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Woodville Advocate (1878), 12 Aug 1887, p. 1

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Nislnatomform tho ‘voopIe of Benet-km and mrmntdlufieco‘mtryu mu he haa npnncd an ”non-in t ahuvo vll 1m lend: pmcuce othin profusion. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. 'lll visit Woodvllle. (Edward's Hotel.) regularly the first Monday and 'l‘uoudu . uld .lleaverâ€" _ lflamlmu Home.) the first \ ‘odneada ' and uradny of each month, PURE VITAL 'ALD ‘u Idmlulnerod. Beautiful sud durable ART- 1ch TEETH made. Hi9 gold lined rubber I!“ are pronounced "perfection." Over an bar's experience. {IAIN ”BAY. ONTARIO. Waits 'Bononon (Huffman House) the and {with}: 9! gnch mongfy.A‘Mr. Nookuda has had _- _._- _‘ _.__ 4_.2A-u_-.‘ All ‘rrognlultloa of the natural tooth c: mud“ Pro ”lunch or me numrnl Moths npecluuq. ‘ TB. “Jul-5, 310 DEhATE. GUN“. V. 3.. Graduate of "no Ontario Votu orinuy College. Vuterinury luupocbom e.â€"Medicnl Bcll. Woodville. Will be in warm“ ovary Tuasdty. Orders loft w:th Jolm‘ innnn. Drugaiut. Ham/anon, or by ugh-graph receive prompt attention. inr‘l‘lolod success in the use at an. finalized in In thin part of Cnundt having administered cqnunuously for about 19 your: nude 1 study MO. under Dr. Colton. of New York. the first. teen who gave it. for extracting toenail-s .givou ‘ to “syn persona. .Baumtnl swam) tooth u. JOECE. manna-mm of Ontario Nouri- nu{ uoll go.§‘uronto. Tnatazull‘dis-nui owes icat ‘nnhualn b - the latcstsctentific most .9 eh math 3. Ordenlby tele- h or m“ prommly attended to thy d: at I. Dinner-4"McKimlou'l Drug Store." on- rummage? SURGEONS. ’uey.‘ 66}?! M._ifié8_, fun-13390“ Solicitor. 30 n ,___.AL-_ ALLOWAY. M. C. P. 8.0.. Physician. Sur- alnl Accouebuuv. Office and residence 8 eat. Beaver-ton. __‘..â€" - V - . R. JOHNSON. M. D.. C. 31.. :L;C.U.’.:. 8.. . Grsduuto of Toronto University, Mouibor ‘ollege Physicians nud' Surgeonssoum. Rx“ Ier torSu’u Life and Conlodemtiou Lite 00's. 0 nud Ruldwee,‘Vlctox-in Road. Ontario. b. J. Mclsrmx. \V. J'hANh.~V0wrlul.ry ourgwu \Ilnuuu'c ,. of Ontario Veterinary Colluge. biseasuao! domesticntod animals treated by latest and lnppggvaq systems. Olive and Infirmary. ,, ,-A___ . F. TAYLOR, D. D. 8., L D. S. wrlea. .{mmx wasm'm. lhn‘hters. gunman c ‘ 001cm. Kent Street. Liming lOutm‘io. Joan A. Emmott '| . R. 3m. 8. A. m1: fifteen year: experience I can gunnntoo' satisfaction in all operuion. 5 â€"o:o- .rflncinl tooth inserted without intoa or on: hold. Allum‘mum. Silver or Rub or Lam. . JOSEPH J. CAVE. Paoruuon, woovnu urn sum. o. Siflflnclerkt'l‘owmhl of Thanh .mco Town Hall. Benetton. ut. MUNICIPAL CLERK‘S. RANT. M..D.. Ptysitian ‘Bumon and ‘Ac ucheur. 0mm and liesfiieuce. Cor. Main Hm Streets, Beavortou. Oct. D. Slfl'l‘fl. flak. Village of Benetton ‘roavertonnut. w avundviuc gamma, :m gravrrtou mm JUN ‘31. "mu-D. ulu‘nuw: wumuu. ~u. 0mm: Cameron's Kew Block Benetton. Money to'Loan. oran: Al 11! act executing 1 inch. 35 per unnum- flout advertiwmuuts Dots per line Iguana-g Sets. [31' lino each subm‘uout muon‘ "a! |~r J. . -.‘ r y am v\qv-:‘"rla) ». A. JACKSONTCIEE mummy; Towu-~ 11p offlluou. Loneville. Out. 1!. S. M. JARVIS. Burrishrnnd Bdliéitor. Toro‘yw. Qtyces. No.19. Aflolnlde‘St. East. an. Ontario. cxx'rYEi-za ' «STEWART aumavs. acne flora etc. erOnt‘fin_ Bgnk' Lindsay _r.v_‘ ,, , m‘. Hotel. C‘auulnuton J.NEELANDS -D£NTIST doc.- W. JLANKgVotqunm-x 8_t_nrgeon kGraduate.- __n 18, mm! gusiurss wards. ADVERSE“ nuns. lgmn. {yggu-u. ..... ............. [foiPosi Oflico. [DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGEHYJ 308‘ J. CAVE, Publisher. 'WTH. GRéss, ENTIS'T did: HOPKINS. Burristers. Solicitor ‘Omces. Kent Street. Lindsay. Ontario 14‘” M. 6 per gout. IO! am on'o Blo me Post 'Bffoe, agave" ton. PI-I‘ZY‘S‘IGHAMS. ZDENTET KW:- L‘ EGA’L ....--o-o nun-no. 0.3.0 OIn-.->ultuoOQOOOCOICU. mam we! T.$TEWA1‘T. -â€"-North Victoria ’and Ontario General Advertiser. 91cm: YAIJSES, TRUNKS, HAND BAGS, STRAPS‘oud SATCIIELS inmt variety -and. cheau, at A. STEWARTS. W90dville. E‘WEEDS 0P ALKINDS. amawamves Attention inflinested te #110 great ofi'er now made .in .xlsants Jam :now selling iBocverton, June 17th,!!887. {Tune 24th, «1883?. From the snbscriber' 3 long expel-i moat coin the busin he 18 in a position to give the best of satisfaction and at prices lab will com favorably with any others. .Ordaxs or Estimators by mail promptly attended to. ’ COLLIN CflMPBELL, ‘Wooflville, July 29th. 1887 anflxwe have nowrhofhandaihxllmasoltmemnof Light. Summer Wear fox-Ladies, Gents-and Childteu. ‘Justzshemhiug‘mr the hot. weather. The undersigned would announce «to them dblic Ltheufadtiflmt Beaventnn Foundry has recently been-equipped with all the latent Woodworking Machinery for the ‘ npidmnd correct exeoutxom of We want a. little ready money just as soonaas it can be gathéie'd in from willing buyers. A SACRIFICE IS NECESSARY? tocapturmtbe cash quickly and here is our offering : . ' at positive and unmistakable bargains. We are ofleri g the reduce ot’the best manufacturers and in quality and excellence you can not but say, THEY ARE INDEED .THE F NES . When weadd to. this attraction that feature of great merit, . THE LOWEST PRICE, .we feel .that .we have ofiered something worthy of the attentionwtewery shrewd buyer. fake advantage of this therein something in it for you. Misses Fine Kid Slippers, Hand Sewed, Sizes 11, 12, 13, J, 2, .75 cents. Misses Fine Kid Bdttoned Oxfords, Sizes '1‘1, 12, 13, 1, 2, $1500 Lsdies’ Fine Oil Pebble Button Boots, all sizes $1.00 Gents’ Fine Webster Ties $1.25 Gents’ Fine Foxed Balniorsls _ $1.75 ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY CHEAP. Beantwnfluuo 24th, 1881. ELANING, mums, OALIFOBNIAN SIDING, MOMNG 8433. DOORS and sums, FENCING ’m Selling off .at Cost ,! LI‘KICINCr ROOM FOR FJXLL (300138: -AND THE DOG nus CALL F-OR SPECIAL LINES IN OUR TRADE. SUMMER AND FALL OVERCQATS . To THE PUBLIG; ?ants Mic/1.2111339]! at $6.00 at $4.50. THE HOLIDAY SEASON :Special Lmes in Painting. Lowest Prices yet Named. -‘ CHOICE PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS, WOODVILLE, ONTARIO, FRI-DAY,AUGUS'I‘ 12, 1887. WWWVW vwvwv HERE 18 T} OUBLE ! F-(DR EXCURSIONISTS. I have marked all Goods down to Cost. I have an excellent assortment of In order to Reduce: Stock H. LOG AN for Goods that main 9111mm desirable gnd above reproach, ANDâ€"â€" RT‘S. VVoodville, Rod. Camiibollla Old' Stand BE:LVERTON FOUNDRY Beavontonypnt. . WALLER, q) A Desirable VII/age Frap- erty For 8013. Y The fine brick Rename «mixture? now occm‘vl. ed by James Smith. situated corner Main And Man stmbdimvertou. A.fivst-cluss mak- ory, and nemy outbuildings also on the we. tunes. Bun Terms. 201' lurther ‘paflien rs- applz to J. EB SMITH.'Propriotor. or‘tn J03. C. JLNWJGonenl Agent.menvortou. Voters' List, 1887 Village cf Beaten”. 3 otice is 11er given. the“ have trenemittai“ or delivered the persons mentioned in the", third and [earth sectiousof The Votere' List Act“ the copies required by mid section to be no» transmitted or deliverel of the list. made pur- eunu} to said_.\c§. 9! all pox-eerie gpgcaginu I?! me last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to beentitlod to*vote in the said Municipalisyat Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and st Municipal Eleo~ lions; and thnt said list was first. posted up at my ofiice.et.Beaverton on the 6th day of Aug- ult. M181, all mmsius themdor ins action. Electors are called upon to examine t 0 mid list,wd. if any omissions or any other ermrs are found therein, to ukeimmediete proceeding? ‘0 have the sold errors corrected socwdiugto ow. Dated this 6th day of August. 1887. GEORGE supra. J15, 8% M1 film a 0819 ‘mo 8 vetpntds ‘IK :61 em a; 480 ) 9.110031% u ALLBN’S LUNG BALSAM; ,ooucns.” ooms,‘ Group and Consumption!- .cunao av. , Sign of me Goldenz'Boot COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 28c. 500. and 81.00 per bottle. Clerk of Muixicnigity, $1.00 $1.00 $1.25 $1.75 N O CREDIT- FPO Ewsgm (Ob 2U 2m â€""’a v Benetton P. 0. VOL. XIâ€"NUMBER 28. J. B’IDWE’LL MILLS CO. Managers. Hamilton Ont. leuglu its object to collect from all Mlt‘ln sslblo to collect from. then publish mom" of All that cannot or will not pay. which lint ll supplied to every member of the Asmlutlou throughout Canada and United States. Addrou -- Collecting Association -- CANADA AND UNITED STATES. ”TABLISHED "I lm LIERCHA N T’s PRLT ECTIVE ”aid new”: at Beaverton Foundry 'Wondville Cheap IEA Slum! SMITH mnwlv L'I 000R TEAS 9...â€" Found. Afient for Allan .Line of Steamship: Moo Mr 610 e.‘ Mail. and in loading :10“me. g T POINT NARA on Thurndny “no mu In... a um." sum 0? mouoy‘. Owner can in“ tho mm b Idem" in to rt and I for thin advgrtlnomonyc. fifiaxypfl, 1’ WA 03313: 5 Waddoll Lodge. Point nun. | Jungian“. um. Qounty of Ontario! if; Division court. sauna-1837. a. Whitby : Clark. D: 0. Madonna“. Whltb ‘ Jim. 3. Feb. 9, MAB. April 8. Mny 3. June 1Ju y' 4', Sept. 9. Oct. 3, Nov.2..Dec. 2. ,2..an ham : Clerk. 14.01.0022. 'Grecnwood .May 4. J11 y 5. 80 t. 3. aim-Pickering Vi lags: Clerk,M.Glouomuroen-- .wooq. Jnu._4, Mar. :1._N9v. 3. - m c. .u , n,.;. .I'Uvu .. ..,.- ._..._.v. _. 3..1’ort Perry Clark. J. .Burnhcm. Port BernibFeb. 8. Ann] 19, June 21.80pu6. 0a. m. 00 4. Uxbrid 0:010rk, z. Homp hm lUxbrld . Feb. 9. Apyi m Juuom. Sept; 1.00:. '19. Doc. 4. --. , Ah- .4-.. vuv‘ wv u-.- -vâ€" m: rounun NURSIRIES. uncut a mum OVER «5 nous. Steady Employment and no lost time, liberal commission or 331317. be» ud- vantagoq. splendid outfit furnished {no : ‘any pushing man can mooted. Apply for term: to. W6 want One Hundred Good Men at once to sell for WOODVILLEâ€"AN') BEAVEBTON. Pumps and Ciatornu of all kind. to ordu st short notice. ! willbo in Benetton on rueeday and Ftldsy of each week. orders h mall ma bouldrouodto Benetton or Woodvi loand will-com ‘tnd nuaful_ athmtlrm Feb. 9. Apr“, 90, .nm 29,8ept.7.0ot.19. Doc. :4. 5. Cannington : Clork.Geo.8mith.«Cmnln¢ton Feb. 10, April 21. June I, Sept. 8. Oct. l). Dec. :5. 6. Benetton: G. F. Brnco.‘Boavorton. Feb. 11. Agril 93. June 94. Sept. 9. Doc. 16. ~ .« . Uptergrove : Clerk. F. J. G! ‘espio. Unto!- grove, Rob. 12, April 23. Jyno 95. Sept. no. Doc. 11. ‘ By Order. J. I. FAIBWILIu l-v Clerk of the Paco. JACOB BARNES, Pump Jakob A ADVERTISEMENT. Farmers ! 0. GILCHRIS'I‘. Agent for first-elm inn:- . ance Companfies. docs insurance at what It worth 3nd no mom's fees required. making I ling of $1.50 to the insurer every time. \Wibh which “y‘fie et a nimble book WI“ Wary u n of ten. Mafia-“251195.31. School Books minute All kinds 2am: momma. O. GILCHRIS'I‘. Woodvillo. Money to Locu‘ ’ a low rate of imeresL-lrom 2 1.0-!) you-a. . GI BRIST. Clark Village 01 Wound"... Woodvi Is. Out. â€"DOING BUSINESS INâ€" TEA§ J- 0- GILOHHIST .â€"L\‘D.â€"â€". STONE a WEL MNGTON oronto. Ont. From 20:)“; up. « m, jumble book was “'UODVIL'BE. 80m Baku. PROPRIETO‘

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