How many factories there are really in Soliuï¬en ishard telling. There are 25,000 inhab rants, and with the exception of wo- men, infants, and old peop‘e, everybody is engaged in making some part or other of ontler . This industry hasï¬been going on in this p aee for nearly 1,000 years. Tradition has it that Count Adolf IV. of Berg, who was the owner of Salinger, went to the cru- sade with Emperor Frederick 1L of Ger. many in the eleventh century, and on his travels in the Holy Lmd oune to Damascus in Syria. Here the nobleman observed the manufacture of all kinds of weapons, and he learned it there himself. On his return he at once starteda factory in Solingen, and since then Solingen weapons have become so famous that they are now considered to be unequalled in the world; English manu- facture ls not able to compete with the Ger- man any longer in this particular. Even the English Government order the ï¬ner swords in Solingen, and the large weapon manuiaotery of Wienbaeh, Kirsehbanm 00., in Solingen, is now oooupied with the making of 3,000 swords for English oflioera. I had the op rtnnity of seeing one of these weapons, an they are certainly admirable. Mr. Koch, one of the foreman, took one in his hand, and putting the point on the ground, he bent it so as to have the handle almost touch the ground without rbrealr- ing the blade. He then showed it to me, and the weapon was asstrai ht asa line. The gentleman then took me nto the yard, where a number of heavy sandstones were lyin about. “ ere you are," he said. “ See if on can knock a piece out of that sword on t at stone." _ I took the handle in both hands and struck the stone with all _my might._ But I went all through this factory, which employs over 1,000 men exclusive! in the munieolmre of ï¬ne weepons. ‘ hey are now ï¬lling an order tor the Germm Govern- ment of as new bayonet. Eight hundred thouund are to be mode, nnd the ï¬rm de- livers 1,500. day. The weepon is 12 in- ches long, ond the Government pays 6 marks for cool: of them. when ï¬nished. MAKING \vsnoxs or WAR. Before 3 piece of steel isoonverted into such on instrument of wer it has to go through quite n process. To show me this Mr. och took me into a luge spece at one end oi the feetory, _whe_re_I n _or_me noticed Erneet H. Hoinriohe writee to the Pitt:- bnrg “Deepstoh†irom Solingen, Germany. on iollowe:-â€" Oi ell the plnoee of indutry in Germnny there it not oua whose very nnme ie eo opt to note your blood run cold, nnd make you think of murder end deeth. u the mention of thielittle town on the Wupper. Wherever you 0 knivee. forks. deggere. nnd eworde ere weye confronting you. Whenever you talk to nnybody you ore nlwnye forcibly entertained with n voluhle epeecn about In- etrumente oi denth. Al I jumped oil the train nt the little etntlon the guard nt once uked me did i went to nee the manufacture of knivee in Solingen. A few etepe further the hotel porter took hold of me nnd enid: “Our houeo in enotly oppoeite the greet sword mmninotory. which you hove un- doubtedly come mice 3 " You do not want a guide here. Just walk out into the street, listen to the noise of the hummer which strikes the anvil, the ï¬le when it goes over the steel, or the scraping which is produced by the instrument when it is held against the rindstone. You must be us dent us I poet i you do not hear quite enough of such noise before you have gene may ynrds. So it kept on. Whomoover I Iddmsod on In way up the hill from tint little m- tion the town, the lnvuiablo udditiou of the direct unmet to my queltlon wn: " I Inppolos you have come here to look as our mud cu} Rory utgb‘inhgnpntl 3" Even the chembetmsld nt the hotel. when Illa landed me the brilliantly blnckened book the next morning, volunteered the in- fomntion : Mine Herr, if you went to go through some of the knife or sabre factories, I willeegd ygn eqmequy t9 e_how yen the E; I); ~;artair’arinliumm; a piecB ï¬le; 03 the atone, while the awotd did not even show the [out evidence of the blow. A at the mark or our mm on sliver it an a ï¬rsbclm wea‘ Why. " But. I up lied tint if she could not go with me herself I would not “he a sub Itignh, _bnt go alone. A_qd _I did. - ‘7'Eoovryono of those wuponn has to stand tint toot,†I was informed, “or we do not put the mark of our ï¬rm on it,_por do we "This in where the eteel in out before it he: reaeived a etroke yet towerd the shape of a award, no we mi ht cell thin the atom- room for raw meter ." Thne my kind informant beaen hie ex lenation. “ The long piecee oi eteel, w ch were about 2} inohee wide. were then put under the ma- chine, and by the turning of a crank pieces of about 12 inches tell one after the other intoe ballot. The boy then handed the men another piece of eteel, put an empty baeket under the machine, end carried the ehort piecee into en edjoining apartment. We ioliowed, end irom the number of tires all around I fumed that we muet have er‘ rived at the orgee. And no it wee. Each one oi these piecee oi eteel even put into the ï¬re. and when it wee white with heat a men put it under a steam hemmer. which struck the heated steel in rapid euccereion about 20 times on every particle of ite surface. When it was pulled out, the piece was about 18 inchee ion . It was now thrown into a large barrel 6 led with water. ‘ Now the would-bo~eword had gone throu h the hardening proceee. and a number 0 boye gathered them air: into baskets to carry them to the rol ing depurtmcnt. In the front of each of theee roll: I had mv atten- tion called to a big coke ï¬re. Thin ï¬re was stirred up to en enormoue heat, end then the pieces of eteel were one by one put into the tire. There are two men occupied at each roll, viz: the roller end hie helper. As soon as the steel is hot again it comes under the roll, from were i t emerges about one-eighth of an inch thick and the eventual ehapeoi tho evvcrd atempcd on it. ',I m‘ ecee of eteel varying in length from 10 to feet, standing all around the wells. In the centre of the room stood. Inge meohine wher: {mg men and_ n boy _w_ere occnpjed. _ Algain the pieces of steel are carried ofl‘. and this time they go to the centre pres-ea, where they are put under a contrivence which cuts the margins ofl‘ the Iteel, and when the{ lone here you can see the: the thing loo 3 likes sword. _ Hitherto. however, you hnve seen nothing lmtn dark blue place of dirty steel. while we now come into the do nttmenu where the metal in brightened. here in st ï¬rst the “ grind mill. ‘ This is a large piece which looks like n barn. From one end of the A HOBBIV DAIASCUS. Their patents for hardening steel are very valuable. Here I saw penknives made that were so small that they are used as watch charms, and every blade in them as sharp as possible. Then again I saw a common kitchen knife sold at 1 mark per dozen; and also a penknife which oost35 marks that had no less than 22 difierent blades. Heuckle's factory employs 1,100 men. Besides the workmen, however, who are occupied in the ï¬rm's own buildings, they give also employ- ment to a number of families who live in the vicinity of the town. These people go every Saturday to the «Rims and deliver their ï¬nished work. Then they take other goods home again. The earnings of these people, who Work day by day, morning, noon, and evening, are not very large. The boys make about 50 to 60 cents a day, and the men’s wages vary from '3 5 cents to 81. But more t an that gets no one, and the men seem to be satisï¬edâ€"perhaps be- cause they know it is no use to kick. We ore partly bembmz‘ed by tradition From our oath. up we are deafened on all sides b a vice to “,reed and improve our minds. ' The inference inthnt the mind in improved by reading. _ But that inference is open to serious question. For my part. I should be willing to henrd the statement thnt twice as mnny minis have been injured by reading then hove been beneï¬tted by it, and not a small proportion of the former hove been msde entirely worthless by the notice. It is just like drum-drinking; it intellectunl drem~drinkin â€"nnd “ intel~ iectunl" issoercely the wor to use in thnt connection. One reason is. no doubt,‘ that the drums in question are, for the most pert, of very inferior etnfl'. But even if it were of the best stuï¬ imaginable, the detrimentnl effect would remain. The finest mndeire, if swellowed in sufï¬ciently copious doles, will produce delir'um tremens ; end the most un- exceptionnble books. if they ere else too numerous, wtli bring on mental d psie The mind becomes a more each to hoi other people's idens. insteed of 5 machine to gen- ernte ideas of its own. And the ideas thus acquired are of no use to it. The mind has lost the power to work them up into 115th. and blood of wisdom. They remain n hetero- geneous and incongruous mean. Foreign materiel. whether ph sicnl or intellectual, should be taken in With discriminstion and moderation. and thoroughly assimilated. Unlese you need it and like it. you cannot make it yours ; whether you swallow it or mt. it really stays outside cf you. In this department we ï¬nd, as a rule, a number of old men. who have been at work for the ï¬rm for long years. They are not able to do actual hard work, but still in this department their services are indispen- sable. Their duty is, in fact. to examine the article and see whether there is a blem- ish anywhere. As soon as he detects a flaw he knows where it is done, whether in the burnishiug, the grinding, the rolling. or any other department, and the man who is found to have made the mistake has to make it good, or, in other words, he has to pay (or the damage. Things of that kind very often lead to great unpleasantneu, and were it not for the iron discipline which is everywhere maintained Solingen would be the scene of bloody war every day: ‘ , .. I was also for a day in the celebrated knife factory of J. A. Heucklol, the largest in the world. The ï¬rm nukes its own steel, 33¢ hu machinery wpicp is :ungurpmod. A girl who is partaking of the last meal Ibo is to eat in her father's houses previous to her marriage. nits ot the teble with her parents end brothers; but she must eat no more than he]! the bowl of rice not before her, else her de arture will be followed by continual score ty in the domicile she is When the wee'pon' leevee the controlling department it is taken to the room where the sheath hue been made, and utter that the thing is packed and shipped. This pro- cess is gone through with every other article of entlery-eolseore! knives, _et_c. end the weapon is already very dangerous. But still it is unï¬nished. The different holes which are made in the handle, the one which fastens the blade on the gun end several others, are now bored. This is done, however, by machinery, and takes butevery short time. Then the hendle is covered with lesther, and now that the blade itself is thoroughly completed it is taken}? the controlling roo_u._ The sun attncta Inge bodies. That is why the biggest pewhen always but on top of the baht. room to the other I oheerved rowe of im- menugrlndltonee. some 0! them elq ht feet in dlemeter. In thln {eatery I neweo etonee end in the front of eeoh eeyt e glnder. He he- e llttle wooden eeet, ween e woollen shirt, no oep, end e pelr of overelle. But over the letter up to hle kneee he hen wood- en geltere, mede out of font pleoee of wood. Ill-g feet ere eleo enoloeed ln wooden ehoea. The etonee ere turned by eteem end wetered eulometlcelly. In the front of thie etone the men elte from nix o’clock in the morning until twelve o'olook et noon. Then he he! en hour for dlnner, when he elte down at eln from one o'clock until six in the even ng. He he: a. boy who brine: him the instrument- ee he wente them. lmTh. grindln depert ment in the we: portent in t e entlre factory ry. end the it rlnder hen to be very skil- In] Me hum even keen eye, he must know when to pm: the wee! herd egeinet 1h ) etone end when not. A ulna lo lore of the stone too much I poll. “the w ole weepon. end it hen to bep0 thrown ewey. Mont of the other work in mechenlonl, while here it In lntelligenoe thet doee the work 1 utleleotorlly. ‘ loavln . 1! 51min breaks the heel of her shoe in going from her father's to her husband's house, it in ominous of unhappiness in her new relation. From the grinding stone the piece of “.01 comes bright nnd sharp. It Is now uken to the hurniehing rooms. This put of the work is chiefly performed by boys, who very in age from 12 to 16 years. In this place them are A number of wheels, but they are very emnll. Some of them are of stone, others are covered with leather, which, if the article has to receive a solidi, l'. covexeq vyith a power w_hich_len e. the blade 3 high polish: The nob and the back of‘gbq bmdle an? noyv bgilliantly punished loavin A piece of bacon and 3 area] of sugar are hung on the back of n brl c’e sedan chair as a rep to the demon: who mivht mo‘mst her whiie on her journey. The " Three Bmeful Ones" ere fond of alt and spices and the “ White Tiger" liken sweets. Cl lnese Superstitions. over-Reading. The most splendid entertainment given at Peterhor during the visit of Emperor Wil- liam was the State dinner on Sunday week, which took place at 7. and 190 covers were laid. There were 5,000 roses on the tables. Plum, epergnee, dishes, and cover: were solid gold. The long distance telephone service be tween New York and other cities connect- ed is increasin satisfactorily. Itis expect- ed that New ork and Buffalo will be con- nected by fall. This will be the longest tele- phone in the country. Donald Binnie, the noted Scotch athlete, has been poeing as a model to 3 Melbourne sculptor. The sculptor has a commission to produce a etatue of Wallace, the hero of Scotland. for the Botanical Gardens of the , ‘ity of Ballernt, and the stalwart Donald A teetenrent keeper et the London Zoo ordered en employeeto teke two hen-ole of hunetothe beer pit, m to the refreehment her neer the pit. he men took him et his word end dumped the hnne to the beers. The enimele were knee deep In them when the reetenrent keeper found out whet hed been done. end ordered the employee to go down into the pit end et the bane beck. The men hended in is neignetion. A Enropenn keeper in gaol at Lahore, Vndin, bend knock: at his door at 3 late hint at night, end thinking there wue tiievee About wont out. by n roundabout way to catch them. Seeing nothing, he teturned and found elm-3e bnboon looted .1; his round tnble, warming himself by the iomp light. The animii “tucked him and a desperate encounter resulted in the death of the baboon and the dangerouu wounding of the wnder. in the model. Says Sam Jones: “ The best thing on this earth is a happy marriage. and the worst thing an nnhapp marriage. Whom ‘ God hath joined toget or let no man put asunder.’ Bub whom the devil has joined let them go to Chicago." At latent advices Chicago was ï¬lling up quite rapidly. The cable tell: no thn't Emperor William kissed the Czuina‘e lnnd twice. When Europe has had time to think overit Wil- liam will probably be charged with giving her Majeaty a. kiss md then inking it back. Gen. Boulanger has hnd his hoir cut short, and now brushea it up in milimy fashion. As long he he was the idol of the muse: he wore his hair long, daubed it havily with pounds, and parted it in the middle. A society has been formed out in Oregon for the importstion of Germsn song birds, to be turned loose in the country, where it is hoped they will increase, multiply snd make music in the now silent woods. While three young men were peeling ball on the city lot this noon 3 dove flew swiftly around a corner, was struck by the lull which had been thrown before the bird we: in night, end was killed instantly. The excuse not up for W. A. Snich, de- faulting discount clerk in a l’nilndelphh bulk, in that he was completely nicotinlsed by excessive smoking, and that his down- fall wee due to this fact. S nne one is always wanting specie] legis- lation. Here comes a Connecticut mun advocating the pueage of a hw compelling railway restaurant keepers to date their apple pies and sandwiches. If young men in thie country put half as much energy into their daily work as they do Anbo pinyin ball. the young men of this con ntry woul be rich enough to merry be- fore they were two years older. The South has a new word " melonairea," and the New Orleans Picayune nya that it applies only to those “ who ship the succu- lent and luscious circurbitaceoua Southern fruit: to the Northern metropolis. There are two sunflower stalks of natural growth at Rochelle, Flt, one of which has 1.000 and the other 1,136 bloom: and buds. The stalks are about ten feet high, with branches reaching out about six feet. Miss Jessie Keyes, of Boston, has a re- m srkahle record. and it is donhtlul if there can be found a parallel to it. She entered a pnhlic school in that city at the age of seven and graduated at the high school commence- ment the other day at the age of eighteen. During the period of eleven years she neither lost a day by absence nor a minute by tardi- ness, and she stood seventh in a class of forty-four. It is remarkable that in all this time sickness, a funeral or a weddlnq has not occurred to necessitate her absence from school, but with commendable foresight she arranged to catch the measles during vaca- tion, and the only funeral she was called to attend occurred on Saturday. A marvel of cheapneu, of efl‘naoy, ud oi promptitude. is contained in a bottle of that famous remedy, l‘ntmnn's Painleu Corn Extractor. It goes ri ht to the root of the trouble, there no“ qu ckly but :0 painlessly thnt nothing in known of its operation untiltho corn is shelled. Beware of sub- atituteo offered for l’ntman'a Painless Corn Extractorâ€"Sate. sure and pinion. Sold It droughts. A Chicago dead but in said to be making a handsome living now by advenisiug for a wife, and requiring ail applicants to incloae stamp fur reply. His mail has to be sent up in a wheclbarrow. ‘ A Good Corn Sheller for 25 cents. A schooner has brought to Boston n ï¬sh weighing 175 pounds, caught in deep-sea ï¬shing, thus no one can name. It in almost abroad A: lug, bright red Ind covered with silver spots. Spiders, mu, alligator eggs. lizud eggs, make. and other thine: are eaten by the vnioun tribes the inhhbit the oath. This scrvol to show how far the people are from stuntlon. This has been 3 good Imon for bun In Musine. A Lawistou tunic: uyu am he has all-em bought 55 skim. and thinks the orqp will 3% last ym'u. which In: 3“ I huvo seldom noon much cutout-don and much loaning mot together. The nun. xis~ lug 3nd declining, mtkulong undou- : and “1 middav, when he is M! highest, none at ll . The oomplnlnt ln Chlotgo is tlnt next to the womm with 3 baby outings the little girl on a tricycle l- msklng his 3 burden and poduttlanlnn dmgmul on the “run. 0 Gun-7 33,51}!ng [or-Century 7 7 Talk; minow {but the number of mumipto m8 Century meivu per month in About 1,030. By the wuy_, )3 Fight hum: “09(st AS YOU LIKE IT. SUFFERING from the enacts 0! early evu habits, the runlt ot lgnonnoo and to , who and themaelvoe~ weak. nervous And ext-us ; also Alwyn-Annual OLD Him who as broken down from the effects 0! than or over-yo:k,_ glad in ednnoed me feel the co uencec of youthful ex send [or Ind and II. V. tubon'a Treatise on the of Ion The book will be sent cooled to my addrou on reoelpt 0! two Sc. ot-m Address I. V. L BON. Wellington St E. Toronto. Ont. Is as far superior in nutritive Value to any extract of meat as solid meat is to bones. Dr. J. M. Beausoleil, visiting physician of the Hotel Dieu, Mo treal, stated in a lecture deliv- ered 1st February, 1889, that “the only preparation of the kind that has ever come under my notice which in my opinion contains all the nutritious together with stimulating pro- perties of beef is Johnston’s Fluid Beef. " Wm. Harkness, EC. 8., Analy'ical Chemist to the British Government, says, “ it is one of the most perfect foods I have ever examined." 312000 Budge Liuht Rudder, tor $600 new. $116 00 “ ord. nary handles, 80?. 00 new. 8 0000 “ No. 2, rpade gripl, $7200, new. 8 85.00 “ nrdinnr) hln'fla', $8.00, new. 3 6500 " No. 3 crdinny hund'es $2.00 new. Being 9.0 per cent discouns an August 319‘. Stine on Second Hand \5 heels and othet goods. Nervous Debility. DB. GRAY'S Speciï¬c “been need tor the me: fliteenyeen, withgreeuuooeu. lathe heehnen or Nervous nobility. end ell dieeeeee Arising tram u- oeuee. over-worked Ionic, Ion oi vitally, ringing it me ecu. pdpitetion. etc. For do by ell draught. Price 01 perbox. orobnceior“, orwin beeeni b; mil on receipt of price. Pemphlei on emulation THE GRAY MEDICINE 00.. Toronto MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Ticket. 040. 850. .60. Return. .80. '90. 0110.1uuxmedhh. 330: Stung“). Apply to H. E. MURRAY. 0011']. Hunger. l Clutom House Square. HONBTKAL. On receipt 0' $12 5" we Will expreu than lddrosn, s DuUBhE-BARREL REEBOK-LOADING SHOT GUN with ï¬ne Luuina'od Steel Barrels, oiled stock. ngood gun to: country use And tor 33 00 will ship to my :zgrtesi a 22 oaLBlFLE that will shoot accumtely for ca W. M'DOVMU. . 00. 5| KING ST. E. TORDNTO. Bat-gum Wire Iron Works, Windsor, Ont. Stained Glass M’GAUSLAND SUN, The Cheapest "ease in Canada for Guns, Rifles. Cartridges, Fishing Tackle. Base BallGoods and Sportsmen’s Supplies of every kind. Pollclcs In Force over 10.000. Amount over 815,000,000. PRESIDENTâ€"Hos. Sm W. P. Howusn, C.B.. K.C.M.(}. VICE-PRES!DENTS.â€"-WILLIAM Emaon, Esq ; EDWARD Hoonm. Esq. J. K. MACDONALD. lanolin: â€hector. (Au-um nun) OEEAP, RELIABLE, PDPULAR hue leisure Fund. Ate-t: Wanted. Addm. HEAD OFFICE. 10 King Street 3.. Tomato. I nun ovum, BEAVER Ialhlï¬ o! Sl‘BAlISflll’b‘ THE CANADIM MUIUAI. All] ASSOGIMION urn msunï¬ï¬ u cos'r: oSuEH-II THREADIHB NE.EDLE 2:32:35; Instant" threaded IN .Aoul Hut 0 mnoiugh the or. Agents «In money 0011an um“ Ssmplo puke by mm 150. douu put as 00- WIIIOI InllMlurlngC‘uo TONI“ 0“- ' "I'OBOI‘I‘O. 0. 0. sanctum; Lmufloo’y'huo. SPORTING GOODS. J UHNSTUN ’S Bicyclers, Attention! FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 'l'olhehcln oi Pollov- holderemeein clnlme).. To the hold .ra of melurerl Endcwmenl Policies†..................... . . .. .. .. . 1'0 Policy holders on surrender of Policies... . . . . ........................... To Pollcy holders [or Cash Pronto (Including thm nilocnled end being paid). To holdere ol Annuity Bonds ............................................. horned to Policy- -holden on Security 0! their Policiee.. .......... .. ...... . -Polkflcl Nontumublo mm on} 3156 Thom-01M. mu 0 uni. 76 King St. W.. Toronto. CHAS. ROBINSON 00., THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FENCE Young Men _ “IPWOI up. In". â€"8Au.1lo Wm“ Burunâ€" 0BR BIG GFFEB. CAPITAL AND FUNDS 30W 0"!13 33.000.000. - I3 7030“!) STREET. KOBON'I’O. 0". "0‘3 NIPLIY, ESTABLISHED M10383, I81]. fro_ QM: dgk,_Oc_eqbeI{ 81, 1887, there ha been returned 22 Church St . Toronto. Whine! MU. STU‘BBOR'N‘ FACTa BBIHSH AMERICAN BUSINESS GOlLEflE Desiring to obhln I Buulnou Edumtlon, or booom groï¬clont In Shortlnnd And Typewrliing, should “4 nd the ' but none equsl It In lubricating properties. Fun- Ilul, Him-x. etc" and none equal to the Ollmll Peerless nude by _ anus; nocms_ co, 10mm. Sllbicrlbrd Capital, ...... .. ....... :5 L803... Pu Id [In (halal, ................... a 509,000 Total Assets. ........................ 10,000,000 Will Re~0pen Sept. 3rd, 1888. I: being greatly onlugod sud improved st I cons of seven! thouund dollara. Student- io attendance lrom British Columbia, Mud. toba. Michigm, New York, Vermont, in ad- dition to Ontario and Q xebao. Unsurpassed tdvantages at modente rates. Send for circulars. Address, REV. W. P. DYER, M. A., The enla- 0mm] and resources 0! thh Com- pany. toge er wiih the incrmwed hci‘lifles it h“ recently seq-urea for supplying land owners with cheap money. enlble the Directors h meel with ppmptngss nnd “the lamest current {ate 0! intone; Made from 3-16 Steel Rods, with Heavy Iron Frame“ and Iron Foundation. We are ofl’ering‘jhe Fence 'at ex~ ceptionally low prices. Luanleavings Company in léquirements '(r loans up~nr sitistictbiyviéil‘ esm’e sccutity. Applic-tion mav be nude to cube; of she Compgny’a lchApï¬ï¬‚sep .or t; Stable Fittings. and all kinds of Iron and Brass Work. INCORPORATED “555. Road nflioo: Toronto so, Toronto. Albert College, Iron Fence Cresting. “Peerless †w ï¬ne- all «law ulnar to nnd from non“, onlnnd, Boston Phflndolphh' Ind dull Inn- mor between Glouow And leaked week] '; 0 c- :gnwmtyn weekly. and Glucow nnd 14.11.4013» For night. me. or other Intonation I N A. Schumnchot800.. Bowman; 8. Cunard gala“ Bduu' Shea £00., at. John' N. 1"; Wm. Thump noun 6.. 3; John, N. 3.; A u: 00.. 0mm; Love Alden New York, [1- Handler. Toronto; Allan. Ru 5 6a, Quebec: Wm. Broom. ram. phi-3 B. A. Allan. Ponhnd. Boston Monk“). “lineman; Innaâ€"r {tom Pen no on an}: day And Ruth: every Btturdny to [Juana ad h; lummu hum Quebec on Sunday ‘0 â€vmh calling at Lonioudu to mill ud u. for Sumac sndl :uho from an mm. v1. BAH!“ And 8!. John't. N. P . â€Liverpool tort» Mt) during tummy: month. The Manon o! the Amado. Yonga street. I‘m-3mm? For Circuit“. also“ Address 0. O’DEA. Seoul-Iv 59.49.5199 .3393“ [all gmnfllfl? .. 5...... n.‘ -â€" fthe Company"? Iced Appaisen or t' J. HERB R1 MASON Manav'z Director Toronto. Sold by dams ovarywhere. CANA DA PER ll AREN'T BELLEVILLE, 'ONT. 306.17! 07 Amount over 815,000,000. MAGHINE OIL, Then are many lurnnou 6! T0 FIRST .H'l‘LYXSG. WHILE THEY LAST- \’.‘c “-211:va hy nu!“ :m up. prupriJu-glzt m curh “1:1“!an \Vit'c, mnl'mr or cm-l-.â€"~~uuc ((1 :1 [Inuilyâ€" who will try the I 0689 PRESENTS FLUID BEEF (‘ II! the nIl circle lrom the label and wnd It III a letter slzltiII-r lIoncst (I .iI: in" after falrlrhl. litiu-rnS 100r25 cent Size \\ ill noun: “2}- gift A ny grm‘t-r or stnrt‘kcepcn knuws \vhcrv u) not It If .15ch fur by yo: .-.'h(l:'re‘csâ€"_ CIIFRFHILL K: {'0 .TOROXTO Bngnnmï¬x; '3 85‘3“: Pdwnm ..... Principal.