ï¬ï¬s Mr. Thos. Stephenson, cx-rcovo of Emily, has instituted an action against the township of Emily for the recovery of $600 paid by him for the construction of ()ownn's bridge ovar and above tho amount received by him from the township. Hobos rctmnccl â€llll8~ path Jackson. 'l‘ho Emily council have fluthotind the Reeve lo (lofond, and Mos-Mrs O'LGM'Y O'Kmary have been rcimnocl for that purpose. The "true inwariluoss" of this all'éir will now prob ihly bu (loVelopcil. The cut) will come oil†at tho nssizcs which open on the 26th inst. The influx of farming pooplo into town to "bond the circus was not as largo M but it, Many wore probably deterred from ioxortion after plenum through fear of agar to property unprotected (mm the The Lindsay and Feuolon Falls com‘pnuica of the 46th butt. left 'on 'l'ucsday morning for Picton, to go into camp. They present- ed uoreditable appearance mu]. there can be no doubt but that the country is safe in thun- hands. The band accunn‘mniml them, and will have unlimitdd time for practice and can swap music with tho other lmmls on the ground, coming lmmu with an entirely new reptirtoire. \ Mr. John Quinn, 5 young man in the em- ploy of Mr. \Vm. Arkaey of Ops. met with n fatal ncoident on Sunday iï¬ghtlast by fall iug down stairs. 'lhe stains \\ «no not pro touted liy n railing. and he fell from the top to’ the botï¬om, striking with his flrelwml on the edge of one of the steps. Dr. De- Graasibejxï¬g called in found that, nothing could be done for him. as his spine was in. jnreil. His whole body was completely paralyzed from the time of the madam, and he expired on Wednesday waning lust. The band is now in possession of the new instruments, nn-l the members are we}! pleased with them. We may expect to see them out some evening before long. ~ Several of our neighbming contemporaries are showing up the evil results which fullmr the visits of gruelling tents show to ung- towns. This is a step in the right direction. Until the proprietors of thcsuafmirs dispensa with the catch-penny aide-shows, c., which invariably necompnuies' them, they will b: mintrnated by all respectable people, Agmat-many farmers have recently lill‘ creased the Insurance {on‘ their barns and. grain on account of the continued drought and danger from tires. The weather has been very hot and sultry .llriug the past week, and the root crops aresuï¬'eriug loverely from the prolonged drought. ‘ On account of the long drought the leaves Ate .faHing in large gnmnitiés from the trees, making the roads present an autumn up, pearauce. ï¬tment is well nigh past, and farmers am exultiugnmr their unusually large re- turns in graham all kinds. HIAVY Loss BY Fmï¬.â€"â€"Almnt nine o'clock on \Veduesday evening J uhu A'snyd’s planing mills, Whituvale, wuw discovurcd to 1164011 ï¬re. Notwithstanding the united 0501'“ of tho ensire village, flames spread to '1'. P. \Vhite’s cooper shop, which, together ‘with a valuable stock of ï¬taves and heading. were all cmsumml. The loss is fully “00% 3nd there is little, if any insurance, The nulls had not been running since last Friday. No lite of any form was known to be nboui the buihlinn. both Mr, White sud Mr. Boyd “em away; Mr. White 'in Manitpbn, atnl Mr. Boyd nu T.mouto Tun CLOVER Clamâ€"Several of our ex- changes my the clover crap in this neighbor- hood i5 ulmostn. total failure. A blight .noemsto have ï¬o'mq over it and there are thousands oifacres into wï¬ich stuck haa been turned, as it is not worth cutting. The annearance of the ï¬elds béhkcued an im - men'se crop, but the heads are sub-(Hush. This will be a. serious loss to many farmers. KIOKED w A Hausaâ€"A buy .by the numoflof Northev, residing on has {western bounda'ry of the town. .whiledumlin; n. horse on Tueaday lcut,- was thr’owu down aunl kicked by the animal, receiving :1 Severe cut in the forehead Dr. “pig mewml up the wound, and the suffcl'ul bore the pain of thu operation with much .fuuhitude. from (he [{dbwuer. Bn'lgy is waning t» the lmrlmr moro m. pidlyhthan ever before. so early in the sea- Juu. ï¬bers were 80.londs..iu on \Veuluumhy pawl 10010th on .‘l‘lmrgnlay. .Enst Wluthy dormers are early Birds, and. {re quuutly mgt 'to the lnarbnr with thuir first lands before ;t in really light. About '40 (M) lmslmls lmvu been delivered up to tlw present. time. Farmer; Complain that the new wire foam nlvng..thu line of the Grand Trunk won’t turn hogs, and should any he killed by passing through the wire fences, the Unm- Innymust necessarily .pyy for them. the fence not being a ligament). Meanings From our Exchanges. From the Gazelle. From the Poet. LINDSAY. WHITBY. USHAWZ. All unite in pmim of Dr. anlnr'a Extract of Wild Strawberry. who lmvu tried its efï¬ciency in curing Cholera Morbzm, Cramps. , Dysentery, Nana a, and Stomach and Bowal Complalnts. generally in children or adults. Every person should keep 9. supply on hand. Farmers in the vicinfly of ch'ertnn. are about through lmrvcatimmndnm now prnpn' ing for an wlmnt. ’l‘hum will be 9. large quantity sown this season. It is imposwiblo to ï¬nd a better rnmmly for dvapepsin. imligestinn, mnl'impuritics nf the Mood, than Burdock IHuml Bitten. I’rnco $1.00. trial bottles H) (watt The Grand Trunk Railway lmd t0 pay 830,00†dnnmges lust. yvm- fur loan m-ising from sparks from engines. DR. ls‘nwmn‘s Exnuvr me Wu.†S'nmw nnlmv Clll‘tes all farms of lmwcl Complain“ in infants or adults. The most safe pleasant and perfect. remedy Inmwn. Purely vero- table and frco from opiates or poisonous drugs. A cln‘nqo nf school hours nM been m du by the trustees of tho Milllmmk Public Sclmul «luring the present hot weather. School géus in at. 8 insurml of 9 n'u!ock, and them is no aohuul in tho nflcrnmm. A girl of 14 was sent down from Peter- lmro’ to the Mercer Rcfm'nmlor’v,‘ 'I‘urunlo, as nprostitutc. Herturm _is three yurs. Tm: firosJ so numerous in all ports of the country have at lmt attacked tho Northern pnrtof this Tl‘ownship. For the last two Weeks they [hare boon very dangerous, so much so, that several parties have tukon the furnitmo and clothing c., out; 0! their houses. Indeed there have been sumo very narrow escapes. Several of tho ln-idgm along the Victoria Roml, and other publz'o romls have been burnt. Reports much here that. cattle. sheep and buildings and in one case an old wnuon wure burnt. North of hare. llésn Fumeâ€"’I‘he last weekihas been a tune of great excitement around this place on account of .tlle.c-xten<i\'e bush .ï¬res that are raging about for miles around, Vast beaver meadows and forests have been swept away before the ï¬re, and wherever a house or burn occurred they were burnt up also, and the people have had to flee to rivers and lakes for safety. ’lhe smoke is so dense that it almn'st smothers a person. Every person is engaged 1n drawing water to quench the tire; and even where there is no fire at all they are throwing water to pre- vent it frmnspreading. The following are the names of the pemmm who were burnt out at the south etnl of the lake :--'Mr. Muxnherson, all hie building and grain; Mm. Carr, ï¬ll'her out buildings with the' produce of the farm, a nmnhcr of ï¬ne sheep and most of th-: furniture of the house that had been rem m .l to the field for safety; Mrs. Bailey, noose and barn ; \lr. Isaac Gostlin, barn and contents; ‘Jr. Cooper, a stable. fnlLJlf hay. Mr. lichard Goatlin who \'as trying t I saw. the furniture in his mother's house remained too long in tbe‘ {bones and dropped dOWn, insensiblo; he l was rammed from tluro to :1 Well of water where he was .l'estorel to life with some difï¬culty. The fires sti‘l rage around here and ii We are out soon \ ixited by rain no person expects [to escape the dreadful ï¬re liend. From Our Own C'ormepmnlonl: Scum CANE. â€"-\\ c hm] {he pleasule of examining four st Lll§S of ( 'hiucse sugar cane. grown on the farm uf Mr. I) (Jumeil, Sr., of the township of ()p<. "l' u: caua which IS now on exhibition at. Dr. Norris' drug store, is fully nine feet high, and will measure an anal: in diameter. Mr. (.‘orueil has an eighth of an acre of came which is said to .umkc ï¬rst class fodder for cattle. As the yield is much greater than cum w? expect to see it culhh'utml quite cxtensivdy by the fin-mars ofthis and adjoining townships. â€"â€". C0. .â€"- from our own 00: respondent. Fx'om flu), ‘Hera’fl. Blunt FIRES. â€"-FiI-e.~; III-u still on the rage all around hon: :II I- -i them: Is no tI-lling what Inomunt it will pounce dawn and devour our quiet. little villawu III 5pm- .2! our noble ban-d of theme" Manycumplaiuts Me made of men and boys balliin; in the punï¬ at the south .eud' of the village leaulin; to the cemetery, in open «lay, to the great annoyance of pedes- trians. but espuciully tn ï¬r: frnale portion. The evil is practised un Sundays. The ex- cuse that the pawl may b: 0th uf the village limits will nut linld 40ml. an the by-law of the 'l‘uwuship is mum strin :out tluul that of the villzigu and their cuustaiiles are now on tho Junk out. from (he (lua-di u. ‘ ’l‘cnllom aw aokul for building the mmrkol ‘lwusu mul skating Iluk Quite a stir wuz crcatml in the \V. M, Church on Sunday lmt t. is tlnmwht some .0116 turned a squirrel numugsb tlw cougrega ation. nu-l it skippnl urnmul very lively over the he“: of both sums. n.) and down the church to tho n.» little amusameut of some and terror to otllurs. ï¬ruu. 'l'hu sbruul pmtulu of the IIIOW was fully up tn the urthmlux ntamhr-l in such matters. HEAD LAKE. BEXLEY. 0.“ EM I‘Z UXIHUHG 1°). 1’. .â€" »â€"â€"â€"â€"-.- Holloway/'3 â€Himâ€"“Wary of Life. De" mngement of the liver is one of the moat cfï¬cicntxczmnm of dnngorons «lisunm-n. will We must proliï¬c snnmu nf Hmsr: mclmxclmly ful'uhllllllL: which um worse than 0 ':\lll its‘vll’. A law (lcmcs Hf them». nutml l’illa act. mnvic ally in dispelling low apiritw, null rvpelling tliu covert nttucts made on Hm nerves liy (DO seivo hunt. impure: nunusphm-es, 0\'cl'~lll- clulgmzco, or odmuxtim: lcxcitoumnt. 'l‘lm mm; shuttered rmNiLuliun may «lei-iv". licnclit frnm llnllnwny’s l‘ill’s, which will rugulnto tli mrdé-rccl actinn. lu-ncu tlm nm‘vuu. increase the yummy of tlm inhallcalunl faculties, uml revive the failing Murmur). By mtmatiVuly studying instrnutium fur taking these Pills and ‘cxnlicitly putting tlmm in practice. the most (leap m'linq will soon frml mulidmlt of a perfect rmnvary. The Oshawa l’imlicafor says :-â€"“ 'l‘lm Joseph llall Manufacturing: Co. have decided to rq-ostaluliah their general machinery do. partmenf, which was so largo a branch of their husmvss up to 1875. The sales In this dopartnwnt in 1874 matched the sum of $284,1l "1.00. and is a. lnl'grf business than has ever been done in one year hv any of the other factories in town. The works will not be closed for repairing: at all this sonuon, hutas rapidly as ossihlo theemploveox of tho ()0. who have lc t town. who have property and families here. will he given employment so as to induce them to return to Oshawa. Up to l875 the slafl‘ of workmen in the- general machinery department of tho Ilnll Works wab not. equalled by any other vainly- lixllmcnt in Canada. and it is hoped that with a reasonable time an equal force will be secured." Excellent reasons exist wily Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric 01", shauld be used by pcrsnns troubled witlunï¬'ections of the throat or lungs, sores upon the skin. thenmnt-K: pain, cor-us, huniuns. ur extvrnnl injuries. The reasmns are. that it is speedy. pure and unâ€" ohjcclimmhle. whether taken internally or applied ouflvurdly. "no whuhaq fairly tested Dr. F'uwler‘s Extract of Wild Stran‘l-u-rry, though _pl'e~ judiced ugninst pmprietury nicdicines in general. writbsâ€"" I \\'qud not rust over night without (his reliable remedy for sudden attacks of (llmlic, C-mnps and Chnlem Mor- hns so prevalent in the summer season, I keep a bolt-ls ready at. hand l great. caution Un the arrival .of \‘lessrs. (hahmu and Hunter they found a large num. bers .of the employees of the 'I‘.oronto and Nipissing road doing their utmost to keep the property at this :plaue from being des- troyed. A small hanilmugine had been brought from L‘xluridgu at which they worked with a hearty will. As soon as the steamer arrived no tune was list in raising steam. and the work accomplished by the “old reliable" soon made glad thr- hearts of the tired and weary Workers. The company’s property, such as the station. reight shed, c., were kept constantly saturated ‘SVork- men, with spades, advanced towards the flamesas they were drowned out by the water thrown by the steamer, and to prevent them again bursting forth the ground was turned up. At C(boconk about 1.700 cords of hard wood had been piled ready for shi'p ment to Toronto. To keep the flames from reaching; that point orcassioned the Toronto ï¬remen some hard work The)" however. succeeded nobly. and when M r G 'aham left 'for home on laturday afternoon all danger of the lire again spreading had passal. To make assurance doubly sure, M r. Hunter, with the su-amer. was instrueted to remain at Caboconk until further orders. (lures cholera, Cholera Marcus, Dy- sentery, cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and all Oom- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneï¬cial for adult: or children. PM SALE IV All. DBIIBBISTS. “T. "II-BURN I. 00., ’l'lie run to Cohocnnk had tohe made with great. cautmn Un the arrival .or \‘lessrs. 0N \Vednesd y night, Deputy-Uhief Gm- lnun and Robert hun'er, of the Toronto liro brigade. with one of tlnmity’s steam lire eu. :iinm. left on the 'l‘. and N. railway fur Cohoconk. to astist in ‘llglltlng the flames which hourly thrJati-ncd the destruction of that place. 'l‘heir journey north of Wood- villowas through dense clouds of smoke, with hero and their a ï¬ercely burning ï¬re on either side of the track. At Uorson’a Crossing. 0. flag-station about eight; mile-s south of Cohoconk, mhe lire was making and havoc. A large saw-mill at this place had been levelled to the ground, and four or live dwelling-houses occupied by the employns, had met a. like fate. The woods on ull sides Won: 0. ï¬re. and the inâ€: rails leading into the mill switch had heun \rnrpml and twist- ml by the heat. HOLLEN. â€"â€"’l‘ho bush ï¬res west of here are still raging: lieIcely. Several barns full at gram and houses are in imminent d: Ingm- 0! being consumed before the lllOlllill". The Man glrt 13 soveIly felt. Some farmers have tn dmw water frum four to six miles. LmnsAY.â€"Thu weather to-Jny was smne~ what c«m|er than yesterday. During a mrt. of the day strong wind prevailed, \\‘ 'cll cmmml the bush tin-us to start alresh. Sev- eral farmers w.-re lmmeol out. The want of rain is greatly -fult to rchwh the grass and mot crops. The thermonmber tu day stood 90 degrees {in the sbmlr. KlNIXuUS'Râ€"â€"Bush ï¬res are raging between hare and Miudon. Nmmu bus been able tn pass Mung ache maul since noon yesterday on uccouubof ï¬res on both side-4 of the road. The stage had «to return to Kimnuunt. Th» mail wm cont ~to-day on hursutnck. THE FIRE HEN D Prom-Mon. Tot-oh». TORONTO REAPER’S AWE} MCM’EF‘ S, 0 SENAWA CHAMPMLN’ REAPE RS 6;. M0Â¥VEF§5. I have now on hand A new stock of WHIPR, HORN) ('OVI‘RS, ,CCRRIE ('OMBS, [I’RUSII IC,S WIMP LASIIES, T RUNKS he. .u miheb st' to ‘ 4N1!“ ‘9‘ Q ,ma "£31qu All kind: of DOUBI E and SINGLE HAHN] .SS mido to order, fr at tho ohortent notice. Repairing promptly af' I‘etm‘ (L (,‘mnplmll 1an Mirna] luminous oppnmhf (â€0240" f’“"‘.'P."°“'†"MSW?" 311$): I’M-"Mud to flu a†kinds of \Vuggnn (‘3 Carriage.Budding. chan'mg and 'HlflflgC- u mg, Promptly 'I'Jxocntcd. ‘W’flkinson, Combination, and Whyte Patent Ploughs, Sash Dooré. ‘ Planing, Ripping 8250. WWW .(3. ET- ï¬MITH, EAR \]*‘-S “AK“ S‘ADDLER 20. AEMS‘ERGNG’S SAW MILL at lowest rates Lumber, and the HONEY EARNING 1111.1. Duntfnrget your Insurance. J. C. Gil- christ ls nlso agent for several first- class In. sumnde (Jompauics. Far'mcrs lisks taken A’ccnrding 1‘0 amount required and terms of payment. on a Straight Loan or Sinkin: Fund System. lustalmeuts required. to re- pay a Loan of SLUJNI in'tllc following peI-imls : 10 years. $143.20. 20 years. $95.30. These Sums payable at the end of each yenrvpay nfl'the entire dcht, Principal and Interest. NO COMMISSION. NO FINES. Expenses rm’luccd. Tâ€"he Subscriber is prepared to lend M ouey at greatly‘reduccd rates of interest in sums of On security of real astute mortgages at 6 per cent. Apply tu JNO. A BARRON, Lindsay, Ofï¬ce; Kent Street. next. to Keith’s Agriculluml Store, or to RONALD MCEA CH ERN. \Vest half Lot. 18, Gun . 1. Funelnn 6) PER cam. (6 MONEY 'I'O LEND N or about the 25th inst. ht \Voedville, A SMALL IRISH TAN TERRIER, with Black cars and Face, ,Lopvcarud. An- nwurs to name of “ Fly.†Pan-bias having found the same will be rewarded by sending Information to the umlersiwlml. \Voodvilln, Au g. All Machines mmanteul In givu smtis fastinn or no sale. am] 5)†(NE (W TIM E. Alan Agent fur the Ueleln-atm N or about Aug. 25th, A SMALL .600'1‘0“ liERldElt DHU. Long Hair. Ears, and Tail cut. answers to name uf 'l'iny. Anyvperson having found the mum: will be liberally rewarded by leaving him at Ihc residence of the undersigned. Any person found «lotniniug'bim tuterzthis notice will be prosecuted. JNO. \LE’l‘HBRlDGE. Woodville_ Sept. 6th, l88l. 39.. G". CABEPEELL, ~- LARRY/“KGB 8: WACGOH MAKER @- CHEAP MON BY 1 Lost or Stolen, $200 to $20,000.. 300 I’m'rs IIARVEST GLOVES Cheap for Lost or Stolen 6 TO'IPI'R CF bN’I‘. I. C. GIQCHI‘. 131', Apply to B. CAMPBELL. 0‘ny authorized ugunt in this section for S.-â€"’UI0 \Vnnzcr mu] Ihuymmul Sowing Machimr supplied cheap TERMS, MODF l’ AH“. GIVE HIM A C. W. :1. BROWN, â€"FOR- At from It I NG HTRI ‘1171', IVOOD VI LL19. ANNLNG' dill. A†Hulk «1' lhupu Repairs onhaml, Castorinq and Seal Machine ONE. A CA Ll. SULIUI‘I‘IGH. Shingles, Postmaster, \Voodvinc. ARMSTRONG BROS «Bethany, P. 0. St, The mlvcrtisl‘r, having been pernumently cured of that dread disease. (.‘mwumptiOfl, by a simple remedy. is anxious to make lumwu to his fellmv suflcrers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he Will send a copy of the prescriptiuu used, (free of chargn ) with the directions for preparing and usmg the same. which they will ï¬nd a SURE Cum-2 Fm: Coxsmu‘rmx, ASTHMA, BHDNL‘HITIS, Eco. Parties wishing the prescription ‘hwill please addrosa, TU CONSUMPTIVES G‘E' 4UTION.â€"z have no agent in the ‘Umtcfl. States, ncr aremv Medi- cines sold there Eurohasers should. therefore lock to the Label c-n tho facts and. Sexes. If tho address is not 533, Oxford. Street, London, they are spu- rions. The Trade Mmks of my said Medicines are registered )1: Ottawa, and also at \Vash- ington. Sigurd THOMAS HOLLOW'AY. 533, Oxford Street, London. Sept. 1. 18.90. Colds, Sme 'lhroats, Bronchitis, ï¬nd all disorders of the 'J‘lnoat and Chest, as also Gout, Phemimtism, .Scxofuln, and every kind of Skin Disease. Munuï¬imlm-il only zit Professur HuLLO- WAY’S Ethlislimenl, and sold at 13. 15:1†‘34. 9a.. 48. 6th,. Us , 21’s.,and 333. each ..n:( and l’olt. apt] In Canada at 36 cents, 9!) cents. and 3L5" ccntE. and flu.- larger sizes in pl'npm'tzon. 11 dd in the emu of Open Sores, â€Haul Tumours, BAD LEGS, IULDWOUNBS, BOUHHS Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed. that bv than use alone they'havc been restored. to heazth and. strength. after ovary 0332;» means had. proved. un- sue-- wih increase the secretory powam of the Liver. brace the nun-mu system, and thrnw into the circulatibn .thc purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. purify, regulate and improve the quality. of the iilmul. They assist. t-llc_digust1vo ur- guns, cleanse tha STOMAGE and BOWELS, THIS INGOMPAMLDLE Medicine has secured for 1tsoiranimporishablo fame throng/heat thoMorm for tho alleviation and. quro at most. diseases to which humanity is hair. 6.} Worm their Weight I» (Md \Villiamsburgh. N. . QXFOR STREET, LONDON AN 1‘ UIN'I‘MENT. “I; AL ‘I‘HE PILLS an/vu‘w‘vï¬n “A A unu n Van-aunt; an Ref. 1‘]. A. WILSON, 194 Penn N. 11. CAMPBELL. 3.\ "11‘ f.’ for CASH, or A L L. “unbu-