The equipment oi eight French ironclede he been completed It Tonion end they will rendnvone st Hynree. A {one of netlvee, bended by German olï¬oen. hoe occupied new territory near the Gold Cont eettlemenu. Sir John Roee, the Coneervetive ex- Fin. once Mini-tor, dropped deed on Snmdey while ï¬ring on 3 lug e: Ceithneee. The Pam's treasury h nblolntgl em t ad the Imports] Ottomuu Bmk hil city-0’3 the Sultan'- “count. FOREIGN. The Car hoe laweeentod hie portnit to Count Herbert B muck. A d tch from Indin eeye the A! hnn thing mproved e ï¬aoco. 8 El ht hundred men were drowned by the in “on at Ting-Teen. A deepetoh from Indie eeye 15,000 This beha- nre mrohlng on Sikkim. The foroee of the Con Stete hove re- ooptnred the Stenley Fol e etetion. The Itdlen Government have decided to end I new expedition ngelnut Abyeelnie. Chungee of ofï¬cers mode by Em ror Wflflm hove canned dhcontentln the ur- tembnrg ermy. E ht ndditional lronclede hove been or‘ d to reinforce the French cquedron In the Medlterrnnun. when, m! in new: I: u'ï¬i‘niiai; mgmcntod. Therom onrteen bunches of the Auoohtion In the city, on of them being composed of Welshman. The movement for the naturelizntion of British euhjcote in the United Stetee ie meeting with much euccen. The Chloego British-American, Auocletion, which wee formed lent winter, now_ gumbo“ 3,000 The American Government will subsidize on American company to the extent of $50,000 for a. year's eervice in csrryin mulls between the Stoke and New South aloe, end the Oceania Company will probably got the oontnct. The wife of Anton Creeloko, 3 Polish labourer in Duluth, Mim, gave birth the other day to four children, two boys end tun girls, all healthy and well. At a meeting of New York cool agents enterdoy, it was agreed thlt an increue of rom 25 to 50 cents per ton, according to the dietence from the mining points, should go into force. The principal coal compmiu of Kentucky nnd Virginia have termed n gigantic com bins. involving a capital of $3,000,000 and 4,900 men of cos} lmd. A North Dakota grain dealer â€5- that thousands of acres of who“ have been left uncut on account of damage done by (root. The demand for Cnnndinn produce in Eng- land leenonaonely increasing; The sale of Cnnedian epplea in Covent uden market in growing eteedily. Smoked heme from the Dominion now ï¬nd e ready sale all over London. Canadian cheese in duo growing in fnvonr, end excellent nukes ere being re- telled nt lever: pence per pound, end the general opinion of the consumer in that the Cenedinn cheese in on good u the dearer Americen end English oheddnr, “IRICAN. Forest ï¬Ã©ee inf Michigan areddeetizoying e mtqnnn tyo pro rty In it stated 1!» my live: hnveï¬en loot. _Tuesdsy evening’s cyclone killed levenl ecple and destroy ed a large amcunt of pr;- pa-ty in Maryland and Delaware. At 3 lpeoinl meeting of the Toronto City Council the other afternoon, the question an to whether the contract for n pnvement nhonld be emu-dad to a local or nnAmerioen ï¬rm ruined ooneidoreble dhcnuion and much “tong feeling. A generel permission in given by the Bowen Catholic Archl inhop to all his prieeee in the Montreal diooeee to allow their par inhionen to do hex-veet work on Sundsyl, where the crope ue likely to enfl'er by de- ley. The denth rate of the city of Montreel is come startling. According to the Boudof ealth returns. the total number ofdesthsin July was 691, which qives s denth rste of 42 57 per thousand. This is the highest rste of mortelity for cities on the continent. The ï¬lthy condition of the streets, the want of anitnry srrengements, end impure drinking wster, ure said to be the cause of the excessive mortality. Donal, tho workinmn who ensued Owin to some misundentmdinv. the tri which 0 Auction Science Association ha unused to make to the Canadian North- Wut this you ha fallen through. It will probably be made next you. The construction of the J oggine raft nved 815,000 in transportation expenses. It in to repeet the experiment. on is m Notice the ale of Contdlan timber in the United States market. A serious rsllwsv collislon occurred on the CsnsdisnPaciï¬o rsilws yesterday mu Montresl, by which three rel ht cars were demolishcd snd several head 0 cattle killed. Permit. axe now being iuued to .11 hotels in the North-Went with a capacity of twelve bedrooms nod Itabling for ï¬vo bones to It?“ boot containing four per cent. of olcohol. The next wand union of the Command- er of the Coloured Kai hb'l‘emplur at Ml~ oh m and Ootuio will a held in Augunt, 1889, at Chuthun, Ont. Mann. A. W. Moni- Brother. of Mon- trul, will 08“: . twlna {what in Port Hope next :oomber, which wxl employ one hundred hunk. The Dominion Militia Department has do ollned to gum. xmiaslon to the Ryy .1 Scott to whit Ab; ny during the Burn: oolobnuon. The un ooodented nlny period In the vlomltyo Monuealhplnylng havoc with the crop. 7 The next annusl meeting of the America: Amolstlon for the Advancement of Science will be held in Toronto. The Ctnsdlnn Pdciflo R sllvny Lwd Derrtment ll offering prizes for the but ex- hlh (I of grain lent by ugonu. A {nigh truln on tho Mullah. rend nu Into a hard 0! cattle neu- h‘oro Budford. in- jnflng ï¬ve tnlnmon and kllllng . hundred osttlo. MNADIAN. Nauru! an In flowing In 309d volume from the out well at Whitby. NEWS OF THE DAY. The batter which Senutor Palmer of Mich In, nm on NI table in mndo tom the m k of his own high-bred Jane com, and coat- hlm 83 a pound. But the genie: In. milliondro may time: our, mud on thud Incl: landâ€. Beautllnl Thoughts [lave Wings The Empress Victoria, widow of the late Emperor Frederick, has been left in very comfortable circumstances. She hes the private fortune of her husband, amonntin to four millions of dollars, mostly invee in England, end has the use of ï¬ve pdeces in Germany which are kept up at the public expense. A cremation society has been formed in Sootlsnd. s meeting for preliminary orgsni- ntion in Glasgow having been presided over by Dr. Cameron, M. P. The promoter of tine society express ehemselves satisï¬ed with the society ex reu uhemaolvoa satisï¬ed with the up It t air movement will obtun in Soothing? The Queen, while in G ow, 'd e - clel viliuto the Cmndienltggnrt olfntlhe E111);- bition. She made a careful examination of the exhibits, taking particular interest in the gain, mineral, timber, and natural history efhlblte, and expressed herself as much pleas My Brother Tom end Ooueln Ted no out. end ellde, with e blg blue eled : l wleh to eek, end I went to know It there'e eny neeon why I ceu'e go? I'm ltd on mllk, whlle omen-well 'rhey'te reelly dellcloue, the thinnel Inell I I'm rocked to elee when the Inn le hlxh. Bub nobody elee l â€"I wonder why! I'm kleeed end I'm bounced. end I'm toueled up" I‘ve e rettle 0! no end e ellver on - I’m III-ed over deytlmee end we! ed with nlghleâ€" But It make for nothlng ; I went my rights! It is acid the lnhebitante of Southern Brazil are ripe for revolution, and it i- like ly as soon on Dom Pedro dice n concerted effort will be mode to overthrow the throne end declare e republic. While the Great Eastern wee being towed from the Clyde to Liverpool on Thundey evening, en enormous see was encountered, the hewser ported, end the immense veerel venished in the den-knees in the direction of the open see. It is reported in Berlin oï¬iaial circles that the mnlt of the interview between Prince Binrnnrck and Signor Criupi will be to pre- vent Italy from undertaking an Abyssinian expedition. and to restrain Signor Crilpi from further irritating France. Gen. Boulmger says he will not contact my more bye-elections unless 3 vacancy oc- curs in Paris. where ho i‘ conï¬dent ho oonid obtain a quarter of A million votes. Sir Chulea and Lady Dilko will visit India in October, 3nd Sir Charles intend- oolleoting muterial for 3 series of urtiolea on the milimy defence of that country. it's a iunny piece tint th y've put me inâ€" A peculler Elmo. Why, 1 m 't begin To tell I" t e curious things i seeâ€"- Things that are oerteiniy new to me. I think ll ['11 been consulted. ['11 [love "unwed things more from n behy’e side ; For as thing-- are now no wonder we equallâ€" Bxbiee don't hevo any ehow It all. I know thnt I'm little end int and red, With toothlsee gum: and n bare. round heed ; But what's the lemon they talk l8 though i Mn't the breinl 0! n lump d dough? " Cute 'lttle elm: l" ‘ See it'll eyee Io b'oo l" “ Does it 'ove it'e memme? Tum, now does '00 i" " Just look It his dear 'lttlo, pink 'lttle too. 1" Do they think i like such xemlrke as those 1 Do they think i enjoy the rubber ring They hnve tied to my bib with en old r-‘d euing, When my oldeet elite! pin; e 'moet ell day With 0 doll that I went the very worst wey? l’m trundlod about in a baby out ; lt’e enou h to breek any behy'e heart. When ot or people heve late of in On velooipedee. Why cen'tl heve one ‘3 Archduke Albrecht, ï¬eld marshal of the Austrian army, has accepted Emperor Wil- liam’s invitation to Attend the tutumn maumuvreo of the German urmy. John Redmond, M. P. for Wexford, Wll- liun Rodmond. M. 1‘. (or Fennunagh, Ed- ward Walsh and Father Kennedy have been arrested under the Crimes 30:. It in said that Can. Von Moltke was re- tired boom-o be opposed tho young Emper- or‘s umbitiou- Iohomo of having the Iron powotful navy In the world. The Park pnperu are partlculnrly vitulont when writing of Signor Grit-pi. They liken him to n yolplng do that Prince Biamuck in houndlng on to ï¬g 0. It In undentood um. at the rogue-t of Emperor William, the Dowager lsmpreu Viototln will not visit the Queen at Bdmonl in the autumn. The Into-t budget of new: from Chino tell- . toll “cry 0! o 8pmlnrd who. in deï¬ance of MI prion. his companion. killed 50 Chino-o who stacked them. Cell-o iettterl to the Colo no Gazette eey tho emrlu ebout e white 1’» a in the Bein- ei-Ghuei province are the invention of Meooe pilgrime. The (3m: Eutern hau boon bucked at Tnmmore. on the Many. Ind the work of breaking her up will be begun In a tow dny- his expected IMO the wheat crop of India will reach 260,000,000 buihula, which wull lnquro an incl-em in the quantity exported. melbu pooplo hue been much lrrlcuwi by the action of the (lemun Comptny In «naming the udmlulltrttlon o! the com t. Choleu broke out on u l’ortuaum tum - port bound 1mm Meow to Moumblque end curled 06‘ 24 people In 48 houn. the Vanilla troop- Oo «pun-o Pub (row the (Jamaal-u, hu become Inuno. Buntllul mm In" pluman. Buumul thought. fly high ; The poet's song «not dumb" long, In tuck In N e boundle- Il, . L'nrlet the lnflnlu haven New A wlnl nnturled nut nhn‘l ï¬nd in wny to the urn 0! My An! nub on some wondering world. HY LAURA BILL Booutllul blnlo hon lumozo. Booutll‘ul thought. no wlnn ; Storo ohlno (or Above tho It In 0! oorth'o vr no ernn Undor the or 'o b buoom Nor-or o boout lloo But oholl burn I way to tho rlm 0! dry, And ï¬rst: to our wondorlng our. Buntllul gemo llo hlddon Under the told at oorth ; Even tho rllmo hldoo A than M ouhllmo Till tho tlmo ol the llly'o b rth. Even the blrdo went creeping Win-loos and teothr rleoo. rill plume by plume. llko roou‘ bloom, They borrowd tho olnger'o drou. What the Baby Thinks. BY IIIA A. GPPIE. but only 245 tiger- were killed. Among the “other enimele" mentioned in the teblee the jeckel ie the chief, end their vic~ time ere doubtleee meny more then ofliclell returned. The Iiet oi theee unspeciï¬ed en - meleinoludee. beeldee, wild been, bieone. end orocodllee. There were eiee 55,023 oet-le killed by wild beeete in 1886, ti deeIroyin 23.769endleoperde‘2‘2275. ' he numbero humen being- killed by enehee wee returned en 22,11", end oi nettle e- 2 iii-i. The eerpent ll accordingly the moet deedly enemy oi men in indie. neerly ten timee ee meny periehin by hie bite ee ere killed by wild beeetv. u the province oi Bengel elone more then 10.00.) pereone died of eueke bitee. end the enehee on their pert eufl‘ered lenl'tzlu of “7.596, for which bountiee were But rewerde ior killing enekee ere not ofl'ered in ell the provinces, the experience oi the (ioverner oi Bong-I nme yeere ego hevins ehown thet in coneequence oi euoh rewer e elmoet the wholo community went into enehe hunting ee e uler bueineee, end the megiltretce oomple ned thet they could not cerry on their ordinery duty be-: oeuee oi the eteneh oi the putrid bediee brought to them. It ll elee mpected thet the wily eetivee renounce eotuelly bred It will he mu. chordore, thet excepi no fer a the tiger. were concerned. mu: had 3 vat ndvenhï¬e In the daughter. But the tlgen loet on y 1,464. while they killed 9‘28. In eome o! the province: the then were fer thud. In lower Range] for example, Killed byloopan‘ll.. 108 main. .7 ............ mm Killed by bum ..... ns â€"â€"~ roul.... ................. ........ 2.707 The number of them unimnln killed In 1886 by mtivon under the stimulus of the boun- tiu offered was : Wild elephants ..... 7 Volvo. .............. 6 72.â€. Tm:n..............l.4m “you. .. ........ . Hm Mopudl ........... 5.9.53 _ 0th.: mlmtls ....... 6,853 hunts ........... Kl ltd by “germ... Killed byloopan‘ll.. Killqd _hy hem ..... The protection was also ( xiended by Lorl Dafl'enn'n law to all animal. of guns not noxlona in order that the deer and unte- lope might not be driven out or dootrovod. But of course this feature In: to be cnroiully guarded that boasts of prey may not be in- cluded. for even now the loss of hum “I life because of those ï¬erce animals is very gran manually, on this table of 1886 shows: Killed by wild ele- I Killed by wolru.... 232 hunts ........... 57 I Killed by hyenu. . . . 2i Kl ltd by."“’":"' 9:33] Killed by other unl- 31“.) n ESCAPE!) FOR A SEASON from the note end trepe end guns of their humen enemies. The Commiuioner of Sindh reported, for exem lo, the. 301200 black partridge. were eetroyed in the course of e few deye, to supply the Euro- peen demend for their skins, end ea cheep guns heve now got into the bends of the netive bird eleyere, the eleughter wee enormous end continuous among ell verie~ ties velueble for their plnmege. Sportsmen eleo oomplelnod of the Ioerolty of geme birds end meeeurea lor their preeervetion adopted in the West bed to be eppiied w‘ the But also, so thet they might be left el 9°29" in their breeding eeeson. It seems than: almost bvory mo bird that Ind it. brooding has in §ndh was pursued during tho who otwelvo months of the year, the migratory birds, of courts, faring better, became they Therefore. in 1879 u lswwss passed to ro- tect the wild elephuuts from being hun for the sake of their ivory, and to require the professional hunters of elephsuhs so tske out o license, under which the Government hes the ï¬rst choice of all newly captured suimels for its military purposes. The low of Lord Dufl'erin, euscted last year. bears s genersl likeness to our own gsme lows, provides for 3 close or breediu season, sud rotects msny insectivorous irds ss vslusb e allies of the farmer, sud also the pee fowl, which is recorded as s sacred bird in msuy parts of India. THE PROTECTION CI" “11.0 BLBPHAV'I'S especially wee enected, end lent you Lord Bulletin and hi: Legieletive Council rcmul- gated e new geme lew of more gene eppli- cation. The wanton eleughter of wild elephants hed been cerried to Inch en extent thet it eeelued ea if the e ice might become extinct in Indie, u the nï¬'alo in becoming in this country. There hed eleo been e greet increeee in the mortelity emong teme elephente employed for militfl purpoeee, ‘ cem peniculerl during theprotrec pel of the Mutiny of 1857, the elephent, deals: hie huge strength, being of delicete con~ etitution, end rtqiuriug more cere then he could receive in such cempelgning. The consequence we: that the price of elephente more then doubled, end ee tune elephente do not breed in ceptivity the only name of fugthe‘r supply ley in the capture of the wild r‘rom every direction, therefore, the beni- oi prey ere ettmkod by men end civiliz- ation, no the their prntioal exurminetlon hue bemme 5 question of time only, though plelnly it muet be. long time. whereas under the old Hindoo end Mohemmeden dyneeiioe they enjoyed comparative immun- ity. 80 (er an we know. no rcwnrde wore offered then for their deetrnotion. end they were hunted merely to obtain living wild enimele for tho meoegeriee of the netive potentetoe, who delighted in the ï¬ght: of wild boutl. But in this wholesale destruction, wild bird. and game deainblo to pro-one no in- cluded, so tint in 1879 A luv for An (ha dam of the land under oultlv- Mion lu- increased. bout- of ploy have ‘0! ounce bson destroyed or drlvm all by ‘tho clearing of {ore-ta and the lncomlnv of mm, and innocent herds o! deer uni sn- eelopoc havo gone with them. The overn- mono hu .llo ulmulstod tho thug tor oi noxious tnlmnln by oivinï¬ poouniu'y mund- lor their destruction. :1 ounuqnouoa at which bounde- 22,4l7 wild bout: had 417. 596 venomous nukes no ofliul-liy winner! a huvin been destroyed in 1886. Moln- timo Eng inh sport-men no keeping up the pursuit of wild .nlm‘lu. In which they have been midnouliy ongtgod {or n century‘ 580 I‘IRSONS wuu: “nun m' nuns. to.“ Ion-m Talon In nelr butt"- “0-. [0 In intending to observe the the apron] oi Wanteru oivllizstiuu in iudis In hum“ the eil‘wt of main“ neon-try log ti mm... um for the proteminu of wild bird. und guno. nml at the lame time i. bringiu . «bout tho gradual (xzermimtion «I the wilt? hauls mu! poi-«mono main with which tin} oquutry has nlwgyl‘boqn infused.» 'I'III WILD 38“?!) OF INDIA. 67 928 IN "3 .. ...... sun W0 MONEY. 953?. 21“. '13..‘:."..: $3233: gnu-wusmsu Ol' 00.. Toronto. Ont». d y. unto-dd maioiiFm' Run-am." -Zadr;'i: V m “ WOHHMWM Tomato 0“. Hsblt in I able 3 we man I thmd of it every dny. 3nd ut Inc we «not break it. mg?! . 'I W MMIW , cut-punters go: 83 per A! Tnoms, W. T. KNHTING FARMS I‘m-3th! tron my mum flaunt. Ionâ€"mic. old).- m annualâ€"who m blotch don hon My othubon anon-.0: any own name»... and add". and lo out In up. lor Lube-‘- W- bo‘ok form._ot Dim†Ian. Book: I A, Your only trounc- u-o thou you cury in your boat. "(Ilia nus. Burma-110mm : Intense Itohlngmduundng: moot n nlghb :wono by scratching. I! wound Io continua tumors form, which often bleed Ind ulcer. no. becoming ve lore. BwAm'a 0mm tho Itching And 1) mm . hull uloondo and nanny one. remove. the on. II b v encl- oionolu curing“! Shin Dianna. DR. WA 8 I DON Ptoprieton. Phlhdelphh svun‘n 0mm tank!†oand 0! am Sent by lull to: so A royul heart is often hid under. tattered olonk. He who has no charity meriu no mercy. Oman-l Hun Balm venom P? um hood [ulna In anon! color And promos m u: out. [and Nebrnkn, for which tickets will be wold September llth, Sepuember 25th, October 9:11. And October 23rd, at the rote of one fore for the round trip. Theee excur- sions will efl'ord exceptions! opportunities for pereonul inrpeetion of th: productive country ruched by tho Chioogo North- Western Reilwnv lines. For full informs. lion nddreel E. P. Wilson, General Paten- ger Agent, Chioego. Take help of many, advice of few. mm Ooueu 0m ouree In one minute. Empty wegqone make that noise. a Mgr «atom-enâ€?! (one 3»! out 01 m emcee 2 non mm or alumna.†nu! their winging, “burnout. 05m. \ Celluloid ha Alma-t driven ivory out of the muket. Harvest Excntsmns. The Chicago North-Western Rsilny Company mounoesneriu of have“ excnr. alon- to poinyl in_Iowu! yinngou, Dakota I nv health. You Cruz exporte 15,000,060 pound: of ooï¬ee ennuully. Poison the fountuin, end the etreun in impure; poieon the blood, end its tuint is carried through the entire eyewnâ€"thoee innumenble vein and uteriee curry dizeue unddeuth ineteud of life and vitulity. A: A result, you huve Henduche. Sorofnle, Dye- pepeis, Kidney Disease, Liver Compleint uud Generul Debility. Au inective Liver menu poleoned blood ; Constipation means poisoned blood; Kidney disorder moun- poieoned blood. The greet entidote for impure blood is Dr. Pieroe'e Golden Med- Ioul Discovery. Acting direct upon the efl'ected orgun', reehores them tot eir nomul Kim!“ “A word to the win is cuf- ‘ eat." girl or womsn prefers to besr her hosvv burden In silence nther thsn to go to the lsmlly Physioisn for sdvioe. All sufferers from the olsss of disorders on. however. ï¬nd rompt snd sure rollet in Dr. Pieroe's Favor- te Prescription. Is is s speciï¬c in such cases, end hss brightened the lives of oounb _less_ yomen by restoring them to nerfect Ono English pope: calll Howell's on “ sf- tornoon to. " novelist. The Burdens of Womanhood. Thouundn of women on silent] suffering untold misery. Iimply become t oy think from oonlnltlng n phydcinn in thou numer oul complaint- nr'uing from fonctlonnl irre gnl‘uitiu nnd dhorgeu. Many -‘ ngodelt h op! A 3%.]:th Dru-tallest. “I“. 0 an amusing. omotphlno Imm- predation can-tab thou. o! Iobgooo. numb... nonhl cur-ion, cotton 0! m ply-Mammy.) 3.0.!â€an «mod Don't Be llnnbuued with the Mullah idea then Ucterth cannot be cured l The wotld maven, and medlccl science In pronto-ï¬ve. The pmprleton of Dr. 8: 0'3 Ctuflh Remedy will poy $500 uwud or o coco of Natl Cntsrrh, no mo: tor how bed or of how long lundlng, whlch they cannot cnro. Remedy cold by drug- glntc. at only 5) cent... . ,_ ~~â€"--â€" ~v -v‘-' - up! to bad 3nd sits down, he sit: up. Then, with n dawning «lonbu of his Ability to make It quite clanâ€"You use m child, if he sit- down. why hoâ€"I menu i he sit: upâ€" Go to your mother, And don't ask ms queuion- when I'm buy. ity to ox pluiu)â€"Why, my child, when oomobody ls shading ugup and he neut- him «H.110 cit. down, and w_hon “he do“!!! go A- L- .I __J -x.~ NY PARKER WHO DBAOS ms mm out » “mohmcohoklhopmm‘botoomnw buy :‘Dandyf' nuns)!“ Bothy, whloh will l_u| _| Tho broth botweon'Blulne sud Bob In or- al! otlglnaud with their wives, It in ul . Every object bu It Ihndow and every mind It. doubt. Inquldug childâ€"Faber whut in the dif- ieronoo hotwaon outing up um] ail ling dowu 2 Path†(wizh_mrfoo_gponï¬dencu in his nbiL The 11¢;qu we have given nhow thut the work of ox'mmluuling the bouts of pray and the poinououu snake. of India mun you be continued for genes-Aliens. Tnoy much he still p'o-n'y when thouuudu sro deutroycd uunmll/ by tho untivu under the Ipur of the boundu. ’05qu to not tho bounty on wolves wore “mum bud In pun. Europe (or the non purpou. An Englhh nporulmn, in a moat volume on upon In mum Baum. spoke of it u a {urtunno has that no Eng luhmon wore tvor bitten by make: Within hil oxpotiunco, andhe glvel Sir Jump!) b‘royor u authmity for the autumn: that “n oobru'a hug lo hormlew it In has to pan through . piece of good Englhh boo: lather." "I DALI or BEST. Rum. and Plum Somoop manummcmm lulu“ WANTED -â€"“ Built" “on. Waller. Adam. 08.. D. Illtllls. a: “In. at. Ton-lo. a. a. Human; 6mm. I I a ll I-In ou-, â€poem bu m. bums. n. A. P. 414 ALI. 8113‘ TO TM All) VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS 3 Mn nnuoeIled bellman {or the SALE 0! EXCHANGE o! Rump" omen. Term. one per cant. Sa‘ls'ucuon gmnnhed. m. hug now lour good «mum-menu for ale u n bunks, nod on. publisher waning I â€no". Auxiliary Pnpyluljgg‘upu-y, SAFES. PARTIES wishing to purcbuo Improved lunch. Puma, from 80mm upwnds, with lmuudbh Man. «II or mm to G. l. IAIJIAOI. lo- Anhur‘a Block. Hun IL. Winnipeg. Intomuon furnished tree of charge. und amen m In making selection. Hour 10 Lou at current nm 0! mum CHOICE "“5 run on: In All. PARTS N 012000 Budge, Light Roadster, for 096.00, new. 0115.00 " o't‘mhnu’ hoodlec. £92.00. now. 8 9000 " .po'rio grips, $72 00, new. 8 85.00 " Notdlnnry hmolu. 06an now. 06500 " No.3om1nuyhlndleg852.:00 now. Bela; 20 per cent discount an August 313:. 8cm. 0! Second Hood Whulo and other good; MONTREAL AND L'VERPOOL. Sdoon'rlcleu. no. 350.000. Return. :80, M, [110. Intermediate, 030; 3mm.m. Apply†â€11.3 MURRAY. Gen'l. Image 1 Ctutotn Bolu- Squire, IONR‘I’IAL. BEAVER LINE 0! STEAMSIIIPS Yong. St... Tolonto. OELr' I nnEAUIllu IIEIULEO. Novelty out ! Insunuv threaded without passing (hand lhrough the eye. Axum all money alum: them. Sample packet by man 150. doun pacbta 82.00. wuu- Ila-nurturing (‘0.. Toronto. Ont. SELFJHHEADIHG NEEDLES: mm: FREE! has now A Inge [M of Mie- Ind gum-hen i in can": in! for In: ’even' fast-so'liogaub- ecri on boob end Penile! I-‘unilv Biblel ; none but hononble venous ï¬n! do budneu on e squne his era ugeged to In A: neat» for him; lab object in to nuke money for me agent. us well u (cube home he npteeeme. end :3 the some time treat every mheerlb- er. rich or pzor. n he would like ‘0 be treated ; emh Inn and um i: pay. beat to work {or a good home; 11 um meet- the eye of Any penan- not cum rm: me n preeent, and for cumin end full lntomuon. WILLIAM 831038. PUBLISHER, TORONTO- en Eltlfl Bun-ens College. (Junta, 0m.- Thh popnln Institution. now in It. uh you. hdoinglgnod wax {or the Bduution 01 young men and women in those hn aches. n knowledge 0! which Is no eeeenlm to the intelligent and moceuful mungement o! pun-tied main. [to gndmteem everywhere giving gym] proo! of the thtrouzhneu of their minmx 1nd betring mutul teeUpoaLto I AL- _-_.4___ _._e_he ‘he meaty vulue d its ooune 0! “0111.111: Fourth Annual Cixculu- giving full Intonation will be nailed Inc. Addn- ll. IAoOonncx. Plindbd‘ ARA-l IIIPPIXG C0. â€" Bauer Line a! Sienna-hips, “Him: weekly between loaned and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, lontted to “vernal, “0, .60. and “0. Return tfckek. can. 090, Ind 10, according to steam: end scoommod-flon. [nur- medhte. no; Round trip tickets. coo. Steenn. M Bound mp tickets. «0. For further when at! to secure births. n y to H. 8. IU RAY,GOIRI‘II Ila-get. 1 Guam one. Square, lion or to the Local Aunts In the niflerent'l‘vomnnd Ci en. Toronto Cont-Ir "woolâ€"Scientiï¬c And tell:- ble uyskms taught whe-ehy it) lish. perfect-M- ung nrmento are produced. Cutton tau-log trouble Ihould secure my nyltam and tenure (noun mm. Ku'lre nfldncuou mnnteed. Shirt â€ohm taught up: nte. A are dance for young tron to numb! o Int-nun profusion. S. CORRIGAN. Ptop., l2! Yonge 8h eel. Terms on Ipplicouon. â€Send for Plice List And 131360th Bicyclers, Attention! MANITOBA. LEATHER BBLTING. “NW ’50-. 500-. .‘lOOO WELLS. RICHARDSON C0. MONTREAL. P.0o ll. W. PBTRIB. Brantford. out. ~ MIEXSE ROCK of flmhlnery to select Rom. Send for Lisa. IIO Meals for an Infant for 81.00. A Cabin“ photo. a! In. Dun“: “mu-mm mum childrenâ€"um. to tho mother of my baby “admin gym. Also tunable mph!“ on can and Infant. And hands. EST VALUE IV THE DOIINION. l". E. DIXON t 00.. liters. 7_0 Kip; Streetï¬ut», Toronto. For Young Inna}. It in 3 pct! about“. tumult. omn uviu uh: tor he Invaud a anoptio it L- o! the patent value. It is IS THE BEST a. a a. TAYLOR?" Toronto We Hula. CHAS. ROBINSON 00., ‘32 Church 8‘ . Tomaâ€. THE FINEST BABY FOOD. THE BEST INVALID FOOD. THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD. THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. Wan! anlâ€" MAGHINERY \"A'NZH. Ilsa SIYOKR SEWING MACleE For partlcuhn Id- I As AIIRICAN WALTIIAI! SILVER p (res; C..\V DENVIS, 6 Arcade. mun-g cos- n as md 35 Ad 0 az'wq Toronto. Onl. FIRE BURGLAE PROOF Patent Non- Condnotlng Door. . _ . A 'L'Q‘lgfl. :- Df-Ll-II" _VAUALT oodns. DEPOT alum