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Woodville Advocate (1878), 24 Oct 1878, p. 8

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Scuoox. Exnmwnovuâ€"Thc quarterly ex- amination of the Kirklichl School was held on Friday lost. It was conducted by the teachers, Mr. John Mollac and Miss Rose Burke, assisted by Mr. John )Ic'l‘aggart, School Trustee. The condition of the school was highly creditable to both teachers. (From our own C'orrespomlenl.) Qvou‘lmr.â€"-.~\fter Mr, Muir was defeated here, he challenged hi1 opponent, Mr. Shep- pard, ton. return match, which took place on Mr. Morgan's qnoxt grounds, near Agilr court, last Saturday, The result wasâ€"- Sheppard, 61; Muir, 59; majority for Mr. Sheppard, tw0 shuts. Busxxzss Cl|.\SUES.â€".\Ir. M. Campbell, banker and grocer, has sold out to Mr. P. D. MoArthlu'. Mr. Campliull intends to go into photographing again. Mr. J no. Mcllae expects to open out in I’m-actor’s new brick block, about the first of NOVemimr. He has also secured the agency of the Dominion Telegraph Company. (prom our own Correspondent.) THE Methodists of this place hcltl their Sabbath School anniversary, on the 9th inst. The attendance was small, owing to the unfavorable weather, but the programme was excellent. On the following Monday they held a social to eat up the good things which were left. Mrs. McFadyen, and the school children furnished excellent sing‘ng apil music. On both occasions a nice little sum was realized to purchase books {or the school library. Quite 1 deal of excitement in this neigh- borhood about bears, Several have been seen. A Mr. Steel, who came in here last Spring and settled about 3 mile from the village, had a wheat stack almost completely ‘ destroyed by bears, three being neen there at one time. Several have crossed at the end of the village in the day time, end one came within ten feet of one of the Folliot boys while he was digging out a stump. There has been a lively time at the Port- age Hotel lately. \Vhiskey haw been cutting up dog-breaking windows. blocking eyes, cutting scnlps, howling “ murder," scaring horses, smashing buggies. etc. etc. Thefie who witnessed the fracas say it wan like Pandemonium let loose. When will these rows cease 2 2% § Ripe Itrawberrics have been gathered here lately. It is said we are to have another shingle mill hére, to be driven by water. A cow, the property of a National Pnlicy supporter, had two calves the other day. So much for the new government. The Presbytery of Lindsay, met at Qua- ker Hill, on Monday, 2lst inst. A call was presented by the congregation of “'oodville, signed by 220 members and by a large num- ber of adherents addressed to Row. A. Moss, M. A.. of l’icton, Nova Scotia. Stipend promised. $l,000, payable half-yearly. The Rev. W". J. Sniytb, was examined by the Presbytery and found very satisfactory. The Presbytery after the usual formality proceeded to his ordination and induction. The minister was addressed by Rev. A. Currie, M. A, and the people were address- cd by Rev. E, Cockburn, M. A. Tlie'mhscflhcrs have now got th. ir factory fitted up in first-class style and are ,roparod to furninh any-thing that, may be entrusted to tbulll in the shape of Sash and Door Factory SASH.DOORS, AN D Em N US PLANING, MATCHING, MOULIIING, SCROLL S'AWING c. «m short notice and at. bottom prices. Alsu Illinglca and lumber for 3310 cheap. GONTRAOTING AND BUILINNG A SPEC] AL’I‘Y. PRESBYTERY OI" ulNDSAY- PLANING MILL thK FIELD. BEAVERTON. ‘voo DVILL‘E BOLSOV ER. Hch’msio Bron OR'I‘H HALF LOT 16 IN 7th CON- CESSIUX TOWNSHIP OF ELDOX. Will he sold considerably less than its value. Apply by letter to Manager Bank of treal, Cobuurg. , fields 60 bushels per Am Price $1.60 per bushel. Be}, vs to inform his friends and the public generally, that haviu" routed He in now prepared, with improved hcilities to execute all kinds of ou SILVER cuur, FALL WHEAT. IT IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Mr. J. Armstrong’s _S_t_:_op, King Street, And TRIMMINC. and also SIGN PAINT- ING. All work done neatly and with des- patch and warranted to give perfect satisfac- tion. 67-3111 The undersigned is prepared to furnish farmers with the Celebrated SENECA, wishes to inform the people of Woodvillc that he has opened a bakury in Mct‘rimmon’s 65h! Stand, and he in now prepared to furnish them with all kinds of GOOD BREAD Public Netiae. The nubsarihm' begs to inform his customers that he will on tho 15a. of October close his books unl have a settlement. either by cash or note and as he has got 1 large and WELL ASSORTED STOCK Carriage Painting, is VERY HARDY and WILL NOT \VINTERKILL. Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes GROCERIE$, aw. TERMS TO SUIT PURUHASERS AND THE TIMES! Aftortlm ulmvo «Lite the olil banks will be lmmlml over to the Bailiff for Collection. Seth mckaby. Confectionary, Buiscuits, CAKES. c. Glénm-m, Sept. 2nd 1878 FOR SALE. Satisfaction to All ! . MOORE, KING STREET. WOODVILLE, D. Malawi, The undersigned, A SPECIALTY. N. B. CAMPBELL, W'oodviiie', NEW he will make AND (11"! Agcnfi ()l' \Voodville. Out. f Mon- ,86-3m REE b mail. Egan’s 131nm“. Sunny Pu) RUBT ; gives immediate relief ; cures in 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority. The most valuable sur- gical invention of the century. The secret of cure is, this Truss holds rupture during hardest exercise, and can be worn night and day with great comfort. Very cheap. 90 OUTII HALF LOT 9, 11th 0011., Eldon containing 50 ACRES. Good soil. Sit- uated half a mile south of Glenarm village. For further particulars apply to Obtained for Inventors, in the United States Canada. and Europe,“ reduced rates “'ith qur pr_inci pal qtfice is located in \Vashington, 31A,] L‘L..Ln,. l)A.L.,-u6 v“. """I/"‘ 7’" ' dltegtly opposite the United States Patent 1 Ullice we are able to attend to all Patent? Business with greater promptness and des- l patch and less cost, than other patent attor- neys, who are at a distance from \Vashing- ton, and who have, therefore, to employ “ associate attornevs.” \Ve make )reliiniu- ary examinations and furnish opini ' s as to patents. ility. free of charge, and all who are interested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send for a copy of our “ Guide for obtaining Patents," which is sent free to any :iddzess, and contains complete instructions how to oluain Patents, and other valuable matter. We refer to the German- American National Bank, “'ashiugton, D. (3.; the loyal Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Leg- ations. at \Vashington; Hon. Joseph Casey, late Chief J ustice U. 8 Court of Claims; to the oflicii-Js ol' the U; S. Patent Ofiicenand v_-v-_.rV ', The undersigned an old retired hysician having been permanentl cured ofzhe muc dreaded disease Con-uniplion fly a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fcllowâ€"suchrcrs the means ol cure. To all who dcsite it. he will send a to y 01 the prescription used, ‘regt 0] charge, with iron- lions for prepating am using the same. which will be found a sure can: for Cansumpflon, Bronâ€" chitis, Cumrrh. ' A 30mm, .90. " _““"“â€"-'~- I“‘\“\‘\ a Farm For Sale. every State. Address: LOUIS BAGGER (30., Solici- tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, Lo Droit Building, \VASHINOTUN, D. C. (Emerita-995?“ . QWQQM DAILY DRAWINGS ! A Prize For Every Ticket. l Cash (““333 9,000 | QUCnsh Gifts,each$500 l ‘6 I5 10’(M") | 40 0‘ l‘ ‘I 200 l u u 5"”,0 ‘ 20 H u u ’00 1 u .. 2,509 | 40 H " .. 50 40" 00M \V atches... ...... 175 Ne win-,, ' MaclIiuceIm .............. 7» Elegant Pianos. 5|) “ MelmleI n5. Cash Gifts, b'IlveI “no, .ctc 5-0.3, 000 A chance to draw any of the above prizes [or 25 cents. Ticket: describing prizes Ire sealed in envelopes and well mixed. 0n ro- ccipt of ‘25 cents a Sealed Ticket is drawn without choice, and sent by mail to an, address. The prize named npun it will be delivered to the ticket holder on payment m‘ one dullnr. Prizes are immediately sent to any address by express or return mail. You will know what your prize in before you pay fur it. No blanks. Uur patrons can depend on fair dealing. Urmxow m- Tuz PREss.-â€"-Fair dealing can be relied ”Hp-"‘AV'. 1'. Herald, Aug. ‘23. A genuine: distribution.“ World, July 9. Not mmof the lmmbuge of the (layâ€"Weekly Tribune, July 7. They give general antin- facliun.â€"-.S'Iaull Zu'lung, Aug. 5. IUZFEHl-Ziu'I-L‘tâ€"I’Sy mum perlnlsmun we refer to tho folluwing :â€"â€"Frankliu 8. Lane. Louisville, (ii-cw "0,000; Miss Hattie Banker, (Jlmrlmton, 5,000 ; Mrs. Louisa '1‘. “Lake, St. Paul, Piano, 8400; Samuel V. Raymond, Huston. 85,000; Eugene P. Bracket. Pittsburgh, \Vntch 75; Miss Annie (hag-mil. New ()rleans.$5,502l ; Enmry L. Pratt, (Yulmuhus. ()liio, Meludeon, $l'25. Tickets, 250. 5 fur $1.00; 11 for $2.00 A gents wanted, t0 whom We offer liberal 1n.lucenmnt.s and guarantee satisfaction. .o vu-vu ..-. V Scnzmx's axnll-Sliexhbeirs of Congress from 92-3111 Prof. PRIZE ASSOCIATIOH, ) By funding and pnnidng ‘ tho inn-imam. "In" con- hinrd in flu! but mafia! bank ("or hand. «Milk-d SEIIF-I'irfilfl'iA’I‘ H m THYSEL l’vickonlyil. armhymle nn vein of pri-c. u mu offithued Viuflu, l'fl'nuim’c lm-‘zzno, Invent and l'hysinl Dclnlity, an} 1'. e o: til-1'51 concomitant HI: and untold mm riot .311: n cult therefrom. 1m! ronuiu no" ohm [terminal pr!!- ocri tionl, mg one a! which is 'onh the win. at In ook 'l‘ in hook nu written r y the most ox- hnfln Ind pmMMy the non :anlrmmidmu h Amofirqdq filing} a}. sy‘nnlnl a gold Ind hw- -_ ‘-_AI n _-A_:-.x-.. IN GIFTS TO BE DISTRIBUTED BY THE GOHIIROIAL h Amafln. towhom an unrum :- (mu mu Jaw. tllcd nodal h'f the Nntlonul Nadia! Associnien. A Pamphlet. "1quan with no ury but Itul 120va nor- vd of m ll anyâ€" HEAL an nu to “I. load on... Add”. I M BODY 31ch - .... mm It. In... . FATENTS Annuss « £029] ”995'. $250,000 J. Y. EGAN. Hamilton, Out. OF N EW YORK. E. HALL. ALEX. BELL. Or ”5 W351- Bnomwn, N. u . By king} pgrynission Clonal-m. I K H 50 $75 ........... 50 ., valued at FARMERS I “(£113de see our Two and Your Horse Powers. Also, Hand and Power CUTTING BOXES, Cheaper and Better than ever. WHITE BRO. Repairing Reapers. Mowers, fléshing Machines, Sew- mg Machmes Repalred, and Satlsfactlon Guaranteed. H83 just been introduced for the FALL TRADE. The up with care and special attention has been given to the its capacity for clearuess and Beauty of Tone. The Drawiuas have been mado by our desiunet who has a wide spread reputation in "In United States ind Canada fur his Late in Organ BuildiuD '. The Organ is of Solid Black “'alnut, with heavy Hand Carved Trusses. The ends and Front Panels are raised and finished with French ‘Viilnnt Stock, highly polished. 1t ln beautiful Lamp Stands placed in a convenient and safe position for use. There is a high Fancy Back attached, made and finished in harmony with the case,wflh a. neat Vase Stand that adds very materially to the beauty of the same. The Fall Board is the most simple and convenient of any in use. Any child can opoa and close it with case. When open it forms a neat and convenient Rack for Music. Thou Falls are placed so that they cannot interfere with the musical qualities of the Organ. ()nr designer has given great attention to the parts that haw) to be removed for tho pl!- pose of cleaning dust from the reeds or boards, which can be got at without removing t screw or nail. uv-u" -. _..___ He has also given special attention to the Bellows capacity, which he has left roomy and large, allowing free space for working the pedals, which attachment is put on with the greatest care for Strength and Durability. The Action Work has been improved wherever improvements have been found to b. I advantage. \Ve still hold our “ride Spread Reputation for the pchr and Clear Smooth Tone of the instrument. The number of sales we make and the rwutatien we have for tint-clu- Organs amongst our customers throughout Canada and England is a suflicieut guarantee. By close attention to business,â€"â€"so"ing only to Safe custmners.â€"Selecting First-elm class Stock at cash prices.-using Economy in every partienlar,â€"- having a great variety of Wood Working Machinery adapted purely to our Workâ€"and thoroughly competent Hands, enables us to give better value than ever before to our customers. We have now made arrangements to furnish a well-made Music Stool with every 0m; xbribge @tgan @anufafiutiug gompany. A Full Stock of ”‘pring and Summer GOODS. fi“ 0d} sadioxunine Goods and compare Prices. TRY HIS 4:0 CENT NIPISSING IRON WORKS. Every Organ Warrantcd for Five Yam For tonal. 8cm. ‘pplr t0 . C. GILOHRIST’S. Blacksmith and Machinist. of Every Desbription Promntly Ex- ecuted. SAMUEL UMEH REY, President. UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO, a CAN BE BBAT FOR THE MON! Special“).nducwmcms to Cash‘ Customer: NUW ARRIVING, AT TRADE. The whole construction 11M boon got en given to the Durabnlity of the instrument, and 2

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