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Woodville Advocate (1878), 5 Aug 1887, p. 7

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There is email probability that Canada will ever become a market for the sup ly of, horses to the Britleh army. In the mm of Commons on Tuesday the Ri ht Hon. Edward Stanhope, Secretary of \ ar. Inti- mated that the Government did not think it desirableto continue importing army horses from Canada. Those which had already been brought from Canada, he said, were 00d, but the price required for them was hi h. Henoeiorth the War Department woul get the horses it needed at home. Farmers in Cans Ia will lose nothing by 'this detfldnation oi the Imperial Govern- ment. Although $200 or £40 is considered too hi h by the military authorities, it is in rea lty dirt cheap for animals such as they requireâ€"too cheap, in fact, for Cana- dians to make any profit. Why, anybody nowadays will pay from $200 to 8500 for a decent saddle horse with a dash of blood in him, that is sound, wind and limb. It can, therefore, be Well understood that as £40 in the limit to which army purchasers can go, where freight and cost of examination are added, ‘ in horses come too hi h. For. all that, ‘ ar broke out, Englan would want and ladly take all the horses we could furnish. wiether high or low. When General Benjamin F. Butler was a member of Congress he and Mr. Randall were frequently itted against each other, but the , as a ru e, reserved good temper and cor ial personal eeling'lfor one another. At one oint of the famous deadlock over the civi ‘ri hts bill, when Randall was managing t 0 Democratic side, as usual, Butler, who favored holding a session on Sunday, went over to Randall's desk to arrange for it. Randall would not agree to the proposition. “Bad as I am, I have some respect for God’s day,” said he, “ and I don’t think it proper to hold a session of Congress on that day.” “Oh pshaw l” replied Butler; “don’t the Bible say that it is lawfal to pull your ox or ass out of a pit on the Sabbath day 2 You have seventy- three asses on your side of this House that I want to get out of this ditch to-morrow, and I think I am engaged in the holy work." “Don't do it, Butler," pleaded Randall. “ I have some respect for you that I don’t want to lose; I ex ct some da to meet you in a better wor d.” “ You'l be there, as you are here," retorted Butler,_quick “Remember the Sabbath Day.” as ihought, “a. member of the 'L‘ower House.” Paper. This is the age of paper, and the Western Manufacturer suggests that an exhibition of paper objects and manufactures would fit- tingly commemorate the bicentenary of the first paper mill in this country, next year, to be held at Philadelphia, the birthplace of the trade. Paper is the receptacle and disseminator of science, the products of. art and literature, the great means of kee ing industries and commerce thriving. It ar- rels our flour, wraps our goods, enters into articles of personal wear and household use, and when "We die sometimes forms our oofiins. It tolls beneath Our railway oars aud forms our buggy tops. “'0 eat 01f it, drink from it, wear it on our heads, necks, bosoms, and feet, carry it in our pockets in lieu of handkerchiefs, and tile our houses, line our cgrpets with it, pack up our goods in paper oxes, and divert our leisure mo ments with paper cards. \Ve make 50'),000 tons yearly, im ort largely, and yet, like Oliver Twist, as for more. Rags, wood- pulp, _straw, o_ld rope, the bark of the cot- eon. 'plant, 32nd evefi the membranes in the interior of silkworm cocoons, yield it. Ready for Accidents. All the conductors on the Maine Central railroad have been provided by the manage ment of the road with cases containin all the remedies to be used in cases of acoi out, such as linen and rubber bandages, plaster, surgical instruments. medicines, liniments, etc. ,with books of direciions. Every eon. ductor will be his own doctor. The occa- sions are frequent also in times of accident where physicians “'0 passengers in n trains and where they are handicapped lack of the tools of their trade. Such wi i not be the cue hereafter. The rules are strict that th-: cases shall accompany each train. War is sava a business, and naturally enough battle- sld jokes are oftsn grim. An Irishman at the battle of Bull Run was somewhat startled when the head of his companion on the left hand was knocked off by a oaunon-hall; 'A few moments After however, aspent bag“ brqlge thgflnger of}: s oomgade on} the other aide. The Vvounded men threw down his gun and yelled with pain, when the Irishme‘n ‘tfirned upon' him, exelelming, “ 0h, be still, you ould woman; you make more noise than the man that loaht his head!” ' Polson'e Nerviline, the great pain cure, is sure pop every time. No need to spend a large sum to get prompt relief from every kind of pain, for 10 cents will purchase a trial bottle. '00 to any drug store for it. Large bottles only 25 cents, at all drug lets. Nerviline the ain king,cnreeoramfis, end- aohe, neural a. An achin toot , filled with batting saturated with erviline will cease aching within five minutes. Try kerv- Iiine for all kinds of pain. Ton_and25 cents a bottle. ' " Here is some bad news for farmers. Ae~ cording to Professor Forbes, the State on- tomologist of Illinois, ohinch bugs have ob- tained a foothold in the northern portion of Illinois to such an 'extent as to assure an immense number of them next year unless weather unfavorable to their develo ment should intervene. He says that the anger from this souroe threatens to damage the wheat crop of 1888 to an extent in compari- son with whioh the plenro~pneumonia and other recent outbreaks of contaéiious diseases among domestic animals willhe nsignificant, Crop reports from all the north-west States are discouraaing. droughts licin severely felt. Stran e to say, however, t 0 reports from Manito a and our own_Nortl1-\Vest are most hopeful, the farmers declaring that the crops never promised more bountifully. “'0 trust their hope may be realized. Mr. Blackwell says in the Woman’s Jour. nal : “ So long as marriage, either in theory or in practice, continues to be other than a permanent partnership of equals, eolon wo- men will often need (i voroe as a relief rem tyranny and oppression.” More Noise Than Necessary. Army Horses. Sure Pop. United States Crop Report. The Farmera' Review says :â€"â€"- Drou ht throughout the North Western States is .- jurin all the crops more or lose. Corn, el- thoug not motel-idly demeged so in, is mmmencin toshow the effects of the dr season, on it must sulfur oonsiderebl r .in does not fall soon in eufiioient quentity. A: e result of the drought the oet crop is ripening too lest. end will hetdly meke thtee-qusrtere oi an even-ego (top if the drought continues. The Henge condition of the crops calculsiod from 0 iglp’orts "- cieved lat week in the di Sam is u follows :â€"Twelven$:pg ‘_ n I l! reportenev econ ' 1‘2 Indians muse 93per ' ., 'eountleé in Ohio 68 per cent, 12 Missouri counties 106 percent, 13 countieq in Nebraska 104 per cent, 21 counties in lows 103, 14 coun- ties Minnesota 99, seven in Wisconsin”. Dakota counties lead the whole list with on average of 190 per cent., seven Michigen counties 101, end Kentucky counties ever- ege 100 per cent. Nine counties in Kansas rgport 313 average 102. The New Sault (to. narlé’mck. The present Sault Ste. Marie lock cost the Americans about $2,000,000 {and a‘ ‘new one is now being constructed by the United States Government. Its interior leng'thplvfill be 500 feet (over 48 rods) b 100 feet \i’ide, and with gates the full w th, 61' 40 feet wider shun those now in use. Its walls will be about 50 feet high, end will probably avers e in thickness from 25 and 30 feet. It wil be cs ble of passing vessels draw- ing 21 feet oywster. The total cost of this new look will spprosimete S4,Q00,Q99. Con. ass is also spendin several millions on improving the Hey the channel, which when com leted will shorten the run to the mouth of t e river by about thirteen miles. Under these circumstances, should the Ca- nadian taxpaysrbe called on to pay from two or four millions for a duplicate lock 1 The Americans do not feel that their‘nstion- iféfi‘tifimnfli.’ injured when they: ship their wheat through our Welland canal. The Hindoo faith, Mr. Chaterjee says, hu 170,000,000 adherents in In' a, while the \lahometans number 50, 000,0 ,and the remaiyipg 32 9093909....” was? up' of Par- sees, Jain's and Christians; There are now twenty-eight missionary societies at work in the country, having 600 ordained mis- sionaries in the field. The Presbyterian missions arethree in number, the first one dating back to 1834, and in connection with them are thirty-six ordained missionaries and fifty-three lad workers. The Christ- ian Church in In la has 600,000 baptized converts. The Bible has been ,translated into fourteen difl'erent languages; including all the vernaculars of the country, and a large number of controversial works have been prepared for the Hindoos and Mahome- tans, as well as devotinal works for the na- tive Church. A sad suicide, which preeente‘ one of the most remarkable cases of fond attachment for a domestic animal that has probably ever been recorded, occurred at Philadelphia, The family of John Harp, had a shepherd dog of which the were very fond. The es cial care of t e dog was committed to A lan, the aixteen-year~old son of Mr. Ha , who was greatly attached to the animal. 3h Monday the dog died, and ‘young Allan-was greatly affected: He paid a mournful tri- ute to his pet by digging a neat grave, and prepared a small headstone, placing a mem- orial inscription thereon. Monday evening the report of a late! was heard by the fam- ily, and later t a dead body of Allan was found lying across the newly-made grave of the dog. A News of a most inhuman murder comes from Riverside, Ark. A man living, near that place had a stepson, five years old, whom be greatly disliked. He was known to treat him most cruelly, beating him in a terrible manner, once putting one of the lit- tle fellow's eyee out while whipping him. A__f_ew days ago he beat the ehild in a hor- tle fellow' 5 eyes out while whipping him. A few day s ago he beat the child in a hor- rible manyner, and then tied him by the wrists to a. stake in the hot sun Without food or water until he died. How long the child was there is not known, but the cords at the wrists had cut into the flesh. and the wounds were filled with worms. The fiend, finding his victim was dead, armed himself and took to the woods. The child’s mother seems indifferent in regard to the affair. Luce manna (II-[m Paulâ€"Endorsement of the lint-ll Benet-u; " Office or W. D. MAI-mm a 00.. Grain nnd Produce Merchmta, Toronto, 11th May, 1887. J. D. Walla. 5341.. General lhnager lu'ual Rama Mud LVc Acne! dim : ‘ DIAI Sin-We beg to wknowlodqe receipt of cheque for five Thousand Dollar: in lull ol clnim under s polio of lnaunnoo Issued to us by the Mn- tual Reserve und Lilo Association [or thut amount, II creditors ol gho pm Edy!!! 0 131311913 wv-v‘l" ._ -_ We hove much pieciure In hearing Mlmony to the ramp pe nnd utieicotory manner in which thiny cinlm u been odjmted, cud et the am. time to expre- our confidence In )ont mociotion. fining on in“ mete ncqu uninhnoe wleh our President and chief oflicerc, we know them to gentiemenolthe h hoe: Inwgfi g nod In whoee honde we believe the Met- feta“ wigs members 0! the Home] Reserve ere per- ec v u e. Wishing your mocictior continued success. Yonn Inninw [LIA-mam a 00. It in as my for the :tronz men to be strong on It I: for the weak to be weak. YOUNG Ill mflenng "on: the elect ol eefly evil hohfle, the mole of Ignonnoe And folly, who and themeelvee we“. nervous end exhoulted ; tho In. Dbl-ACID end On» III who no broken down [tom eh. eflecu o! obuee or over-work, and In odvmoed me feel the con uenoee of outhml exoeee. eend for um! um I. V. Lu 11'. he. on Dieeoeoe of Men. The book will be neat eeeled .0 on oddteee on noel I of two 80. eumpe. Addreee ll. . LUBON. 61 We Ing- eon at E. ToronOo om Luna's Who no Wool, Nonoun and Edmund; who feel themselvulodng Strength; who no polo delicate and sick In Ippoannco. suturing from 0 many com Idn twill“- to womenâ€"and {or I d m l. V. BON’8 Tray” 131 309130;! on o 35352:; «W Wei-ici‘.‘ Timed 'ieiié'd‘ iifii ion? from oburvnuon on noel t o! 00. in sum", unnub nu. Adam, I. V. [13011. 47 Wellington 80.. M, TONI“. 0-3. Assistant Secretary Ms nerd he: decided that there In no log“! nut ority for admit. ting free of duty farm produce grown in the rovinco of New Brunswick, even if the farm I; owned by a citizen of the United States and the crops produced from seed exported from this country. A true mun belongs to no other time or plme, but in the center of things. ’I'IIE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM]. Bled With His Dog" .. - Religion in India. Atrocious Cruelty. 0 “Eng. obndidoo rom our rts n- the difi‘J’p sum www- per caut‘ count! on [M pin. " dougtpt. . ”mam..- on! We: 50'.- ‘Ol 0‘“ 01 Ol- m and“ the" naming do! â€"‘ " """' 0 w I an“ “In.” '3 one. 3 do“ 0! 0.. :aégzhswémh hunciliu (run: modicum v! , , , , A iii lithium Q0 cont q “weavmmwmm. Halo or em a, who 0 or I time, on ulnry or commu- nion. Industrld Union 01 B. N. A. 46 Arcade. Toronto. PATENIS $333334."fi‘fifi‘lfififl‘f‘r'nkfiti . _uold man 'W Matflfifi :11!ng LIL" '12:: ”$.13: by mail 45 cents. CLEMENI‘ I“ ( 0 ann m o no 1-: Pumaâ€"us; film FAUL r57. DER, hem in the world. 259. a box. GWIMON. 2:) \‘erslll 6 SL, Montrefl. ILLUSTRATE CIRCULAR-5‘ tree. Something new And tut routing. Bend 3: once I! you want tho heat. CAN \DIAN BUSINnSS UNIVERSITY a SHORTHAND INSPITUTE, Public. L braty Balding. Toronto. Tuouu Base won, l’.eai. dent; Gun. II. 83005:, Secreul'y and Managu’. “VI-II LINE 0E STEAMIIN. Sailing weekly between Montml ond Liverpool. Run or Pane: :â€"Soloon, Montreal to Liverpool. “0, 360 and 860; Return Tickets. 880, 800 And 8100 â€"a.coonllng to Steamer md accommodation. Inter- modlam and Steengo at lowest tubes. For further “Maul-n and to secure Bertha. Apply to II. I}. URBA'. Gclem Manager. 1 Custom lloust Square Montreal, or Do the Load Agenm in the dil- (orent 'i‘owna nud Cities. mnfluLt5 kinds ; Washing thfi’iiiéé. 7? ’ kinds. Chums, Carpet Smeap- as, lent Choppers, Trucks. and other sundries. HAInu-ox [nun-nu]. Wont! 00., Hamilton, Can-d3 Sand for utioleo muted. or 111thde Cutalozuo 0L” COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze 2 Natural Wood. find other Picture und Room. Mouldings, Prunes. Etc. Palntln En- glmings,Emhin Artotypes, Artist-01h rink, irrom. etc. W olesale and Retail. Trade Cat- nloguo. IIA'I‘I‘IIEWB BROS. at (‘0.. Toronto. MANGLES» Cepitnl, £260,000. Dominion Government Deposit. £55,000. Head omce: 72 King St. But, Toronto. Gentlemen 01 influence wanted in unrepresented districts. 7 A.r'1‘. McCOBD,_ lid To Convex for our Subscri hon Books. Our sum and end po ular work. Dr. ithrow’s " History of 0snnda"â€".a lr which ought to be in every library. Our instructive, Amusing and soul-touching tempersnce book, “Pl-tiorm Echoes," by J. B. Gough. Our complete book of sermons, endsuto- biogra hy oi Sun. P. Jones, withsshort sketch of the li e of Sam. W. Small, snd three of his special sermons. Our beautiiul book emu-y and liter-am of all s es and all lsnds. entitl " Golden Though on Mot or, Home and Hesven." Our hmdsome Fem. ily Bibles, beautiful illusirstions. iull oi useiul and helpful matter for Bible study, besides good clear t sndduper. Our terms are liberal. Send ior c rouisr. [LLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. Toronto. Dairy Salt, MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00. FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. Artistic Designs. combined win [Inequaiied Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTARIO. Allan Lina Royal Mall Steamsmpa sunny during winter horn Porn-ad om? Thun- dAy Ind Bdflu every Saturday to K.“ V. Ind Il- Iummar tram Quebec "can “Maura” to leerpool. «mm, It nondonde d an“: nm‘l om" to: 8mm And In And duo from bal mm Hum“ Md St. John’s, N. f. .0 Liverpool {ogghm now “nee en“ dud winter to end from mum Portnnd, Boston en ladelphle ' and (l mu: met between G And Ion w - 0 gov end Mn wee , end Glugow and P ndolphln “fir‘tulfihg . or on)" Inform A. thnmwhu . Baltimou ' 8. Bull-x; Elan 90,. 55. John'IIfiJ‘.‘ Wu .- W.. DD. uvuu, “an, In" t Aldon, Now York; H. Boa-1:1??? E36315 MB.- h__go.. gngpoo 5 gm. Btookle, Phllgda: A A-.. ‘n__LAA_n “0|qu Ifim'i'MilifidiiWnl 'fié Or A we 0' DR. JIM" more on" ' remembered MtDlOm‘a by mod» on. uh-Our Mend: will he alv‘c to rocognlxe at once that they are getting the genuine Mu: le. as there In no other medi- cine put up In A jug. DR. .1170 MEDICINE C0.. Toronto and 8mm rd. FOR BUTI'ER. ETC. W Importation. -â€" Higgins' Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton Brands in large or small mks. {so 1‘ .‘lce a Canadian Salt. Wrige for pljpes. BABY’S B I RIH_D_A_Y§ eon Mtguishg ”gran 1N mum GEN ISâ€"Mdles or ngllpmenivnmteaâ€" 'vâ€" na- v u. uâ€"â€"â€".. __ Couutv In Cunult. Adkins. FEBIIS a 60.. 87 Chpreh 3k. Ton-to. ANIE ;-5 000 AU£N18~Ia 0 And name- Lug. walla. 7! . W. DKNNIS. Toronto. L'ice a Canadian Salt. W rive for JAMES PARK _ 533?: Md 8.. John’ml. .0 Liverpool fortnighu; summer mon _ fho gteungrg of “109)» u Aptgloo ’1’.Ԥ;.Toi0lfl’o-._ A Bountiful Imported Blflhd” Ogrd wt to my hwy whooo mount will sand with nun; 0! two or more other bohlu. md M mw “dran- Abo - landmine Db In ample 0nd to m mother a! much Ibll intonation. ’WQIII. mentho- is 00.. Mum |HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND AGGIDENT co. (LB), or lONDGN, ENG. MANUFACTURE ONLY Whileénle Produce Memhantszoronto. Resident Secrets" ior‘tho Dominion. RUBBER STAMPSf'fif. cits, hand Burning Brands, ac. Bend iorCawogue. BARBER BROS. 00.. 37 Scott St, Toronto. Bicycles ! END AT ONCE FOR LIST 0' Second-Hand Machines, From $15 Upwardn. New Catalogue Rudy lat April 3“?” L909)“ ‘1"!50": 19 A. T. lANE. MONTREAL or other lntomtlon .1111]; u PECIAL N WTICEâ€"We here decided in in- iure to put Dr. Jug'e Hedi- clne in e brown ju . in- stead of a glue rot is u heretofore. The Jugs that we will uee lorthll purpose are made of the finest im. ported Rookinghem, of e mottled brown colour. with " Dr. Juq’e Medicine lor Lun . Liver and Blood" lnneed letters on :he aide. Our reuone ior Innk- ing this change are : let-- its wonderful curative quelitiee will be better fire-erred by the medicine elng kept entirely in the derk. 2nd-â€"â€"Aa the just will be registered it w ill be imposelhlo to counterfeit it. 3rd ~‘l'he nnmc " Dr. .lug‘e Medlrlne“ will he more easil' remembered by usoc'at on. “hrâ€"Our OIDNI‘O CUTE!“ Mm-uonuomon tie-"9“.- 0' “Wale “9mm!!! WIMP. 2‘ ' '1‘ o a o s 'r o . 0. 0. Roll, Chief Engineer. A. PRAHII. Body-Tron. 71m»: "mum Ina-wanna hm Inu- .. mange Company}! (Illnulu. A n_‘A_L_ CARRIAGETWPS. 51-da- file-xi'n‘egmâ€"BuE-nz) ahéffiflm Sou See them. AT the_leuling Caryiigilmilders gel] them. THE ALBANY” SIEAM TRAP en's! .v -.--v _..â€" wâ€" demon: otwq morouah “knowledgool gurmout cumn wouldH t at one. u 8 Gonna“, 32 Yong- 5%.. *omuto. nu on uwllcsuon. WJ‘T‘E" 5 § t‘ y WHEN CLOSED Is. all ”u, m 0F cannon 96mm. TIN GLEY STEWA R'I'M'F’G C0. Please mention this Pumper whefi writing. STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre~ paration a fair trial. It oven-ates romptlyand eflectually in destroying oh and otheaverminpeats, as we . as in eradicating all affections of tha ‘4 .. u . "skin to which Sheep are subject. Sold In Tina at 35m, 700. and 81. A 35c. Tin will elem 20 Sheep or85 Lambs. HUGE MILLER 8i 00.. Toronto. ‘3 ’u This Splendid Machine Oil “M““fi‘gflgmiéfiizflw‘m It Has No Equal. Farmers. Thrashers and Millman Use No Other. This Oil keeps the Machiner in first rate workin order, thereby lessening the chances ol socidonb and breakdowns. To be had of first-class dealers. gamma of imitations l Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder 011. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and Lard 0118, always in stock. SOLE MANUFACTURERS 0F LARDINE. McCOLL BROS. 00., 'Couuuluug muggififiifiqgigfigifi; '91 anu. v .-..... -_-.-.”- -. ~.. Factory 3 401 King at. V“. TORONTO. The E. Cioumeyco.(1.d) GURNEY FURNAGES MILLER’S TICK DESTRDYER. Ix ni- iad Post on“. n cou'u’yon uothlnc {oi-i MAI; I_n 1 17111121150101 Adam DB. 11. g: 800_'l‘, Bifififiliflfllbb. 37‘YbilEES'tJTiimntoo on. 1 bus undo the dunno or FITS EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SICKNESS: life-long I‘udy. {1"th In "In to cm the n: can Beau-o omen hue ! lad II to union fur now mlvlnx n can. Bond u one. for I gum. gm} 2 Patagonia!” my Inhulblg pmgdy. _0_Iv_c m: In can I do not mun merely to stop than fun "no |_n_l than lgujg "gym rum-n "an. I mu_n 513493] IGUREFITS! TORONTO, ONT. In this pa er referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. his meeting (bein the 15th since the Com any was organized) took 1) ace on Tuesday. the l2t April. when the following gratifying increases were announced 8 PREMIUM INUDME INGREASED FOR YEAR, INTEREST AND BEETS, - ASSETS, - - $356,375. 81 Were allocated as 26 4 Holders. Profits pa ’ May lst. @federafiou ie cfisstQWIIcaiq. . I Recent Testimonial to OUR LAST NOTICE HAMILTON, TORONTO, IIIQNI‘RBA lufiand WINNII‘EG. Lamina. no hmoua to: their at 10. courwjence, d_\_1rabl t_y_. SPfOIAl BUCKET RETURN TRAP. ”The Celebrated Hw- cock [nap inter. H'Greaham'p 3 Automatic M..\ICGRFGOR,PA§1-on. J. H. FERGUSON, CARETAKEB. (Y. THOMSON, CHAIRMAN BHDGCOI J. FARNSWORTH. B’ n ‘u Issrncron. Send for Catalogue. Were allocated as Profits 1.0 Policy goldfirg. Profits payable on and AM:- ay s . J. K. MAUDUNALD. Managing Director. IASED FOR. YEAR, - $96,894_ - I3,029. $356, 375. SURPLUS, 30,234, To W. E. (’ONN, Tilsonburg, Ont. : Dun Sm,~â€"Thie In to certlf that the two Gurney‘llerria No. 15 Wood urnaces, laced by you in our Avondale Preeb berian C uroh, have ven complete eatinl’act on. We have found t possible :0 heat our building, from freel- ing point up to 60 deg. in two hours. We have also foutvl them to be very economical in the matter of fuel. We can cheerfully recommend these furnaces to any parties who contemplate heating by Hot Air. A . wnmgs war: butuaoullnu’ru ANUIWI man 001.» Hum. Tum iluunfiivf‘lomli â€" vi West. Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR' 00. euqum blood. All emu-en mired that an oun- nhh. without the use 0! u.» knile. 011m- houu. Iron 9 to 121m. and hon) 1:30 to l 3015;», Sabbath: 0;- oqned. 23 llllldu Stmt. Toronto. ”NUS” OXIGINâ€"I'HE CUNSEIWA’I‘OI of health. the enemy o! awe; hall he hung. Ike-builds the Broken Down Constitution 0! youn and old. Home "canned, lumclent [or (no men a, Inhaler NE! a}! compktfncgg by expreu_l0l Emmi", Inhaler und nu complete-.3011! by expreu to: £12 filmed my oflice iron) 73 King Wat w 41 Kb: ‘ H”. (3. STII)MAN “HIDE. Four you. cur-dished in Toronto. 32 011105 'l'tuuuonts (or .18 Bonditct circular. “I. AKHDTBORG '"lllINOIOM §peohflh Skin duets“, gcniplu and mild}.- They sun-pus :1] other luoweu In workmunhl} mmmy 0! material. excellence o! construction,u p won-moo 01 work. The best thteshing machines in America. Thoydo tho largest nmounc of work. und‘mwsh cleaner thin any other machines can do the work. In excellent). at construction they are unequaled. Th3 no “I. beat nude in Cgumdn. mud are only equnll by their nimeeakea in the United States. “TABLE ENGINES.â€"No bettenzrlcultunl mmes are made. _ mu Tunusmsu nAcllNus.â€"'rhe out In the market for horsepowera. WOODBUBY or ”[5333 IHPBOVID- "OISE M0“’Elts, now the easiest quning and 3M best in the wodd. Also the CALIFORNIA. PLANET. AND Paws HORSE-POWERS, 0! established repute. ‘3' Repairs on hand tcr evety machine made. J0“! I.I\'INGS'I‘0NI:‘., Trustee, JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS, OSHAWA. nae and Lung Trouble ° Join Wood, 95 Cement. 8t, cured of Liver Complaint end Bllloumess, used only 3 fl! ~oent homes; Mrs. J. Bell. 6 August: 8%.. troub ed for yeere with Nervous Proe‘ntlon. two small bottles gave her great relief. Sold st 500. 81. F. F. DALLEY a 00.. Proprlewrl. (Signed), NEW M008 h 'I‘IERESIIERS. 'I‘IIE 05HA‘VA MOWERS. in“. a positive remedy (or the ubovod‘lloue ; lav In no thou-ands Muse- of tho worn kind and or Inn; I In. boon cum. Indeed to “max u my mm. ID fluent!“ x will lend The Bonus Inn. “mu '1“ I VALUAILB TREATISI on thb m I0 Cl! Mm. OlvccnfillanLQAfld‘w “nn.'rA.,swcuu' Bmohbfigé. 3‘7 Yonge'St..'rorub BUNWWP‘E‘IDN. FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. â€"â€"-1887'â€"â€" Y NOW TORONTO. an... “In Almi- ntod W. Ind-30. oovery of tho present age for Raou- umxa run Bownu. um Come All moon. leu. and KleCOIo burns. A 9mm Blood Purifier. A (0' n Hamilton who In" n benefited by 1‘ : Mrs. M. Koo ?”E“,;’$°“xf:’ :’ t ‘ pe o In 'em’stapdlnx:fie‘?‘~ home“, ‘24 South St. rlaug hh‘er cured of ilepnio Fits altar "em' and :Jon- Eh BirrellJb dnut t... cured of Walk- HE Greatest Dino

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