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Woodville Advocate (1878), 10 Aug 1888, p. 1

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Esnucr of gum-rings Will he In Boavnrlnn un \V'odmmlny and Rntur it] o! ouch week Our ltoumirlng Pumps And uk- ing order for new ones. Pumps and Ciutorna of n" kinds to order at short notice. QlOOfiOO M Loan :12 0‘ pnr rant. on farm pm» pm”. Apply to C. .-\.1'.\'1"l‘|‘.l:SON. nmwnou. inserted. Jnno 16. LINDSA! . ONTARIO. Visits Benetton (Hamilton House) the 9nd ‘lunaday of each munzh. .hr. Nvummls hat: but unparalleled an new in the use of gas. (vitaliznd ulrl ln this part u! Canada. having administered ‘0 continuously lnr .llmut In vonrs made A study of it under Dr. (:nltvn. of New York. the IlrSt uorson who gave it 101' uxtracfinc tooth hm: uivnn n to 146.000 persons. Beautiful artificial teeth LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Will visit Woodvilio. (Edward‘s Hotel.) regularly on the first Moudaynml Tuesday. and Beaver. tuu, (Hamilton House.) the first Wmluesda ‘ and Thursday of each month. PURE \‘l'l‘ALfZl-ZD All: Administered. Beautiful and durable ART- l-‘lCIAL TEETH made. “in gold liuod rubber plus: no pronounced "permction." 0m: '16 you-'0 experience. I :- GILCHRIST. Notary Public, Real o - Estate uud Imnmncu Agent. Convoynncer. ,_ Valuator. c. MONEY To LOAN. JACOQ BARNES DEN TIS 'I' W Y«.Jonxsox. M. 1).. 0.11., L.c. P. a 8.. s ' Grgduata of Toronto University. Number ' of “allege Physicians tnd Surgeons. Out. El~ 5 Iflt'aer for Sun Lilo and Confederation Lila (WI. .100 3nd Residence \‘ictoriu Road. Onmlo. Pumvaakgr, WOODVILLE A ND BEAVER'I‘ON. A Gun": M- P.“ Physician. Surgeon and A?" . couchem'.0'_:1m and Resideum,cor. nun find MW‘BWGU. liemvortou. Ont. CCARTHY, EVANS. PEPLER Mc- CABTHY, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyance". etc. Otfice, Quinn's Block. 01min. Money to Lend. Telephone communication. D'Aurox MCCARTHY, Q.C., F. Buss, F. E. 1’. l’xpm-m, J. A. McCAn'nn'. Ho‘ney to Loan a}, 6 percent. \VOODVILLE. 'floing Northâ€"10:45 A In. 3nd 7:45 p. In. Going South-9:05 . In gamma 1). m. Going Northâ€"11:10 I.. m. and 8:10 p. m. iiomg Southâ€"8:39 s. In. and 5-35 p. m. M N ARTIS Jr HOPKINS, Barristers, Solicitor ;_ «kg. plllcosfigcuc Street.Lmdsay, Ontario Money to Loan. N0. AJACKON. Clot mud 'l‘n ship of Eldon. Lox-um 1119. Out. M. JOYCE, V.S..Gradnate of Ontario Veteri- nary College. Toronto. Treats all diseases of domesticated animals by the latest scientific ind most approved nmtlzofln. Orders by tele- graph or mail promptly attended to by day or night omce :â€"-“Mcl§iuu0u’s Drug Store." Bea verton, Ontario. ALI- WOBK Gunman. ~ EO. SMITH. Clark. Tovnuhi u a] oflico Town um, Beavmon. n1, MONEY ‘I‘O LOAN AT LOWEST RATES AND BEST TERMS. No commisaion charged. induy Ofllce. Baker‘s Block. Kent Street. Up- stairs. At. Woodvillo omco. on the Is; and 3rd Thursday in ovary month. VETERINARY SURGEONS. J. NEELANDS._ ' DENTIST CI- ' . goon um .u'o'nuétiéu}. ’ an'cia ind irés'iilziné xmcoo S’o’meb Beavertou. cIN‘l‘YRE STEWART. Attorneys. Solic ‘ itors otc. omens ovm‘ Ontario Bank.l;iudsay D. J. Mclx'n'nu. l T. S'mww-r. ‘ABRON .2 CAMPBELL. Barristers. c.. c. ) NOLA. :1 AQKON' . 009:3)!!!”qu Town. ‘ 0.61Lcnu1'r.vmu vmqooz Woodwind. . Woodvmo. Oht. BO. SMITH. (‘krk Vill 'Bonuton.0ut. ' I” 0" Buvexton 01mm“ an. M. _c. P. 3.9;. Phyujcsaq _--_ -1 -‘ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY\ 6mm! Mamas 05mm. MUNI’JC IPAL CLERKS OFFICE :--“'K‘unon1‘o "om-m " W. H. GROSS, D MONABR. JOS. J. GAVE, Publisher. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. MCCARTHY. PEPLER A: McCurmY, Barrie and Alliston DENTISTRY. PHYSICIANS. BEAVERTON. LEGAL an‘ortou Ontario ELMnscS. Woodvilio. Customers supplied by D. Mc anhlan. and orders for Pnstr . c in". with him will race ve prompt attention. FRESH BREAD. 31mg and P115231 al wava cn’ nand. Morth Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser.â€" Fresh nrrml and Pantry anm-u In "and m- Supplh-«l I0 "rclrr at short Smite. During tho Summer Suaqnn Ice Cream always on MnnJ. Frash Groceries cf all kind: alwam on hand. Beavertqn Grocery and FPOVISIOH Store. the Unlined Nerves and remember Hm. sudâ€"i I delicate organism as glut of Ilia Eye requires exact accommodation, P. D. McARTH UR. Take care thpt you are not at present. wearing a Smcaclo winch is not exactly adjusted to your nigh} mid gonsoquant‘ly aqting m: :5 sevcyo struip -No Charge Made for- ~Exam1nation.- or other distressing sensations so common in the mnuygmdes at "resent in the Market. but they As!) 79 BAY s'r., TORONTO. mum. Intetda sending a practical Optician to their Agent in your town at regular intervals who will be competent to measure and accomodnte every defect of the eyesight that is prevalnnt. He will in every instnncu me the Finn‘s Cele- brated Spectacles and Eyeglasses so well known tu-dny ihroughout the civilized world for the delightful ease and comfort they confer on the wearer. There is no GUMFORT; STREHGTHEN PRE- SERVE THE SIGHT. ! szoxxc DISEASE. including Cnmau or ' ' THE NOS); THROAT, CHEST, STouAcu, ‘ Dyspmsu, l’ILES, VARICOCELE, 'And troubles of the Urinary and Generative Organs; aiso. Surgical cases. such as Club 1 Foot. Stifl-Joiuts, Hlllllp~B'lck. Spinal I Disen so and Kindred Allectiona. Glimmetinq. Wavering. Dizziness 18 JEWIN 51'... LONDON, E.‘.1\'fGI..A1‘1’D1 BEAVER'EON BAKERY. P. D. McAR'I‘HUR. Understanding the lumen")! of parties living in small towns being accurately fitted with Spectacles sultcd exactly to tho different sights, DR. POTTS, OCUL/ST and MIR/57 ! Be .werton. Fob. ‘. 18$. A Mammoth Stock now on hand of all sndes o! LUMBER. at prions ranging from 85,00 upwards. ‘KATCBED AND DRESSED FLOORING BREATHING. c.. shipped to my point. 150,000 Shingles (first 012193) an enormms quantity of No. 1, 2, and 3, all of which will be offered at lowest figures for CASH. LIME, LATE 860. LUMBER YARD [0388?! W] NEW YORK NOTICE OF VISIT. Medical 86 Surgical Institute. Who 18 our representative in Canada V. m Visit Benetton momhiy and will be In cyan-d to attend all cases of m. smAnms'r, H- ESTCO'I‘T, Boar erton, Ont. BEAVERTL‘ CONSULTATION FREE I flJFTm J. 8. ECMILLAH, PM 80.10 by aways on hand. 0:0 ' VVOODVILLE ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1888. Beaverton. “ Ehavo had plucod in our hands for save ‘ 'I‘HE BRICK AND TILE YARD AND 1' b'l‘ThRY owned by Mr. Wm 'I‘n\'~,l(r theme- [1 qty is pnniulinrh We; 1 adapted for (he Inn'- n nu n. siding: of the: (i. 'l‘. 16. running direct!) inn the wudc A lnrgi MD hnrsvpmwr engine and hniior “éih mo up“ lilo machines am muunulim t‘q mu: mnta. 1 his property “ill In: mill in comic ‘imu with tiu- hum nn “hid! Hm mm is ~i“xv~tv~‘. or sen-1min if dmiu-d. The "inn with Hri: k \‘urcl r-nn'mm: I'flm ms mnrr or toss. with :l lauuv “rick Hume nud nll mmrni~ ‘IH'C‘S Mtnclmi. 'l‘hm Would provo an c-wvilu-nt Iutmhnunt for 9 mm) \viih mpiml snli‘rii-nt to dumlop (he Iausinwa m he hill capacity. [in mediate occupation can be given. If you have a Lot, House or Farm for «ale “-0 will endeavour to sell it for you at a reasonable commissnon. No charge made unless a sale is effected. Apply for terms etc. to We have for sale one of the best businosnstnnde in tho village of lbmvorton. containing a {ton- Mm on Situcno Street 0180 feet. “u. with a depth of mo feet. The property now returns annicieut mum] to pay 10 per c‘. on punch-.50 price. A Bargain. 1 Main Street, on Lot 0. south side. Contains five large rooms. large halls. clothes closets. etc" lip-stairs. with pantries. washroom. Ind extra woleilt kitchen and woodshed. Hard and soft water. two cellars. frost-proof. } acre of land. To be sold cheap and on easy terms. Double Framermm. situated on Elinbsth St..euch honsucontsinssix rooms,otc..wood~ shuds mm stable on the premises. i scro‘ of land. An excellent property for speculuion both houses being rentod at a. flood rental. HE Handsome White Brick residenée on 7 Main summon Lot 0. south side. Contains V north church stfoBt. Mlsp Lot 44. } nâ€"c'râ€"e'. Bay Strout. all those lots no in one block and will be sold together. V containing about 2i lots. theroris Vailarrhre' Frame House and Stable. Hard Water Well on the promises. Easy termn. ILLAGE LOTS Lgacre and Lot 53, g are north church street. Mlso Lot 44. } acre. Lots 13, :4 and 15 Victoria Street Lots 1 and 2 Elm Street. Corner Lot. Elm and Victoria Sta. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5 east side of King Street. Four choice lots on west side Mam street. all tile drained. Very desirable. Lots 5. 6; and 7 west- side Dundee Street. Lots 12. 13. 14. 15. and 16 east. side Dundas St. ILL \(rE LOTS H Nonth sido Simcoo Street. containing about 25 lots. men is a. large Village Property We have also a. number of choice lots in different parts of the village of Bea- verton as follo11zs 1‘ 7, Township of Thornh. contai'ning 100 ncres, more or less. 50 acres cleared, 3. Frame Barn and Frame House, also anever-failing Well. etc., on the pneniiscs. \\'ill be sold at a bargain or rent: of! for A term of years at a moderate rent to a suitab!e person. Propertv free of incumbmuco. AST half Lot 13, 4th Concession of Thomh, contnining 100 acres, more or less. 5;") acres cleared, balance tinibereil with cedar (excellent rail timber-J, A thriving young orchard, a. good frame house and log barn and other onthuildings on the premises. The lot is thoroughly fenced and in a. good state of cultivation and has also {our good wells. bituated within 1 mile of Beer Vernon. A good bargain and any terms. { AS'I‘ HALF LOT 1. CDSCESSION 2,1‘HORAH containing 1% acres all cleared and in a good state of cultlvation. A log House. Burns and stables in a good flute of repair are on the premises. wells etc. This lot is very favourably situated being handy htlxe markMs of Lorne- vilko, Womlville and Benetton. “'ill be sold cheap and on the most favourable terms. on S-XLE OR TO RENT. N. 3. Lot 6, Con. 7, Township of Thumb. containing 100 acres, property is SltllRllsd Wllllln tour hundred yards of tin» Beiverton Station _G. ’I‘. B. and a portion of the property is within the Corporation -! geareiton. Terms very easy, a small deposit own. OR SALE OR IN EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. North g. Lot 8, Con. ti, ‘l‘horah containing no acres. 40 acres cleared and balance in rough pasture land. Soil, clay and sandy loam. A Frame House. Stable. Shed and Granary on the premises. Terms to suit or will eXehanuo for suitable village property. OUTII HALF LO'l‘ N0. 3, CONCESSION 2 'l‘liOltAH. containing 120 acres of first-class heavy clay loam soil. This fine property is a deâ€" (-iried bargain and well worthy of attention. 100 acres x luured and £50 in broken pasture land. Furnished with good buildings. wells etc., well fenced and in an excellent state of cultivation. It is admirably situated being 2; miles from Lornoville, 3 from Woodrille and 6 from Beaver- ton. l-‘ine gravel roads. ‘1‘ large number of the people of this Village took in the Beaverton I. 0. O. F. excursion to Barrie on Wednesday. The day was fine and all enjoyed them- . selves immensely. Owing to the rough- ,ness of the lake in the evening after I leaving Beaverton the steamer was un- Iablezl to land at the wharf and the : people from this place were taken to Strawberry Island for the night. In the morning they took the train from Grillin. fi District Gleam'ngs. FARM POR SALE. North part of Lot 19 in the 5th concession of Thor-ah containing 50 acres more or less. a good Frame Home sud Stable. good well lUld tin-1} .ug young orchard on tho prulmsos. The soil is an excellent sandy lumn unoxcollod for garlon purposes. The property is situnttsd witlnn four hundred yards of lhv Berwortou Station G. ’I‘. B. and a. portion of the property is Within the Corporation :1 genveitou. Terms very easy, a. small deposit own. desired and the most favourable iél‘mrérarr'é otfgb ed. No monuy required down it suitablosecunty be given. .in- nrud. “ell fenced with good bun and other out-building‘s also six good wells on the pm- 13155:. ‘ '1 1135-9 lots will be any; separately i130 We ofier for sale on the most favour- able terms the following choioe wllage and agricultural properties. Terms made to suit purchasers. OT W. i 11. also W. g lot 18 in the let con. 0! _ Elgun. goytaiuipg _tr\_\'o lm_u_drcd aorgs. _150 ESTATEAGEN CY 0’08. 3'. C.A.‘V':E:, 'tExnnss" Raul Estate Agency, Benetton, Onhrio, Dwomnc Hausa:- Business Sites, BEAVERTON. rum Preterm SPECIAL- REAL I " 'v'gay and the wound was drocsed by $ Dr. Binglmm. who put eight stitches in I the cut. The young mm: is improving } as well as can be expected.â€"â€" [Gleanon] of Wilfrid. was trvirg to escape from a swarm of bees he run against a main cradle which another roan \vnq carrying. and received a out about five inches long just above lhc MW of the leg. The vomuv man “an brought to this town in .. ' vary and the wound was drecscd by Dr. llingham. who pnt eight stitches in the cut. The young man is improving as well as can be expected.â€"-â€" [Gleaner.] A man named Thos. Bailey was in- tently killed on Sat-nrdav in Lambert ?10V0.9 saw mill at Port Sandfield. near Gravcnhurst. Bailey was tail-sawing and was caught on the carriage and dragged on the saw. He was terribly cntto pieces. Bailey has lived at Port Carling for a number of years. and leaves a wife and family to mourn his loss.â€" [JournaM Honnowsr's PILLS can he confidently recommended as a domesxtic remedy for :' the ailments of all classes and conditions ‘ of people. Young and old of both sexes may take this medicine with the certain- i ty of deriving benefit from its use. when ‘ dis-order or disease is making them mis- erable. llolloway‘s Pills are unrivalled for theirpnrifying, aperlent and strength- ; ening properties. They remove indiges- tion. pa'pitntion and headache. and are ; specially serviceable in complaints ‘ peculiar to females. Each box is wrapp- 1 ed with printed instructions for the guidance of lnvclids. who will readily . understand, from carefully studying ! them. the. best way of recovering health. .Hollowey‘s Pills will work a thorough lchanve in the constitutions of the wwi. 5 and nervous. On Saturday afternoon last while a. vonng man omplomd on the farm of Mr. Matthew Tavlor. I eat Wilfrid. named Samuel Hunter. son of Mr. John Hunter, of Wilfrid. was trvirg to escape from a. swarm of boos he nan ngninet a main braille which anntlmr man “11:: carrying. and recoivnd a out about five inchns long just above ”no MW of the leg. The vnmuv man was brought to this town in And now Reuben Adams, of Oshawa. wants to go over the Niagara Falls. His plan, he announces. is to come down the river in a. smell heat of the 900w pattern in wluch he will have a. gun and a para- chute. As he nears the edge of the cataract he will fire the gun. the reorul from which he expecla will send the hunt out. quite a distance lrom the edge when he will mute the parachute and “ocvxtlv descend" to the foani-toqsed river helowcâ€"Ynur plan is an excellent one Reuben, and us there are any num. her of fools still living. we would strong- ly advise you to trv it.â€"|Ex.j iable'l to land at the wharf and the : people from this place were taken to Strawberry Island for the night. In the mormug they took the train from Orillia. Mr. Thos. Rice of Stratford was in stantly killed by lightning on Friday. The Orillia Masons. on first occupying their new lmfl‘ Tippmg‘s Block. resolved that no intoxicauts should be permitted there at any meeting in connection with their Order. The rolling stock of the Grand Trunk still seems to be very inadequate to the enormous trafiic of the road. Lumber- men and timber and telephone pole shippers all along the road complain bitterly of the loss and inconvenience to which theyy are subjected. by the over economy of the railway authorities. The Belleville police magistrate has ruled that a servant must replace articles broken by her. or else have the value deducted from her wages. The number of tourists that have gone north on the Muskoka. Express during the past weeks, have been phenomenally large. The visitors are largely compos~ ed of Torontnuiaus, with a. very fair sprinkling of Uncle Sam‘s ofl'spriud. On Tuesday last. Mr. W. J. Goslin. fourth concession, Hope, had his team in the woods, and while nsmg an axe cut- ting a stick of timber. by some means the axe slipped and struck one of the horses. breaking the jaw of the poor animal and knocking out several teeth. The horse was a valuable one, and has been rendered entirely useless. Vistrmo.--Miss Kate McDonnell is at present visiting at Beudale. We wish her a pleasant time. Mamaâ€"Our string baud furnished the music for the I. O. O. F. excursion to Barrie on Wednesday, which no doubt was greatly enjoyed. Plasmasâ€"Miss Thomas of Toronto. and Miss Francisco of Uxbridge are spending their holidays at the residence of Mrs. N. MoDougall. Miss M. J. Mo- Dougall is also home for holidays.“ Rev. Mr. McBaiu is visiting his brother. Mr. D. McBain.-â€"â€"Miss McIunis of Toronto is the guest of Miss K. Camp- LAII Accmnxr.â€"-Whilo working with the binder on his brother's farm, Mr. John Westcott had the misfortune to get one of his legs badly out. His horses took fright and started 03. Mr. Westcott be- coming entangled in the machine. and only for his presence of mind might have been killed. We are very thankful he has escaped so well. UUH NHGHBURS. GAMEBRIDGE. OhIIdren Cry for Pltcher’s Castorla. BRECHIM mm VOL. XIIâ€"N UMBER 26, Best value in Tea over offered, at R. Dunsheath‘s, Boaverton. Now that Beaverwn foundry has been burnt the people of lhat village are ex- pected to again talk "fire promotion."â€" [Midland Free Press. J Tea. I A large and influential meeting of the leading business men of Penetanguiehene was held on the evening of the 27th ult. on the grounds at Sheen's Point to orga- ‘ uize the Lakeside Hotel Company of i Penetang. It was unanimously resolved ‘ to proceed with the incorporation of the company and to push the Construction of the building so as to be ready for next season. The capital stock will be 880,- 000 and of this over 820,000 was promis- . d at the meeting. Hon. John Beverle ' Robinson. of Toronto, and Mr. J. J) Meson. ex-Mayor of Hamllton. are the outside provisional directors, the remain- der of the directorate being prominent local men, who are pledged to give their energies to the proper carrying out of the project. The beauty of the site. the magnificent grounds and water front and the ease of access thereto by water and rail makes the success of the com- peny a certainty. Here is a pointer for some of the has- bands who complain about the cost of living. Fish 18 n. u. holesome food, and no house need be Without a supply. " A Keppel woman fell into Mud Lake and when she was rescued a ten- pound pike was entangled in her bustle. Her hus- band wanted to set her again, but she objected, and now there is trouble in the house every time the husband is asked to provide meat for dinner." The spring craps in the country around Meaford. will scarcely pay for cutting. Another summer hotel is to be built at Bracebridge. Mr. Scott, of Barrie. purchased 1 000 dozen eggs in Stayuer last Monday morning. A very large number are camping at: Jackson's point. The Brants of Paris have taken the Lacrosse Championship of Canada from the 'l‘oroutos. Duncan Taylor of Stayner, has be« committed for trial for horse stealing. A half dozen lads escaped from the Reformutory at Penetauguishene on. Sunday last. Scouts captured four, but two are yet at liberty. A class watch was kept for them at the Allandnle statiop on Monday last. John Dixon. 11 years old. and on son of Mr. James Dixon of Campbellfo lwas drowned while bathing on Friday ast. A Mr. Taylor 13 working over the re- fuse of th Deloro gold mine, Mormon, and takes out 8460 to the ton. Six tons are handled each day. Mr. Donald; Clarke of Marmara, made a snug sum two years ago by overhauling the cut- ofl crucibles. Mr. Dougald McLean of Anna town- ship has a. .white steer in his possession, 6 feet. high and 18 feet from nose to tail, every hau- white, and the picture of an elephant. Mr. McLean has refused 980 for tho steer. but has been advised to connnuuicate with Mr. Barnum, who ii is thought, would have big money to ofior for the curiosity. A dry dock is to be built at Kingston by the Dominion Government and is estimated to cost somewhere between 3250.000 and $450,000. Tenders for the work will soon be called for. Steps have been taken for the repeal of the Scott Act in the counties of N02- thumberland and Durham. Tm: licenses for the sale of liquor in England and Wales last ‘year brought. Seven and a. half millions of dollars. The returns does not furnish any infur- umtlou as to how much it cost to main- tain the jails and poorhouses. Orangeville had a surplus of 0250 after paying all expenses from the Dominion Day celebration, which they carry over until next year.

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