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Woodville Advocate (1878), 28 Aug 1884, p. 7

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tedibne tech. 8he wee in thet yeer etill engeaed in eigning the commieeione oi the yeer 1858. 00mm. the Poetmeeter 0! Dublin. who in on triel for ench e hideone crime. ie the eon of e lended proprietor in Meeth. end elter e ehort eervice ee clerk in the London oflice wee eppointed in 1850 to hie recent poeition by the Merqnie o! Olenricerde. when Poetmeeter-Generel. et the inetence oi the Merehioneee. who wee fencineted by hie mncicel ecoompliehmente end drewing‘ room greoee. Be etepde eix feet. in o! hendeome pro-once. but pomp we end pretentione. end with e greet deel oi vulger ewegger both in he eir end convenetion. There ie nothing. however. repellent or re- pugnent in hie eppeerence. or which would give the leeet index of crime. He ie 61. Mr. Kirwen. who figuree beside him. end who will probebly be found leee of e criminel then e ioolieh friend. ie of e Gel. wey femily oi remerheble gentleneee end nrity of cherecter. end ie e nephew of Eewrence. enthor of “Guy Liungetone." He hee thet thin ieir heir end creem- colored complexion which epeeh the elender mind. The tint mention 0! hie neme in the mutter killed hie mother. None of the eceneed ere genuine Irieh. They ell belong to the Protecteut colony. Oomarounrucr with Queen Vietorie by letter ie one of the Prime Mininter‘e regular end elmoet daily dutiee. When there he: been on important divieion or debete in Perliement, end memhere ere heetening home tired. to bed. the Premier elone oen Qtehe uohizeezigntil he hot-“We noon 0 el re rt o e ' . There lettere ere oofioohed in the third per- eon: “ Hr. Glsdetone preeente hie duty to Your Mejeet . eto.." end Her Mejee '- repllee. ueu y dioteted to e eeeretery, run in the tuird per-eon. Though never dieoureive. they ere not mere for-me! mknowledgmenb, but often enter one- einetly into the queetion at issue. The Queen devotee severe] houre every morning to the etudy of Stete bunneee, end her time ie no longer weeted now no it wee during the tint 25 yeere 0! her reign by heving to ell oommieeiene for the ermy end navy. In 1962 on Aot relieved her of thie Hm in non. him- to tho any “thori- fiu who Inn] and mm” In disputing ol Oo-osmuv: beby fuming is esnoeees et Guise. Frenee. '11: e leteissneotLe Dmir, the omoiel omen of M. Godin, who is the governor of the temilisteze et thet lsoe. it ll stetsd thet the birth rete under eommnnel system is ebont the seme es in Frenoh towns. of the seme popnletion. while the intent mortehty is 50 per oent. less. The beby term comprises e behy honse end e beby gerden. The house new teins 100 beds end one immense pley-room, eepeeielly fitted n for its inmetes. It flush with t e gel-den. end issu- ronnded with specious verendes. The edminietretion is by egovernees, with two eesistents end the mothers thet volnnt aer to eerve. The children ere genenlly brought there in the morning end “ken to their homee at night. but e tow mete it e permenent home. Amneuon the rehbit plegne etill vexee the Auetrellen eqnetter, he in threetened by enother plegne even more deedly. This time it in e onee cherished lriend who he: gone eetrey. Four hundred end fifty useleee dose. eeid Sir Bemuel Davenport et erecent dopntetion of the Royel Agricul- turel end Horticulture! Society to the Commit-loner 0! Crown Lende. hed been deetroyed in the vicinit ct Adeleide. All theee enlprlte hed hi sheep. some 0! them concerned in e wholeeele elenghter 150 wethere. Such is the tion of the Anetrelien oenine reee, thet not only terriere.epeniele end New- foundlende do the mieehiet, but cheep. oettle end watch dose join the renh o! the deetro ere. end bits end worry end deetroyin elrnocturel etteoke. it (rem the brewers. The operstion ct brewing. however. is troublesome in an ordinsry domestic establishment. The English Commissioners 01 Inland Revenue express the Opinion that it cannot be con- ducted economioslly on s smell sosle, sud thst no doubt msny of those persons hsve found it more convenient to revert to their former practice of obtsning beer direct dram the brewer. In New York s men he been turned out o! s bonding-house heosuse he Inored. Some persons msy suppose thnt us their noees ere their own they any use them as they like. provided they do not pole them into other people’s husineee, end thst it they pn their bond they eennot be put into t e street (or nus! trumpeting st night. But the polioe justice before whom the snoring houder was taken wss of n different opinion and decided thst. nose or no nose. a men enn- not insist on living where he is not wanted. Tin old fashion of home brewing, which showed so rsmnrhble s tendency to revive e few yen-s ego. sppesra to be again rapidly declining in Euglsnd. After she peering ot the Beer Duty Act. a great number of persons who did no. formerly hrsw took out licenses for privsie brewing, under the impression thet they could thus obuin peer st s less cost then they could purchase I0 I ed a. Bell in Luau in Tami. 0.9!! m min ancient cull word come in duoot deacon! mm. mum of tutu and “ratio acid." I! e ptper reed before the Celitornie Wine Growere’ Aeeooietion en ingenioue phllologieel theory wee prop Junded. “ The old Romeo wine grower." eeid the writ 9r. found in hie tube end veto the eeme sodi- meat tnet hothere ue to-dey.‘ He hed no ehemietry in thoee timee. but he did heve e heelthy protenity. So he called hie enhetmee e ' hell 0! e etufi.’ end probehly In i-‘n-‘A‘ I. u-II In Trail-e :1: "kn-I‘m. tug-h will oontlnno. But no is unwilling to V. th- old tub drum. 80 Mon may tron: nation. but not much. £10 In- namely given up smoking. nnd lud- nllogcthor n balmy lilo. but. except “king Germ wntan. bu no blunt-l rognmon. Pam: Baum: Mm pdnoipcuy now (”mum-panama“ Andhudmudtho dootou an him tbs. i! In will not Inn Iona douyod tooth removed his when And CURRENT TOPICS. Keen temp. Fehr 5.18 0 30.24 O 74.460 70.40 ° Deethe under 5 ye. 31 39 1.355 507 Deethe over 5 ys.... It 16 115 116 A gleuce et this tehle will show the tremendous increese in the deeth rete under the ege of five yeere in comparison with thet occurring ebove thet e. the difisrence in winter being ebout ouble. while in summer it is vestly higher then thet proportion. It elso shows thet the month heving the h‘ heet meen tem re- ture. July. hes mu the highest eeth rete in children under five yeere ; while in cesee ebove five yeere of ege there is no eppreciehle difference between July end August. In 1889 end 1883 there wee en increese of the meen tem ture of July over Au net of from 237 to4.06° Fehr. The ‘ ersnoe in host represented by these tsw degrees doubled the deeth rete in children under five yeere. As tenemen houses end streets ere no cleener in August then in July. end eethere isquite sufii- cient hset end moisture during August to ceuee free fermentetion in en filth. it is evident thet the increeee infentile mortelity during July is due to e slight increese in the heet. es the other elements ceusing it ere ebcut the eeme. It is en impressive com- mentery on the inebility o! intents to etend e high tempereture well thet in 1882 en inereeee of 2° in tempereture wee sufficient to reise the deeth rets by just 716 young children in one month. It is eleo seen by reisrr' to the teble thet the msen tempsreture c J uly. 1882. wes 1.33 ° hieher then in July. 1883, end there were 178 more deethe in children under five yeere in the former month. I think thet tufiioisnt stress hes not been devoted to the injurious effects of heet itself upon young children by writers on this sub- ject. end thet rsletively too prepondsret ing en influence hes been given to impure eir. The disestrous efiecte ere due to such ‘ en intimete oombinetion of these two egents thet it is somewhet dificult to esti- mete their seperete influences. But while it is eesy to underetend the injurious effects of hreething e toul etmosphsrs, end its deprecieting consequences ere eon- stently seen. yet the system. in e sense.‘ gets eccnstomed to impurity. end throws it ofi more or less reedily. Young children live for months shut up in filthy epert. ments without dying, end even seeming to enjoy tolerable heelth. The epede nt Zoer. Egypt. hu jnet nn- eerthed e huge eeroophegne in e royel tomb. III extreordinery duneneione ere m feet in length. 7 feet 9; inohee in width, 8 teetin height at] the meteriel is herd areuite. Mr. Petrle recently exoeveted the broken ooloeene ol Remeeee 11.. the op. proeeor of the Iereelltee. ot proportione unknown in Egyptologioul ennele o! ooloeeol etttnee. The eeroopnegne he not yet been aligned e king or dyneety. lieu: tom .Fm same 35310 75 711° 73.123 Dogma an or 5 ya. 34 32 1,533 817 Death: over 5 13.... 14 15 131 149 I hive repered the following tsble tron: etetietioe erived from theBoudot Health. It oonsiete of e oomperieon of the death retee from dimhoasl diseases in New York between two winter month: end two enm- mer months. mother with the mean tempereture of eooh month. Under dimhoeel dieeeeee ere Included simple din-those. dysentery. eaten-colitis, oholen inhntnm. oholen moxhue, Aeietio oholen, din-those! gum-enteritis and diarrhea! enteritis: Henry Dwight Ola-pin, M.D.. Attending hysioiw to the out-door deputmont 3: allows Hoopinl. in nu utiolo on summer discuss in the Medical Record for July 2651).. pronoun thg tglloyjpg gutingipa :_ Tn: Hebrews are often spoken of as " a race without paupers." Though not strictly accurate. this stat ament gains color from the proverbial thrift ot the race and from their excellent system of charities in the large cities. For the past ten years the Hebrew community in New York has steadily had in operation a scheme tor re- lieving the needs of the poor among them that is worthy of attention by all Christ .an philanthropists. The city is divided into twenty-tour districts. and in each district a visiting committee investigates all appli- cations for relief. Distribution of clothing and money is carried out by the executive committee.and there is also a well organized medical corps, with a competent physician in each district. One of the best elements of the work is a pension system by which rent is paid for poor widows and helpless families. There are nearly 500 of these psnsionsd families now in the city. families which. but for this aid, would inevitably be in the par houses or other public institu- tions. The true bensflcence of the whole system of the United Hebrew Charities is shown b the tact that all of the work is done by vs unteers. All the officers serve without pay. and the cost of distribution is never more than 10 cents for each dollar of benefit. In many charitable societies the cost of distribution is nearly half at the amount distributed. low the Death line at Children I- VAloclcd by lien. eel! epplied the method with complete euoeeae in the one of eheep. which ere first driven into eleep. end. while thus uncon- eoioue. killed. The good wiehee 0! every {maximum will be wieh Dr. Riehudsan n . ohuged also with ohlorolorm by bung mnde w over e porou- enrleee unturned vi the: drug. The result in ehnl the enimele to he killed 151] nt oneeinton deep. pdnlau sleep. on. of which they never re- cover. Dr. Biohnrdeon hue to: e long time peel been engeaed in experimeming wilh e View 30 deletmining the heel mode at hill- ing wimnle withoue the infliolion at nin, end the nppernme he demibee is the alt o! hle reeeerehee. He in enngnine eh“ by. end-by the humane eystaln of elnughterimi will be e plied even Io the deelruolion o wimele pleaded for land 5 end he he him- “10811th Royal Boom, to: the Prom- flou 0! 0rd,", to Antonio. 1):. B. W Riohudlon (Inscribed . method noon“, adopted II his unusual: to: destroying [on out! Im’ b . pdnlou (loath. This connin- 11:“ .33“ the aiml- to tho lufloonoo of oubonw oxide 0 u: n WWWnawwq taxi - was omit-noun. Mm moat meeting 0! Tlll LITTLE 0N8!- Jun. Fob. July. Aug. A London ceblegrem eeye : Boercely hed the Government ennonnced ite finel decision ee to the route by which the expe- dition for the relief of Generel Gordon wee to proceed to Kheitoum, then e chorus of hoetile criticism eroee from certein old iogiee of the militery eervice. whoee deye for ective cempeigning ere ebout over. The reeponeibility otedvieing the Govern- ment hee rceted with Generel Woleeley. Guided by the repid eucceee ot hie move- mente egeinet Arebi end the effective eeeietence rendered to the miht try by the nevel eervice. he thinke thet J ecu Ter mey just ee well be mede of use on the Nile ee on the Mehmoud cenel. The expedition will be hell nevel end hell militery. end for the overcomine of theee dimcultiee to he met with on the route. oeneed hy the ceterecte end other neturel impedimente, the bulk of the work during the edvence will tell on the nevel service. The counter propoeel ot the United Service Club loungere ie to reech Knertoum from the Red See, vie Suehim end Berber. which would be e purely militery under- teking end would give whetever heevy end herd knocks thet were in; to the Bone Gnerde. Our untriend y critic eeye thet before Mr. Gledetene hee done with him he will mete J eck Ter e lend creb ; but public opinion tellee but little etook in the verioue ergnmentc eddnced. e9 long ee en expedi- tione eteits by eny of the routee recom- mended. The tnoope ere Intel to meet but little oppteition on the until they heve peeeed Dongole. end eny denser from the enemy it but trifling ee compered with thet involved in en ettempt to merch heevily ermed Britieh troope ecroee the deeert. The generel o inion of the experte ie tevoreble to Lord oleelev'e echeme. painting. “ The Conversion," which is making quite a sensation in Munich. It represents a Roman girl, who for having embraced Christianity is imprisoned and sentenced to death. and whom three young Romans vainly attempt to save by per- suading her to renounce the new faith. The aesthetic boom inaugurated by that shrewd apostle, Oscar Wilde, is completely defunct in England. To be mtbetic now is to be out of the fashion. and the greenery- yellowsry maidens are looked upon with contempt by their more robust sisters and brothers. Mr. Wilde himself has settled down toaquiet and prosaic citizenship. broken occasionally by lectures which are quite sensible and commonplace. Mean- while the man who made the anthetics ridiculous made Oscar Wilde famous, and gave Gilbert his theme for “Patience"â€" the man. in fact. who was respansible for the whole aesthetic craze. and who started it on his own boomâ€"is comparatively unknown. M. De Maurier, of Punch, discuss all the honors and gets few of t em. Following an unmplo 0‘ the “a" Ioontrvy. mo nuuaormunlnu. 1n new Brownin in psinting his tumor, Hill.“ in 3°55?“ p""“:":“;g 33:). {'“B'” a" now In as to: Chnu Church. Oxford. I u ng: m . n ’ ' u too yn pom-it of a? Pannier in tour!» ratios. ‘26'080' “'0 9W0 am etioum "quit-mg 3‘ Cg umwhou luxury raved too much "0'3 ‘f- own“. '5‘“ 5° punhd "d- for south.“ «my. a frequently nugod M Winnipeg pontoon no down to 76¢- bynbmd of brig-ud- who In" “Nod pot hobo]. lion .0 hum- near it. Mr. Bigger, the Irish Home Ruler sud memberoi Psrlisment. geve notice to the Clerk otthe Home " to set the Chis! See- retu'y of the Lord Lieutenant 02 Irelsnd it it is irne ihst Sargent Corbett. o! Strud- buly. is in the habit of firing ehote om o! the herrsok door end on the bunch pre- mises, killing birds and crown." Gehriel M5 is eghibiting his he} finnfi De lamps o . La Bulletin do Canal Interoceaniqee, t la n greet length how the Penune Gene] in to be opened in 1888. end yer. eoeording to ire own 3110 ' . only one~fihirtieth of flue work he: been one in three you: end e belt. There he: been ep ant there ebom 349.000 000. Sir Williun Gull eeye thet for many peo- ple who are euaoepiihle to eeemokneee a pill of myenne pepper 3nd opium in fihe correct thing to tote on hour before em- berking. Then keep your eyoe shut end don't move ebont.tnd the ohmoeegre thet you'll eeoepe we horrid not do mar. Sell-uticfied linguist to French diplomet â€"“ How much would I hove to any before you knew by my pronunciation 3h“ I won not o Frenchman ?" “ One word," was the prompl end decisive reply. The new English Church opened on the Rifle! Alp. above Zennstt. 1s 7,000 feet shove the sea level. and it is the lottiest piece of worship in the world. with the exception of the Monastery of St. Bernnrd. It is acid thst the Gnnd Duke of Hesse contemplates shdiceting in favor of his son. Prince Ernst Ludwig. who is only 17 years old. His recent muriege and consequences have seriously compromised his position smong his enjects. c Five deye' quenntine is enforced on coins thro h the St. Gothud end Mount Genie tnnn M.Alenndre Damn inveighe ogeinat the extnvegenoe of women in anoe. where they spend enormous name on their dmeea. The Czar of Crecow announces thet the meeting of she Emperor 0! Austria and the Cur will “he plcce n Gunice. in Polcnd. Thence their Imperiel Mojaetica will pro- ceed together, vie anw. to Alexcndrofi. where they Will be joined by the Emperor o! Germnny. The English railway companies. improv- ing me occasion and taking advantage of the cholera scare. which will keep thousands of people in England lhis summer and autumn. have made exhusive arrange- ments for trips to well-known English watering and pleasure places. Mr. Eclmn Arnold's “ Light of Ash " in being unnalnod inn Bangui. and in .130 vety likely t 1 be reproduced in Indin in a Bunch“ version. Nanny in tree 1mm oholpn. qumntiuo 3nd mouufiona o! dynumte «trying, to travellers. LATE OLD WORLD NEWS. an L3] cab-Tuned by . Pull pops “ lurid Euclid: dynpoptio." The Banana 0! (lot-nun]. who in in (cable balm. will pm ‘01. gamma .3 Balm-Bud“. The ex Kind“. 0! Egypt. [um-i1 Pubs. in pmnuuntly aha up hi: residue. in onaon. Fannie! undulat- no to be ullowodmto com to or ' on. .- Inmou in o Pufhospi‘fi.“ The Gordo- Bxpcdlflon Bone. What is tenmd the " Ind lmda " west of :he Minoan River as turning out to be In El Dondo Ior nook niainr. Than Me now 40.000 bud of stock in “at country. vulued m $1,000,000. The country furnishes maple shelter. 3nd no: shove 2 per cent. of the stock has been [on from .11 «uses. Hundrede who heve experienced the wonderful power of Newman in euhdqing pein heve unfilled thee in in the most potent remedy in existence. Nerviline in eqnelly eflloeclone en en internel or en exeernel remedy. Poleon’e Nerviline cnree flatn- lence. ohille. epeeme, cholere. crempe. heedeche. eee eiokneee.enmmer compleinte. etc.,ew. Nerviline ie eold by ell druggieh end country deelen. Only 25 cente c home. Try it. -The eurprining enoeeee of Mn. Lydie E. Pmkhem'e Vegeteble Compound for the seven! dieeeeee peonher t. ) women forcibly illnesntee me importenoe of her benefloent discovery end the feet thee ehe known how to make she moee of it.-â€"Dr. Haskell. The Perle Journal du Debate bee good reeeon to believe the: in the week in which the Divorce Act oomee into force two or three million peeieione will be preeeneed to make eeperefione divorcee. How the hundredth part of a second is meeeured is told in the Weehington Poet. It ssye: " The chronograph, as its neme implies. iee timwriter. Without it the diflsion of time into the hundredth pert of e secondâ€"e division eo smell that the mind on herdly e‘ppreciete itâ€"would be impos- sible. It is e revolving cylinder, bearing e fountein~peh etteched to s megnet. Ae the dulpm of the clock swings its seconds it sends the electric current to the megnet. The letter givee e nervoue click and the pen msrkss emell but distinct brook on the peper. These brooks distinguish the seconds, end the space between them is measured by fine divieions on a slip of steel. A second in time, measured by epsce. is about ee long on this : ” How cen you hope to escepe those evils which exp arience hes demonstreted mey he evcided. it her voice be lie'ened to ? How foolish it is to resort to dengerone drugs when e simple domestic remedy will enewer the purpose. In the case of corne some resort to the rezor end peril their livee,ee lockjew is not impossible. While others use dengerone end fleeheeting enh- stitntes for the greet sure p-corn cureâ€" Pntnem'e Peinleee Corn xtrector. It never bile, nor ever cen, for it is jnrt the thing for the pur ee. Putnem‘e Peinlees Corn Extrectcr. eke no other. The London Truth on e the. emong the ooonpuione whioh ere oing the wore. in Englend ie lb“ of the Imildere. O! the lellnree reoemly meted e lerge propor- tion belonged to 3 et rude. Here. on the nontrevy. the builder flmrlehee. In New York the permfle leened thin you for new huilrllnge ere ebout 83,000. In Brooklyn In Eeet Afriee neerly every women weere the palm. When she in e little irl e smell hole is pierced through the mi dle of her upper lip. and into this in preeeed e emell wooden pin to prevent the puncture from closing up. Attere time thin in ohenged for e lerger pin, end so on till the hole is big enough to edmit e ring. In proportion en the palate is mede uelly lerger. so the lip enlergee eleo en oomee to look like eenout. An evereqe specimen meeeuree 1i inchee in diemeter end elmoet en inch in length. When ehe becomes e widow teehien compels her to tehe out her pelele, the lip tells. end the greet round hole. celled luperele, shown the teeth end jew quite pleinly. meking her hideous. On July 21“ the remains of the lute Mr. Dmiel Oreodon, for may yam munging director in the establishment of Arno” d: 00., Dublin. were interred in Glanevin Oeggetery. Aldermnn MoArthur. Londonderry. lelt hie house 36 Wntereide on July 24th in apparently hie ueunl henlth. AI 10 o'clock his dead body was found in “no public reeervon'. New burial grounds m being eetebliehed in Meyo in lieu of old onee, which had to be oloeed on mount of me overcrowding ot groves. rendering them unfit for further intermenta. In the Dublin Zoologioel Gerdene I fine lioneee has eaten her own tail. One day she removed 12 inches of this eppendnge. end after en intern] renewed her repeat and ewellowed more. Efiorte were mode to haul the bleeding etump. but the bones: continued eating the toil. which he: entirely disappeared. and she has now commenced to eat one of her tore pews. Mr. Ohulss Money nny. linen unnu- tsomrsr. Bells“ sud ortsdown. was on July 26st found shot dad in s mull Quin begwognil’sris sud Brussels. A atewerd nemed Perry entered 3 hotel in Galwey on the 29th ult. and fired five shots from a revolver at Alice 8 rue. atop- deughter of the landlord. who 'ed a few minutes afterwards. Perry afterwards tried to commit suicide. Plsns have been prepared for conducting a ship osnsl. 127 miles long. from Dublin to Gslwsy. st s cost of 8 millions for ships of 1.500 tons; of 12 millions tor ships of 2.500 Ions; snd of 20 millions for ships of 5,090 tons snd upwggds. Latest Irish News. DovidRou. 00.. huboonnp mind by the Lord Llonunun Recorder Ono hundred Md oigho gon- wm ox- ponod tram Ireland to Gm! Briuin In on. wook Indy. Hr. Thoma Della. Inapoo tarot Tole gropho to: Don . u been” 3 pointod Pou- mum of Woztzrd. p Thoma St. George Popper. otBAllyguth Condo. Depn Manhunt 0! County Mouth. died on my 2133. Mr. Junta O'Brien. one of the oldest md most :00de of the whamm- o! Neg-elk digd oz_I_July 24m. 1! you will not Boar Bea-o- New manure-cm on The. Fulton In In: Attica. Pain-‘- fluviule. For ladies and gentlemen: torm- very mod- .tg ;__ta.o_ilmu_unrinllgd. ,, U 8. 8., Loom on mo lye. Bot and Turns. Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Oonlhun norm to tho Toronto Gononl Boupitol. u Ollnlool Assist“. Ron! London 0 hmolmio 80-pin], Iooroflold'o 3nd Oontn London gluon! ongl Eu: 3193mm. _8l1 Onmh “not Wfllifll llllfl’ COLLEGE Will reopen on September and. 1334. It in: I olden end le en Indlu'collece In the Dominion Bee over 1 urednetee. The bull-ting eoe 01100.!) end he! over 180 name. Faultyâ€"Five semiâ€"men end twelve ledlee. Italic end An epeoieltlee. Addreee the Pflneipel. A. BURNS D.D.. LED. Coliseum Course. Indlu' Bosnia Oouru Bodied Fine Am Gonna, commercial Oourlo Propmto Cour-o. Open- Boguumborthm {or c. canon containing u “demotion Toma». mulch! Bumm Byon. m Vomnmo Bum 00.. of Innhhll. Iloh. oflor to and thouoolebrnod RLWVor/ruw Ban-r und other annex-mo Anmuwn on ma fur thirty duy :1 [non (young or old) mum with nmom obilltyJo- of mum tnd mun- hnod.uul III hinglrod mublu. Also '0: than momm, noun alt. mink tad mu: othc dim Comp Manual-«Ion to halt, vigor sud manhood «naked. No ml ll Incurred «mm, d»- In! In unloved. th Hum u once to: lllumud punphlnhu. ,HV _ __... â€"‘ Pinkhun'a “cum; to Hench-1' will lie lulledâ€" tno to a! lady sending sump. Letters manly-um ' No funll should be without LYDIA E. Pm LIVER Plfia They cure Consupdbn. Moms-III! 'Dorpldlty of the Liver. Scents per box. ° 7 9 . EYE, an ”ID Til/301T. B. G. s. nm-Eéou. L. n. 0.1). 8. 3., Loom on the In. In and Thin For n“ of those Painful (Jo-plum- Ea. ' ' “'eaknema so common to our best ‘ ' i . * .. ‘FBJIALE POPULATION.‘ . .X. If mu. emu: "1'13er '1'!!! wow man or run Courulxrs. ALL Ovmx 'rnomaus. In ruuxulox Axn ULcnnn-lox. FALLING um mcxlnm. Asn 'I'llB coxanuxxr SPINAL Wm x255, AND 15 Pmncvunu mmxn 1‘0 I'll Cruse: or LIPS. ‘ . ' . i ., if. ‘ IT WILL masons um nxut. TUIORS max m Unmvs IN AN EARLY sue: on nnmmruxx'r. Tn‘ rnxnzxcymCascmovs muons ruxumculcnn. vxnr svnxmu‘ at us van. . ' . i . A * I-r muons Fun-5333. FLATULBNCY. Dru-non ALL cmnxo ron snxULAN-rs. AND 33mm Wm- 21395 or Tm: STOIACH. I'r ovum Bwuma. Enn- Acux. Nnnvovs Pnosrmnox. Guam Duluth Dzmssxox AND Ismoxsflox. . * . ' .’ * Tmr rnuxo or Bxumm Down. amino Pun? mem‘ AND BACKACKI, IS ALWAYS “mm! cmnntrrsvss... ' , " , O . 0‘ ' I-r wax. u- Au 'nxxs um mu. Au. cm, STANCIS ACT Ix BARIONY wrm 1n um m! WW1!!! runs “aux. . G . . .' * ”In reams: Is SOLELY pon'nn “dim" name or mans: AND 'mx mun!- or mm, m THAT 11' Dons ALL 11' own 10 no. mouum or mum on ounu 'rxsnrr. ‘a . ' . . Q ~ - â€"- V'- I’ Q . *â€" * Fonâ€" tn cum or Kmuxr Comma II Errata 33x 'rms RIIKDY m Wummln. . . 0 LYDIA E. Pm VEGETABLE OOIPOUND b prepared :2 Lynn,“ Prioefl. lebotuutor“ Mb'audmnisu. Bentby mmmmrn “Enact-Images onmdmo price-am In. The ex-Empreae Eugenie in building e gund mnusoleum u Fernborough. I! is expected am it will be ready in October to receive up remeine o! be: hunbend and he: The oep‘nln end crew at the eeenmer Silh- worth. now in Monueel. need the! they eew tho eon eel-pone oi! the Cape ooen on we voyeue up. The monster toee he- qnentl mm, fleet one o! the wete: and ewell out mmendonel ever time. At the wear line it wee ozone gm: teeHn diemeten in need wee thew! eoonge: eel; mouth the. ot eehuh; body emped liho n mukerel ; ti on eimply lmmenee.end voioen horrible yell. There in nodonbt thee the oeptnin. who 1e tally oomboteeed by the crew end pennengore. bellevee hie story.wbloh in rognluly entered in the ship's log. Boepuoe oen object to nothing except am fine moneta- wee eoen n! belt e mile dinonoo by moonlight. which m3 hevo exeggeresod hie ciao ! not his end bellow. son. .110 Prince Impend. Inn. 1 'LLUIW“ UhIAlU Dr-hl lulu I In l'l an.“ J Arnuscrs are sent on 3) Days' T-lnl To HEN OVLY. YOUNG OR OLD, who am suffer- 193 from_ 'Kxnwms Danni":x 1.031 VITALITY) LYDIA E. PINKHAM's: * VEGETABLE comrom; ' * * * * IS A POQTIVE CURf a Jig-[,9] In If!!!“ BEEN“! ”LED-Ill Ml VIA-null. AS1150 Wuxxmm. and all those diseases of a P211503“. Nn'mu:k resulting lrom Aavsu and Oran Cmsm. peed mile! and complem restoration to Baum, V100: and )humoon Quantum. 89nd at once for Illustrated Emphlet tree. Address _ nsrmug (A: Tut.) F CTRO-“OLTAIC BELT and (flu-r ELECTRIC J Arnlgcg #111115ng 011_ g) Dgys' Trlp_l_'l"9 vaifiaiampa; Marshall. Mich. 30 DAYS’ TRIAL When I a cure I do In»: moan mora‘l} (0710p fixâ€"om fit I “me “(I t on hue them return gun. I am u tull- nl cute. I hum undo the dluuo or "1'8. 8"le or FALLING 81(2le 3 m. long study. I wanna! nmodr to can the '0'“ r us. Doesn’t otbon In" and I no town for I‘mn teeth-In. nears. 80nd“ once for I treulso In In I no home or my Inf-mm remedy. Oln lxpmn .na 2:»: omeo. R com you I forttllll Ind I will euro you. insane: m.‘ 5..) now nhulflL.No'th. I (HIRE F|T§ml When I u, cure I aq nut mum were}, (9 am , , __‘. Woodstock Col/ego, WOODSTOCK. ONT. ‘00!!!) MIN lâ€"IIAD THIS. hav. N. wonvnnron. 3A., Principal. D.Oflolu35 8‘. HAMILTON. OANADA. 1.00am I'hAvl Io loot". u kin-mu URf * ‘1‘; " â€" ‘. ‘1 Fo-plnlnu and to our hen: ' ' am max or x rnounus. In Hume AND i'l' SPINAL Wm 9mm 1'0 ml I ' 0 Le" axons mm: m rumpus“. Tfll‘ ruxmmcucnn ' i ' 9 A Lxucr. b33130" txxuxm Wm- BwnmoJlnn- um Duluth, #‘n‘q

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