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Woodville Advocate (1878), 11 Sep 1879, p. 2

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Fm Wu-mn Commâ€"Venn: lm Inoiher weIther bulletin. Ho fly e: no! tho opinion that the wet period ie that onded or ending 3, Ind um I dry. poe- men vae willextend over the caning WON“ man. In Ap rillIIt, II you member, I predicted9 I 0001 Ind'wet Fallon for (Wade Ind Great Britein up to mama; euehI condition he IlreIdy «In exceeded thiI iouout in both regione new. I now look towed to I very Igreeebie petiod in the weIiher, Emmy with only Ind severe iroete. but now iIlle. : It. Montegu Corry. Lord BeIeonefleid‘e “minty iI hie alter ego. Lord Boeoone- :IOH had], ever even dinee out without him. gendhe Iinyy I IeoompIniee hie chief on hie 'hitltoOIborne. Mr.Oom ie eon oi the It. Right Eon. H. L. 00m. Ind first :meinoith Ih Eui oi Beimoromho mer- tied Ir. Gin tone‘e niece. Hie mother wII oi the Whig EIti oi BhIiteebnry ‘ eOorryiuniiy Ire red hot Irieh Protee~ hail. 112.00 nyhee ooneidenbie privete inane mhiing him to refute the good photo hie pItron hee ofiered him. Alanna Won” â€"-Miu M. E. Ouip, oi Poet Btenley. ie I living wonder. Bhep wII hon ill the Townehip oi BI, hem in the Omtyoinigin. iI8yeIre oi Ig e, height 4 leet 3 inehee. weight'lo pounds, 11.“ heId Tho murder 0! Km Bunnud in Connecti- II. with 0 men 0! the Rev. Mt. Hayden Itho chug. of being me murderer. m shin may. ma trial u soon to come I. and ,Idnnoo ha been preparing mo 1. Proton-or White has hnd Mr. radon? knit. blndo undo: hi: microscope, humminod every spook thotoon. “ Whnf 411} you find on _i_‘ ? ” Judge Honi- M “So motmou; I'm 01291110110- “ Blood.” “ Whetkind oi blood? " “ Hum blood." And the Rev. his. Heyden looked es inter. led end innoeently eernest It the Proieeeor hile this testimony wee going on es the udeat does to the Psoiessor in oollege et I dime! oi en experiment in netunl hton. He eitesverds told, end his wile Id. how the blood got there. “ Just so," Mr. Jones esid ; “ blood gets on Io pen-bile et times 0! ell at us. Mr. Hey- I bed out his finger.” Now. Proteseor Nieves obliged to edmit thet science hed u. yet got so let es to be able to distinguish in, Bunnesd's blood irom the Rev. Mr. Men's. 80 the blood-specks on the knife at to: nought with the Justice, end be Mr. Heyden. But soienoe did not t so oi the one. The microscope. ohemieeie. mute, keen eyes. hours oi petient reek on e speck thet e breeth would blow my. have. it is now sold. mode e discovery. ID nuclei. the flesh 0! Met, Stennud’s eek steer the stub thet killed her. have been eoived to their originei sue! end elements. Inn to diecover eny ioreign nutter. each u epeek oi etecl. when thet which hed been 'ery Stennerd'e neck hed become vepor Idetthe ehcmiet’e menipuietion. Then the lemleope wee put upon the oieen. white . thet would cetch any foreign eubetencc hold it. To theneked eye there eppcered I the piper nothing more then e Ipeek-iike let. thet e whifl oi wind might heve blown If. ; but on it the mieroeeopiet pieced e m thet could make one heir ecem the lilo Be rope. end then the speck received iteeli rte egg“: little piece of eteei, with eieuiy a ho“ 10: he luv am in. Mum Assumed I hand uh rin : Mopod {or uwhllo with loot ntent. 110.114um sun was bent». FEE 010. a mun: hm hochuocd to drop ‘ “I“ chat, when flu lung pop ! pod like u cork from out. a bottle. opened wide 1m valve do thxome. Ill II”- II Illus- a Human we. penone ere puzzled to nnderetend hot tho tonne “mummy." " elxponny.” Id “ tonpenny” mean u opplled to neile. louneuny" meene tom- pound! to the hounndnolle. " elxpenny ”elx pound: to the bound. ondeo on. It In on old Eng lleh III. and moat ot fint “ ton and " none the thonlnnd being undere ). but tho old Inglis]: clipped It to " tenpun." end horn dgee nmted until " penny " woe Muted to: “ pounds." When n thousand Ifllwolah lou then one pound they ere Illod tech, buds, ate.. and no reckoned by London World: “ The Empren Eugenie. b enenged. ie to spend the eutumn enthl. end. it me, be. to settle definitively, ltlt her mother et Oetemenehel. The piece edeliahttnl one. with it: extensive gerdene ed ehrnbbetiee. in the ertengement of which I. Canton 0! Montij 0 need in former lentoteke no little pride end intereet. etwlnt eedmemoriel the meeting is sure reellheektothemlndotboth iediel; end be men, big events there ere between the mutate o! the mother end denghter from knenehel. twenty-five yeen ego, end the m hon: i" lnod tom. It moat hove been iron the dooitho kniiothotkmodum Btonmrd. Nth aim in run tom: the hide oi the min. aRoy don'l knits. on which Profeuor hit. tonnd’biood.'1‘horo are one or two Ila niobouilyuon in it. toohrgotomnteh h httio piooo. At lost I detect in diamond. mm ll though tho little Ipookl on tho ritopo pox, pail o ppliod to this detect, would It flti :ond by tho moot delicate monip u- lontho fitting is samurai]: done, ond the (and him' a the prolimlnuy 32mins. mum WWMW Blue “In? locating omoore us informed tint the Into hove discovered I upeck 01 iron thst nod from tho fluhy port- nronnd tho Indthttjuet fit: I nick in the bhdo of the '. Hoydon'l knflo! Such in the Itory thnt Inhot lndefinitely. but with sufficient m to nuke it worthy the attention of Rev. Mr. Hoyden’l eounul, is reported tho result of the scientific men‘- rkin oonring ovidenoe. lbs 01!: thou whom“ one, m3: tho_o_lom8:lnt_o{ run ;_ _ F533 Edvfibyiid in and chair 'fld contusion min ed there. mph: at n «1me I” h. ‘ floor In tho light 0! day; u shone «randy Mr and bright, was but the noondny 1mm. 3 mm but upon m mt } Igu;be_nt pm team 3510 [ought . Edithâ€"éixiéfi'o'ywéidlu'erfiéd havonwud «.5 point was turned. ONLY A IPBCK. 55341 I, L. Corry. end that rl oi Belmore.who mer- nleee. Hie mother wee Eerl oi Bheiteebnry i red-hot Irieh Protee. t! eoneiderehle privete I to reiuee the good oflered him. â€"hiiee M. E. Unlp, oi ring wonder. She wee hip oi Beyhem in the yeere oi e go, height 4 l 70 ponnde, her heed none eiee oi 89 inehee. - L. She ie oi We! ' eonver en ehnndent A letter writer in the Northweet. eeye :â€" " We dere not drink any oi the weter on the preirie until it in etreined throng h e oloth end mede into ice. beeeuee it ie thick with oil eorte of horrible thin gr, but itmekeeiiret- rote tee. The moequltoee ere dreediul. They iollow on in olonde. except when the run ie ehining very brightly. Then they go into the deep green. Sometimee every etrong wind will keep them 03 But the onll- dog iiiee ere more reepeotehle. or their office hours ere irom nine in the morning till tour in the eiternoon. while the moeqnitoee ere out et ell honre, exeept while the eon ehinee in the middle oi the dey. There ere some tremen- done bleek ieeehee in the rivere. but they ere eeid to be hermleee. ” 'l‘hc Culprit Beeche- Twenty-flu Lube- \fllhom Much Concern. A Muncey lndljun mused for a llelnous Crime. Mnneey Indinn nemed Josiah Doxteter. residing on the Balance mutation, eeme to this city with I load of potetoel. Dining hie peregrinetionn throughout the city. txying to sell his Itoek, he imbibed considerable liquor. and ebont eleven o’clock in the fore- noon he committed I ieionioue “unit upon e little girl, ebont nix yeue 0! age. nemed Prudholme, who weepieyinz with some oom- , 1,, 1]-; ._ penions on the sidewslk. The Indisn on discovery iied ior the Muncey reservation. The mstter wss reported to the police. end s scout wss employed by them to report on the iirstoeeeslon that Joeish leit the wigwsms oi his tribe ior civilizstion. In s iew days the scout reported thst Dorteter wss on his wey to the city. end the police lost no time in meeting him. run surreal. At the Court oi Interim Sessions. on Aug. 2nd, His Honor Judge Elliott in sentencing ;Dorteter. siter remsrking upon the heinous- ness oi crime. ssid:-â€"About eighteen months 0 you were convicted oi s similar oflenee nesr Delaware, ior which you were sentencedto six months' imprisonment in the Centrsl Prison. It might have been supposed thst this would hove been I wsrning to you. but it seems to have hsd no deterrent effect upon you. The lsw hes provided thst in these ones the Court in its discretion msy sentence the oflender to s whipping. There is s repugnsnee on the part oi msny persons to the infliction oi this punishment. s ieeling in whleh I psrticipste myself. But in this one Ithink it my duty to have recourse to it. Your repetition oi the silence shows that imprisonment sione will not deter you. The Legislsture, doubtless. intends this descrip- tion oi punishment ior depraved oflendere like yourseli. The sentence oi the Court upon you. Josish Doxtster, is thst you be im- prisoned three months in the common jsil with herd labor, and that you receive twenty- five lashes with the instrument known es the The prisoner. who is nbou‘ twenty-eight you: at nae. nmp‘ed the sentence wuh nppnontindifleronoe. m wmrmxo. At hell-pest nine this morning Dorteter wee brought into the jail yard end fastened by the wrists, knees end ankles to s triangle. At the word 0! the Bherifl the " set," being in the hands 0! en erdrummer o! the 53m Regiment. wss swung eron the whipper’s heed snd. whirling through the sir, fell with e sickening thud on the heck of the culprit over the leit shoulder blsde. The third lssh out the flesh. end though there were over sixty speetstors present. more then hell that number weakened end hurried ewe; inorn the Icono. The muscle: ol the violin did nol quive: and the twenty-five lashes were laid on with all the strength cud vigor um I “rang nun could possibly do. The place on the but when the whipping was ndmininex- ed wu not lager than two lands. but feulul out: wen mcdo into the flash, from which the blood flowed freely. When the Sheriff cried enough, Donner “id “ Bully for Injun ” nnd laughed. He then asked to: n “ chow baccco " Ind wu tnknn into the jail md his bcck mahod in all mm to mount inflam- Science In the Schools-should ll be In- troduced u a Subject of Study Q ant-roan. NI; Sept. 1.â€"The Aeeoehtion for the Adveneement of Science voted in nineteen new members to-dey. Prof. Jemee Hell reed en account of the Internetlonel Geologieel Oongreu,_ o! Angnet. }§78,“in mu." ’Anochex' uu’ion um“ be held id 130- loggn in 1881.“ The committee on the introduction oi eclenoc into the schools was diechcrged, cnd c new committee on science teaching in the cchoole cppointed. Prof. Yonmcnl read I. letter from June: Bmuellon. of Liverpool, giving nn account at the tecehingc oi Icience end at in the Iohooll in England. A Com- mittee oi the Privy Council omcnized this bulineu twenty ycm ego to: the instruction 0! woxkingmen. Twenty-tour cubjeete uc tought. end 1,500 cchoolc etc orgcnized, with 55,000 studentl. Every luge town bu lev- enl cehoicn. - The next union oi the Auceiction will be held in Boeton. Lounox. Ont..89pt.2 2_.â€"On July 23rd ,_.-A. A Family Poisoned from Eating Toadstools. Eumrm, N.J., Sept. 2.â€"A temily nemed Buick, et Linden, ooneieung of tether, mother end {our children. were poisoned laet night by outing toad-tools for mushrooms. Two children ere deed and the other two are dying. The parents ere rick, bur recovering. The register of the ancient hostelry called " The Ben and Chickens." at Birmingham, England. is an autograph book at hundreds of illustrious names. Macready, the actor, the Kemblea and Mrs. Biddons. Daniel O'Connell, the older and the younger Matthews. Mad- ame Vestrls; Southey. Wordsworth and Tom Moore; Lablanone, Albanl, Braham, Grist and Mario; the Emperor Louis Napol- eon, English statesmen by the ton, the Comte de Parisâ€"all the autographs 01 these, and hundreds more, adorn the book. Paganini's scrawllng signature is there. Daniel Lambert's lat flat was laid upon the book leaf, and the stairs have created beneath the weight of his 760 pounds 0! flesh and blood; Thalberg’s autograph is accompanied by a bar or two at music ; Sims Beevea' also the word “ Addio " terminating on_an upper B flat. 'l‘wb Children Dead and Two Dying. Oholm is nun: u Ouhnl. SCIENTISTS AT BABATWL. “ THE CAT.” SAVING LIFE ‘1‘ SBAâ€"A NB‘" INVBNI'ION. Thoueanda oi veeaele annually put to eea without even enough lile preeervere tor hall the pauengerl. and many oi them with but few boats, and these inadequate tor the pur. pose (or which they are intended. It is, therefore. a very pertinent question. “ How “ ehall liie be protected in case 0! aeu‘niente at “ sea 7" For in epite 0! all the modern inven‘ tions to render travel by water eeeure, acci- dents do oecaaionally happen. and many valuable lives are lost through lack oi proper facilities to cave them. The latest invention ie that laid betore the American Government by Proteeeor Maine, 0! New York. It in a hollow wood or metal globe. from eix to twelve feet in diameter and weighing from 600 to 1,200 pounds. Ballaet oi anilicient amount to prevent a capsize is placed in compartments and secured no that it cannot ehiit. To the upholstered seats in the interior. the paeeen- gere can. it need be. be secured with etrape. From the iron meet a dietreee signal files by day and a light hangs by night. The meet is hollow. and there are openings at the top and bottom euiiicient to ventilate the interior of the boat, whilst there in a place for ample etoree underneath the floor. Around the exterior, at the only pointe oi contact, is a substantial cork-fender, which would prevent injury even it the boat were dashed against a rock. As there in no danger of a capeize, exceesive heat or cold, or irom the washing of the waver, paeeengera might float in ealety and comparative comfort as long as provi- eiona and water hold out. Professor Maine can he has no doubt oi the triumph of his invention. If it. hae the utility which he claims for it, and can be manuiactur‘ed cheep- ,n -A wâ€".â€"â€" â€"' â€" _,._ 13. it weal-(i. is an iieatimablo adjunot' io every pusenger vessel, whether nailing on the oceun or on the are“ lukes. The Loo Ohoo Islands are to ba ccnae Med with J spun by nnbmnrine cable: A 311i is panama before the French Senate for innitnting an enquiry into the means of lnoroning the fish pxodnction 01 French rivers. According to the Bergmann. 834 of gold has been extncted from a ton of the residues from pen-010nm Mills. The source of me petroleum hes not been Incegtained. Experiments made by a German pharma- cist indiouo thfl under certain atmospheric conditions there in danger of the apontonaous ignition o! hbrioa washed with benzine having a 191! bo_ili_ng point. .0 ,WA, 1 A A Psrhian alums to have discovered a process by which an absolutely perfect imita - tion 0! silk may be produced lrom flcx fibres, and i3 is reported that Lyons mannlaclurers have purchased tho process for 3,000,000 trams. An intemokional congreu under the ana- pices o! the King of Belgium and Court of Funds". in tomeet in Bxuuell in September to discuss all questions relating to the ethnology, philology, geology and history 01 America. Herr Bunge, of Hamburg, has jun: oom- plotod the construction oi a standard kilo- gram. which has occupied him eight months and in of such delicacy that the person using it must not approach wiihin two yards. as the warmth from his body might Mine: in; notion. The climate of the Indian plains produces peculiar effects, one of the first experienced by Europeans being a diminution of the intensity with which visual images are impressed upon the brain. Tho natives of India are said to be quite insensible to the beauties ol landlespe. and Europeans seldom speak of it. On revisiting his native country, alter some years' sojourn in India. the Euro- pean is surprised at the apparent extraordi- nary brillianey of natural tints, so great is the contrast preeented_to his mind. [0 D'JIUK D uuuvu] Buuwa wavua-Ivugv-uv the editorial rooms of this paper to say: '- Howdy 2 I've walked down from the market to give ye the pertiokelers ot a good joke.” “ All rightâ€"proceed." “ You know them lightning-rod lellows 7” observed the old man as he dropped into a chair. “ Yes-heard of them.” " Well. you know they're a purty tut! set. Been alter mo tor more‘n twenty years. I've ant sinns out all alarm the road warning ans-v The instantaneous photographs secured by Mrs. Moybridge. oi San Francisco. represent horses in the most ungainly attitudes, some of them appearing so absurd as to excite many expressions oi doubt as to their ac curacy. An English gentleman has. how- ever, so applied the pictures, by taking advantage at the principles of a newly im- proved toy called the proxinoscope, as to iorm a very interesting experiment. and at the same time to set at rest all doubt as to their iaithinl portraiture. Twelve plane mirrors were arranged vertically in a circle, with their reflecting surfaces outward. Twelve instantaneous photographs. repre-‘ senting the twelve successive attitudes of a galloping horse, were then fastened upon the inside oi a metril ring. so arranged that each picture laced one oi the twelve plane mirrors. Upon revolving this apparatus rapidly the reflections from the minors exactly repro- duced all motions of a galloping horse, every separate movement of the head. tail and legs. and the alternate contraction and expansion oi the various muscles, with the up-and-down motion of the rider. being described as abso. 1:1:er true to nature. A lecture delivered at the Berlin Universi- ty some three months ago by Bret. Duboie- Raymond been the ominaue title, “ The End 0! Our World'." and rays tint every movement upon our planet, with the excep. tion oi the ebb and flood. which are caused by the ettrection of the moon, is oeoeeioned by color heet. Au. however. the eun loeee every yearn portion oi hie caloric, science has lately come to the conclusion thet he will not exiet as an emitter of wermth longer than for ceventeen million years to come. During that epeoe of time our eerth will get colder end colder, in proportion as the color heet ehell diminish. The ice will edvenee from the poles to the equetor; the earth's population will gradually reced; belore the edvenoing gleelere; the sun will become lean and lore luminous. until he will present the appearance of e dark red hell it end finally lee will ennihilute ell vitellty on our plenet. They walked out of the theatre arm in am. She was as dainty an a priuoeaa and prettier than an Opening flower. The long 3. Ioit. white leather hung gracefully to her shoulder, and her long, delicate, slender hand held a aumptuoua in. He looked pretty apoony himself. but he ielt good. "How did you like the 0 para. pet 2" he faintly en quired,'and the delicious little angel looked up into hie lace. and while the sunbeam: li ghtod up the bit oi court-plaster on her chin, replied; " It’s been i" A novelty in Perle ooneletl of cerieetm eketohee in sympathetic ink. You buy a eomie pepet with _ep 9rdl_n_e_ryhpioture.4eh§1 *0 n no inflamed to but it with your pipe. bu bflngI out “10 (minute. A crowded um! onthudutlo meeting 0! 8h. old workman In In 90“ of the an” m at mm mm. Scientific Notes. The New Relnlatlene -â€" Important to Storekeeper. and omen. fiegnlatlone relpectlng the description 0! welghte end meeenree, balance end welgblng machines that will be permitted to verifica- tion under the new Weights and Mensnme Act are pnbllsbed. The tollowing balances are to ba almltted to verification: Fmt. balances having equal arms and in which the load le suspended below tho lulcrnm; eecond. balancce commonly known me etoel sarde or Roman balances. bevlng tqnal errne; thlrd. weigh bridges; (earth. balances bevlng equal arms, and on which the loud is placed above the fulcrum. The loltowing forms of Dominion weight: will be admitted to Veriflaation: â€"â€" AVOXBDU P018 “10818â€"8. From 50 lbs. down to one pound. cylindri- cal. with knob. The same with ring. Beo- taugnlar block. with ring or hutdlo out solid. Ttguoated rquuo pyramid. Exam 5 ml down‘ic; Fueimu dram. Any 0: the above toxma ; also flag (life! 19 nqats._ A 60 lb. weight lor the bushel of wheat, ol some term eufliuiently diaiinct tram the (arm herein described to prevent ihe one being mistaken lor the other. GRAIN WEIGHTS. From 1000 grains down to 10 grain. Cylindrical, with“ a. small rising stem end knob. "é; grains and under. Bent pls‘innm or aluminium wire no bent on to represent the number of grains 0: decimnl puts o! Ignin. Tn nun-n- nn-n th flannmlnnlinn O! the In every case the denomination of the weights, when of sufficient size, must be cast. engraved or stamped on them in bold. legible numerals, o! a size duly proportioned to the size of the weight. TROY WEIGB'IB. From 500 ounce- down to one onnee. Truncated cone with knob. From five ounces down to .001 onnoe, flat eqnere plates. The denomination to be engxeved or stamped on the top of the knob of each weight, in u lerge numerals u the size of the weight will admit ; and also on the has of the smaller weights. v- _v â€"_â€".--_ . -- _-_ No measure of ospuoity. of which the sides or bottom no indented, battered or knocked out of the regular tormmill be admitted to vorifiostion. nor my whole bottom: ore not sufficiently strong to our: the contdlta with- out changing their term. PLATFOBX SCALES. WINDS-133111633. AND BAX:- AHCEB WITH URIQUAL AB)". All thus weighing machines will be re- jaotedâ€" lst. When. with a full load and truly balanced, the movement of the lever weight, one “notch"or division on the graduated lever, in either direction, does not cause the lever to turn decidedly in ucoxdmee win: such movement. 2nd. When, with I full load. or with any less load,cnd with the blues in equilibrium, the addition or remove] of one two- thcnsandth part 0! the load, to or from the load, does not turn the lever decidedly in accordance with each addition or remove]. Tramp I tramp! trump 1 3nd 0 tanner with 20m] clap- fashioned tact, and halal big onoagh to cover 1 Sunday aohool excursionmnmo imo the editorial rooms of this paper to spy: “ Yea-heud of them.” “ Well. you know they'to a putty tut! set. Been after me to: moro‘n twenty yam. I've got signs out 311_ dong tho_ roui tuning '01:) to keep 03 the pine, but t'othsr day one oi the chops dxiv right up to the mic, big name.” " Did. oh 7" “ You. he did, ond ’loro I could get my tongue to going be hnd shout 1,000 feet oi rod out 0! the woggon sand was ready to put it up on the barn." “ Whn cheek! " " I guess ’swu, but putty soon I want (or him. I had my mind made up to kill him right mate. The old woman aha come out and nilod in with me ond the two hind men snppoxtgd me _on tho_fl_uih." wâ€"t‘ -_,,, “ And you jammed him all to pieces, 0! course ? ” “ Thot’l where we hull Inn comes in,” un- swotod the old man. " Thu ’ero teller :q dared 01!..th his coat and he licked the qwhom font of nu in 1059' n two minutes by I wig-wag “ Satinâ€"8min, but In 1 Inch 0 dod- rottcd idiot that I can't isfl st the say we four soiled in on him. oslkeristing to mop him sil our the hsmysrd, and 1st! huder yet It tho wsy we all started in on the Lord's Prayer store he had tsirly got the rust of! his elbows! When 1 sum Hanner clawing up from smong the bobs 1â€"!" And he went off into onothsr fit and choked snd gupod till he wont downstairs with his collar hanging by a single buttonâ€"Detroit Free Press. A low days ago amen named Deejardinl. of Clarence Town-hip, drove to Celedonie Springs. hm did nae return home. Search being nude tor him. i3 we! (and um he had driven over I steep embankmem. and both he end the bone were killed. As Mr. Samuel Kernohsn wee crossing the Great Western Bonny heck on Adelaide street, in London East, with A land of brick, the express came along as e good speed. end struck the hind pars of his load, emuhing the wsggon end sending port of it with e quantity of brick severei hundred yards up the track. Kernohen snd his horses come one nor much the worse. Mme. Grevy mrprieed the hotel-keeper at ihe wetering piece oi Eenx Bonnee when he sent up e bottle 0! hie choicest wine, by informing him the: ehe did not desire to change her eimple fashion of living when may from home. end the people are equeily utoniehed e3 the modeeiy with which ehe endeavor: to evoid ell notiee and every mm of honor. v- vâ€"--- Dean Stenley was not eqnel to his oppor- tunltlel when he performed the merriege ceremony of Protereor Tyndell. The Dean ehonld hove eeked the groom, " Do you tele this entropoiq to be your oo-ordlnete. to love with your nerve eentree, to oherllh with your whole oelluler turtle, until e noel moleenlu duturbenoe mu reeolvett'a orgenhm into it: primitive etom? " Wheet to tone perte 0121. Dnmfrlee te mymmwtmnumm \VEIGII'I‘O AND MEASURES. The Farmer'- Joke. Ham-j Varlcy. tho English onugclm. um loboring in Aunts“. to: two you". to now Poaching in Notting Hill Tabernacle. Eug- on . King Mteu bu heutily welcomcd three clergyman cent at“ by the Ohuxch Mil-loony Society. and who hove Indy arrived as Uganda. on the noxthcm chore o! the Into Vlctorlc Nyauza. The Bav. Dr. Jater, of the Richmond (YO. )‘ Relig iota Herald. thinks “ things hnvo changa ed for me wouo " rinoe his youth. 5nd romrh um “ it in dealnhle tint unong Ohxlamna there shouidbo Ieu Mvolua and (coll-h jelung.” The Rev. Peter Lorimer. D.D.. Principal 01 the Presbyterian College in London. in dead. He was a nuivo o! Edinbutsh and a graduate 01 it: Univenlty. Ho wu licensed in 1836. and in we ionowing you went to London. where he Ipent his lite .- pastor and u pro- fessor in the Pro-byurlm College. Mr. Spurgeon'e congregetlon hn eighty eolporteure eugeged in the worn at the Church. resulting in vieite every month to about 75,000 temlllel. During the put yen 162.000 treats vote distributed gratuitously. and over 841,000 were teellzed from the lulu c1827,000 Iepmte publications. The total number of visits tor the year was 926,290. It in now anthorltallvely announced thet the Rev. Dr. W. M. Teylor. of New Yatk, hee declined to accept the overtures made to him by the congregellon of 8:. John'l Wood Church, London. England. Dr. Taylor hes no lnwnlion whole“: of covering his eon- necllon mm the Broadway Tabetnecle. amongst lhe peOple of which his mlnletry ll highly appreciated. It is announced that the English New Testament Revision Company have made such progress in their work that the New Testament is likely to be published by the University presses earlyin 1880. It intended to issue in the first instance two editionsâ€" a large handsome oetsvo. and a small cheaper volume for more general use. The English and American Companies are now busy with the final revision of passages in whioh the same Greek words are found. so as to bring the translation into greater _hamony._ Christian mieeionuiee hnve made their merk in J open to euch en extent thet come at the Buddhiete of that country ere preparing young men to go out ee preeehere to counter- act the teechinge oi the mieeionexiee. A number 0! then young men hove been eent to Chine end Indie (or thorough instruction in the myeterlee oi Buddhism. But theee etrongholde oi exror will crumble beiom the ertiiiexy oi the Gospel. end the day to not let dietent when thie lend eheil be celled Chris- tien. A very eneouxeging remit oi women’s work there in the nwekening upon the subject 0! female education. The Empreee he: be- come co much intereeted that ehe bee lueu- gurcted n temele normel college. end given to it five thoueend dollexe.” A n seems to be grudunlly becoming the con- viction oi Christendom 1h» (inference: of religion: opinion in "non-enentiule“ Ire unimportant; but. unloxtnmtely. this indi- oetee u very "mil degree of progress, owing to the diflieuity _aboni__ngre_eing_ M to what no non-enuntlnll. The Tankers. for in- ltance, at n reoont council in Virginin, solemnly decided um it was manual to good landing in the not thin the women should not want hug. There van 3 good desl oi discussion as to the com peretive essentlslity oi single end double ioot weehing, the iormer method being urged by the younger members, who think it is lebo: enough to wssh s brother's ieet. without be- ing compelled also to wipe them, en in the double method. The council decided that the double method is essentiel. or rather thet the discussion be postponed ior enother yeer, which smounts to the eeme thing. The wide end growing diflerences oi opino ion smong Congregetlonslists on important doctrinal points. such so iuture punishment, lesde President Bertlett to soy: " In the sgitstions oi the times, some men, oi more or less prominence. heve swerved quite widely, it not redicslly. from the bssie oi trsditlonel orthodoxy, end hsve not been eepeeislly retioent oi their opinions or doubts. Their liberty to do so csnnot, end their conscienâ€" ‘tioueness should not, be questioned. They theve. however. st the some time expected to ‘ be received by the Churches es though no such chenge hsd token piece in themselves. This erpectetion end demend are bringing beiore the ministry end the Churches. the greet mess oi whom ss conscientiously reject these new views, the serious question whether it ie prectioeble for two to well: together except they be egreed onthese metters. They have been slow to raise the question, but they heve rsised it necesssrily end epontsueouely. end ere considering it csreiully end grevely.” Dr. Bertlett thinks thet the greet body oi his denominstion will stick to old-isehioned orthodoxy. while the schism will ceuse the “ libersle” to become Unitsrien. or some- thing like it. “ Surely,” ssye the London Telegraph, " the reductio ad absurdum has been ruched when, in a Bituslistic trial. us use recently the osse in s suit hesrd beiore Lord Peu- zsnoe. on expert in tsrinsces hse to be celled solemnly to depose thst the water used by sn insubordinste Bitusllstic clergyman is unlesvsned end is consequently not breed within the meaning 0! the Bubrloe. Our fathers were shocked when Sydney Smith. in ‘ Peter Plymley’s Letters," mode on Ireverent allusion to the ' sngelio muflln.’ but whet would they have thought at s highly respect. sble bsker being sworn es s witness to con- vict sn eccentric cleric oi inoulosting belief in the doctrine oi trsnsubstsntistlon 7 In the some is: lrom edilying trisl, on its being stated thst prior to esch service the clergy end the choir went in procession round the church singing hymns sud preceded by their bsnners end by en scolyte dressed in s oss- sook end ootts, besrlng s motel cross, Lord Pennsnoe hsd gravely to ssk, ‘ Prey. whet is s cotte 2' It use explained to His Lordship thst the mysterious garment in question use I short embroidered enrpilce worn over the oessooksnd reaching to the waist. Jeremy Tsylor wee socused oi hyperbole ether: in one Gilbert anonviiio, oi Andordon. wu fined 81 3nd 87.06 cost. by Justice Fine“ and Mnyor MoWhinney. oi Sandwich, one d. iui week to: hitting Adelaide Drouilln . Ila. Droniiind in u widow .nd midu in mndwich. m.- anonviiin in I untried mm and the Minor 01 man! ohudm. no wanton!" widow to clap. with him, ma immmwmm _ .. Tn lo: wu women or nypornow Wuuu u. qu of ombtmu of ‘ poetic ptoso ' be doomed th» ho had lived to no ' Religion painted upon human sad the chemaole made gmbuluory and covered wnh the akin. o! THE CHURCH.

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