gt; Qaflsqy‘mwsem 7 Aftoney-at-hw; Solicitor in Chancery, '(golgveyyneeg, «39.. ac. Omenâ€"hooms lately occupied by W. M (.‘ochrane. Biglow’a Block. Purl: Perry. ,JOHN M AGGAR'L‘ Kirkï¬ed. 38 IS. I.â€" _I.. CONVEYASCBB .3“ GENER§ [munâ€"Axon AG E\'l‘.- \ fluoxsmo LOAN n 6 per cent. ~â€" . InPRoviD FARMS For: SALE. $600 of Hon K: winch “A.§_ ï¬rm "B" and "Royal†Sowinglhchinï¬mnd Needles kept constant- I) on mm 3‘ ' ’ Outing‘donotoéd fro. all art: oftho village. Signing ad 'dlam Railway nation; L axes .oden . Residencemno floor 123‘}? of Eldonflgn Queen Street. -. AMERON. Unioi .14;- a Saving'g (‘0. â€"_ Money Loan on ï¬rst-class security at 36806} nt. Agenï¬f A. HARRIS, SON A: 00., Brahtford. auulacturers of Reapers, Mow- Sï¬, Self-B era, 81c. " '_()0DVILLE LlVl‘IRY STABLES. â€HENRY EDWARDS, Proprietor. Livéi'y Rigs at any time and at all hours on the shortest notice. Special Mfcntion given to Commercial Travellers. Charges Always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- ble in canectiou with the Eldon House. é‘fk‘Orncnâ€"One door (3:31; of Post Ofï¬ce, ' ~ “'oodvjlle. Ont. One (f the above will be at Hamilton's Rate]. Beavertou, on the SECOND MON- DAY '1! each month. Ila will also visit \Voodville on the Second TUESDA Y of each month, stopping at McPherson's H otel. J. xxauxns. I.“ .s. : J08. psxruxn, L.D.S. wClerk 7th Division Colirt County Victoria. Conveymicer. Commissioner in Queen’s Bench. Notarv Public, kc , 6w. Oflico, Vic- Iborin Road Station. ‘ _ { . Li‘mar‘yw HOPKINS, ~ unnï¬rmfsï¬xcnons ac. Money to Linn “3;â€- cent. Ornicxs+Kgi§ZStreeL Lnuls’ty, Ontario. P. S. Mun-13%.; {55' l G. H. HOPKINS. 3:01â€? lat Division (‘- ourt County V ictoria. geoggta'q) Fldou B. A. Sncietv Agent P. Quin!) anv. Conveyancer, Commis- sioner in’ Qï¬den’ s Banal h. ‘0 ENTS WANTED. “â€"{zag Pm Light n “V-_L a. _ _ I toidance. NORTH ERN nmi,‘ Woodviue. BENJAMIN SCAHUIOV, Proprietor. This tires-class house has just been re- ï¬tted. furnished and otherwise renovated and impgovml. Being: in the centre of the business part of the village, and furnished With splendid sample rooms. it is therefore most convenient for travellers and commer- cial men, and the public generally. The Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors and Cigars. Good Stables and lloatler in at- b.....l-â€"..- WI. HELLER Proprietor. Thin hotel is in every way complete to meet tho requirements of the travelling.' public. Meals served an the arrival of all trains which atop hem, on lmth railways, twenty minutes for refreshments Gnml waiting rooms. 81" always supplied with the bellr bands 0i liquors and cigars. PROFESSIONA L m RDS. ï¬ne-clams accommodation and attentive "wants. Bar Wl-ll supplied with clu- choic- est liquors nml'nlgars. ’lius to and from all trains and every um-veuieuvu for the travel- hng public. RCH. CAMPBELL was" kccnoxnn. 'EEZANDS PENTLAND. VOL V. 4.8. J. GAVE. Publisher. UGH D. smeLgim, .EékGE WILLIS MILLAR B US'INESS CARDé. DENTISTS, ac... “nanny, om. LDON Imus»; 'IDLANI) : _ Lqrueville. .. G. MILLAR, Tnos, EDWARDS Proprietor. I “lo a mad. 0?): 'II')’I‘IL :14 1 (â€I ()18" “lymph Com pany, [oxmenk Cam N I PISSING HOTEL \Vootlvide, '1 Bus.“ 49 On security of real estnke mortgages at 6 per cent. Apply to JNO. A BARRON, Lindsay, Ofï¬ce, Kent Street, next to Keith's Agricultural Store, 91' to RONALD McEACHERN. West In]! I.“ 1.8, Gun. 1, Fonelnn , _-.v--.' vv‘IIIIIUo Don’t forget your Insurance. J. C. Gil- christ is also agent for several ï¬rat~clasa In- surance Companies. Farmer‘s risks taken at lowest rates. 6) mm U According to amount required and terms of E‘ayment 0n 3 Straight Loan or Sinking und System. Instalmentsre uircd to re- pay :5 Loan of SLOW in t e following periods : 10 years, $143.20. 20 years. $95.30, These Stuns payable at the end of each year pay off the entire debt. Principal and Interest. NO COMMISSION. N0 FINES. Expenses reduced. I. C. GILCHRIS’I‘, Postmaster, “'oodvlllo. The Subscriber is prepared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums SODA, FRUIT CAKES, MIXEDTEA CAKES. ' ï¬x] OODVILLE BAKERY. PARTIES SUPPLIED “’HOLESALE. Parties having fat cattle to dis 03° of will please call or ieawe word at my a op. Farmers wanting meal: will please leave their ordet the night before at the shag. The highest cash priee paid for HID ‘S. Having bought the shop and ï¬xtures of Mr. G. C. Smith, Butcher. customers can rely on getting the best of, Beef at all times, and othet meats in season. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. A large assortment of thps frdm lï¬cts JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER 62c -â€"_â€" "MHESS COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TBUHKS VAUSES All!) All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES VVOODVIuLE HAREESS SHOP. -â€"â€" ESTABLISHED, l858 ALL NEW’ “'ORK \VARRAN'I‘ED. REPAIRING PROMPTLY Executed. ORDERS SOLICITED. QHEAP MOTIEY! $200 tof$20,000, MONEY WOODVILLE PUMP FACTORY. fistern and Well Pumps! FORCE PUMPS SUPPLiED. WOODVILLE; ONT. UGH MCCORQUODALE. ABERNETHY AND FRUIT BUISCUITS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN IERRIE ORDERS SOLICITED. JOHN EERRIE’S Rolls and Pastry a Specialty TERMS CASH" JAQQEVBARNES, IS UNXLD LEND IN T113 cousrg At from MANUFACTURER 0F Cor .King and Stuart St of WOODVILLE, THURSDAY . up. Sweatâ€"Pigeons are verv plentiful in the norm-eastern part of Fat Whitby. spam. men are hanging them by the hundredst Tn been in éthawa, 'ï¬ndmg thï¬igï¬tï¬ud supply of sweetness cut 011' by the (lg-ought. havo_ command to rid the men from the Reformâ€. A FAN. , Down Cm.An.-â€"On Monday evening last Mrs. O'Keefe. residing on Duke sheet, dislocated her shoulder and unshiuowl other injuries by falling through n trap door into the cellar. Sam: I Slums lâ€"Fonr boys lately went into the melon patch of Mr. Geo. Smith. gardener, Hope, and stole and destroyed his melons. Three of them nre lmown. and their names will be given to ,ofï¬cers of jnr tics, unless they at once make nestitntion, One of these same boys has been before the P«.lice Msgislrate before. and it cost his father consic‘ereble in money to get him clear. besides the anxiety and annoyance. What makes the matter worse is. Mr, Smith is a man of over 70 years of age and depend. sht on his gnrden for s livelihood, and thi dry season has been very mnch'against bin), too. Instead of destroying his garden, these boys should have assisted him ,- their parents are well able to do an. “’e trust they will make proper restitution. SHEEP Kamaâ€"Mr. Wm. Williams, 4th Con. of Hopeâ€"near Cantonâ€"had a number of very ï¬ne sheep worried by dogs on Sun- day night last. It won’t be healthy for any dog to go near his place for some time ; he has his rifle loaded and ready for action. We don’t blame him. There .is no sheep by-law in force this year in ane. Carr. Mucouisox, who was last with ' his son on the ill~fatod steamer Columbia, Lake Michigan, in tho gale of Saturday last, was well known in this vicinity years ago when he was ï¬rst mate of'the steamer Mag- net. Ilo used to winter here with a. brother- inlnw, who lived on the Robertson Farm near Bletcher’s Corners. He was a steady, industrious man, and was a general favorite with the travelling community. His widow and family will be left in comparative pov- ertv, as the Captwas peculiarly unfortunate of late in all his ventures. He and his hro- ‘ that John, who was droWned a year or two ago, purchaseda steamer some time since and by the unfortunate bankruptcy of a Montreal lost everything, ï¬rm that owed them a lame amount. tin-v mea to the exceeding drought. cit indifferent parts of thé town have oblig d to have water drawn from a tance to keep some of their rare plants perisbing. OUT ALL N lamaâ€"The members of the Garrison Artillery will carry away with them from' their camp in the park very 1i: ely recollections of the way in which they were accommodated during the ï¬rst three days of their drilling. No blame nttachee to the ofï¬cers for the miserable mmmgement which compelled the men for want of tents to herd together under the trees, and for want of other conveniences to take their meals as they had the luck to do. The patience of the men was exemplary and astonishing. PRICES UP.â€"The long continued drought has caused all kinds of articles ,used upon the honeeh uld table to increase in cost, and l the worst of it is that many producers and vendor- will take advantage of the rise and forget when the ground becomes well satur- ated with moisture to go back to old riceis. The commodities which have increased in cost are, unfortunately, those that are need- ed most by families, and for some time to come persons of moderate means “in! ï¬nd“; difï¬cult to supply their tables even with ab- solute necessaries. Sunnxx [humâ€"Mr. John Craig, gem, one of Patel-hero’s oldest citizens died and- denly on the 61h inst. He was at work on the morning of that day in Luudy‘s taunery, where ha- had been employed for many years, when he was overcome with the heat, and within an hour breathes! his last. Cou- sitlering the oppressive 'weather for the pest ew weeks it is simply astonishing to have fuccoaion to refer to this as the only inatanca of fatal collapse from this cause. \“ PRO BONO PUBLICO.†From the Times. A Stun-'30 pig, weight about 15 ounces, but blessed with eight legs and two‘purfectly formed bodies, has been on exhibition in town the past few days. [Meanings From our Exchanges - . . .---., .FmMYe Guide“: . . them a lame amount, they inn !â€"â€"Fonr boys lately went patch of Mr. Geo. Smith. !, and stole and Qestmye‘l his USHA‘VA. PORT HOPE. ', SEPTEMBER 22 188] are known. and ’n from a dis. rare plants from hiwo been citizens Damso Bowmanâ€"A bold burglary wag committed at the Midland railway ata~ lion here on Thursday night of last week. The door at tho paeseageru’ waiting room wan found oven by some of the employees early on Friday morning, and rpm] their going into the inner oliice they found the Info a total wreck. the ticket caso and drawnre broken 0pm. and everything in confusion. It appears that the burglars effected an entrance to the waiting room by picking the lock off the door, and then made their way to the inner ofï¬co where .they at once not to Work upon the cafe. They punched a hole in the door of the rate near the lock. and put in a charge of powder. The charge mnet have been very heavy. tor the door was blown to pieces, the glass in the windows near Ivy broken, and the plaster knocked off the wall in places. They then broke open a drawer and took therefrom 8200 in cash, the amount received from the circne that dry. An open drawer in another part of the safe eonteinedï¬GO, hut fortnn‘ ately it was ererlookml. Although the 'Tnl bridge over the Midland crossing at the 2nd con. of Ops, destroyed by ï¬re some time ago, has not been rebuilt, and the l pooplo of the neighborhood are greatly in- convouiaucoi. The matter should be pressed upon the notice of Mr. Cox. 1ho pre- sident of the road, and no doubt the bridge will be rebuilt at once. B:1 .\'D ‘ ONCERT.â€"\Ve are pleased to an- nounce that on \Vednesdav September 12th. the second evening of the North Ontario Showâ€"the' Fire Brigade intend giving a grand musical entertainment: such as is eel- dom witnessed by an Uxhridge audience. “'0 understand acme half dozen of foreign talent have been secured for the occasion, the Band will be in its full Itrength, and will he assisted by the strongest orchestra ever seen here. As the Band are chr will~ ing to give their services to any public gathering we trust that on this occasion they will have a full house. I I > From (lac Guardi n. 7 HAGGAS' system of locomotive water sur- ply is now introduced on the Grand Junction R'iilway. Men from Uxbridge are also busy laying down the necessary machinery for railways in the U. S. A FARMRR from the Port was interviewing Mr. Councillor Weir, of Uxbridgo as to how he made things grow as they could not raise crops in his neighborhood. After explaining matters, and telling his interlocutor that they fed their cows on water and they grew it. Mr. Weir gave as an instance that he thrashed 29 sheaves of fall wheat and took three heaped bushels from them. " Tm: Council hue decided to allow 2 per gent. to thnso !who pay their taxes on or hefore the 14th day of October, after that date 2 per cent. extra will be ~chnrged. Those who pay half the taxes on - the 14th Oct, have till the 14th of Dec. to pay the balance. After this date the taxes will be collccted. THE Amber Sugar Cane Syndicate have temporarily secured the building lately oc~ cnpied by the McGill \Vorks. It will be got ready as soon as possible. The crop here is fair but in some sections is. a little abort. OUR shade trees are beginning $0 sufl’er from the long draught. The ash trees in this locality haVe completely shed their leaves. The maples 'and other ornamental trees are looking parched and brown. TH: schooner Caledonia ran on the rocks at Blufl' Point on Thursday morning. and she nowlies in a precerious condition.“ The dredge has “rived at .the harbor, and will go to work at once. ‘ 'J‘EE Improvements to St. George’s church are being completed. am! it is ex- pected to he opened about the 25th inst. Tax lake has a fgir number of visitors now on Sundays who ueem to enjoy the breezes and indulge in boating, etc.‘ FARMERS are now very busy drawing their barley and {all wheat, for which they are receiving high prices. OSHAWA has quite In exhibit. at the Indus trial Fair this season. Ammanâ€"Mr. Lester Abrahnms met with a painful accident on Monday hat He was chopping wood when the axe slipped; striking his left foot and inflicting a very bad out. Dru. Hoi‘g and McGill aewod up the wound, and the sufferer in now doing From the Post. From the Vindicator. LXXDSAY. UXBRIDGE. A? the In! Division Can" flu can of Brown vs.‘ the corporation of l .mngton Wu Med. when judgment mgiv lot the puma, with cone. Our usually quiet village t6 the I'M-gut o the inhabitants, has been greatly rl‘ :tmbul by two of our young pngilisls Velr 5 their lplcon on each othar on Saturday waning, Tho combatants came off very (:2? ‘v. one having u black eye and the other 3 thml ï¬nger. Tm: new Skating Iii 1k is appmaclning completion and will be rcadv for the East Simcoe Agricultural Society‘s Exhibition, on the 29th and 30th September. It w ll be llxe largest rink north of Toronto null will be «unable for all purposes. It is tin: in, tention of the company to erect a large moveahle Itago so tint the lm‘ldmg on be used for concerts, theatn’col performances. and all kinds of public entertainments.â€" Specialcnne ha: been taken to proviclv pro- [ per'ventilation, so that skaters and c ultra in winter will be able to enjoy these sporta without incurring the risks they mu. on othor occasions. Many families have been deprived 0‘ their home: during tha ï¬res of last week :1 this part of the country. but of late the in land somewhat subsided till Friday. when it broke out in tho'inmber yards of ‘ JrMen- hunt ,\ 55ml assisted by high wi 13 the flames spam] with great rapidity 1- wining the continuation most terrible. '} ‘ J will be a Very heavy loss for the lawn; , r1 (Boui- pany as it was insured at a Vet] hi; L rate. From our own Corrupondent. WHILE an ()rillia lady and friend were walking in the Exhibitiun Grounds, Tor- onto. thelntter went near a refreshment booth to get a drink of \mter when a large dog. that lxacl been left on guard, wrung, v out on her and hit her severely on the arm. cutting through her clothing into the flesh. She was able to walk to the Aalum \\ her-9 the “mud was dressed by tho \lcdical Superintendent. Gwmvn was nowhere in the trial heats for the single scuil race at Toronto the other day. and only came in second in the Consolation, and second with Triékett in the double sen". Hi: failure is a surprise and disappointment to his many friends here who expected lum to giw a, better account of himself. ' 14mm the Times. 0x}: day last week Michael Maloney. aged 15 years, had his fore ï¬nger taken off with a slal. aaw at 'l‘ait'a miâ€. was tastefully dressed in a pink silk and I cream satin. trimmed with orange blossoms. The bridesmsids wore white silk lustre, and white muslin. relieved with lace and satin trimmings. After the ceremony, the happy couple received the «warm and hearty con- gratulations of relatiVes and friends. The rooms were tastefully decorated with ever- greens end florsl wreaths. The party then adjourned to the dining rooms, where A sumptuous repmt was served. The chairs were asny ï¬lled by.the host, M. Gillespie, Esq., W.Coultha.rd, Esq., and R. Edwards, Esq. After justice had been done to the good things provided, the tables were cleared and the party enjoyed themselves In dancing and other amusements until a late hour. The grounds were illuminated with Chinese lanterns. The happy couple left the same evening on their bridal tour. The bridal presents were numerous and valuable. HYIIENIAL.â€"Tlle marriage of Miss Mary M. Gillespie. eldest daughter of Dr. Gillan pie, to Dr. Andaman. of Port Perry, took place at her father's residence on Wednesday evening, 7th inst, tlne nuptial knot being tied by the Rev. Joseph Elliot. The bï¬de. was tastefully dressed in a pink silk and FOR Mammu.â€"-\Ve understand that Mr. Matthew Taylor loft yesterday for Manitoba to “spy out the land.†If pleased with it he will likely invest {lame capital there. ticket cm and other drawers were broken open nothing has been missed. The police Were on the ground promptly, and lsrgo numbers of citizens Were attracted both. place to see the wurk of the thieves. It is Inppoud that the. robbery was committed by some of the followers of Cole's circnl, but there is no clue. The bnjglm-s were certainly not novices as they did their woik well; ‘ "anus 0.“: ML“! PEI, A380! strlctly In Advance UFFIN GTON. ORJLLLX. From the Glea nor. CAN\1\'G l‘ON NUMBER 2-18