Amof Mr. J. J. Smith of Orillia mi Sunday nftemnon last while Swimming hia dog from the head of the wharf by 1:an Inilhap fell ovdrboard. Tho doz caught him hold him above water mui‘ assistance a from tho'lhore and rescued him. mthin the nerves. In many 3mm. Hallo. \ny'a intmpnt mul Pills have raved um grate» blessings in rcmovinunenmatism and thenmatic gout which had nssniled per. ton. pnviously at the prime of life. matism and rheumatic Gout am the must dreaded of all diaeaus, because their victium 'lumv that they nru «Me at no Ramon. a nd at no my! secmv. Ilullmrny’a Ointment. after fomentnlion of the painful park, give! greater relief than any other .npnlicntion ; hut it must. he dilli outly used 10 obtain this desirable result. 1‘. has been Iii lily commended lay rheumatic avihjecm uf 01? «gal and of both sexes. for rendering their attack less frequent and lets vigorous, and fur to waning the sour perspiration nml mothin t no nerves. In many caaea. Hallo. \ny‘a intmpnt and Pill: have mved um graft?» Helpings in ‘rremovingrienmatism We have reason to believe the cough will show «bunt 60 more making tho populati In of the village about .750.â€"â€"()monwe â€era/d. liollomu’ymnlmenl nml Film-«Rheu- Tm: following taken from the assessment roll for tlm year IBSI. will no doubt be in- teresting to many of our readers :-- ' Population 092. assessment $135,? '5 on Methodist . '20 .. 62.022 on Anglican 2M " 48.933 00 Presbyterian 118 “ 22,9!5 (I0 llnptist 8 " 1,250 0:! Catholic 4 “ 500 00 No Dwomiua’n l " 1'00 no Grandmother nle to mv, †Boys if your blood is (ml: nf urdrr try Burdock tom" aml they lnd to dig the Burdock and boil it down in kettleymnkiug a nasty smellingclecnctfon: now you get all the curative pmnerties put up in a palatal-lo {mm in Burdock l‘nluud Bittters. Fries $1.00. trial sizu 10 cents. THERE has bran n tremendous destruction of meeI-ty in the rich and flourishing town- uhipo Darlinutnn for the past two wevks. The hush ï¬res are still raging. A Cart.- wright farmer not ï¬re to twenty acme of fallow and the tire was blmvn south into the tawnship of Dnrlingtou and caused the dos- truction described. “Crampsâ€" (31mlic'a';llivéi'|:;lara§}ufmmml that has yet been discovered. its popularity is undimmed by age. .All medicine, dealers aell'ik Tm; amount- of 'l'nxea to be levied this year for the village curporat‘mn of Uxhddgo ls 37.200. of which $2. 700 is fur school pm- p’oses. A by~law will he passed by the Council charging internal; on all unpaid taxes after about. the 15th December. ‘ Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of “'ild Strawberry in tho best, most. prompt. and safest cure fur Cholum Morlms- Dyspnleryâ€"Sick Stomach 5 Tan best remed‘y and preventative for Sea Sickgoas is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is also the best remedy for all forms of Summer mmpluinhz, wimfhur on sen'or laml it will nut fail ynu. All Dru‘zgists sell it at 37$ cents per battle. 01! Monday night. the 5th inst" some rtice attemptml to make a forcible entrance nto the hum: of Mrs.-\\-'rightmnn. (,‘anninz- ion. and cnnld not be persuaded to desist until she ï¬rcda allot from a rewlver at them. On Wednesday morning one of the parties was brought before the magistrates and ï¬nd 82 and coats. . Total. ‘ “ The Leaves shall be for the Healing of the Nations." The leaf of the Wild Straw lien-y has veriï¬ed that Scriptural quntatiun. Dr Fowler’s Extinct of Wild Strawberry is the marvel of healing in all varitics of Sun;- mer Ccmpluints. nnzl Fluxcy, Cholera. ln- funtnm and every form of Bowel Complaint of children or adults promptly yields to its pbwer of healing. An Ameliasburg ï¬armer sowed some rye on the afterunon of the 2m], and the next day, while ru:.nuing water furrows through, was astonished t0 see that it had spmuted. Three days later it Was fully three inches high. Money saved and pain relieved by the leading hunselmld remedy, Dr. _7'lmmn..s' Eclectric Oilâ€"n small quantity of which nmally‘enflicea to cure a cough, heal a sore, cut, bruise ‘or sprain, relieve lumlmgu, rheumatism. neuralgia, excoriated nipples, or inflamed breast. v--V-. ---..‘..-_ w-.- -_ v. -.-...-.--.... u vâ€" ..\, .- Tfll scarcity of lay: at. home on account of the drouth, the ï¬ul: ting 0! ï¬re by the mill hands, and the «levaating ï¬res in the lum- her re" hum of Micki-van. will it is autxclpatcd cause a shun-t lumber supply. Mrs. Banthar!,-cnr. Pratt and Bromlway, has been a sufferer {or twelve years through Rheumatiamt and has tried every remedy she could hear of, but received no beneï¬t, hntil recommended to try Dr. ’I'Iaonms‘ Eclecb'ic Oil; she says she cannot express the satisfaclimn 'ahe feels at having hcr pain en- tirely removed and her rheumatism cured. Tins death is announced of Mrs. Proctor, widow of the late Mr. George l’mctor, of Beaverton. which {onk place at “emu-ton onNVednesday, tllu 7th inst. She surxivml Mr. Proctor only one year. Atlanta: With the rest 0 the United States and the Donï¬uion should be supplird “Mt pond pens. Esterhmuk’s are pupulur, reli- able and standard. . " Arkmmaw or Arkansas.†It is imma- terial winch pronunciation i3 adupm in this (gage, but qqlge material that. the citizens of Tm: farm of Mrs, Bacon. Sandal-land. was sold by auction 1»: Saturday the 3rd, for 84,850, the purchasur being Mr. W. H. \‘Vhitu of “rack. Tue pun 13 of Peuetanyuishone comphzin lmuliv of t zen being no postal comunmzca- tion Letwcen them and Midland. The sugar mill Mr the new sugar factor-v at Oshrwa has arrived and olwmtinus will begin shortly. ' Analâ€- 6900 of the Whitby tnxea for tho year 1879. and over $3,000 for the your .1350 still uluum Imcollectod. V Mu. J0!!! “511m. bf Reach, has grafh of this year’s growth. in his m-chard which measured ovur six feet. in length. '1'le procm'ds of the len-Edée “t'chunir'n Institufu cxcuraxun to Toronto ‘iu Jair amounted to $10. ‘ Tun anngna' full exhildt'o'l of the township of sum. mil be held at Zephyr this year, on Friday 30th September. ‘ “551185 1qu Elm. 769:2 “35.705 00 62.022 00 48.2338 00 22,915 00 1,250 on 500 00 1'00 60 \le.!: Mr. J. Johnston. Jr., son of Jan. Johnston, jeweller, Whitby, won in tho not. of lighting tho lamps in the store on Friday evening hut, tho anmll nlcohol lamp used in u light, exploded. The contents of the lump worn thrown over Mr Johmton, Rotting firo to his hair and taking the skin completely of? his face and handr. Alter extinguish- AN observant coMempm-m-y notes that whoneVer n Newspaper snya n kind woml ot a mun, that. man never discom- ors lhe favor; hut if a newspaper hand- les a man a little roughly, the man ï¬nds it ont (he snmuilny the paper in publish- ml. This is the kind of a man who, when conferring with tho oilitm‘ upon his grievanco, says his “ attention has been called †to the article in question. ,TIIE saw mill' known ns Ashmnn’s mill, 10th Con. Eldon, together with n huge barn nnd contents belonging to Mr. Jno. Birmingham. Were loudly (lo- stroyed by tire on Thursday lust. From what we can learn the lire originated from the furnace while the, hnnds were engaged at the bush fire which destroy» ed the burn and cnntrnts of Mr. Dun- cam-Lnnirsnn. Mr. John Birminglnun has $1.500 insurance) on his pi-nperty. The atnblo in connvotion with the mill Was nlan destroyed tngothnr with n valuable team of horses belonging to Mr. Angus Mandynn, who happened to be waiting the swing ufaome lum- bm'. \VB lmvo received trnm the pnlnlislb em. \Vm. \Vm-wick «C: 8511, 9. number of the-“Girls’ Own Paper.†It is cur- minly the most rutiued and elegant periodical for ladies we lmvn yet seen. In should be in the Minds. of every young lady in the land it being remark- ably cheap, $1.00 per mmum. LEMON water and barley me now to [)3 seen on the. tables of most great lmnsas In England, while all; the Lon- don clubs lately the run on the iced barley water was very great. From Our Own Correspondent. The fire swept off part of this village last Thursday. Several buildings were burnt, including McTaggm-t’e saw mill, with a quantity of lumber, the buildings of the North Victmiu. Agricultural Society, and Boomer’s linshop. The tire were burnt from under the rails along the'railway on account of which the mail train did not enter the statimi. On Friday gangs of men were sent to replace the tics. -A ï¬re engine arrived on the same ei'cuing to extinguish the remainder of the fire. The mill was in- sured for $3,000 and some of the furniture of the dwellings was also insured. The ï¬re which visiierl this neighborhood last “week was one of the most terriï¬c in the history of the township. It hall been hurn~ ing for some time north of Corson's Siding. but on Thursday it took a strike north aided by n. south-east wind. The settlement . was in. great danger for the sparks from the burning weeds were carried a great distance ‘in the air. It is reported that they ï¬red " one burn as many as twenty times. and it - would have been burned only that a. keen watch was kept. A spark caught in the grass in an orchard attached to the same and burnt for four or ï¬ve rods before it was extinguished. The school house in S. S. No. 3 was in gre: t danger but not so much . as some other buildings - around it. The damage done to the Woods is great. Some of the most beautiful hard-wood bushes being destroyed. Several fences were also burnt. The ï¬res which have this year swept over the township will long he re membered. The school house at T‘Corson’s Siding was burnt last Thursday. The school had been closed for a. Week previous on accent of the ï¬res in that district. We ielicvo the Rw. Mr. Paul from bn'flsnvel‘, is going to deliver a sermon in this Mace nu Sumhy. the 25th Septeluimr, and alm Mr, Scat: from Cambmy, is going tn delivaraumjler un Slum-lay, 9th ()L‘hlllsl‘. “'5 hope and trust that. Hume Rey. gentle- men will rucnivu as hue an audience as possible on Ithesc occasmus, From Our Own Cop-realmmleul: A gmt'iiiwy in thin place have mfl'ored from the ravages of the last ï¬re.‘ hath in the i ‘ (learn -tiun of buildings. fences and lmy. ‘ i The follmi'invg are the. imnies of those wlmizut their hay burnt : Mcsu‘s. Poul, hlnchll, Parka, lilirgass. Adair Tom and [sane Gost- : lin. The loss of this hny will be full: cml- ’ sislcmhly nu accumnt uf the amount of stock i l l thew parties have to winter. Mr.Siiiar$*l,n"n.icliml his farewell sermnn lmt Sun-lay in this plan‘s anal is nnw ahnnt I tn lcaVe fur eullugu. He taken with him the thanks and high usiecui oi the people for his vahmhlu servic'us in this place dnr- ‘ in: this summer. ' Frum our own 00; raspmulont Efjlntal 531mm. VICTORIA ROAD. H H A 1) LA ICE. B EXLEY. W. Cameron. Pricesâ€"Child’s Pad, $3.50; Regular Pad, ‘2. ; Special Pad for Chronic Diseases. 33. Ask vmlr druggiat for Pamphlets and Tcnflimouinlsâ€"frae. Sold by - Messrs. J. McRac kCo., Beavnrtnn ; J. A. Todd, lh‘ecluin; R. l’. Butfer. Oakwoml ; “CE. Ellis, Mnnilln ;Hunu Bram, Woodville, The Canadian Singer. _~_V_â€"‘.‘ ' , From Doctors, Draggists, Merchants. FWQZ‘S- GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Picton, April 1‘0. lSSl. lentlommuâ€"I liml that your Pads are giving entire satisfactinu. and wish you in- creased sales {or so valuable a remedy for disease of the kidneys. Signed, WQGBYIEIS. ONT A permanent cure for Lmno Back. Piles. Disease of the Kidney, Bladder and Urinary organs or attendant complaints. OHICAPEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET! Jno. McDonald ,Bolsover, for Printing and Advertising... ... 2 50 Kenneth Murchison formerly of Fenc- lou, now in Manitoba, fo1 Printing Bills, c.. 2 2:; Malcolm Camplrell fmmerly at Ben- vorton, for Printing, 61c" . 3 00 A. Moore. Painter, formerly uf “’ood- ville. now residing in 'Bem ertonu 6 25 for priming; Labels Jos. H. Breggs, f0, Printing ............ Beaverton Lacrosse Club of [879, for Punting Bills.......; .................... S. N. Lasher, music teacher, dead beat of worst kin-J. for Pl‘luting............ Thos. Emery, furlnezly of Beaverton, "Sideuce nut uow knoWu to us, for Punting, c......... u.................. R.‘J. Staplg-s, Eldon, near Kii‘kï¬eld Inerly of Beavcrtuu Badgpay'. Alox. (vrnlmm “on. 10, Eldon, for urintiug Auctiuu Bills†.. Alex: Ross, agent tn Advertising and Primilw. ,- u: -..... u... .....-‘ __._..A._ indubi'able Evidence l)r. l". 11.. Blaichwuitc, fomwrly of Heavcrbuu, m Advertising, ,c ...... 4 75 P. Unmet, I’.I..S.. for}?riuting....,.... l 00 1". Henderson, lusumucg Agent. for- We should he awn-y it any names append- ed are thus: uf Iucn win», from aulvclse cir- 'cnmst:mcus. 'h:I\-.- III-en unable to pay. “'6 donut think il' owuvw that 5110!! is the cm, as ample [inn Imvbcen given to rack party tau-Atw- ‘\ ca ‘54“ cuutiuuo this list until accounts :uc sealed and intend adding others whim! We have IIIItiï¬ed, if not paid befom our next. We hope our realism wil note the names in this list for their own protectiuu. Aluxi“ oaks, §homuaken late of Ben- vertun. to Priu'ing Dr.R. Ramsay. l )riliiu, ddbtcantmcte-i when practising; in Die-Merton, repu- tatiun fur paying just debts very Dad ' ‘ iug some paper which lmcl caught tire, Mr. Johnston rum to Whitï¬eld'a drug Mum and hid his wmuidn attended to His fuc» prvsnnm a‘ gimatly nppc-MIIIOO. ~It. in surprising that name ilimntzilive gdnius dam.- not anhsvimtn .mmu Miler devic-a {or tlm ilmuerolm apiric Jump. In is mu. m himl't time since a Wowlvilla jmwilur inn: with nu nusidnzit uf â€I" 8mm kind which cmï¬nud hill to hell for smuu wm-ks. rs. Edwin Priuglo, music isncher, for Advertising†........o v............ â€M..... .__.__ ‘\ ELA$K LI3T. AGENT ï¬nal)". Noam-m. .1000 $1 50 250 925 All kind. of DOUBLE and SINGLE HARNESS mud. to order. from the baï¬mmflalbud M tho Ohm» â€tin. Repairing promptly “and“! $0.9 I have now .on hand a now flock of WHII’S HORSE COVERSJCL‘BRIE COMES, .nmxsmzs, wmr maxing, mums c. A 3'. SMITH, HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER Aml in pmof of this “mug stnmmmt. having tlgom in use. To intended "rye Best ‘Mm Méxiï¬fééiiiiÃ©ï¬ fnThe Dominion. It in a perfect cleaner, and clinfl‘cr. It will take out Wild Oats perfectly. It will take put all Locklc, Chose «ml olhur foul seeds. making as perfect sample of Market Wheat. 11; II a mo“. porioct so winter. and will separate all the large kernels from the small and shrunken grains. It. is very rapid in its action. It separates all kinds of grain as well as souls. Mid it (late and Pens, or Timothy and Clover need are mixed logcther and ptil; through thin Mill. they will come nut perfectly separated. It will aepr rate small and a )llt I’M! IN!“ largo l‘cns. taking them {mm the chaff in the most perfect manner. ' he llunoy lmprM'cil Fanning Mill and Separatur. is acknowledged by all to be ML _ n - â€" â€" - - » A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUR MILL IS ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. We denim to call the attention of the farmm ( Fanning Mill, now being mmxnfactnred at our won '8 HONEY’S IMPROVED PANNING MILL; uU vcwuruteu Wilkinson;Coinbmatlon, and Whyte Patent Ploughs, -- 5--..-- “a EUUUIJII IUI' TORO‘NTO REAééï¬s‘XEE msowens, OSHAWA “HMHCHAMPRW REAPERS mowms. v and the HONEY FANNIAG \HLL. All kinds nf Reap er Repairs on hand, Cnatoriuo and Seal Machine Oils. A CALL SOLICITED Sash Dooré, . Planing, Ripping 8w. §ARME Lumbe 'h‘ 4' a ARMSTRONG’S SAW KILL NIPISMNG mm th All Machines warranted to give satisfa Jtinu or Central Exhibition at Lindsay, on Tuesdn; \Vednesday 91:11 Thursday, Uct. 5th, 6t; and 7th. - Com aints eldt u. h†infl 013:3 g by: 0 B1.001;: appy uence Bunnie Bottles 10c; Roguhuiutl. ymï¬'aulvos. «ml , Thumb. at Benv‘értou, on October 5th. 1m: KEY 10 HEALTH. MEIR; Muriposn A gricultuml Society will bon their Fall Show on Octobe oer 12th ,an 13th, at Oakwood. . Brym'Palas, 3mm. masâ€"“"3? the . part, Nmonéness and gangsta! 90qu ;. a“ they: and many otbeg simi- 'J‘lw Reach, Port Perry and Squgng Agn- uulLurul Society will hold their Fall Show at l’urt Perry. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. “hand 8th. North Victoria Ointriclzmul Bexloy am! L‘ardcu Branch Agricultural Sucie ics’ Fall Show \Vlll be held at Victoria Road. on Sept. 29th turd 30th. Unlocks all the clog ed avenues of tho Bowels, Kidneys an Liver. ' oï¬â€™ gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and ï¬nd humor: of the secretions; at the same time Go 5cm! 293w smash, casing _ . Cartwright Agricultuï¬d Society’s Fail Show will ho held at \Villiuulshurg nu Thanh day «pd Friday. Oct. 131.!szle Nth. Pickering Agricultural Society will hold its Full Slum at Brougluun 0n Monday and 'l‘ueudny, 10m and lltln October next. 'l‘hu Uxbrilluo 'l‘owuship Fall Show will be held a: (:ooalwood "It Thursday and Friday Oct. l3th and 14th. Fox sale by all dealcts. 'o mm O Wq'flpflehrl. I‘m-t. will b. hshl un'*1"1.u’n;i.'y'1u' 'i5r'id5y,"'iii and 7th of Uclober. 300 I’m’rs HARVEST GLOVES Cheap for Cash. "_I-‘b_o Brock Alriéulgural Srciety'u Show MRS 57 Alrifllflltil Pull Shawn of 188! Apply to .â€"-Tho ’Wanzer CAMPBELL. Only? authorized age-at in this section for KING STREET, WOODVILLE. Itmng smmnmit. we can furnish nlmndant testimonials â€r0131 those i. To iutcmlml purchuers We Would say, come and 390 It for we feel conï¬dant you will be entirely satisï¬ed that they are all they are represented. WOODVILLE ONTKBIO. §hingles, ARMSTRONG BROS ‘ d to give satisfaJtinu or no sale. and 8011i CA EA P for CASH, ON TIME. Also Agent fur the Celebrated Rig†AWE? FE N. B. CA M PBE LL. and Rayinond Sewing Machine! supplied cheap. \Veduesday, The Trade \Iarks uf my said Medicines. are registered in Ottawa, aynd also at Wash.- ington. es- CAUTION.â€"I have no Agent 1:} the United. States, nor are my Medl- cmes sold there Purchasers should. therefore look to the Label on the 1°ots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Qiford. Street, London, they are spu- nous. , and sold at ls. 15d" 2.4. 9d., 431 66., Ha , 223.,and 335. each Box and Pot. and In Canada at 36 cents, 9!) cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. 533. OXFORD STREET, I LONDON f hold in t Tumours, 77.. _, vvvâ€"IIV Colds, Sore 'Throats, Monchitis, and all disorders of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheumatism, Sorofula, and every kind of Skin Disease. Manufactured only at Professor HOLLO- WAY’s Establishment, M 'h Thousands cigarsons hate-testiï¬ed. that bv their use alone they have been ~ restored to health and strength; after ' every other means hao. proved. an.- noenpnt‘w‘ £43! lflsagtquuuus. caucus increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circulation the purest Elements for sustainiug‘aud repairing the frame. purify, regulate and of the “loud. They guns, cleanse tbs THIS :Ncomamnné ‘ 322mm: has secured. for mu: an impemhablo fame thrcughont the World. for tha aviation and «mm or most duos-u: townie} humanigy 1:: hair. I,_Oxford Street, London. Sept. 1. 1880. Sig'ned THOMAS HOLLOWAY. community to the above well known a. We am preparod togivo Worm their Weight In Gr)!!! uc Am Mulls/ENE momma and 30mm THE PI‘LILS Auu ull 1h hum: Du: the cure ofr'Open ‘ J bores, D ms. e and improw the quality They assist the digestive orâ€" k- .u b\\.) 1101130- 01