hall the business hie?! visited My news. paper agents and allied {Ur adVeftiseuicnu consider the newspaper men as a kind of infliction of Providence, which. like the itch, must tale'a cei tiin course before being cured. We wish to convince all such er- roneous thinkers that they are wron . The newspaper, instead of being a sort 0 visita. tion Iron) the lower world. Is a Public neces- sity, and {or the ublic good. 'lhey. instead at dead-beating their way in the world, live from money hard-earned. and for which they frequently pay, in one way or another, two hundred cents for a dollar. Business men have made fortunes, luwe risen from xwerty to opulence. simply from the bene- its of the uewapapere across their way. The money the newspapers make is handled by the men who patronize with their busi- ness advertisements. We have frequently had Inen tell us; “We never advertise. It's too much like throwing money away.†On observing their business, we invariably see their molasses barrel leaking, their dry cOVered with dust, their anger ï¬lled with flies. their scales rusty, their hands rusty. theirfinger nails unclean, their pints patched, their? customers tow and -their success a failure. They hobble along in the world slowly, and are not the men who rise from poverty and obscurity to riches and eminence. Show us a man who advertises extensively and we wull show you a man who has the qualities essential to business success. The advcvtisements placed in papers are like the kIml-hemtedness of youth, bearing fruit at ï¬rst and reaching into the years when ago comes on apnea. Then never tell us advertising does not pay. Drones and iguouuuuses only advocate such viewsâ€"Primers Circular. Wires Examseo Anni: Damn, the lungs of those who have died of tubercular consumption are found to be honey combed with little cells full of purulent matter. To this terrible condition the lungs of any one maybe brought who neglects a cough or cold. Unfortunately, may so called cough remedies are ineffective as well asirnpure, containing ingredients absolutely prejudicial to the physical well-being oi those who use them. There, is howover, a source of reueived health and strength upon which persons harrasscd and weakened by lung and bronchial atlections can depend with certainty. We refer to Northop e Lyman’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and the Hump. hosphites of Lime and Soda, which is justly esteemed throughout the Dominion for its efl'ectiveness and purity. The medical faculty have long recognized the value of puriï¬ed oil, obtained from the cod'a liver, in throat and lung efl‘ections, and the hypophosphites are universally prescribld .iu cases of pulmonary decline and general debiliiy. In this preparation the phosphorus which it contains (phosphorus being an im- portant natural constituent. of the pliysic‘l organism) serves to supply stamina and vitality, by enriching the blood, while u? lime and soda are of incalcnlahle service a solidifying and strengthening the bones. This medicine not only Counteracts 5pul- umnary inflammation and arrests plysxcal decline, but is a \'alu:-blo remedy in. sero- fulous cases. As a u cans of checking and omupensatiug forthc tremendous _ ste of bodily tissue caused by .lnug â€If 'chest d' mesâ€"of healil g and so ing the irritl ed membrane of the 1.13 breathing organ:. and of limmo‘hilu the «levelm~ my .1, of pure, 1': (h blool Unix pr-elmmti n has no equal. All druzgiï¬ sell it. STATInXs. “Nan. Exp. 1 Union Staticn. ...7.00 mm. 4.55 p.m. Tornnm. . . . . . .7 H) mm. 5.1‘5 p.n|.. Uxbridge ....... 9.10 " 7.10 " 10 Cumiumon. . . 9.50 “ 159-" ll Lurucville Ju’IL 10.15 Lindsay ........ 10.55 Benvcrton ...... 10.4†Brechin ........ H.023 Uptorgrovu. . . . 11.22 ()rillia .......... 11.40 Kirkï¬eld ....... 11.05 Victoria Road... 1 1.20 Luann ton. . . sum '- ‘VOM L‘MW “ GOING SOU I’H. Sn moss. M An. Err. Victoria Road. . . .5137». m.5.00p.m. Kirklicld ........ ti.i5 “ 5J0 ‘ Orillia .......... 5.10 “ 4.35 “ Upterglove ...... 0.00 “ 4.55 “ Brechiu..........0.20 " 5.12 “ Benvertmn ....... 6.45 “ 5.35 “ Lorncvdle ...... 7.20 “ 6.05 “ “'Omlvilio ...... 7.95 " 6.10 “ Lindsay ........ 6.30 “ 5J5 †Canningtou ......7.35 " 6.20 “ Uxbridge ...... 8.20 “ 7.10 ‘f 'l‘omnta ........ 10.30 “ 9J5 “ Union Station.. I0.40 “ 0.25.7â€: athrr, and avoid all similar nEch article: as they an worthless. NORTHROP 4 LYIMN, .Toronto. l‘ropn‘um ï¬r Onl- RAIDLAND l-ZAILWA’? OF CANADA. ...... “one Aav‘dnmu; 6ngth NORTH. “in". Exp. MIXâ€) CAUTION.â€" T his (In! roproscnls our New Wrapper,- tako_ n. C U R ES RHEUMATISM, Lumbago,Lame Back, Neuralgia. Diphtheria, Cronp, Coughs Colds, Sore Throat, Film, Frost-bites. Bums. Asthma, Cntarrh. Chilblains, Corns, Tooth, Eat and Headachcï¬rum Wounds Sprains of every descrip- tion on man or beast. Actually the best External and lntcmal Reme- dy known. 9. I5 "‘ 7.4 9.25 ....... I“ 10 00mm. 2.25pm. M I um. .C Win “Local lilvuldn Oil“: for itâ€: 0A KWOOD. “may 21th. April 20th. Jul 5th, Oct. char “in. 1883, Jumury low, not 19th. vwronu non). February 2131:, April 26th, July 12th. Sep- tember 13th, November 16th. 1883, Jum- uy 19th, March 14th. woonvxiwii. Film“; diam.» meow, Jul mu sop. hmberlé h. Nov’e'mber 14th. 883. Jun: uy 18th, wd Much 13th. huvnmox.~Feb. 10th. March 1611:, Mny W“), J uuo 29th, Sept. 8th, Dec. 6th. Armanâ€"March 17th, June 30th, Sept. 9th. Dec. 7th. A Cgle'slglomix.â€";)Ige:. J9“), March 15th, pn , h ay . t uue 28.11, S t. th. Oct. 25th. Dec. 5th. ' up 7 I STAND HERE SUMMER STOCK aï¬: Cost, Don't.l Miss This Chancel P. MCSWEYN’S, WGQDY‘ILXLE, ©3332. Compomd largely ot powdemdlllca onsla- glassg lstheBEBTanchEAPESflubm tor, In the worldâ€"the BEBT because It does not sum, but forms a highly pollshqd our- faco over the axle. reducing Motion and Ilghtonlngtho dvaft; the CHEAPEST DO- cnuse It costs NO MORE than Inferior brands, and one box wlll do the work 0 two of any other make. Answem as well for Harvesters, Mill Gearing, Thmshlngllm- chines, Corn-Planters, Carriages. Buggies, em, as for Wagons. GUARANTEED to oontaln NO Petroleum. Sold by nlldealem.‘ tr Our Pocket Cyclopedia a! Thing: mam Knowing mulled tree. MICA MANUFAGTURINGGO. 7228 Hudson 8h. New York. ‘ Cleveland. 0. and Chicago. In. SAMUEL ROGERS dz co. 1'9ronto.0nt. I Sole Agents for the Dominion. ‘ ,,Â¥,_ A TO SAY THAT I WILL SELL Pflflfl ï¬rflQBS, TO MAKE ROOM FOR the bu anco of my J. G. Gilchrist. P‘ 0. Am) animus BANK, Ronny Orders Issued. Woodville, Ontario ~AGBN'I‘ FOR»â€" Allan line of Steamships! INSURANCHNB [UAR AEENBY REDUCED RATES ! This Company is noted for fair and honor. able deahngs with its clients and for its ENBLAND, IRELAND SCOTLAND Canada Permanent Loan ge Savinga' Go Insurance Co. mama: 89 6033 Mutual Insurance Co. $3,000 in case of death, â€"0Râ€"- $15 PER. WEEK, IF DISABLED. Camellia West Land Agency For the sale of Lands in any part of On- tariu to settlers from Europe. where pro- pexï¬es are advertised free of charge. Accident Tickets s. 0931:2ij - Linda-Ivy. Dam Singâ€"Have the goodness to convey to the Directors of the “London Mutual" our thanks for their prompt-1108s in paying our claims in full,_ arising from the losses by the recent bush ï¬re: Alex. Clarke. nps, 3566 James McGahey, Emily, 900 Edward Kerr. “ GOO Joseph McConnell. " 590 Matthew Wilson, Ops, 9l5 'l‘hos. McCube, Ops. 596 Edwin l’rnuse, 'l‘uus. Kelly, Martin Harrington, Guy “catty, (.3. E..’l‘iers, Isaac Gostlin, Hugh l’ailey. Mnrgan 1: Kerr, Jnhn Chuynuuth, Edmvrd Malone, P. B. Mcllhargey, James Howard, Juhu Wilsuu. Rubt. McFeelers, Jubn Rumba], Mm iposa, Emily. Emily, .Verulaun, ct Laxton, IO Fcuclon , Ups. Lindsay, Yerlllam, 0‘“, Vcrulam, It Lindsay. Oct. 15th. 1381. N. B. GAMEEELL. The Leading Machines TORON' ['0 CORD SELF BINDE R . Strong, simple and durable. 'IORUN'I'O RICA PER, New Gear. T0 R0 5 TO M OW E R . MASSEY II A RV EST ER HONEY'S FLxNNING MILL, And a“ kinds of Implemonts and Mt» chines supplied as cheap M the cheapest. MASSEY l’A'l‘. ‘SHARP‘S’ RAKE. By this Line 1 am enabled 1 tickets to all parts of More used in Canada than all other put twcthcr. A written \\ nmmt b3 the Company given “ith each machine. \..B Camplw“ \\ omhillo, 3qu agent for \orth \ icturia fllll‘ Ontario. 0r parties wishing‘ to bring relatives or friends out can my tickets at my Oflice at co 3%â€" z Dab (w.â€" 3 7. < Z yawn a»: ABELL'S CLIMAX. STEAM A 1) Power Threshing Machines. WILKINSON, wurm mum. Some of the most reliable Conipanies (loin-D ' business in the Dominion. 1 also issue Standard manages 00. CITIZENS’ MODERIXTE RKTES. Light, cnaily handled. Driver lifts either ur I'mth \\ hauls from seat. Bust sheaf maker In the lnmkct. .um QF THANKS. TORONTO, ONT. ‘1;le. and Com) Ilroa‘ Hows. at moderate rates. . B. CAM PBELL . C. CILGRHIST. " ESQI‘ AG EXT FOR AGENT F0 R Agent for AGENT, “‘QODVILLE. Agent London Mutual, It gulls itself. Ops, Ops. Mm iposa, Emily. Emily, .Vcrulaun, 902 400 795 550 $72 215 630 50 FOUNDRY --REAPERS, MOWERS -- PLoucHs, Land Rollers, c., OLD IRON, LUMBER and FIREWOOD taken in trade. \ m garncgt @uecu gnaw: “Harvest. King,†Reaper. “Sprague†Mower, “ Gombinatien"11'as. 2 and. 4. Bloughs. FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. HOODVILLI- ONT. ALL NEW \VORK WARRANTED. THIS :NCOMPARABQE Modioine has soom‘nd for Itself an 1mporishablo fame throughout tho World for tho alleviation and. gore of. most diseases to whiten humomty is heir. Worth their Weight in, Gold purify, regulate and improve the quality of the Blood. They assist the digestive or- guns, cleans: the aroma: and BOWELS, fl Thousands of mucus have tostifled that bv their use alone they have been restored to health and. strength; after every other means baa. proved unâ€" iistcrn and Well Pinups, increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the newons system, and throw into the circulation the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. _._‘ successful. will he found invaluable hold in the cum of 1 Tumours. ’ ’ v Colds, Sore Tlnoms, Bronchitis, and all disorders of the Throat. and Chest, as also (rout. Rheumatism, acrofnln, and every kind of Skin Disease. Manufactured only at Professor HOLLO- \VA\"3 l‘lstnhlisllment, ék'b'iénsmwuunns, caupng 533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and sold at 13. â€(1., ‘23. 9.1., 43. 66., â€9., ‘22:..mu1335. efu‘h ‘mx mad Pot. and In Canada M36 ecnts, ‘JU cents. and 31.50 cents, and {no larger sizes in pmportion. \V. SMITH 81 00., our OA‘UTION.~I have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Meal- elnos sold. there. Purchasers should therefore look to tho Label on the lasts and Boxes. 1! the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, the? are spu- rlons. e‘au The Trade Marks of n are registered in Ottawa, ington. t. . I mlln\ I I Q SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH CUSTOMERS. I" W". “ Sig ,mz moms HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, London. Icmlrlul Prompt]: Attended Io. Ever offered by them to the public. Klâ€"‘GWOINTMEN T. are preparing the largest stock of JACOE amuse THE PILLS ORDERS SOLICI'I‘ED. ï¬Eï¬V’EQWQ‘N W. SMITH c2 00. For the coming nelson NAN UFAL'I‘U RBI]. 0’ able in (way tiousc~ of Open Sums, Hard uf my said Medicines awn. and also at Wuh- Pure Wines and Liquors, 58 ANS Eï¬ï¬'flflï¬, aw 5mm ï¬nd Provisions‘ Fancy Goods; ' Wall Papers, 850 Family G raceries. Buns. Rolls and. Pastry a Speciï¬c: P. D. McArthur: Beaverton. SODA, ABERIETHY AND FRUIT BUISCC] WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FRUIT CAKES, MIXEDTE CAKES. FAMILY BREA Shovels, c, Mmhim L18 PAINTS, @iï¬ags VARNISHES HARVEST TQOLS PARTIES SU PPLIED WHOLESALE. ALIgEULORS, Ready“ £01? [5 .o.....â€" WOODVILLE Tm Sly/411g) Putty, Brushes, Wflaiae Leads Paris Green, ï¬cahy @im finiut a2 69>.†a? D. Henderso Suits undo Co orgler frognnthe latest and mu Where you will ï¬nd a good selection of fashiomblo styles. Allwmk unrantom toï¬t. TERMS. CA3 I. Shop over McIntyre l‘rior's Store, 0 trance, Side Door. When you odma‘ to Town 9'3“ at ")6 WOODV I LLE, ONT. OODVl LLE BA KERY. JOHN BERRIE’S WOODVILLE. OTIC JOHN BERRIE, ORDERS SOLICITED. And everything else. IS UNXLD, Also all kinds of IN THE COUNTY â€"â€"-F01‘ -â€"â€" Cor .Kim; and Stuart 8‘