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Woodville Advocate (1878), 24 Aug 1882, p. 5

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leuu Y Town Hall is to be unhmcd. ’l‘ux new residence of Mr. Jzu. Stuart is being bricked. MR. Roar. ADAM, of Mariposa, has in- von in u. Massey Selfâ€"Binder. ‘8' 30 causes of 19. ct: and Shoes, coming to 3. Canlplwll’v, “'umlvilloe, this Week. CAPT. lluzscun:l.m:u was in town last week wcrmliug; for the 34th Battalion. Tm: new livery vaguely hinted at. in our last is now u cnusumnmtml met. Mr. J us. llnrwood mumuuccs that ha is prepmaul to furnish a" kinds of first-class l'n'cry rigs cheaper than the cheapest Mu. It. I". KII.[A].\',-(,'t\mlillgtml, has been appointed ngunt fur the Manhattan Fcul Co’s Feed. '1 his is a. Horse and Cnttlu Fund, and comes rccumulcudcd by a how of weighty testimonials. 6‘" All my Acuuuuts will be ready for list of Sept. Parties calling and getting their accmmts will oblige Rod. ()zuupbull, “'oodvillc. I'ICFUI(H-'QUE CANADA. -}Iumbers 9 jaml 10 bin-flush been received. “Va are now carried into the lumbering districts of the Upper Ottawa and Nipissiny, and our chief Canadian industry is very liberally illustrut ed. Some of the views are especially line and delicately executed, while the letter press, by Principal Grant, is terse and descriptiVe. THE Millers’ Association of \Vaterloo County hzn'c decided not to accept the wheat known as Arunecta. It not hav- ing nearly the some milling qualities of other whents. Considerable Armiecta is grown in this neighbourhood. but last year the disparity in price being so great decided many of our farmers to discard it. The Association also recommend to farmers the cultivation of the following varieties of fol wheat for milling qualities. viz : Mediter- ranean, Scott, Michigan, Amber, Democrat, nnd'l‘rendwcll. Tho Falz, was condemned as unsatisfactory, and it was decided that 50. per bushel less be paid for it than the other varieties of {all wheat. Tm: Uxbridgo Guardian is responsible for the following zâ€"“One .of our returned tourists tells the following w! a fact : A bridal couple boarded the ”min :-t. Wood- villo. The groom was a tall, strapping fellow, and squeezed the bride into a seat next the window. Some of the train hands who were posted 'put the newshoy up to bringing in a box of baby rattles and oll‘er the embarrassel couple their choice for live cents. All sorts of excuses were adored by the bestumn as reasons for not. buying. Finally he made a clean breast; of the situ- ation with, “Sachem. mister, I've 'only been mm ried about fifteen minutes. Give us a chance. We don't. want to sub up house-limping right here in the car. Keep your tinwaire au’ 1’” be along next. year and if the returns are in to show for it satlsfuctorily 1'“ buy the hull cahoodle.”-â€"â€" “'ho, oh, who were they ? Tm: Globe of Tuesday of last week gives the following ; “An old confidence game was successfully played upon an unfortunate English innuigrunt by the mail steamer at Ht. Levis yesterday, bound for \\ oodville, village Untario, It appears that on r the Grand Trunk special tmin, just before a starting, he made the acquaintance of an insinuating stranger. who claimed also to he going wlth his wife to Woodville. where he had relatives. At this stage a confeder ate appeared on the scene, and presented a bill for Slim freight on grain which had to he paid in cash, hut our man having,' only $50 and some hank drafts about him ap- plied to the immigrant for the loan of Sim) to be repaid in \\'oodville, and got it. It is needless to say that the two rascals de- camped with the money, and at latent accounts had not yet been arrc:ted.”â€"â€"-r'l'he unfortunate alluded to arrived here on \YuL uesdny, and we learn is a hrotherdn-lau’ to Mr. \Vm. Thomas, of Mariposa. llis intro- duction to Canadian manners and customs has not been flattering. mmmc gum: gun's. "JAVIV yv... Cut £39; out'nnd take It to yum Drug Ist am: wt 0 10 cent Sample or; erg-o bottle {or 75 cents, and Myournolzhborabout It. ' ZOPE SA. or Ladiel’ Fine Laced Boots at R. Camp- bell's, Woudville. only 85 cunts. , 0" Imliea' l’runella Bantu At Bad Camp- z bull‘s, Woodville, loss than coat. W Harvest tools and Machine Oils at McIntyreac l’rlor's Woodville In” Just. arrival, Bountiful New Prints, at Mclnnyre l’rior'u. Woodville. 60‘ A Largo Stock of llarwat Mitts very cheap at H. \Vilsun'a. BIRTHS. 0x the 19th inst.,'tlw wife of Mr. F. King. of a daughter. 3| .lllluh.” A1 Bolsovel, on the 14th inst” by Rev. J. '1‘. Pull] Mr. Jno. Ulcuk, Toronto, to Miss Janet Campbell, of “at :1, ()0. ()nt. ON the [6th inst. at Bolsuver. by the Ruv. J. ’1'. Paul, John. son of Laucbliu Mc- Enchern, E‘fll., tn Miss Charlotte Ann, daughter of Henry '1‘. Fordc, Esq. , all of Elddu. DIED. ON the 2131; inst., at \Voodvillo, James IKisdon, aged 77 years. AT Rotrhurwnoid, Georgina. on the 26th inst, \Villimu Silbbahl, 111401163 years. Midland Railway OF 011mm. EXCURSION! FROM ORILLIA To Toronto Return. FOR $1.00, on MONDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 1882. In aid of the Methodist Church of Canada. Train will leave Orillia at 7 a. m. and will stop at the folleng stations : ATER LEY, U PIERHROVE, SCHEPEL- ER, BRECHIN, GAMEBRIDGE AND ‘E AVERTON . Train will arrive in Toronto at Eleven n. m., and leave at 6.30 p. m., giving excur- snomsts SIX hours In Toronto. 500 Tubs Choice DAIRY BUTTER, 10,000 flnzen Eggs. The subscribers will pay the highest market price in cash, for Butter and Eggs delivered at their store. A large stock of Choice Family Groceries on band, also ONE GAB FINE SALT l W, G. Smith Co. August 23rd, 1882. FLOUR, OATMEAL, AXES, AXES, AXES, GRAND Hardware in all its lmnchcs. I have just received twelve barrels of LlTBlllUA'l‘lNG OILS, consisting of the best brands from the cheapest to the dearest. Special prices to 'l'hrcshers. HARDWARE Corn meal, Crack-ed Wheat. In all sizes. from lin. to 6in. The best ever offered in this part. of the country. LACE LEATHER. (American) from SLM) to $5.00 per hide. Just. arrived AND PEAMEAL. Goal Oil, Mac/zine Oils, For further particulars see large bills. is the best nxo made by Wainnck , 00., and is the boat In the market. It Is a trifle high- er in price but is the cheawst in N10 end. Apple Thread Wheel Heads and everything from a needle to an anchor. I am also aole agent for the MANHATTAN FEED for Horses, Cattle, Milch Cows, Calves Sheep, Pigs and Poultry. I have A new DEXTER BUUGY which cost $20.00, which I will sell for $100.00 on easy terms. August. 1882. 25 Boxes Axes, of the best quality, just received WOODVILLE, ONT. American Belting. 27w " 812.173” dwe. A PPLE PARERB ! lagging Clmz’m . 1|! OILS, OILS, OILS, 0f the very best make. R. F. KILLA LY, L‘annington. ThomuMy cu. Bnoobridg e. writes: "Dr. Thomu' Eolectric Oil u this best. medicine I sell. It dwnysgivea satisfaction. and in case: of con he, colds, lore throw. c. .. immediate rel ief has been reé iv ed by those w ho use it. " There is no more wholesome or delicious fruit on earth than the Wild Strawberry, and there is no more eflectnnl remedy for Cholera, Dyscubery, Cramps and other summer complaints of infants or adults. than Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry. Mr. Pu- tus Boileau, Ottawa says' “1 was radian ly cured of pileS. from which I had been sulfering for over tWO months, by 1211» use of 'l‘homas' Eclectric Oil. 1 used it both internally and externally, taking it in sumlldOses before meals and on w- tiliug to bed. In one Week I was cured, and have had no trouble since. I believe it saved my life." A GOLD BROOCH. In \Voodville on _ Sumlaf' evening, 20th inst.. the finder wéill kindly eave the same at Tm: ADVOCATE o co. $4.000 worth of BOOTS SHOES I keep always on hand a supply of Cold Liquor 111 the past and sure to in fine future. l’en‘ Trunks, Valises and Satchels August 22nd. 1882. m STATIONERY. School Books, Slates, Bibles, Testangeuts, for the fall trade, from two of the best manufacturers in Canada, to give satisfaction to my customers in MEDICAL HALL BEAVER‘I’ON Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Bohemian Glassware, Vases and Tuilet : “'allets, Purses, Hair. Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet. Articles. AGEN C1: Gr'came'tlc-Wéletgrw Telegraph (Lo. " Allan Lizw Steamships- " Lazarus ‘0 Jlorris’ Famous Speciacles. “ l‘lwrley’s Ilorsc and Cattle Food. on hand in abundance. Call and see our stock and you will cannot better it in Canada, WEAR, STYLE AND QUALITY! THE CHEAPEST STORE! __...â€"__._..___._ fi®®?flfl ‘Mfififiifl Dress Goods in Fancy White Muslins. CREAM EZH‘SGAN, BEUE AMI! BLAGRQ. Parasols and Fans in all the New Styles. Broys’ Liam (Mats fimm 75 (its. 119. Boys’ Black Cord Coats» Boys’ Knicker Smts‘ n“ MENS' LINEN PEA JACKETS. MENS' BLACK ll. CORD COATS .8! Ladies’ Sliypezs. Ladies’ Tie Shoes. Ladies! But. Shoes, All kmds of Standard Patent Medicines, PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS ON HA} Physicians Prescriptions carefuny and accurately compounded. 130M I beg to inform mv numerous customers that I have p Lost. R- CAMPBELL- 3%: Mfifigmw, BEAVERTON, ONTARIO. MENS’ LINEN ULSTERS. llavc on hand the following Goods for the Hot “'cntber :‘ BI’XTISGS AND Cffifi ggamxgiltgfil’g Boot and Shoe Stare WOODVILLE- In all lines that may be called for in y of Cold Liquor Tanned Leather that has given satisfaction the future. People giving thcn- orders at once can have Boots seasoned for the winter. In you variety and Cheap. neuts, Hymn Books, Prayer in cloth and paper. NUX’S YE] LINGS. A large stock of NE UR TWU (mun :UUNI) DRW. ING HORSE-‘5. in uchuugc for Buégicl or waugons, or Uash. Appiy to II. J. HARWOUD, Carriage Maker. August 2nd. 1882. Woudville, August 2nd, 1882. August 16th. 1882. GENER AL SFLVA NT Must be able and. willing v to cook, w nah and Iron Good wages to one that “ill suit. apply to R. F. KILLALY, Cnunington. For Sale, OR To RENT. W anted. Wanted. COMMODIOUS HOUSEâ€"good cellar, situated in Buavcrton. Apply to ANDREW MURRAY, 'l'insmith, Beavcrton, Out. COOPER TISDALE. nrchased over be convinced that 3011 Backs, Juvenile Books, and I am prepared and Tnilet Setts 100 ACRES GOOD LAND. In tho Townships of Rama (‘uumy of (in. tun-i0. will be sold cheap all-l on terms to sun. tun-luau). l-‘or particulars apply to CA.“ EROS WES'I‘UUTT, Hardware Merchants. Bezwcrtun. THE FLY. The season of the (IV Is now on us. and l haw just receiwd .I. lnr-Vu assurtmcnt of Horse Sheets 8. Lash Nets. 4.7.4.: 7.3 .w.:,.:._..n 3.... 4: 7.6“: TENTI. 7.5... :74. 3.15.232 flAV.< July 19th. 1882. BEA VEETQND Hardware and Slave Emporium. Land for Sale. In Hunt-st, Tools we Lave an imnmnse stock. consisting of Scytlws, booths, Forks, [lain-.3 “nodal liarlry F-ulis. Sin-cl liar-lay Furies, Fork llzunllrs. Grain Cradles, kc. Alll'm‘ (€01th we purchased from the Icmlin; Manufacturers in tho Dominion, at low prices. We are. every day selling: stacks of “arrest Tools, Harrest Mitts. l‘aris Green and Machine Oils, at low mice: for Cash. or approval short credit buyers. I'I 11R’.V’EST BIITTS 3 Our stuck of Harvest Mitts is a splen- did assortment of over one thousand pairs. to be all sold at low prices. Gall and See: Them. In Paris Green “'9 have {ho pure thing, in bulk or m mm pint tms. READY FOR USE. “'0 have just 1-0- Ceivul another lot of these Paints, put up in quart, half gallon and "1111011 tins, in tlifl'ureut colors.b “'0. have also received another fine In!) uf ‘29 Cook Stoves frnm the celebrated Gnrm‘y Fuumlry. Dn.-'t forget that we keen the finest stack I-f Stuvsc "(will of 'nmnntu. “'1; mo :\l\\:\)siu the mmkct to pun-haw. \Yuul, Hides .\_'_h_cep and Calf S_kins. C ASH fiflflVflSi‘ T®Q£S~ Cloned for Repairs. Endogfiaisss z of all machinery. The .‘hlls will consequent- ly be Closed until September Ist ameron 8'5 Westcott, Existing and Shopping! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. J. GLOVER, FIRST CLJ SS IIIANN’ER, TAMARACK AND HEMLOCK WOOD. August 15th, 1882. Q?" PARIS GREEN Jffi Immix Cancer Cum Depot, Uuaticouk, P1). Canada. STOV ES' STOV7lub ‘ ‘ ' The undersigned having Icasml the above Mills, is now engaged In a \ntlmut the use of the Knife. The only Permanent Cure it. We \Vurld. Fur particulars cncluso two 3 u'nt stamps S. (3. SMITH. (’oaticook, I’. (3., Canada. â€"â€" l lighest llcfuroncmâ€"â€" WCl'llliS §\\'IFT AND CERTAIN. Thorough Overhauling, CANCER CURED. PAH) F01: \YDOL. CA MICRON .5; \VES’l‘COTT. D. K. CAMPBELL, LIQUID PAINTS. $1.000 FORFEIT. Cures 0holera,0holcra Morbus‘ L‘y- sentery, Cramps, colic, Sea Sic/:- ness and Summer complaint ; also Cholera lnfantum, and all 00m- p/aints peculiar to children teeth- ing. and will be found equal/y beneficial for adults or children. \ FOR SALE BV All DRUBGISTS. T. MILBURN 00., " Propfloion.Toronto Something entirely new. Cash paid for any quantity of will be done in a after which time â€"AXI)â€" h EA V ERTOX. “’OUDVI LLB.

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