€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€"" -~-~-~.,_.-.,.._.‘~â€"_.V __..__. IlO'l‘lL‘L ( A RDS. ~ .,.-- ,-. .__.._,,._-_,.. -_...-. ' (woos douse. Woodviilc. 1 ._.~... THOS. EDM’ARIAIS l’ropviclor. First-class accoiiinimlaï¬on and attentive -»8m‘\'ltllt8. Ilar Well supplied with the clinic- Ih't- liquors and cigars. "llus to and from all trains and every I:u“\'L‘Ill(:llce for the travel- ling public. r ,{iiiifxriii“.i':§'ii'§:ii’is:sixc norm. 1 i I.“l‘llx3\'lllc. W321. “FILES Proprietor. This liotwl is in every way complete to incl-t Uri rc<piircnu~iits of the tI:l\’Cllil|L7_ public Meals served on the arrival of all trains whiclistop here, on both railways, {\vvnly minutes for refreshments. (inml waiting ioonis. Bar always supplied with the best l)I"'||tlS or liquors and cigars. \IOR'I‘HI“. 1N HOTEL, \l'oodrilic. assassin M‘AMHOY. Proprlctor. 'i‘hislirsbclass house has just been re- litl’cd. furnished and otherwise renovated and improve-l. Ruin-,5 in the centre of the business part of the \'ill:'_1(3, and furnished with splendid sample rooms. it is therefore most convenient for travellers and comnwiw oial mun. and the pulilir generally. The 'rsr is supplied with the best of Liquors and Figaro. (loud Stable; and llosllel' in at- tciidance. M â€" A P R 0F fl '8'] 0331 L CA R US. 7â€"â€" EORGE '“YILLIS MILLAR, T __... iClerk lst Division Court County Victoria. Secretary Eldon B. A. Society. Agent 0. ll' 8. Company. Cmiveyancer, Commis- suuicr in Queen‘s Bench. "Iv ARTIN do HOPKINS, ‘ BARBISTERS, SOLICITORS M. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. OrricsseKeigt Street, Lnidshv, Ontario. I’. S. Mums. I G. Hixllupxixs. HUGH D. SINCLAIR, .tuorncyâ€"ntâ€"lsw. Sollrltor In Marleen, (‘onvcyiinu-r. «in, «c. 'RRED. G. ‘MILLA R, -__,____..â€" ~('onveyaiiccr, Commissioner in Queen’s Bench. Notary Public, do, due. Ofï¬ce,- Vic- toria Road Station. Nsnmxns a cesium). DBSHSTS, 61;. lilndsay, Ont.- One cft‘ne above will be at Hamilton's llotel, Beavcrton, on the SECOND MON- . DAY of each month. He will also visit \l'oodville on the Second TUESDAY of each -nioiith, stopping at )Icl’hersou’s Hotel. I. XEELANM, ‘I..L.$. l .ros. onsrusn, i..n.s. B UsINirss (Li I: no. ___ ___..._-__ -._... _.._ .\RCH. CAMPBELL I ' COUNTY AIN‘TIOXEER. l l Orricsâ€"One dOor Jet. of Post omce, ‘ l I so “'oodvillc. Ont, “\V‘TOODVI Ll. any 11" Eliï¬'A‘RDS. Proprietor, n Emir" S'I‘A nun. Livery lligs at any time and at. all hours on the shortest notice. given to (loimnerrial always-.inodcrdtc. 'l‘l‘ll‘illS (‘ASIL Sta- blcs in connection with the Eldon House. 7‘. __,___d_.â€"â€"-â€"-.. \ M. CAMERON. Agent for l'nion Loan is Savlng's Co. Money to Loan on first-class security at 6 to (it per cent. Agent for A. HARRIS. SON 8'. Co., Urantford, Manufacturers of Reapers, Mow- ors, Self-Binders, c. ilous simmers Kirklied. , D COMMISSIONER IV R. I!" (‘ONVEI'ASTEB .._.. autumn. iNsUiiaxm-z AGENT.- â€"-.\IO.\'F.Y T0 LOAN at 6 per cent. - mrnovvzn l-‘jilllls For SALE. Wilson “A," “View â€ll" and “Royal†Sewing Machines and Net-dies kept constant- ly on hand. (mice of Montreal 'I‘clograph '(‘on.pany, 0 Kiikï¬cld,‘ Out. .._A,» -..__. .-_. ,_..__ .. _.__.-_ ___...._...__..â€" v.“ TAKES LAWS‘QH, ’unrnn. irnansrm. ac. ' (‘artiug done to and from all arts of the village, Nipissing and Midlani Railway stations. Charges modcraic. llesideliccmne door north of Eldon Ilousc, Queen Street, Woodville. GENTS WANTEDâ€"Big Pay. Light , , Weill. Steady Employment. Sam- ples Fm. Address. M. L. BYRN, 49 i‘asagu Street. New York. ‘ Orvicsnâ€"Rooms latolv occupied by \V. M. \ (Yochrane, Blalow'n Block, :l’nrt Perry. l l - (‘lerk'7th Division Court County Victoria. z i 1 sons, ..~...:.:i::::‘.“21:22:23 MUTUAL AID _ w..__,._ I \\'II.I.IA.\i lll‘lXNlll, Esq, Toronto, Pres. ‘ A. cirrono. Esq. W “‘rRo BONO PUBLIco.†moohoillt Smoothie ' \VOODVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 188i . \V O0 D V l L LE PU .\I I’ FACTORY. JACOB BARNES, MAN UFAC’I‘URER 0? China and Well Pumps, FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. \‘IDODVILLE' ONT. ALL; NlilV “'OIlK WARRANTED. \ RES-I‘AIRING PROMI’TLY Executed. ennui-is SOLICI'I‘ED. ‘VTOODVI OLE HARNESS SIIOP. ESTABLISHED, l856 ___..__ . , JAMES STU a RT. HARNESS MAKE l, SADDLER sac HARNESS COLLARS, HALTERS, “HIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VALISES AND ALI. KIND OF HORSE FURNISIIING . A large assortment of whips from lï¬cts. up. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. l lSSUER 0F MARRIAGE LlCENSES. I_IUGII MCCORQUODALE. “’OODVILLB BUTCHER SHOP. â€"â€"v- Having bought the shop and ï¬xtures of Mr. G. G. Smith, Butcher, customers can rely on getting the best of Beef at all times, and other meats in season. TERii/is CASH... Parties having fat cattle to dispose of will please call or icavc word at my shop. Farmers wanting meat will please leave their ordei t'e night before at the shop. The highest cash price paid for HIDES. TV oonw L1,}; BAK our. 9 - ' JOHN assume IN THE COUNTY ï¬lms. Runs and Pastry a. Specialty WHOLESALE AN D RETAIL. FRUIT CAKES. lVIIXEDTEA ' CAKES. ORDERS SOLICITED. PARTIES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. JOHN BERRIE. I’i-osizlc [for (do ll'rul' unu'cr You." Charge. _____ (7A "NA. DIA.N ASSOCIATION, ~â€"â€"- HEAD OFFICE, 63 KiNG six, EAST 'ronoxro. Incorporated Aug. 24m. ’80. OFFICERS: .‘llcaf-ird, O. Vice-l'rcs. \l'. l’l‘lhllllillUN PAGE, l'isq. Fonthill, Secs E. II. II [LIIUIQL limp, l'xbridgc, 'l‘rcas. . ll, lllllil‘llt'l‘qflx, .\l. 1)., Toronto, Medi- .- r- l cal [lirc tor.- ' 0' GEO. ll. \l'.\'l'lN. L. L. 3., Toronto, Sn- l'vcilor. . . S. \V. HILL, limp. lli-lgcvillc, Membership Sillwl‘llllull‘ll‘lll. Evcriillvc l‘ommltlcc i Wm. Rennie, \‘i’. I’ Page, Special Features of the Association : l l...(lrcat Inilnccmcnt to provide for fain- ilies in case of dcazli at small cost. i ‘2 Equal bcnclits to both sexes. ll...l niform as=cssincht of one dollar only. i l l l a sl._.(':irifnl medical examination required. 5,, .\'o annual «lacs or extra charges. limbo lane sulaiics or expenses. 7...Tn‘o hundred dollars advanced for funeral cxpcnsi 9 when necessary. S..!I‘.cnclils secured at actual cost 9 \loinb r becoming totally disabled, may draw half of their claims, being payable at death. For particulars and full information apply to IIIA Alzlll‘l‘), Agent for Counlylof Victoria. Woodsille, I‘. l). a, r. Bull. , the balance Turns out DOLLAR PB! Aim Strictly In Advance NUMBER 245 suns s. STEVENSON.‘ BUIGHEHS, PflULTERERS, an WOODVI LLB, ON T. flailing commenced business in our new , shop, we beg to announce to the pub. be generally that we are prepared to supply FRESH MEATS of all kinds in their season at reasonable prices, Customers leaving ‘ their orders with us will receive prompt at. Collecting Taxes. _â€" (‘uo of the most absurd customs prevailing in Canada is the wonder of collecting the muncipal tows, by which the honest citizen is placed at a disadvantage, and the dis- l honest one is paid a bonus. It is in this way :---a collector is appointed whose duty wh he sends me to school law Mr. McRae cal s_to my reiiicinbruuce the fact that on a previous occasion he did treat me as a proper visitor. but 1 do not require to remind Mr. hlcllhe that whether or not he treated me as a'proper visitor is not the point. Hero 1 \viin to say that. when acting .iii an ofï¬cial I capacity I never go to any public or private place beyofiil my own people and work with- out a specul invitation. Mr. Mcllac has is to go to the citizens and ask them for been with me the most insinuating to take their taxes. The Council tells the collector that the whole of the taxes must be collected by a Certain fixed date. The collector tentiou. Our waugon will call tri.week‘y laicordiugly goes around and the honest at Bolsover, Kiiklicld, Victoria Road and Cnmbray. Parties in the village will be supplied daily at their houses. TERJISâ€" CA S If, WEEKLY. . *_â€" | “"e are prepared to pay'the highest. cash . price for good conditioned SHEEP and ' CATTLE, HIDES, SKINS, kc. _________â€"-â€"â€"- DHBAP MONEY ! The Subscriber is prepared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums $200 to°$20,000. At from 6 T0 7 PER CENT. According to amount required and terms of payment on a Straight Loan or Sinkin; Fund System. Iiistalnients required to re- pay a Loan of $1,000 in the following periods : 10 years, $143.20. 20 years, $95.30. These Sums payable at the end of each year pay off the entire debt, Principal ‘ and Interest. NO COMMISSION. EXpenses reduced. I. C. GILCHRIST, Postmaster, “'oodville. Don’t forget your Insurance. J. C. Gil~ christ is also agent for several first class In- surance Companies. F armer’s risks taken at lowest rates. NO FINES. 6) PER GENT. (6 On security of ieal estate mortgages at 6 per cent. Apply to JNO. A BARRON, Lindsay, ‘ Ofï¬ce, Kent Street. next to auruxnrnv AND l-‘Rl'l'l‘ uniscrirs, Kem‘ s Ag"¢“"“"" Store, ' or to RONALD 1MCEACHERN. \Vest half Lot 18, Gun. 1, Fenelon Picture Framing â€"i.v ALL mussâ€"â€" Cor .King and Stuart St ROSEWOOD AIVD GILT", l citiZen pays the taxes demanded. dishonest citizen does not do so. The Ho declines to pay. The Collector gives him no trouble, and the council extends the date for a couple of months. The collector calls again on the dishonest citizen, who again refuses to pay, the C-Llllllcll extends the time for the collec- tion- This process goes just as long as the council has power to “ extend. the time," and the consequence is that whilst the honest citizen is made to pay up at fiist, the dis. honest citizen has twelve months’ credit. Speaking advisedly We say that it would be. 1- ie w‘sest course for all persons to refuse to pay taxes until refusal is no longer possible, tor the present system is unjust. It is more- over a monstrous absurdity. “'liy should the Council pay a collector to do what each citizen can or ought to do himself. If John Jones owes a fellow citizen a debt, he calls on that citizen and pnys it. But. in the matter of muncipal taxes he doesn't do any- thing of the hi (I, he waits until a corpor- ate otlicer who receives a high salary, calls on him for the money he owes. Thus the honest citich is paying his share of an oï¬icial's salary \vliose'dnty to wait on the dishonest citizen and ask him for the money he owes. Uur Cousins on the other side of the lake manage things much better. They have no collector of muncipal taxes nor any similar absurdity. The council fixes a date for the payment of the taxes. The tax bill is posted to each tax payer and it is the duty of the tax payer to call on the Treasurer and pay his taxes before the date allixed, If be i does not do so, he pays interest on the amount, and if it is not. paid within a. giwn time, a distress warrant is issued by the proper olllccr, whose mileage and fees aie paid by the ' seized, thus those who give trouble have the privnege of paying the expenses. There is“ no fuss about. the matter.cacli citizen is treat-' ed justlyy the law applies 39 each alike, the collector s siliiry ls savediand Chiâ€"taxes are ' collected in good time. systems, and who will not laugh at the monstrous absurdity of the Canadian plan. We recommend this matter to the careful consideration of )Iuncipal Councilsâ€"Ex. .* dottcsiiumlcim, ____________._â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" To the Editor or The \VoonerLE ADVOCATE : [Isak Simâ€"Although you have iL your last iswe intimated your columns closed on this subject, still I am sure your readers will M settle. excuse you for publishing this explanation. Many people here are asking the question me into school Work that l have ever exper- ienced; I enjoy visiting public schools, but I cannot say xthat 1 am much flattered bv Mr. hicllae’siatyle of thanks. llopiiig Mir. Editor that. this explanation will settle the difficulty as far as l am concerned. 1 am, Yours. Most Thankfully, . A. Ccrunnu’rsox. __._â€"-â€". KIRK FIELD. In last Weeks issue of the Anvoca'u: we noticed a communication over the name . “ Reader "censiiring rather severely the parties engaged in this village in newspaper controversy. 'VVe woiider if it occurred to this very amicably inclined but censorious individual that he himself is thereby show- ing‘liis-liand as the fourth combatant in the “ disagreeable contest â€. Ii “ Reader " would only take tlietrouble of looking again at your;correspondents article that appeared in the Anyocun of the 14th ult. which un- fortunately caused the stirring up of that seas-pool of vituperation whose vile odor appeared in the issue of the following week, and show us where we erred he would iner- tainly oblidge us very. much. In writing the coiimunication abOVe referred to, we did nothing more than our duty as a faithful correspondent, and after all that has been since written in the matter we fail tolind therein a single word that we could in the public interest and in the interest of truth, retract. The matttei‘ to which“ exception was taken, was put in as mild arform as possible; -much milderâ€"in fact. than the languaip employed by our gratuitous cepsor. r ‘1 ‘ ‘ 't . ‘ {Let “header" the‘n. revert to that most p8 8â€â€œ l ‘05“ pm! or y ‘3 acimdabu's and lihellous letter which appear- ed in reply â€"-in which the truthful and honest statements of your correspondent were char. acterized as “mendacio's.†“falsehoods," ‘etcf What cons-om ..,w. wonder, would Compare tlietwo. "Thaadsr"_have us to pursue under those LIB under those IIâ€"olldoro-r . circumstances 2 and libellous charges wit- out any attempt at refutation, and sthnd convicted of those heinous charges befom the public! Surely not. If our character is worth anything“: is worth being defended when unjustly assailed. and what more have We done ? But “ Reader" says. “ It would certainly com- mand more respect Were they to settle their feud! privately.†Does he mean to insinuate that. the “ paper warfare†alluded to was the .' result of some private feud previously exist- iac? If so he is very far mistaken indeed; Let. us assnre him there was no private fen It was all the result of a fair and honest criticism of a school exhibition and nothiniz more in‘so far as we are aware. And we have no doubt that had Mr. Cutlibertson not only why Mr. Malice refers specially to known 0f .anv evil designs having been on- me in connection with Miss Angus‘ exami- nation, but why at the first he refers to me tortuined against him, or had he been aware of giving the slichtrst cause of offence pre- in such language. I did not go to Mr. Mo- "40“.“ l†â€W!“- L’Vlevmm changes against him Rae's examination, he also says he does not believe I hurl anything to do with your cor- respondent's first letter, why does Mir. Mc- lac refer to me, one perfectly disinterested, as he does? The public such as “ Reader†are also asking why all this dilliculty? The pub’iclg/ in the columns , .. ' I. . , ' £162â€? 654/1 C’HZZI/ E â€â€23(Z following is the explanatiui of the whole CHABG ES MODERATE. _â€".â€"â€"â€" swan n. . 'LEAM. “'ondville, May, ISSI. .__â€"___._-â€"â€"â€" RODGERS c BROS, STU ilfl .KIIVG" 5'12. â€â€™00 I) I’ILL E, is now stocked with a large assortment of BEA U'l‘l I’Ul. PR lN'l'sl, LOVELY POM ‘AIIOU i5 liXiTI'lldd‘lN'i‘ (YLO'I‘IIS and a. \‘(i‘_\,' fair 'sll'il‘i‘ of General Groceries. which th< y are scllinr at almost 3‘ To to COW? “Waco V a (i. 3“. it; at My . “'e have just r‘g‘i‘ivel a large stock of which will lIl‘ sold (‘lll'l ‘il'. pr See our sclfâ€"wasliiir,r soap, and try a bar STOOLS, MUSIC BOOKS c. .4...- Prodcco taken in exchange for goods. | trouble : , l was frequently requested by Mr. BOOTS 8: SHOES After being settled in Kirklield I Melina to 'vsit his scinml, but bccwuse of niyewn 7 work I was 2 number of weeks here before I ; could comply wiih the request. After a time , I told Mr. Mellon that l was prepared to i arrange a day. but Mr. McIiac said if it i wuuld suit- n c he would like me to go during i the. day of his examination. lletweon this i time and the cxmninatiou )ir Mclliic Chang- 1 ed the day iroiii 'lhiira-day to \VL‘LIUUSiilIy‘ 6 me that. such a Chan's.) had been mace. and I when the day came I went from h mic, and ' ll:\\'lll" returned in the evening found that l " « - . . the examination of L‘di‘. )lcliac’s room was 1 owr. (Iii lllc.fllll"\\llll_g(13}, I met Mr. 3ch 3. line and explained. to hivn why I did notat- ' tend his ‘:.\:\III'Iiflill)ll as promised, and point.- ' ed out to IlillI that the fault Was his own as l h had not told me Ul LIN: change, and that I did not is low his s: ~liool \vas tube examin- { in on \l'cdiiuwla)’. 1 him to call special at- ‘ Ullllv-ll to tin.- fa-‘l: of having to .de this ex- ! planalion as this is the cause of the whole I .uouble heir/coir .\lr. Mullins and niysolf. l prito my explanation .‘Ir. )lcllac has still ; licld the opinion that I did know when his ' school was to be examined, and. he believing i that. I had done more against him than mi-rc- . lv cvadiiig his cxaiiiination has been iiispiied i to attack me as he has done. From ill-:81: l tarts ii \Vlll in: seen that the difficulty lie- 5 l twun .‘ull'. llcllae and me has nor. been a , appeariivz in public print, he. would have at least endeavored to settle the difï¬culty by a private and friendly conference. He had not, however. the remotcst idea that any such difficulty existed, when, under these circumstances, he is so pcremplorily and slanderously assailedâ€"not privately but of Tris Anvocaru. there was no other course open to him than to make his defence through the same medium. Hence if our reputations have been in anv degree 'staiiied' iii Reader's m'esin Ilofcndiiig ourselves, the stain we have would be much more apparent had We declined to replv ; and we very much mis. lakv-thc cliar-cter of ‘lh-ader' were he so riitlilemlv ascailed. no matter how vile his antadooist. if he would not make some show of self-«Infancc. ovén at the risk of sailing, his sno’lcss garn‘cnts. And now that he has taken his position amour! the ‘go ts":- l and neither \lr. Alcllae nor any one else told I lost hn too share their ignobl1 fate another K luminary be summarily. subsided, and an- other ‘Importsut essential for ameliorating. .tlw tone nf Somety.’ forever lost to the world. “’e would in all sincerity advise ‘Reader’ to start out on a ‘plank' of his 0W". Tm: B‘ish Commons, by 293 to I72, re- ‘rjectod the amendment in the House .of l Imi. m clans-- run- of the Land Bill. um. i in‘: coviiiu-ns-ilion for disturbance to £25". 'l be «good accomplished with steel pins in inmlcvilaldc, but the cost of a box of Hateâ€- 1brook‘s is only nominal. The atationem l have them. The trade supplied by Brow" ‘ Bros†Torontoi l “'mmz lnrd Lorne was making! his tour - in Manitoba. ‘he asked a \Volwqone chief ' why he had two wives? The chief replied that bv having two wives he could {show more children on the ground when the annntim were paid and draw more money. llllsllllilgrslulfllIllg but purely the rec: It of | T‘m wircsl No wonder he 3" woe-begom his own conjecture and that too In the face lmtli the caust- ot l ‘ of a proper cxplanalioii. hlr. Mcliac's attack upon in.- and the sriiii‘. days f‘llI01‘. even at the very it. existed. Mr. Mcllae's anvill feelings against me. ~ I of my ocfi-ncc are sufficiently accounted for l l l by these facts. and M to the l xistciiCc of the ; BELLS CELEBRATED oguhfls ! . dilliculty l was not some till only afi-w ' liccinning that first letter was being published before I knew that he had In explaining l Olliv‘f. Nature makes no mistakes Nature’s own rr-nmlv for Iinwi-I complaints, cholera mmhus chalice; cramps, vomiting, sea sickness. chol- cra infantnm, diarrhea. dysentery, and all diseases of a like nature belonging to the nu minor mason, is I) '. ‘Vild Strawberry, which ccn be obtained c; all dealers in Medicine. Fowler’s Extract. of - awedâ€, ‘HA‘... . ‘ , . .y. . 4‘ . gt.