.( PROFESS’IO NA L 0.4 R US. ELDON HOUSE, "\Vomlvidc. ‘ ‘I‘IOS. Rownuns Proprietor. *â€" First-cluu accommodation and a‘fleï¬tlva *aurvants. Bar wall mmflicd with the choic- "Mt. liquors and cigars. 'Bua to and from ail trains and every corvonicuce for the travelo' ling public. Clerk lst Division Court County Victoril. ‘- Secretary Eldon B. A. Societv. Agent P. 'B' S. Company. Conveyancer, Commis- sioner in Queen's Bench. 403. “I cm This ï¬rst-class house has just lveen re- ‘ï¬tted, furlï¬slnetl and otherwise renovated and Improved. Brimr in the centre of the business part of the village, and furnished with splendid sample rooms, it. is therefore most convenient fur travellers and commer- This hotel is in cvu-v way complete to meet the Icquheans of the tnuelliug public. Meals sewed ou the alrivnl of all trains wlIiclIstonlIeru oII hntlI railways twenty minutes for rehash IIeIIts. Gum! waiting mums. Bar always supplIed with the best III-ands o liquors and cigaIs. ~cial mun. and the public. generally. The Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors and Cigars. Good Stables and llostler in at- tendance. - MI MARTIN HOPKINS, T .mlusms S;ll(mls kc. 'Moncy to Loan at 6 per cent. OFFICESâ€"Kent Street. Lmdsly. Ontario. !l’. S. MARI-1s. E G. H. Hopxms. 'Omcn. â€"Ronms latelv occupied by \V. M. ( 'ochmue Bi-vlow’ :- Block. Port Perry. VuL ‘V. V M.CA.\1E1‘0\'. Agent {or lnion 1mm a ï¬ring“. (‘0. Money to Luau on ï¬rm. class security at 6 to 6.} per cent. Agent for A. H ARRIS, SON Co., I l‘rautfonl. Manuhmtuncrs of Reapers, Mow- ers, SelLBiuders. kc. . OODVJLLE â€VERY STABLEx‘. HENRY EDW'ARDS, "I’I'opfleid‘r- Livery Rigs at any time aml at all hours on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles in connection with the Eldon House. One (fthe above will be at Hamilton's Hotel, Beaverton, on the SECOND MON- DAY of each mnnth. He will n'so visit \Voodville on the Secnnd TUESDAY of each month, stopping at McPherson’a Hotel. J- NBELANDR. L. .N'. u J03. PENTI.AND, L.D.R. lClerk 7th Division Cnnrt County Victoria. (‘ouveyxmcen Commissioner in Queen's Bench. Notary Public, c . 820. Ofï¬ce, Vic- toria Road Statiun. Wilson “ A. " \\' ilaon “B" and "R03 al" Sewing \Iachines and Needles kept constant ly on hand. ARomeyâ€"at-law. Solicitor In Chancel-1. ('onveyancer. (km, ac. 7405.553]. quwb. 3893:? (‘arï¬n done to and from all parts of the village, . ipissing and Midland llnilwny stations. Charges moderate. Residencemue door north of Eldon Home. Queen Street, \\'oodville. mm McTAGGAR'l‘, Kirklied. (‘OMIISSION a: “TLâ€"i, (‘owuncsl GENERAL INSURASCE AGENT.- -â€"MONEY TO [DAN It 6 per cent. - IMPROVED FA RMB F0 R. SA LE. ‘Orncs-One dom- east of Post Oï¬â€˜lcc, BENJAMIN Sl’AflMOV. mprlcï¬ols EORG E \V l LLIS MILLAR, RED. 6'. MILLAR, 'EELANDS PENTLANIJ. UGH D. SINCLAIR, J’AMES JEANSQN, RCH. C \bll’flELL Lorncville. DLAND AND NIPISSING HOTEL ‘I’Ilblhlu'v. DENTIS'IS, Am, Lllflsay, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. “3|. III? llI-ll Pnprleur. 1M0 TEL (, A EDS. of Montreal Telegraph Company. Kirkï¬cld Ont. COUNTY .AIIC‘I‘I03'IZKB. d‘.‘ II'I'I'II. TRANSFER. ï¬c- “'oud ville. Out. H mm Cistmn and We" Pumps, mm I’ROW‘I‘LT Muted. A lu-ge assortment of whips from 15cm. up. HARNESS DOLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPB CURRY GOIBB, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VAUSES MID All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED; Having bought the shop and ï¬xtures of Mr. G. C. Smith, Butcher; customers can rely on getting the best of Beef at all times, and other meats in season. JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER kc H FAMILY BREAD Parties having fut cattle to dispose of will please call or iezwe word at my shop. Farmers Wanting meat will please leave their order the night before at the 3110 . The highest cash pri.e paid for HI D ‘S. W OODVI LLE BAK ERY. SODA, ABERNETH)’ ‘AND FRUIT BUISCUITS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALL NEW WORK WARRANTED. FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. ll‘he Subscriber 13 prepared to lend Money at gremly redunc'd rates «of interest in sums of According to amount required and terms of payment on a Straight Loan 0" Sinkiu; Fund System. Instalments required to re- pay a Loan of 31.000 in the following periods : 10 years. $143.20. 9.0 years. $95.30. These Suma payable at the end of each year pay 03' the entire debt. Principal and Interest. NO COMMISSION NO FINES. I. C. GILCIIRIST, Pontmnstcr, Woodvillc. Don't forget your Insurance. J. C. Gil- christ is also agent. for-several ï¬rstchsa In- snrpnce Companies. Farmer's risks taken at lowest rad-s P ARTI ES SUPPLIED W HOLESALE. 6) PEI? CENT. “76 0n necurity of real estate mortgages at 6 per cent. App‘y to JNO. A BARRON, Lindsay, Otï¬cc, Kent. Street, next to Keith's Agricultural Store, or to RONALD MCEACIIERN. \Vest half Lot 18, Gun. 1, Fonelon UG H MCCORQ UODA LE. vOHEAP MONEY ! ‘OODN'ILLE PUMP «FACTORY. OODVILLE HARNESS SHOP. JACOB BARNES, $200 to $20,000.. FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. IOIDVILLI. ONT. WOODVILLB BUTCHER SHOP. :. .3011: and Putty-a Grecian-v TERMS CASH" JOHN BERBXE’S ORD ERS SOLICITED. MONEY JOHN BERRIE. ORDERS SOLICITED. Expenses reduved. 6 T0 7 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED, [85‘ IS UNXLD IAN UFAL’I'URK’.‘ 0P ‘IN THE COUNTY At from LEN’D Cor .Kiug and Stuart St woouvmw, THURSDAY, SEP EMBER 29 1881. “ PRO BONO PUBLICO." Brother Gardner, of the Lima Kiln Club. Boys. in the Detroit Free Preu : “H’hat punishment am it to n loafer to go to jnil for a month? He getspleuty to est un’ 3 good bed to sleep on, nod glinsï¬vo pounds of In. If dot sun. man ‘was tied up sn’ thirty hashes land agin his bar' heck he'd open his eyes pow'rful wide. Go on de ribbonâ€"go on de kysrsâ€"walk on the“ streets, w’ you ï¬n' do lonfer. He pushes au' crowds nu" uhuses an' insulu. What kin you do wid him 2 Make complaint u' do luv will play wid him, on' let him go. Let an oflicer give him a sound floggin' m' hil lint would come down off his ear in no time. De whippin’- post may be barbarous. but what do ye call it when n loafer follers your wife {row de streets ! It may be degrmliu'. but what do ye call it when three drunken loafers take possession of a 'scursi .11 boat an' knock men down an' frighten Women half to death ? Take a tramp, a loafer, n drunkard or a petty thief, tie him to s whippin‘ post au' play a rawhidel on his back fur ï¬ve min- utes an’ you hev done 1110' to make dat man res ect dc power 0! delaw m' de rights of 0d er men dan any workhouse sentence could do." An anecdote of Moore, the Irish poet, ahowa how much pain: A writer who will do good work will take to put the right word in the right place. Moore was on a visit to a friend in France, and while there wrote a short poem. One day. while the gue<t was engaged in his literary work. the two took a stmll into an adjacent Wood, and the host soon perceived that his companion was given up to his own thoughts ; he was :ileut- and absorbed. noticmgancither ins friend not hi1 entertainer nor the surrounding beauties of the landscape. By-and by he began to gnaw the tin ,er lips of his gloves. pulling and twitching spasmodically. and when this had gone on for a long time. his friend ventured to ask lnm what was the troub’e. “I’ll tell you," said Moore. “I have left at home upon my table a poem in which is a word I do not like. The line is perfect save that i on» word. and the word is perfect save its inflection. ’l‘hus‘it i: ;" and he repeat II the ‘line and asked hie friend if he could heln him. it was a delicate point. The friend saw tl-e in: d. now where and how the pre- sent word jarred just the slightest possible Lit upon the exquisite harmony of the cad- ence. but he could not supply the want. The. t“’!li-I cudgelled thei' brains until they "Eh"; the house on their return; hat with- out avail. The rest of the day was spent. as usual. on was the evening. one that evgr and anon Moore woul‘l sink into silent ï¬ta in nun-unit of the ahaeut word. And no came the. nit-ht. and t e poet went to bed in a deep atudv. The following morning was bright and l-eautrinl. and Moore came down from i his chamber with a hound: 5; step, with a I scrap of paper in his hand. and a glorioui lightin ‘hia genial countenance. The word had come to him ! He had awakeuod dur- ing the night and the hind genius of i Ispir- ntion had visited his pillow, and he had got up and tore a scrap from his Hole-bank. and . at the Window. II)’ he light of the moon. had made the thou ht secure. "There,†he mid. when he had incorporated it into the text, “there it is - only a simple a. h, o. and ft (‘n-ii’ me twulvo hours of nnflaguinq labour to ï¬nd it and put it where it i:- \Vho could believe it 2'" Rome ten week: ago the. Kim! of Siam re~ ceived a deep teh from o e of hie provincial Governors, informing His Majesty that a brand new Deitv in the shape of a snow white elenhnnt hml lle‘ u mptu ed in an out- lï¬n'! Jintrict of the hin‘ulnm. and won aeln- a'ny on its wav to Rau-vknh. the Siamene eanital. These jovfnl tidings were gr etet'l with indencrihnhle enthiiaiamn at the Count. and the King at onee reaolved to start in person. accompanied hv his Ministers, arnnd ofï¬cers of State. and exalted clergy. upon a processiounl excursion with the ohject of meeting the divine paehyderm half wnv. and of escorting. it. to Banckok with all imagin- ahle. pomp and ceremony The cor/up, headed hv “is Mnjeutv, had not. proceeded mnnv miles on its ros'l 'towrd the int-trior when it encountered the ohject of its pil. grimage. Approachim the elephant. with profound reverenr‘e and many humhle sein- tations. the Kim: knelt down at his feet and reverently placed his trunk upon his head and either shoulder. implr‘rinz its n'oteetion and fm our. flaring thin paid pnhlio hmraze to the hu 'e quldt'um (1 Nut received j it-z hlv-ning by the "impositur prohmcir." ‘ His Majesty drew his sword and took up a. ‘ position on the eleph‘nt‘s right it- oh. sup. ported to the animal's left hv the hi h priest. carrying a golden wand. Thus hem - ed. the procession entered Bangkok. where the new god in: ' reeted hy anlvoes of artil- lery and n eeneml salute of the Raul tv-oni‘s paraded on cithrr side of the route lending to the palace. llnving «ported the elephant to he apartments the King form'illy l'eetuwed upon his nere‘l quest. the rank of "reiszn'ng moon-ch," and deeornted it with the Grand (‘on‘on of the Siamese Order. homing its ownetyie and title. The home- hnl-l of the new ch-nv he! since heen organ- i’uwl noon n truly rm al senle. Fverv article. dedimted to the white elephnnt'l me and service is of massiu- gold or rare perm] \in : and popular offerings to the mine «i mauv thomauds of pounds wore d 'ptwited at its shrine hefore it had heen estnhlhhed fortv- eight hours in its splendid quartoâ€. immedi- ately adjacent to the King‘s own pinto l Suite 0| spartmcnts. 'I'Du- lung ofï¬lau's White Elephllt. lrudder Gardner'- Opinion- Hunting (or a Word. of these nomplnims than formerly. Al' in- imlligent miners are aware that the .cau be readily cumbtted and cured .by t no timelv ailmiuiatration of llolloway’s. celebrated Pills. One of the‘ leadin {arms in which disme of the stomach ah bowels exhibits itself in the interior- and w.» may add in the cities too-4's a debilitating «liarrliwa. Noth n}; that has ever been tried either «in dysentery or diarrhea. in this country has uniformly succeeded in curing those maladies except Hollow 'y’s l’ill It is stated that all cases in which they were allminutered-nt‘tho Ballarat Diggings. they did not fa-‘il in «the The ordinary medical treatment 'of diarrhea appear: to .be wholly uséiess in thivclimate Probably it is so in any climate. Be this as it may, it is lmyond cavil that the Pills aruest the complahlt as certainly and almost as quickly as thu breaks of a rail car arroat the revolution of in Wheels- 'l‘lioro are no if: or buts about the matter; the cure is a foregone conclusion. Imagine what a God go.“ in our gulcbes, the alluvial aroun- rdim and our dry plililll, aufl'er much amn diseases of this nrgau. and of the liver and. Imwcla. At prevent. b9w_evor_._ therg is may}: lcsgfsgar Sir Aatley- Cooper said that no man ought to know he had... stblmch. Unfurtunnwly. however. the two extremes of luxury and privation tench svcounidenble portion uf mwkiud tint they have Itumu'lut, and very Lmublcaomo ones tuo. The Ali gen after nn‘ll in our gulchen. Illa Alluvial 4) our viva“: semi, such a medicine must. be to the digger. Possessed of it he ï¬eels as if cud'nved with mother right arm. The very fact that his chest or knapsack mntaius such a. Intent counwrhlust to disenso. keeps up his aui ual spirits and renders him less sun :eptihle uf uu- healthy influences. Minors bound to the more unhealthy di.’ gings usually provide themselves with an extra supply of both the Pills and the Oiut uncut. as they can always dispow of what they do not; want M: an eunrmoui proï¬t It is Iaid, guil probably with tl'Uth. that the 13'20 imporl‘atiuns of these medicines haw seriously interfered with tho roliu of tlu drug merchants. Calomol mu julnp and al: the purgativu. dterativea. suporitics. ano-ly nee. c.. are sadly at a diucuunt- in the ma;- ket. Hollloway'v Pills use! ’Ointlmvut ï¬ll their plum in pufuic gsgimat'iyu. and mum than iill them ii: beneï¬cial effectâ€"TIM In~ quirer. Hayti is a black and tan Republic, with considerable more black than tan. The form of government is chronic revolution, a s one adventurer after another overcome; and shoots his predecessor in the pmideiwyg When a man wants} situation in the Civil‘ \‘ervice he simply kills the man whose oflit-e h covets and holds the place till somebody else «lusts him a ter the same fashion. The monotony of these events is occasionally l varied by earthquakes and epidemic fevers. while Voodoism. the most horrible of African superstilinns. is generally practised by the lower order ofmegioes who form the bulk of the population. It seems that every time there is a change of government the men in power sell-all the public property that.is negotiable and porket the money. A tru- veller who has just returned from that ' happy island says that the outside world can have no idea on affairs in Hayti. He lived there thvee years and caught the dis- use that every one on the island hasâ€"the desire to ï¬ght and rule. You can't help it, he says. Take a ten year old boy from an American Sunday School and drop him in Hoyt-i. and inthree weeks he will have a bowie knife. a brace of pistols, and will be riding round on a mule seeking someone to 1 kill. In keeping with the customs of the j countrvis the mode of warfare Some of the soldiers wear a few rags, but as a general lune they don’t cumher themselves with any clothes worth mentioning. They have a superstitious fear of going into action with hats or shoes on. When tiring begins thev crawl into ditches. behind fences or clim trees. Success depends on the courage of the leader. as the order of battle is on the principle that â€He who ï¬ghts and runs away May live to light another day." When the ï¬ghting is over there is a great deal of shooting in cold blood. All msnn. era are shot by drum-head Court .\ altiul. end for a time there is peace till somebody else becomes ambitions to rule and starts another revolution. and the old story is re- peated. Such is life in Hovci. In the following article our cotem. of the Bolycuygeon lmlrpemlrnl says some hard things about the Pen 10 of Canadln in general, lmt for all In: a nun we are forced to concede there is too much truth in the remarks to be caralessly passed. We com- menvl it. to the {nxpnycrs of t_ho Dominioq : "There is a glorious future for this Canada of our: ; our inexhaustible forces wil'. bu de- veloped ; our illimitahle prairies, comprising the most fertile wheat lauds of the worlr‘. are living brought into cultivation with marvellous rapidity : from the shores of the Atlantic to lthose of the for of? Paciï¬c, 3 cneral movement and upheaval oi the popu- ation is taking place: and in a space not much longer than the twinkling of an eye this glorious: Dominion will lead the world. and its population become a. great, a unit/oil, and homogeneous people. That's the style.‘ “’0 know exactly what units the "nnndian palate. \Vc con‘hl 'if we wanted turn on a tap that would tickle it? taste to a nicoty, and quickly make us inn. mensely pnunlnr. It Would certainiy he great. fun ; it warm! prsvlmhly he nroï¬fahle ; and we shnuld sum: ("tahlish n tine "Wm M- tinn av on : nvm .: 1. «Hm-us. â€n? aha“ the organ of F1 Tum z'w (50ml and m.- In“; The Par-«Ilse of Revolution. no To“ 0! Pen-loot Health. Debt. . tul. descend from its sublime elevatinu. and, Euppealiug tn the grunudliuga, become uo‘ : better than a more may papa“? Shall thir juurnal sin. b the law level of :1 Tomato , daily! No. A thousand times no! \\',u« 4 have a high misdon _m perform. We havo- ‘ to ul‘kor up ourfelvus as a living naorilice on I the Hun of lutliutium. Wu tmvu to alum to tell he truth, Above all clue Wu have to he - people's: Friend. and qutlmt capacity. ouï¬ifi'occuiuu. We have to parllmn the customary func'ilms of‘friemlahip, uml say something must. confouududly «liw-uwble. I.“ is thin : â€" Canada is ending to Elulaml tyrany yi-mv mm millions of «lullir-a .lllllll:|ll\ M i!|tur.:st .on mmwy l) u‘l‘owia'l by the Dominion Six-v- urnm-onl’. ; '8Ihl it, is p 'olnlily m Lul' w; about ~six millions of dollars annuall» m iutnesr .on' money horrchIl uv railway and other’ companies. by 'nnmicilmlitirs and lw Jam cornptunvs, winch haw their eh i.~.:|r:l«lers In the 0]“ country. Mark (hie. «you the peoplubf (Jana-la. are paying out of your harcl cumin; fourteen nul ions of chillnrs every war to tho capitnlists of (4mm Britain. minim-u t on '«lohts co rrrwtut _: my don‘t» kmwv'bv whom. for ,purpoawo! \s icll you hav'nt the :3“ :htest Mild! “'94:. what l-mssuayecan nest deem-op yrâ€? ‘5', Will- V "in "II 0 language rlml,,'.lull‘-.=s lunatics. nineo -")-|llp%, or any otln r .hqloflumm nipiohar of vimp-wati Ill only faintly'vlveeex‘iqee mm "l‘iu \I‘llllid In: on e. \vliirl‘l‘lm‘s ix- ‘ h-en‘hn'n'lr-ul aynonyms ’0 on, cam 51mm in! apnlh-l to‘for the -purpose of properly IA-swillinj von ')v n supposing that you rum you-"~10! ve< (:nli‘ChtOd to: pay- this enor- mm... mm y: :1‘ after year. as long as you liva to â€M 8 ti -h money gruhber, are won jll‘!‘ iï¬r-d in 11.1 v I)“ the liabilitylforaué‘h pay- ....m n. vnur children ? 'l‘his'jo 11ml hopes and halt-vies; that it respects n ul keepf‘the tour“! till." andment as faithfully (mil ‘II 'f llv as any dollar a your paper in Canada. hm'if fmher left it to the liability spoken of, i- w-m'J go to the expense of entering on . aim of reviver under the new poware of the new Judicature Act azaimt its deceased rrn': nt. for the solo purp‘ose of elnppiug its ,“.-..p.-nl)le old ears,‘ of tweaking ite‘eillv eta nose, and 01‘ kicking its (liehoueeth pants. For you to borrow money. Mid leave -it‘ 'to your chimrcn'to repay-it, is as dishonest an action as any responsible ‘bcing 'cnu‘commit. An‘d yonknow that is exactly ‘what‘ you‘ve doing. You try to ehirk the responsibility by saying that your children will allure. .Iu- tbe'iï¬neï¬t. Yes, you may try to deceive. v-urselves but you cannot deceive m. We lxnow you well. And you know that we:- know vou. Well. say that in' this constant honouring of money‘ visthis {‘perpetunl 93“?“ in ,-'-at'the British pnpshop of yo-le'clnldiems pr--perty.-â€"you are actinv as kuaves, amt to men and thieves. Doyou ever ‘I‘Ellllm'll! aise'it a thought ? Not a bit of'it. Wh‘cn u'e'lorce it upon your _atteutmn. _then you think of it. and not until then. Rimemter this.â€"onlv fourteen years ago you were a comparatively reSpectallle ‘people. I K on could pay your debts. _You"mye.d only a seventvï¬w millions ‘of Dominion flebt. Now \ve‘are OVeru‘helnleii with_ debt; You own two hundreu millions of damn of I lominiou debt. one‘ hundred and Wentv- R we millions of (lt'fllars having been: meéi} in the last fourteen' years by the"diffunmn Di iminion Government-s. If‘ your ch-whcu who will have to pay this‘ iiltlemedneur honor you very much. it will céd;.inly be Christian, but it won‘y I): natm‘al' Again. Vu- ...-..._, __V â€"â€"‘o'urtoen years an) 'the Dom ini'm“ exw'ml'i. ture was $13,00l000,‘ hut this"yem it is 825,000,000. Naii'ly'dunhlc. ‘Oh, that. we knew more of Arabic' ! Longingly- we wish for the language'thtt would ennhle. m‘lo call you as In six huddled 'di'ï¬â€˜crent, faohiom. You open your stupld ears to the stones of politicmlls who reek withf llution; you suffer yourselves to‘be begni ed with N. P. fahles ; vnu listen like clowns to the railway clunn'ers, and hold out your 'pum to be robbed ; you we the willing. smiling \-ich of each olitic‘nl bandit who can gain my“, aim of t e pnhhc chest'; 'nnd you‘ei'll your. selves a smart people. Puhow?! We tell you that in politics you ore the most gnilable of all the Engluh spanking race. and that your utter want of principle in‘ re- gard to matters of money borrowim and debt are a standing shame and dis race, ‘ There, we have spoken with the ‘fmn megs- ' and candnnr ol 3 friend, and our mind i9 much relieved. It may not do you much. good ; your case is almont hopeless -. 'but it has done up a great deal .of good. , We have only one thing more to any. It'is merely the enunciation of a plain gull dlistinct Truth. “is this zâ€"tho man who Lox-m: money. no matter what the ' «pose to which it is a plied, and 4m“ t o debt to he discharges by hie ohil'dy-m. ‘33 ‘3 coward «I‘ld:;h;aft:aha :hy'pocrite. and a thief. PI“: thut in your pipe and sméko it thought- fu y. Among the Cossacks of the Kiln-ï¬ne. lean year is etemal. When \4 young woman feels a tender passion fort. yo my: man. she seeks him at the reairleh‘co ‘ui his parents and addresses him as follows :â€"-"Thc good. ness 1 see written in your «'4 )"ntounm‘e is a sufï¬cient assurance £15 In†thnt you are capable of ruling a wife, wad thst your good qualities, encourage me ‘to hope that you will makea good husband. It is in this belief that I have taken the resolution to come and beg you With all due humility to ac cept me for your spov so." She then ml- "messes the {other Ind mother and solicit: their consent‘tio the marri .30. if she meets with n refuse! she declines to leave tin- house. and such conduct is usually crowned ‘ with success. The pa‘rnt‘l oi the yuunz' 1 man never put the young maidens ownv if 1 they will per 'st in their any, believing that _ by doing so they would hriuu down the Von- l gcouco oi Heaven upr n their hands. “nuts 01": DOLLAR I’BK ASN.1! Strictly I. tau-m An Burn-l [up "In". N UM BER 2-19