[VERY THURSDAY MORNING. First-class accommodation and attentive ~e‘e'rvnnts. Bar well suppiied with the choic- "cst‘liquor‘s nnd‘cigars. fBus to and from all trams and every convenience for the travel- ling public. Sunsmur â€min-Only Um- Dullur nyear, StricUy in. Adaaucc. ADvmvr:smuâ€"â€"â€"Yenrl_v Advm-tismnents clmrgml (luau tcrly; 'I‘ruusicnt' Ad- vertismnonla, when ordered. Bar supplied‘ with the best wines, iiguors and cigars. Smup‘e Rooms for Commercial travel ers. Good stables and sheds. Atten- tive hustler. ‘WM. A. SILVER.\VO()D, J. P. Inspector of JWeights spd Measures County =§of Victoria. Auctioneer, Lnndâ€"and‘Geneml ‘Agent. Debts and Rents collected. 1 ELDON HOUSE, Woodville, '1‘."ED\VARDS, - PM Iensiierson Cave. This House is situatein the centre 'of the business portiun of the Village, and has re- cently been reï¬tted and .efurnishcd, and is therefore nmst suitable for commercial men and the publie generally. The Bar is sup- plied with the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. GoodStables and attentive'floatler. NORTIIFRN HO' l‘F L, Woo‘dville, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Pt‘oprietor. '10qu, u-uvu u. .-. - --â€"v, _-o,, '5. Company. (Jonveyanccr, CommTSsxoner n’in Queen‘s Bench. _‘(:flerk lst and 7th Divisi‘ou Courts Cannty '1 ‘Victoria. Clerk Township of Eldan. Sec- d-‘etmfy Eldon B. A. Sociotv. Agent\ l’. B. HUDSPETH X: BARRON, .-GEORGE \VILLTS ‘MILLA R, NEELANDS .PEN'I‘LAN D, Dentists, LINDSAY, - ONTARIO. One cftbe above will be at Hamilton’s --Hotol, Bunvcrton, on the SECOND MON- ‘DAY of each month. He will 0130 visit \‘Nmulv'dlc on the h'ccuml 'I‘U ENDAY of each ‘lnunth, snapping at Mcl’hcrson‘s Hotel. K i n {/ Street, 21.11151 1‘55 L ‘11’1132’: ,.,.,.\ .‘ Ll. IHALWARD 'BRO'S - Bazc‘xLAYms , ' PLANTEIUSRS 'A ND JIAHU N5 :96. â€"_-n .W. ~8arristers, c., c. ‘ 'Ofliceâ€"L'Kent' St.,' Lindsay. ADAM nunsrmu. - sous A. BARRON. J. NEELAXIH, I... .5'. t JOS. l'lIN’l‘LAND, L.D.S. ‘UEEN’S HOTEL. \Voom'lLLE1 niahcd if required. iHAIR-DIU‘ZSSI N“, S H A V13 G, . 81¢, 6.20. ’In the latest shles. at‘ uhe “Far"lnr 0mm» aitq. {in .‘mrthcrn Huh], “Ruidville. Sash. and Door Factory 'I‘ho subscribers have now got their ‘r‘wtory ï¬tted up in "ï¬rst-class style all-1 are prepared to mrnislrmething tlmb‘mny be cntruslml to them in the shape of ' SASH.DOORS. AND BLIN'DS H MEAT DELIVERED! M my shop tlu: (waning previous. or before 1 8 0110A nu the morning reqmred. ' PLAN INU. MATCHING, MOULDING, SCROLL SA \VING c. on short. lit-Lice and at bottom prices. Also shingles and lumber for sale: cheap. ’1‘0 LOA N AT 17‘1" E PERCENT. Apply m I WML JO}! XSQN, GDNTEEEACTWB MID BUILDWG {ï¬rï¬mainum warns. Elm gamma,†D. POWELL, \Vnodvmo. Augmb 27th. 1379. A RT! ES \V .\N TING PLAMNG MILL N OTIOE. At Hu-ir roaidcnccs, are requested to gum mm. C(m'e .‘Z/zez'r 0171691? .» l8 l'UBLlflIHï¬D $10,000 J. UL! FFORD, Proprietor. \V â€(‘HWV‘I [.1 :1". Is prepared to (10 A Sli AM WOW}, SPI".(?I.-\L'1‘Y. MM: 1' msic Br 8. I! 001! ville. Z . SMITH. Pro priet 0 1' DVRING, BUTCH Eli. 0. MI Music Lessons .an the Organ At-her residence on King St... uert door 'to Mr; McSu.’cyn’s. Pupils can lwd‘attended’at there owu residence if required. W. A; SILVERWOOD. Ofï¬ce on ONEY '1‘0 LOAN on FARM PRO- N l’J-l RTY, for a term of years, at; a. reh- sonable rate of interest. 66‘ Mortgages and Municipal Debentures bought. Apply to .\ 'v‘nf InA‘I‘th1NI‘l """u."‘l"" "" â€' .. _ ‘ - DUN. CAMPBELL, Agent London and Canadian Loan Agency Company. 67-1 y Woonvmuz, ONT 'ATUIIMAKER 8.: PHOTOGRAPHER. ONE DOOR VIEW OF IHIRTI'IERNI ROTEI. “oouvmmc, ONTARIO. MISS H. G. STOTT IV ENRY EDWA R US is prepared to sup- ply LIVERY RIOS at any time and on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers: Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles in councction‘v'ith the Eldon House. VOL. III. If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a mortgage or other debts, we Would advise you to see the reduced terms of the Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Com- pany, which has made more leans to farmers for the last twenty-three years than any other You can get any time "on want to repay, up to 20 years, 'l'hc full amount of the loan is advanced, no ‘(lcdnctiun being made for connnission, payments: in advance or expences. For further particulars apply to a ' ‘ ‘JNO. CRUILUIIRIST. LIVER? OFFICEâ€"LONG door east of Post Oflice, J MIRRORS, Hummus, FRAMES, Small House lv’m'nvish/ings, V. S. SHERMAN, Stationery, School 31113911163 First door east L. It. C. 8., ELLVBURGH. (LICENTIATE nuvAl. comma or“ l'ln'mmu-s, AM) Lugsx'nxrr: «m um’AL COLLEHY. or summss.) GY N 3601â€!)(3 Y» - (Diseases peculiar to “'mncn) practir-cd in [Inspitula uxalusivcly devoted to Diseases of Women in London and i'dinburgh made A Sl’EUlAL’l‘Y. PROFJLISTE {’3 Appliances and appar- ntns 'for the Autism-Mic System of 'l‘rcatmént Luwndoptcd by all the lending Surgeons of Europe or. hand. . S.‘ LEEDHA‘M, X. l3.~l')r. McKay’s varied and extensive experience-in the Hospitals of England and Scotland -â€"1l\c Quur Diplnnms wlviull'lxc holds from the host Colleges of the Mother Unan- h-y in addition to his Canadian Degrees should he a sure guarantee: of his efï¬ciency. TERMS MODERATE. ACUOUUHEU u. Oliiceâ€"â€"ng-st., \V’umlvillc. ‘30le Mo’l‘AU(_h\R’l‘, Kirklicld, .'. Commissioner in B. R., Canveyancer. on King Street, or Orders can 'be left at Tm; Anvocuz Ofï¬ce. Appraiser for the Can Savings! (Mummy. l at. u hm’ rah: nf interest of payment to suit. burr Agent [for the LAN LIFE INSURANCE ( mmmm, The STANDARD FIR") IXSI'RANCE L'U. Authmimwl WIND“, $3“.,UUU,UUO. The ISOLATED RISK ‘IPAR.\'ER’S FIRE INSURANCE U1). Capital, $600,000 The ONTARIO MIT'I‘UAL FIRE IN- SURANCE 00., of London, Unt. Agent. for the sale of the celebrated WILSON A., and LOUKMAN SEWING Money to Loan; RUI‘I.’ CA MPBELL, GMNTY AUBTlOï¬EER COUNTY AUCTIONEER. is now prepared to give McKAY, M. 1)., L. R. C. P. an’d Cure for Hard Times. ’E’E‘NR‘Y EDWARD ’J a. \‘7ODVILLE WOODVILLE, THURDAY, SEP'R-EMBER 25, 1879. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND WOODVILLE, ONT. for the Canmhl’crmnhcnt Loan mnlmny. NUNE'ZY 'I‘U LOAN :uf interest and on easy terms In suit. lmrmwcrs. of Northern Hotel, \Yodd- ville, Ontario. LAN! ASHII’I‘. FIVE 81. "E (‘u. Unpitnl, $10,- W WWW’VW' A r680; _a. leaf, two brbkqn ringsâ€" J Manuna;' why keep thcsoW‘mru old things? A lock Pf hair, a. pictureâ€"ï¬sce ! .. sz alt these things cu‘me Way with me? A lock of hair, u_ pictu‘reâ€"L'scé! n __ ALT.) .., , _. 0. .. 3....-‘k L." A piece of whirl, an old‘ kid glove ; A card with " ove,’ ‘ lbve.’ A picture with blue eyes is here. And two hearts on itâ€"‘bh, '30 near 1 And here’e some violets stowed Vawoy ; Please May I play with these today? I wonder if you mean 'to keep These qte’e‘r old things in here asleep ! No, no, my babe, 'my‘dm-kvcyed pot. You must not toucn these triflesâ€"yet. The leaf, and rose, and other things. llve kupt‘with thoughts kind memory brings. '1' hat picture, witll‘ tlle eyes of blue. Once loved Mmmnaâ€" if sighs.- be true. The violets‘hide o tlioughc at “homeâ€"â€" So let the {tiny things alone I I could not. darling, give you 'these Old broken rings norwithered leaves. ‘A token “right they‘ are for me; Of friends now far beyond the 52m. 106 The baby face looked into mine, And mhyl; “I’ll play Mt]; these 'somc otlt‘er A GILDED SIN. BY THE AUTHOR OF “ Dom Tnomm,†“ WEDï¬â€˜I‘sD AND PARTED,†“A BRIDE i‘uon THE SEA," “ FROM GLOOM T0 SUNLIGUT," C. (Combined. ) All his fancied dislike melted as he gaized on her. He wondered how he could have hated her, how he could have fortgot en her. He reproached himself for it with bitter rc- proaches. How could he have been unkind to Giulin's child? ' I have been ‘d\1ll all my life ‘ she had said, and the words smote him with pain. 112 longed’to my to her, ‘ I am 30111 lather, V erenicn, but my love for your mother is shut up in my heart. It 13 my most cherished secret; it'is so secret to me that I c'nnnot talk of it; I cannot tell others of it; it is the very core of my heart. ’ lie I was s‘orely tempted, but ‘Not yot,’ he said tohinmclf“ not yct.’ He turned to 1 h‘ers'rddenly. -.- -- . . ‘ 1 time. HUI n'nquu-u'y . "'l‘éil me about your life, Veronica.‘ he said. ‘ What made it so dull? How have yogtspont it 2‘ . -.u , ,, Uâ€... Ann-un‘n 'Jm J ‘ I have lived with my aunt Assuntm'sho replied, ‘ and my aunt was a. woman whose heart must have been broken when she was Very young, I think. She never zlainghed, she never even smiled, hut she hated the English. ‘ They are as perï¬diou's,’ she said, ' as Judas. The sun never shines on Eng- land; it is always dark with H esven’s frown.’ She would not let me harr- auy friends. “'0 used to sit for days and months and years in that dark old palace, watching the water, watching the sky, seldom speaking a wo:d. She gave me histories to read, and after many prayers she allowed me to have i masters for paintingâ€"nothing else; and for many years 1 have passed my life in read- ing (lull histories and in painting.’ IA. 1___A_ "‘ Pro Bcno Publico." LESSONS BY THE \VAY. 'RE’I‘ROSPEC‘I‘ION. BY “ mmamAN msu.’ Sty ting from the crnglle Towards the grave below, Treadmg in the footp’l'ilrfs. Madc‘so long ngd ; _ Do We note the landmarks All ahmg the way 2 Do we stop to gather Wisdum, day by day? Do we see the riVera Made of hmndn tuaré. ’ SWellml by evil passions Fed by cmven fears. ’ If so, are we stronger \ Battling with the foe. ’ Are we hourly growing Wiser us we go’ . Do we heed the breakers With their sullen roar? '110 we see the timbers Strewn along the shore 2 “heck of human grea llesl Foundered in a nil ht;â€" !Do we mind'our rmï¬ler ' Better for the-si'vhb ? Beacon lights are shining From the hills and to“ on , Angel \eices calling III the dmkest hours! Let us heed the wmning All along the \\ ayâ€" Let us gather wisdom \Vhile we watch and pray. ' Sguctm. Md.’ he said, ‘ is Was not {a very ,W.‘ 'WMMIWW m INew Orleans Times. Sir J aspor’s face crew whlie'withcmotion. He said to himself, ‘ It is Giulia's child who has led this sad lifeâ€"who has 'n'ovcy known (me hright’ honr.’ Ho dared not lunch at ‘hor lest she should wonder at the‘ pain on his face. . ‘ How old are you, Veronica !’ he asked. “I an) ï¬â€™enty, as man count yenrs,’ she "Enid. ‘ It seems to me that I have lived a ‘-century in tho dirt; ohl palace. ’.It was full 'of spirits who wzi'iled all night ‘through the 11mg dark passages. \Vhen my aunt was angry with me, she said nlwa‘ys' that I was 3' child, an ignorant child. I think myself I am very‘ old, more like_ a wonndn'whose years arc run than a. cnild.’ ‘ No. I have often askadher to tell me where my mother m'ul fathél: lie buried; but my. aunt Would uuvbr infdi‘m‘ me. ' I hav'e never seen my mother’s grave.’ 'uho ‘ You "trill not feel so' when you have lived a little longer,’ he said gently. ‘ Veronica, look rouï¬d you. This 1a 1111 English winter. Do you see how White the gl‘ouud iiiâ€"how great icicles hand like huge diamonds £10111 the trees and he-lges'! \Vhen the sun shines on the 'Gt’tow and sparkles on the ice, I do not think there is a grander eight in the world.’ "I wouider,’ said Veronica musingly, ‘why ‘ my aunt‘dislikcd England so much --do you know '3' He trieil to :xné'wer lielx indiï¬urently. ‘ It would require a may learned philos- phcr to understziud a lady’s likes and dis- likes.’ hu said. ‘Vcronica, you say that you have had a. very and life; let me advise you to try to forget ituâ€"fm'get the gloomy aunt who seems to have been so mistaken. Just as a flower opens its heart to the sun, _c_pe_n yours "to' tLe' â€all .n'élx‘liie of lldppiuess. Will you' by. †l. ‘I ;vill trsr,’ Ishe imawered. ‘I will do anything you tell me.’ Then he pointed out to her the beauties of the park through which they were dri‘v- ing. and then, In tha'distnucn, the towers of Qumu’s Chace. He wondered what she would say if _ahe "Imcw that this ï¬upel‘b fldnso dught'dne 'dhy hy right to be hers. ‘ How beautiful !' she cried. ‘ And seeâ€"â€" the sun shines on; it. looks as though Heaven were blessing it.’ ‘ Tell me.’ she criedâ€"‘ what do you call this beautiful place? Teach me to say it; teach me to say your name. What must I call you"? mid be taught Giulin’p child to call him Sir Jasper, while lodging with all 'his heart to henr the word ‘ father' from her lips. ‘ Some day,’ he said 'to himself, ‘ I will tell her all about“, and she will know. Then-I will ask her to ca‘l me ‘fathcr'â€"aml I shall bear all earth's music in the word.’ Sir Jasper'sniil one thing to Veronica. on entering the house. He turned to her with an expression: of pain on his face. ‘ Veronica,’ he said, ‘I want to ask yo?~ one favourâ€"that is, I wish to give you une‘ pieée'of advice, afterwards you Will ‘ku‘o‘w the 'r'casun why. I advise you to soy "0th" ing whatever cf the home you have left. People are sure to ask you qucst'rona. Do not answer them; emde th'cm.’ Veronica, looking up at him ‘vjvith the simple faith of a child, replied - ‘ I willâ€"I will do wliatever you tell me.’ And he knew from that moment that any secret, anything which touched his interests was as when her hands as in lllS'OWll. He never forgot the exliression of utter aston- ishment on'Lady Brandon’s face as the young girl came forward with her graceful; self-- possessed manner to speak to her. ‘ 1 really thonght,’ she said afterwards to her husband, ‘thaban old Venetian figure had descended from its frame. What a face she it‘s, Jasper ! It is esSentiully Venetian liot~l“loreiitiiieâ€"7â€"I know the Flurentine type so Wellâ€"no Roman“ hut purely Vonetiuu‘. Her mother must. haVe been a peautifu'l womau.‘ He winced at the words, but made no rd- yly.- Lady Brandon smflcd as she continuâ€" edâ€" ‘ She is a great centrast t6 Katherine. I am nut sure that it is wise to bring a rival beauty into the house" Sir Jasper looked up impatiently; this woman’s tattle mmoycd him. ‘ She will ucVer lmrm Kutlmrine,’ he 35M Somewhat. stcrnly, 'I)o not put idem; M that kind into Kate’s head. I want her to like the young stranger. Soc~thnt in a pretty picturb.1 _- - u 1 2'1 K‘J. , rm...“ Husband n'mi wife were atmuling hi! {11b ï¬replace in the Yellow Drawin‘groom, as one of the prettiest apartments at Queen‘s ()hace WM called. The two girls Ware M. the other endâ€"Katherine seated on a low clmir, he! golden head thrown back. and V'oro’uiiés 'knehlingoflun ground by her aide. The No. 145 ,’ he 35M two faces were each lm'uly. yet dull'urcdkfl- circly. Vcruuiua was gazing at tho Eligli‘h girl with snuwthiug liku rnpmro in her'fan'o. Katharine was a new l‘chlutiuu of hbimty‘to m. , ‘ Tell me something about. war home, said Katharina“ ' 'l‘lw mm drmuu uf my life is to gn to Italy; but papa will never 1);“! of it.’ ‘ A ‘ I “Ill iIol; ask you about home or any f thing else that grieVes you. Veronica,’ slIo 'siIid. ‘ It must. he veI y sad; you have lost ovéi-ytlIiIIgâ€"evory oxi‘e But you will be? happy \Iith “El aftoI a time You shall lie ’1in sisterâ€"l lune IIlIIays lmigml for (may aII‘d you will love pupaâ€"every one lovol‘ lllllinlell they know lIiIII.‘ It. W13 strango but tinical that she did not speak of Lady BI IIIIIloII She said IIotlIiIII: shout loving her. ‘ Kiss me, Voronico,’ she said- ‘ not coldly, but as if you \\ e‘i‘e really my min sister. I shall love ybu as though you Weie.‘ . The dark eyes ï¬lled slowly. Ivith‘Ybal‘s ‘You will love me. 9‘ she said. ‘ It snail; impossihle; it is too goodâ€"it cannot be true. You will really love' me 1" Yer mica gave one hasty glam-e acrossIthe room tn the dark. handsome face of the min who hhd so great an inhhcnce over her. - Re- 1 memhering‘hci~ premise She answcre'l ‘ ‘. ' ‘ Ask me nbhut anytlï¬hg-‘ï¬'ou will.’ bite. ;_ replibd. ‘ oxcéhb‘ dhd'ut home i I cann‘o’t" “5 speak of it.’ ' â€" Katherine looked at the flushed face, Mid Z thinking that thu subject was one too aid â€I for her, she stooped down and kissed her. i Lou u n: In "J lvvv u-v. 'Wlny should I not. †asked Kaahei‘ix'ï¬ wondering at the gill’: emotioq, r ‘ 5 ' W by should you, rather.†she flop!!! ‘You are so different. from 11111.3“ to meme Hairy lmncess You liv in t} midst of beauty and n1: gniï¬ceuce; every 0 loves you; even the servants 110 wait up you seem almost to worship you. You In the sunshine eves on your head. Look these’briglgt tlï¬â€˜Ã©ads of gold ! You seem me more lbveiy than 11 poet's dream. Katherine laughed; flattery was 31w: pleasant to'her. 'Sho experienbed a gil ‘uatural delight in being calle'dlovely. ’1‘! 'she passed her white ï¬ngers over her how i head. ‘ Has v 0 one ever told you that you w beautiful.†‘ No; I have never heard any one 11:1 65 me in‘ that way,’ repl'ed Veronica. ‘ ‘ Then let me tell you now,’ said Kath ine. ‘ You are a thousand times m1 beautiful than I am. But I am not jet]; of yonâ€"I love you. Mine is a pretty ‘pii sud- white, healthy, happy kind of been yours is a grand, lmlf- sod, wholly “ripe! loveliness. I am like a rosebud, ion like a mystical passion flower. There hundreds of girls like insâ€"there can be 1 ‘ others like you.’ L ' Is it really tine. " asked IVeroniop. ' A I really beautiful? T'e ll me, dalerh’a 'm â€"-110 you think that any one who saw in“ the ï¬rst time would like me 2: ‘ I am sure that every one iwould ad you very much. and those who know would love you.’ """' ’ J ‘ It seems so strange,’ said Veronicaâ€"4 Katherine saw A light come over her he ' so strange. I have never thought of I selfiiu that way at all I have often 1| dere‘d if ever any one would love me,†‘ Did they not love .you at homé?’ Katherine, aurpris‘c‘d. noun-u: luv, nu. p. luv“- ‘ We will not talk of home,’ WM the re uttél'ed ï¬ddly. ' No, you aLro the flint ' son in all the world who ev'e'r said 130 $1 'love you !’ , , I . ‘ I am glad, 'yct s'on‘y,’ said â€the El girl slowly. a A stranIge light came o§er Veronica'd: her eyes darkened, a quiver passed ova] lips. ‘ ‘ Yc§, you are the ï¬rst,’ she saith} because'in "all my 'life ‘yon lmv'e Eben ï¬rst to s-iy‘t'o 3inc, ‘Ildve you,’ I ‘4 fcalty tbr'yohâ€"I will be' true to you 1 deathâ€"I will be n. friend more than in u If the times slmuld over come when, by ing down my life, I can save 'yd [will do it. If the time should 0‘ come when ‘I can take a troubla..f1 you or by suffering myself save ybu fl suffering, I will do it at undergo ‘l‘t.’ kéthzirine was touched 'byv'tho 1 passionate wdrds. ‘How much ybn think 0f kind Veronica. !’ she said quiatly. V UlUnlvu e uuv nun. ‘1... "'J . ‘ Ah, you do not know ! I have been 1 my long solitary life without. them. F years I heard but one Voice, and it never: dressed me kindly. No one in all this wot been so utterly alanoï¬ â€˜ It is all cnd'cd now.‘ said Katherine} 4. lmx'e us to love yOu.’ ‘ch, it is cmlcil,’ returned Wirbil ‘ Do you know, Caterina, that I ébiild believe the World was fair or bright?2 seamed to me impossible. I kne‘iv that skies were blue, and that the light of sun was all golden, but. I "la not lllldOl’“ the glory and the loveliness thht (cams c Inn" tn you. Once, long ago, '1 found at: bank of (memo, and l'l'uatl them. 1 were all about the beauty and patient tenderness of Illa; J tlibuglit the man. wrute them-‘Alflcrin was maul; no! think there was some method in liil 1 none. 156 you know. Caterina-4 llk: give you the siveel. unit lmliun' mono- (oi-lung your. 1 have never but but thought. Mid mm was how soon lie: ‘ Would I“ the die 2' i {To be Continued.)