Beauerton Lumber Yard. BRICK YARD AND EQUITERY. 1W. TAY LOR, Proprietor. 'LUMI};3II, SIIINGLES, and LATE The undersigned “(-113 in inform the citizens of Bonvertuu and surrmuniing country that he has cmnmcm-m! I) wilis in the above line on the Of all dcscriptiuns. By strict attention tn tine pubiin wants he win on- dmvour to secure :1 lxlncral shun- of patronage With the erection of our new shop we are in possession of mm of the largest and most cmnmmlioms mtablidnncnt in the county and have now emery facility for the production in first-class style hf ew-rythinq ix: cnuuectiun with the tr‘vle. Repairing ami c-paintmgoï¬ all kinds â€"â€"HLA C K531 l'l‘HING.-â€"- amine Hours, 10 u. m. to A! r. m. Saturdays, 10 n m to 2 p In. BUILT FROM Fl “ST-CLASS MATERIAL and by tint-class workmen nt ï¬gures which cannot be hvnh-u. one dnm- west vi 3). McKenziu'a when: he will luv]! cumlamly (:11 hand a full assortment. uf Drain Tile a Specialty Smirk: amdl Patna-y ELACK 4300" .‘B a. nke r s BEAVLï¬TQfl; em. 508. J. CAVE, Publisher. and its branches. and a]! points in Canada and the United States. A merican Currency bought and suld. MQMEY T62 LQAI‘E SAVING S’ 1)E1“ARTI‘JENT. Interest allowed on Deposit-s at the rate of 5 per cent. Notes collected at lowest rates. mu: afnndvillc gavoratc, JOB. J. CAVE, PROPRIETOR. Sunncmmms :~81. 00 per annum, In ad. vauce, or$.1 50 if not 30 paid. AD‘ERTISI\G RAT“. 30011111111, ] y‘e_ar.. ................. SH! 00 (In An FRESH GROCERIES of 5.11 Kinds! NORTH SIDE #3111001"; STREET Carr/ages, Buggies and Waggons Oates, Biscuits. and Confectioncry, on good security. Drafts issued upon the UFFICE~Kmu smtrr, woonvuur, on NEW BAKERY Curd: not exceeding one inch anuum. Woodville Carriage Works. “'UUDV 1 LLE, ONT. Proctor’s Brick Block, limb door east of Town Hall, 1. MADILL, Manager. of all kinds and qualities on hand. FRESH BREAD OI u AND GRQCERY. t‘t ‘ Y I - ' , ‘ . « V‘ ' ' ‘ ' . ‘ n n ' ~ . < \‘ ' ' z" ‘ v . n ' 1 I ~ .) . ‘ - o Dominion Bank of Canada. F. DUNNEGAN- =§u§inrss 033122115. nf (“:ch description. .,.. no. w m Lm 1r! LE Smut Conan. PURELY ’5. menms ‘. . ..... 60 00 $5.00 per Wilson " A. " \\ ilsou “B" and "R0 ynl†Sc“ mg, v \Iachines and \ecdlcs kept Constant- ly on hand. (Mice of \ ELDON HOUSE, Woonwmm, 'l‘llos. EDWARIISI Proprlolor. First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar Well supplied with tho choic- cst liquors mul cigars. ’Bus to and from all trains mul ovcry convenience for the travel- ling public. Livery Rigs at any time nmd at all hours on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles in connection with the Eldon House. CARTER. ï¬r. Carting done to and from all parts of the village, Nipissing and Midland Railway stations. Charges moderate. Residence-mm: dour north of Eldon llouse, Queen Street, “'oodville. Ageilf for A. HARRIS, SON Co., Hmntfunl, Manutncturers of Reapers, Mow- ers, SelLBindera. c. PARSONS s; DUNCAN, Ecawzwu fangs}? ! Mnney to Luau on ï¬rst-class security at 6 t9 6;. pc_r ccuï¬. a. 25:5ch Fri. _ 8m. rub. The highest cash price paid for all kinds of “IDES, SKINS, ’l‘ALLOW c. Any quantity of TAX BARK “'ANTED, for which Cash will he paid. New work nuulu to order at shortest notion. Bust. "mu-rial and Workman used. Ropniring at all kinds neatly and promptly executed. All kimls of lllncksmithing. DENTISTH, use" lelmy. om. One cf the above will be at Hamilton's Hotel, Rem'ertml, on the SECOND MUN- DAY of each month. He will also visit “'oodville 021 the Second 'I‘L' ESDAY of each month, stopping at Mcl’hcrsuu's Hotcj. \VOODVILLE LIVE {Y STABLE, ‘l‘ovrnshlp Clerk, Munlflpallty [of Thu-uh. Conveyancer Commiasioner in 8 IL, Issuer of \Imriauc l. menses kc. Agent {01 the I‘rcdmld L0: 111 end Savings Co Oiï¬ce, Mara St. Nonth of the bxidge. Rezwerton. Clerk 601 Division Court County otomarlo Ofï¬ce at Mr. Reid's store, Lorneville. Ont. Otï¬ee over Standard Bank, Cmmiugton, Ont; $15,000 Private Funds to Loan. Mr. Sinclair will be at “'oodville every Tuesday P. S. MA mus . 0PH(‘E.-â€"-R00m8 lately occupied by \V. M. (tochrmxe, Biglow'a Block, Port Perry. J. SNELLGROVE, BEAVERTUN CARRIAGE WORKS, J N0. )lu’l‘AG(h\ R’l‘, Kirkï¬old cmnnssmsnn IN 1:. n., rosvmunuzn GENERAL INSl'l{.\.\'(,'F. AGENT. ~â€".\l()'.\'l~l\' TU LOAN :1tl'»pcrcont.~ IMPRUVI'II) FARMS FOR SALE Eldon Township Clerk and Treasurer. Attorney-ablaw. Solicitor In Chancery, Conveynuccr. £0, .t'c. (Late of McDougfll Sinclair. Toronto.) Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Am, \VM. CAMERON, \Voodville. Agent for [nion Loan qt Snvlm’s (‘0. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. OFFICESâ€"Kent Street, landsay, Ontario. 1m Surgeon Dentist. (Late of J. G. Adams, L.D.S., Toronto.) Auctioneer for the (‘ounly ofomarlo. Ahbkxssâ€"Buvmmx, P. 0., ONTARIO Pens and other Seed (imins on Hand. Olï¬ceâ€"Boawell’s Block, Cannington. ARCH. CAMPBELL, VICTORIA COUNTY AUC‘I‘loNEEB. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Otï¬ce, “'oudville. Ont. NEELANDS PENTLAND .‘uiorse-Shocumv a Spoclamv. OFFICE in Town Hall, Benetton. JIESRY EDWARDS, Proprietor. MAP TIN HOPKINS, nmnlsmn‘s soucnous ac. ARCH. J. SINCLAIR, HUGH D. SINCLAIR, JNO. A. JACKSON. J A )1 ES LAWSON, GEORGE SMITH, G ISO. F. BRUCE, gummy: wards. Montreal Telegraph Company DONALD ROSS, H. WELLER, L.D.S., G. H. HOPKIXR. WOODVJLLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1882 NORTHERN HOTEL, \Voonvluw, BENJADIIN “Alums, Proprietor. This ï¬rst-class house has just been re- ï¬tted, furnished my] otherwise rmlovated and improved. Bemg in the centre of the business part of the village, and furnished with splendid sample rooms. it is therefore most convenient for travellers and commer- -cial men, and the public generally. The Bar is supplied with the beat of Liquove and Cigars. Good Stables and llostler in at- -beudn:ce. ‘ All Work Wmv-(mtell. HORSE-SMOKING A SPECIA LITY INSPECTION INVITED. \IONEY TO IAOAN On ï¬rst class Secmity at 65 and" I per cent. interest, in sums 01 $200. 00 up to $20,000. and {101115 to 20 years. Also a. number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR SA LE. in the Townships of Thorah, Mara and Eldnn. Everything in the like kept on hand or made to order on short notice. Having in my employ none but. First-Class Workman and the only In town. Parties having Second- Hmul Rigs to re \air, paint. or trnn, should lctch them nhmg. Some of the bust rigs ever made in Woodvflle nearly ï¬nished. HARNESS- COLLARS, HAL‘I’ERS, WHIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VALISES AND All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING 13 [GAVE RfI‘ON- ‘ AGENT AND VAL UA TOR ALL KINYS 0|" H'II‘AHHNH NRA'I‘IA' AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. or Cloth given in exchange. Parties calling on me bcfprc selling their wool will find it EAEWQQQ’S CARRIAGE WORKS, A large assortment of whips from lï¬cts. up. ALEX. DOBSON, gum; (Ont-aria it-Vnnll‘m (Liiurtury BEA VERTON. ONTARIO. I hereby inform the public that I have leased the above. mill and furnished it with a full set of Cardin; and Spinning Machin- ery, and am now prepared to do all kinds of Guiding, Spinning and “Hearing in a style equalled by fcw and surpassed by none. A, MoFAD'i EN, Hamilton vaident loan Soc’y HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER c NOTES COLLECTED AT LOWEST RATES. 0mm»: Horns, mo.“ 10 AN. T041211. FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER .aningbought the shop and ï¬xtures of Mr. G. U..Smith, Bubcher, customexs can rely on getting the best of Beef at all times, and other meats in season. . MON Elf TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY Sale and Farmers' Notes cashed at lowest xates. Cheques issued uuon the Standard Bank of C.ulm!a, pm able at par at all its Branches 1u Ontario and Quebec. Savmgs Dagammwm to their advantage. i’arties having {at cattle to dis ose of will please call or leave word at my 8 op. Farmers wanting meat “ill please leave their urder the night betore at the shop. The highest cash priuc paid for RIMES. We 3. E’Eï¬SflAIGE, BANKER, BEKYERTON, ON T251310 \VUUDVILLI‘) HARNESS SHOP. R. if. EARXVGQQ. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Deposits received and interest at the rate 01 5 per Cent. per anumu allowed. CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HUGH McCORQUODA LE, JAMES STUART. WOODVIILB BUTCHER SHOP. TERMS CASH__ \VOODVIIJILE. gamma wards. I'ZSTAIILIMI I'll). I856 ~â€"FOR THE-â€" Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before me, the under- signed Registratm of the Queen’s Bench Division of the said Court, as Ollicial Re- feree at my chambers in Osgoode Hall in the City of 'J‘orouto, on the second day of September. A. D. 1882, at 11 o clock in the foreman, being the time appointed for ad- judication on the claims. Dated the“ 20th day of June, A.D., 1882. Signed, Beaverton Woollen Min I M A R A S'l‘R E ET. The place to buy your FULL CLOTH, 'l‘Wl-IEDS, WHITE, GREY and CHECK FLANNELS, BED BLANKETS. HORSE BLANKETS. STOCKING YARN, c., is at the Beauen‘on Wool/en Mill, â€"â€"â€"M A R A STR E ET.â€" A statement containing their names and addresses and full particulars oftheir claims and of their securities (if any) held by them; or in default thereof, they will be peremp- torily excluded {mm the beneï¬t of the muney paid into Court under order made herein, dated the 26th day pf June, 1882!. WOOL WOOL ! done is at the Bcavcrton \Voollen Mill, Nontlx End of the Bridge, Mam Street. July 10th. 1882. 251'†DA Y 0F AUGUST, 1882. An IIom-st medicine is: the IIIIII‘II'aI. War]: of man, and v. a can assure our ImrIors that Dr. l"'Im\Iu‘.~. '“I .x‘.ract I-I \\ iIII l‘erxhony is not unIy ICIiaI Io lIIIt H nInmxt inI'nIIaIIII- to euro LIIOII'rn .\II>IIIII.-.I l)\ scIItI-Iy, Canker nf IIIc stomach and Immls, and the v-mimIs Summer Complaints, “hose attacks are often sudden and [MM OTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate. of John Montgomery. late of the Township of Man, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, who died intestate on the 20th day of March, A. 17., is“, are to send by uoat prepaid, or to deliver to Frank Madill, ESquii-e, Solici- tor for the Administrator of the said John Montgomery deceased, at his oflice in the Village of Beavcrtou, on or before the 33-3 NOTICE is hereby given «that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 3rd and 4th sections of the Voters’ List Act, the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made persuxmt to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised assess- ment roll of the said municipality to be en- titled to Vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that said list was lirst posted up at my ofï¬ce at Lorueville, on Tuesday, August 8th, 1882, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any emissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the some corrected according to law. Dated this 8th day of August 1882. John Montgomery re. F.A.Montgomery AND OTHERS INFANTS. Voters’ List, 1882 Municipality of Eldon ! Notice to Creditors â€"0Fâ€"â€"- 33‘ The place to get your .33: Wool ((n'd‘o'ng, Sphmn’ng, Weaving, Cloth, Dressing, Coloring, «f'o. C.T. YOUNG The place to sell your Wool is at the JNO. A.JACKSON Clerk of Mumcipulity, COUNTY OF VICTORIA. meanness (51211115. R. P. STEPHENS Lorneville, P.. O. Bcnvorton. D. J. Campbell Alex. McArthnr, Malcolm McA rthur, Andrew Mel’hail, James McPhail, Duncan McArthn, Duncan Sutherland , Samuel Smith, A lexandcr Campbell, Duncan Campbell, Katie Sutherland, P. ll. McEachcrn, Malcolm Campbell, John 'l‘inncy, Charles Moore, 1). B. Carmichael, c.- A. C. Campbell, “'nodville, has madn largo additions to his stock of Crockery and Glassware. \Vhen washing lislc-thrcml gloves do not use soap ; instead of that put a teaspoonful of ammonia in one quart of water. If washed in this way. there is no danger of there being spots and streaks in the gloves. as there \vonld almost certainly be if washed in the usual way. Rev. Mr. McLaren, present pastor of the Presbyterian congregation, Kirkï¬el-l preached in the Eldon School House lay Sunday evening to a very large and atten- tive audience, his sermon being as on for- mer occasions able and impreSsive. Mr. McLaren is highly esteemed by all in this section, andas a nroof that he has the approbation of the young in this section together with their respect, the -.clii|dren attending school got up a small gift in the form of a purse, filled with shining specie and had it conveyed to him one morning last week by their teacher. Several other friends lent a help to the children in their scheme. Accompanying the gift- was the following address :â€" ELoox S'rxrlox, August 15th, 1892. MR. Manningâ€"Our very dear and re- spected friend,â€"â€"\\'c the undersigned in behalf of the pupils attondmg school in School Section No. 7, Eldon, beg to offer vou this humble gift as a slight token of the regard the pupils of said school cuter- tain towards you and have entertained c‘-'cl' since they ï¬rst made your acquaintance. We trust you will accept our small present in the same spirit in which tendered. May unerring wisdom guide ;your steps and choose your inheritance for you for time and eternity, is the earnest mall, and will al- ways lie the prayer of your many friends in this section. I. F. Smith, Druggist of Dunullo. under (lateannue lat. writes of Dr. l“nwlcr‘n Extract of “'ild Strawberry. “ ll Rolls immensely in fact has the largest sale during the samurai any patent. nmlicino in stock." and adds that. he can lmnrfly rc- rccozmnemlit tn the public. 'l‘ln- «have named rcmcdyis nature's grand mrc In: Cholera, Dyseutcry mul all suman-r com- plaints. Farm hands are so scarce that women work in the ï¬elds. 011 Monday we. noticed onmworking a horse rake and another placing tho grain ready to be drawn in.-â€" Whitby Garlic. The wild raspberry cm is H:i< year pretty near a hilure in his mrt of tho. country. It is supposed that t w cold won- thcr in the early summer doatrnyul the bloom. The loss will he felt Ivy many. {or in ordinary years nlargu amount nf mmmv ismmlu by plcking and selling rm. a (lo- licions fruit..â€"â€"Su(lon Timrs. Lrvm: (.‘(iMl‘l.AlNT.â€"l8 railm dct‘lnntc term. as cmnonly uudcrsL. sists of a torpid sluggish strum of t‘. deï¬ciency or a supcrulumdnm-o of '- nltcmtinu from its proper Clmw- disturbed action of the livm- organs giving raise to pain in Hr under the shoulder lilndv, lu Mu inoss, dizziness, sick stnnm‘ ‘ lletitc, bud bowels c., are pron p 1y Burdock Illood Bitters. Owing to certain contagious sickness being in this section, the re~openmg of the achoolis postponed to the fourth day 10f September. From. our own Correspondent. Harvesting in this lucality is no 1er ï¬nished, and it affords your humble contes- pondent much real pleasure to be :blo to state that the crops have not disappoimtcd the industrious farmer. 'l‘ho \vhcnt off of a ten ncro 1i Gillivmy waslmrvcswul mrl ii: Wot-k. producing the remark. , 4‘22 bushels. From our own Cormpoiulmt. The duck shooting season has commenced here, but the ducks do not seen to be so plentiful as they have been. Two Weddings in the village this week- Mr. Henry Folliott. tried his new‘ threat» ing machiiie for the ï¬rst time on Monday. It works quite satisfactorily. 4.. GW' For best value in Tens all on A. C.â€" Campboll, Woodville. â€"â€"Fresh Shock. [s- A Bale of Ly bate:- Mills Cotton . best, inthe market, at. A. C. Campbell's, "\'ood» ville. THIS AND THAT. Signed in behalf of the School. VOL VI.â€"NUMB.‘!.R 3f) Eldon Station. Donovan! Sarah Campbell Bella Campbell, Susie Luke, Jenny \Hulmes, Mary Mc \rtlmr, llaclylcl M Campbell, Mmtlm 1} Smith, Bella Neshitt, Katie Burke, Charlotte Murrison, Jalnima McNahb. Mrs. Alex. Currie. Mrs. Mc.-\ rth u r p. m. Flora Stuart, Janet Mitchell, Mary McArtlmr. m M"- llf‘I‘ Inst yxc m in- it cun- ‘i\‘or, xv . or an '. All biliary 1.0. II“ “'(‘nl' I up C“ l‘("