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Woodville Advocate (1878), 19 Sep 1883, p. 1

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BEAVERTON Hardwam and Stmm Empmfium. September 26th 1883. JAS. CAMERON, I am now selling the best Canadian Coal Oil, the “ Silver Star” Brand, at 260 perial gallon in 3 or 4 gallon lots and American “ Headlight” at 300153. LA LAMP lOODS, CHANDELIERS and TUBULAR LANTERNS in great; variety and at LOW PRICE? And now as to prices-Jrlie unanimous verdict of tllO people has been in the past and shall surpassed all competitors in the stove hue, and this Fall and \\ inter there will lie nu cxcoptirm therefore determined not to he uutlcrsuld by any, and will givo the lowest privoa when» (lunlitv‘ sidcration. REPAIRS FURNISHED FOR ANY STOVE PURCHASED FROM ME DUll 1 have now in stock the follmvim: leading looking Stoves viz :-Gnrney’a \Voml Cook. (3 sizes.) Gurney’s “ North~Wmh (5 sizes.) Gurney’a New Munitelm and (lnrney's “ Granger,” I}. Munro's. “ Britannica,” (4 sizes.) ” Uraiwning Gian-v" nncl “ 'l‘he Highlander." 2-3 well as monv other well known and nice pattern of Cook btoves. I have in addition to a large line of BOX S'l‘lWE“ the following HEATING S'i‘UYl'ZS vw. : Buck's " (,fllalielige” Hunter. (inrney’s “ Dmnininn" Heater, Munro's “ Fore-Ht. King" also a few coal stoves among which are the " New Jewel," a line heating coal stove, also several smaller sizes in c0141 stoves suitable for heating small rooms. And now as to prices-Jl‘he unanin‘mus verdict of the people has been in the past and shnll he in the future that J. Cameron has surpassed all competitors in the atovo hue, and this F3" and “ Illte!‘ there Will he no exception. As I lead in nnntity and quality I am therefore determined not to he under-WM by any, Mi" Wi" ”"0 “'9 Inwfist Wives where ( unlity. finish and dum ujlity are taken into con- aidcmtion. REPAIRS FURNISHED FOR, ANY STOVE PURCHASED FROM Ml} DURING THE PAST 15 YEARS. I have now in stock the follmvinu hailing baking Stoyg-sxiz :â€"-;Gurney’a \Vl I lava tllelplcasnm 02‘ again canning before thg public :13 the manager and proprietnr of the almve named establishment thi opportunity of cox-dially lenklng my man): frxends and custonwrs for {he hneral patronage hostowml on, tho bnsmus: meuoed in 1878 and especially (lining the past. 4) years under thqpartnershlp (3f the law 1mm of (Jameron . “ estcott' and : a continuanco of their patronagu who“ I shall endeavour to ment by purchas‘nni the hush 01.143 of goods In the lowest marl lug at reasonable prices as Well as by strict attention to the public in the Hardware and Stow Trade. I have this season mnue tho most extensive purchase in the Stow» Lino ever I my display of Is now without doubt the most extensive. complclc. beautiful and bust finished lot of Stoves slmw 1 . - in tho fitm'eylige “mil; 0‘ 'fm‘ontln. 'l‘he afin'ehsrli-ctfii'on is made from tlm well known and justly :1313b::t{(?llll?fl|:??:(l:)tl::l!;:1first E. k C. GURNE (in, mni ton. '1. C. G i ’ '1 ' . 00., 'l‘cmonfiu DENNIS MOUI‘E 00'” - ' ‘ w . ‘ ,4 Um. Hamilton. and WM. ’BUUK. llrnnmml ‘ ' Hamilton, JAM LS “TIAVART COOKING, PARLOR AND HEATING: STOVES! WEICH E7333} ARE SEKLING at CLOSE ST PRICES unâ€" Our Own Make in KI]? AND CALF Boots and Shoes A WORD ABOUT COAL OIL, LAMPS Chandeliers, Lanterns c. 1‘ D 1. B 0 0t S nd 8 ‘ .10 CI .3‘ 11 I o u e ‘ a n 1. ll 1 e O u r St 0 C] i JOS. J.CAVE, Publisher. StflB§'%§§ 2 ”H. WALLER, eavermn, QM. FOR THE FALL {REM SHELF and Heavy Hardware, Oils, Paints diet, in Stock / Est ablished 111 1878 by ms. CAME-RON And ham to say that I am pmpared with low prices for cash to all who may favor Beaverton Hardware and Stove Emporium. and we are fully brepared for a. rousing fall trade 'We have this year prepade a larger stock of :11 you examine our stock. We have an elegant selection to show and will make a specml effort to please by glvmg (Sign of THE GOLDEN BOOT) Hamilton, dud WM. 'BUCR than eyér before, and I have a full line of ho: ” Silvgr Stnar‘”mI31mAu‘1, at 29cm. per Im _made for Beaverton. I havn 1 WOODVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, EEM‘EMBER 72 \' , Brantford. at 300153. LAMPS, -.... __‘ __‘. me with a call. Wed on the business since I com- mn \VestCutt' and also to ask for Na in the lowest markets and Bull- mxd Stow Trade. no hesitation in iatatmg that A ml I take llvmm........ .1... .......... 40 12 Field Um mm ......... . 40 12 (Landon CM‘IOtS ....... 40 6 Maugold Wurtzcls..... 40 ' LargoBI-eed ....... 50 35 25 { Spnniuh ............ 50 35 25 ‘ Leghorn ........... 50 35 25 CLASS 6-â€"-GRAIN. Bushel Full‘Vheat... 100 75 50 do Spring \Vheat, White Russian 1 00 75 50 do ‘ Spring Wheat, Arunocm....... 1 00 75 50 Any other variety. worthy ......... . 1 00 75 50 do Field Peaso,... large ............. 1 00 75 50 do Fnold l’cuse,... nmull..... ....... l 00 75 50 do Barley ......... . -1 00 75 50 1 dozen ears Corn...... 50 25 20 Bushel Oats ............ 60 50 40 Pack White Barnum... 50 35 25 100 pounds Flour ...... 1 00 75 50 CLASS'Iâ€"ROO’I‘S VEGETABLES Bushol early rose Pot- atoek ................ 50 35 25 do hipPotutuos..... 50 35 25 Any other variety of.. . l’otatOt-n consid(n'e(l...... Worthy ............. 50 35') IO ‘1 Pair Turkeys do Geese...“ Sow, aged .......... Sow under 1 year old ......... Ram, aged......... Ram Lumb....... Two Ewes......... Two Ewe Lambs. Shcarlings......... Boul',age(l......... Boar, under one Afilch CUW.... .. . Heifer, 2 yrs old Heifer, 1 yr uld Heifer Dzllf...... . Fut- CuH-le ......... CLA SS 2â€"0 AT'I‘LE. THOROUG HBL " \E DSâ€"wn‘u PEDI. GREE. Best. Bulluny age 2 00 1 5O 1 00 Bull, 1 you: old 1 50 l 00 ”75 Bull Calf 1883.. l 00 75 50 Milch Cow ....... 1 50 1 00 75 Heifer, 2 yys old 1 00 75 {)0 Heifm, l yeurold l 00 75 50 Heifer Culf....... l 00 75 50 Best. Brood M are with Foul. Colt, 2 yrs old... Colt, lyeur old.... Foal ................ Single Driver in Harness, over 15% hands high ' Single Driver under 15$~ hands high ...... . Carriage Team under 15% hands high ......... Best Tmun ......... Brood Mare with with Foal by side Cult, 2 yrs old... . Colt 1 year old... Foal ................ Best Tmnn...” .. Brnod Mano with Jim! by side....... Cult, 2yrs old . Colt, 1 year old. Foal... ..... . ....... ELDON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY’I‘ FALL SHUW, 1883‘ .. flbnmim cacao...- ’00.... old ......... l 00 7 5 CL ASS 5â€"POULTRY. year old.. . yrsuld 1 00 75 ‘L yeaz'old. I 00 7'5 ............. l 00 75 GEJERAL PURPOSE alf....... l 00 7 GRADE. 'W....... 1 00 7! yra old 1 00 7 1 yr aid 1 00 ‘ 7 ult....... 1 UK} 7 le ......... l 50 1 C CLASS 3â€"SHEEP. LONG \VOOL. YLASS‘Lâ€"HORSEi DRAUGHfl n) ........ $2 00 $1 50 $1 00 m o with Me ....... 2 00 1 50 1 00 yuide 2 00 150 Id.... 1 00 old... 1 00 ....... l 00 {0A DSTERS 75 75 75 FOWL. 100 200150 100 2 00 ‘1-59‘ 1 00 200150 200 150 100 100 100 75 75 75 200150 50 75 rd , 1883. .10 30 30 30 h) rl -1 m‘ :31 ‘ OI 2;") 20 20 20 100 l 00 50 50 50 1 00 50 50 5O 100 5 F0 Ou 0a 95 55 50 1 00 50 50 50 50 so ‘50 :50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50. 50 00 50 75 The Finest. healing compound under the Inn is Mefirogor l arko’s Cnrlmlic Col-Me. 'l‘horois no sore but will succmnh to itn wonderful healing properties. It is an in- vnlnnhlo dressing for acnlds, fosters t-E-t. ‘Prico t.\venty--live cents at J. U. Hilclnist Woodwlln or John McKimmn’s Drug Hinrn Benetton. THE herring fisheries of Scotland em~ ploy nenrly 500,000 penple,oua-sevcnch of the population. Tho boats I'H'n'oe- sent. a money value of $3,600,000. The annual yield of cured fish has risen from 90,000 barrels early in the century to 1,290,000, and has trebled in fifty yams, wlrilo in the annm period the value ol'the nets lms increased 75 per cent. 8. MI: Millan, Brock best. ” 7an 0M, lst. $2. 00, 2,I1d 81.1.), 3H] $2 2.) 1;qu 1 year old, lsc$2. 00, 2m] $175 3m 5512;». Damn Foa‘ 1883, lst. 82. 00 2r. (1 $1.” «5 3H] 81. 25. All rom “ Young Eng~ land 3 Glory. Studio.......... 100 75 Loaf Baker’s Bread...... 75 50 Loaf Home Linda (10.... 75 50 Honey, in Comb and jars 75 50 SPECIAL PRlZl‘s. H. Cmmiclmel, Manilln, hostFoni 1883, by “Victor, ' lst, $5. 00, 2: $3. 00, 31d, 32. 00. ed ............ \Vntel Colo: Painliilgii. Collection hom Artist’s 10 yds FnHed Cloth” 10 yds I“!nnuel......... Fancy Quilt ............... Pr Home Made Blankets Coverlet .................... Cmmtérpuno ............... Pntchwm k Quilt ......... Fine Shirt .................. Fancy Flannel Shirt.... Skein of yarn. ............ Pair Socks ................ Crochnt \Vork ............. Hair \Vm-ks ............... Hem t1: Rug ............... Lounge Mut ............... Bellin \Vool Wonk Iais- CLASS lZâ€"MA NUFAC'I‘ Set Double Harness... 1 00 Set Single Harnans.... 1 00 Side Upper Leather... 1 00 Suit nf Clothes ....... . l 00 Pair Ladies’ flue Boots Pair (:‘rents’ fine Boots Pair Coarse Boats ...... Cnbinot Furniture. l 50 1 \Vinduw Sash......... . 75 Set Home Shoes ....... 50 Assortment ’l‘inwure.‘ l 00 Coopm-wm em... . 1 00 Lumber \Vaggon 2 00 Lumber Sleigh .. 1 50 Double Buggv... 2 00 Single Buggy ..... . 2 Ol Single Cutter ...... 1 5| Plough ................... Gang Plough.......... . Set Iron Harrowa ...... Reaper .................. Mower...... ..... . Land Rollei:.... Scufller -,w‘ CLASS 9â€"DAIRY 'l‘ub of Butter, 50 lbs, 1 Roll Butter, 6 lbs ...... Cheese, home make ...... 12 Full Apples........... ]2 \Vinlor Apples....... 3 Vmiu-cics do 12eucl1 12 Plumbs ..... Grapes ..... UII‘IOIIOIIODIII ULASS lZâ€"MA NUFACTURES. §et Double Harness... 1 00 75 5 §et Single Harnans.... l 00 75 5 Side Upper Leather... 1 00 75 5 Suit nf Clothes ....... . l 00 75 5 ?nir Ladies’ flue Boots 75 5 flair (:‘rents’ fine Boots 75 5 flair Coarse Boats ...... 7 5 5 )nbiuot Furniture. l 50 1 00 5 Window Saslx......... . 75 50 {at Horse Shoes ....... 50 35 2 \ssortment 'l‘invvnre.‘ l 00 75 5 foopm-wm 8...... . l 00 75 5‘ CLASS 13â€"13051 ESTIC MANU~ FA CTURES, 4w. 0 yds Fulled Cloth.. I 00 75 51 do Greystonei'I‘il-i-iiiim g5 12 Onions, Black Seed... 30 12 Onions, Tops. ....... .. 3O Tomatoes ...... ............. 25 Pair Pumpkins............ 40 Pair Squaslnou ............. 40 Pair Citrons ............... 40 Pair \Vater Melons ....... 40 Pair Musk Melons....... 40 ( ‘ LA SS 8â€"FRUI'1‘. A Cure For Cuts, 8513, Set. 4 heads Cabbage .......... anhel Swedish Tglnl'tlilys OLA ss mâ€"FARMING mum. - MENTS. ‘ ung Mill.... ..... . 1 00 75 CLASS 11~CARRIAGES :00 ‘150 100 .50 100. 7-5 300 150 100 200 150100 150 100 75 I 00 75 75 - 75 73 75 50 50 .30 ‘25 25 5O 50 50 50 50’ 1 00 3:75 50 1 00 '75 50 l 00 75 50 1 50 l 00 50 I 00 75 5( 75 50 75 50 1 00 75 C! Q 50 35 25 50 35 25 40 35 35 25 35 25’ PI1<JIHJCEL 150 1 00 50 1 -00 75 50 . 1‘00 75 50 30 50 50 30 3O 25 40 40 40 60 50 50 3 35 I E‘ 2:: I)’ .5). 35 35 35 50 35 35 25 20 20 75 50 50 50 50 30 3O 30 30 25 35 35 25 25 20 III} Hf 2nd. r0 :5 2f) 0." 20 15 15 VJ .0. 50' 50 50 50 50 50' 50 50 50 50 50‘ 25

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