.m- | The special business of the council was then introduced Vii: the appoint“ in: gfa Local Bgald of Health for the so mlded,by Mr. Weatcott, that two; than value of _sheep, beingHSIQOO; be paigler. smith. Motion carried. AEclnim was presented by Mr. Wm. Smifli fer the lambs killed by dogs, Animals, were valued at $14.00. AR... deviï¬ were made and evidence hemd. When it was moved by Mr, ‘Donnell, Thong Township than". A ipecinl meeting of Thumb Tomm ship Council was held on Saturday legit, the 6th inst. Members allE present. hood. The following gentlemen now constitute the Board: The Reeve, Mr. McRae' , Mr. Geo Smith, Cleik; Messxs. Cline. Galloway, Patel ‘Valls and D1“.A_.Granb ‘Who is medical qflicen. to the Board.- Complaints must. now be made to the 303111;.“ to the existence of any infectious disease in the .Township.nnd aleouof nuisances liable to produce such a disease, ' It. is Imped the peOple will see it to thein interests consist the Board in their law and not allow this law to become like me mimy of its predecesaoma _ 1111le 7 4 , the purpose of- appointing a Local Board offflealth. This is a wise step grad one "we‘hopo to see followed 'by every municipality .in this neighboun Tn; Thqrah Township Council held a. special meeting on Saturday last for the purpose of- appointing a Local Board offflealth. This is a wise step For the past few days the attention of the Province has been centered on the County oil Halton,_who, in its peti- tion for or against the repeal of the Scott Act in that County was lelt to carry with it a keen influence on the temperance movement now agitating the Province. It was also knowu that the full power of the Licensed Vict- uallers Association with immense funds at its dispoeal would be brought to bear on the contest, and with these considerations in view it is not surpris- ing that much interest was exhibited in the result. In fact the contest was considered of such moment that union prayer meetings were held through the entire Province, praying for the re- tention of the Act. The ï¬rst contest iiLHalton took place in 1881 and was then adopted bya vote of 1,483 for to 1,402 against and on Tuesday last its repeal was voted down by an inâ€" creased majority of 125. l'Halton has been one of the instances most quoted by anti-prohibitionists and the defeat of the partyafter the hard, very hard work performed, must be very gratify- ing. to every well wishgr'ofwthetemper- ance cause. W‘eare pleased also to‘ notice that Maine, that Btatewhioh we were told was so keenly anxious to re- peel. its Prohibition law,‘ has not. only rte-enacted it but has conï¬rmed it in the Constitution of the State and also prohibits the manufacture. TheSe two victories we believe carry with them a weighq‘gifoi‘gnmenb which tlie~Liqiior interests 'will ï¬nd itisomewhat difï¬cult to. overcome. SCOTT ACT m HALTON. mama: flutes. ELDON Agricultural Society Fall Show will take place on Monday, Oct. 6th. instead of Sept. 26th as formerly announced. ’1‘ he change has been made for the purposapf avoiding conflict with other} local lshows. It would be well for the Directors to the the day of showmt the annual meeting here« after ; this would avert the usual confusion consequent to such changes., Tm: weather during the Week has been exceedingly warm With ,sliglit shower . ic balance of the harvest still out is in cellent condition and with fair weather for hart time longer will all be safely housed. Mk. I). Gnsxrhes laid out» a range of son andnle street, west side, which are “is for sale. MR9. llnssgnnd daughter, retqrned from it visit to the Lower Provinces on Fri« yr, Inst. RVEILU. cases of typhoid fever. nre re- ‘ted in the village. All are doing We†THE new map of the village has been issu- ed from the hands; of the surveyor, and may be seen at the ofï¬ce of the clerk. Mr G W. Mathews received on Tn'eatlnv over the Grand Trunk, a pig of huge «liâ€" ineuaions. It was purchased at Lomeville Junction and it weighed 680 pounds. This pig will dress nearly three barrels of pork. and will cost more than .640. Mr. Sullivan, of Douro can you beat this 2â€"Pcterboro’ Review. The mrket is opening here thie Week and, we gnderetand~ Mr. Hugh Grpnt will buy. here instead of Mr. D. .Grant. McLeod (the latter the McLeod who carried p. plow on his back the distance of two on a half miles) bound on the Manse farm. one day last week twelve acres of heavy eats in less than nine hours. Tide record can, ha’rd- lybe beaten and will ï¬ve a self binder a hard rub. A manure lmrricnno of rain and wind mrred here on ‘\'ednemlay lust. SoVoral nu in the path of the storm wow partially ~ofl‘cd. While trees and fonoesllew in. try direction. The farmers of this section, are all about- through harvesting with the exception of a law who are always behind. The crops are all secured in good cau'lition. Service hext Sabbath at the usual hour in St. Andrew’s Church. 30‘ 5 Bah-s of (3min Rags to be sold very up, at H. \\ ilsun’a, \Voodvillo. Call [1 Ice them. ,- FALL WHEAT seeding has commenced in this locality. A smaller percentage will he sowed this year owing to the last being .winter killed, although _aom§ quoui'nbest fagmers arqlsqwiug to alï¬rge-sxtent. , The ï¬rst Barley of the season was brought to market here, on'b'riday last, by Mr. Wm. Smith, of 4th Con. of Eldon, and was a very good sample. mun wu lodged in the "10 l5â€"up on my “‘81“. A union prayer meeting was held 111 Knox Church on Monday night last, praying for the sustentation of the .Scott Act in Halton. REV. Ma. Buaxm'r, of Pictou, Nova. Scotia, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew’s church on Sabbath next. Om: of our hotel keepers, we learn has gchn notice to all in the trade in the village that he intends to see the Crook’s Act strictly enforced in the village hereafter and that any infringement of the law will be severely dealt with. From Our Correspondent. THE Anniversary Services of Knox Church will take place on Sabbath next. the 14th inst. Rev. H. M. Parson's M. A., of Knox Church. Toronto, will conduct the services both morning and evening. A special collection will also be taken up at each service in aid of the building fund. Tun “Checkers" phy a mntch with Peter- borough on the 16th inst†at l’eterborough for the championship of Central Ontario. Tun next sitting of the .Division will be held on ’l‘huraday Sept. 25th. Tm: Fall Show of 1884 promises to he a very interesting one and we hone to see every one who has any article of nxanufuc. ture or production worth showing, bring it forward and help with the work. These shows are purely for the beneï¬t of the farmer. but we are sorry to say enough interest is not usually taken in them. However. we hope to see the show of 1884 an exception in this respect. Mu. JOHN Lmun. one of the ï¬rm of Harrison Leslie left on Friday last for an excursion to [Michigan and a visit to his brother, now resident at Caduho in that State. Thonh’s contingentjo the Ontario Reform Association. lesve for Toronto on Tuesday to take part in the Mowat demonstration. Quite a number of delegates from this sec- tiou we learn will be present. Mr. MoEachern, J. McEachern and Jaa. ' 318901111111: 55ml wwn. gamma “gm! gm. Lornevllie- Court ,Lanqvcnnnlt, in the London ’I'ruflt, says the Queen has made a new will. She has plenty‘of money to give twnym Prince Al- bert haul at least $3,000,009†Amiser nam- ad Nealnl bequeathed to her Manny 82,591), 000, and all her life she has an nviug th‘e gi-e‘al'r put of per gaging! Incgme. Mr. Steel. 3 formu- resident'of this place; but now of (,‘obourg. is visiting his ion at Bryer farm. he is looking uale an d hpany. A few nighta ago smne mysterious porsun cnteled the home of Mr. l“. Mch and was quietly wandering around the kitchen when some ut' the inmates nf the Muse hcmnl the unungls of steps. ventured half way ( own atmrs and saw the ï¬gure of a man disappear at the back door, he gave three distinct~ raps and Was no more to be seen. The mystery 18 yet unsulvod. The weather has been very favourable fur the past week. poItetoes are An e\qellentcrop in this section. ~The high wimls have not left. much fruit in 1.118 orchards to ripen this Season. M r. Horton has just ï¬nished repairing his grist mill and Warrants an excellent sample in flour. This is‘ good news for the fennel. From Our Correspondent. Mn, John A. McRae, presented her hus- band With a yqung son on Wednesday Inst. Next regular meeting of presbytery to be held at Lindsay on the in: dayLof N0\ em her, at eleven o ’clock, a. m. JAmxs It. Soo'rr, Presb Clerk. . The following resolution was passed 1 The p'esbytery desires to record its sense of the deep loss which it has sustained in the removal by death of Mr. S. L. McKiunell of Uxbndge, and to couVey to his bereaved wife and family and also to the congregation which he represented 1n this coult, an emu- est assurance of its sympathy with them in: their affliction, _\\ ith the prayer that he who called his solvent to secure his reward will heal the sorrow and supply the loss of those who mom}; the removal of that servant and appoint Mr. McDonald, Glenarm, as moderator, who took the chair, when a vote of thanks were tendered to Mr. Currie for the faithful manner in which he dishharged the duties of his oï¬ice during the past year. Mr. McDonald was aopoiuted to dispense the Lord’s Supper at Digby and Garden in room of Mr. Sinclair. Mr. Gilchrist, treas~ urer. was appomted to collect for the As: sembly, Synod and Presbytery fundsjor the year. The Home Mission “Cork, “Iintelj gigpply. clnigus, etc" _w9re left in the hands 'of the. Pxeshytery’s Home Migsion commit- tee. The students Messrs. Gardiner, Kin- neu aud Patterson were certiï¬ed to Knox College. Presbytery of Lindsay. THE presbytery of Lindsay met at “'oodv- ville, on Tuesday, 26th. Aug. The Rev. A. Currie, M. A., Moderator. Present ten members and ï¬ve Elders. The Rev. Mr. Sinclair was unanimously electedomoderator for the ensuing year. Mr. Sinclair while grateful for the honor conferred on him re- quested that the presbytery would on M; ’count,of his ill health relieve him {ram the ‘ office and elect another in his room. The , presbytery expressed their regret _tlmt Mr. Sinclair was unable to undertake the oflice and sympathise with him in his affliction WM. CAMERON, Agent Harris, Son Co.. .“Little Brnntford’7 Binders for the season of 1884. I feel it my duty to let my fellow farmers know what I think of it. In ovmy respect it has worked to my entire satisfac- tion. ‘1 have cut about 904.11crea of the different kinds of grain and a great deal of which was badly lodged. It did its work well. “'8 have "sud two horses most of the time. Have had no breaks or any trouble. Farmers who intend buying a Binder for 1885 pannot do better then bnv n “Brnntford†from Mr. \Vm. Cameron, the com any’e agent, as I fully believe it to be the rest made machine in Canada. lam sure itia far more durable than a self-rake machine. NORTH MARIPOSA, Aug 26th, 1884, A. HARRls, SON Co. Grannyâ€"Having brought one of your “11.90.13 prun.‘nwԠIII-\An-n ‘..â€" LI... ....... A: Farmers Take lattes. [Advertisement] Knowing that so much has been said about the Whitby trial of Binders by many unscrupulous agents, Messrs. A. Harris a Son's have authorized me to make knoWn the following facts zâ€"They with the other manufacturers of Binders signed an agree. ment not to attend any contests of Binders. but it appears the contest at Whitby was arranged and to which some of the others went. The “Little Brantford†did not compete, the company not allowing it after having signed the agreement not to do so. It has since been circulated through the Press and otherwise, for reasons better hndwn to themselves that the “Brautford†Binder competed and was not successful. which is a misstatment and far from the facts. The public should know that the “Btantford†Company manufacture twice the bomber of Binders made by any other firm in Canada, and this season. so keen was the demand for this machine that early in the season their immense supply was exhausted, while other ï¬rms have still on hand a supply either unsold or returned. That the "Brantford†Binder has fully satisï¬ed its purchasers. we quote from Mr. Donald Grant. one of Mariposa’s best known fariners. and whose testimonial is but one of many stating the same. Bolsover. DONALD GRANT. “’oodville. I Woodville Boot 9nd Shoe Store. . ‘ a N. Pugâ€"As I am about intsoducing a partner to my business , 111.11 outstanding accounts both book and note must be. settled; at once as after ()ctoben let out books will be placed 111 013116le hands for collection. _ ' 3 Please Remember our tepms in future are‘ STRICTLY CASH for which a liberal discount; from former prices has been made. BOOTS? At thelowesj; possible prices. Eyery line and grade is fully ORDERED WORK PROM PTLY EXECUTED) AND BEST MATERLALS USED._ ‘ Our Jobbing Establishment is Complete. ETWEEN-the Bridge and .the Staï¬on I. Lady's Golgi Brooch. Fhldcr will be nui- ablorexyatrded bï¬leaviug it at the Ding Stow. Beaver‘ton. ‘ ' ï¬enyerton, Sept. 10th 1884. $4,000; $4,000.; EAflfl STGQK; __ï¬__.,.-_._ -.,- u"..- "mung, .. thorol’llgh business training. III. HE COLLEGIATE for those repnring for Matriculation in Arts, Imw. Mo icine or Civil Engineeï¬ug. for the primary examinations in Dentistry. Phammaey. or Civil Servnce, or for any of tho oxmninutionu for teachers. At the recent examinations for Second Class certin‘ cums all of the candidates from the College were successful. IV. MUSIC AND FINE ARTS. For College Announcement containing full information, Address w. n. HUSTON, m. A., Princjpal, sity ' 3E1};gigégfï¬l‘ï¬Ã©ï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©'tofr'.aiming: 3101):};- m0!) 8 2â€"4 I. THE PREPARATORY (or Junior Studeni‘a. 11. THE commzucuy for those wishing a "unannd. I.....:-~ ..,... L“ :_ .-._ Pxoxsnwa Connnan is well known as balding s. ï¬rst [Ilene among the educational institutions of the ’rovince. Young people of both sexes re~ ceive a. thorough practical education and at the same time are surrounded by all the more] in- fluences and guarded euro of a wellâ€"conducted Christian home. The College buildings are com- gl’eté in evelg' res wet, and are noted for their autiful an hen thhll situation. The stafl of teachers is large and thoroughly compete‘ut, behngï¬eompossq eutigely. ot‘ Qnivexf- n:‘-- â€a..- .._L-_ PICKEIHNG COLLEGE ! aipelqsï¬'lese Ayer’a Sarsnparilla, which ’is the speciï¬c endorsed by the most eminent medical authorities. Malarialpoisoucan be eatiraly removed from the system by the use of Ayro's Agile Cure, which contains a pure speciï¬c. in tin form of a vegetable product, used in no other. remedy. Warranted. Fmtlthe prompt and' certain cure of ery- Aaphodcl. Belumut, and bummer, at Nul- Ivoml, Oct. 11th. Eldon at Wuodville. on Monday, Oct. 6th. Norah Victmia, at Victoria Roacl."1‘huu- day and Friday, Sept. 25th and 26m. ' Thorah, at Bemferton, du,,'l‘uesd:\y, Oct. 7th. l'all lxhlbmom. Tun following date. have been muouuced' on which agricultural exhibitions will be held 'â€" Grand Dominion and 89th Provincial, at Ottawa, Sept. 22nd to 27th. Quebec Exhibition, at Montreal, Sept. 5th to 13th. Went. Polorhnro’. at l’etorboro’. Sept 30th and October lat. 3 Elast Puterbolo’, at Keene, Out. 2nd.nud rt . Lindsay Central, at Lindsay. Oct. lat 2nd and 8rd. \Yoqdvlillo,‘.Augqa_t 26d}, ‘183‘4. Somerville Agricultural Society, Monday, Sept. 29th at Culmconk. _ 8 1Port; Hope. at Port Hope, Oct. 7th and t1. Industrial Exhibition. Toronto. on Sept. 10th to 20th. -~v ,pv u .4-.- ,v~.4â€"~-_ -_.‘\....-. â€" . â€"â€"â€"~ ~V__. __-._- represented in my siuck. and customers niajy he surepf sgcurhlg (m ekcellent selection by calling early. None but the best. articles In the tradg kept. _ WI" Ito-open on Sept. lst. It has ever baen myxprivilege to buy and I have de- . termined to sell the entim stock Iihave now to â€hand the Klarggst and ï¬nest stock“ og- +STRICTLY FOR CASH Iâ€".. Lost. ï¬ï¬‚fl. ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬gï¬ï¬‚flfla. S? . SHOES rick'erin‘g. ï¬Ã©ut deijaâ€"lah’câ€"o'ï¬â€™suit pmihm. l ' “ For further particulars apply to A. RICHARDSON. Port Perry Farm For Sale» I Outï¬t wprth a large sum of mono Ill - FREE. You will ï¬nd YOUR FORTUN m 9’0}; CIRCULAR. Address FINE ART PUBLISHING 09.. Sh-Qatharines, Ontario. Guilds . 100 ACRES mout down. balance toa MGQOBMICK. BOGLE TIMMINS. August 21-3111 . any midi-63$ Will open for the recoytion of students on 89 A tomlicr let» One of me ï¬nest suites of rooms I: the city he; been leased. and is being ï¬tted up 4. in ï¬rst-class style. embodying the latest 5nd,. most practical ideas in Business College Appara- tus. A comprehensive and praotica‘l course of instruction,“ insured to the studenï¬by the ser- vices of a huge staff of experienced lecturers and teachers. The subjects taught arc Book-Keep lug, Com min] Arithmetic. Banking. Aotuui’ Business notice, limitless Con-es ndence, Penmanship. Commemini Law. Te egphV. Bhorthand. Caligraphingort 'pe-writin . ouch; Physiology and Hygeine. he annua college» sirculnf. giving full details, will be mailed tree . Make Money .'.' Liz" Terms and 0mm Frew~You will and our erculur a Prize. Address FINE ART PUBLISHING 00.. St. Cathu'iues, Ontario. Gantdo. SUELPH BUSINESS COLLEGE. st the hour offlo‘clock, p. m.. to hear and duwrulino the several complaints of errors and omissions in tho Voters’ List. of the Munici- lmlity of Mariposa, for 14. All persons having )usiness at the Court are required to “tend at tho said time and place. Dated the Nth day of August. 168-]. JOHN F. CUNNINGS.. Clerk of Municipality. Oakwood. August mm. 14. Great Bhance for lady Agenls NOTICE is hereby 3‘ on that at Court will be - held. pursuant to t o " Votors' hint Act." by His Honour the Judge the County Court. at! o Couaty of Victoria. at t 16 Town Hall in the - has or Oakwood on the 22nd day of September, 1884, Tho Full trade in now oponï¬uï¬ and those. re uirlug a well-mun nu than†lmwu their on on; a! once to avoid t 10 usual msh Suits made and triumwdto ordurut Iowan prim Towns/zip of Mariposa! Voters’ I;ist Court. 3:3, mm, lemon gamma: Dhgnuo} any illness arising mmwell or Kidnap. mild and muongirln their | - pill-badeâ€. mm â€c. ‘ -Tailming Establishment! .0130}! Son Stomach u"! 04 "4.3.0,: any illness mung hen the u uh. Bowel- or Kidneys. Tho m a mild and mum their action. I puma“ mm â€c. I! not.“ LOT 39, CONCESSION 1. FENELON. GU ELPH, ONTARIO. To MAKE MONEY. A GREAT CHANGE TO waavnnwï¬â€" 40 cleared with necessary bgjldlpgg. \ Sm“ pay-