The young girl 8mm Ann Bobbing. who wu duly laid on: {or dad Owing to the heevy rains, which have flooded large treets of lend in Lnnoeehire end Cheshire, the Mersey hes overflowed its benks nesr Werrington, doing much damage to the crops. It is supposed thet six boys lost their lives on Friday evening on the meedow lends et Howley Quay. which are much used es s piece of recreation. end which are now under weter. The bodies of two of them have been reoovered. \ The Home tor Friendless Girls at Deptiord. England. wee e murderous trend. Lenre Addiseott. Its founder and matron. wee essi- dnons in soliciting subscriptions. while she slowly stewed the inmetee on short rations of bread, moleeses end oetmsel. Poor little girls died. end en lnvestigetion disclosed the wretchedness oi the pleee. The women was tried on e eherge oi menslenghter, end ner‘ rowly eeeeped conviction. A novel one of pocket-picking has been heard at thePolloe Court. Btighton. A fellow who gnve ehe mme of John Bright, ï¬nding 3 hand-chair ï¬nding on the elm. wieh n female seated In it, wheeled of! the chair and m oooupnnt,nnd when he had drawn her away some distance robbed her of n puree and made 03. He was, however. noon ep- prehended and hen been een‘enced to six momhl' herd labor. Dr. W. H. Russell say: It in regretted that Lord Ohalmatord did not push on alter the ï¬ght at Ulundl inatoad o! falling back. Several Indunaa had reaolvad to aurrendorlt he had done so, and it is stated thut three daya would have cleared the country. Al it is Zululand cannot be evacuated without disastrous reaulta till some form of Govern- .ment has been ostabliahed. 0n Thnradny nltornoon, last week, 1 servant glrlwu shot by her master's non. named Wild, residing or Woverrreo, Liver- pool. Fortunately the 3110: was not (an), though the girl In in a precarious unto. Mtor the shot wu ï¬red, the mother and sisters of rho young man fled trom .Iho hon-o, nnd ho barriondod the doors and for twelve hours Iron: the police at bay with landed ï¬reman. Sores. '£800 was oolleétéd dâ€"driivgiit-x; 6:91; aid of the building (and. Over £40,000 is still needed. Last week the Earl and Oonntcu Brown- low laid the foundation atone of a new middle- cleu cchool It Ellesmere. The school will he ln connection with Canon Woodard'e scheme. Ind will cost £50,000. The site wee glvcn by Eul Brownlow._ .It covers 3mm n---‘ nnnn .__,7 I A boy. named William Willeoy, aged ï¬ve. hu died at Preeton of hydrophobic. noting the third victim to the bites of e rebid mutifl belonging to the Rev. Mr. Pngho. Vieer oi Mailer. 01 the ï¬ve persons bitten two died juet a week alter, nemeiy. on July 16 Int. Twenty doze and three eesee were bitten at the some time, and were destroyed. _ 7“- __â€"_., _rv-JM . I on all potions carrying ï¬rearms. and Edie?- ing penultiel for shooting see fowl out o! the prescribed eeuon. The power 01 imprisonment given to the police mhgietnte is considered too great. ‘ The balloon scheme of the English Com- mendor Ghana to: the dinoovery or the North Pole nukes good progress. He warm to raise 8150.000, and la unguineol doing so. The Commander in a burly, Mauve lime men of about ï¬lly your. with a determined on. end he evidently he: not hie mind on this Arolie reheme. . M the Pollee Court. Burelem. lest week,e eollier nemed Aaron Bhodee wee ï¬ned £3 end £2 eoete tor cruelty to e horee. While working in' the 'Podmore Hell Colliery hie hone became unmanageeble, end he there- upon seized it by the tongue. which he liter- ally wrenched out by the route. From Brlltol comes the report that im- mense supplies 0! cattle and sheep are arriv- ing at that port from America and:0anede, and are being purehued by ‘the butchers. by whom the English market is almost deserted. During the peat flew days, steamers have ar- 31'“ with nearly 1,000 cattle and 2,000 esp. The Privy Council have returned for amendment the Bill passed by the Janey 8m“ Assembly lut Jmnary imposing a h: on 311 Donna: naming ï¬rmml .na inflint. It is currently reported that the Order of Jesuit: in shout to make Jersey Island one of its hondquutorl. ad that tor this purpose it hu purohuod the Impeml Hotel, which won built about fourteen years ago by a limited liability company (since wound up), at 3 coat of obout £40,000. A picture of English agricultural life. from the London World : “A tall, gaunt. amilelou man. old in u Iou'wontor but and high wuding boots. attempting to make buy. all by him- ull. in h waterlogged meadow. in s most melancholy light between Chutney and Hlllih-I †At the ï¬ns] sitting a! the Wesleyan 00n- taronoo In Birmingham. it was announced tint Ho: Majesty Ind given her consens for the new Blrmlnghun Orphungo to be called mgr tho late Brianna Altos. The pomo disease has stricken the crops 9! the market gerdenen at and around Ipswich, the vuletlee moat prejuéioielly mooted being the American rose. Other varieties eufler, but the red regent has almon __--__s William Lambert. a atallkooperln the Gnfldiord mum. wu recently ï¬ned £5 (or selling “nuanced butter. oontnining 99 par cont. 0! unimnl M, nnd no portion what ever 01pm butter. Avononblo Lnouhiro nohbflity. Robert Townloy Puhr. th.. died on the evening 0! Aug. 12 us his flamenco. Cuexden Hall, neu Patton. A now who! it Bunion. created at 5 coat 0! £23,000. no owned on the “wtnouu o! tho 15m August. Bl: am!" Islam. Butt. 0! Damper: Hull! Nonhunpton. has. {or the second “me. to- mrnod his tenant: ton per cent. on than hall-yearly nut. Romania-menu: dunno hu bxokon out mom; I [Argo flock 0! sheep on the (um 01 Mr. Mayo, 0! Jpny, Doxohuur. Tho umpomouuon bun â€:01"le mum hm resolved boon mule. but who vii â€Mord: (cum! to mum†within tho Rig. 3:91:99. but (an; mm for tho 1 ’Twas the apples of Eden that caused all creatures to die. and the pain of the Ark that allowed them to live. " w we‘ve got a good one. Kerosene oll wl luddlou walla. whiskey. Any how. it mun I locomotlyo‘l head-light. †“ HIV.) you a motherin-law 7 " asked a man a! a diuconaolnte looking person. " No," he replied, " but I've a fathog jn jail." "IL.-- AL- -,.,c n o... " w we've got a good one. Kerosene oil wl luddlou walla. whiskey. Any how. it mules I locomotlvo‘l head-light. †To some men a dime that buys a bunch or hairpins lookl ï¬lly times as large on that which purchase: two alone: of beer. The man wife got in iiâ€"bï¬nr'ber’ohalr. pinned the newspaper round his neck Ind began to read the towel may justly bu called absent- minded. I: is said thus nothing succeeds like succaas. J us! put a boy in conjunction with a ripe watermelon. and i! he don't cook need more 91339 success we min on; guess. The lady who goes away tor her bennb‘ and takes ï¬ve trunks begins to decline in weight the minme she discovers the: another lot}; has brought eix trunks. An u party 0! gentlemen and ladies were climbing to the top of a high church tower on hot day, a gentleman remarked, "This is rather anplrcl flight of steps." To which a lady rejoined, “ Yanpenplral,†and aha wiped hegrbrow aajhc‘cpoke. Bmiflkinu thought be we: going to make an impression on the beautiful and magical Misc ’l‘mmmalow. and at the some time convey to her a delicate hint of the state a! his affections, by einging ot “ My heart, my heat in thine ;†but he didn't. He got to the touching lino, " 'Tis thine. ’tia thine. my heart." when she remarked, “ I will take your hunt in G. if you please. Mr. (immune. Buppoae you try it again." He didn't. Very wise wee that noted musician who once said, “ When some one comes to me and any: that another person has eieudered me, I always Mk him if he is willing to go with me immediately to that person and tell the same thing." The London Telegraph publishes a state ment which, it saysrhas been made by Mrs. Pearce, an old-clothes dealer of Euston street. with reference to the Euston Square murder. According to this statement, Mrs. Pearse on several occasion bought clothes lrom Hannah Dobbs. In October, 1877. she bought from her awrapper quite wet. as it from the mangle. and all the color washed out of it. About the 18:11 or 20th of the same month Pearsa says she went to Hannah Dobbs, at No. 4 Euston Square. and bought from her for 65. a bundle at clothes wrapped up in a blanket. and so heavy that she obtained help to carry it. It consisted ol hats, dresses and other things. Sometime afterward she advanced 2a. to Dobbs upon a pawn ticket of a gold watch. two gold chains, and a locket pledged in the name 0! Rosina Bastendorfl. Mrs. Pcarse said she did not make her statement before because she did not wish to be brought up at the trial. without reserve into the agitation tor abolishing the punishment of the lash in the British army. Ofï¬cers whom I know. who were not hrutes. but humane gentlemen. have told me that they doubt it the disoip- line 0! regiments can be iully maintained without it. It is a humiliating ooniession, to make, tor there is no doubt that the pun- ishment is a depreving one. and flogging ought not tobeiuflioted unless in the most extreme cases, when the man Would seem hardly capable oi turther degradation." The inoo as derived from trades and pro- fessions in cat Britain must be somewhat larger then this country. The schedule for the last ï¬scal year just published by the Chancellor of the Exchequer shows that ninety persons exercising trades and protes- sions in Great Britain enjoy incomes exceed- ing $250,000; that 994 0! them enjoy incomes of between 050,000 and $250,000; that 1,870 enjoy ineomes of between 825,000 and 350,000 ; 980 incomes of between 820,000 and 825,000; 1,824 ineomes of between $5,000 and 020,000; 12,403 incomes of be- tween 85.000 and 810,000, and 1,487 incomes of between 34,500 and 85,000. In reply to an invitation to attend an anti-flogging meeting in Bouthwerk e few days ago. the Bishop of Manchester wrote: "I am hardly prepared Ito throw_ myself -lAL-_L _______ t The quantity of illuminating gee consumed inLondon, per head of the population. is rapidly increasing. In 1869 the quantity burned was 9,885,857,000 01 cubic feet for 0 population 0! 3,158,671. or at the rate at a little more than 3,000 cubic feet per head. Last year the. quantity used was 16,293,528,- 000 01 cubic feet, or at the rate of more than 4,500 cubic feet pox head, the, population in the middle of 1878;being 3,577,304. In nine you: the ratio has thus risen about 50 per cent. The London gee companies use 4.700 tone of cool a day. Their capital in 1869 we: £7.828,844 ; end last you it was £12,232,5l4. The London Standard doubts whether the supply 01 senior wrenglers at the University of Ocmbridge is not in danger of exceeding the demsnrl. and says it is melancholy to think how many men are you after year sacriï¬ced to the pursuit of mathematical noncrs. It they miss the fellowship to which they sspire, they hsvs nothing better to tell beck upon than teaching Euclid and algebra to school boys. The conviction seems to be general in England that e high class educa- tion is at use to those only who have not to get their breed by it. The most sensstional event for the diseas- sion at society in London is the report of the srrsngement of e msrrisge between the Duke of Argyll and the Hon. Mrs. Anson, the widow of Col. Anson. member of Parliament. daughter at Bishop Olenghton. and nieee of Lord Dudley, one of the richest peers in Great Britain. The marriage will give Lord Lorne s new mother-in-lsw. and. through the Princess Louise. distantly form new family connections for the Queen hersell. The news is tslked of everywhere. The Itrenuoue eflorte ot Junel Perklneon. oi Bromley. England, prevented hie daughter from marrying the eweetheert other choice; but the peir were one morning found deed in e pond end Parkinson received the following letter lrom the young men: " You heve tried herd tor along time to pert your daughter Oetherino iron) me, but you have felted in turning her mind trom me. Knowing that you would not give your consent to our marriage we heve been determined not to put trout each other.†_ W .ï¬ -__- .. -_â€" -u. u-w uâ€"II- In"; III“ autumn: UIIDPDDU, h“ bum. For thm “on baton hot luppoud mind «1on n Bouncnh. 40.311 '1†had not â€Yuk“! 0' “I! {004 B". 1):. Cum hu given not!“ 0! I whaunr And linoo he: rooovoty how the motion in the Huddln um P“ b canoe It." In. hid her tongue pxottudlng, decline of religion in 3“ dhuizg‘", on “1° the eyeball- rlgidly ï¬xed. whim the fame at . times has been hystetioally ugh-ted. L,,TP:}1§3_P!9§'Â¥3§{19§ 929°“)?! PF Edin- In the Mid Parish Church, Greenock, on the 3rd inet.. while a young couple were being proclaimed for marriage in the ueucl way, the {other of the bride rose in the me o! the church. and protected against the beans being proclaimed. Some excitement and conlneion followed upon the unusual protest. The action a: the menace of Mm Thomp- son, Glasgow. against Mr.Wflmm H. Homer. ebipowner. Woodbnm. Greenook, for breach of promise of marriage. has been compro- mised, the pursue: having aecepmd an offer 0! £1,000, each puny paying their own expenses. In response to the application of the Rev. Stewart Wright. Blantyre. the Lord Proust of Edinburgh and his ootrneteee have granted £150 out o! the Hartley Surplus Fund placed at their dlepoeal for behoof of the widows and children of the miners killed at the recent explosion at Blantyre. Thejoint committees to whom has been referred the Bill for the restoreiion 0! 8:. 6110’s Church. Edinburgh. recommend that the sum to be raised by public subscriptions, in accordance with the provision of the measure. should be £10,500. The new: of the death 0! Meat. Jamel Boon Douglas. 0! tho 21M Fusiliers, oldest son of Sir Goo. H. 8. Douglas, has been reoeivod in Keluo with expreuions of deep son-ow. as he was a young man of much promise. The heaviest basket which has been bought ashore trom Lochleven Iron a alngla boat during the peat sixeeen years was landed on the 26:11 am, by Mr. Thomas Maldrnm Hen- dry, merchant, Kurkcaldy. It contained seventy trout, weighing tony-eight pounda. The model of the Dundee Burns Statue has been ï¬nlehed by Sir John swell, and the work of outing in being successfully carried on. The granite podeelul. which in being nupplled by an Aberdeen tradesmen. is almost ready. Kim. It i. bonéiaiiiio'iié 3563:3713}; evening {alien over an embankment on tho count road. Mr. James Bay, ‘0! Menu. J. a J. Hay. merchants. Glasgow. wan the other morning {99nd dam! on tho shore between Dnnoon nnd The return of the Registrar-General tor the quarter ending J tum lee: shown that the births in Scotland for the quarter were 32,968, the deuhe 18,784, and the mlrriegea 6,050 ; all considerably below the maul average amount. Wm. Galloway, who in the flat Regiment took part in the war in Spain under Walling- ton, died at Dyaort on the lit inch, in the 94th year of his age, having boon born at Perth in 1785. . Recently an acrobat named Sivado. present- ly performing in Cook‘s Circus. Greonock. mined his hold and fell from ahcight of about twenty teat into the arena, receiving considerable injuries. The nnlortnnatc man was promptly removed. The Parliamentary content in Morey and Neirn having been precipitated by the notion of the Conservative party. the Liberal: hue selected 8!: George Maopheuon Grunt. Barn, of Bellindelloeh. as their candidate. The Aberdeen Town Council bu increased the salary of the Town. Clerk by £250,1md that of the City Chamberlain by £120. thus making the farmer’s eatery £1,000, and the latter‘s £500. It is now eteted that in the event 0! the retirement of Mr. Fraser-Mackintosh from the representation of the Inverneel burghe. Mr. Asher. advocate, ialikely to come lozwud as a candidate in the Liberal interest. Co. Oï¬'era of a composition or one half- pcnny and one hulking per £1 respectively on the flrm’a debts have been made by the two junior partners of Potter, Wilson Ln- Mr. David Murray, one of the moat esteem‘ ed and influential citizens of Paisley and for many years its chief magistrate, died at his guidance at the Royal Bank there the other thy. The Mutér'oifï¬fanvre has jut purchased {tom Mr. Blake, the Duke of Sasha-land’s manager. a tonr-year~old Highland no: or the Dunrobin breed. The purohnso ptioe is stated at £150. 0n Aug.6th,tho coming of age of Mrlhlph William Anetruther. eldest son of Sir Robefl Anstruther, Burt. M.P., was celebrated by Sir Robert’s Wanen tenantry by a dinner at Thurao. Rev. Mr. St. Clair. minister of the Gaelic Church at Perth, has been “appointed emp- lain of Aberdeen Prison. in room of Rev. Denial garter. resigned. The Conservauvel of the Ayr Burghs have deï¬nitely resolved to bring forward Sir W. Onninghame, the present member, to contest the seat with Mr. Campbell, 0! Craigie. The other day a shoe! of eighty whales were driven ashore by the ï¬ahermen in one of the " voee " or inlets o! the Shetland cont, near Nesting. The wool clip in Perthehlre, en a whole. in reported to be the most deï¬cient both in quality and quality experienced for many years. Recently Robert Balderetone, son of Mr. J. Crawford, Netherowga, nexu- Paisley. was killed by falling Into a barn which run: he- hind Netheroreige Bleaohworke. The Munalon House 01 Hillside, Annm. bus been sold to: £2,500 to Mr. J. Irving Canon. Stockwn-on-Teea. BirRaglnald Maodonald, o! Olanrouud, has been appointed Admiral o! the New ofï¬ce which is worn: about £3,000 a year. The Rev. B. J. Barker, Ecoluhall. Btaflord- chm, has uceptod a unanimous call to the putanï¬te o! the Banfl Congregmonnl Church Archbishop Eyre. o! Zitaâ€"sgovcfhu jun; ordered prayer: {or good weather to booms-ed up in all the Oa‘hotic churches 01 that dis- A..:-l. It is flaked thauoircuiu calling on Sir James Bain to come iorward as Liberal- Oonuervative candidate for Glasgow has been extensively aigned. u‘iot. In Aberdoemblxe there no several large deer foreltl. an. (or inflame. Glentanu and lnchmamoch. rented at £1,846. The twin! 1- announced 0! the 1 J amen Gourlay. M. A., and Mrs. Gomlay, Thu-o, tron: Port Elgin, Canada. The new Mominslldo Cemetery at Edin- burgh ombmou 82} urea, 18 01 which no hateful], laid om. an'ronx.-â€"Tbe Sun'c Momphiu mom Ipooial my. the whlmnoo in the mo“ m- mezsmnnn, Panneylvanle.-â€"Aboni No name of gardens and nnnetiu ei Mill Hollow. 3 eubnrben mining village near this city. uni: about eight ioei yeelerdey. I: is believed the: the entire enriace oi the land undermined must go down. deeiroying many public end priveie bulldinge. Pmsnonon, Penn. â€" Algernon Bell. | loading member of the Bar. commuted suicide yesterday. He won once voty wealthy, but dissipMed nearly all hit mgâ€. nâ€. -__â€" â€"â€"â€".- the bldens, not heretofore supposed to carnivorous plant. The baby oyster is not much bigger ‘ e pln's heed at the end of n fortnight. on three months old only the size of n spilt In a year it will become as large as o~ cent nickel. end ct the end at (our ,1 growth is ï¬t for the muket. Did you ever know a barbs: to own up he had cut you 7 They never do lt; simply go for a chunk of alum out! «It remark: “ Well. guess I shared thatlp: trifle too close! †‘ Macaw, Spain.â€" It is expected thet on the occasion of the King's marriage on ur- rangement will be made with Don Carlos. on whom it is proposed to confer tho title 01 Iniante, with a large allowance. upon th’ condition that he renounce all claim to the throne of Spain. Wumuoron.D.O-â€"A potent was issued yesterday to Edison for electric lighting apparatus; also for an electric telephone to RA. Gower, of France. assignerto O.Base- volt. New York. Pnranonou, Penn. :â€" Algemon Bell. a Inn-.31.... ___.I_-_ l .__. â€".--. -â€" -vu. uwnu IV" "In 1 5 Bone, 15. â€" In consequence of the bad hurvost the Minister of the Interior his addressed a circular to the protects requesting them to urge landed proprietors to provide wo_r_k for thoingllgent. An accident occurred at the Grand Trunk height house here 80-day, whereby Jcmee Bracken. a brakemcn, of Toronto, Ion: hie life. Ho wee engaged in coupling curl, and while Hooping to pick up a coupling pln whrch had dropped he was knOoked down and run over. Deceased leaves a wife and three children. An lnqunm is being held to-nlght. nn‘nn Tn‘1_ The French Government hoe consented to appoint special commieeionere to not with Americln commissioner: in concerting mea- sures tor a Franco American treaty of com- merce. Twenty-ï¬ve of the chief Chambers of Commerce have pronounced for the treaty. A great meeting will be held in Peril about the middle of September, at which Manna. Wood and Leon Chottean will open]: in favor of the treaty and ite advantagel. The Cu: min a numerous end brilliant stefl wes et Bt. Peterebur'g today witnessing the manoeuvres oi the army. The whole body of officers It Odesse heve been placed under police surveillance by secret order of the Government. On this be- coming known, it caused greet excitement and serious tumult among the oflieere, who instigeted the soldiers to insult and beat the police. Four oflicera have been imprisoned unilateral are under arrest. The Portuguese oonzul n Pemambueo has been murdered. A Vienna despite)! my: the hope increm- tbat Count Andresey may be induced to to stage £210 ofï¬ce of Premier. ,v _~v'.- -â€".-â€" v The Russian newspaper. Truth. states that in consequence 01 supplies sent by Russia, Bulgaris will soon be in possession of 47,000,. 000 bull outridgos for the Krsnko rifles. wish whloh o_ll the mum is armed. 1 lacquers, Ontario.--While the down mixed train. No. 7, wee approaching the Grand Trunk Railway Station at this place ebout noon today. coming down A steep grade. the engine and lour care became detached from the rent of the train. and, rushing rapidly through the yard. collided with No. 12 up freight train. which was standing about hell wey inside the switch, taking water at the eastern tank. The engine was reversed, but could not be stopped. Fortnnetely no one was injured. the engineer and ï¬remen hiv- ing jumped from the engine opposite the freight oflice. Three lauded cure were thrown from the truck on their elder into the ditch. and were badly damaged. The engine and tender were knocked ofl the truck end badly deranged. The auxilinry car wee brought from Brockville. and the "tuck cloned in a chart time. Up express No. 2 was detained at £0113“)ng about three hours. ,-_7_-- wâ€"u. v. “IV. WWII: Sr. Joan. N. B.â€"Proi. Charles HJiayes. leader of the 62nd Band. had one of his eyes seriously injured by being struck with an apple at ngetown yesterday afternoon. The injured member received treatment from Dr. Alder. and the Professor was alterwerds taken to a stateroom in the Fawn. where he re- mained until the steamer's arrival at Indian- town. He will consult an ocuiist to-day. but it is feared that he will not be able to see out 0! the eye again. Pmnaron, Ontarioâ€"Some 1,000 bushels or new barley and 500 bushels of peas were bought here this week by Mr. George F. Williamson. The barley cost 450. and aver- aged only 46; pound: Winchester, but is of pretty good color. The peas cost 550.; only for being a little buggy is a good sample. The acreage of both in this section is large and yield good. ‘ % Benny. Ontarioâ€" A largely attended meeting of the members and adherents 01 St. Andrew’s Church. Berlin. was held here last evening for the purpose of moderating in aeall to a minister to ï¬ll the vacancy created by the translation 0! the late pus- tor, Rev. J. N. Dickie. to the Central Pree- byterian Church. Detroit. The Rev. Dr. Wardrope. of Guelph. Moderator of the ses- sion. presided, and the Rev. Dr. Torrance. of Guelph. Presbytery Clerk. was also present. The name of the Rev. Donald Tait. B. A... was the only one submitted to the meeting. which was unanimous in its request that that gentle- man should be the future pastor at the eon- gregetion. Mr. Tait. who has been tor sometime pest engaged in ministerial work in the County of Halton. is a graduate of the University of gorento‘ and 31 Knox_ College. 1Ahu A. the Gmgou' oxennlon no "turning to London from Poxt Stcnlcy lost Wednes- day night. Ind when about c mile {tom the Po". 3 waagon containing 3 load at hay and driven by c tumor nomad ‘Joc. Boy was run into and Imuhod by the ‘locomotivo. Roy cud bl. little con, who wan with him, were struck with aunt violcnoo, cud both won Ioflously hurt cbout the hood. The twin stopped. cad the pmcngcn run to the aid 0! the unlortunctes. who were Mon up oncoming with blood. Seven! Indie: tainted ct the spectacle. To-dcy it ms to- portod thct tho little boy woo getting clone nicely, but Mr. Ray auflon from carious Internal injury. yet has some pro-poet 01 recovery. A yo'ung man numed Hoeklns, while but- ing a wsggon load of brlok to-day, had hi: foot 0quth by one o! the wheels passing over it. Bmvm, Ontario.â€" The Msyor ha been sdviud by Mnj or DeWinton. the Private Secretary of Lord Lorne, that HlsExoollonoy. the Princess and suite will vim Bauovmo about the 20£h 91 September. n_‘_ ,7 Othn.â€"-‘l‘ho mp pro-pooh the hon} Ouhton ooumy oontinno "comm.“ Tho hay and non o! the on crop bu bun 330313911421. y!old_bolng good. mom 0! 3 Boston WM: tht I panda: :6 any um gout mi in family. Whoever uwgont our Ink. Ill 0013! “:1me 9! walking. Mn. Koit-Muoh’aflibmum may. satin lomd into public punt. " Boou abonlzoa hm " in tho lam The suicide of a plumbor II which. In View 0! the advanced mu 0! «noon in "mathblo. A gontlomm lnProvldonu lost 1 I advertiud n. his wit. found it In hll house. rend the advertisement. chimed tomd and got it. The baby oyster ll not much bigger ill Ipln'l haul n the and of n fortnight. M three months old only the sin 0! c up!“ ’I In 3 ya: ll will become In large n I I cant qlqkel, 9nd pt the and 0! font you At the ennusl meeting of the Ann Scientiï¬c Association Prof. Wm. 8m editor of the Canadian Entomologist, on account of insects he had soon my] the bidons, not heretofore supposed to carnivorous plant. The captain 0! n feline Pinaioro 00an of this city. while singing moat pinlnflnl, ihe moon iho other night during a pedal nnoe in a buck garden. was tnkonon tho II by n claw-hammer. The oxoiunnuon. " was the cat," came next morning. what ‘ moinnoholy corpse was found on ill. in Ipqt‘ winero he had “lion. A Capo Town donpatoh Innonnoun Chic! of tho Pondos bu oxpmnd an: mske repnntion. Tho mute! any h. by the Imposition of I honv ï¬ne. Loaves, Aug. 30.â€"A Fort Mush“ spstoh of August 6m. says museum )1 boon sent to Ostowsyo wsmln his Dbl he delays submission boyon the 15th Swsziss will no longer be 1219va11 invscllng Quinn“. A deapitoh In?“ Chili "tinâ€"6 dmurb: Poyduland no not considered very u Gen. Wolsol'oy “1.355133 this :31; reoonnaluanoo :0 Getewnyo'a nowKrul to north of Alundl, bu "00““de lost I! Innduu. There has on norms and the bridge over the Tag.“ I h“ by): putlally dogtroyed. 7 Lennon, Enzlnnd. -- The T dolpntoh 1mm Cape Town uyl notwltm lng Wokeley'l hopeful tons. It II "pot on excellent authority thut tho ï¬nale: 1: ut the lat moment rein-ad to join in opantions for the capture 0! 00hr! Ohnm. King Ootewayo’a btothor. humid to totnrn to his own dintriot, declaring W lugs Zulu army wnl‘wfltlng to_duttoy H 11-; ‘1'.I-Aa, Approaching Termination nosumles. - ' szunmmrznuno. Aug. 11â€"81: G; Woheley arrived at Ulnndt Austin 10th. telegraph u follows: " Country quid the enemies of the army disputed to: homes. I am in oommunionflon wish prigoipal 0111911, who a; they will con: md iubmit. Oatevnyo' in ’an "viry‘ md there in a prospect o! u: only no“; 11931:]: of thojroops gxoonant." ., ,‘V____- The Queen has commanded Lord 0M ford to go to Bnlmoml and give he: .1 sons] aoooun: o! the events of the Zulu I During the visit of Lord Chem-foul in] moral, Her Mojezty will pawn“, {m him with the collar and inllgnio 0! 11313111103: milituy division 01 the Order 0! at . Dr. Evonn, a notorious Aboruonm. d In: night suddenly in mimly Iquolor. ‘ leaves at. estate worth {tom 800.000 8100,000,doponitodin bank: undo: M name. The Public Administntlon I propably take poaaesaion. , The Herald‘: Memphie model an the negro who hung himlelt yesterday e victim 01 ieelouey. eeneed by hle II inert nursing hie rive], who ll eleh ever. G. V. Gavel. a train deepeieher, who :lrom (over last night, came from El! N.Y. Hie wile is eho'ln e orlfleel eondl William Armstrong bed a mleumlenl lng with his wife. Hie mother called evening and chided him. when he pick. 5 revolver, in presence of hi: mother wile, and shot hlmeeu dead. The Herald announce: the deethof Samuel WerdJether ol Mlle Genevieve W the lemon: eetreu. Gumronn. OonneoUout.â€"Rov. Henry Finch. while spending the (in 3% Sub: Head on Tnosdaymaa drowned. und hill! wuhod ashore. He had been actuating I weeds when Int seen, but the manual deaf}: in not :9: 0391mm]. . _ The Commercial up the not, uboui Rev. Dr. Thompson and Mn. Dahnd II I and somdaloul. Mu. Thompson M has boon an Intimate puma of Mn. Ball The latter'a husband is diuiptud. Ind charge: no pxobably mode by him boon Mrs. Delsnd refuses to support him. Pouaumrzu. New York. - Pat! Finneuey. of New York. was out topic Int night. at Cold Springs. by a train om Hudson River Railway, ' __-v.â€"â€"wv' It. to Mre. Hersh Deland. wlle 013- (hi Repide newspaper men. abusing 91 while she wee studying mnsle Ohm she was Improperly lntlmete I Thompson. end that numerous I!“ were lonnd In her trunk by her Nebula)!“- being confronted with whteh. Mrs. mode the deflent contusion thet ehe 101 Thompson end never loved her husband I would heve nothlngto do wlth the Int! Mrs.Delend is now understood to be I lyeeding soprano in St. Thomn' Chuck. E or . The Sun': Grand Bupldl (Mich) nyu lam" will be printed to (In: an to be from the Rev. Dr. Jouph P. 0 now 0! Berlln. lommly lb. «mun; pulor ol the I‘lro‘u‘dynyflabgynulo. ‘ 5‘ If-.. 1" A Mm Quinta. med on ma. died ‘0de born the moon 0! dxlnklog ' from I what’- flank which Iho tonndnl mo pulor able. Adtovo of any wild “00“.va In can-mud from a bout to the thug]: houu yummy. were sosdod to madam atone. thrown n then: by um: I boyl. tad duhed norou the to crowns gun exolhmom. One child ‘ toned b! 3 gm: und_ @33th injgrgd, ML- “Raincloud otiu'uoorflh Nuts. 0%] Thu. .30 M Ohlnmn nth-any. but In. boon no an" in the [nu two ‘ 9‘!qu tug unions thognt TIIB ZULU WAR. our «nu. mugâ€... Jun