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Woodville Advocate (1878), 9 Sep 1887, p. 7

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The oxounlon part of Onurio {AI-men mule n our! lhfl rom Lu: onbury on Aug. 23, and v {ted the Bianca-t farm. The «work»: on“. were pntioulurly udmlrod. It is stated that Germany has agreed to mpport Russia in Bulgarian affairs, on con- dition of Russian neutrality in the event of a war between Germany and France. The whole question of whether Manitoba will be allowed to construct a railway to the boundary will probably be fought out in the Courts. One Browni , presumably actln ‘ the interests of th:§3.l’.fi., has se- cure: and right in‘ the path of the roamed railway, refuses to give the Res iver Valley people right of way, and has applied to the Courts for an injunction re- strainin the contractor or his men from tree ng on the land. One newspaper pub ishes an absurd story, givinga Con. servative who “does not want his name uhlished”as an authority, that Sir John giacdonaid had divulged to the aforesaib nameless Conservative that it was the in- tention to station a thousand British regu~ ‘ lars in Winnipeg to awe the unruly Mani-l tobans. Of course stories such as this are intended for the people who believe the‘ moon is made of green cheese. It may be‘ safely predicted that the great railway company will not abandon ts monopoly without a struggle. while on the other hand the settlers are fighting for existence. The war will, therefore, be a hot one. but it will hardly come to an Salome-inc struggle. The Queen has conferred u on Princess Louise, wife of the Mnrq uiao Lorne, and upon Princess Victoria, daughter of the ll’rilnice of Wales, the order of the Crown of n e. ; mil'lioiaire, his Been sent to his}; ‘fo‘r- a}; months, and the ingenuona girl has been nontonood to four months in coulumaco‘am. The Russian Prince Pierre Wittingenatein has died at Konleon, near Brest, of grief for the loss of his wife, the dunghter of a Breton fisherman whom he had educated. Ce t. Benn, of the steamer York City, whic rescued the passengers of the City of Montreal, feels certain that the fire was the ‘work of some malicious person or ereons. because the fire broke out fore an oft at the some time, with two bulkheads closed between. Deputy Lanr has summoned M. Paul de Cessngnac on a charge of defaming his oh» noter in connection with the Boulanger coup ‘d'clat story. Prince Ferdinand says he has amy- been ready to respect the Treaty of Berlin, and does not desire to encroach upon the Sultan's sovereign rights. In spite of the modified tone of the French press. the friction between the Governments of En land and France over the New Hebri no question incrensea. A Paris Adventuress, calling herself the Boroneu de Kermont, who kept a matrimo~ niul agency and mode a heap of money in the shape of commissiom for the privilege of murying a decoy fig," who was stated to be ; millionaire, has 11 sent to when for six The Society of British Artists has obtain- ed permission to prefix the word “ Royal " to its title. The German Government have expelled two Russian families who resided in the em virons of Berlin. ‘ VTher American Peace Memorial has been It is rumoured that s powerful syndicate of American capitalists are negotisting with the Russion Government with the object of securing control of the gold mines in the Ural Mountains. gned by 200 members of the Imperial House of Commons. The late Premier Depretie left all his pro- perty to his son, with an interest to his widow during her widowhood. Innn interview in Montreal Dr. June: Edmonde, ublic nnely at, and one of the medics! heallth officers 0% London, Englnnd, etntod that the high death rate and the ex- cessive inf-ntile 8mortality in Mention! were sure evidence of en unheelthy con- dition. In his opinion the death rate yet the city ought not to exceed 23 per thousand. A political and commercial treaty hue been arranged between France and China. The schooner Clem, bound from Manistee, Mich, to Chicago, was wrecked 06‘ Miller. Ind., the other day, during n‘Niolent norm, and her captain and a sailor drowned. Since the announcement of the wonderful results obtained from Russian wheat in Manitoba, demands for samples have been pouring in to the Dep srt ent of Agriculture. As about only two huud ed bushels of seed can be supplied by the Central experimental farm, much less than the demand, Professor Saunders has been instructed by the Minis. tor of Agriculture to import one hundred more from Riga. The cattle plague is rave in the to vincee of Southern Berlin. 3 g p Hal-vetting in Manitoba is finished, and nu average when: yield of between twenty- five nnd thirty bushels to the acre is assured with other cereals in proportion. It in eati- mtted tint at lent seven million bushels of who“, end probably more, willbe anilnble for export. It in reported that the first officer of the Dominion cruiser Vigilnnt, who won drug- odond maltreated at Soul-is. P.E.I., by mot-loan fishermen, will probably be dis- ln'sood the service. - uoun. Alderman Mooney, lather merchant. of “antral. bu nude 3 judioinl nbtndonmont of M! «an. The total "Abilitiu are placed n About “00.0.10. Hr. VdnHorno in reported to huve stated flu: the Candi“ Pdclfic Rallwny Compuny bu decided to extend the nontlhweoterp bunch 75 miles thin anon. Since the beginning of the present your the Montreal License commissioners have granted no fewer thsn 1,106 licences for the nle of liquor in that city, only 102 up- plicants having been refused. Mr. Mercior bu entered on “til I: tgdnlt Mr. C. A. Dmsomu in connection with the lotter‘n urobue of books for the Quebec Puliunont ibnry to replnco those burned in the great fire. It in reported am the cod filhery on the nonh-weat coat of Newfoundland u u total {sum this you. uni that mun hmilien m alresdy in a state of more nomi- amnion. THE WEEK’S NEWS. AMERICAN. FOREIGN. Never use blue ink in writing to a red- ireifed girl. Violet motchee her complexion Miss C. L. Petterson, the iemsle jeweller of Rock Isisnd, Ill.. hes foiled in business owing to the msnifest repugnsnce of women to patronize one of their own sex. Miss Patterson owned s hijon of n store, but the isdies referred to go elsewhere end she Ins ohflged tomske en ensignment. A ansaous Commonâ€"A beautiful pre- sent to nearly every one as long as they last, first come first served. The most accom- plished woman has stlll something worthy to be added to her list if she has never yet made a good, sweet white loaf of bread. To encourage the art of Home Bread-making, The Breadmakers' Yeast Company have se- cured ten thousand presents, which will le sent to all who comply with their terms. They want all who are old enough either to follow directions or work underinstructions, to learn how to make bread. l'hey will take your word for it ; and when you have succeeded to your own satisfaction by using their Ho Yeast, and write to them to so. so, enclos g a wrapper of a five cent packâ€" age of Tue Bannuaxans’YI-tasr, they will send you by return alovel gift. This offer is open to any young l h, girl, single or married woman, matron or onsskeeper who has never before made a loaf cf bread. Any person having domestic charge of a house- hold who is not now baking for the family, and who will commence by using their yeast, and who sends to them the wrapper of a package and writeeto them so to state, will receive a still better class of gift than that above ofl‘ered. Better yet ; any one at re- sent making their own bread, using t eir own or other yeast, but who will buy a five cent package of the lireadmakers’ Yeast from any r or storekeeper, and. after using. wil write to say that Our Yeast is Superior, we shall be! eve her also and will astonish that lad by return mail With a lovely gift. A dress, the Breadmakers' Yeast (30., Toronto. Mr. A. H. Dixon, senior member of the firm of A. H. Dixon, Son, the celebrated specialists f at the cure of catarrh, hay fever and catarrhal deafness, 313 King street “1, Tomato, has just returned-home from an ex- tended trip through California, where he has been introducing his remedies. The press of that country teem With glowing notices of the wonderful results of this new treatment, vouching for the fact that as a cure for the above diseases it is next to miraculous. Cases of catarrh and catarrhal deafness of thirty year‘s standhvg were cured by one ap- plication of this remedy and the fact vouch- ed for by men whose names are known all over the American Continent, and whose ward is indisputable (names on application) showin that Mr. Dixon’s remedies, which are app 'ed only once in two weeks, stand alone in the cure of ca rrh and its atten- dant evils. The doctor in Calfornia fail in curin these diseases for the simple reason that t ey insist on following the antiquated method of making applications of an irritant remedyweekly, semi-weekly, and even daily, thereby keeping the ne nbrame in a constant state of irritation, thus forming a nidus very inviting to smallpox, typhod fever, cholera and other epidemics, and as a natural re- sult of these daily and semi-weekly applica- tions not one permanent cure has ever been recorded, and the patient is left in a worse condition than before. Since the discovery of this remedy by Mr. Dixon, now seven ears ago, the best physicians of Great. ritainand Francehave endorsed his method, and units in saying that it is utterly impos- sible to cure catarrh, hay fever, or catarrhal deafness by application made oftener than once in two weeks, from the fact that tlce membrane must get a chance to heal before another application is made. However that may be, Mr. Dixon's remedy has proved successful where all other remedies have failed. Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet describ- ing his new treatment to any one enclosing stamp to pay postage. The address is 313 King street west. Torontoâ€"Ex. body e nt the night aboard the German barque rodant, from Charleston, July 24. for London, and all were then tranierred to the York City, which s.ayed by through- out the night and vainly searched for the missing boat. Ca t. Land save he is san- guine that the p s in boat No. 8 are sav- ed, as the ace dent occurred in the track of steamers bound east and west. The passeng- ers, he adds, were cool and obedient during the crisis, and the crew was steady. The passengers and crew lost everything they had ahead the Ci of Montreal except what they stood in w on they went into the boats. The origin of the fire is unknown. Capt. Land is certain it broke out in more than one place among the cotton. The ship was lost in lat. 43, 38 north, long. 43, 54 west. The Steemehip City of Montreal of the lumen Line from New York for Liverpool wee burned et eee ou the night of Thurs- dey lee: in letitude 43. About 9 o'clock on the owning of thet dey fire wee diecovered in the after hetoh among the cotton. The fire hoeee were et once connected and ttreemeof water were poured down upon the flemee; ennihiletore end hendgrenede fire extinguiehere were eleo freely need. The lire. however, overcame ell etforte to eup- reee it end Tread over the upper end lower eche. The e ip wee doomed from the begin. ning of the fire, end the boats had been eo- tlvely prepered end provieioned. At six o'clock on the morning of the ll inet..the flemee buret through the efter hatches. The beets were then lowered. There wane hi h eeeet the time end this caused much di - culty. The women end children were first put aboard the boate, end the m 19 pass. eager: end the crew were emberked afterwerds. The luck of time prevent- ed the manning of the boete with their respective crews, the men being com- pelled to continue until the last moment the Work of keeping the flames down. All the boats left the ship eefely. but by an un'ortunete oversight twenty people were left aboard the burning vessel. Boat No. fireturned end took 06 eix of the number; boat No. 5, with the 4th officer, took off six more. A berque was then re- ported epproechiug. end when ell the boats hed put their peo le eboerd her they re~ turned and took 0 those remaining on the burning veeeel. It was found that beat No. 8 wee missing. She wee seen to put herself before the wind when she left the ship, ueing her oer: in eupport of the sails. She ren ewey from the vessel in direct die- obedience to_the ceptein'e orders. ~Every llr. Dixon‘s Return Home. Burned At Sea. Wh do you me those Etpemlvo American um Canufim Baklng‘Powdera when .on cm get as good und whole‘ome at one but the p co? Prove It by try- lng the Cook's Gem. Ilnnufu mud by ELLIS 86 KBIGHLEY, - Toronto. Cocky‘cfiir BAKING POWDER - The Free Press editorial in its con )luding remarks will say :â€"“ The grade has been completed across the Browning lots in first- cless style. Bravo ! Let the Government keep looking forward and go on with the work. The people are at its back. Alreedf Van Horne’s big trick has become so sme 1 that it is scarcely visible to the unassisted eye.” .â€"â€"â€".____. ‘ YOUNG m euflenng trorn the eflecholeerly evil heblte, the result of ignorence end telly. who find themselves week, nervous end eeheueted ; eleo lim- nu~eeen end One In who ere broken down from the eflecte of ebuee or over-work, end in edvenced life toe! the consequences 0! youthtul exceu, send tor end new I. V. Lubon'e Treetlee on Dieeeeee of lien. The book will be sent eeeled to eny eddreee on revel t 0! two so. etempe. Address I. V. 1.0308. ‘1 We Ing- ton St. E. Toronto Ont . A. 'P. 361 BABY’S BIRTHDAY. will n-open on the lat Oc‘t'bber. Full 00mm of loc- tules on Agrk ulcmeJJve stock. Dalryingfihomlstry. Bohny,Veterlnary Science, Etc" and a good pmtical tnlninz in English and the elemen'ary mathematics. For circular glvlhg terms at admission. course 0! study cost, em. apply to JAMES MILLS, M. A.. Presi ant. Gualph, August. 1887. ONTARIU AGRIGULTURAL COLLEGE UTI‘ERICK’S BOOKS and PATl'hkxa on hand for September. Send 3c stam for Fashion sheet and Oxygen Chronicle devoted to lealth,House- hold and Practical Poshions, with price list 0! Stomp- ing l’attérml, Point 1nd llonlton Brdds, Portable, Adjustable Dress md Skirt fomln. Crown Pattern Rooms, King 41 Eastfl‘oronlo. C. STEDM AN l-‘IEROE. Toronto. Rees fifty dollm Per session : session 18873 be'vim Ocrober 26th. App y to the l’rincipol, PROF. SHIT l, V. 8., Toronto. ll. \VDI. ARMSTRONG. l ernntologlu. Specialty. Skin diseases, Scrofula and 1“ dis- ease! of the blood. All cancers cured mu m cun- ahle. without the use of the knife. Office hours. from 9 to 12 a.m. and [mm 1:80 1:04:80 p.m.. Sabhths ex- cepted. 28 DundM Stu-mt. Tommn. AGENTS‘MANTED-fifi‘ffié in livery Town and “Huge In Canada, to sell our NEW naAunI-‘num 0R SALE; iihbroved tum close to Chub-m. chomp. 114 m:es,only 3200 required down. Write {pr particgyua pt once. M. J. KENT. London, Ont. guIAIg‘iu yEIgmuAnv comes; AGiINTB md Omvusm wmudmue or Female, whole or spare time, on wary or commit;- sion. quuntrlnl Union 01 RNA” “Amado. Toronto. PATENTS Local Government. His Lordship ranted the interim injunction asked for. t came to be in force until Wednesday next, when a motion will be made to continue the in. 'unction until the hearing of the cause. ‘here was considerable excitement in Win- nipeg when it became known that the in~ junction had been granted, but everybody was confident that the Red River graders had the start of the Canadian Pa- cific, as advices in the morning said the former were rapidly nearing the disputed property. This prov- ed to be correct, as at five o’clock yesterday the grading across the lots was completed and securely fenced in, operations having commenced at the break of dawn. The in~ junction was served by telegraph about 3 . In. on Contractor Strevel by the Canadian acitic station a cut, accompanied by the occupant of the ote. Right-of-way Agent Young offered the latter money for the pro perty which was refused. Strevel took no notice of the injunction, but proceeded with the gradin . which was completed as before stated. his victory for the Pro- Vince in s its of the Dominion Government and Gene ian Pacific_opposition is hailed with delight. _ _ Among'the things the Court will have to determine in the trial of the case is whether the Act of Disallowence is complete. and also whether proclaiming the R. R. V. R Crown pro rty, under the Public “forks Act, has ren ered it Injunction-proof. Mr. Norquay is accused by many people here of backing down, and his absence lye aeriousl weaken- ed the position of the Province. hould he back down now he will sink forever into political oblivion. Ion, Mini-to? of Publié Works. for the pur‘ pace of mtniuinq the gruding and construc- tion of the Red River wrou tho pltintifl‘ I two Iota. The 3p licution for injunction In: nude byJ. A. Aikeno,Q Q..C . “chad by nu morons counsel, while Mauro. Hanson, Mills (Deputy Attorney Gouernl), nnd Rob- eruop appeal-ed for thooontnoton oud the An Lynn! to the Con-ta. The first blow in the legal urngglo bo- twoen the Canadian Pacific and the Red River road was "ruck. when application {or an injunction was made before Judge Tay- lor. The bill is filed in the name of Hrown- ing, the owner of the two lot.- noar Morris, againgt Moun._l{yan, HanoyLStrovgi. (Ion. THE RED RIVER RAILROAD. {nut Maura. RyanJlsno. Strovel. Hon. r. {{qmuay, l’rgnniey,“ you. Dr. Wil- » “Rico 0 Camdhn 8.1:. Write {or JAMES mm: s«W,T_‘ oon musics?“ warm IN EVERY ' £93933}? Canada. Addreag, A» A 7 FOR RUTH-13. no. .‘W Impomuonx-Jll na' Burch. Washing- }pnyid nymph 5‘ lg lgwo o! and] mu. teams a 00.; 87 Chiliiaii Ski'l'oronto. 'ANI‘E 0â€"5.000 AGEN (slime a a Femaleâ€" Larga pr tits. 0. W. DENNIS. Tomnm. rm ismâ€""Gladys..." " ""Aho'wi hand-om Bi; Sample 0nd h tho moth. All 2nd: No Won. Walla. Blem- 00-. Matron]. ._.__â€"--_. __,-_--_ to baby who“ mantra!!! “11nd “1:39! “p or monomer Neglnd '21 Wholenlo Produce Manhunt. ,Toronto. For Stla â€" Illustrated debriphi'e Cat- .logue flee. B. (1th. Toronto. Bicycles ! SEND A‘l‘ ONCE FOR LIST of Sooondvfimd laminae, From .15 “nulls. New Cntdoguo Randy In April. A. T. W", MIIIITREALV “PE-#:Q-fimey co.(1.a) GURNEY FURNACES NINE GOLD MEDALS ““ibité'a'afl‘éi'é'fiofiotwézm fi'gn‘i'gogffnkm mumm u QUEEN omr on. worms by SAMUEL ROGERS 00-. TORONTO. Hound. nor to the hood Agents In and“ Sell a sight Every house needs them. Tho-p. Durable and Ftonolnlrm. No “'33th or Ironing. and will lul ten time: u long on out any cotton blinds. Solo Tow-~hlp Bulls. Our Agents are m‘kmg .3 to :55 n Ol)‘ with Buy Wonk. Enquire only. Comp etc outfit. including Sample shades. sun-Int Inner. Stationery and nllintonnujon. by express. 25¢. IIIISCIIBIIRG ¢ 10., 41 Kink s't E (3-. Tim-mo. loi'ent Towns iridr'Cthire-ir In.“ ll“: 0!? STRAIBIIPB. Bailing weekly botwoon Manual And Liverpool us or Pano- :â€"8doon. Montreal to Liven-poo “0. 850 md $0; Relutn Tickets. no, '90 and 81 “ding to Stunner 5nd woommoduion. ln‘OI“ medhte :nd Stanza at lowed ates. For turdm aflouhn and to mourn Berth, up Ly to II. I. .. IJIIIAJ, guy-ml lung", ,1 uuqm yoga! HAI«L’NN. on. \/ The lead": Ilium-u (‘olleu In Ile IDO- mill... Overflostudtnum uullv. l‘on'hundoolue illuatnted catalogue write [bum-Luann. Principal. Mmuhoturer md denier in Turned l-‘elt. Bull; chl. Bulldlnx Pa- :0". (‘arpe t and Dealt-lung Felt. BRADY (ml-1N8, Etc. 4 Adelaide St. E..TORON'10. MERCHANTS BUTGHERS ARI) TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a ooou MA! in your locality to pick up CAI-I'SKIN'S HE Greatest Din- covery o! the nresent sure for Blou- “mxo 'r u: Bo ‘xn Cunum all BLOOD, LivndelnxnrOOI- mums. A Perfeoi flood Purifier. A few ~I Hamilton who have teen benefited by its use: Mrs. M. Keenun. L92 Robert St. cured it Erysipelas of two 'ears‘standing; Robk )omell, 24 South St... laughter cured of iepclc Pits alter a x ieani'sutlering : Jen- Iie Birrell, 55 Walnut 3;, cured 0! Wed:- nms and Lung_’.l‘rouble; John Wood, 95 Cathcart St... cured of Liver complaint and Biliousness, used only 3 fifty-cent bottles; Mrs. J. Bea]. 6 Augusta St. troubled for years with Nervous Proetration, two will] bottles gava her wrest relief. Sold at 500. 6% 81. I". F. DALLEY 6: (70.. Pmnriofnm ”mt-30....“ “swam-cam“ NLâ€"MLLL, A Delicious and nourishing Bmkhst Beverage, oon~ tains a proportion of German Dondelion Root. which acts medicmally on the Liver and Stonmh, $urilyiu the; biood md invigorating the ante repuog on y Y ELLIS 8:. KEIGHLEY, TORONTO. Royal Dandelion Coffee. FARMERS . 'm'thh‘Qg‘u‘.‘ ANOTHER NOVEL "fifmfmf arm m the sum. Aunt- \unhd. Bunnie bAlyl mil 45 cont-L ( LRIBN‘I‘ 0 ( 0.. Torontn. H.Wi||iams, “ L. D. s." ENGINES, mu. can an smw mm, run no menu. “Grain Savor” and "Peerlm' 'nn.1-,A.swcuu,’ BumohOfiice. 37 Yonge St..'.l‘m|to h" boon cured. Indeed no “long In my Fauna [â€"5 man.» I will load The :30an ran, “and I!“ I VALUABLI mum! on thin m to CI, m. om upra- “q LAKE” GONSUMPTIBN. I have I podtlnnmedy (or the nbovodlnue; by “0â€" ll: hound- otcueo of tho wont kind III" or Ian; I guy! x--- .__M- -_JAA. ,, . Ia‘vmu hilé-M "4 17W“ Wit-HIKE nmm for us. Cash furnished on uuslwtory gumntv. Addressb c..s PAGE Hyde Put Vermont. U. h. DEGORATED WINDOW BLINDS.‘ Human-n; nil-“Aron; Recent Testimonial to mmmon. Tonono. lonrnnnfina WIMI§30.1 USE ONLYOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN SLATE ARI) ,TheMutua] ReserveFund vorpool 1.25% macaw Lam-I A M. McGREGOR, heron. J. H. FERGUSON, (human. 0. THOMSON, Csunuum B’n‘awl J. FARNSWORTH, B’o'o Innamn. Sand for Catalogue. Roofer. Dun Sunâ€"This is to certity that the m Gurney-Honk No. 15 Wood Furnace-kg“ by you in our Avondele Preeh terinn uni, have iven complete satisfy: on. We he" found t possible to beat our building, from free!- ing point up to 60 dog. in two hours. We hove also found them to be very economionl in the mutter of fuel. We can cheerfully recommend these furnace: to my pnrtiee who contemphh hating by Hot Air. ' To W. E. CONN, Tilaonburg, (Signed). PeerléssOil The [unrest md mo» rmspe maximum 0 Anochfiou in the work desires View fives in every union 0! Cumin.” “be" indict- mouh. It has Iull Government dope-mud W the snpern‘alon ol Insunnoo De out “0“ Compoudence ”honed. A Wales on Application. TORONTQ. Q"! Wan PM I‘ hm". Also lock Drillsâ€"Huh. Bone. t Rum Power. 80nd lor Cculouuo. uldluv Inn-lacuna; f... Humans. 0n. For freightpuu passage. or other lufomnflon mm“ A. Bahama-her a 00., Butlmonnl. 00.. Ham-x 8heabCo., St John'mNJ‘ ;LWm. M’- Ian I: (50., St. John. NB. lantOo" .Ohm love 5 Aldon, Now York: Bantu-v.10 | Alum. 330600.. Quebec; Wm. Brooklo. m- phla: H. A. Allen I'nrtlmm Bmvon Mnutmtl. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. TORONTO. Authorizrd byAcl of Parliament, 1.6 no. Allan Lina Royal Mail Steamahl Sewn: during mnter trom Portland eve null- dq and Halifax every Saturdey e0 Liverpoort end 5 summer from Quebec every Seturdny to Hm calling: It Londo Iderry to lend mane end pm (or Swuend end Ireland; mo trom Bdtimore VI. mum Md St. John’s. N.F., to Liverpool {0% durim: summer months. The eteemera of an new Ines eel! t‘lul'lgfi2 winter to end from Portland, Boston en hllsdelphla - uni (I III- mer between 01 w end Momma} weakly ‘ G and Boston wee y, and Glasgow end P 'OLWKWY: . Walfér £096 lam-":3, (53; 0? 1118 TORONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION ART IIIIIOI Which will takp place on ORIGINAL WORKS 0|? LIT. the production of the members of the Ontario Soolew of Artists. Toronto Silver Plato 0o. SILVER PLATED WARES. When the whoie umount subscribed, lea working expenses. willbe returned to ticket holdon int-h. formal Tickots, entitling the holder to one chums in the prize dnwing. 250 each. May be obtlined from ogents throughout the country. at the Art Outlay. Industrial exhibition, and at the oociety’n rooms, 14 King street west Toronto. Write tor fuller portion- Pu. MONDAY, 19th" SEPT" 1887, THE SECOND GRAND PRIZE DRAWING MANUFACTURERS. M. STAUNTON C Try to secure An Original Pninting by purchasing a ticket tor Ml uycm l donotmun manly to mum.- tilnouxd than have them nturn nun. 1 men 0 Ian. I In" and. the nil-one of PH lPILlPaY «II-I‘ll.- um amuse. lift-Ion; “My. warn! my M Oceanus. mic-u; locum. Minn Mn whit- Inn-on hr not no roe-Inn; - can. Bond at one. h!- lnsuu no a 17%.“). M I! Inmflhlo may. Ol‘ “(IMO co. ltmunnnomhc for.“ Ill lflllmflut Amnano.m Branch 09,7737 Yum 81., Tdrunln.‘ assassmzu'r svs'rlii I “I“! I7 LIFE ASSOCIATION. uaxuncnnm or fill moum OIADI OP TRADE - Genonl Minuet. 0; I‘ll: Street But. Ton-to. PURE LIVI? Al’ulzls. hon w to“ MARK. a lfo "V ..._ and 1mm uh]. mi (I III-- woakly‘ G md P amnion I h 8. 01mm .F. ; Wm. Thou)- n t 00. sullen. m I v.,t,ap.ao. Jobs

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