IIInunceIl, it airâ€"vile iéiwi‘IIS‘gmfs.‘ ' It). (.‘aIIIphell, \Vomlvillc. has Inmlc Ilitious to his stock (If lionts 6: “and lines in \len's Ladies' and on hand. to be sold \ery cheap. non.,u:'r formerly of this place, wn last Week \isiting I. Is fIienIls. by the ll'arIIm- that he is about inclsay for Millpoint. ()nt , where inre lucrative engagement. "and Railway limkesmen seem ‘tunnte. ()II Mundny of last week :In named Goth. fell hetween the tllflllil, and both his legs were run unly survived a few Imurs. ent scientist says that when a is sit clown witlmut her nose. be~ it shows that there is imperfect of the bleed, caused by ti‘vht ivue with. gentlemn â€Aimed nose M ‘2‘ I". umu “Indy Uh“ JJIVAI.’ . “Hula-1k â€In-'ml 1‘7"...†(7'1" LIN-r I'ulnlvlmnt. Dysprvsin n mullplnints, m Nluir wont furm. Among the must provnlnnt fatal and sudden Attacks of disonsesmru tlmsl) inch]. M n} tn’llw Summer mul Fall. such as clmlvrn n.0rlms. biliama coï¬c. «limrlm‘a, slyscntery. Mm. that oftru p-nvc fntnl in a fcw Imnr<. 'I'Iwat (Nor ruliahle remedy l)r. Fmrlur‘e Extract of “'th Strawberry, slmuhl be at hand. for use in emergency. Joseph Sayvrs. the shot-maker. smutonced in April last tn six months at haul lnlmr, a) «l to rem-ï¬ve tnw-IHy-live lnslws of thv Wat" at thv 0nd nl' Huron munlhs‘ fur an untragv Im a IIIHI' girl 0f 9 years at ()xhawn. them-«l the \\hippingpurtinn of tho punish- IM M on 'l'urmlay last. He was [lagged in Hu- (‘q-mml l'riwn. \'. l'lcllnnnwn of H: \dfuml Writus:--Ihu-. 1'.†~84 lilmul Rim-m in :m Morin-Ht. pro- lvnmti ‘n, ;_i~,‘;:~a 0min: «minim-tin: . and uh.- m “wrung rt? r_\' «lay. it m-lls Imw un IIIN‘IIXI; II ‘ ... . ‘ ,_\ i ‘ ...., .....\,u m ulsu :m eradimnt of scrofnla, crysipulas, salt. rhunm, ulcers. cancers, lmmnnl's. female weakness. jaundice. mnl lnmlmgo. It tours 11w stmnncll, mum-s the liver. and after rc~ lieving them. musus tho him‘uls tln-reaftcr to lmmmu rrgnlar. High prufcssinnnl sam'limiï¬mslm-n awarded tn It; an! its claims to public conï¬dence are justiliml by ample evidence. Price, SLUO. Smnple Battle, 10 cents. Ask for Nomnmu- 1A MAN’S Vegetable Discovmymnl Dyspa- pm: (,‘ure. 'J'lm wrapper Imnra a tmwimi’v ut‘tlwir signature. Scld by all medicine dealers. Toronto N h. n a case of unchecked liver complaint. eulvrinating iu jaundice. is literally “as yellow as nguinea." It has this appearance l-evnuse the bile, Which enables the howels tunet. is (liwcted from its proper course into the blood. In connection with this symptom there is nausea. coating of the tonéue, sit-k headache, impurity of the lire-nth. pains through the right sisle mnl shoulder hlmle, dyspepsia and constipation. Them and other eoneoniitnnts of liver coin- daint are couiplelely rennin-d hy the use of hma'rumm l.\'.\ll\.\“s VEGETABLE Dh‘; ('IIVERY no ll\’>ll‘l-‘.l"l‘lt‘ (Tun. which iq Him Tns time for holding the annual fall shows is laét approal'hing and everyone should turn their attention to procucing something which can be shown. During the past few yearsn. feeling of apathy in connection with our loual Agricultural So- cieties has oxistul, but with the revival of good times and better crops this depression is fast, passing away and this year We hope to see the host show in this village which has ever been held. here. Let evervone INSlst and endeavour to produce something Worthy of exhibition. The Agricultural Society is capable of doing much good if handled in a proper manner. {and we are in hopes of seeing it. so handled. . . \ ‘ ll shows that there Is Imperfect 15‘“ l’“ l the blood, caused by tight at sale,fl3r' ‘lll ll ! one molflrc A“ ' ' 9: l 4' , I - u . “‘12“ Ir§§éui3nuÂ¥aycmfcd DOSQJ Mm 123:1“ ls JJIUAJ -..J entitled to a vote should see to it that their names and descriptions are properly entered on these Voters’ Lists. Every ratepayer who has a right to Vote should see that he is properly entered. We trust nobody will In: so foolish as to neglect this matter, and thereby ï¬nd themselves deprived of a vote next year. Now is the time to- look over these matters. When election time comes it will be too late. Wnobserve that tho Village Council of Cauuiugtou have determined to obtain legal advice in regard to the collecting of moneys in commutation of statute labor from occu- panfs or parties on the assessment [0" in brackets with owners.-â€"'l7his method of assessment is done simply to escape statute labor and should be carefully lookld after. IN ()ctoher next Mr. Gladstone will have served a half century as a public man, and the event will be celebrated in England in splen lltl style. The veteran statesman issued his ï¬rst election address from the (.‘lintnn Arms,_ Newark. on October 9th, 1832. He was returned to Parliament for the borough on the llth (lay of December, nearlylil‘ty years ago, and he has sat in every Parliament since that time. out in a new form last week. [It is now an eight-page. paper to be started in Midland City next month. Yumw as A Grmunâ€"Tho Olrucotem. the Lindsay War-(In; came Tm: Free Press is to be the name of a new ‘.\al‘lԤ no \, wxlitorinl 31cm. Huh-rs ('nrvs Sorofnln LLQrYUtcl's' 'l.ist of Eldun nu: mlmuy on the nth] Kidney complexion, The “ (3 Seventh - Eldun, i e, forty ncr \ state of "ii Loam 3|- Hard“ 03" 0n tllr 1e House: oz 3 good u. AT T‘ The fol Hid}; ill M Cth iw-n in owl‘nnyc.‘ Parties on m be are selling (lack noul \sill to the" ldvanmgu. I hereby inform the pulnlic that l have leased tho nlmh' mill mul furnixlml it wuh a full set at Cardin; mul ï¬pmning Man-lun- ory, and mu nm' prolmrul tn .ln all kimlu of \‘nrtling. Spinning nml “Waving in :1 style cqnnllul Ivy few and smpasM-«l by m-ne. Al. IIX. DODSOV, rZ-lnrth (0111111io 2111111111113 F21rlm'1l BE.“ [-2 l:'l'0\ H\' l‘Al‘l'J. “'0. haw also I‘vcuivml nnuthor line 101: of ‘29 (‘nuk Storm frum the cch-hmtcvl (luruvy Foundry. Ihm't fun-got. that We keep the ï¬nest stock nf Stun-.9 nnrth of 'l‘nrnntu. \\"c are always in the market tn purchase \Vuol, "illt's. Shes. ) mul (.‘alfh‘kius. [CASH I’AIU L‘UR “7001.. READY FOR (SE; “'0 have just rc- ceivul mmthcr lutnf those Paints, put up in quart, half uallun mulgnllunlins, in dim-rent. colors. In Paris Green we have the pure thing, in bulk or III one pnif- tins. Our stack of Harvest Mitts is n splon. did assorhnrnt nf uvcr one thousand pairs to be all Sold at low prices. . In Harvest Tools we have on innnense stock, consisting of Suytlles, Sunnis, Forks, Nukes, \Vomlen Harley Forks, Steel Barley Ful'kS. Fork Handles. Groin Cradles, c. l‘ln-se (€0le we purchased from the Icadilu Manufacturcm in the Dominion, at low prices. “'0: are every day selling stocks of Harvest 'l‘onls, Harvest Mitts, Paris “II-en and Machine Uils, on low prices for Cash, or approved short credit buyers. I-I 1X1 {VTECT 3U ITTS 1 2354175530QO Hardwaw and Stove Emporium. Cameron 8'5 Westcott, \IO\ EY TO IJOAN . On ï¬rst class security at 6' and" . per cent. interest, in sums 01 $200. 00 up to 8‘20, (100, and fl om 5 to 2A) )enrs. Alsn a. number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR SALE, iu the 'l‘uwnshipn of Thorah, Mara and Eldon. B HALVTE RTI‘ON- AGENT AN I) VAL UA 1'01? 3l-3 Hamilton Provident loan Suc'y OTlCE ls hereby given that I have transmitted er delivered to the persons lnentinned in the 3rd and 4th section.“ of the \'oters' List A ct, the copies required by Said section to he so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act. of all poisons appeu-ing hy the last revised assess- ment roll of the said municipality to be en~ titled to Vote in the said municipality at elections for memLers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that said list was ï¬rst posted. up at my otlice at Beaverton, on Thursday, July 27th, 1882, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the same corrected secording to law. Dated this 27th day of July 1882. GEORG ‘. SMITH, Clerk of Mnmeipality, Voters’ List, 1882 Municipality of Thom/2 / S 1‘0"le STU "En ï¬$ï¬Â¥ï¬‚$f T6038. 83.2? PARIS GREEN 43 (“ASH August 2nd, lSS‘l. ()XE (H! ’l‘\\'() 00“!) SUl'Xl) DRH'. 1N†“(His [9%. in exchange for Buggies or wauguns, or Cash. Apply tn R. J. H A R WOOD. Thomas Myers. Bracuhridgo. writw: “Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil is the bust medicine I sell. It always gives satisfaction, and in cases of coughs. colds, sure throat. c., immediate relief has been received by those who use it." (3A MICRON \\'l').\"l‘C()'l"l‘. .. MCFADY EN, Wanted. LIQUID PAINTS. W anted. RESPECTABLE GIRL, willing to m .ke herself generally useful. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. PAH) I-‘nu' wad: Apply to ~FOR THE- M RS. J'. J. CAVE, \Vumlville, Ont. Carriage Maker. “'ood ville. {cave-I thn. P. O. lilul ii DAV! DSON'S OLD STA X D. As my lease 0f m-wme premises expires in about 6!) days. everyone Dry Goods, Dress goods, Pr/hz‘s, Cations, Mus/ins Don’t M/ss This Chance / P. MCSWEYN’S, Weenvmm, our. NE W F-ALL HATS 2 SUMMER STOCK at Cost, Gloves. Hosiery. Laces, Winceys and Flannels. .\ large stock of DA VTDSON BLOCK, BEAVER'I‘ON I STAND HERE A1: anAd. Below 003T! “GANï¬DIAN ABE!) {'EEEQRTEB T3§EEBS~9 Prints, Shirtings. Denims, Ducks, Brown Hollands, 0. SPECIAL IIIIES OF DRESS GOODS. BEDS, READY-MADE CLOTHWG, HATS, GAPS, GRSGERIES. 8d} STOCK TAKING The 5‘ Twemï¬ Elmww.†Owing to our very large Fall and \\'inter Purchases. the ah: of, and we guarantee purchasers @amsw @Eeewmg Sale PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE I UNSURPA SSED BA RGA I N TO MAKE ROOM FOR While stuck taking we will clear the [nuance of my ’10 SA Y T“ AT ('nll only at the Only Cheap (,‘nsh Store. Ready~mm1u Clothing, Regatta Shirts, c. c‘ _._ MONAB’S, Also a large stock of ‘. McKENZIE, Excellent assortment .of ‘\ ._O[. __ A'l“ all our Summer Howls, consisting of “7ALL PILPERAQ- English, Scotch 85 American IN LATEST I’A T'I‘ERNS [Notice to Farmers, Benverton, April 23th. 1882.] J. MCLQEEOQ, Medical Hail. CHEAP 2 which we offer above goods must be disposed :lxk \' IS IQTQN« may rely on bargains. AT Bonwr‘rm. on Hu- 3141M“. Con. \\'nt~ non, oldest .mn uf Rev. David Watqom M‘ A., Ram] 19 ,ICN’U‘ "(Jimmy‘s I'i/-'x.â€"Ncr\'nns I)ubilit)".â€" Nopmt 0f the human m-lchino rennin-s more watching than the nvrvnns syst.-m~ nvmn it hangs hcnlth nu-l lif: itu-lf. 'l‘hcsn Pills nru- ll".- hoat nwilntu‘s an I at (math- enum of the non-m. awl the snfmt u. nornl puriï¬ers. Nansm. homhchv. ui.l.li.m,a,-.‘ numbness. and mental a‘uthy yivH tulhom. ‘l‘ln-y dis-patch in a smnnmry wanm-r those Ilhhrssill: :lyspv-plic‘ symptums. stmnnohic mine. fuhu-ks at the pit of tlm stnnnu-h. nhdmninnl «listomiun. am] «Wor- cnlne huth vnpviniuns npprlitm at“ can line-l lmm-hzâ€"tho. cnnnmmLV m'mmpnnyivu ELIN nl' tlvactivn or «h-rnngt-I‘ m-rwnu poucr llnllmmy's HHS nrn pnrticnlnrlv rccnnnnc-nclccl tn pun-nus nf Mmlinns anl sedentary habits, who gradually sink intu a nm-Vnna mul debilitated stak-gnnhn sumo such rcstoratim ho "cs-naionnlly taken. \Vr: loam that Mr. 3. G. Mulligan is about to hnilnl a. huge three stun-y brick hotel on his vacant lnts. If this 1‘! engaged in in a thorough manner it cannot. fail to he a wry prntituhlc spccnl‘tinn. As; We have heforu puintml nut. no place an these waters presents a mnre inviting appearance fur snnnm-r tonriats than llcavvrtnn. uml all that. is Icquircnl {is proper nocummmlntion, and anomrgebic adu-rtising «»t' the many mlvantwys and {ME itica for pleasure and n-crenthm nl‘l'mml h_\' this place, to muku it, the rival uf Urilhn, Barrio, nrn’hur plum-s of unto. Must, cwu‘cnicntly mtnntml it. can not he rivnlltul fur the salnhrit)‘ nf its ntnwsplmre. whilr' it is in olnsv proximitv tn the ï¬nest. ï¬shing grnnmls on those lakcq: ‘ 4 11‘ is our and duty this week to record the death of a Very promising and highly respected young man in the person uf .\l r. George “'atsuu, eldest son of Rev. David Watson. Commencing with an attack of typhoid fever last full he had lwen in a very law sta‘e ever since, and lust. anluy hi9 sum-rings were unled by death. As we have before r.-umrked he was a promising. intelligent young man and much lwlovec! by all who knew him. An immense gathering of friends attended thn funeral, the burial tlklll: place at the stone church Cemetery. NUT fveling satisï¬ed with the game as it resulted at Bcnvortnn, the Millhmok can through the Mail have chalivnzeql the: Checkers to play a game at Lindsay. Via.» learn the challenge has hvon nvvuptrd, an-l thu match takes plum: llt‘xt Mummy. “'0 are sorry our laws ham: hml anything fur- ther to do with them after tho onntumptible pl: y hotlx at. Bcavcrtnn and Mililmmk. Sommmxn should certnilï¬y he done to hM'e the water in the river draimul and its bed c‘oaued. The hot weather ix producing a bad sun-ll froth the stagnant Water, and when it is remembered that a large portion of the village is clmine-l into the rite: with no means of escape below the dam r} wilh‘ he seen that. these remarks are not onlv in order but impomtiwl}v nom-ssary to the health and \‘:T'.'.59;n': of the cunlu‘lmity. tion We would o‘nserVe that tln- samtary in- spector should \isit thmta promises as many cumplnints are brim; made of Hm foul smell proceeding from the rmr of the same. MR. HENRY \\'::s'mn'rr has rem-wed thv' old shoe maker's shop next to the mtnblish- ment (if Mr. J. Gluvcr, tn Osborne street. butting the “Iron Block.“ In this connec- An order in co nail has boon izsnul limit- ing the carrying capacities nf Cnmdian steamers. The “Emily Mny"wln he por- mittod to carry 209 pmwng-ws and a crew of 10, total 300. The “Sultun l‘n-lle" ‘23 passengers and ‘2 of a crown tul ll ‘.‘5. PII'NK‘S are "booming." lmnlly two days passing without a reminder of the ï¬estivc season. Quite a large party left the village on Monday for Bean ubm and Thor-ab lslmvl, and had a most. eujnyablo time.â€" Gleaner. A msrnm'xsnnn man once wrote to his newspaper, “Rx-new n y nnmu llaéx your -, send me ynnr paper as long 3i I live, and if you can Senal it after me in Hue next Wurld. do so." They say this man lived to a very old ngu. hsl-nl-mlum am now nearly rn‘r‘y to pick, and the pickers are alumna to start. The hot w: nthcr has brought the berries on very fast the prwt few days. The crop “ill be small this year. decision gave the game in lh-uvutm‘. CALIFORNIA eahtnrsuse $50 gulcl pieces fur pnl‘er wuightg and yet thvy are my happier than us chaps who me hrick- bats. ASSIS‘l‘l-Il by mun)! uur vluh. says the Port- Ilnpe 'I'iuu-‘g Alilllbl‘unl-z won a Lam-0.1m Match {mu Beaver-tun in thrm‘ straight games. This is a mistnkv, as ch:- referee's decision gave the game tn lh-zn‘u tow. 'l'ul: Autumn Minn-,3 nf Hm ('nurt of Chancery for l‘uumy m “Mm-in, will 0pm: at the Cuurt Hum-0. \Vhithy, nu 'I‘llemlny. September I'lc'l. ISi'J. “'2 lmlicml r-Ilr yum": {Ii-n13, Messrs. .l. N. Adams au-«l H. .I. (Inn-mun. m tut-'u lnq week. Tho-y are (-njnyinu a shutrt summer vacation :nnemv lln-ir frivn-ls herv. 'I'IIH INHI lhflnlinn \ri" gm inm ("mm at Niagara «hunt thu mi-lullv of 8- pt ~mlwr. 'I‘Ilv. wunn-n are suns'uin; the curumt crop all m n jull‘v. (‘n".\"r\' 1W UXTuun Ase-'ww \\ i" hr- hold at, \Vhitl'y. 'l‘hnrs-lay, Seph-vn‘u-r t‘ht. l’A‘rllalAs'l‘liHs mnl utEu-rs “'1†do \\‘;S(“}' to remember Hu- duty tlzv lruv imlmsl-s tn slaughtw (hum-lint) flnistlvs. .‘P-mu‘rxtun Icrmn" 22cm. ME“.