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Woodville Advocate (1878), 31 Oct 1878, p. 8

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THE boson-ace between Hanlan Ind Adair, of Toronto, and the Gaudaur Brothers, of Orillia, took place on tbc 18th inst" the latter winning tho race "by about. 6 or 7 boat-lengths. It, in to- portld that McKeu and Elliot, of To- ronto, will try to win bank the laurels from the Orillin men on the 8th of nut. month. (From our own Correspondent.) A PRIZE of a handsome silver cup was contested for, last. Saturday, on Toronto Boy, by a. number of amateur soullera, when the prize was carried off by Kenneth Cameron. of Boaverton, now with the firm of Messrs. Howland, Arnolds Ryemon, Barristers, Toronto. (From our own Correspondent. The Rev. Mr. Sage preached an able and eloquent discourse in the Presby- terian Church, last Sabbath afternoon, which was well received‘and much ap- preficiated‘. - d -L _-.L ._ 1... Annnl-r-“fl- r'iiém have not put in an uppenmnce here yet owing no doubt to the bud state of the sidewalks. Our enterprie~ ing villager, Mr. Conway, of the Con- way House, is determined to bring about a better state of affairs, by repair ing the Hotel and extending the side- walk weetwardly along Bug Avenue. Our village iathere have also contribut- ed liberally towards the same object, foremost among whom is the worthy proprietor of the millinery and haber. dashery establishment, N o. 45, Main Street. Work is progressing rapidly and are long our villagers will be on- abled to promenade without injury to either Tibia, or Fibula, or enjoying the plemure of having the most promin~ out Metatarsal bone dislocated. Vuv - ....... Miss McDonald one of our Public School pupils has engaged a school in Mariposa, at a salary of $260. We wish her success. Mr. McFadyen is once more amongst us after passing a creditable professional examination be- fore the Whitby Board of Examiners, during lost. week. (From our own C'orreapondcnl.) MILJOSEPH TESKEY, an old and high- ly respected lesidonu of the neighboring Township of Medoute, died on the 18th inst, at the age of 73 years. He was the father of Mr. “111). Teskey, late head-master of the Olillia P. School. Tn: Blue Ribbon Society will be to- organized next Thursday evening. "v..-â€". Tuna: were one or two attempts by mother goose to bostrow our Town with her feathers, on Saturday last. but she is hardly prepared as yet... The indica- tions are that before many days, merry tinkling of bells will announce that she has succeeded in covering the earth with her white mantle. J A“ GAUDAUB, one of tho Gaudaur Broi, while out for a spurt in his shell on Monday forenoon, caught his our and was thrown overboard. Afzor swim~ ming a short distance wiflx the shell in tow he was taken into a skiff which went to his rescue. (From our own Correspondent.) A FINE Ponmur.â€"-For several days past a. large sized portrait of Mr. P. Mitchell, Deputy-Sheriff, has been on exhibition in Porter’s window. It i; from the studio of Mr. Sherwood, of this town, and does him much credit. 80 favorable an opinion has been pro~ nouncod of his skill that lately he has received several commissiuns of a. simi~ lar character. among them one from Mr. Sheriff Kempt._ Tm: most sensational lecturer that has ever visited Lindsay arrived last. week, and on Sunday morning began a series of oonglomeratod lectures. H9 is about the height}! of a fiftoou-yew-s- old boy, strongly marked fixtures. now too orookodto be aqnilino. ln-ozul sbnuld- cred, Ind a voice calculated to carry elephants. He broached subjects seiun~ tints would npproach with dream], and handled with 0» common fumilimity Phonology, Theology, and last but not, least, a doublo subject which guvn ums p10 room for all the muscular ofl'm-t. lm could bringto bear upon it, viz; “ The 300“?“ Of Confession" and “ 'lllm ,lolzl- tlou of the Sexes." He ulzzzllenge‘l all the infidel: in America to mmzt, him for discussion at thy time or plume annl in any Way they want to take it. FIREâ€"0n Thursday night l'xsf. llIO alum shingle and planing; mill, (iwnml by Mr. Dovey, situated 0n Kant, saw-ct. cast, was totally consumr~<l, tugnzlmr with a quantity uf allingle‘z: L3. The mill had just umlmgom nxtnmiw w,“ pairs and was intended tn do a law: shingle cutting business. Mr. Unn‘f‘s locals considerable, as lm lml (mtg,- a very small insurance. ‘ ‘ 13mm” in agitating forStw-‘t lumps which would be a great boon Liam» dn-k muddy nights. BEAVE R’I‘ON. MAN lLLA. ORILLI A . LINDSAY. (From our own Correspondent.) A most successful Concert and Dxar mutio Entertainment was held here on. the evening of Tuesday the 22nd inst, by the Kirkfield Club to s crowdeu house. The chair was ably tilled by Dr. J. W. “bod, of Victoria Road. The Programme was u long and inter- l, eating one, and the performance was; highly creditable to our local talent,‘ which however, Was ably assisted by Miss Tooke and Miss Talbot of Canr nington who were frequently and des~ en'edly encored, as were also Miss Me- Millan, Miss Burke and Mr. Geo. Trus- cott of Kirkfield, whose singing elicited deserving applause. A' number of most interesting dialogues were also exceed- ingly well performed, in which parts were taken by Mr. George Truscott, Miss R. Burke, Miss M. A. McRue, Miss H. A. O’Neil, Messrs. J. A. Cam- pbell, W. A. Meltse, E. McKenzie and a host of Juveniles who Well per~ formed their parts. The two first nam- ed are particularly deserving of mention for the very marked ability which they displayed in the execution of their sew. eiul parts. Some beautiful duets were also played by Miss Tooke and Miss Talbot, and by Miss M cMillan and Miss McRue,respectively. The entertainment was altogether a most enjoyable one, and the audience were highly delighted -â€"it having exceeded their fondest ox- pectations. OTICE is hereby given that the Partner- N ship lately suoswting between Amos Hawkins and Dennis Hawkins, of Mariposa, Louuty of Victoria Province of Ontario, un- der the name of A. D. Hawkins, was dis- solved. by mutual count, on the 18th day of UctobEr, 1878. EGS lean to announc- ihéi he In ope» ed out in the premium lahly occupied by Mr. M. Campbell, whore he u re nod to turn out first-alas: Phoiooin an 0 tut style: of tho at. Enlargiag Old Pietra a Spuialty. FOR THE SPEEDY AND PERMANENT CURE OF 3m ABUSE LOST MANIOOD 522319?!)th - “ Only a. Three Cant Stamp" ’ Bani AND ALL DISORDERS IY On roceipt of a Thru ContlStam to in- sure :11 early repIy, tho ab 0: pres ipsiou will be sent FREE to any a dress. ‘ Stat. in what papa you sow idvorfiumt. Addressâ€"â€" \Eumme MILL Sas and Door Factory 'l he subscribers have now got their Factory titted up in first-class style and are prepared to furnish anything that any be entrusted to them in the shape of SASILDOORS. AND BLINDS $123617. $101919 12225, BEAVERTON, 93-3")- Youths Indiscrfljons. Since. St. Mutton. ALL COMMUNICATIONS STRICTLY CON?! DENTI AL Pl. ANING, MATCHING, MOULDING, SUKUI L SAWJNG one. on short notico and at. bottom wices. Also shingleapndl umber for Prescri tion Free ! )B. THE SPE ‘DY AND PM” GDHTRAGTING AND BUILDING A SPECIA LTY. PHOTOGRAPHY. Dr. Jane: 6mm. 51 RAM 12m 3mm, HIV YORK am. thKFI ELD. "VOODVILLE 110 G fanatic Bros. sale cheap. AMOS HAWKINS. DENNIS HAWKINS. A. MQILDm. ’e'aknosu. GET ON Obtnined for Inventor... in the Uuiud Skies Canada and Europe,» nducod ram With our principal ofioo in located in Washington, .lirectly opposite the United Staten Patent ‘liico We are able to “tend to All Patent Business with grater promptneu and dea~ patch and less cost, than other patent attor- neys, who are at a distance from Washing ton, and who have, therefore, to employ “ associate attornevs." W9 muho prelimin- ary examinations and furnish opinions as to patenta -ility, free of charge, and all who are interested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send for a copy of our “ Guide for obtaining Patents," which is sent free to any address, and ontains complete instructions how to obtai Patents. and other valuable matter. \Ve refer to the German- American National Bank \Vnshington, D. 0.; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Leg- ations, at Washington; flan. Joseph Casey, late Chief Justice U. S Court of Claims; to the ofiicials of the U. S. Patent Oflice, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. ever Stat». M dress: LOUIS BAGGER Co., Solici- tors of Patents md Attorneys at Law, Lo Droit Building, \VASHINGTON, D. C. A Prizn For Every Ticket. I Cnh Gift,83l),QQ{_) { 29 Ctgh GiffisfiphfiQQ 400 Gold Watches .......... . .................. .75 -75 Sewing Machinu..’. ................ ..... 50 75 Elegant Pianos... ......................... ‘00 50 “ Llelodeunn.....................;. 125 Cash'Gifts. Silver ,Wsu, at... ulud at $25,000 DAILY -DRAWINGS l A chanco to draw any of the above prizes for 25 cents. Ticket: dosoribing prize. an sealed in envelopes and well mixad. 011 ro- oeip t of 25 cents a Sealed Tick“ is drawn witphout choice, and sent by mail to 1a , address. The prize named upon it will be delivored to the ticket ho‘der on payment of one dollar. Prizes are immediately “at to any address by oxprosa or return mail. You will know xhaf yon: prigo in boforo yo‘i ay for it. No brink... 033 can epend on hi! dealing. 011310“ or '1'!!! nm.â€"Ft.ir dealing een bereliod on.--N. . Herald, Aug. 28. A genuine diatributionâ€" World, July 9. Not one of the humbn of the dayâ€"Weekly Tribune, July 7. T ey give enerel eatin- hction.-Slaau Zeitung, Aug. %. Runners. â€"By kind permission we refer to the following :-â€"l“renklin 8. Lane, Louisville, drew 810,000; Mien Hattie Banker, Charleston, $5,000 ; Mrs. Louisa T. Blake, St. Paul, Piano, $400; Samuel V. Raymond, Boston, $5,000; Eugene P. Bracket, Pittsburgh, \Vetch. $75 ; Miss Annie Osgood. New Orlenns.$5,500 ; Emory L. Pratt, Columbus, Ohio, Melodeon, 8125. Tickets, 25a. 5 for {1.00; ll for $200 . Agents wanted, to whom we offer liberal inducements end guarantee satisfaction. W-3m my REE by mail. Egsn' s Ixrnsmn Sum! PAD Tuner, gives immediate relief; cures in 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority. The most val- tabla sur- gical invention of the century. The secret of cure is, this Truss holds upturn during hardest exercise, and csn b worn night and day with great comfort. \ ery cheap. The subscriber begs to inform his customers that he will on tho 15th of October ,close his books sad but a settlement either by cash or not. and 33 he has got u large and Publie Natiee. he will make TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS AND THE TIMES ! AND 01'! W After the above date the old books will he handudovor to the Bailiff for Collection. Glennrm, Sept. 2nd 1878 Begs to inform his friends and the public generally, ‘that having rented 11‘ no‘propnred, with improved {militias to execute all kinds of And TRIMMING, and also SIGN PAINT. ING. All work done neatly and with doa- patoh 3nd warranted to give perfect satisfac- tion.. . -.__ _._6’1-3m A. MOORE, Satisfaction to All ! Animusâ€"- (G PRIZE ASSOCIATION, , IN GIFTS 1'0 BE DISTRIBUTED BY arm: GOIIERGIAI. Carriage Painting, W L SORTED STOCK OI PATENTS. Prof. J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ont. $250,000 E. HALL, this. Boots and Shoes OCERI ES, 6L0. rmstrong's Shop, King Street, Woodvilh, fl U?! ”791% OF NEW YORK. 10,009 Seth nickaby. 115 War BROADWAY, NY. if 0‘ H ‘C SC 100 Call and see our Two and Four Horse Powers. Also, Hand and Power CUTTING BOXES, Cheaper and Better than ever. ' WHITE BRO. FARMERS I Rgapers, Mowers, Meshing Machines, Sew- 1ng Machmes Repalred, and Satlsfactlon Guaranteed. ' Repaifing of Every Description Promntly Ex- ecuted. Has just been introduced for the FALL TRADE. The whole construction has been got up With ear. and Special nttention has been given to the Durability of the instrument, sud its capacity for clearnese and Beauty of Tone. Then 1: a high Fyanc Back attached, made and finished In harmony with the mm“: . neat Vase Stand that yum: very materially to tho beauty of the same. The Action Work has been improVed ”wherever improvements ha" been found to b . advantage. We still hold our Wide 8 read Reputation for thc pow" and Clear Smooth Tom of flu instrument. The number 0 sale: We make and the royutation we have for int-clu- Organl :mongu our customers throughout Canada sud England in a sufficient gunmen. Our designer has given great attention to the parts that have to b. removed for the pur- pose of cleaning dust from the read: or boards, which can be got at without removing o scrow or nail. ' T he Organ is of Solid Black VVelnut, with heavy Bend Carved Trusses. The ends uni Front Panel: are raised and finished with French Walnut Stock, highly polished. it be beautiful Lamp Stands placed in a convenient and safe position for use. He has also given special attention to tho Bellows mpacity, which he has loft roomy all largo, allowing free space for Working the pedals, which attachment is put on with the greatest can for Strength and Durability. The Fall Board is the most simplo and convenient of any in use. Any child can open and close it with case. When open it forms a neat and convenient Rack for Music. Thus Falls no placed so that they cannot interfere with the musical qualities of the Organ. By close attention to business,â€"so‘.ling only to Safe customemâ€"Selecting Pint-ch- class Stock ut cssh prices.â€"-uning Economy m every pgrticnlarr- having 3 grett variety of \‘s’ood “'orking Machinery adapted purely to our workâ€"and thoroughly competent Hinds, enable: us to gin better ulna than our before to our customers. The Drawing I have been mule by our designer who has a wide-spread reputation In tho United Sum gand Canada for his taste in Organ Building. A Full Stock of Spring and Summer GOODS. a 0-1] mdfionmioo Goods and compare Prim. TRY HIS 4:0 CENT TEA. We luv. low undo .rrmgcnuta to furnish a wall-mud. Mnic Stool with over, 0'. xbtibgc @rgau ganufmnriug gampuny, Every Organ Warranted for Five Years. u- int-A to" Ipp‘r '0 MHSSING IRON ‘ WORKS. .' U. GILOHRIST’S. " Blacksmith and Machinist. SAMUEL UMPHREY, Rwandan. UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO, IIT CAN'T BI BIA'I 103 TE! 1‘0le STYI. OpectMfllnduccmenta to Cash Custom. NOW ARBIVING, AT

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