LINDSAY. ONTARIO. '1“ visit \Vomlville. (Edward's Hotel.) regularly n the ï¬rst Monday and 'l‘uvsdny. and Baum-:- on. (Hamilton House.) the ï¬rst Wednesday and ‘hursdny of each month. I‘L'R E \‘lTALIZED {R administered. Beautiful and dnrnbloART- FICIAL TEETH made. His gold lined rubber lntos um pronounced "perfection." Over 26 en‘s experienco. LIN USA! . ONTA RIO. Visits Boavortou (llmnilton Home) the 2nd anklmr of each month. Mr. “volands Ins had mpuailolad success in the use of gas. (\‘itnlizod Jr) in this part of Canada having administered Iconlinnonsly for about 19 years made a study “I. uulur Dr. Colton. M New York. the ï¬rst gram; who gave I! [or o‘tmc‘ing tooth has given No Homo porsous. Renutiful artiï¬cial teeth 55mm of gamma“: :Iirmsts, OFFICE :-â€""'l‘onon1‘o “0mm.“ 'llo 18$. Beaverton Ontario J AGO B BA R N ES Pumpsï¬aker, ~ALL W038 GUARANTEED.~ _--___V--ï¬,_, ' Barrie and Allialon ‘ Village P3030“? BARRON CAMPBELL, Barristers. c.. M | We have also a. number of choice lots M0\EY To 1‘0 \N â€"-\T LO\\ n31! R .\TES ‘ in (“fluent parts of the Village of Bea‘ A\D BEST TERMS \0 commission I "01101) as follmxs‘ . charged. - . Low 13. :4 and 15 V 10 toria Street indsay Ofï¬ce. Baker‘s Block. Rent Street. I p- Lots 1 and; ’ Hm Street. stairs. M \V"0<““"0.“m°°' 0" ‘1"? ‘3‘ and Comer Lot. Elm and Victoria Sta. 31'“ Thursday I“ “"3"." month. Lots 1. :2. 3. 4 and 5 east side of Rina Street. \ M. JOYCE, V.S.,Grmluntc of Ontario Veteri- nary College. Toronto. 'l‘rmits all diseases u! domesticated animals by the lines: scientific ludmost mpproved methods. Orders by tele- :mph or mail promptly attended to by ‘ay or light Otllco 1â€"“McKiuuon's Drug Store,“ Bea 'ertou, Ontario. 010mm to Loan M6 per cent. on farm pro- orty. Apply to C. .\. PATTERSOX. Beavoflon. netted. \{cPARTHXï¬ EVANS. I‘EPLER 6: Mc- ‘ _ CAE'I‘HY. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, Ionvoyaucors. etc. Oflicu. Quinn's mock. Orillia [mmy to Lend. Telephone cumnmnicntim). VAL'mx MCCARTIIY.Q.C., ' F. Exams. '. B. 1‘. I‘EPLER. J. A. MCCARTHY. GRAND TRUNK BAZLWAS'. KEXVI‘JETUX 01M: Northâ€"11:10 a‘!L.1np.1.-. 103m; Southâ€"8:31)“. UL and 4'): 1‘. z) 12' WOODVILIJC. loing Sorthâ€"dm-ï¬ 11.11). and 7:45p, n: oing Southâ€"-9205 6.111 alnlï¬w; p m. H.JOHNSON....MD C..M V Graduate of Toronto University. Member I it ï¬lolleue Physicians and Surgeons. Ont" Ex- minor forSun Life and Confcdei ation Life Co' 3. mice and Residence Victoria Road Cute! [0. VETERINARY cKURGEONS. \containing 100 news. 0R SALE OR IN EXCHAVGE F01: VILLAGE PROPI‘RTY. North g, Lot 8 Con. 6. rhorah 40 acres cleared and balance in rough pasture land. Soil clay and sandy loam. A Frame Honso. Stebie, Shed and Grnnun on the premises. Terms to suit or will exchange for suitable v illage property. QQQTE EAL? LOT x0. 3. coxcassxox 9 VETERINARY SURGEONS. WOODYILLE AND DEAYERTON. WARTIS .9. HOPKINS. Barriemrs. Solicitor Am. Ofllcos. Rem Street, Lindsay. Ontario Louey to Loan at. 6 percent. Money to Loan. amps and Ciatoms of a“ kinds to order at short notice. I“ be in Bonnrton on “hint-«ht and Sntnr .y of "ch ml: to: Rewiring Pumps and uh- ing order for new ones. ‘ GALLOWAY. M. C. P. 8.0.. Physician. Sm- . goon and Accouehour. Ofï¬ce and resideuc mcoe Street Boavurtou. clN'l‘YltE STEWART. Attorneys. Folio _ imrs etc. Ollices ovcrOHturio Bank.l.indsay D. J. Mcls’rnm. [ '1‘. S'rnwnc'r. ‘ 153mm rand Insmm'nco Again. Convoyancur. nustor. 6:0. MONEY TO LOAN. GRANT, M D.. Physician. Sur-veonund A0' L. coucheur.0flico and Residence Cor. Main 1d Mara. Streets. Beavortou. Out. 'NO. .\ J.\(.50X. Clerk an»! ". muggy“ 'l‘owu. Ship u: [ml-lull. IJUI'AIUVHH . l ILL J.NEELANDS - DENTIST ac.- EO. SMITH, Hark. \'.11a:-.,:~ :\.‘ “:quGI'tou ' Havel-1011.01". .EO. SMITH. Clerk. 'lummu'gv of othcu Town Hall. Huav..:‘.~u, 011E. C.Gll.(‘,llkl'l‘,x‘)ern \‘i! Woodvillo,0).t. C. GILCERIST. Noynry P_uhlic. Real (iseucral {Business (Ennis. MUNICIPAL CLERKS ENTIS'I' EUWMJ w. H. GROSS, KAI LWAY TIM 12‘. TABLE . JOS J. ("A\]' “hummer. D MC‘NABR. MCCARTHY. 1’}??le Mcttmrm'. Barrie and Allialon DENTISTRY. PHYSICIANS. LEGAL. Panic of “hodville, 'i‘horah 1T l r 7. Township of 'I‘horn'h. containing 100 acres. , more or less. 50 acres cleared. 3 Frame Burn and Frame Hausa, also a nevuiut'ailing Well, etc.. on the pt vinises. Will he sold at a bargain or rent- ed for a. h-rtn of years at n. moderate rent to a. ' suitululu person. l‘rupcrtv two of incumbrance. AS’I‘ half Lot 13. 4‘11 Concession of Thor-ah. J containing 100 news. more .or less. 55 acres cleared. balance tiinhored with cedar (excellent rail timber.) A thriving young orchard. a good frame house :Id 10:: burn and other outbuildings on the premises. The lot is tlioronghlv fenced and in a good state of cultivation and has also four good wells. Situated within i mile of Ben- vci‘ton. A good bargain and easy terms. “ TE have had placed in our hand- for sale THE BRICK AND TILE YARD AND POTTERY owned by Mr. Wm. Taylor. the pro‘ pottyisparticnlnrly well adapted for the busi- ness. Ashlin of the 0.1‘. R. running directly into the yam s. A large 40 horsepower engine and boiler with two new tlle machines are among the equipments. This property will he sold in connection with the tarm on which the vard is situated. or separate if desired. The farm with thick Yard contains Imam-es more or less. with a large Brick House and all commi- (‘lu‘oï¬ attached. Tlli‘l would prove an excellent investment for a man with capital «nfllclont to develop the business to its full capacity. [in median: occupation can be gwen. If you have a Lot. House 01- Farm for sale we will endeavour to sell it for you M: a reasonable commissxon. No charge made unless a sale is effected. Apply for terms etc. to HE Handsome “'hito Brick residence on Main Street. on Lot 9, south side. Contains the large rooms. largo halls. clothesclosets. etc., np-stnlrs. will] pnutries. washroom. and extra. woll-lmilt kitchen and woodshed. Hard and soft water. two cellars. frost-proof. 5 acre of land. To be sold cheap and on easy terms. A Double Framoome. situate-I on Elizabeth .4. St..enchhouwcontaiussixromns,etc..wood~ sheds and stable on the premises. } acre of land. An excellent property for speculation both houses boim: rented at a good rental. “'0 ham: fur ..=;,. one of the beat blxsinossstnnds in the v1.2 r." u: Benetton. containing a (mu. tag» on Simwe bu'eet 0! 30100: «lin. Wm: a depth of 16D {90%. The property now returns smï¬cient rental to pay 10 nor ct. on purchase price. A Bun-gain. v .-.....‘.-. uv. \v -.. "v. u. gnu-u ulnuuvu uncut. containing about 25 lots. there is a. lugs Frmnc House and Stable. Hard Water “'91! on the premises. Easy karma. Lots 13. :4 and 15 Victoria Street Lots 1 and :1 Elm Street. Cornur Lot. Elm and Victoria Sta. Lots 1. :3. 3. 4 and 5 east side of King Street. Four choice lots on west side Mara street. all tile drained. Very desirable. Lots 5. 6; and 7 west side Dundaq Street. Lots 12. 13. l4. l5. and 16 east side Dundas St. L4\.'L~‘ 51.. la. 11. Au. uuu AU anal: all“: uuuuus bi. TILLAGE LOTS 14. North side Simcoe Street containing about 2} lots. there is a. large V‘ILLAGE LOTS 1.5acre and Lot 2. i acre north church slreet. Hlso Lot 44. 1‘ acre. Bay Street. all these lots are in one block and will be sold together. EAST HALF LOT 1, CONCESSION 2,THORAH cumaiuiug 1-30 acres all cleared and in a good stntcof culnvation. A log House. Burns and stables in a good state of repair are on the prelnisos. wells etc. This lot is very favourabiy situated [wing handy to the markets of Lorne< vino, Woodville and Boaverton. Will be sold cheap and on the most favourable terms. D THORAH. containing l'ZO acres of ï¬rst-class heavy clay loam soil. This ï¬ne property is a tit» oiled bargain and \wll worthy of attention. 100 m-rvs ru‘nn‘ll and '20 in broken pasture land. Furnislnnl with good buildings. wells ctC..“‘cH leuced and in an excellent state of cultivation. It is adinirahly situated being 2i miles from Lornevillu. 3 from Woudvilln and 6 from Beaver tan. Fine gravel roads. FOIRS “.1†OR TO PEST. X. 1 Lot 6,0011. To“ nship of 'l‘lmru'h. containing 100 acres. ARM FOR SALE North part of Lot 1‘3 in the 5th concession of Theta]: containing 50 acres more or less. a good Frame House and Stable, good well and thriving young orchard on the premises, The soil is an excellent sandy loam unuxcollcd [or garien purposes. The property is situated within four hundred yards of th-- Buwurtou Station G. T. R. and a portion of the property is within the Corporation pf Iliuavcitan. Terms very easy, a. small deposit ( own. Farm Pronertv. 0T “1;“. also W. g lot 12 in the lat con. 0! Eldon. containing: two hundred acres. 1va cleared, well fenced. with good burn and other out-buildings. also six good wells on the pro- mises. Them lots \thl he sold sopnmtcly it so desired and the most fuvonruble turn); are ufl'cr- ed. No money required down ifsuitnblu security be given. We offer for sale on the most fan. : able terms the following choice. \‘lli:i;“3 and agricultural properties. Terms mam- to suit purchasers. ESTATE AGENC} J‘OS. J. CAVE, “:Exynxu" Real Estate Agency. Benetton. Ontario. Dwelling Houses. BEAVERTON. Business Sites. SPECIAL- REAL THE WOODVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1888. \geut (m- a ulimher of ï¬rst-class Insurance Companies. I do Insurance at A fair ï¬gure and requirenn Ageins' fee thus mnkingn nc‘w-m sav- ing 0! $1. 50 to the insurer In- dealing wi: 11 mo. ELLWANGER 8a BARRY, I am aiso agent tor the mem'n Permanent Loan an Sui n25 (‘0. “army to Lonn at a low rate of "Item-st from 3 to 20 \c-mms Agents [or the Allan Link" of Steamahi 5 al for: all E119 leading xxpwspgpgrs.‘ p so We Engage Men on Liberal Commission or on Salary and Expenses and Gum-- antec Permanent Employment and Succws 3 3 Facilities Unoqualimi : Prices very Romon'thle : Outï¬t FREE ; Decided Advantages to Beginners ! 1 Write at Once. Out Tans are renownod throughout :hp Coumry as being A-1 and at the Right Price. -Grocerles of all kinds- .. TEQE %. m.- W 110' IS 0111': epresentntive in Canada will visit Benverton monthlv and will be prepared to attend all cases of Cnnoxxc D15111s11, including CATARR '1u1~1\ OSF. THROAT, CHEST. Srouwn DYSPEPSIA, 151.1251, VARWOCELE. And troubles of the Ur‘iumy and Generative Organ=z 3130. Surgical 01:11:. such as Club l‘oot Stiltâ€"Joints Hump-Bass. Spinal Disease and Kindred ideolions. Fresh Bread and I'm-"y always In “and of Supplied to Order a: Short Notice. During the Summer Season Ice Cream always on Hand. DR. POTTS, 00UL/87 and AURIST ! Frash. Groceries c2 5111:1111: always on hand. This is to cm : . . _. 1’ l have been troubled for a number of year uxzh cough and lnm: diunse and will say withuut limitation l’crn‘n's Piuo Tar Cordial was the only remedy I could find to givemo any relief. It ls wnrth more than its weight in gold. I feel quite suï¬sï¬ml. and :nero- fore take much pleasure in recommending it to any one troubled with cough and lung disease. Yours. truly, Beagertqn Gropery and Penin's Pine Tar Cordial 130.. DEAR but, P. D. MCARTHUR. SAIESRN‘IN WANTED -Nursery Stock !- lAIG EST IN CANADA. “’0 want reliable, encrgatip men to sell our human“ stuck ; presious experience not necess- Mi ; nnv mzm with tact and outrxy can suc- com ‘ : m liberal. ether salary or 00111111155. It.“ Yrms. Our .5, Sulmm l mu. \w wind) at Ll \ gï¬RENE L/Lx I C. GILCIIBISI. FONTHILL NURSEBIES. Always on Hand 0 Choice Stack of Fresh Th6 old Reliable Hunt:- .‘.-;‘ v.11 Grades in to handle our thoroughly reliable [UNDUH NU NEW YORK! Medical 85 Surgical Institute. LINDSAY, ONT Provismn Stofe. Ir.) m n app u re: :: .n-e a an! .i r .~. l1'-'.nr)boaly ;‘\1:.'~-;,vD Aug mm. 1888. ROCHESTER. 2‘" at Prices to suit the times. CONSULTATION FREE I :1. have many adv-ntages, such as grown Canadian stocx. 'Ll-ia sea- .zulnber of choice specialties. .»- ‘..uhl'dll(l which can only he so- -: such asu conlpletolist of New pi t «ixson puar.8m|ndur‘s plum. "~ ’ ; T\I.o0re'= Ruby and Black 4 m Moore's Diamond Grape, .. .2 , an particular attention to ' y- u- '1: .1y vvgetables suitable to wr- .-~ 01‘ Canada. For terms. J. C. GILCHRIST. EDWARD K135. Pmpnod uientlflufly from the Pure Pine'l‘ab ;.. .sn'cs a scan. 1] "" 'liiiéiniï¬iéIf‘ ‘ Llec'rqx, Comm. Com. nonal- xcss, Bx‘oxcmrm Wacopxsu Coven Cnour, Isnuzxu Dlmcuu' Ban-rams and All Thmgt’ax‘xd Lung I DONT HEGlEBI m flllllflfl complaints. Pleasant to p;tnke child- ren are fond of it. Insunt relief tram ï¬rst dose ghouls an}! cums \VOODVILLB To'romo. om Mnï¬posa. potassium carbonate. It was discovered by an acc1dent. In the vegetable lung - dom are included the lakes. derived from groote. barks and gums. Blue- black is lfrom the charcoal of the vine stalk. ] Lampblack is snot from certain resinous ‘suhstancen. From the madder plant ! “hich grows in Hmdostan. is manufac- i tmed Turkey red. Gambogn comes 1 from the vellow 91111 of a tree. which the i natives of Siam catch in cocoannt shells. Raw sienna is the natural earth from Sie11na.Italv. Raw umber 1.11 an earth ifrom Lmbria. and is also hnrnt. To '1hese vegetable pigmentq may probably be added Indian ink. 11l1ich 11x sand to ho made from lmrnt cmnpl1or.l1o Chinese 11 he alone produce it. will not. reveal the cecret nf its comnnsition. Masticâ€"the haw of the varniuh so calledâ€"is from the "am of t‘. w Mmtic tree. inrluzenonq 11th!“ (hncian mchipcloom Bistro. is , the «not of wood aql1c:. 0f real ultra- ' marmc. but little is found in the market. ; if N oh.‘ ai1111l from the ï¬recionn Innis. = hirili. and (ommmuls a f:1l1nlm1q price. i Chim-cn White in zinc. ucarlc‘. iq iodine 1 of 1‘1nrc1vr1 . an l cinnalmr or native ver- 1 million, is from quiv‘ Gilwr o1‘.c .---~.â€"«.â€"-- British Journal of Photography. From the cochineal insects are obtain- ed the gorgeous cat-mine. as well as tho crimson. scarlet. carmiue and purple lakes. Sepia is the inky fluid discharg- ed by the cuttleï¬sh to render the water Opaque. for its concealment when attack ml. Indian yellow is from the camel. Ivorv black and have black are made of ivory chine. The exquisite Prussian blue is got by fusing horses' hoofs and other refuse animal manner with imnure. The work on the Nicaragna‘cannl will he begim in September of this year and i will be ï¬nished in 1893. A careful cal- I culation of the cost of the enterprise ‘ puts the amount at $50,000.000 and the ‘ company is bonded for $100,000,000. . Fortunately. the men who are in the f work are able by themselves to ï¬nd all i the money needed and we will not have ' to ask anybody for anything. The Ni~ caragua route is the only practical one. No matter how much money the French ; may raiseâ€"and they have already spent ‘ $200.000.000 and will have to spend the . same amount moreâ€"they have not got i the natural road between the two oceans I â€"â€"and we have got it. Our canal can be ‘ built for $50,000,000 ; theirs Will cost eight times as much. Our route has. a ' natural lal-ze with thousands of feet of g water at the top of the divide ; they 3 have nothing of the sort. “'0 can raise 2 the money and they cannot. Besides ! this. it stands to reason that the United I States will not let any foreign power i control the canal when it is built. and 2 that is a factor which you must consider. 1 Despite the tremendous expenditure of i money at Panama. we in Central America. have no faith in the canal there. De Lesscps cut through Suez. but that feat had been accomplished twice before. I The Suez canal had twice been opened. Panama. however is new ground and ' practical engineers do not believe in his work or his conclusions. The proposed Telmuntepec ship railroad (Eads‘ scheme). now being pushed by Col. Andrews. is met with equal ineredulity. As long as it costs $25,000 to dry dock a vessel like the Servia we may be par- doned for refusing to believe in ascheme for taking vessels out of the water for an ordinary commercial tomâ€"[Edward James' Letter.[. §-_._ ..-‘__ Work on the Nicaragua Cana}. Sperm whales. the monsters of deep water. are the richest. ‘prizes of th’, ocetm, yielding snermatieti from the}; brain cases. ivory from their jaws. rich yellow oil from their sides. and (when diseased) the alanst priceless ambergris from the entrails. Next in value comes the right whale. the inhabitant of the Arctic, in whose mouth walebone is sub. stitnted for ivory. The upper jaw is furnished with this substance, 8. great pile of which hes high on the beach at {erring Cove. It is, perhaps, ten inches across where it joins the iaw and re- minds one of a great comb with tangled hair attached than anything else. The “teeth“aro closely set and are three feet or more long. tapering to a point and terminating in rope-like ï¬laments. While the sperm whale feeds on squid at the bottom of the ocean, the right whale speeds along with open mouth. engulfing huge quantities of water and greater or less quantities oi the animal- cnles and small ï¬sh on which it subsists. when his cavernous mouth is full, he closes it. blows out the water through his spout holes and with the aid of his tongue swallows the little creatures, which have become immeshed in the; curious attachment of his [ï¬rm Baluuut..- A-i....:-_.- .1 GOLD ‘2‘. " â€SU- A most interesting esperimcnt culm’in: ated today in the raising of smut e‘h‘ta‘t‘ grownf n seed as old as the Exodus. Thee perimenter is David Drew. who last year received from a friend in Alex- .andria. Egypt. some grains of wheat taken from a mummy exhumed near the ruins of Memphis, and belonging, it is believed, to the period of the Ninth Dynasty. which would make it prown' ' about 3.000 B. C., or be nearly five thou- sand years old. He planted the seed“ early in the spring and carefully nursed it. It grew rapidly. and at the time 0t cutting measured from six and a half a» seven feet high. The imam? mitt-1mm." on the stalk like common wheat, but’ the product of the plant is the most singular part of it, for. instead of grow- ing to an car like modern corn, there is a heavy cluster of small twigs in place: of the spindle which hangs downward'. from its weight, and each twig is thickly‘ studded with kernels, each of which is' in a separiie husk From what is threshcd a larger crop will he grown next year, as the result proves this ground to exceed in quality anything upper ]a\\'-- i that the modern grain can grow. 1 Ohlldten Cry for [Con Baltimore American] Prizes of the Ocean. 3 Wheat frcm Seed 5,000 Origin of Colors. VOL. XIIâ€"â€" N I F M 1‘; HR 34. I At Cobourg John Blakely of the towu- I ship of Percy. was found uniltv of put:- i ing Pavia green in a. neighbors‘s ï¬eld to 3 pmsnn hi4 cattle, and senwnccd to three ‘ months‘ imprisonment. The water in Lake Ontario it; nbon‘ “two feet lower now tlnn at this timt- . last. year. Holloway'u Ointment nn'l Pillq... Counsel hi the (Ielic'Ileâ€"Thom‘ J) whom the changnzible inmpcmtnrc i-I n. prvv tractodporiml of trial should smk tip: earliest opportunitv l : removing all 0'2. sine! 04 to 320ml lIv utll. '1'iII 9 cool. Cu. Oinhnmit. Imrseveringlv rubbed up“. the .eliin. is ti." moat rciinlIIn tame-13' overr-oming all diseases of the throat and chest. Qainsey. relaxed tonsils. a. m. throat rwcollon glnnth. ordinary catarr J and bronchitis. usually prom; Zlinq '4. thin sermon. my .3 be afri'QtOd as noov a: dim": moi. owl overvm mptom baniai: .. ,; by 1102' 033713 5 s: mple and offer. ï¬ve in: 9 went. ‘Iis Ointment arr] PI 3; :.c lIiuII Iv on nmvmlml for the facilir. 3 M. 33IIiIII tIIc3 .u'. CCif-IHI ‘Iy c'm -:II ".ZHI inflrwuzt't : tin-3 «\IIRV in an] ;, 11:“! short tinw tlIn Ili~trcsunm fa-v» v v.1 teasing cough. Abrass band of eleven young India and sixteen voung gentlemen him beer. formed at Demorestville. county 0: Pï¬nce Edward. A gold mine has been discovered in the township of Storrington, north of King- ston. Large shipments of apples and other fruit. are being made from Owen Sound and the surroundan district to Winnipeg and the Northwest. Acrop of 1,000,000 bushels of buck- wheat is expected in Prince Edward county this year. \Ir R. Gom‘lay.B B..A, of Essex Centre hi0]: school, has been appointed mating- matical master of Oshmxa high school at a salary of 8900 per annum. His re- cord is said to be good. Aldr. quklin, of Toronto, the cattle king. opens the Collingwood exhibition. Pit'Cher’s Gastomt‘e Aurora's rate of taxation is 14; cents: on the 8100. Considering that the ass- essment [was raised ‘35 per cent. this is equal to 18 cents in the 3100 compared with previous years and there has been no reduction in Insurance rates [vet as the water works and ï¬re alarm system is only just completed. No appeals have been [made Sugainst the assessment of Markham village tlna year for the ï¬rst time in several years. The assessment roll and \oters‘ list will remain as they were conï¬rmed by the Court of Revision. A number of ï¬ne business blocks are being built; at St. Mary's and the Max- well ï¬oundry, erected at a cost of 830.- 000. is nearly ï¬nished. A fatal accident was caused last week in Walkerton by the frightening of a horse by the whistling of (I. swam thresher. Perth county has eight cheese factories with an estimator] value of a. quarter of a. million cheese in them at the present time. Sampson Ingersoll,’a. Rama. Indian, is authority for the statement that the wolves flock together in hundreds in the vicinity of the lower Severn. Barnc gave a concert in aid of the yellow fever sufferers of Jacksonville. Florida, on the 25th. Simcoe is movmg for a. county poor- house. A most interesting OXperinient culm’im ated today in the raising: of some «7er grown f’ n seed as old as the Exodus. Thee perimenter is David Drew. who last year received from a. friend in Alex- andria. Egypt. some grains of wheat taken from a. mummy exhumed near the ruins of Memphis, and belonging. it is believed, to the period of the Ninth Dynasty. which would make it yrnwn' about 3.000 B. C., or be nearly five thou- sand years old. He planted the seed“ early in the spring; and carefully nursed it. It grew rapidly. and at the time oi cutting measured from six and n. half to, seven feet high. The learn? mitt-wear: on the stalk like common wheat. but’ the product of the plant is the most singular part of it, for. instead of grow- ing to an car like modern corn, there is District Gleanings. Years Ago. nu.