‘ lumï¬i: 5 “mm/s, ï¬as'a'sm. Solicitor kc. Ollicos. Rum. Street, Lindsay. Ontario Money to 1.01m at. 6 pcrcuut. $100,000 In Lnnn MB per cont. on farm pro« Jporty. Apply to(‘. .\. l‘.\'l"l‘ERSON. Ih-zn'crtun. Going Northâ€"41:10 a. m. and 8:10 p.111. Going Southâ€"8:39 a. m. and 5:35 p. m. \VOODVILLE. Going Northâ€"40:45 n. In. and 7:45 p. m. Going Southâ€"9:05 a. m and 6:00 p. m. LnNUSA X . 051“ [‘10. Visits Bum-arm" (Hamilton House) the 2nd Tunsday of onvh month, Mr. anlmuls has had ummrnllulud .xu. cuss in the Use 0! ms. (vimuzcd Mr) in this part of (‘mmdn lmviu-g mhuinistornd it continuously for About 19 yours made a study of". under Dr. Fulton. of New York. tho ï¬rat person who gave it for extracting tooth has given it to â€6.000 persons. nuautiml mï¬ï¬cialteeth E0. SMiTH. Clerk, Village 01 Beavertou Beaverton.0ut. V IL JOHNSON. M. D.. 0.31.. L. C. P. 5: 8.. . Graduate of Toronto University, Member of Collage Physicians and Surgeons. 0m... Ex- aminer for Sun Life and Confederation Life Co's. 011100 and Residence Victoria. Road. Ontario. inserted. A GRANT, M. 0.. Physician. Surgeon and Ac- . coucheur. Ofï¬ce and llesidence,Cor. Main and Mara. Streets. Beavurton. Ont. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Will visit Wnudvillu. (Edward‘s Hotel.) regularly on the ï¬rst Mummy and Tux-«lay. and Beaver- tou. (llmmltou llnusv.) the ï¬rst \\'whwsdny and 'I‘huradaynhvach mouth. PURE \‘l'l‘AhlZl‘ZD AIR Bdlllilllï¬lcl‘l‘ll. Bountiful uml durubleART- FICIAL 'l‘l'll’fll'll made. His gold lined rubbvr plates are pronounced "perfection." Over 96] year's experience. I gimm- of M. JOYCE. V.S..Gmduato of Ontario \‘oteri~ nary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases of domesticated animals by the latest. scientiï¬c andmost approved nmehods. Orders by tele- graph or mail promptly attended to by day or night pmuegâ€"“Mcliinuou's Drug Store," Boa DENTIS ‘I' Juno 1380. GALLOWAY. 31.0. P. S. 0.. Physician. Sur . guon and Accouulmur. Ofï¬ce and rusidonc Simeon Street Beuvurtou. CMs'l‘HY. Barristers.Solicitnrs. Notarins, Convuyaucurs. etc. (mice. Quinn's Block. ()rillia Monuy to Lend. Telephone communication. D'AL'mx Mc(.‘.\IlTllY.Q.C.. | F. EVANS, F. E. P. Pawn-1n, J. 1\.BICC.\RTHT. B, C(‘ARTNY. EVANS. PEPLER xi' Mc- ve‘itou. Ontario. T C. GlI.CHRXST.~Notary Public. Real . - Estate and. Inmwuuoo Agnut. Convoyauoor. Valuntor. c. MONEY T0 LOAN. Pumps and ('istorns of all kinds to order at short notice. Will he inflom‘ortnn nn \lestday and Snmr day of ouch work tor Repairing Pumps and talk ing urdor for new ones. M iuflsny 0mm. Baker's Block. Kent Street. Up- stairs. At Wumlvillu omcu. on the lat. and 3rd Thursday in every month. VETERINARY SURGEONS. JACOB ARM ES C. GII.ClmIT.L‘lork thlage of Woodvillo. . \Voodvillc. Out. '9 A. J ACKON. Clark and Treasurer Town- ship "'1 Eldon. Lornevmo. Out. PumpaMaker, \VUUDVILLR AND IH'IAYIIR'I‘ON. ‘JOVEY T0 LOAN {'1‘ LOW IS'I‘ IH'I‘ES AND BFS’X‘ TERMS. No commission churned. lclNTYRl? STEWUVI‘ Attorneys. Solic itm-a etc 01‘ ices ovoromario Bunk. Lindsay D. J. Mclxrnm. | '1‘. STE“ ART Money to Loan. Eo_ SMITH. glut-k, Townshi of Thorah ’ otlloo 'I‘owu HutLBeavorton. nt. AKRON CAMPBELL. Barristers. .tc" xl'c. ALL WORK GUARANEER- J.NEELANDS - DENTEST c.- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. (6mm! Ezéxmium Qï¬nms. MUNICIPAL CLERKS JOS. J. CAVE, Publisher. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. W‘ H. GROSS, ’r of Eillm'rmgc {Eirmï¬m OFFICE '.â€"â€"-“'1‘unux'l‘n Horsv. " L). Human-ton Ontario D MONABR. \n Can'mx' Pm'mn \IcC ..umn' Danie and Allistou DENTISTRY. :13: BEAVERTON. LEGAL IO 5: 310- Understanding the difl‘lculty of partiesliving in marina, small tuwns being accuratoiy ï¬tted with . ()rillia Spectacles suited exactly to the ‘tion. dlï¬â€˜uruut sights, North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser.- '-No ChargeMade for- ~Exammation.- ! CHRONIC DISEASE, including CATARRII OF THE NOSE‘ THROAT, CHEST. STOMACII, DYspapsu, PILES, VARICOCHLE, iAn 0d {roubles of die Urinary and Generative ' Org ans; also. Surgical cases. such as (‘lub l gFoot. Stiffâ€"Joints. Hump-Back. Spinal | Disease and Kindred Ailections. Intmds sending a. practical Optician to their Agent in your town at regular intervals who will be competent to Inoasuru and accomodatc (ivory defect of the eyesight. that is prevalent. He will in every instance use the Finn‘s Cele- brated Spectacles and Eyeglasses so Well known tn-dnv throughout the civilized world for the delightful euso um] comfort they confer on the wearer. 'l‘hurois uo or other distressing intimation-s so common in the many grades at nresuut In the Market but they A Mammoth Stock new on hand of all grades of LUMBER. at. prices ranging (tom 85,00 upwards. Beavertou, Feb. 6, 1888. 18 JEWIN 51'... LONDON, ENGLAND, 'fl’m Outiml Servos-and relx'ncmlmr um Sucli a delicate orgnmsm us that of [no Eyu requires exact uccommoduuun, MATCHED AND DRESSED FLOORING SHEATHIXG. $50.. shipped to any point. Glimmering. Wavering. Dizziness COMFORT; STREHGTHEN PRE- SERVE THE SIGHT. Take care “'3“ you are not at present wearing a Sum-r1010 which IS not exactly adjusted to your sigh; my] gonm‘lllxelxtl)’ «(til-g as n_ savvy-o strain Fresh Groceries of all kinds always on hand. l-‘rosh lire-m! mnl ‘zusny always In "and or Huppllml In Orch-r at short .‘z'nllt‘o. During tho Summer 50mm Ico Craam always on mum. 150,000 Shingles (ï¬rst class) an enormous quantity of No. 1, 2, and 3, all of which will be offered at lowest ï¬gures for CASH. â€".-°'c__ LIME, LATE 860. FRESH BREAD. DUNS and. PASTRY ulwavs cn nand. DR. POTTS, OOH/87 and AURIST ! Woodviilo (‘ustonmrs supplied by I). NC anhian. and orders for Pastry. c left with him will receive prompt attention. Beaverton Grocery and Provisxon Store. P. D. MCARTHUR. BEAVER'I‘ON LUMBER YARD BEAVERTON BAKERY. N0 7705 OF VISIT. AND 79 um 51, Tonos'ro. mum, [UNBUN AND NEW YORK Medical 8: Surgical Institute. Who is ourreprcsentntivo in Canada will visit Bcavcrton monthly and will be prepared to attend all cases of xxx. szmmxm', P. D. MoARTHUR. H- ESTCOTT, Beavcrtnu, Out. CONSULTATION FREE! J. S. MeMILLAN, always on hand. Fm- Salu by $25M): WOODVILLE Ofx'l'Ai-LiU, FRIDAY, AUGUST ‘34, 1888. Beaverton. A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 188118 or DEBENTURES «‘0 THE AMOUNT or â€000 T0 muss THE 5'30an FUNDS FOR GRANTING AID m' WAY ‘0? BONUS FOR nammwwc. AND nn-xsu‘uusmxa rm: Banun'rox Fouxmw. WHEREAS the rebuilding and re-es- tablishing of the Beavertou Foundry, lately destroyed by ï¬re, would he of great advantage to the Municipality of Beaverton and greatly couduce to proï¬t and prosperity of its inhabitants. A x1) WHEREAS it; is desirable that the said Municipality should grant aid in re- buixdmg and re-establishing the said Foundry to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars. 1 AND WHEREAS it is necessary to create a. debt on the said Municipality to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars for the purpose aforesaid by the issue of deben- tures to that amount. II. THAT it shall be the duty of the Reeve of this Municipality and he is hereby authorized and required to issue debentures of the Municipality of Ben. verton to an amount not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars. in sums of One Hun- dred Dollars each bearing interest at the rate of Five per cent. per annum and made payable on the ï¬rst day of Janu- ary, which will be in the vent of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine. III. THAT the said debentures shall he each signed by the Reeve. counter- signcd by the. Treasurer and sealed with the seal of the Corporation of Beavcrton and shall bear (late respectively on the (lay on which this lly-law shall take cll'ect and shall each be made payable to the bearer thereof. AND WHEREAS the existing debt of the said Municipality of Beavetton IS Five Thousand T110 Hundred and Seventy- ï¬ve Dolla1s and the interest on the said debt at si\ per cent. per annum 18 Three Hundmd and Sixteen Dollars and Fifty Cents and there 18 no amount due or in arrcar either for principal or interest of the said debt. AND WHEREAS the total amount re- quired to be raised annually by special rate for paving the said debt of Two Thousand Dollars and the Interest thereon as hereinafter provided is. for interest, One Hundred Dollars and for repayment of principal Seventy Dollars. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateahle property of the said Municipal- ity of Beaverton according to the last revised Assessment Roll which is the Roll for the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty eight, is One Hun- dred and Forty-three Thousand, and Thirty-eight Dollars. BF. it therefore ordained and enacted by the Corporation of the said village of Beaverton and it is hereby ordmued and enacted by the authority of the same. I THAT this By-law shall take effect upon. from and after the ï¬rst day of January in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty- nine. AND WHEREAS an annual special rate of one mill and two-tenths of one mill on the dollar upon the aforesaid rateable property of the said village of Beavorton will be necessary and requisite for pay- in" the intelest and forming: an equal yearh sinkinu fund sufï¬cient for pax ing off the pliiicipal of the said debt “ithin the period of taenty years hereinafter limited in that behalf by Section 3-10. Sub-section 1 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, of 1387, Chapter 184. IV. Tun there shall be attached to i the said debentures. coupons for the l payment of the said interest halt yearly 'l during the currency of the said deben- tures. which enupuns shall be payable at the ollice of the Standard Bank in the city of Toronto on the first. days of July ' and January in each year. V. Tun it shall he the duty of the Reeve of the said Municipality of Bea- ‘ verton by the nrdvrand \Vi th the sanction of the Ceuucnl thereof expressed by roselutien to that effect. to sell. dispose of and transfer the said debentures to any person. persons or Corporation who may desire to purchase the same. VI. Tnn' it shall ho the duty of the Reeve of the said Municipality of Bea- verton with tl.e sane'j nu ef the Council vkprvssod as aforesaid to apply the pro- ‘(‘('tlS of the sale of tl! :5 said debentures. css cost of issuing same. in aid of re- milding and ru-mtal dishing the Beaver- ;on Foundry and to take item the parties owning on . rebuilding the said VILLAGE [1F BEAVERTUN. By-Law No. 9, of 1888. VII. That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of the aforesaid debentures and for the pay- ment of the interest to become due thereon at the rate of 5 percent. per annum, a special rate of one will and two-tenths of one will in the dollar shall in addition to all other rates and assess- ments be raised, levied and collected in each year upon all the rateable property of the-said Municipality of Beaverton. during the continuance or currency of the said debentures or any of them. Foundry such agreements and securities as may be satisfactor to the Council of the Corporation of euvertou for the duo re-buildiug and rig-establishment of the said Foundry within the times and in the manner to be speciï¬ed and set forth in the said agreement. VIII. THAT the sinking fund and special rates as. d proceeds thereof shall be applied solelv to the payment of such debentures and the interest theron until such debentures and the interest thereon shall be fully paid and satisfied. AND WHEREAS it. is necessary that the foregoing By~hzw should receive the assent; of the Electors of this Munici- pality duly quahï¬ed to vote uhercou. BF. it further enacted that the said vote shall be taken at the T0“ll Hell. in Bem erton, on the 10th day of September A. D., 1888, the said poll to be opened at 9 o ‘elock a. m. and be kept open until 5 o‘clock p. m. and the village clerk be, and is hereby instructed to give such notices and take such order for a. poll to be held at that date as is prescribed by theR. S. 0. 1887. Chapter 184, S. 293 to 322. The Insolvent has made an nSSigument of his Estate to the undersigned, in pursuance of an Act respecting Assignments for the beneï¬t of Creditors. R. S. 0.. chap. 124. 1887. and the Credi- tors are notiï¬ed to meet [it No. 38’1‘oronto Street Toronto on Wednesday. August 15th. 1888. at 3 o‘clock. p. m.. to receive statements of hisufl'nirs appoint Inspectors. and for the ordering cf the ni’t‘nirs of the Estate generally. And notice is hereby given. that nfter Sept. 15th next. the said Trustees wili proceed to distribute the assets of the said Debtor among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. and that they will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of Whose debt or claim they shall not then have had notice. CLARK. BARBER d: (30., Trustees. August 6, 1888-3 33 Toronto SL, Torontol AND IT is further enacted that the vil- lage clerk shall at the said Town Hall in Beaverton on the 11th day of September A.D., 1888, at the hour of noon or as soon after as may he make a. statement of the number of votes given for and against this By-lnw and duly declare the results of the sad poll. (Sd.) GEORGE F. BRUCE, Aug. 14th, 1888. Reeve. Noncn' lS hereby given that a poll of the dulyq naliï¬ed Municipal Electors of the \illage of Beaverton tor the purpose of ascertaining whether the aforesaid By-law shall be ï¬nallv passed by the Corporation of the said village of Bea- verton. will be held at the Town Hall in the said Village of Beaverton on Monday the 10th day of September. A. D., 1888, and that the said poll will be opened at 9 o‘clock in the forenoou and kept open until 5 o‘clock in the afternoon of the said day and no longer. August 17th 1888. In the matter of Joseph R. Prior, of the Village of \Voodvillc. m thu County of Victoria. General 'Merchunt. From the village 011 or about the 5th of Aug - 11st. awhite and rot] EMil l1 Cow. mully whim. ““1011 seen last was going to“ 11rd: Eldon. Any il1n‘o1-.m1tim1 a: tu her whereabouts wiil be 1] 1m} fullv received NOIIQB T0 CBEDEIORS i MRS. A. McKINNON. BoMerton, Amt. mm, mm. B»: GEORGE SMITH JR. STRAYED. NOTICE. mummm Returning Ofï¬cer. no'uverton VOL. XIIâ€"NUMBER 29, Council met on August 11th, at 6:80 p. 111. Members all present. Minutes of lust council read and approved. Mr. George Gaddeye heard in the matter of the rond ditch on the Centre Road, 10th Concession. Moved by Mr. Galloway. seconded by Mr. Morrison. that Mr. Wm. Fraser be instructed to have the ditch on Centre Read. 10th Concession. cleared sufficient- ly tb carry the water from Gaddeye’a gate to the creek at Brennan's. Carried. Esrmunn Expnxox'runn FOR 1888. DR. To amounts voted for public im- provements, contracts com- pleted and paid to July 28th. 566 28 contracts let but not completed 659 87 Contracts to be let ............ . ..... 97 00 Townline Brock and Thorah, share for gravelling .............. 90 00 Townline Brock and T horah for forming road at; lot 8 ............ 23 00' Townline Eldon, increased lia- bility for bridge etc .............. 17 00 Repairs of approach to bridge at Browns 5th and 6th Cons. Salaries.... .... ... ... Punting, Advertising, Blanks, Rolls, Stationery etc ..... . ..... . Contiuuegcies, compensations, and {inforseén expénditures Refund to Sinking Fund ....... By road orders paid to July 28, Balance with Treasurer ...... Dog tax ............................ Amount to be levied ...... 82483 81 Requiring a rate of 4 mills and G-loths on the dollar. - County and educational requisitions requiring a. rate of 1 mill and 5-10ths_on the dollar. Moved by Mr. Galloway, seconded by Mr. Fraser that the report of estimates for 1888 now read he adopted and a by- law be now brought; in to levy the seve- ral rates therein set forth. Carried. By-law read lst time. Moved by Mr. Galloway, seconded by Mr. Fraser, that by-law No. 6 of 1888 be now read the 2nd and 3rd times and passed. that the Reeve do sign the same and cause the seal of the Corporation to be afï¬xed thereto.â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Galloway. seconded by Mr. Brown, that the Council do now ad- journ until Saturday the 6th day of On. tolgar. to meet at 1 o’clock p. m.â€"-Ca.r- rle . GEORGE SMITH, (I 5. 3 H 66 Special rate of 3.2 mills per dollar on S. S. No. 4. Moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Fraser, that Mr. Peter McEachreu be notiï¬ed to have the thistles cut on lot N half 2. Gen. 1, of Thorah, by Thursday evening the 16th of August. or they will be cut at his expense ax occupant of the lot and further, that ii" the said thistles are not cut by that date, Mr. Lachlan J. Campbell be authorized to cut the same and put in an account to the clerk of the corpora- tion who is hereby instructed to charge the amount in the taxes of Mr. Pete: McEachom. to be levied against the said lot.â€"â€"Co.rried. A number of accounts were then pre- sented and ordered to be pmd. GENERAL Sonoon RATES. 8. Section }, rate of {5.2 mflls per dollar Stephenson Agricultural Society's Show will be held at. Utterson on Wednesday and Thursday, 3rd and 4th of October. OTICE in lmrohy aivnn that I have trunk Iuittcrl or delivcrml to the persons mention- ed in the. third mui fourth Aocziwm of the Voter: LIFt Act. tho copies required by mid section m be so transmitted nr «luxivercd of the List. mldé pllrslmut of said n11 of all ion-mus: appearing W tho hint revised Mamamon roll 0! thusnivl mun ~ cipnlity tohc entitled to vote in tho mid mun-- cipality at elm-Hone (or monsmrq of the hem] .- tivo Assembly nu.i M. Municipal elections. nut that said list WM first [mated up in m" nfllce n -‘ Bom’erton. on Saturday. August 18th. 1888. on“: rmnnins thurn for inspection. Electors M3 cull- ed uvnn m uxmnum the said lint. and if an; omissions or other errors are found therein. h.» take immediate procuvdfnus to have the BMW» currertml according to law. Dated this lath any of August. we. . UEOROE SMH‘H. Clerk ut municipality. - Bunyan-ton, Ontariat Voters’ List, 1888, Thmah Township Council. Village of Reauerton. l‘ H 7.3 Township Clerk. 31629 78 83513 09 3566 22 323 56 140 00 10 00 650 00‘ 10000 500 00 800 00