Uncle John Robinson, the voter“; nhowmtn, [- very ill at his home in Cincin- nntl. The old mun la 82ye5n of ‘80- Stlll MI mind rennlnl clear Imd hi: memory ' good. Two of the Chimp dynamite" chug. with utumph'ng to lull the judgeo and 0th fl, _ v..-_ â€"vv-' vvvvflm. A syndicate of Enaliah cepitelilte he bought all the property in Dekoh of the Barney Peek Compeny. which owned nearly all the depoeiu of tin in the Territory. The weelth of General Berri-on, the Re. publieen undldnte, it in aid. does not ex- ceed 81,500. He owns no stock: or bond. hie money being invented entirely in roei auto. The entire business portion of of Rosalyn. W. T., ha been dost ï¬re. Over 150 families are left The loan will mob nbont 8500.000. uuuvvl' Hatching for 3 mg; 16.1135 3}" bombe which the Annrohinte ere knowu to hnve conceded. Two hundred members oi the Brooki Tabernacle oongregntion left on the Sena July 14, for n seven-week’s trip to Europe. The two perpetrntore of the 810,000 ex- reu robbery hove been onptnred in Port- nnd, Oregon, end one of them he- oonieen. ed. Coupe-men Hitt in endeavoring to se- cnre n dny'e dieetueion in the Home on his reeolgtion providing for Reciprocity with ("inn A, The foreign commerce of the United Stetea for the int fllcel year showed on increue of over eleven million dollars. Senetor Hoar wants 3 committee to en- qnire into the commerciel relations between the United State- end Condo. The Chi 0 police are actively leer-chin for e luggnnmber of _bomhe which thg An-mI‘I-L. -n L___*, . John Anderson, who has been so long im- prisonedinn well in Johnson, Neb., has been rescued. It cost a Catskill hotel 81.875 to pay for rope to supply the house with ï¬re escapes according to law. The Delawsre peach crop this year is ex- ected to foot up ten million basketsâ€"the largest on recur . Four persons have committed suicide this summer beneath the monument of Stephen A. Douglas in Chicogo. Borgia. the letimore defsulter at present in Montresl, is willing to go beck without the formslity of extrsdition. Swordï¬sh are reported to be very numer- ous all" the Atlantic count this summer. Over 10,0co bushels of grasshoppers hove been cough: at Ottertail County, Minneaotu. J.R . Bolch, of Fuirland, S. 0.. has just died of hydrophobic, caused by the bite of a cut. Mr. John Msdill, of St. Msry's, who nine months since failed, his estebe realising ninety cents on the dollnr, and who often.- wsrds paid the other ten cents, was t- ed by his creditors. moeuy who] e ï¬rms of Toronto, with 3 solid silver ten service, suitably inscribed, as n recognition of his honourable conduct. Rev. J. \V. Span-ling, President of the Montreal Methodist Conference, has been tendered the Presidency of the Wesley College. the new theological institution in Winnipeg. The Grand Chnpter Roynl Arch Mesons metinToronto and elected oflioers for the ensuing year. Grsnd Z. Sargent was pre- Iented with 3 vnlnsble testimonisl, locom- psried by sn address. The Nova Scotia Steel Company in making npplicntion to increue their c: ital from $300,000 to 31.000000, and to c mge the name to the Non Sootia Steel and Forge Co. (Limited). Amoetin of Irishman of all chic: and creed: wu old in Toronto, when it wu de- cided to tender 3 complimentary banquet :3 Mr. Ede Blake on his return from Lieutenant Gwernor Royal is of the opinion that no trouble in to be anticipated from the Indians in the Territories if they are left alone by the politicians. Mr. W. J. Graham, collector of Inland Revenue at Owen Sound, seized an illicit distilleryiu full operation in Collingwood Town-hip, County Grey, on Thursday. The Cenndion Pnoiï¬o reil my have stopped operations in \Vindeor for the present, nnd elfom ue being made to induce the company to run through Bernie instead. -__-_ M vu or B: of Quinn durigthuly end August 3; «50‘: you. It in reported the cotton mmnfaeturere will ah the Dominion Government to eend I trade oommiuion to Aeie to ptolnote closer tnde relation; The thoroua Company, of Brandord, lave located the oontuos for the emu-ge- meat of the “hut Work: of "at city It $106,278. The Onhrio Government are asked to Rmhibit the noftipg of_h}sck bus. on the DAD. “ Dr.†C. H. Whiting received 25 luhee M; the Centnl Prison u put of Me sentence {or male on hie little neice at St. Thoma. Lint-Governor Roynl hu nude unnge- menu with the Inlnnd Revenue Depertment rounding the ule of liquor in the North- West. The oppon vs reported no numer- ou. in o conntty dint-lob around J clients that public pnyeu no oï¬â€˜otod. Mother batch of Ioolmdon, ubout three hundred, bu urivod by the Alla: unmet Hibeninn, nll bound {or the North-Wat. A round of 8100 ll ofl‘nrod to: tho oppre- hnlion of tho convict I’m-ton, who moped {mom Hampton goo]. A torrid: wind atom vhleod Yumouth 3nd South Domino-tor on Monday, nnd did 3 not unonnt of dun-go. The llquklnton of the Control Bonk ox- got to be .51. to poy mother dividend of 5 per cont. nbont OJtobor lot. WADâ€. The m-utpont. o! the meals otthodox typo, w cannon Milton hind, Out†A malty of opuctlvu in n ma st the non mills n Rocha-gs, PQouo. 3nd “-_h-- I NEWS OF THE DAY. AMERICAN. ‘ of the town destroyed by hit homeless. Counsellor Glbtou explained this phase of the trouble by lutlmutlug am the jud c wdun't built that wuy, and gracefully rot :- 8 . “ I 0:11.,†Bia'iii {lawn ex don't dare to. I otn'c ima nfnin from kicking you “ You hnve not noted the palt‘of a gentle- mnn 3nd don’t deserve any oonaid entlon at “ I cun't im‘glne how I can refrain from atti-kjng ygn,{'_sgid he. " Nobody but a dirty dog or e cowerdly cur would thus insult the court as you end ‘ your collesgue have done." Counsellor Gibson grew red in the fsce. “ I expected to be treeted es 3 gentlemen in this court end I must insist upon my preroFetive. Mr. Myers and I hove nlree y sett ed this met- ter. and a question on your psrt would hove settled the mutter At once. I won’t permit ‘ myself to be insulted by every one who comes elong. and I must insist on eing trested as e gentlemen. Kansas Cm. 310., July 26.â€"When Judge White, of the Criminal Court, entered his ‘ guntere yeeterday morning he ï¬rst scored awyer Lowe. Prohibition candidate for Governor. because that gentleman had said he was off on a vacation and could not be found. Then when ex-Mayor Gibson, act-u ing for Lowe, recited, in a plea for more time for the condemned murderer Myers, the fact of Judge's absence, the latter ex- claimed : Some Elegant Examples 0! Legal Benn-tee In Missouri. M. Herve, editor of the Paris Soleil, ex- te that Gen. Boulanger will be defeated n his contest for a seat in the Chamber of Desmtiee, that his popularity is on the wane, in; that he will soon vanish out of political Mr. Dingley has a bill before the United States House of Representatives to tax Can- adian vessels passing through American can- als in the case of discrimination on Canadian canals against American vessels. Sir Charles Hallo, the pianist, and Ma» dame Norman-Neruda, the violinist, were married in London on Friday. The bride is almost 60 years of age, and the groom is close on 70. Prof. Jamieaon, the English naturalist, write: from Kasongo, on the Congo, that he is making preparanona to leave with Major‘ Bartellot, Tip Tib, and 900 men, to search for Henry M. tanley. i The Duke of Aoata. the ex-King of Spain, and his niece. Princess Letitia, the only doughter of Prince Napoleon and Princess Setilde, will be married in Turin in Septem- The Impetial Defence bill authorizes the expenditure of over two und 3 quarter mil- lion pounds for parts in En land and the colonies, cooling stations, an barracks. comm nooï¬ amnï¬nns. The Cologne Gazelle deniee that the Queen took Emperor Frederick's diary away with her, and wonders tnat German papers repeat the absurd story. The arrest of Mr. O‘Kelly mean: that Mr. Belfour, ineeead of wavering in consequence of the lute Cabinet Councils, intends pushing coercion to the bitter end. \ Miss Violet Isaacson, anughter of thé great dreumaker, Madame Elise, was mu- ;ied to Lord Beaumont in London on Satur- 3y. ‘w-v 9-‘9. â€my “Loâ€"rdvcolin Campbell, the youngest son of the Duke of Argyle, will shortly leave Eng- land to practice law at the Bombay bar. Ten immigration agents have been arrest- ed in Cracow, Austria, for inducing the na- tives of that district to emigrate to America. A Russian expedition is about to be or- ganized for the ascent of Mount Ararnt to 1031311 {on the [Quanta of N oah’a ark. Mina Lucy Roatron, avLivérp'oâ€"hl Mair-31?, eloped with a. stable groom. but: was brought home by her father and brothers. Seven and a half million dollars was re- ceived from licenses for the sale of liquor in England and Wales last year. _ .m It is rumoured the Queen will a pond three weeks in the fall with her daughter, the Dowager Empress Victoria. The Governor-General of the Congo Shtes tear: that the Stanley expedition has been stacked and defeated. Impexinl Parliament will adjourn on Aug- ust 11, and reassemble in November for an autumn session. Italy announces that she has deï¬nitely taken possession of Mansowah and tho adja- cent territory. Ma or McHngh, of Sligo, has been sen- tenc to four months’ imprisonment under the Crimea A05. The rumour in again revived that the C: u'ewitch will marry one of Emperor \Vil- linm'n sisters. The mmiuge of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough has been declared valid in England. A {cu-fa! atom has caused much destruc- tion and loan of life in Noxth- Western The tenant: on the Vandolonr estates have decided to come to term- wlth the ugeut. The Vihlie rifle will probably be sdoptcd by the Dutch army. Ninety deethn from cholera occurred in rElam); Kong during the week ending July Judge Blodgett. of the United Stoke Conn et Chloego. on Setnldey rendered MI declelon In the Cuhmen-Bell telephone lltlr moo. The deolelon was In town: of the company. ‘ The pond on on htidge over the North we: at New ork will be e very ex- nelve efl‘elr. It: eetimeted coat in 837,000- 00. It will ufl‘ord entrenoe into the clay for ten rellweye. The oentrel open will. accord- lng to the dedgn, have the enormone length of 2,850 feet. Genenl U. B. Flak, the rohlhltlon oen- dldeu tor the Pmldenoy}, en epicure in sen-food dishee, end not log tickle! his pel- ete eo much u e delloetely are ed ï¬uh dinner. From heving mode h ortnne in the ï¬sh end oyetor made he is eometlmee known a “ Clem-Bake†Fink. m oonuotod with the Amount, trial luv. jnmpod um: bull ud taken that: do- puluu. FOREIGN. " You court In Mr. Woodward'e description of on Englleh fair lest week, he mentioned two feature: that American ought to co yâ€" the hone-shoeing contest nnd the airy contest. Both of the" feature. would be sure to tulle well here. Fermere would enjoy the blechmlth contest, end the men who wouldn't run to see n dozen bright Ametlonn dnl mdde compete to: n prime 3: butter-moi n3 doesn't deeerve to be celled en Amerloon. In these two nature John Bull h ahud ol Uncle Sam end Ml- Who to 'a the formers are not menufec. turere 2 he idea is not new, but every born In the land where animals are kept in A kind of muuuhctory. The animal! are the me- ehinel; hey, on“, grain. roots and other food crops are the raw materiel-3 end milk, wool, meet, etc., the products. And the eonvenion of these new materiel Into soluble product. requires a vest amount of labor, capital, skill, and good bushels mungo- meat. Should not the farmer. then, be u fully protected on other meuufeeturere r 5-“- m tun sIBllug 0! ID. No Wtu" should be given up to stock. It in better to divide the pasture into eeetione, permitting the stock to have ecoeee to only one motion at n time. in order to allow the other :- tione to recupente and renew the crop. be shorter the no is gazed the more injury I will be done y the hooiea On wet lend the ininru Inâ€... ._-_._.L,,, The'farming of the future must be gradu- ally contracted in the number of acres. Eight r cultivation, more remunerative crops, lees hard work over broad ï¬elds and closer attention to s cial gaying crops on the ï¬elds that snrroun the ones. More pasture, more stock and plenty of ensilsgeâ€"this in- sures the purchase of loss commercial fertil- izer and the very best results from the con- tents of the barnyard. ‘ , Vâ€"‘quavun i You cannot get “:3 crops from the land without doing injury unless the land be highly monured. The custom of securing a crop of hay from the orchard robs the trees. The more hey the less fruit. The fruit crop needs as careful attention as any other. All crops grown in the orchard other than the one deserved from the trees simply retard the growth of the trees and lessen their beer- lug-.oapgcity. which any odor arises. The eggs are ex- tremely active in absorbing power, and in a very short time they are contaminated by the particles of objects in their neighbor- hood, by which the peculiar and exquisite taste of a new laid egg is destroyed. ‘7-“ - Wu... ucuuons or honey well com leted and nicely erran ed ineuch crates, wil bear very rough hand ing, and will rennin well preserved, if the sections have not been re- moved nfter taken of. honey; crates or surplus cases! the section boxes, should be ms form. Sections of. _honey well null n:AA'â€" --â€"7 , This in an excellent time to use land plu- ter on grass. The plaster has an afï¬nity for moisture, and attracts in from the atmos- here. It also supplies lime in a eoluahle form (sulphate of lime.) It is also claimed for it that it attract: and retains ammonia 1 from the atmosphere. Two many monopolist. gull million: out of the American people to spend upon Eu~ ropean lordlinge in adorning the persona of their daughter- or their widows. No won~ der the farmers of the country can not raise export wheat enough to keep the balan of trade in our favor. Oats, when lodged or blown down, are most proï¬tably used by being made into hay, and the some is true of wheat. Wheat hey is extremely nutritious, and some of the best duirymen sow wheat especially to make from it a choice bay to be fed to cows in milk The harvesting of the honey cm in Cali- fornia is now in progress. and wi be con- tinued through J nly. Sellers wmt 6 cents. but deelers think the yield so large that 51 cents should be the pnce. Salting stock in the ï¬eld: should be done only when the stock how free access to wnter. If no water he ven other thou when the unimala are in t e bnn~yard the alt in but given in the trough. pin. _________ ’ "an. uvu‘l I Give the cows some extre food in the stable. This extra food is {nyeetmenc which can be mad V__' w;- Tlxero should be no fooling tt mllkin time. A steady hand, I quiet month an agentle milk stool, will help to ï¬ll the n.“ Under a recent arrangement. been when roperly peeked can be transmitted by meil Between the State. and Cnnnde. Do not buy n cow to meke beef. If you do, by the time you have feed that beef In number of years, it will be ooetly. Turnip: are the oheapeut era to grow and at the same time one o the most valuable. If you are an unbeliever. try it. 1‘ ml-, -- - Poor butter mey he often laid to the down. Do not have too much dog or boy in the deity. Whnt la vented in e fowl-house in oom- fort. convenience end sufï¬cient room com- bined mth economy. Became e mnn may have 1- milk some dby it doe. not neceuerily allow thet the milk he: been watered. Cow- will chnngo from de to any in the mount of solids in their ml and eepecielly in the amount of butter fete. A linbolm tumor will rovlde come no" of nucculent food for I- Rock In winter. The incl-cue in flown, by Into skating, is doubly loat in doom In the sheep and lunb. Everybody who but tried Jone I or Guam-0y. for bathromaking. “to I m then. Omsk. ex on to build a corn pulses next fall, to "one of the wondou of the world." Flu-um needs extrema one it good to. cult: no to :08 obtained. The hellu- born to be . cow, any be turn- ed into . beevoâ€"opoiled by over-{ood- Toxu hu 8.000.000 mu In ootton. yield ‘3‘ limoom b"..- Lt shape. fhiTi-a “go “1.)! or surplus case: fox holding res, ah‘ould be 133410 neat in AGRICULTURAL. router. honed ‘0 puturo for tr: food It ni ght .food is the best be made in the upon the -w._.- â€"'I-v n Inv- {eth end we; be to the dog thet openl the oeche. †Th!- reoognltion of proper? right. in Ioen everywhere In lower life, e though theft hcommon. "Again, If you ï¬nd ycnr hone In his not hbar’e Itnll, eating onto, end mold him for t, hll retreet In mode with moth of theme. " I hove teen the some menlfeetetlon In I fowlâ€"[Globe Democrat. , _ ....... ,-.. one: to rob them, but they will not lllow older one. to do the same. A dog not only claim. a bone while in possession, but eat-5b- linhoa hlu tigh} to $119 «up born when buri- _.I #77 O Animals‘ Right of ngcrty. A recent writer aye: “I have been ex- ceedingly interested as e horticultnrilt end student of netnre in obeerving the recogni- tion of the righte of property in domsetic enlmell. A hen will not concede e grain of corn on belongin to enother, but the one robbed will run eet indifmtion ; but I hen will recognize the right 0 enother to the oc- cupancy of e neat, not thereby eerlonely di-comtited. A cet mekee no oleim to poe- eeeeion until her foot in on the piece of mcet. After poeeeuion. however, ehe emrte her poeitive rights, end heavier cote will ellow the claim. Old cute will often glow ycnng nuts. e. mi. nu... Lâ€"L .L-_ , -uuu IWWIII unuuu a“ _-__, . A msrried women when she is young and pretty is e slave ; when she is old and wither. ed she is the meet respected and beloved member of the femily. Their most valued piece of furniture is s hendsome cemphor-wood coffin, which they‘ keep in the best room. The ore very fond of ï¬reworks. but elwsys disp ey them in the de time. If you offend a Chinsmen, insteed of illing you he will kill himself on your doorstep. -“._ mun- uuv uucul . The moï¬ht their homo on the tight side. The c ildron in school sit with their back. to the tewher and athy thglr lesson- aloud. A ....__l._‘ __7 Onr night.’ is their day. Our monrnio color is black, theirs is white. Their boats are drawn by men; their carriages are moved by means of nails. Old men fly kites, while little boys look on: with them thn man. A; 1.-..-- :- ,. The Chinese, topogra] tipodes, are an opposite to and customs. my shot. The animal, after some atmgglee, fell dead, and proved to be a large hyena. for seven! seconds. The second hill wouldn’t believe it, and shied it back at once at the head of the ï¬rst, and so they went on, toning it about for nearly half a minute. ‘ meke short work of so nnworted an intr-ndv er. - At length, heving covered my object a well u I could, I pulled the trigger. I am euro no rifle ever made Inch 3 clamor in the world a thnt one! The ï¬rst bill that re~ ceived the report we: no taken by ear rise that it did not hand it on to its nelg bot for seven! aeoo dz. _The ‘necond hill Inn'A-g’L L_I:-_- ,_ report of e gun, and I could among-33:; fancied the every available wild bout with- in hearing of it would beaten to the spot to nuke short work of so nnwonted an intrud- er. -V _-_ _â€"- "vuln- auluuluu|y reconnoitred ; it other times I could hear the rush of heavy feet, and then a acuflla b O t and a suppressed whining. , At last when I had nearly forgotten what 1 had come out about, a foraging party of jackals came over the hill, and some of ' them, seeing the carcass of the cow, set to, ’ without further ado, pulling, tearing and , crunching the flesh and bones in high glee. Then some large animal upfroached, and the jackals Icampered off to a ittle distance. This fri htened the big creature, and he retrea , after which the jackals returned. While straining my eyes to see them, the man at m side caught my arm, and pointed through t e thorn fence on the right. Just then then the jackals retreated again, and I could see the outline of a .large animal standing over the cow. “ You had better try him with a bullet l" whispered my assistant. I accordingly raised my rifle, and then felt as if I were going to take an awful re- . sponsibility upon myself by breaking the wild, mysterious dream about me with the 1 report‘ of a gun. and I could ï¬lmmt an. 1 i In a Jungle at Night. K Sombre end ewe-inspiring ee s forut mey be by dey it is doubly so durrn the mystery end derknees oi nl ht. Reynegi Tsylor, en English soldier in ndis, thue deeor hes his watch In s jungle, where. slthough he did not kill the tiger he osme to leek, he iound en sbundsnoe ol interestingsighisendeounds. He had etetioned himself, et eight o'clock, near the body of a deed cow, which iigere wore likely to visit. I oennot describe to you the exoitementoi ‘ sitting in the midst of s jungle iull of all sorts of enimsle, listening to the unearthly eouuds oi midnight birde end beesie For two hours I wee smuecd by the tEarring of the goat-sucker, the wsiling oi e pcewit plover, the cry of en awakened peacock. or the distsnt “ bun-eh" of e whole peek of jolly jsehle. In the midst of these inmilisr sounds would come eome strenge noiee, the eolitery cry of a large beset oi prey on the prowl. Oooeeionelly I was med: awn-e, by an mimel gelloping nwey irom within as few yards of me, thet m poeition had been minutely reconnoitre : st other time. I mum in... 1,111.: la a fruit tree irom‘ theliaf aortai w c pone-ace a Wet o ueatngoo much greater than my oi the better known form of Home. But the lame ttoubie ext-ta with it a with the Siberian Apricn. it ha been mop-gated solely from Iced, and coneequentiy baa aimoat inï¬nite van- ationa. I have a tree which has teaiated our hardest teat winter. with but all ht injury. while a nei hlnr has one that k lie to ï¬ne now line to neatly. Aa to the fol Here. too, in a proï¬table he] {or carom. aeicotion. Chinese Customs. Tun Russuu MULBIBBY. F9298F°Phically our an. man nerd “ You h-uvo no id» the ntlety of poopie that come here, sad the wuy some of them sot I: s utudy. I vm ï¬fteen your: in the In depnrtmont and noun you" on the po- llco force, but I luv. loaned more of humun aware since I Income 3 dog {molar tau) 1 ever know In my life before.†“-v una- v IW‘IVIIU. “I'm afraid he waa baked in the lat batch, ma’am," said the nnpertnrbable Barber. “What I Baked I Oh, you horrid, wicked thing 1" and the tears ran down the lad 'a face. She advanced toward the superin- tendent In a rather agireeslve way, but the veteran of the Haymar ot riot never flinohed and she departed h} dndgeon. _ II ‘,-_A | .nd moundeajfnrgi'gvh "D':‘1‘°".d*5191° "mud; -- -_-‘-.uvu “I'went miï¬fmodle †shone-id her e on cupping very meenl’neg. “150'" knyew my voice. Show me where you hen-flee. men keep the unlmele." She gm ehown. , "‘9', u...“ ml. Dll'DEl' . “ We ere clearing on an avenge about 840 ' e dey for the city. Fifteen hundred and seventy-ï¬ve dogs have been token in by no eince July 1. Of these there were 1,175 cure. Some of the bonded dogs are still on head, and the remainder have been purchased, re- deemed or uphyxieted. We rarely kill a ood dog. '.lhe other dey we neiled Baron erkee’ greyhound and Englieh bull. Hie two ooechmen eeme up after them. They bed on the license tag (the do , I mean), end got eff with $3. 75 each. \ e are no re~ epectere of Persons. A dog without 3 bone- bell cuteher e meek on ie a. dog to us, no met. ter who his owner mey be." As the reporter wee about to leave a duhiug young led drove ufnin en alegeut turnout. She elig ted and quite e flutter ten up to the euperiutendeut. " Our man also his in horses I found roaming.“ largo,†nid Mr. “ W. .In n‘n-â€"._~ -_ _~ , "Dndio I" fonndlende, bleek-andtane with regnler mt mile, pointers, blooded bulls, an neortment ‘ of genuine Scotch terriers, and e beeutiful Irish setter. It is 1 notable fact that the mejority of these are sings on their feel: and look chipper, while in t eadjoining pen lie the cute 0! high and low degree in e tor- pid and listless way. _.__._._-â€"- van-runs, auuuulg way down the long hall and then again, helter ekelter, in the wildest 31 never forgetting to jump over and lie down and roll with his owner. The bill was paid and they started off to ether, the neatly dressed, hobby-looking lï¬ztle fellow wooin- panied by about the moat ungainly looking canine that ever hug the mange. “Prince" hopped ac@~deiial;vght:'h i body, licked his hind: end face, cud cut some 3f the I‘peci‘deau capers, running hat}; i wgv nun. ‘ n A-.. L,“ - -- - In tho hold- ‘ ,--_ -_v mu awuuvufllfl. Fido was saved end the city fund enrich- ed by the transaction. A little boy in knickerbocken was the next up licnnt. With teen streaming down his chee a he asked if they bed “burned" his bull-dog. “ What does he look like 2" asked Mr. Bnber. “ I'll show him to you," and the little fel- low chinned up to the aperture. “ Dere he is. Hey, Prince 3" With that n beastly looking, bench-legged brindled bulldog mnde a bound from the fertheet corner of the pen clearing a dozen mnngy cure at one bound. He jumped el- moet into the boy‘s inoe. One of the nt~ tendnnte entered and picked him out, and one of the most unique scene: conceivable tnnepired. The dog wee about u big no hie onng muster. He leaped upon him ,*__ â€".. .uuv. 1;qu I. All!" uonnlng her burial robzs and preparing for the amok~ “2.97:â€, replied the uybgne gentleman. “i had to call in my oatohere yoeterday, raid Mr. Barber. maeter oi the dogponnd “I let them out again thie mornln and the; nabbed aeveutv-flve dose in a ew hour: They can't go out to-merrow. We are to< cramped (or apace. In an average we do new exceed I50 doge a da . One hundred and Ieventv-iive went to the ha py hunting ground- yeaterday. It takes ut two mln‘ utee to no the work. It in a palnleu death. The moment I turn the damper in the etev‘e connecting the pipe to the airtight box, and they get a whiff of the eharooal lumen. they forget they ever had a bar k. There la no man on earth who levee a good dog hotter than I do. I deteet a our, however. By‘ the way, did you ever oheerve that it in onl the non ela that go mad? Fact! thoroughged rarely hal rahiee. The two dope that hit hire. Martin the other clay wore mongrele oi the loweet I had time in ï¬ndingI them, too. diecovered the haeement o! the house, and upon taking them out ehot them right there. That woman’e life wan worth more than the liven of all the dog. in Chicago. The dog daye are approaching. and, lnvicw of it, we are compe led to enlarge our quar- tore.†South of the pound the eilln are being laid for a hull lln 1255150 feet. It will contain fourteen ad iiionnl cut. The hold-ever . pen will be 50125 eet. There will he a eerparate pen for ï¬ne deal. “We never mix the thoroughbrede with the mongrele." laid the ntleman. " The ï¬ne female do e are alae e thy themaelvea. The new eeta lirhment wi l he thoroughl ventilated and will be an excellent henne It will be conetructecl in hopper inhion, with facilitiea for perfect oleanlineee. We flush the pens every day and turn the here on the do at the name time. The cure and bloo ed (loge fare alike. They ere fed three times a day and there la a content stream of water running through each cem- partment. They neither suffer in life nor rn death with us." At this juncture a richly attired lady step d from a carriage at the entrance. “ wouldn’t have lent my Fido for four dollars," the aid. “It will coat you just $5.75 to obtain her," said Superintendent Berber. “ So much an that 2" ‘ “_So mnehan that. Fido in now donnino E?" e.. e tau-9393.? a W '1 â€"-â€"-‘.V hold-over pen are some as ï¬ne dogs fancier would wish to look at. u half a dozen magniï¬cent New~ la, black-and-tans with regnhr rat ‘6..- Ll_-_I_j L, n an" noes Ann‘mnlso. lnto every cogqpartnlent ~_..,l .- w- --â€" vâ€"I mg}! the 'ooï¬iazr. But [hon the Chlouo MALI] Fido in now donnigg .A_-_2__l, .- r. Bax-Er: “you; 840