thupa ï¬lty pages long. laid bafon; hi"; or comment 3nd signature by Idlaqutz or Mnor would he sometimes covered with a low "v wnrd nutoncoo, which I: was almost imponlblo to read. :nd which when de- oiphetod. were “it to rend nuggutlon of “wounding trlvhl ty. The innumerable despatchee, signed by Philip, were not the emanations of his own mind. The King had a ï¬xed purposeâ€"to subdue Protestantism and to conquer the world ; but the plane for carrying) the pur- pose into efl‘eot wu-e dovelo y subtler and more comprehensive minds than his own. It was enough for him to ponder waarily over schemes which he was suppos- ed to dictate, and to give himself the appear‘ ance of tupervisinï¬ what he scarcely oom- prehcnded. And is work of snyervnsion was often conï¬ned to pettiest details. The handwritin of Spain and Italy at that day was been’i nl, and in our modern eyes seems neither antiquated nor ungracoful. lint Philip‘s ecrawl was like that of a clown just admitted to a writing school. and the whole 111:?ng of a fairly-Henna} despmtoh,! The are light at St. Catherine’s, Isle of Wight, is the moat powerful in the world, being 60,000 candle-power and having cer- bons two and one-half inches in diameter. A gun which will throw a shell ï¬fteen hailea (and there are such) will drop it upon the deck of a ship before the ship can be seen. as at tins distance any ship in “hull down." hue-nine for wall paper printing and also to: glnine, diepleeing the former mode of tint- ing from independent blocks ; inventc rub- ber cement end eotin-ï¬niehed paper ; helped Clan-lee Goodyeer in the invention of vul- eenixed rubber, end oho produced it number of other inventions in revolvers, guns, rifles, eteom apperotue for loading and ï¬ring er- tillery, ammunition, come-hailing mncbinee, he}! acting drawbridgee end rnllway ewlwh ea. The deaf otcon boar conversations when them is music going on which they could not hear when there was no music. \Vith “hearing persons" the reverse in the case. By a. new merino brake the steamer Corsaire, of the French navy, is atop ed in seven seconde from a speed of thirteen note; thirty~fonr seconds being needed to do the same thing without the brake by reversing her_engincs. _. Niagara willprobably beutilized for light- ing and manufacturing purposes, by tapping it and using the water puwer in turbines. which will run dynamos, from which lightâ€" ing and power current: will be taken by wires. A race for ten minutes between tele nph nnd_long distance telephone from New 'ork A race for ten minutes between tele aph end long distance telephone from New ’ork to Boston resulted in 330 word- ready for the printer by tale mph and 346 by tele- phone, but many 0 the latter were incor- roojly receigodt _ Thomas J. Muylioll, tacently doceued, started as 31,500??? Ho invenkd the tint rubber rat cylinder prjntlpg .:__R _Â¥, At Feather River, Cal" they are putting in a. plant to carry power eighteen miles by electricity and in Ariz ms one is projected to carry is eight miles, using eight tons of copper conductor per mile. The beds of sick persons in hospitals are npw ventilated by exaust fans. This is particnlnly good when there are contagious or oflensivo diseases. The new smell bore rifles of the French Governmentdo not'prove to be more humane than the old lerge~bore guns, as expected; they shiver the bone and near the flesh just a badly. Paris has thirty miles of pipe for carrying compreased [it for power. The engines are 3000 horse power and the coal consump‘ tiog ï¬iï¬y tone daily. _ Gmbbe is experimenting upon tele- graphing by the clouds, using the rays of on are lam nfleomd by the clouds and interupted y the heliographic code. The Penna): Canal lottery has not proved a success. The caml will require only about $500,0C0.000 more to complete it making about $350,fl00,003 in all. Wilder nya that if you hold your breath while 3 wasp stings you the skin will become inaenuiblo to pain. Photographing in colors mm: to be the object of considerable experimenting, but so far with little or no success. Florida in to grow opium. It is expected that sixteen plants will grow an ounce of the drug and that an acre will give $1000 proï¬t. Transplanting teeth has been revived. II: was done twenty-ï¬ve or thirty-yearn ago in veljy rqre cases. Bstlin is to have next your In exhibition sound to uppiixncol for preventing soci- Ont-l. Nutural 333 ha caused in l’ennsylmis $111303 year. seventy-three ï¬res, coating A' wire gun recently designed weighs only twenty-two tons and drives a 380 pound pro- jectile twelve miles. A bill has been submitted to Cannes: for a railway from the U. S. border through Brit- ish Columbia and Alaska. Saccharine, which wus to be used as a sub- stitute for sugar, appears to cause nsusas Ind dyspeptic symptoms. Golvenizsd lemon equeez an poieon the juice by the zinc which it diuolvee from them. The French propoee to send pigeon mee- Ieg. hom chip to chip upon the brood ecu. A French leundry nun clan: linen with- on: coup by rubbing It with boiled potato“. (Th-under dded e men in 5 kilo end there reeulted only twelve pound. of eolid metter. Pnper pipe. hove been need for 3 church orgen ct Mil-n ond give greet sweetneu of tone. Modern fortiï¬cetlom seem likely to be greet mushroom- of concrete or of eceel cut. Vancouver Ichnd coal is to be mined ut the rate of 2,000 tons per duy. A Sun-Ir: of Bacon! uclcltllc Pro. Pnovtoqupha huve been tukon by the light from n lire plum. Execution- by electricity will be compul- Iory in New York after Jauumy 1 next. Li; azu‘ng rod. no out of (Albion. Wu ling by oloctxiclty mm to hue come to "by. Cunning the tea with oil is now regululy And lylmmhï¬cally done. T“ WORLD’S IAIVBLOUS . EVENTS. Philip ll.’s Handwriting. A tennmblo luncheon.â€"Waiterâ€"“ Have soup today. air 2" D.) Freesâ€"“Sou lâ€"are you mad? J not bring me a pitcher a lemon- Ada and a fan : and nayâ€"put my con on ice while I wait will you 2" If you are suffering the agoniea of neural- gin. and have failed to get A remedy that will nfl‘ord relief, we want you to try l’oleon’n Nerviline. No remedy in the market has iven any thing like the some degree of cat- ï¬fncti ‘n. It: action on nerve pain is simply marvellona, end an it in put up in 10 cent sample bottles no teat expense is involved in giving it a trio . Polaon‘e Nerviline is the most leuant, powerful, and certain ain romuly in the world. Sold by all enleu in medicine, l0 and ‘25 cents abottle. “ One Sunday, as with a well-dressed crowd I was going to church, I found Fax following me. Knowing that he never on- tered a church, I took no particular notice of him; but happening to look back a lecond time, I saw him at my heels with a twist-loaf in his mouth ! He had been in the shop of an irreligious baker in those few minutes. This was too much for my sense of pro riety, and as I failed utterly to drive him 0 , and began to attract considerable attention, I was obliged to 0 down a side street and so home. The cg was never abashed. I have seen him chase chickens into the very houses of their owners, and, before their astonished eyes, pin the poor iowls to the floor. Of course, at such times, I did not wish anyone to think that I was acquainted with the dog. But on being discovered in any disreputable intrusion into house, store or garden, it was his habit to run to us, and jog along demurcly behind us, as much as to say, ‘ Tneee are the folks I belong to, if you have anything to ca , say it to them.’ And very oiten people d (1 say it to us." I have seen a great many people die, some of them great sinners, even ruflians of the most degraded type, and I have never yet witnessed in any case the slightest fear of death or of a hereafter. I have also been present at the death-beds of many pious and worthy persons, and I have never known an instance among this class of the least ab- horrencs of,death or apprehension in regard to the future. A person in sound health re- ceiving intelligence that his death is to take place in a few moments would undoubtedly at ï¬rst be greatly disturbed, and if religi- ously brought up, would probably wish to make preparations for departing this life. But the case is very different with those who have suffered from a long illness and whose perceptions therefore have lost their sharpness. I have often told such persons that they had but a few minutes to live, but the intelligence has never been received in any other than the most composed and resigned manner. Certainly this is a wise provision of nature. For if, as with his present knowledge it is impossible for man to escape death, it is well that he is so cou- stituted as to be able to accept the inevitable with dignity and composureâ€"[Dru William A. Hammond. Here are a few instances of the frauds to which the English authorities claim that the post-Lilies is subject. Coins are embed- ded in cake and pieces of toast to escape the registration fee. They are also commonly sent in newspapers. An unsealed brown paper parcel tied with string was found to contain six sovereigns. one half crown, two six‘pences. and three halfpenny pieces wrap- e up in small articles of ladies' dress. wo gold watches were found inside an un- registered book-packet addressed to New Zealand, the middle portions of the leaves having been cut out so as to admit them. This mode of fraudulent despatch is evi- dently common. A £20 note was found pinned to the pages of a book. Inside a halfpenny wrapper were found a letter, a bill of sale, and four £5 Bank of England notes. The palm for originality must, how- ever, be awarde(‘ to the individual who sent £1.103. in gold coinsin aseal at the back of a letter, the gold having come to light through the wax getting slightly chip- ped. Cigars, collars, gloves, music, post- age stamps, are oonstantly sent with news- papers; but in this respect we are told the people of Canada and the States can take the cake, for in a sin in year more than 14,000 newspapers were etected with small articles concealed in them. Ascertain clearly who: is wrong with you, and so far as you know any means of mend. ing it, take those means and have done. When you are examining yourself never call yourself merely a sinnerâ€"that is very cheap abuse, and utterly useless: but call your- self a liar, a coward, a aluggard. a glutton, or on evil-eyed, jealous wretch, if you in: uno or an evil-eyed, jealous wretch, if you in~ deed ï¬nd yourself to be in any wise any of these.â€"[John Ruskin. Bitter are u lo-iu curd, u losing hom. Bitter the uhlic h . the prinm Iuoer. Bitter ure 0 d :30 without rupect, mu:- hoozi without wealth. youth without tune. Bitter is the Eat W’iud’s blast ; bitter a step dume'o kins. It is bitter to die in a for- eign imd.â€"[Dismii. The inithfulendenvor to do right end to beer quietly and with resignation what muet be borne in of im 1! a fruitful eonroe of hespineu end serenit ; but I murmuling en discontented Ipir t mey poison the rich- eet hleuinge end turn them into bitter evile. When the Hindeo priest in ebont to hop- tiee en intent he utter: the following been- tiinl sentiment: "Little bebe, thou enter- eet the world weeping, while ell around thee smile ; eonttive to live thnt then myet de- port in emilee, while ell nronnd thee weep." 0! All Aztlan- ol . aun'llflo. his naming. docs lent concur: other people. you of ‘11 Action“ in our lilo ’dl moat meddlod with by other pooplo.â€"[Soldon. Suocsu ride: on every hour; grepple it end you may win ; but without n gaggle it will never go with you. Work t o woepon of honor. end he who lack: the weepon will never triumph. ‘ Extinguieh unity in the mind, and you netunlly retronch the little euperfluitiee of furniture an! equipsgo. The blossoms will all of themeolvu when the root that nour. ï¬shed them is destroyed. Frauds on the Post-0mm. SAVINGS 0P TIRE SACKS. The Pleasure of Dying. Stockton's Dog “ Fax.†[lave you Nenrnlzla x mm Gown Gun cum In one minute. "How does the new girl strike you 7" aaked a citizen at dinner lately. "She hasn't: struck me yet,†answered his wife, meekly. "But she has done “most ovary- thing elae.†A. P. 412 "You are vnry late to-nlpht. Gem-gm" said the girl, halt reproachfully. “You, doargyour “that’s new dog met me at the gate, and I've been trying to make friends with him." An expert has succeeded in photographing the beating of the heart. Neat present for an absent admirer to send his betrothedâ€"a icture of his palpitation on reading her ette'. People who are subject so bad bmth. teal cease tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can et enm be relieved by using Dr. Canon's 800mm!) Bitten the old and tried remedy. Ask your meiet Alma Ladlcs College. 81‘. THOMAS, ONTARIO. This institution which had last year the largest enrolment of all the Canadian Coll- eges for women is offering superior advan- tages to young women in Literary Course Fine Arts, Commercial Science and Music, at the very lowest rates. Adreu, Principxl Austin, B. D. sari-p5. Husband (to wife, who is writin a letter) â€"Do you want me to mail that otter for on, my dear? Wifeâ€"No, John, I won't eep you waiting ; I’m only on the ï¬rst post- If a body kiss a body, Need 3 body cry? Well, hudly. if some other body Isn't standing by. 0mm: Hm Rlnm restore. m and “dad but to It. mtnnl color And prevent: or om. a manger yam! 3mmâ€? Bagels [all on! 0:10:- er cry onus n. or adm- on And. noun-Aloud“! a In. 83: In one. A dose 0! Dr uncut Stomach Bitten. Boa: “may mdlolnc. All Drum so cont. Heaven knows what would become of our eocielity if we never visited people we speak ill of; we should live, like Egypbinn hermite, ' ' ' wded eolitude.â€"-[George Eliot. obeonâ€"“ Don’t you think that young Popinja is showing conaiiereble spirit these days?" nmpeeyâ€"“ think he in showing the eï¬'ect of considerable." , send your Iddreoa and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon'l Treatise In book form, 02 Disease of Ian. Books sent coded and secure 1mm observatlon. Adam I. V Lotion 47 Welunmn “not But. Toronto Ont. Life at the greatest and best is but a for- ward child that must be humor-ed and coax- ed a little till it falls asleep, then all is over. A Cure for Drunkenneu. The opium habit, depsomonls, tho morphlne Inbll. nervous proetntlon caused!) the use 0! tobacco. wakefulness. men“! do on, ooltenlng of the brain, em, prom-cure 01 age. loss 0! vitality caused by over-exertion of tho brain. Ind loss of notural strength, from my cause whstever. Monâ€"young. old or mlddlooog'odâ€"who are broken down lrom any 0! the Above causes. or any cause mgmauioneg above, .._.I _-___.I) _____ ___- .n.,,,.,n ll‘Cll [KG FILES. Burtonâ€"Moisture : Intense Itching and stinging; most et night : worse by scratching. I! allowed to continue tumors tom, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming “ff sore. SWATNI'S Omlm etc the itching and b ceding, heals ulceration and In many cases removes the tumors. It is equally emce- oious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE a SON. Proprietors. Philadelphle. Swnm's Omnmn can be obtained of druggiste. Sent by mail to: 50 ___A_ Tell the good news to the sufferingâ€"- At [at is a remedy found. Which mlghr have sued. had they known 11;. Many who're under the ground. Tell 0! the " Favorite Prescription." Bld hopeless women be gladâ€"â€" Blur the good rows to poor creatures, Heart-slot, discoungcd and sad. . “ Female diseases." so terrible In their effects, and so prevalent among all classes, can be cured by the use of Dr. Piarce'a Favorite Prescription. Sorrow seems sent for our instruction, as we darken the cage: of birds when we would teach them to sing. Nasal Catarrh is a dangerous disease. From its tendency to extendto the throat, bronchial tubes, and ï¬iunlly to involve the lungs in consumptive disease, it should be promptly cured, that these grave dangers may be averted. So conï¬dent are the manufacturers of Dr. Ssge’s Catsrrh Remedy of their ability to cope successfully with this very prevalent disease, that they have for years offered. in good faith, $500 reward for ecsse of catarrh, no matter how bad or of how many years’ standing. which they cannot cure. Remedy only 50 cents, by druggists. In this world, we can only look on nature from the outside; perhaps there we shall be able to setIit from within. “ The cotter-boar: if life goes up The Miter-bond of life goes down." Up and down, up and downâ€"one day a millionaire next day “dead broke "â€"one day buoyant in spirits, next day gloomy as a fogâ€"one do in seeming perfect healeh, nix: day " lei out" with a bilious attack or your stomach “ on a strike." This is the way the world wage nowadays. If you are bilious, melancholic, dizzy~headcd, dyspeptic, went appetite or have tor id action of liver, kidne s or bowels, take 1'. Pierce's Pleasant Pel etaâ€"purely vegetable, perfectly harn‘lese ; one a dose. A boy is not hatched until he breaks _tl_1roughy the shell his relatives weave around The returns to the English Bosrd of Trade of the nooldents occurring upon nil- wny lines show thst during the ï¬rst three months of the present you 209 persons were killed end 934 Injured. This is s de~ crease oi 20 deaths end an lacrosse of ill in- juries as oompsred with the corresponding period of last year. Whet ere commonly understoodh rnilws socidentsâ€"thntis.ool- lisions, runn nu 011' t e line, end so forth are only responsible for three deaths and 197 less serious mishaps. Twelve people lost their lives at level oroasintze. 18 committed suicide, nnd no fewer than 53 were killed in the not of trespassing. Accidents due to the movement of trains account for91 fatal cases end 748 others. 0! these the London and North Western has onovs-‘xth, with l6 deaths and l32 injuritu. It is iollowe-l by the Mid- lnnd with 10 dentin; after which come the Lsnouhlre and Yorkshire. 9 ; the North- Eutern,Grrnt-Entr~rn, and North British.6; the South-“'ostern, 5 ; the Greet-Northern. 4 ; the Great “'estorn, the Brighton and South-Cont, and some othtr lines, 3 ; the South-Eaten, '2; end no on. until lest nniong the importnnt lines comes the London, Chnthnln, and Dover, which escaped with only four sccidents. none of which proved Intel. Detailed reports are given of eleven collisions and two instances of trains leeving the rails. It is noticeable that ï¬ve of tne collision: and one of the other scolaents occurred “‘iflllu the metropolimn area, hep- pening, as “my‘ob-1rn Road, Euston, King's Cross, Portland Road, New Cross, and Tulea liill Railway Accidents. W CATALOGUES FREE. Barnum Wire and Iron Works, Windsor, Ont. The eolav cwihl 3nd resources at thia Com- pany. toget er will) the increased heilltlea it his recently acquired for supplying land owners with chup money. enable the Direciorn to meet with promptnoso and It the lowest current rate of internal oll requirement»: 'tr loans upon utisiacï¬ory reol estate security. Applicztion may be made to either of the Compnn "I local Appvolsen or h J. HERB I! MASON. Man-2’2 Durecicr Toronto. Sub-crib“! Capital. ..... ...... 3 «Lumcoo Paid Up Clonal. ................... 2 500,000 Total Assets, ........................ 10,000,000 Head Uflioo: Toronto so, Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT Loan 85 Savings Unmpany For'lreiéht, passage, or other Information apply to A. Schuther00.. Baltimore; 8. Cunard 00., Kalil“; Shea $00., St. John's, N. 1“,; Wm. Thomp son a 00., St. John. N. 8.; Allan a 09., Chicago. Love Aldtn, New York, I{- Bourlier, Toronto; Allans, Rae a 00.. Quebec: Wm. Brookle. Pnllndel- phia‘, II. A. Allen. Portllnd. Boston Montreal. Sailing during winter from Port nun over Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to leerpoo , and In summer from Quebec eve Saturday to Liverpool. calling at Londonder ' to and mails and wager: for Scotland And he and; also from Ba] more, via Halifax and SHo‘hn’a, N. E, to Liverpool fortnightly during sumnler mqnths. _ The steamers of tho Glasâ€" met between Glasgow and Momma] weekly; Glmgou and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philndelphin .. _A>)_LAI__ (onuightly. For (reign gow [Ines sail during winter tor mdiitréhfâ€"lisï¬f‘ng, ortltmd, Boston Ind Philadelphia' and durlnz sum met between Glyggow 19d Alontten‘ we_ck_!_y_;_ qltgtgoy __._- h_-A~7 , ,, Aggy Lina 393417151“th Steamsjgjps __ .L._J___ __ ,, 0n receip‘ 0' $12 5?! we will express to anv address, a DOUBLEBARREL BREEGH-LOADING SHUT GUN with ï¬ne Lunlna'ed Steel Bnrels, oiled stock. ugood gun for country use And tor $3 00 will ship to any Matisse-a 22 oaLRIFLI-I that will shoot accurately for 1L0 at W. M'DOWALL OO. 5| KING ST. E. TORONTO. M’GAUSLAND SUN, Stained Glass ARTIFS wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Farms, from 8011ch upwuds, with immediate possession, (all or write to G. I. MAUI-SON. Me- Arthur’a Block, Main at" Winnipeg. Information tarnished tree of charge. and settlers assisted in mskin; selection. Most! 10 LOAN at current rate! of interest. Saloon Tlckob. $40. 860. 06". new"). '80. 890. 0110.1ntermeditu. 080: wangemw. Apply†H. E. MURRAY. Oen'l. Hanger. 1 Custom Hon-o Squm. MUNRTEAL. Satan .3 low prices. Albert College, Re-Dpen Thursday. Sept. 6th, 1888, Sand for cuculars. Address, The Cheapest House in Canada for Guns, Rifles, Cartridges. Fishing Tackle.Base BallGoods and Sportsman’s Supplies of every kind. In being greatly enlarged and improved at a coat of several thousand dulhrs. Students in attendance lrom Bcilish Columbia, Mami- tobn, Michigan, New York, Vermont, in ad dition to Ontario and Quebec. Unsurpassed advantages at moderate rates. “"ill GHOIBE FARMS FOR SALE IN All. PARTS 0f BEAVER LINEN STEAMSIIIPS -S.\ Wanna anuxâ€" MONTREAL AN. LIVERPOOL Safes ! H. WILLIAMS 00.3133. ROUFERS IAKl‘PLCIl'RII‘I All) DBALII') I! Rocflnw Felt. Slaten' Felt. Bedouin! Felt. Cup“ hpet. Building [M r. Rooting Pitch. Cox Tar. Lake Growl. ANAIA IIIPPIIO (‘0.â€"Bouu Lino 06 My. who: weakly button Neutral! «Urarpool Noon noun. Iona“! to Liv. “0. “0. andâ€. Mum team. ROW “:11â€. uootdinx xo awn" And sooommodulon. d-lntel modhto. :10; Round nip “on“. 060. Steengo. 83$ Roundtrlp Hickok. “0. For mum mcuhnm w occur. phmhi. "any“ yta H. E. MU RAY. Gwen! lump I. [Custom can lure. Montreal. attothe Locum Anna In use aiflcnn hon: and Cities. SPORTING GOODS. FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. MANITOBA. (mice: 4 Adelnldc St. East. Toronto. 76 King St. W... Toronto. IRON rnmoms. We manufacture the Largest .1 Variety of BELLEVI LLE, ONT. RFV. W .DYER, M. A., INCOIXI’ORATED 1855. 0!!!! BIG 01-1728. I: J. TAl'Loll. Toronto Safe Works. FIRE AND BUhGLAR PROUP Ind Yum D on. kept com-fanny in stock. A number 01 Secondhand Principal. but none eqnd it in lubrlculng properties. Pn- nns. 31mm“, etc" and none equd to the elm" l'eetloss mute by smug; mama 00., 10mm. (1.1) I u “Peerless †MAGHINE mL, SUFFERING from the eflccts of early evil htblts, the result of ignorance and toll '. who ï¬nd themselves weak. nervous and exhausteqf; also MIDDLB-Aounnd 01.0 him who are broken down tram the eflects of abuse or overwork. and in advanced life (eel the comequences o! youthlul excess, send for and road 8!. V. Lnbon'a Treatise on the Disease: of Hon. The book will be sent sealed to any address on neoclp‘ at two 32. «tum Address )1. Y. L EON. Wellington St. E.. Toronto. Ont ORNAMENTAL WROUGNI IRON PENDING WORKS Bend 101' designs And pticel. DR. GRAY’S Specific baboon used for tho ï¬fteen yum with great success. in the tmtmsn nl Nervous Debuny. and all dissuas srising from s:- teases. our-worked bnin. loss of vitality. ringing in the ears. palpitation.sio. For ssis by all dump“ Price 81 per bux, or 0 boxes for 36, or will be sent by null on receipt of price. Pamphlet on nppliowom Sold by dad": overywhéI-m; for durability, imle and oomenience. The low Canine builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM BUY NO OTHER THE GAMBIA! MUM AID ASSOCIATION um INSURANCE AT 0051‘: CEEAP, RELIABLE. PJPULAR hue Reserve End. Axe-u “and. Addrou, HEAD OFFICE, 10 Kim: Stmt E... Toronto. Ham all the latest imprqvoments and are uneguallod TL‘ “0!“. ULCER“. UCROPULA. GANGER’ e c. cuved pennant-am wnuou‘ :he kuila. Apply to DILW. L. Sill‘l'él. 1!! Quest) St IS. Toronto. GOXBOY'S CARRIAG E TOPS FENCES,‘ CRESTIIIG, BUILDERS’ IRON WORK, STABLE FITI'IIIGS, OFFICE RAILINGS, £10., THE GRAY MEDICINE 00.. Toronto. Nervous Debih‘ty. of any house In the Dominion. Young Men There an nanny mmmou of 'l'O FIRST AN"! .YXX‘Iv. WHILE“ THEY LAST- “\ c \\ ill send in In: xil an ap- prqpri. II: :3: it In L If. I III Iidcn, “III. I. II: ulLI' 0r (‘Imkâ€"une to :1 ï¬lm“) â€"-\\110 “ill try the BREAnmxm‘s Baxmc Pawns: H3600 PRESENTS ST. THOMAS (manna: sntu) Cut the red circle from the label and scnd It In a lctwr shting hmu‘st opinion after Inirlri'll. liitilor :1 5, 1001'25 emit sin: will :xcurc 1h}- gift. Any grocer nr Stan-keeper krmvs wiwn‘ in (yet It Masked fur l» nu.â€"â€";ldd'rm.r-â€"- CHURCHILL S: (‘0 .TOROX'IO DELAYS ABE DANGEROUS ! Don't unit until u we bum! out or rob Ihy a Sale now and deep easy. and be sure and get prices. “0.. of the NeannmpiouSfle s. s. 1; l 1x17351111, 577 Cuig St.. P.0. Boi 915. Neutral. P Q. Pawns-roll.