:“r uu’b‘féï¬g 'RY. HIS 13er l t ‘ n, on be' _I ghost has been seen . /. esenting lway in the m-igll- “ï¬nitely {1196\‘91- H. (fumplmH’s 0‘“ Budkxaminnt to h†yoang Irishman, wlm 'ather’srf‘" Mr. (11mg Uamp~ {unsung home one Night Inst “â€1. X“II-v 81“] it, [um um] ’l‘mim going Suutlr-Szl“), tun. , 6:1", mm. 2:05, p. In. Trains going Northâ€"10:55, sun. ; 2:45,p.m. 7:45 p.111. Trains going Nun-th-llï¬l‘. tun. ; 1:15, p.11); Trains going Southâ€"9:45, mm. ; 3:35, gun. Heavy froat \Vednesdny morning. Look out for J umieson'e advertismenb next. week. Owing to the space taken up by the Eldon prize list this week a lot of local matter has boon crowded out. There is a large quantity of grain still unhoused, north cf us, and the reâ€" cent. bad weather has done considerable damage. Live Stockâ€"A number of «hovers have heen through the back Townships buying sheep and cattle for export. 1'('RU.‘\"I'U Mr.- Gilchrisl has just got home from the city with a huge stock of new and well selected goods. J us; the thing. Call and inspect. The Rev. Mr. Jewell is to lecture in the Towu Ha", on Friday evening, un der the auspices of the I. O. G. T., to commence M- 8 o’clock. Last week \Vhite .51. Bro. ofthe Nip~ inning Iron works, shipped one of their plows to Nova Scotia, and another to the Province of Quebec. They me getting to be widely known. MIDLAND “AHAVAY OF CANADA. Fire Emiliaâ€"The Warder says Lindsay has a hand ï¬re engine which they have no turbher use for, and ad~ vine the Council to try and sell it to \Voodville. Now is our chance. Orchard Thieves.â€"â€"Last. week three young lads were brought before a magis~ tratea in Orilliu for robbing orchards. There are several youngsbels around here who run the risk of being brought before our J. P. if they don't. quit their stealing. Will some one kindly lend us a mnev ket till we shoot. the dog that nightly howls under our bedroom window. One of our neighbors uys the time of sun-- sages and the thinning out of dogs is drawing nigh. We hope so, it is time some of the dogs in this neighborhwd were killed. . Our Boys.â€"" What are we to do when the cold weather sets in 'f' is the question which is agitating the minds of the young men of our village at pre- sent. A number of suggestions are thrown out, but. none as yet. lmVe met with awn-owl. Now would he the time to start. that. Meclmnics’ Institute that. there was so much talk nhout. his!) year. lust so.~We say again as we said “ afore," we are not the least bit cold-- blooded, but we wish that when “ the ship went down with the fair young bride that sailed from Dublin Bay,†a certain young man who in continually flinging about her had been on board. Stick to “ Darling Nellie: Gray," young man, or shc may ho taken away from you also, and when you practice please: go down to the swamp with the other croakers. Those Sldevlks.â€"Ii tho Commim nionem are ml going to do Something towards repairing the sidewalk“, the villagers will have to turn out. and ï¬x them, us they are in n frightful condi- tion. t is the greutunt wonder in the world that some one is not dangerously hurt these dark nights, and some one will be if the siileWalka are not, repaired soon. One man in lmlf a day could do all that is required to make them no that. a person could walk on tlmuwiclh out tripping on lame lmurils'oc falling ‘ â€ï¬m'l rate. He wasn’t. HISggya "'3 when he nl'l'iVuei 1?- C‘ihn t ho “’43 lHlll'ing an if g pm‘t in a foot, moo; ' time iM‘fOI‘O he Could tell what was wrong. .- I‘ .mes the apparition from the; glimpse he got. of it, as nhont eight feet high, neither mm or beast, and travels with lightening rapidity. The ghost. or whatever it. is, has been seen since hy several other mlinhio partie‘r, nml although it, is impossihlo to get an nc~ curate discription of it, them is no (lonht that. a “ spirit." of smm-kiml is harming around that neighborhood. A ‘1‘ flullow \yickedly inéimmtal ‘whiskey.’ but. than he might be misbnkon.. gum! ‘giluttcrsi. NH’ISSINH RAILWAY. Don't, Wait till some gets a limb broken. 501(ng the stable door u†with n vengen 1D. B. MONAB CO. WOODVILLE AND BOLSOVER. OFFER CHEAP TO GOOD MEIV, 100,000 FEET DRY FLOORING. 5,000 BUNCHES LATH. 20,000 FENCE PICKETS. 50,000 FT. CLEAR and DRESSED Excursions.â€"â€" A large number are going into Toronto to the Exhibition. A large crowd pasged through from Fenelon Falls and that neighborhood, and Conductor Lethbridge informs us that he had over ï¬ve hundred passen- ger on his train on Tuesday. Admilted lo the Banâ€"Mr. A. Jack- son, who has been in Mr. Adam Huds‘ peth’s law ollice for several years, passed a very creditable ï¬nal examination the week before last. We congratulate Mr. Jackson, who has been made a. member of the ï¬rm, which will here- after be known as Hudspeth, Barrondt J whomâ€"Warden Mr. Jackson is a brother of Mr. Donald Jackson, of “ Stoneï¬eld," Eldon, and was a. former resident of this place. His many friends will be glad to bear of his sum. Loafers.â€"A lady correspondent from “back North†asks :â€"â€"“Can nothing he done to rid our village stores of the number of loafers who nightly congre- gate there, and smoke and chew as if that was the only thing in the world V«orth living for, to the disgust of cus- tomersâ€"especially ladiesâ€"who have to wade up to the counters through clouds of smoke and oeeans of tobacco. juice 3" The only remedy we can think of at present is for the etorekeepers to take one or two of the most inveterate by the back of the neck and the seat 0! their unmentioneblles and pitch them. into the street. If they return re~ post the dose, mixing in a little shoe leather. A third application will: can the very worst case. OUSE, BLACKSMITH SHOP and an acre of had, sitnnted on Lot 10, 13“) Con" Msripou. (nood l-usinou thud. On any terms an the- proprietor in going farm- ing. Apply on wax pummel to H. O'N El LL. From the Town Hall lot, Womlvillo. An? one reuinig the thaw after thin notice vi 1' be prosecuted. G. C'. SMITH. Buns. Ron: and. Pastry a Specialty tandem SUMC’IIT‘ED, FRUIT CAKES, lVlIXEDTEA CAKE (ARTER o. Carting done to and from / the Railway Statiml and thr (mg hthe Village at Moderate rates. BERRIE’S FAMILY BREAD 3 00-3., ABERNE'I‘HY. AI‘D FRUIT BISUU ITS, W I'lULEh‘nLE ANI) RETAIL. «‘ ADVOCATE," PAW!†ES SUPPLIED \VHO‘LESALF. PETER CLIFFORD \Vooulville, August 27th, 1879. Mariya“. Sept. 8th, |879. Strayed or Stolen. j Express parcels carefully attended to. Parties m want of LUMBER will consult their own: interests by calling on us before purchasing elsawlwl_e. )YEGUABANTEE SATISFAC- ‘N or about Monday, 18th August, House and Barn Bills Supplied on the ShOl'tGSt N otlce. ' TO RENTX ‘ A max um: 00W, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TION I'N QUA'I'JTY AND PRICE. Lumber can be had either at \Voodville or Bolsover. IS UNXLD [N THE ('OUNTY JOHN BERRIE, (or .King mui' Stumt St LUMBER. 75,000 FEET SCA N’I‘LING 350,000 FEET COMMON BOARDS AND SHEETING. Ixyulns, do you-wish to gather flesh. to ac uiro an up etite, to enjoy a regu.‘ or habit dy, to o taim refreshing sleep, to- kel and know that every ï¬bre and tissue of your system is being braced and renovated. ’ If so. commence at once- and use the- Quinine “fine prepared by Northrop 6n Lyman, of Toronto, and in a short time you will feel the whole system invigorated) and strength- ened. It is a wellâ€"known fact that Quinine has. been acknowledged by the medical fac- nltyfor_n1_sny years as .the best oppetiser ult for many years as the best appetizer _ ‘ tonic; knqun. A_nd fox: gcnpnal depility this combination will be found) superior to- sll other preparations. And combined- as it is with ï¬ne sherry wine and choice aromatics, it is made an agreeable and pleasant invigor- ater to the whole system. The properties of Quinine are a febrifuge tonic and antiper- iodic. Small doses, frequently repeated, strengthenthe pulse,increese muscular force, sud invigorate the tone of the nervous sy- stem. he peculiar operation of this medi~ cine in general debility and as an appetizer, has an ergone long and close observation, and itis believed it will never fail, if ro- perly and judiciously administered, un ess other diseases predominate of a different character. Persons of week constitution may take it without the least difï¬culty, as it strengthens the stomach and digestive-er- gens, sud seldom require more than: 000;. or two bottles to effect a decided: beneï¬t as it contains nothing in" rioue to the most deli- cate constitution. member to ssh for the “ Quinine Wine prepared by Northrop» ' Lyman, Toronto,†and we are sure- you will be satisï¬ed that yom hsve full vslue-for‘ your ‘money. arSold by all Medicine Dealers. GRAY'S Speciï¬c MEDICINE} («not MARK. JIM gm: mun aw follow as a se- a -,_Ixe_nce of_ gelf-gbqse ;_ a} .lmgr of Memory, Universal Luaitude, Pain in the Back. Dinin- uesa of Vision, Premature Old Agu,aud many other disease- thst lead to has My or Con- aumpï¬og and 9 [frempture Grave. ï¬Fnll puticulm in our pa nphlet,wl1icll we desire to and free by mail to every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all dru gists at. 8] per packnge, or six pnclugps for 5, or will be sent free by mail on. receipt of the money by addmuin' THE 0 AV [ENGINE 00., Totem. 0an canal?" W Sold in \Vzodvillo by all Drugqintu, and by all wholesale and retail drugglsta in Ummln. and tha United States. â€4-) y V. B.â€"â€"-’l‘he demmds of our busines- have neceuitabed our removing to Toronto. to whic}: place please tddreu all future com- Gleam: Ibez’r 071%†.r munica'tionn: At my ahnp the evening previous. or before 8 o 'clock on the morning required. MEAT DELI VERHD !" Of'n-Il Descriptions, Sign 01 me " Bee Hive," VVluinll he is Selling M. u Great Ban-gain. In» Endless Vnrinby. Remember the plncownext dot)" the “' N anthem Eaten," PURE TEAS CONFECTIONER‘I Wuodville, August 27bh. [Sim ARTIES \VANTING A. thair noidonm, are requested to NOTICE. McLEOD’S, A LARGE STOGJK. OF GROCERIES CAKES, C. G. C. SMITH. â€"ATâ€"- BUTCHER. 9!. 141 At MAYBEE CROUTER’ 500 Feet to Supply With Boots and Shoes. C‘ALL AND SEE my NEW STOCK OF B00153 and Shoes. A. Large Variety of Ladies’ Prunallaa, Cheap. GREAT REDUCTION LEAN AM INSURANGE G'. B. Fotheringham, FULL LINES I WANTED-l MOAET 20 110.21%. @mmm- King and Church Stream. NEW PATTERNS and“ NEW PRICES. Only ï¬rsbclasa \Vorkulen elnnl‘gfd: Whig!) I. haw. just. purchased 'W’OODVILLE HARDWARE EMPORIUM {FEST STYLES I AREHQ BAMPBEH W(_)0DVILLE ,. Midi. can consequently aoll very. cheap. â€"A GENT. (full and see them before purchasing elsewhere, in all Hisâ€"â€" (l ENERA L ORDERED WORK a speciali‘t I have purchased my Fall Stock of all kinda of-‘ B( Shoes, from one of the best factories in the Domim which. 1 will sell UHEA 1’ FOR CASH. In my own sues-4:111» Remind. Free of WOODVILLE. ml- W OODVILLE Boot and Shoe Ston )10) ml. 89‘ HIGHEST CASH PRICE 1 FOR. HIDES. (Lu ROD. CAMPBE-L Grain CradIes, Hay Forks, R2 Scythes, HARVEST. T©©Li COAL OBL. A\ SPECIALTY. PER GALLON. PAINTS, QT Goon M‘on'mmns AND-MUN)! Damzmunns Puncmsm All kinds, of Hardwe \, gnml Farm and Town P slum-t 01 $230 tn 320000,“ a k of interest, on most favorable tennfl‘ paymu ut. All :Iusngs of buildings Wand? at rate. .1). Bi (,5 lï¬nflfm sAaLEY FOR'I MACHINE 1‘28) HARDWARE Money 1 Money AND ALL KINDS~OE VARNISHES; OILS, M 0N. EY T0 LOA N BRUSH] g,