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Woodville Advocate (1878), 6 Sep 1883, p. 5

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Now THAT thoro In 0 roIlulIlo romndy forkidm y roubles, hall tho terrors attached to thaw com- plaints htwo boon romovod. For this let us be umnkml, and to On. VAN Mum-mu hnwnw c mu: award all pulse for having lhusromovml n hither- to commend fatal dlaoaao from our th. I: (minnow: known to (all. Sold by MI druugists. Mn. N. A. Sm-mwuun, Pntrnih Painter hm alil‘quJ III town again. Me has never“; cmmmlsiuna Io till. Us the 29th. “It... Willie, infant son. of (Shun. ;||. Davidson, Beaverton, ngcd 3 nmmlls, 13 days. A'I'Bcnverton, on tho 9th ult , Richard Unkuluw. to Miss Emmn, (laughmr of the lute Phillip-Shire of “rock. Have you tried Hollowny'a Corn Cum? It has nu equal for removing these cmuhle_ sumo oxcmsccuccs. To distinguish a good from a poor potato, :1akeasou1ndene,'pay no attention to its .outward appearance, but divide it into two parts with a-sharp knife and examine the exposed inner surfaces. If there is so much water or “juice” that a slight pressure Would seemingly cause it to fall off in drops, you may be sure that it will he "saggy" after it is boiled. That is evidence of a poor potato, and don’t you buy it. The follow- are the requisite qualities of a good potato: ‘thn cut into, the color should be a yelâ€" iowish white; if it is a deep yellow it will not cook well. There must be a 'censideraâ€" ; ble amount of moisture, though not enough ] to collect in drops and fall off, even with moderate pressure Rub the two pieces to- «ether. and if it is good a white froth will appear mound the edges, and also upon the surfaces after they are separated. This signifies the presence of a proper amount of starch The more froth the more starch, and consequently the better the potato; while the less there is the poorer it will cook. The quantity of the starchy element may also be judged by the more or less ready ad. lierence of the two parts. If the adherence msuilicieut for one piece to hold the othei up, that fact is evidence of a good article. These are the experiments usually employed by experts when buying potatoes, and are the best tests that can be giVeu short of boiling ; but eieu they are by no means in- falliblc. DI l-‘.ID ON the llth “IL, Elizabeth, wife of Wm Neal, \VenVur, Bcavcrlun. ~ ‘upes. always mark out the name and insert ' your own if you want your letter again if it (fails to reach the person addressed. ‘ Tm: Stable: and driving sheds of the Nipisaing Hotel, Lorneville, were destroyed by fire on Monday morning last. The fire was discovered about 4 o'clock a. m.. and is anpposod to have been occtaioned by some trlmpe having slept their over night and lighting a pipe._ No other explanation can r’be offered for its occurmco :t such an un~ seasonable hour. VERY few people know that a letter maiL wed in a hotel envelope which fails to reach ‘ the person addressed is sent at once tn the «lead letter oflice, notwithstanding the 10 ~‘(layo' return notice on the 'corner. If you »atop at s hotel and use one of their envelâ€" Tm: Uxbridge Guardian come to hand again last week in half sheet form. Mr. Pemherton, the worthy Proprietor has been exceedingly unfortunately lately. Being burned out during the great fire which oc- curred in that vilage lately, a new building was [erected and on moving in, it collapsed, breeking the presses and converting his eases intoa hugh heap of “pi". Mr Pem- 'l)erton has our sympathy and we hope to see him vigorous as ever in a. short time. OI’ 20 pieces Dress goods worth 20 cents rfor 125 ct!" also 200 Men’s and Boys TWeed -8uits to be sold cheap, at H. Wilsons, Woodville. Tummisnloud call for more tenement bounce in this village. Several femilies are new in want of residences end we feel sure that Were suitable cottages erected they would proveu paying investment WE are in want of an active girl about thirbeen or fourteen years of age to learn type-setting. ‘ Must be able to read and spell well. Work light and fair wages to a goofi girl. Mk. Wu. Rum, of Lomeville, hats been improving his premises by a. liberal coat of point. We notice Mr. Donald McIntyre’s new addition is also completed md painted. Mm. LlZZlB Hasnnxsox cf Orillia. paid her friends in this village 3 flying visit on nturday last. Miss Henderson has been spending vacation in Cleveland, Ohio. SELF-BINDER!) are becoming quite common in this Ilooality. Fa‘rmi-ra find that. even with their hia'h price, money is saved by their use. THE Eldon Agricultural Society hold their AHHIIIIFRH Show on Frills]. Oct. 12th. “983. t9. Seahide Libralx and filiscellaneous banks at Gunn Bros., Vocdville. Ill Wuoavme 8.8ch mat-'5 MA "RIB”. 6.0 Townsmp CLERK. BenettonJMI. Int. lm‘ ALI. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAM _\Vrlto or give us a. call. GEO. SMITH. 811.. GEO. SMITH, Jn‘ OFFICE IN IOWN HALL, BEAVERTON Conveyancing done in all its branches. Willa Deeds, Mortgages. ML. drawn on shortest notice. with nontnons and accuracy. Being-1m”; fanlmnl' with Municipal matters “'0 are in :\ nusltion toundnrtnku Munidpnl Dmim nud disputed Wntor (‘nurmm Luvulling (10110 for Tiln Drains at only $4.00 lnardny. mm smmmm, [\ VALUAIiLl-l FARM in the township of Box- .4; icy. containing 130 non-s, IV) acres chmrcd. bulnnco good hardwood hush. Hood frame homo and log burns on the premises. A good hearing orchard is also on tho farm. Situated on lini- smn Lake. .3 miles from Victoria Road. A very (lusimhlo pro warty and will ho‘oiforod cheap to u suitnblopurc msor as it must be dispossed of “ilhiu two weeks. Apply to NORMAN L. MCLEAN PLANS AND ELEVATIONS 0F BRIDGES, BUILDINGS G. PREPARED AM) CONSTRUOTION SUPERINTENDED. AND CONVEYANOERS, Beaverwn, Qatar-IQ, Disputed Banndarlos a. Spacialtv. DRAINAGE WORKS, 'HAIR RENEWER PREPARED BY R. P._ 11mg! 00., Nashua; N. H. MONEY TO LOAN. Will clmngo the beard to a. natural brown. or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a slngle preparation, It is appllod without trouble. ‘ filtwrgnm, flinginctw, cwc '_---., ........ v“ u-uuu yunuyur, a coinprehensive family remedy for liver complaint, constipation, indigestion, loss of physical energy, and female complaints. Holloway’s Corn Cure is the medicine remove all kinds of coma and warts. {(10131 ’lhe use for a short time 0! Hum; lism Ruxswsn wonderfully improves the per~ sonai appearance. it cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. it stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara- tions,but remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of economy. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. lchr, stmnacbnnd bowels, nver all of which they exercise the muatsalutary control. By resorting at m early stage of the malady to these purifying and laxative Pills, the Incl- auclioly and jaundiced dyspeptic is speodly ressored to heulth and strength, and his salluwneu gradually vanishes. Holloway/'5 Pilla.â€"-â€"lndigestiou and Liver Cmnplaints.â€"'l‘he digestion cannot be iinn police-t or seriously disordered without the allude of such derangement becoming visible on the countenance. These Pills at once re. more the disorder and its unpleasant con». sequences. The stimulate the digestive and assimilative uuctions, and consequently promote that great blessingâ€"- a. good appetite. Holloway's Pills most satisfactorily remove all deranged or diseased action of the many organs engaged in extracting nourishment for our bodies from our various dietsâ€"as the There is no 010‘ so for suffering from head- schu. Constipuion and all the wesryiug tram of symptoms of a disordered lwer, when Murdock Blood Bitters is an unfailing remedy, and only costs One Dollar a bottle. Why suffer on without a trial 1' 25,000 hot- tles sold during the past three months, with almost universal satisfaction The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coun- tries, where they had never made an etforttor its introduction. was the ant preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases or the scalp, and the first suc- cessful reetorer of faded or gray halr to in natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many lmltators, but none have so fully met all the requirements needtul for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. Ham’s HAm sznwnn has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fume and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal- leled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entirefulfilment of it: pmmisu. Sold by all Dmgglsts; 81, sh bottles, 85. BUOKINGHAM’S DYE H A L L ’ S Vegetable Sicilian Farm For Sale- or to Sold by all Dea'ers'ln Medicln'cs. SMITH é: SM [TH WHISKERS Linea Gunmntood. Blood Disorders. the best remedv, because the most soar-chin? and thorough blood-purifier, s FOR ALL THE FORMS or Scromlous. Mercurial, and FOR THE VictorinRond I‘. O A. D. CAMPBELL Tn, Jn.. CE. P38. Sunvqrow. “moavil’fo P. 0 Suits made to order from the latest! and most fashionable styles. All work lunnteod to tit. TERMS, CAS . Shop over McIntyre Prior'a Shoreâ€"Entrance ‘ ‘ Side Door. June 2nd, 1883. Wool Card/kg, Splhm'ng, WEAVIN G, Cloth Dressing c., Enlarged and Thoroughly Re- fitted with a, large amount of new Machinery. R' "2°93“. A New and Direct Line. via Seneca and Kari lakee. has recently been opened, between Newport News. Richmond. Cincinnati. Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Council Biufls. at. Paul. Minneapolis and Intermediate points. All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains. For more detailed information. see Maps and Folders. which may be obtained. as well an Tickets. at all principal ticket 0111mm the United States and Canada. or of “(I "16 tamoua As It Is familiarly called. offers to travelers all the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth track. snfo brldgee. Union Oepote at all conneetlng polnte. Fast Express Trains. composed of COMMODIOUS. WELL VENTILATED. WELL HEATED. FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY OOAOHES; n line of the MOST MAGNIFICENT NORTON REGLINING ONAIR CARS ever bulltg PULLMAN‘8 latest deslgned and handsomost PALAGE SLEEPING CARS. and DINING OARS that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY. and In whloh superlor meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVG GENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between OHIOAGO nml the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between GHIOAGO "I MINNEAPOLIS and 81'. PAUL. uln sh- ‘n‘gn..- ., nun-50 a . , 1280 acres ; also West Half. 9, Township 7. Range 12, 3'20 Icres. Sections 15 and 16 h" is near the Town of Morris, anal convenient l to a Railway. Will exchange for Lands in Ontario. 0. Also :1 number of Improved Farms for Sale in the Counties of Ontario, Victoria. Bruce, out Carleton, Dundus, Durham, Grey, Halton, Kent, Lannrk. Norfolk, Simcoe, “‘ellaml and Muskoka. These farms will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment. MONEY T0 LOAN at. 64 M117 per cent. If you want a. Farm address or call per- sonally on - .u-w vvublitvvull It Is llterally and etrlctly true. that It: connections are all of the prlnolpnl llneo of gnu between the Atlantic and me Paclflc. y Ito maln line and branches It roaches Ohlcago. Jollet. Poona. Ottawa, Ln Balle, Oaneeeo, Molina and Rock Island, In llllnole; Davenport. Muscatlne. Waehlngton. Keokuk, Knoxville. Oekalooea. Falrfleld. Dee Molnos. West Liberty, Iowa Clty. Atlantic, Avoen. Audubon. llnrlnn, Guthrie Center and Oounoll Blufle, In Iowa; Oallatln, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Mleeourl. and Lemon- worth and Atchleon In Kan-as. and the hundreds of emoe, vlllegos and towns Intermediate. Tho “GREAT ROCK ESLAND RQWE,” An I0 I. lnleIn-Iu Ann-.. .42.... A- -_ Is now one of the most complete custom mills in the Province. Manitoba Lands for Sale Being the Great Oehtrnl Line. afiorde to travelers, by reason graphloal position. the shortest and best route between the southeast. and the_ Wopt._ Northwest and Southwest. TWEEDS. mamas, BLANKETS, YARNS c. Omegco, ROCK ISLAND PACBFIG Rm 8.! h... ”I. A- WOODVIL'LE, ONT. The Beaverton Woollen Mill QEQWES NOTICE! .McFADYEN. ' BEAVERTON fioctiona'l5 and 16. Township 4 on _..___, ll! . I Constantly on hand. Give me a. call. WHO [8 uuAcQ'bAmfso wrrfl'ma oébcRAE-Hv 6r THIS con-mm. WILL 82: av axnmumo nus MAP, THAT THE C. T. YOUNG, mm E CASE PAID FOR WOOL. woo-Pru'qa '00n'!,fipnagor. DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. \ A good assortment of ALBERT LEA ROUTE». .hpviug been NARA STREET, Ben'verton CMOAGO., , unge 2 ONE TO Six Bonus will purify the blood, eJadicating all hu mours, from the common pimple, blotch, or boil, to the most malig- nant form of scrofulons ulcer. ONE To SIX BOTTLES, by cleansing the blood, will purify the complexion from Sallow- ness, smooth out the wrinkles resulting from imperfect nourishment of the body. sweeten foul breath, and renovate the en- tire system. 0x1: To Two BOTTLES will. cure ordinary constipation or costiveness, thereby remov- ing Headache, Piles. Bilionsness and J aundice, and all diseases resulting from torpid Liver. ONE TO Six Bo'rru's by cleansing the blood, improving the general health, and fortify- ing the system against taking fresh colds, wil:in all cases relieve, and in most cases cure that common. loathsome, and dan- gerous disease, CATAn llH. ONE TO Tum-E Bu‘l‘TLES will regulate nll deâ€" rangements of the kidneys. curing urinary dilficulties. prostration, Gravel. Diabetes. ONE To FOUR Bo'n‘ms will reinvigorate the entire system, curing nervous and general dehility, Female weakness and all its attendant miseries. AMOUNT REQUIRED TO CURE: A11 Druggists and Dealers. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. at is 31'.- JQHN rollef or cure effected, your money will J be ”funded. Pmcn, $1. cm I ~ DRUGâ€"Tr“ d DEALERS Everywhere; Ti I ' my" (9 Tm ' According to the Manuscript oi lisp! â€"80-c Interesting Questions I) posed oi. The following is s literel tun-lotion the commencement of the manuscript n deposited in the British Museum. Its be seen that it is s more succinct nsrret: ot the journeys of the Israelites then tl given in the received text of Deuteronon end that these appear in a different ord Modern oritios, who have token exoepti on geographies] grounds to the order, GUARANTEE :â€"After fall- PRICE 0!!) DOLL“! BOLD BY I a UVI'II'I, cw: rum 1 Pan" an. JOUMEY M‘ flll'.I ISRAELIIKS. son of Its unrlvnled goo- tho East, Northeast and trial, wlth no I lSSUiR 0F MARRIAGE LlCENSES,-. .-\I.L KINDS OF REPAII‘I N0 \‘T‘.\Tl.\‘{ AND QUICKLX R‘U‘C L “fill I). flmvnu comma. Inmms “‘mrs, 0mm Comm. lmnnnm. 'l‘lwxxa. \‘MJaxn. AND ALI. mm: or Humz. Fcnxmmxo. \VUODVIIJJ'} HARNESS SHOP ‘\ lame Msmtmo; t. 01 Whips from 35 cents The next regular meeting at Ma ('«nm: the mnlmrmiml nf Hm tun mhip of Marilyn” will h» lch in the TOWN HALL, ()AIUHMDD. â€"-â€"MONI)AY, AUGUST 61‘”, ISSII County of Uinvtmiu, winir-‘x hultluilltl‘lg' '10“ N H ALL, Bl" \VMR INN, THURSDAY SFI’TEMI‘ l‘ I: 61'”. 13831 'l‘l19_liext silping of the Sixth slxru mwsum (.nu'v'r cuux'r? 01‘ uM‘xmu. A regular meeting of the Council of the (‘01!- poratiun (.l‘ the township Lf Eldon, will lie llelal at. â€"A HG Y LE,â€" MONDAY, SEl'l‘l‘HIBER 10TH, 1833. BENJAMIN SCAMMCH. Propr! This first class house has boon thormm atml and refurnrishm‘l. Being: in Hm mu u... .u an muss unuso nns boon thoroughly rcnov atml and rofurnisllm‘l. Boing: in tho vmm‘o of tho business part of the village. and furnished with splendid sumplo rooms, it is tlwrotom most 00n- veuiont for travullers and commurcinl mun. The bar is supplied with the best of liquors mul cigars. Good Stables and Hostler in attendance. TIIOS. EDWARDS l'ropriotnn. Fimt~olassaccommodntinu and attentive rerun t3; Bur well supplied with the clmivoet Liqlmm nml Cigars.‘ ‘Bus to and from ail trains. and every couvemencu for tho travelling puhhc NORTHERN 1101‘sz ,Hâ€"\ J NO. LICTA G GA RT, K irk field COMMISSIONRR I! no Bu I‘IW!‘I-:I’A.V(‘EB GENERAL INSURANCE AGES'I‘. Money to Loan athoG; p.c. Improved Farms for Sale. Sowin Muchluos, \Vilson's “A" and "B" and “Royn ." Also Noodles kept constantly on hand. Office of the Great North-Western Telegram- on, The highest on]: price HID L3, SKINS, TALLO“ l .‘5\ 1;”-.. r T119 hiuhnuf n-..l. .._3 A WM. CAMERON, v17. Agent for linum Loan 6” :5 Money to Loan on firsbclasx somm Agent for .\. HARRiS, s Manufacturers of Reapers, CARTIER. d‘r. Cutting done to and from all park of and Midland Railway Station. (‘lmr ato. Residence. one door north of H Queen Street, \Vuodvillo. WOODVILLE ”Himâ€"{Y STE HENRY IIIHVAIDS. Proprietor. Livery Rigs at any time and at Ml hours 01 shortmt uotico. Specinlattoutiongiven to march] Travullors. Charges always mom TERMS. CASH. Stablcgin m..........-.. . JAM-£8 STUGRT. 1.11. ...1\1\1<1 ..\111)r.1-:r111 Office and Infirmary, in conuoction with Hamib ton House. Beaver-ton. Ontario. DBN‘TIS’I‘S, ac" ”nanny, om. One of the above will be at the Hamilton Home. Buvgrton, on the Second Monday of each month. He Will also visit Woodvillo on the Second Tues- day of each month, stopping at the Queen'I Hotel. J. NBELANDS. L.D.S. : 108. PENTIAND, LIL-Q; k M A I} [305A COUNCIL M lili’l‘lNH 0. BL. L. G. P. k 9.. Graduate of Toronto Unha- sity. Member of t'ollugo I'll 'siuimxs and Surgeons. Ont. Examiner or Sun Life and Cozualerutlou Lite Co's. omen. over McKiunon's Drug Store, Boavorton. Township l'lerk, Sluuklpullu” or Thoni. onlco In Town Hall. llmvurton. Ontario. v -...- .. I‘ll, VICTORIA (‘0th 1'! AFC"! IOSEEfla 011108â€"0110 doc: east of Post omen. “halvillc ‘ (Late 01.]. G. Adams. L. D. S. omceâ€"Boswell‘ a Block, Cumingtou â€"â€" THORAII 30 L'NCI L MEETING. Eldon Township (’lerk «ml Tn" 00108 at Mr. ltoid'n more, Inrucvinc ELDON HOUSE, V ELDON ()UU NUIL MEETING. ' Pansuxs Jz‘DUNUAD _ - 7‘7 â€"v' Money to Man at 6 {war cout.‘ Officeâ€"{out Street, Lixkisay. Ontario.- l. MAM-ls. I G. H. HoPRLVS. MAP'I‘IN $110PKIN5, IARBISI‘ERS sou: nous ac. JAMES M. 1.1??va IZST \‘BIJEII .2". NW: 1 u. JOHNSON, 3f A1: GILL \iMP 1' EB; JNO. A. JAL'KSQE at. IO o’clock a. m GEORGE SM l'l‘ll “@usturss (Xmas. H. WELLER, Lns M “V .... I‘luulb' on ma Ipecml attoutlon mum to Com~ :. Charges always modal-ate. Stablcsiu commotion with tho Sill-Icon Dentist. Loan ct Savlna‘s ('0. :wlasx socurity, MB to 6.} no S, SON .Q: (‘o.. Rrantford. puts, Mowers, Self Binders. aid {or all him-1's of flu . Any quantity of ‘u nn-L n- . . Prom-hm WOODVILLB, u (“NI Tfl'CIUNI'. I, Mrnevlllo. Ont. Division Court N0! the "1‘32! (hm-gm lllodor~ \ .... x :1'3 unouor of Eldon House “'00:. “11.5 oodville. ntly on brim]. Telegraph Co. ('«mncil of STA BLE, on tho up

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