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Woodville Advocate (1878), 21 Sep 1888, p. 7

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section of the fire bri ado entere a burn- ; building. which to i, oeging the men, rho were routed to death deepite the brave .ttempte of their oomredee to reeoue them. ‘ A number of Buffalo men together with ree Toronto per-ties. heve armed en eno- tion to buy 20.000 eoree of timber lends n the State of Miuieei pi, with the object l exporting lumber en timber to the Euro. : eon whet. J LDnring'nflrein Beltimore‘yeeterde morning The Indications no that the debate on tho Rotdhtlon bill in the Home 0! Represent- fotim will lut for o week or ten days. Mr.Crowloy. the Libel-{An ohlmpanooo who attracted so much ottontion in New York Central park. dlod Suhdoy morning. too, Pa..’geatorda “killed 5 nainBéFOI p03 p10 und eatro a large Amount of pro- 9°“!- “R-mdglph Huptipgtqn, of Rochester, N Senator Gray, of Delaware. in of opinion that both eldee of the Home will a ee to give the Preeldeut the extra powere e aeke tor to enable him to carry out retaliation. Yellow fever le lnoroaeing in virulence in Iackeonvllle, and every one who can in 3.71" the city. A case of the fever le re- por in Philadelphia, and le causing great darm. The Alaeka Commercial Company‘e eteam. 1r St. Paul during lte eeaeon secured 100,000 eaiekine and a large quantity of other ekine .nd fare, making the value of her cargo The tropical mu men of New Orleaiu hnvo formed a combination. representing 5 combined oupital of 819,000,000. Heavy rains are seriously inj firing the cot- to’n omp’ln Alabama. 0n Snturdny a true bill was found against Jacobo, the Conghnawege. murderer. Hotogsrln . Arkeneu, he. been swept by 3 B an thirteen people drowned. The Retaliation Bill wu reported back to the Home of Representatives on Saturday. A banana trust has been organizad. The number of yellow fever cases at J ack Ionville is incruaaing. Mr. Abram Show, surveyor of the Cus- toms Department. while sailing from St. Zotique to Velleyfield on the St. Lawrence, 1nd his boat on sized by e squall. He olun to the upturne boat end was carried throng the Green Chute, an experience never before land by living men. ‘ The Imperial Government, in conjunction with that of Canada, are said to be about to have surveys made of the Straits of Fuoa, through which runs the boundary line be- tween the United States and the British poueaaions on th‘e'PaciBo Coast. The Hudson bay railway promoter: say that nothing can be done at present owing to the refusal of the Manitoba Government to narantee more than two million: and a half, hioh they declare to be insufficient. Mack Howea, well known in Manitoba during the boom period, who was arrested in Toronto and taken to Ingonoll on a charge at obtaining money under false pre- tence in connection with some land transac- tion, was honourably acquitted. -‘â€"â€"v- _ “want-u vvu v- ;quuWWl‘ A u .'., bu lulnvpmted th: tho'ronihbrod Anth‘n are Nwml ad will breed or to 3 Henry llty Itxllion. Surve are to be made of Sn J an her- bor. in snoouver Islsnd, with the object of mertsining its capabilities es s harbor of refuge end a strategic point for defence purposes. . Mr. Courtney, Deputy Minister of Finance, is at pro-one in Toronto conferring with the Provlnolnl Treunrer’regerdigfnthe mounts between the Federal nnd Pro cid Govern- ment’e. Export merchants in Monti-on! ‘hnvo been notified from Nowoutlo and Glu ow that no tonnnga whntever can be given mm thou Rom to Montreal on the regular line of Angxplollpn 9f ganja p minovpou- Sent-1- Soott McVeigh. assistant bookkeeper In the Methodist Book Room, Toronto, bu oblcondod. His pooulationl amount to out: 35,000, but pubis! restitution has been The cotton combine has oeued to exist. It was decided at e meeting of the manufact- uren in Montreal that all the mill: might chuge their own figures. ehont'three canto. _ Both the Custom: and inland revenue re- oeiph at Hamilton for last month showed a felling off as complred with the correspond- ing month lent year. ‘ Mini Sun J ennnette Dnnenn, the Cm- dinn journelbt, better known .3 “ Guth Grnfton," we: entertained at Suntan Illnnd by Mr. Wilma. A large canning {notary nt Pieton oom- pldnnhn a duty 0! teneenh in charged nyonpeaoh bankete, the value of which in ' The entrie- in the live stock alum for the Provfincial Ftir at Kin Iton luvs been no numerous thus udditlon Ihedl will have to be ermted. "I.“ ' -I|WU U. I vvuuuvlflu I“ “Uu‘lwl. ind to him, with the consent of the alt ' smother. The yodng girl Len: Voegh. who an un with 3 street our conductor in Montreal, "I! ’l'h‘ orthodox J an o! Huntlbon luv- pur- ohuod the old St. J nmu’ Espinoopnl church do.” will open it u a oynngogno next Mon. '- l‘ho America: tug Ghdheor ha been 00‘:- ed by tho Cmadhn nuthoritiol u Algomo Mill- Ior towing a nit of log: in Cmudim Hontreel nt length bu decided to follow Toronw'e example. nnd tnke active nope canine: the bucket chop. The Quebec Government hue decided to eehblhn n permcnene provinclel police force, with hendqnerton in Montrenl. A oompnny in being formed In Mantra! to build 5 bridge from Point Sh‘Chnlu to Imguouil, by way of St. Helen’s hind. fifih’ next you. noel mm I: An unuuelly bee 0.2%531. no leu then five mudg- oeeee to be t? the North America: United Caledonle W will hold In convention in Sam?! the oottou mmnhotnnu hue (armed . combine ufl’oouna dyed cotton. UANADIAN. Cod sauuood 95 can“. h )1an on Saturday. And in now .0 75 a. ton. NEWS OF THE DAY. AMERICAN. Drift: It was in a Dakota courtroom, and the judge wound n his addreas to the jury as follows: “I on't den that tho priaoner done the shootin', ent emon. but think of tho provocation. he corpse was pantin' up bills for a Boston firm that said : â€"‘ Do you wear panto? And, be oohg tho prla’ner just riz up and he In, u: o, No, air I wou- bmohu l I And, then he Ihot.” Verdict, “Not Gnllty.“ "Carbollo acid " is not an sold, but a phenol. " Cobalt ” contains none of that metal, but arsenic. “ Soda water " has no trace of soda. nor does “sulphuric other” contain any sulphur. “ Sugar of lead ” has no sugar, “ cream of tartar ’ has nothing of cream, nor “ milk of lime ” any milk. Oxygen means “ the soldmahers," but hydrogen is the essential element of all acids, and many aolds contain no oxygen. “ Ger- man silver " contains no silver, and “black lead " no load. “ Mosaic gold " is simply a mi hide of tin. his list might readily be extended, both in chemistry and other natural sciences, and it is only fair to state that these terms all1 come from the older writers, and are giving way to a more sclentifio nomenclature. " Oil of turpentine " ie not oil, neither in “ oil of vitriol," nor “coal oil," nor keronene. “ Copper“ " in on iron compound, nnd con- tnine no copper. “ Suite of lemon" hove nothing to do with the iruit oi the “ Citru- iimonnm,” but in the extremely po’eonone exelio acid. The nuns by which we know on ortlolo sometime- nlvu very little idea of its character. Toke the following list to An llluatntion: The New York Timee' London con-ea n~ dent estimates that Europe will need tofiy from 70,000,000 to 80,000,000 bunhele of wheat this year. end The Time: thinke tint the United Stltee will be ebie to supply A very large proportion of thet quantity. A new aub- marine boat has been construct ed in the French navel department which can dive beneath the largest iron-clad, ut- tmh tn-pedoea to her side, and subsequent- ly explode them by an electric wire. An English court has just decided that railway servant! cannot eject persons from trains who say they have lost their tickets, the only remedy being to sue the passen- ger for breach of contract. A number of evictions were made an Sat- urday on Lord Clmricarde‘e estxte. the ten~ ants resisting with guns, pitahforks, boiling water, and other resources of modern civili- zation. Prem’er Flcquet and Admiral Krantz ara greatly pleased with the recent naval manoeuvres at Toulon. which were a rfech success as an experiment in mobiliz men. The aged French scientist Chevreul st- tsined his one hundred and second birthday on Tuesday, thus beating Sir Moses Monta- fiore's record. It is reported that another Nihilist plot has been dizcoverod in St. Petersbnrg. and twelve men and three women have been ar- A despxtoh from Sofie saga Prince Ferdl~ and In recent 3 interview eolu'ed that he wonild never leave Bulgaria of his own ao- cor . Tho London Times has come t) the con. cluslon that Retaliation will work it! own cure without any notion on the put of Can- It is reportsd that the King of Abyssinis has mused his troops on the Gram Table Land, to resist a possible Inllsn invssion. M. Vcchu'd, 3 French Socialllt lender, nnd five of his colleagues, have been cue-ted st Amlona for inciting workmen to Itriko. The English and French Ammo-Baot- hnvo made noolloctlve damnd upon the Sultm to sign the Suez Cannl Convention. A huvy nin accompanied by a 3.1% pro- vuilod over En ’lnnd on Tuesday night: And did great Iddl anal damlge to the crop. Kin Humboxt unveiled monuments to Guib: di and the mutyra to the «use of Italian liberty in Ruvennn on Saturday. The oolllere’ strike in Anetrelln still con- tinues, and la seriously interfering with the movement of steamers in Melbourne. ' “ United Ireland," Mr. William O‘Brien's paper, says Cleveland in Hanging Ireland's wrong: by his retaliation measure. Edinon'a phonograph wu exhibited yol- terdsy to the London, Eng, Pro-I Club, and proved a complete success. It in re ontsd that three woditionn sent by the ahdi ngdnat the hive Chief in Bahr-el-Ghuzel were repulsed. ' Over one thonnnd oliildron are reported to have died from meaelea in Santiago, Chill, in the lust two months. The divorce enlt between King Milne end QcLeen Netelle he: been edjoumed (or three mouths. Severe! vessels were wrecked end meny liven lent in .e hurrloene In Algae Bey on Thuredey. Wile Irish Netiouel Leegue h nrgln thet e Pernell defence fund should be r in the Stetel. . A Re el Spent-h deoreeh ubllehed ro- 11mg: energetlc. ectlon ABM the epaed of phylloxei'e. ‘ ' ‘ “ ‘ London bakers hnvo lnoromd the price of brand in expectstlon of ; sex-lou- shoutsge In the British wheat crop. Seven! lhoah of mthdfit-ko ware felt in Now Zulnnd yeltorduy. China refue- to ntify the Auction tmty restricting Chinese Immigration. Five hundreo dorvhhu were ddutod with grant slaughtor nou- Wtdy Hulk. Fifty lperson: heve been arrested :1: Sofie on “lip den of their being epiee. Gen. Butler deoluee um President Cleve- lund hu no. been unreal" enough end would hue hlm take lotion egelnet the Guard linen. Gen. Butler might temember e um. Interference with e Brltluh null Iteemor nuned the Trent, end the the job we: found rether too big to bundle. The LmdonTI'mu an the Amuiouu Invo . tudlflond mpoot (or 10pm and i! the rlglmol the uuuudon on. brand. elm to them, they no not llkoly to be umpud into A polio o! Igcrouion (or uh. uh of owner vaofsnd or Rhino. United sum Soon Falmhlld lays than in n dupdtion to u 3! cl}. vigoroug I‘ll-Annm- An. n___th, , meanru efielnet Cenndinn poeohere on een tithing in A uh webs-e, become the Ear um Government ue now peeing ie leis- tion which will entirely I p deprede one. What’s in a Name. P033108. ‘ uuw n o, age-Inns 9 o In mum-nu and Wfilel, ‘525 in Sootlend, end 5.4 in Irelend. Ger- many hue nearly 5 to a family. France bee e greeter toportion of own-up persona then my ot ev netlon in arc . the num- ber 01 pereone in each 10,000 tween the egee of 15 and 60 being, in France. 5 373 ; in Holland, 4,984 3 in Sweden, 4,954 ; in Great Britain , 4,732 : in the United States, 4.393. France has the highest ever on gee of the living. 31.06 years, ngalnet ollnnd, 27.76; Sweden, 26 66 ; Great Britain, 26 5 3 the United States, 23 1. ln Frenoe, out of every hundrede deaths. those of persons over the ego of 60 ere 36; in Switzerlend, 34; England, 30; Belgium. 26: Wureem- burg, 24 ; Pmuie, l9 ; Amtrie, l7. ,,_', -_.°_v â€".... v â€"â€"â€"v-v Dr. Viokery, however, proceeds to state that marriages are more revalent in proportion“ to the population in rance than elsewhere and this is of course a ve happy state oi afl‘airs. On the other han , France has the loweat birth rate of all European countries, 23.8 to a thousand, against 31 for Great Britain and 38 for German . The avers 0 number of children in a renoh family s now 2 34 against 4 6 _in Euglapdanq Wales, rnâ€"s Miss Alice Violrery, M.D., an English lady doctor. has been quoting various statin- tios to prove that France is the heppiest country in Europe. She points out that while the surplus oi women in Great Brit- nin end Germny amounts to 750,000 and 1.000.000 respectively, in Frence it is only about 92,000. I! A man had cited this fact as n res-son why France should be hnppy, his repntstion for gallantry might have suffered “A "),I, , I How vast and complicated is the problem which the United States has to solve in the assimilation of the whole communities of . foreigners who immigrate yearly to its shores may be inferred from the statistics 'ust published for the seven months ending uly 3let. The total mumber of emigrants who came to the United States was 357,125, of whom 113,000 came from Great Britain, 67,000 from German , 11,000 from Bohemia and Hungary, 25,0 from Russia. 59,000 ifrom Sweden and Norway, 38,000 from, Italy, 3,000 from France, 6,000 from Denmark, and 4,000 from Poland. All these nationalities have to be educated into triumphing over their old-world prejudices before they can be converted into useful American citizens. Judging from the smallness of the emigration rem France, ‘ the French must either be the most happy ‘ and contented of the great European peoples, or the most destitute of the enterprise. The disadvantage of the increasing Italian immi ation may be inferred when ltis said t at, according to the official statistics of 1882, 54 per cent, of the male Italian population could neither read nor write. The London correspondent of the Irish " Times” releases to have ascertained the salaries pa d by the “ Times " to its foreign correspondents :â€"-M. do Blowitz, the Paris correspondent of the “ Times,” is paid 80,- 000 florins, or £3,200 per annum ; Mr. Lows, at Berlin, has £2,500; the Vienna corre- : spondent an equal salary ; the correspondent ‘at Rome £2,000, with rent of a residence; Mr. Simpson, at St. Petersbnrg, the same. Even the lesser correspondents, who do not wire a dozenor a half a dozen columns in the course of a twelvemonth, are paid on scales varying from £1,000 to Senor Diaz, at Mad- 1 rid, down to £500 to Herr Juliusâ€"a name; which will be familiarvto many in Dublin and more in Corkâ€".who ”represents the “ Times” in Brussels, and so on to the mini- mum of £250 paid Mr. Heinrich, at Christ~ iana. This seems small, but seeing that the correspondence wired or writen to Printing House square occurred only fifteen times throughout 1887, he was fairly well paid [or his la cure at the rate of nearly £17 per message. The correspondence budget of the London “ Times " in salaries alone is nearly £30,000 a year (8150.000). years. Beside: thii the taxpayers have to meet the ordinary military budget, which has since 1871 averaged fully $100,000,000 per annum. No wonder that time. are hard. Even the marvelous productivity of France and the economical habits of her people cannot forever hold out again-t such a atrain an that. To spend more than two and a half billiofna for a warbgf "“3188 in twcn years 0 peace may :11 cent,- bnt ":in magnificent madncu. 38“ ‘ Le Gauloie in a recent article gives some etertllng figures of French ermy expendi- ture: in e put seventeen years. T he “lquidetion account " for provnding fortifi- ontlone, munitions of war, etc, over and above the ordinery military budget, has dready reached $448,600,000. A eeoond or aupplementer account hes now been formed of 874,000, , and three years hence a. third of $124,000,000 will be needed. This makes e total of $616,600,000 in _twenty â€"---_ n__!j;_ AL‘; ‘I The Sufi-vice! Abotreot for 1887. in! 1 leaned, given the [allowing interestin figure. in 'reaurd to the wheels of the Unit Butte. In 1871-72 there were in this country l2,- 828.847 children of school ego. of whom 7.479.656 were‘enrolled In the public schools. These puplle were taught by 81,509 mole end 124,180 lemnle teacher! towhom cg - gete nlerlea of 837,503,309 were peld. m total expenditure for the schools that our wee 870,891,374. In 1884 85 the so 001 population had lnoreued to 17,764,658, end the number of pupil: enrolled in the uhh‘o eohooll $011,461,661. The number 0 mole teacher-e wu109,632, end of female 199.422. to whom ulnriee nmountlng to 873 932.068 ‘ were pnld. The total expenditures upon \ the schools for the latter your were $111.- 52l,542 â€"|_Public Opinion. I. v " "‘â€"" "vi 000 members. Thair “lea nmonntnd to more thus 8120.000 000 lull you, and the roflta Ihnrod reached nearly “5,000.00. his In“ sum moment:- the annual saving now efl'uotod by dispensing with the profit. of middlemen. The system 0! distributive co-opontlon haboonumz nucceu in Gmt Brlhin. Tho Uni Kingdom now has 1,350 00- operative Iltqru, :qulylng' more than 920,. Ono you. . . . . ............... 81.500300 0 One month ...... .... ........ 125,000 01 Onowook.......... ......... 288$ 01 One dny .......... . ......... 4,120 81 Onohuur ....... .......... 343 41 One minute ................. 5 7: One uoond ................. 9: This. then, in Prouozion'l Pot lâ€"[Phfladol phi: Record. Thm m 021 now-upon printod In Bor- lln. F“ Jour no 0310111 papou. 70 poll- tlonl, 165 we to do with “mature. solenoo. und ut, 217 no oommoroill. Mild 30 rolls!- Tho dpl.“ factorie- o! Enshnd. Fume, Hollsn . And Gem-lay no “id to turn out 77.000.000 plus duly. ANDREW canola's moons. STATISTICS. o u . o o o a . ..... ...... ..... The heppieet men in the benevolent one, for he owns 3 stock In the happineee ol ell unkind. There is no rtfiose, no rest for the mind from morning t night. no time or incli- nation to dismiss thou ht or care if for everso few minutes, an at last there is no capacity for so doing. This habit of mind grows into a fixed one. It leads away from precision. It leads away from exact- ness. it leads away from order or method. It does lead even brilliant intelieots into a sort of halter shelter way of doing every- thing. It leads to iorgetfulness, for the memory cannot make a clean record when so muohis forced on it. This habit of mind goes with its owner everywhere. It lgoes ome with him. It goes to bed with im. It keeps away slee . It ves only an nn-‘ health , feverish s eep at t to the body. It i s, and has led, to the insane asylum. But if you owned the whole state of New Yorkâ€"lands, lots, houses rivers and all, and next the whole United Statesâ€"lands, rocks, rivers, mountains, and all, and last both continents, and, finally you held a hill of sale for the whole earth in your trousers pocket, and effort and strain and excitement in gaining it caused softening of the brain, what an aggravating thing it would be for you to be imprisoned in an in- sane asylum you owned yourself and guard- ed b your own hired keepers lâ€"[Prentice Mul 0rd in New York Star. The children‘of this world hnving within the last fifty years found some new toysâ€"to wit: steam, electricity, telegraphs, tele- phones, tickers and other rapid trnnsit up pnratus for mind and bodyâ€"are lnying too hard with them. There is a spec on of men- tei intoxication evolved out of ell this “ rush- ing thin ,” which is even more subtle nnd deadly t an that coming of eloohol. In this whirl end high pressure of business there sure those who, in mind as well as body, ere on the run from morning till night end every not of theirs, every epistle they write, every ‘ letter they shape with the pen in in the do- ing pushed Ind hurried in mind by the thought of the next, of many other pressing things which must be done in {given time. 7 “WILHELM.” It is easy to ime ine what the old wer- rior’e feelln woul he could he behold his grandson, w 0 has never done snythinc but reggin , endangering his country's peace and me in himself generally obnoxious on the strengt of the reputation of his pro- decessors and the army built up by them. “ With a humble and thankful heartI extol God'e grace which has found us worthy to achieve such mighty things according to His will. May this grace be further accord- ed to us in building u and extending re- united Germany, the oundationn of which only have been bid, and ,may peace be granted to us to enjoyin humilit the blen- lnge which were won in hot and loody bat- tles. Lord, Thy will be done on earth even as it is in Heaven. Amen. m5 lainly assigned to hei‘ hy Providence. ed in His grace will it no. ' M“ yMidnight, 66 867 WILHELM.” Atthe close of the war with France when he sees himself the mod: powerful man on earth. his nttsranoea are the same: In strong contrast to the braggadocio utterances of the grandson are the words of old Emperor William, written at important moments of his life, and only made public yesterday. The words of the old Emperor reathe a simple piety and modesty which his descendant might profitably copy. In 1866 he writes : “ In years_now closing God's grace has neen poured out over Prussia, and rightly comps nsates her for all she has suf- fered. Humbly do I acknowledge this Divine favor which selected me at my advanced age as'jhe bringer about of events which seem destined to be a blessing to Prussia and to Germany. At this serious turni point of the year may the army in all ts ‘ accept my' hearty thanks for the .' evo tieu and self-sacrifice with which it obeyed my ‘oall and conquered before my eyes. an experience for which I stammer out to God my humble thanks. May God's blessing be with Prussia, and may Prussia prove worthy of this blessing. May my son and his snc~ cessors behold such a pecple and such an army around them, and may they be circum- spect and by tim ely action carefully promote the welfare and prosperity of both, and thus ‘secure_to I’russi‘a the position _which has If the preceding ere not sn exsct repre- duotion of his words, he hes eeid sometnin snfiisiently like it to stupldl interfere wit the work of his advisers, w o nre laboring to forwerd German interests et the expenseof Englend on the Zanzibar cent in New Guinea, South Africa and elsewhere. In the midst of his political blundering his German Majesty fin‘de time for much mock humility, ostentatious praise oilhls never-to- be-forgotten tether, whose every wish he. is disregarding) and ot his ever to~be~remem lured grendfethcr, whose greet work‘ is endangered by his grandson. "England." this silly imperial buggut in topontad t) have amid. “would be dead but for her oolonieo. Then no only nt twhod to her by a thread. I willcnt tlut thread, and England will die a death wool- stated by the pghon of Liberal-m.” The reul danger to Europe to once norm to be In the oamtut endeavor o Germnny’a ‘ young. mbitlona and incepol-l-a Emperor t) sou himself and hi. country int”: trouble. Shonli Bismuck‘s restraining influence be removed, it named certain thut the new ruler would soon find n protsxt to ratify his greets-t ornvlng. the night of his toy, the Army. mmmnvring and bring 00' la gun. in bloody enmeat. Alter irritating Frnnce with hlu grotnatoni brag nbmi 46 030,000 German lying dead on the bottlafield before airing up n foot of conquered territory, he had nllowod his mouth to endunger the ‘ min; nndent ruding of his country with ‘ t.p -. ‘ Severely Orlueued. lt beoomee more end more evident thet if wer oomee Frence ie detmnlned it Uh!" not be her leult. Premier Goblet e reply to the lest insulting mt: on the Mueoweb diifi- onlty, eent by Premier Criepl, of thl . ie moat tamperute end petient, eo muc eo that Itely oennot continue in her provooetive course without ellenetiug the eymuetuiee of all the independent power- in Europe. The belle! which in gening ground thut Birmerok werued Criepi then he could not rely on the euppont ol the triple ellienoe if he provoked France witnout oeuee strength- en the hope of peace aroused by France’- moderation. Got-unr- You" and “bltlou Inn": Whirl and High Pressure. THE PEACE OF EUROPE. men, the anérorf iiiéolongh m?! the M;- quh of MIN“, pone. zlandod «uh. o! M aunt. “ You, I have just been told. I will be et your service in e moment. In the moon- iime. prey take a chair." “ But, sir, I em the Prince von Xâ€"â€"- l" “ Very well. Take two cheire then I” The Rothschild‘e ie not b an meene the only vent fortnnein En ‘enti: T we En lieh nobleman, the Duke of utheriend. the he of Northutnberiend end the Marquis of Bate, ere included in the list of the twelve rioheet men in_ thewprld, Two other English noble~ mks-9- ' Baron Nathan’s bearingotowerd the po- tentetes who wanted to new money of him was the reverse of obsequlons. On one omion n rince, belonging to some petty German re gning family, w 0 called on him, was nstonlshed to see Rothschild 0 on writ- ing a letter nfter he had entered t e room. ‘ Do you know, sir, who I em 2" asked the "Beoenee you are the ‘firet Christina bmn.' end I em positively the first Jewleh heron I" The reeent head of the home, Lord Rothec 1d, in really the first per-on of the J ewhh faith who we: ennobled by the Brit- ish Government. He was elevated to the peel-Age in 1885 by Mr. Gladstone. unvnn "I‘Lnn'n k..-lâ€"- L-_._j AL, Anselm Moeee’e eon. Meyer Anselm, who wee born in the year 1743, wee intended for the Jewieh manhood, but became e bunker and broker (teed. He wee entrusted with greet eume of money, end, while teki are of them feithinly, need hie 0 p0 . tiee to acquire e greet fortune for at time. One of hie five eone, Nethen, went to Lon- don, eetehllehed e house there, and beoune the lender of En lieh finenoe. The Court of Anetrie made h m e heron, but he never mede uee oi the title. On one ooouion, however. he need it es the enbjeot of e jeet. Happening to meet the French Beron do Montmorenor who, on ecoonnt oi the en. dqnity of h e title. wee celled the "firet Chriletien baronfi” Rhothleohild eeid to him: ‘ “ enppoee, e , t at em just your eqnel.’ “ How in thet, pray i" uked the French noblemen. The. Rothschild wealth was econmuleted more slowly than were these colossal Ameri can fortunes. The Rothschild family has banking-houses in Germany, Austria, Frame and England. All its members of the name are descended from Anselm .Moees Bauer, 3 Jewish dealer in curiosities end old models, who kept e she in the J uden- geese, or Jewish querter, of renkfort. For a. sign he used ered tablet, or shield. and from this his house derived the neme of Rothschild.which means red shield. Mr. Gould began his career as a pedler of mape,and acquired his immense fortune in railways and speculations connected with them. The Vanderbilt fortune was also chiefly acquired in railways, while Mew-e. Maokay and Jones acquired theirs, for the most pa‘rt,_in mining. A , To whst an extent Amerioe hes become the lend of promise to men of enterprise, ofi‘er- ing them greater possibilities of wealth than any other country, some figures recently gun of the greatest private fortunes in e world show. It is stated that the five richest persons in the world are Mi. Jay Gould, Mr. J. \V. Maokny, Lord Roths- child, the head of the En lish branch of the house of Rothschild, fir. George Van- derbilt and Senator J. P. Jones. 0! these, all but Lord Rothschild ‘sre Americens, and their fortunes were accumulated in thilcoqntry: _ ‘V_..__ _- _ _â€".v v-wu mu ty, and I have beautiful eyes, and as alrmy ieelinga are reflected in them the efin‘essicn on my face is always lntereating. y oom- lexlon is white enough to be almost bril- liant when I blush ; a smooth forehead doea not make my face ugly, and my nose completes the symmetry of my ’ features. 1! mouth is large, my teeth white, my smIle amiable and the shape of my face a graceful oval. I have encu h hair to make an easy and becoming head . h? figure iselegant, my bust perhaps too th n. my hands ugly, but my feet are charming and there is much grace in my movements. I have an extreme desire to please and am skillful in showing both my physical and mental qualities to the best advantage. Thou h vain and ill-tempered, I‘ am am dow with such tact that I never do any- thiny which does not give pleasure,” etc. Nous. ‘Sara Bernhardt is gainigl flesh and has bought an apothecary's e e to keep the record. A Sedalia woman who was disappointed in failing to receive a premium on articles which she exhibited at the county fair bundled them up without ceremony and carried them home. This was contrary to the rule of the association, but-it was beautiinlly natural 75 Muscatiue woman went to sleep with a watermelon rind tied on her face to improve her complexion. A burglar entered tie room that night, aaw the apparition in bed and was so frightened that he was paralyze ed. and was_found in that condition in the mo'rglng. .110 has ninth/"become awning -_ “A In the memoirs of Prince Adm Can-to- rvnkl, just published, his wife, Prince- Eliubelth, thu- dewriooo herself: â€"“I vs. neyer {and-0mg. bnthI buve often been put. Another Amerioen wife, dotingirom Park, appear. in English rlnt, bearing teetimony mgerding the relet one between Amen-icon hubende nnd wivee. She protect: satin-t the American ountom of husband and wife living much apart end reoltee wmeidle \Venh~ ington foeeip of other days. She expreneen her ver tnble belief that there in not A tingle big city in the world which contain: no meny worthleeo wives on Chicago. The indy own to 35 yeere of married life, end our tones that there in nothing more culling than to see the nire manned by young III pretty Amerionn women toward men or in- tellect end position. LADY Foulsroxu‘s 0308mm. Ltd Folheerone'e oreheetre 0! side [I de- cor: u about the meet lively d onion ‘ from the convention! highway the: radon hue known (or my 3 en. end, “ eon-[der- lag tax. It. Inn-ice! eoh evemenuu'e worthy of ell grain. The far muniolene belong to the er trocrecy of birth. [I not 0! ert. end when their noble conductor trot: thorn one (or chair 'I sweet ate, the ehow in well worth eee as end hen-lug.” FOR AND ABOUT “'0‘“. Great Fortunes. Sm: SAW Hmsuu'. Alumnus Ams.

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