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Woodville Advocate (1878), 31 Aug 1888, p. 8

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Mr. Duncan McKinnou is heme spending holidays. Mllllnory «1' At, and below cost for lmhmcc of season at 1'}. Tisdnlc‘s, Beaverton. Preparing. Croat Bargains. We have 110W in hand the prize list for the comingI Fall Show which will he i~sII ((l at am “flllV IlIIlII. (inod prize: me again ofl'IIIIl ‘mI II\lIilIIIs in the Y'allnus classes and \\' -3 hum: to $00 II. good show. “'Ith the 9102“? llllpl‘0\ (I- mom. made III the show hut your. UK- lIihitoH fllhl \‘isitcn‘s will not hesitate to pntIIIIIiZII UIIIII L‘ll’Ol] and “I: hope to see I. ICIII II: tizon tIIlIo II. lIIIIIIl III In: Ilmw nIIII IIIIIII: Iul lI‘ all Show the show of the dis- trict. A little IIfi'IIIt on the part. of ex- hibitors Will do this and wclonk for- IIIIIIIl to II. nuod time. A pmtIIl mm] In the SCO!‘0UI.1‘\'..\11‘.G00. Smith. Sr" III to this ofiicc IIIIl Ill secure II prim: list. le Shaw II Ill he held on 'i‘IIIIerlIIy and \\ CIl- nesduy, ()ctobI-II End and :3rd. All [3" Kinds of F IIIIIwonIl for sale and delivered so any part. of the Iillagcâ€"P. MCMIllmI SI Sous. Ileavcrtou. New Music. Anniversary Services. The Rev. D. H. )IucVicnr. I). D., L. L. 1).. Principal and Professor of Presby- tcrian College. Montreal. will (D. V.) enndnot Anniversary Services of Knox Church on Sabbath. September 9th. momingmnl evening. mu] deliver one of his pnpular lectures on Monday evening September 10th. More extended notice given next week. It? In (Iuttunudes and Slurtings and spocml drives in Prints at E Tindulu‘s, Bcavorton. Tho Skating Rink. m-‘l’hc :va Mommc Whip now for sale at J. J. Glover‘s. licuvcrtou. See it. Getting In Shapg. - .. o '- Hodgson’s Special Sale 1 L:\::t Satmdu 1111111110011 11 M a busy 1111113011 tlw site 111' 1.111 new 8111111110 nnk. .\ genuine 011] time ‘ 1311.111." “in 01111-41 for 11111! 111mm 111 0111 ablo- 111.113 1111 11 11mm .4 wen: called on to 1"110111111111l. I11 11 1'11\\' haul-st the frame “1-3. up and 150111111 1011 skating 11111111011111 tn s1111_w its 11110 di- mvusiuns. The .‘alossrrz. )[clliilan pm- ]mso. to finish the building in gum] style and when this is dome tllu viiiagc can Imust of u. rink equal to any and far superior to most nul-zs found in much larger places. Something New. I Brm'g ypur Cash to llodgmn's BigClmr- inu Sale of thufollowiug lines [or (Tush : .‘diliiuorv. Dress “00:18. Prints. Muslin». Sccmuckars. Flanncls. Pul'nsola. Gloves, lImiory. c.. 6m. Ladioa All-Won! Jersey; for 90cts. 3:! yards Cattun “ 81.00 13 “ ~ Seersucker “ 81.00 :20 " Mlmliu “ 81-00 so u Print .. 51.05 A The band hat: recently invested in a large supply of new mimic: which is 1n- tcmlml for use a; the Fall Fair mul «lur- ing the winter. As new music. while uhsnlutelv necessary. is a. costly feature mi :1. hmul‘s equipment and :19 the trons- nry is considerably loaded the other \vuyjust new it; is hoped some that- itahlc person will kimllv step forward with a. generous donation towards ro- lieviug the deficiency. All contribu- tinns will he gratefully received hv the Trezmu‘er. Sn far. the earnings of the lmml have not kept; pace with the ex~ pouditm‘o. the new uniform having: inn. 1.093041 3. “hig” draft on the funds which is not as yet all paid. Personals. The 1w“ o 111:!“ Schun‘m‘ will [)0 huh] (m ‘llst. next. .\ of studim in “at bum in Plus “IIH'IJ‘IIP {0“U‘Vi 2 Far writing : r." wry Extensive preparations: are lining made for the 6th of September and from present appearance 0. great dmf i~x in store for the village. A deeomtion committee has been organimid and a libero] subscription given for decorations while no end of energy is being .lisplay- ed in preparing: the grove and pushing; other necessary matters. We ‘notie.e large posters announcing the pic-nic dis. played in the various; stores and from them we learn that lion. Sir John A. McDonald. Premier of Canada. ”on. I. ll. Tnpper, Minister of Murine. lion. G. I'i. Foster. Minister of Finance. l)r Montague. M. l‘.. Colonel (l'l‘n-ien. M. l’. and :1 number of ntherx will be present. We understand there will MR!) he an ex- tensive I'uthering ef the “Sun“ of ling- lmid' ' from all diree‘inns :it lletu'ertun on that. dm. Lmlgis from 'l'crnnm. Port Perry. Whilln :md Uri‘. lin “ill be prvsvut mu! am crowd nnx' Im "‘1’ Highnst Price In vm'hm. Emmnca Exammfions. d: iug 011““ "(‘0 l' 2') “ Print 60 Bill“! Snap Men's 'l‘Wm-«l ('0th Men's Tweed Pants ll _\‘ mun-r rm FRIDAY. AUGUST 31. 1888. All Liilvurqliruus in proportion. :cnrcrt’ou £20m 31cm. “Hill?!“ fll‘ll'll" M) A IV" ('HT!‘ n Hogarth vxpw-h-X mu .MI (-in In Car-h at H. I);:!:‘«1:c:‘.'.‘.\‘s. 3L0.- (1":IIIH' 19“! l(!l!:1l' xtatim.‘ .' \ II‘mua «u I ’I)‘ ”In I]: the (‘xmninn Ila) vâ€"lm‘m Fu‘.'-~:1I‘5HIIIH~ ‘u‘ "1'" w" vm'um. 11.021 t'uilvuinto inatil: 19th. 1th“: iHI HIHUL‘IHO Freight trains were running on Sun- day last on tlus division of tho (i. '1‘. R. Potatoes Best value in Tea ever offered, at R. :l)uushcath's, licavcrton. Desocratlon. Fur sale. cheap. at R. Duushcath‘s, Beau'ertou. Qyory? l)0uur town fathers know that the village owns 11 small but beautifully situated strip of land at the Lake share. If so. why has 11m: some attempt been made to relhlcr it. useful to the citizens as :1 resting place «luring tl1el1ot weather. A {1111' tam-s planted hero and there would cost but :1. trille 111111 in a. short time 11' 011111 lumisli a. dvliglitful shade to the 11111111' st1'ollms 11110 jonrum tlms 11'111'. resides adding largelv to the lwuutyl and value of the spot. 'll10 riullt time for fall planting is now approacl1~ air In Cash for Potatoes. Oats and Pens at R. Dunshcath‘s. ‘m-uvcrtou. Thu-(i. '1‘. 1:. have issued instructions to thozr oiliciuis to have arrested all small hays found loitering about the stauion. or caught trespassing on the grounds. of the Connmnv. Loimring has of late hccmne a perfect nuisance. C;Ll‘ links and pins have been stolvn 1'0- lwutcdly and the Company are deter- mined to stamp out the nuisance with a. strong hand. The public should boarin mind that the law does not permit any- one to wall: on the. railway track or lounge around the stations. and the penalty for trespass of this kind is not less than 310. For Bulk Pickles go to R. Dunsheath FlySheetsand Nets. and any marks thereon will be counted as :1 bonus. There is no provision nuulo in the circularlur n paper on scientific temperance. which it was hoped might be placed on an equal footing in that res-poet. “1th the subject of agriculture. The literature selections for teachers. tlu'xul, mreml. and first class grade C. nunprofessional oxmnilmtions lnwo been prepared and are being issued. Tea. my. Highest Price Small Boys, Beware. ;.-, .\ nice huh-by of Fly Nets and S‘uctsatJ. J. (iluv'cr 5. Cheap. Hoiidays. Mossres. C. T. Young and Alex. Ross left on Monday for a trip to Quebec by “my vi the Thousand Islands. Rare Bargains- Gw‘ ['ntriznumd Hats selling from 10 to 2.3 cents at E. Tiadulc's, Beavcrtou. Mistaken. The “ Young Orientais‘ " Lacrosse (‘hib wirh us with ail the dignity puss- :xihh‘. to state that; our Woodvilic corres- pumh-nt of last; week was mistaken iu the result (If the L" cmsse Match pim‘cd in t]! it tmxn icceutiv that the Oncntals' “on (me game instead oi none “.3 leport. 0d. and that; the imnutatiou of a. “"0050 ON" “as a. promc iitatod and uncallul for slander in order tu injure the dignity and smirch the rcputatiou of the “Young ()riontals“ Lacrosse Club. Highest Price Fur Pork at R. Dunshcath‘s Boaverton Gone to Collmawood. The youngstors went down to Ben.- vm-t-m on thlrflav to play the boys of that village the return match of Lacrosse and m: lonrn worn boahm three straight gtmm-S. 'l'lm cause of this muldon col- lapse from victory i~< said to have been m-CMinm-d by the Hoavnrtouimm having: grown truncndously smcc their visit here. Mr. Duncan P-chouunll has none to (‘ollinqwnnd “how he enters the C0110 giatc Institute of that town for a. course. Lacrosse- Gone to Arthur. When Baby WM nick. we gave her Castor". When she “M a Child. 5110 cried for (Inawria, When aha became Miss. aha clung to Unatoril, “1:01: the Ind Children, aha gnu them Union-is, Mr. Dnnuu‘d Campbell left for Arthur, Ontarin. w.) .‘- onflnv. whom he has ob- tainml a situation in a druggist‘s shop. Said. 9 The stack of J. R. Prinr wnq salt] on Saturday to Mr. Seth. lhckaby. of (Heu- arm. New Bnker. I r. I'M. Pmtnr. of (Burlington. has starh‘zl hnking in “'nn'lvillu. Thu u-mmio of bread ulrendyturncd out is vxm‘ik‘nt. For Boavertonv Many of our \illanors Imvo attended "w \m-mm m-mtnvu at the camp at [kuummvl d Him: We “on!“ 'lheso hmm: ;: «mum Mix :1: Ilumml M and Umuflllt to In our 'lit 2' «mud he made of mmu ll :ximeenro and {tn-{'1 ; Ro’urning. MN. Jnlm Morris-on haw rmchm'l Mom- w :1 on hm‘ WA.“ llumv frnm Foothmd. film i; (-twoctcd lmmo this week. Visitors. Mr. Wm. .h'nwtmng mu] will". of '1'mxmvmu’un Mich" \voro in town on Tun-«my visiting: his old homo and h‘il“:l'..\‘. Iln haw lwon nlwvur 11mm \n mu; mu! hum} things mum‘s); vimngul n “butlvilh‘. Woomsmc Eliuml 3mm. FRIDAY. AUGUST 31. 1898. (‘thren Cry for ' Pitchev’s Castor-3a.. The Grist Mill llml had stc-mn up smzeml times pre- paratorx to \\ 011‘ Things are plogwss ML fuvuxuhly and tho hum of tho mlls \ull 80011 bc hemd. The'l'nxes. Again this your the tnxos have been reduced and the ratepayers have less to raise lny $50110 than last year. Our municipal machine IS being carefully managed and while the rate of taxation is considerably lower tlmutlio townships to “llicll the village formerly belonged we huvp the satisfaction of knowing that, we have several hundreds of dollars each your for village improvements. whereas undor the old regime we could not obtain cunts. A Sad Condition. A \wchi-n paper relates this parable : A revhnlist rvqucstod ull iu‘the congre~ gution who paid their debts to raise. The rising was general. After they had taken their seats, 0. call “'51stme for those who did nut pay their debts. and one solitary individual arose and ex- ]nlziim-d that. he was nu editor and could not puv because all the rest of the con- gregation “'01"! owing him their sub~ bCl'ilfliOHS to his lmpur. Council met on Munday 27th. Mom- llcrs :11 present. minutes of previous meetings maul and approved. J;:s'rnL\'n;s. Move! by Mr. Adauns. seconded by Mr. (‘nmm‘ that the sum of $500 he raised and Icvicd on the ratoublu pro- perty of this municipality tor the follow- ing purpus‘us. viz. : County ltatc.................. $104 00 Tslaripum Railway Rate... 26 00 Selma! Rafa...".............. 358 75 Eldon Railway Rate... 124 78 Village Rate as................ 186 47 $800 00 and that a. Inf-law be now introduced authorizing the saunaâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, soconalcd by Mr. Ec’lwurds that By-luw No. 35 for levying the sum of $800 on the mteuhlc property uf \Vumlvillu he read a. second and mud time and passed, and that the Reeve sign the same and attach the corporate soul tI)m'eto.â€"Curried. The Council tlncumljournvd to meet on September 13".“) at 8 o‘clock. p. m. in the Town Hall. Mr. Rot-1cm McDougall formerl} of tins 11111120, is 11011113110111 the Lnitc-d States, “-1) me he has lxvcd for several years. llc 1»: 0111mm ed bx the 1'1ilwavs in the my to of '1cx.1s, drilling artcsiau wells. Mrs. Dmmclly. so long a. snfl'crer from paralysis, died on Friday last. The un- fortnuatc \\ oman \\ as stricken some four 5042's awn. since which time to that of her do 2th she snlfcred untold (won). Old Mr. Clouston died on Wednesday last. The old gentleman may have been said to have slept himself away, for he passed from sleep on Wednesday afternoon into the eternal rest without. the fact being known for some time. The hand concert on the evening of the 215!) was nab a. success financially. Mr. Rm]. (fanmlmll is preparing to take up his abode in ‘lh‘itxblx Columbia. 5 tln'ouIIh its vury mis. 'omling mp the recent Rcfmm ch monstrntiou. . Conschatives and 1’ etcrmers freely J press their disgust. ' The "G leaner" hasi got; into hot ' 2%: c C. Juuhnsen, ltex'. L. l’errin, Rev. T. S. Mclueo. Rev. Cr mmferd. Rev. \chaffu)‘ and others are expected to be present. and deliver addresses; Music nndgalnes will be furnished. 'lea. served from 3 o‘clock. to 5 o'clock. Admission 2" cents. children 15 cents. I). (J. Johnson wdl preside 1n the chair. A pic nic in aid of the Women's For- eign \lw 1011.111 Society, “ill be held in M1.I). \[clmin‘s 141,011: Gmncln’idgv, on “1.111111151111153 S111t1‘11111qr 5th. Reg. D. Lindqny ('vntml l-lxhihitionâ€"Lindsny Oct. " ‘l and 4. [mhmtr in! E xhibitiunâ€"Toronto. Sept. 11) [0 23. Agric ultmal and Art Associationâ€" Kingston. Sept. In to 13. W cstcln lair. wlnmdon Sept. ‘10 to 29 Grvnt (,‘cntml [nixâ€"Hamilton. Sept. ‘M to 23". Potrrlmro Agricultural Exhibitionâ€"â€" Putt-rhnru, Sept. ‘25 to 27. Ontario (.‘mtral Agricultnm! Associa- tion -â€"Purt l‘m-ry. Hq-pt. 25 and 23. .‘Iaripma Tuwukllipâ€"(lakwood. Oct. 5 and F. North ”Victmin»\'ictm‘in. Rand, Sept. :37 and 'l'hnrnh A \‘H‘tml. Oct. Nun]. mer .ay of Wocdvine Vxllage Councu. UUB HHGHBUHS. 08 FA LL FAIRS. LORNEVILLE. GAA’IEBRIDGE. CANNINGTON Quintc KIRKFIE’LD. '0‘! ll! «c...- â€"â€"â€"iÂ¥oilcvil1c, Sept. 25 to -~.\ln‘.nnt(§. Sept. 25mm Ithnl Iixhihiliunâ€"«Bcn- $104 00 26 00 3:38 75 124 78 186 47 The Hotels and Sheds are Again Open and we are all in full blast, If you want the BEST DARTMOUTH BINDER CORD at; Cost we have it, also PURE PARIS GREEN. -r€ARVEST TOOLS in Great Variety.- Cheap Cash Hardware Store. JxAu\.-n ‘ .fivr Machine Oil“: â€"PEERLESS, None to EmeL. Our stock of GLASS, PAIN TS, ULLS um] PU"TY is the Best Assorted and Cheapesn in Town. See our “DAISY” Barrel Churn. E‘One Baby Carriage At Cost. H. WESTCGTT. BEThree New Buggies For Sale, Cheap. We are N, B,-.All who are indebted to me by overdue note or book account- are expected to make immediate payment, the recent fire having deprlved me of all means 01 domg business' Wmo SMflwfla -- COCKSHUTT RIDING PLOUGHS. -- Beaverton, Aug. 14th 1888. Ploughs and Gang Houqhs, IMPQRTANT NOTICE - FARMERS - am now prepared to supply all repairs for am also prepared to obtain for any one on the best of terms PLOUGHS and other Implements and Machines of any make in the country. All kinds of Fence \Vire in Stock: We kge‘xp the Best ‘ "emu-u no well mpmd ”children 013‘ $.08? mfslgollcl. Oongmm‘n. lrecommendituluperiorwnny pmscflpuon ur me ‘,~ .aw'uv‘a, . new um. mumme‘n II. A. Aucnln. H.D.. Kill! Kama. pus slap. and ymuwtel db- 111 80. Word 8‘. Bloom. N. Y. W out murioul mediation. Tun: Cam-wk L‘Oll‘Afi“. 71' Murray Stmet, .\'. Y. WWW WWW-NM, giving Special Prices on all kinds of Goods in our Line that may he wanted I 89 150‘ '$ ' a Pnrohuon should look to the Label on the 30er and Pots. I! the adore" 13 not 633, Oxford street, London. they are Ipnrioun. I am also agent for the celebrated made at the Beaverton Foundry. for Infants and Children. ~Especially Theâ€"â€" and repair castings Beaverton.

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