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Woodville Advocate (1878), 21 Sep 1888, p. 3

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The flood (or the enlten le cocked by one one end hle elde, end none othere touch it. It In 000ked ln ellver ve-oll. end when done eeeh kettle le «ruled by e lllp o! peper end e etemp, end thin I. broken in the prceence of the enlten by the high chemberlein. who tekee one epoonlnl of each uperete kettle before the when teem it. Thle in to pre- vent the enlten'l bein poisoned. The food in elmoet elweyaerve up to the en'tm in the me vemle in which it wee cooked, end theee ere often of gold; but when e beeer motel. the kettle I- let Into e rich, lden bell eheped holder, the hendle of w lch ll held by e eleve while the enlten eels Eech bottle in e oonree, end is served with breed end e kind of penceke, which la hold on e golden trey by enother ,eleve. ,A__ -I-_-_ .. LL__- ft relquiroa twice a mmy sine. u there moonnu to nerve 5 dinner to him, He molly sits on o divon out o window. which looks out over the Boaphonu, and take. his one ond oomiorc in I» 10010 pom- bonr 59d goaeiik, with his sleeve: turned ,II L- .___4.. AL- - â€"â€" â€"_-,V,, up. Alter he he «ten :11 he warn the eultm token hi: coffee and his chilbouk end lieu book in on ecntecy of enjoyment and ulet reverie, which he call: taking his half. $Voe be to the one who comes to disturb it. The food being cooked outside of the pe loco makes it accuser-y to have bell shaped felt covers to clap down tightly over each kettle, whlch has been laced on a tray. For the Iultau and toys funin there are nificent velvet covers which go over the outelde of those, embroidered with gold. and Illver thread: and pearl, coral or turquoie beads. Those for othere are not so hand- some. Uvus g The sultan is served first, and he always sets entirely nlone, never under any circum- stsnoes deigning to eat with any one, and se soon so he hss begun to eat the harem is served. The sultan never uses a plate. He tskes all his food direct from the little ket- tles, end never uses s tsble and rarely a knife or fork. A spoon, his breed or en- oske or fingers are far handler. The w ole household is at liberty to tske meals where it suits him or her best, sud thus every one is served with s smsll trsy. with a spoon, n grest chunk of breed, sud the higher ones only_get the_psnoskgs. ,mr-__ .2 LL- :....-.-.. After the harem the officers of the imper- ial body gnu-d, the eunuohs, the chamber- leins and other high functionaries are fed. they usuelly being seated around a table, and the kettles are oflered each one, who helps himself to one or two spoonfuls of the contents of each. It is not etiquette to take more, no mutter how nice the dish nor how hungry, but as the number of dishee is al- weys I0 greet no one need go hungry. W, ,__I _LL-_. -l khâ€"I. "'1'"o"""-' -_- 7~~~ a .. - After all the ofiicers and others of high degree are fed the soldiers and servants get their food, and at the same time all the men employed in the imperial stables have theirs, and during the progress of the meals any stranger. whoever he may be. is at liberty to come in and seat himself and eat. As a general rule three hundred persons are fed every day who have no earthly right except what the laws of hospltallty give. It is a sort of perpetual free lunch, and beggars as well as rich men avail themselves of this ro al bounty. he sultan has a number of very large farms, some of them covering miles in ex- tent. hoth in European Turkey and Asiatic Turkey, and these are intended to supply all those things which farms cm produce to the palace. One of these farms is near Tchatchalja, where the Government is now about huildln a fortress, and another at Ali Bey Keni, lb of these within easy ride trom Constantinople. There are two others at Konchoukchickmedje and Boyoukchouk- media. _ These are all user Constantinople. ‘I24__ n- LL--- 50". ‘um an»: on. u-..- vvâ€"â€"vv~â€"â€"~â€"â€"r‘ ,._ The other: are in Asia Minor. On these much of the groin and food of the horses are ruined. They are or were tilled by the com- ulao labor of the Bulgarians, largo num- n 0 them being obliged by conscription to nerve so many months a. your on those forms. The were tied together like cattle and brought y force and treated like brutea. Tbil was a sort of tax duty which they were obliged to pay in labor. It may not be so now, bnt_prob_ubly in._ The eoifof Tux-hey is very fertile and pro- ductive, and from these farms annually are bronghs on donkey: and in boats tons upon tons of vegetables of nil khds, milk, huttu‘ and cheeoe, mutton, eggs, poultry and fruit, the amount in ‘he aggregate in Itupondonn, Ind yet it in not 5 quarter enou h {or the needs of thtt household. Neufiy all the tobacco, however, comes from the” forum, and In of_the finout qndity. . . oaks, fruit» vegetelflee, end meet. Rice, mutton end breed form the greeter pert of food for the majority of Turk: ; vet. aside from theee they get ewey with one ton of bee! endhelf eton of veal r dey, to eey nothing of other viende end h, eweetmeete, confectionery, nuts and dried and fresh frnite. The wnte and extrnvegenco in the kitchen ere enormous, end enough is thrown ewey every dey to meintein n hundred fem iliee. Much of this in gathered up by bquere, nndthe dose eet.the_reet.. They donotgrow rice,md, incon nence, buy nmly one ton ofn r (by or the inovihble pm 600 a of In as much oo_fl'oo, to any not in of the o align-o- The animate in that is cost- per your to supply the food for the lultun’l household, hone- und unimalu. aside from the value of the product of the vut tum, ve neurly if uotqultc 85,000,000 : cone of turn ture, bed- ding and cargo", $3,000,000; drum, wo- men’s cloth“, Jewell uud ooumotlcs.§lo,000,. 000; caption o! .11 kinds, $15,000,000; nultan’l clothes und bedding, $2,000,000; sundries, pgeoeutl cud ugvg‘nu‘ yoga, 24,. 000,000; plum, gold And. llvordlnlim. 82,- 503 000: can , 474 of them, $474,000. Toul,4l,47-l,0 . Thutlnalnng little-um, but it in on under nth" thin an over eatimulo, 9 every one who has lived long in Turkey md lmi man: of judging and Ice- ing the reckless exmuganco of the royzl household will conceed. It is not nectenry tobny corn cures. Men end women ehonld remember that Pntnem’. l’ninleee Corn Extrector letho only ale. sure, end pelnleee corn remover extant. It doee It: work qnlckly end with carbine . See out. the nightmare N. C. Poleon . . .p. pure on etch boule. Beware of poisonoue Think nan M a trifle, though it Imnll appetr; an a form the mountuin, mo. menu nuke ‘ho your. Sun hob with olmnm, urge 3r manta with cattmuu, and mm. no es with huh md brevity. nitatlom. The Sultan’s: Keeping. For the Babies A brlo! but graphic ploturo of the fight M Gonyohurg wu glvon ln tho ooum of an sd~ dreu delivered on Wolton, N. L, by Colonel W. W. Badger. from which we note. Colv onol Badger upenlu of ovonta wit the unho rity of 090 who con ouyL'fquarum pare ['ui :" rity 01 one who can say. "quorum para fur : ' Wuterloo were but child's plsy when com psred with Gettysburg. end has no compui~ can to Leipsic. which sent Nspoleon to Elbe. sud yet it is s shrine of the whole world's pilgrimsgfi. Both the nrrniee there engsged. with the nssinns thrown in. were not equel in numbers to our srmy of Gettysbur ; sud our magnificent perks of artillery wou d hsve outnumbered theirs ten to one. Those iron- tio chemo: of French ouvslry upon eolid uqueres of English beyonets eeern ridiculous in the light of modern werfsre. One put of our Gettyebnrg ennnou would hove demo- liehed those eqnnres in hsll sn hour. Our srmy formed no squares, sud we seldom threw men on horsebsck sgsinst solid ranks 0 either bullets or beyonete, when n csnon bell or eheli could get there so much quick- er. do the work so much better steer it 130': there. It was my fortune to see \rhree of the notable evente oi the war, Sheridsn's ride st Cedar Creek, the {all of Stonewall Jeokeon at Chunoelloreville, and Picket’e chugo at Gettysburg. 1 cm give but a word here as to the latter. more than seventeen thousand gaiiant men, the flower of the Southern army within a mile of us, started together in three ooi- umns to pierce the centre of our left wing on Cemetery Ridge. As our cannon shot smashed the heads of these columns, they do- pioied in three lines to scatter our fire, and stii advanced in quick time. They had imegined our artillery was silenced by their previous pounding of two hours from one hundred cannon, but the superb Hancock was in fact reserving his fire forshorter range, and had just ordered up full canons of fresh ammumtion at three o'clock in the afternoon when this charge began. Nothing oouid have beenrnoreop: began. Nothing could have been more ope pogtune for us_. A3__t.hey cams within a half and quarter of a mile of our line, our grape and onnnieter from our two milee of front from Cemetery Elli to Round Top mowed them down like rue; their own artillery then had to cease ring from fear of hitting their own men, and on they could not re- treat under our terrible fire, our one hun- dred cmnon had them entirely at our mer- cy. Over two thousand of them were killed in twenty minutes, only one hundred a min- ute. They could not even stop to reload their muekete, and had only to come on in e med rueh to get through that artillery fire, for their only chence wuto bayonet our cannoneere at their guns, but somehow they couldn’t get there, and as they rushed bold- ly to nttempt it, up roee behind those cann- on Hancook’e Second Corps, about 20,000 veteran infantry endogaoured in their fire, and inetantl edvnnc until every cannon wee ounrde by at least one hundred Union beyonete. Then the cannonnde ceased ex- cept on the links, and the bayonet end munketry work was begun, with such effect for thirty minutee an no other battle has ever shown. Every general ofiioer in that charge ex- cept Pickett himself, was killed or wounded, and he only escaped by stoppin at a farm- house half way up the slope, an more than a quarter of a mile distant from our lines. Oi the 17,000 men only a part of Armistead’s Brigade, about 500 men. actually owned our line, and all of them were killed or captured with about 3,000 more who came within three hundred yards of our lines. About 6,000 more dead and wounded were left on the field, and the rest all mangled and torn retreated as best they could, and all that was done within one hour. At four o’clock our greatest battle was over and the great victory won. General Garner reached our line and fell dead at the stone wall. The only general tflieer who crossed our line was Armistead, whose conspicuous courage was almost a guarantee of death. He leaped the wall among the very first of his men, and shouted. “ Now be) e, give them the cold steel." Within twenty steps of the wall he received in his breast the bot lead, and not a man of them actually got his cold isteel in our bosom. He was borne dying into Hancock’s headquarters, about the time that Hancock Was brought there with a eeri on: wound. Our own he: wee terrible; on July 1, shout eix thousand men killed or wounded; on Jul 2, about ten thousand: on July 3, ebont our thoneend end the enemy ’e myuch moor, and we buried ell the dead on July 4. when fourth of Jul that wee! I we: then oeptein ln_ the line, yend with my little compen wee deteilod ell dey in barging the d The wounded hed most] een brought in during the night, end e thet dey our little sqneds cl four, eeeh cerrgin e stretcher or bleukst, were rolling eeg bodies u n them, end with e men et eeeh corner 0 the blenkets, were thus carrying them into the common trenches {or buriel No men who hes ever done work of thet kind will ever went eny more wer. The whole Revolutionary wer of sev-1 en yeers did not kill so meny men es‘ were buried there thet dey. It wee wer reduced to science. et leest on our eide' For the South, it Wes only deepeir, They bed to do it, or else retreat inglorionsly from e fight they hed marched two hundred ‘ miles to find. We could welt es we bed for weeks, but they could not stey end hed only to fight or go home. Armisteed’e monument should stend upon the place where he fell, es such heroic ceurege belongs only to the noblest oi mankind .His blood there neid the penelty oi treeeon, end weshed ell his ieults ewey. It should- drew to that shrine it just respect for his cherecter. in the odmiretlcn of ell the world. As we hope for meri‘gocurhelves, let us not ex- tend enmlties yond the grave. nor seek for punishment eiter death. Whet truer joourtesy can we extend to Southern heel-ts then to sey, your true heroes shell heve e lece else in our Velhelle? The ceuee is Post. but lost with such distinguished velor end heroism es the world hes never beiore known. Let those monuments rise to ell the Southern heroes, tlll ever bettlefield shell become e shrine of petr otism. AL reedy some three hundred noble monuments now decorete that field, end thousends more should yet erise till it become our netlonel shrine end oo_m__r_non _prlde of H03.“ end 'élluh alike. "Whit b‘ottor could llluutnu our three cardinal virtuuâ€" frutemlty, char- fity and loyulty. Mn. Murphyâ€"“And how In your hul- band 80-day 1" Mn. McGlnty-«“Shuro, It's bu! he is. He’s wutln' 3mm wld the oomum non. 11h. “pee on gown; thinner find th nap: he'll m‘ko 3 poor odrpso, I’m kinking." Gettysburg Memories. To the lumen undenhndirg the vast etrelchu at time involved in geological history no utterly incomprehensible. It is not «any. indeed. to form on idea of whet a riod even e million of yeere is. though ‘roll tells how an etrilting impreuion of such 3 lep:e may be conveyed to the mind. Stre ch n piece of paper eighty-three feet [out inchee long nronnd the walla of A room eomewhnt over twenty feet sqmsre, recoil the eventa ot Me to give some conception o! n hundred yenrn, on then consider the: n mnrk one-tenth of en inch brood nt one end 0! the paper repreeente the century, while the whole etrip given piece for only 3 million yenm ! _ This illmmtton in worth trying. 1 ...AL...., AL- _._.I,n_ -1 ' Could we stand, continue. the nether oi “ Climetc end Time." upon the edge of e gorge, 3 mile end .1131! in depth, tint had been out out of the solid rock by e tiny Itreom newly visible nt the bottom (i this terrible nbyu, end were we informed that thin little :trcnnlat we: able to \I at 08‘ ennuelly only one tenth of en inch from its rocky bed, whn would our couc 'ptinn be of the prodegione length of time that this atreem must have taken to excnvate the one? We ehould oer einly let-l eta-tied on ndiug the: the stream bed. performed [this enormous amount of woxk in something less tianlminlionof yeu'a. Money in your purse will credit you; wisdom in your head will adorn you ; both in your necessity will cure you. 'lmâ€"Emi 83ng 0! Patent. eon ting 'l' 0 I O I 'l' 0 . O. 0. Ron. Chic! Engineot. A. max. Bec‘y-m Hummer Medmme mamwm; fio‘éfi'é’édfinfi‘lofi Br till: Columbia, Oduorn I, Bun”. Illinois, and quik I number at other Shteo and Provinces, now in smndnnce. Write to: Deteripuve Circulu-a. mos. BENGQUGII. ‘ CHA8._B._ BROOKS, , , $1.00 nine in Gold. from all“ up. A. a. mason, lawn. Toronb Willard That Depository. J. J. TAYLOR, - All) VAULT DOORS, 0. SELF- THREADIII} NEEDLES. my; out! Instantly "traded Win the eye. Agents all money selling them. Sun 0pc!» by mull 150. dozen packets $1.00. White- IlnufuturI-g (‘0. .. Toronto. Ont. MONTREAL AND L‘VERPOOIâ€" Saloon Tickeb. .40. '60. '0’. Return, 88". .90, .110. Intermediate, 030; Show. '10. Apply to H. E MURRAY 0cm. lunar", 1 Custom House Squats. IONR‘I‘IAL Yong. St. Toronto. BEAVER LISB 0! STBAIISIIIPS. els, and imparts life and energy ‘to the heat prostrated system. Vacations or no vacations, PAIXS’B Canny Coumtmn is the medi- cine for this season. It is a scien- tific combination of the best twice, and those who use it begin the hot summer days with clear heads, strong nerves, and -general good health. ann’s Cum“: Coxrouxn is sold by all dmggists, $1 a. bottle. Six for $5. Wmmxoo,rn Merchants, Butchers, and Traders Generally. We wmt .0001) IAN in your bulky to pick up FREE! For M. Galinaâ€"kind 0; summer: Guaranty. Add"... 0. 8. PAGE, H91 ‘Weather IIIVIgoralor Ton-Io sue Worn. LEATHER BELTING. ' 70 Kin Stu ”Send for Price List Mid ‘ A wouonfil. “av: Tâ€"ONIO. "A Medicine. not a Dtlnk. Blood, Liver, Kldnoys. Urlnary Organs, Norvousness, Sleepl It may Save You! Life. rhooo Reward p: m VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F. x. DIXON 00.. Intern. 70 King Sheet. M Toronto. ache, Sleeplessness, Ner- vous Prostratlon, and an "all-plnyed-out" sensation prove that anx’s Gunny Coummm should be used now. This medi- cine restores health to Nerves, -Kidneys. Liver, and Bow- Summer’s heat debilitates both nerves and body, and Hgad- noun “firm?! agd hill" A Million of Years. OALF SKINS â€"8m.mo Win“ 3mmâ€" President. _,, “8381' 4: Unix". Montreal P: Q t RE LY ON HQ? fill]: £5.92; BAGI‘I‘EI AND OXFORD IBIBIKNCB BIBLE». bound in French lorooco, Gilt Raga, ysp'. Funded Sagan: th your a “nun: WALTHA! SILVER WATCH. ~Also SINGER SEWING IACEINE For mvunuhn ud- cmu, 0. W. DENNIS. 6 Atomic. AND in: Pun, Vermont. v.8. SAFES PATENTS!)â€" Ilia? Lilia Royal Mail Steamslllm Bailing dmmz Mater (mm Pen um "Hi, Than dny and Edit“ every Betun‘lny to Liverpoo . md In summer (mm Quebec eve Satludey to Liverpool. calling at Londonder to And mails end axon for Scotland And I d; lllO from Bl] more. vie Hui!“ and St. John's, N. F . toldverpool to Mly durinf nummer months. The steamers o! the la- gow Ines all during winter to md from mum. ortlmd. Boston and Phil-delphh- And durln sum mer between Glasgow and “011th week] ' 0 m0! ‘and E3030; weekly, And Ghagow end P {Indelphh om: g . 1'0: height, plunge. or othet Inhalation I p to A.Echumnchet00.. leflmore: 8. Cunud I; 130.. Halifax; Shea Co., St. John‘s. N. F : Wm. Thomp 50118 00., 8; John, N. 3.; Ann 00.. cm ; Love a; Aldm. New Yonk. Il- Boomer, Tenn 2 Amy?" wonfluwws E'ua- Br.°.°k‘.°- {'th Sahel-lbw Capltal, ..... Kaitlyn (hplpl. ......... DRUNTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, . l2 H Pembroke Stu Opens Monday, Sept. 17. Annouuromenz now read) and um be sent tree on application. THE TURMTO SILVER PLATE 60 â€"Mnnnlwcuron of the highest gndeo o!â€" phln: H. A. Allen. Portlmd, Boston Honkml CANA DA PERMANENT L0anSavingsGompany INCOIl'onA'I‘BD 1855. Head flfiloo: Toronto so, Toronto. The enlarged cavital and resources of this Corr- pany. loge! wiih the increased hcflmee it bu recently spam ed for supplying [And owners with cheap money. ennble the Directors to meet with promptn‘emm‘l ut the ‘Iowest current rate cl interest .___ -_ _.A2.‘. -A___ _--I r--â€".r._-VV_.__r, , All quuirementaw'gr' Idans upon utietnctory real egufe gecurlty. _ épplfcgfion 5mg b9 Fade to eithu 42O to 428 King St. West. TORONTO n. a. aoonmuuu. J. c, 003?. M’GAUSLAND (3i {hi Cbmpnjnj'a 166:] Aw I nun” ‘lnnA‘I SILVER - PLATED WARES Stained? GEES IS THE HOST PERFECT FORM OF CONSENTRATED F009. It in paint sble, easily digcetad nnd quickly Strengthens and invigoratcs. B amum Wire 8c Iron Works, Windsor, Ont. nun 0mm! fthe Compaq"! local Appnisers at h J. HERB R MASON mun”: Din-cw: oronto. Policies In l-‘orcc over 19.009. FOR CHURCHES. DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. To this date October 31. 1887. there ha been returned to an mm 0! Policy-holder. (duh: cum). . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. ....... To the hoidn oi mnturori Enacwmont Policiel. . . . . . . . To Policy-holder! on surrender oi Policies. . . . ............................... To Policy-holders ior Cash Profits (including those floated and being paid). To holders oi Annuity Bond. .............. , .................. . .............. Loam! to Policy-bolder: on Security of their Policies. . . . . . .. ...... . oncov'uno- -. ........... QOIOtIII 76 King St. Wuv'ilr‘oronto. TRADE 'Pnllniu Vanhvmlumn Muv -I"ACI‘ORXES um b’ALEBROOM :- I ‘ - - v - â€" â€" _ ._ _ edlcine. not a Dtlnk. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowen, , Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS. tnooo Reward paid for a one they wIll not cure. F. I]. TOBRIXGTON. THE BEST AND CHEAPESI FENCE PRESIDENTâ€"Jfl VICE-PRES] DEN TS.â€"‘ JOHNSTON’ S FLUID BEEF mdmr. urn-AI. ‘A non c .......... 3 I.80',0.0 .......... 2. 500.... ........... 10,000.“) W.“Nl|' "Ill-hung COII’ANY, giTABLISBBID OCTOBER, l8". Dmucrm. MARK. m FUNDS '0' 0"“ $3,000 000..” lb NIDN‘I‘O STREET, TORONTO, 0H7. :I‘IBR'éIVn W. P. ROWLAND, 0.8., K.C.M.G. -â€"W1LLIA!I Ellingon, Esq _; Bowmn HOOPIB, Esq. __ A-. .- n n-_.._..l__ Illâ€" ‘0 no MVIUVAvnu-r. rur- nnd indflndhh- um. I yonn. NUTRITIOUS FOOD an,:TORONTO_§_XHIBIT|0N. To all who need a. highly It is of special interest to know that. 71887. mm ha been returned 31.1.10", Esq, EDWARD noon mononhn, Managing? mm... DR. GRAY'S Specific [no huh and to: the nu. “teen years, with amt mess. in the autumn oi Nervou- Dobiiity. and ti] disc-sea Mining iron: in coals, over-worked hula. loa- oi vitality, ringing in. the an. pulpit-such. etc. For .10 by All drum Price 81 pet box. or o bans to: 86. 0: will b. uni by: nail on receipt 0! price. Punphioi on uppiiofliam THE GRAY MEDICINE (70.. Toronto. For Bugninl, don't tail to cull on u; "only human loam Liv 1: 00km loom to UV “0. .50 Audi'w. Rotumtkkob. .80. M. And no: according to "cum" and uoommodnflon. [mu medluo. 030: Round trip mm. 060. Shelagm Round Mp tickets. “0. For [mun 10mm to «can pun». :ley y» [1.3. I Mtfluonl Inn-g or, [Custom ouuSq Sq.uuo loam. ottouu Local Leona In an aim-mu “0'1qu 01-. ‘quADA Illl’ilflfl ”(h-Bun: u... SUFFERING from “no effects of early evil hsbltl, the "my 01 ignonnqe {ad {on}. qhq find themnolm remit o! in ounce and (“in who find themnolm weak. nervoun and uhms ago Mann-Annual On) In nho Ire broken down lrom the attack 02 sbuee or over-work. and in ndmuced lilo tool tho con ueuces ol youthful excess, and (or Ind M n. V. Lubon’a Treatise on the Discuss of Ion. The book will be sent sealed to any address on reoolpt 0! two 8c. .9 1:: Address I. V. L DON. Wellington St. E. Toronto. Ont Made from 3-16 Steel Rods, with Heavy Iron Frame and Iron Foundation. We are ofl’eringjthe Fence at ex- ceptionally low prices. Iron Pence Cresting. Stable Fittings. and all kinds of Iron and Brass Work. but none cqnnl it in lubricating properties. FAD» nu, ”lulu. etc. and none equal to the cum-I Peerless nude by SAMUEL ROGERS 8: 00., TORONTO. “Peerless ” BIOYCLES, VELOCIPEDES, etc. Bold by deucn everywhere. CHAS ROBINSON 00., Nervous Debility. Young Men have are mun; A-Ilallu’. 0| 01.”,176 £7 Amount over ”5.000.000. “) FIRST APT}. flSG, WRILE THEY LAST- MABHINE OIL I0000 PRESENTS L‘u: the red Circle from the lzal‘cl um! and It In a lc‘ltcr mixing hum-st upiuinn after fairuiul. lii‘iu-r 3."), 1001'25 Quit sin: will want: thy girâ€" ‘. 1: will send by mail an ap- pz1 pri. .Ilc fin! to each nmidcn, wnfc mum Icr (Ir tankâ€"um: lo a Iamih â€"â€" who will In the BREADMIIKER S 8“!“ POWDER Any g'ncu or Nurclget-pfl khuws \\ In re :0 get It If asked fur by yousâ€"Add: v Hill“ “11!. ('0. TOROXTO â€"-t ---------- -‘J.w Whaley. Royce a 00. 283 Tango Street. Toronto. L Maps-:3? '- 22 Church St, Toronto. REPAIRING or um: ms'rn mum“ “BESSON” ma “manua- Band 6; Orchestr- New md Seoond~hm BAND IRSTRUMEIIS. sena'léidoi'gbm mammuu mmmwmm mummg MUSIC. Agents for

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