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Woodville Advocate (1878), 9 Oct 1879, p. 8

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‘ 5L parties indebted to the estate of Q Duvid Sidey, Insochnt, nro hen-by otifled that unless their accounts are paid , fore the 15th of October. prnx., thuy will ‘0 placed. in Court for collection. PURE TEAS In. Endless Variety; CONFECTEONERY Sellout, but his deeds will 1:0 the Tleods of a dwarf. A weak mind in a sound frame in much better than a giant mind in a. crazy mutation. Profeaaimnl and business men, Who ore continually thinking, and who“ htbits are sedentary, should use Vlc~ ‘l'oau Hvror'nosmrrzs, the great brain and no". mmedy. N OTIGE, D. MOLEOD’S, BUTCHER , Woodvine. AW am, 1819. 14 Of a" Descriptions, ; we “in ,)ay :‘gv‘lfl \ H m“! amt Gwen“... , l‘l Mum sell (‘ur w‘w Mom. We Mun? I" 5». Adams, sans}: m WW A. dealer in Ingersoll who hada largo itook 0! cheese on hand, and bought [nito 9 quantity on the day when the announcement. of the big rise in Liver.- b'ool wah mnde,cleared between $15,000 Ind 820,000 in one day. ' Last Warning. AGENTS l'kEAD THIS) Hi In: shop the evening previous. or before o'clock on the morning required. Reflmmfwr the p!:wo--next (but to I‘m " Non-the: n Hum.” lexAL.â€"~Rev. James Brooks, \Veston, syn :-â€"-“1 have found nothing to giva me 10" permanent relief for shortness of breath Putnam. than HAQVAnn’s Pncron u. Bu.- m. and can with confidence recommend it till requiring a good medicine for coughs ad coldsutnd diseases of the throat andlungs or sale by all dealers 25 cents per bottle. [111mm, Bentley Pearson, Toronto. mm tries to be a former and fails ;trios he a mechanic and fails; tries to be a low. and (oils ; tries to be A minister and is one good enough far that ;but one thing can (loâ€"ho can he a lohool-mnstor. And you will (ind throughout the country t schoolmaster-s are selected because they dhoap; You can get him for 8m 3 month ad. Shame on the parsimony that would 0 event from the pay of the men or wo- n employed as teachers. If there in any 010M101) which should be made absolutely tpndent of all care as to the means of 3 it is that. I do not undervalue my m, but I think that a schoolmaster stands «God than a Minister con. For my. I hatediths school, I hated it in my kid. I hated it in my body, I hated it in y “cations. I had no religious nature. Ioolld nit lute it in that. I hated school, (1 yet there come a summer in old Litch- lg! when in spite of tears and protestations ”I sent out of the house to school, and I pd a school ma’am comely though with a by pfle face, and youngâ€"not over eighteen who met me at the door and patted me on 0 head, and played with my curly hair id Ihe sat me dowu at her feet and nm is 5| happy. She was taken sick and died, it while she taught waslthe only pleasant no I hid in school. There is no economy pollution, so wrong so intolerable as that hich cuts down the pay of the teachers, and flply because they with whom they have do are only children? ()nly children ! 'hoeo children? Your children, my child- lfi'GOfi's children, the sweetest blossoms the garden of the world, for whom angels ”he glad to do service. If they "are neg- ated you are to blame, for if you cared tough about it, it would never happen.â€" ‘eurv Ward Beecher. It in no exaggeration to any that health is a rgo ingredient in what t)!» world calls tal- gg. A_mnx}yvitho1}t itgpgy be a giant. in In ‘ARTIES \VAN TIN G At their residences, are requested to Sign 01 mo ” Bee Hive,” .1011 he is Selling at a Great. Bargain. leave Zlm'r Orders ./ wine, Sept. 23ml. 1879. [AT DELIVERED! A LARGE STOCK ~014‘ 11‘ PAY T0 HIRE 011.1915? SCHOOL TEACHERS. GROCERIEfi CAKES, 83. G. C. SMITH. l allwv w mu! my A. MORISON. (2‘))“ “h 100,000 FEET DRY FLOORING. 5,000 BUNCIIES LATH. 20,000 FENCE PIGKETS. 50,000 FT. CLEAR and DRESSED WHODVILLB AND BOLSOVBR. OFFER CHEAP TO GOOD MEN. ON good Farm and Town Property, in sums of $200 to $20,000, at a low rate of interest, on most favorable terms of re- payment. @’ Goon MORTGAGES AND MUNICIPAL DEBENTURES PURCHASED. l28 LBAN AND INSURANCE â€"-AG ENIâ€" {#Full particulars in our pmphlehwhich we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all dru ' ts at $1 per package, or six package: for , or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY MEBIGINI 00., Toronto, 011%., Canada. W Sold in Woodvillo by all Druggints, and b all wholesale and retail druggista in Cantu a and the United States._ A lift-ly 15.13. MONABCO.1 mm sawmill“ k follow an a ne- 1ue_nce o! §elf-§bl_me ;_ q: )0?! of Maggi-y, Universal Lsssitude, Pain in the Book, Dim. ness of Vision, Premature 01d qumd my other diseases that lead to Insanity or Gon- sumpfiog and g. Premature Grave: _ _ ncss, Sp nua- torrhen, Impo- ' tency, and all Wmmgeasen thatm N. B.--The demands of nur business have necessitated our reluoving to Toronto. to which place plcllso addross all future com- muniootioxw. \VHAT THEY SAY Ul" IT! A FE“? FACTS FOR THE I‘EUI'LE.â€"Thcre are but few preparations of medicines which have withstood the impartial judgement of the people for any great length of time. One of these is Dr. Thonum’ Lclcctric Oil. Bend the following and he convinced :e- Thomas Robinson, anhnin Centre, P. Q., writes, “ I have been nlllietcd with rheum- atism for the Inst ten you", and have tried man remedies withuu: any relief, until I triei Dr. 'l‘lioinus' I'Tclm-iiiu: Oil and since then have had no attack of it. I would rec- ommend it to nll."~â€".l. ll. l'iau'l, Hotel Keep~ cr \Vcst Shellord, 1’. Q, writes, ”I have been troubled with lirer complaint for «ev- crnl years, and have tried ddi'erent medicines with little or no benelit. until I tried Dr. 'l‘limnas’ liclect‘ric ()il, which gave me im- mediate relic", and I “‘ulliil say that I have used it since with the host oll'cct. No one should be without it. 1 have. tried it on my horses in code of cuts. wounds, etc., and think it is equally as goo-l for horse us for inan."- \. Mayhem Men-hunt, Wnrkwm-th, writeu, “ l have sold some hundreds of hot‘ tles oi l'lelectrie Oil, and it. i4 pronounced by the public, ‘ one oi tin: l‘w‘l medicines they have ever used ; it imn d'mo wonders in healing and relieving pain. mro throats. etc. and is worthy of the gruflfr: x‘ confidence."-~â€" Joseph Ilusan, '.l‘o\vn.<hip l‘orey. writes, "I was persuaded to try hr. ’1 lmmns’ Eclectric Oil for a lame knee wlii h trouhled me for three or four years. nnd ! lac-"er found uny- thuig like it. ior curing lriinvucss. It is u. great pulilic benefit.” ‘(RADE MARK. The Great TIADI M IX. m 3.1181181139114- llinvuu-t or Imr.\'rrn:s.â€"â€"Xak for Dr. Thomas l'hfluctrl ()31. SM: that the signature of R. N. ’(‘lomns is rm t‘w: wrapper. and the mmus of Northrop Lynnm are blown in thelmttle, and Tulsr wall". Sold by all medicinedealers. I‘nm‘l.” a-nts. NORTH- “Ul’ fit LYDIA N, Torml‘e). Ont", Proprietors for the Dnmivllnn. NM r..-â€"-/ dvclric~SclrM “-1! mul- Electerimd (‘MRTIQH m I “I" 14“!“ GRA Y's Specific MEDICINE. H5 ”GAE? 10 $0.71.». All classes of buildings insured at low Corner King and Church Streets. Ew'rew patcolamvzczinily “handed to» ,. B., thheringham, Money! Money ! Parties 1n want of LUHBER will consult their own intereals by calling on us before p111cl1asing elsewhere. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACo House and Barn Bills Supplied on the Shortest Notlce. LI FFORD C ‘ " T F. F? .4 A MONEY 1‘0 LOAN TION 1N QUAiITY AND PRICE. Lumber can be had either at Woodvillo or Bolsover. \VOODVI LLE. D. B. CARMICHAEL,- Manilln, Ont. odorhtrj' mm 94?: an unfail- ing cure for Seminal Weak- GENERAL m.» tn and Ham u-l l-hr Dug th LIVER, STOMACHAKIDNEYS, and BOWELS, givin tone, energy, and vigour to these great AIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a. never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or Weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci- dental to Females of all 9. es; and an 3 GENERAL FAMILY MKEDICINE, are It! Searcm and 30311119 OI are zincfigrhrmhont tho arm ‘ For the nun (If BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, This Great Household Medicine ranks among the leading necessaries of Lite. These famous Pills nrify the BLOOD, and act most powerf y,yet loathing on the OLD WQUEDS, SURES AND ULOERS itis an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed .m tls-s neck and cheat, n alt into meat, n; cures DORE THROAT, Diptherin, Bronchi'jfl, Coughs, Colds. and even ASTHM.A}_.‘ [Cox'qundnlar Swallings, Ab~ Iceascns, 151-3, Fistulas, 70,U\1U [HIST SUAKTLINU’ ' 350,000 FEET COMMON BOARDS Wlth B00133 and 811038. AND SHEETING. ‘ --â€"â€"- And (3‘ nrv kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never l- ,(:n klmwn to fail. LUMBER. 75,000 FEET SCANTLING The Pilié‘ m-i Ointment are Manufactured only at ' 5311‘, UT‘U-‘l‘liD STREET, LONDON, And :n-u m5} 1);,- all Vendors of Medicines thrmfimu! 1h.- Hivihzed World; with di- rectic u , :nr MW in almost every langungg. 183nm: “6 £2. «U~;.'. Thu 'i are run-a thrm 3w I!!!“ n‘ " sale, \w'.‘ Bus. and. Pastry a. Specialty Q 1,... . m1 ._ . 3,0,le 1113521) FRU ' FA *‘ LY BR EAD {rt-{3'1 ’9 1'. .LJ, PAR-"- G011 t, Rheumatism, 0 L.“ f:,!* \(2‘ .13 l M" 3". .“a EQI E ’ cg". :hould look to the Label 3:219. chen. If the address Lia; 3327-5111 Street, Landau, thov ‘ .-ie- Marks of these Medicines .r. m! in Uttms’n. Home, any one ml. 1hr British I’nsncssinl.s. who i» Hm American L‘mmturfcits for ‘ " - 5'; :.~oeclltcd. :' «farms. MIXEDTEA r_ A K ES. IS UNXLD Jinwz'qu, AND qurr rm, wnomstm-z A .\ n lua'rmm unsurpassed. ”AIDE FOR '1'“ E ”I H ('OL' NTY '33“? LIED WHOIJISALE. and. Stunt 8t 64:12 A Large Variety of Ladies’ Pmnellas, cheap, REDUCTION Having rented Mr. D. MCLEOD'S bake shop our] oven, begs to announce to the public that he is prepared tu supply them with CALL AND SEE MY NEW STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, H. M cM'ILLAN’S. FIRST-CLASS BREAD CAKES! LATEST STYLES ! G-raining Walnut, 021k. (light and dark) Maple and Burr Walnut. Material. Furnished if Required. FULL LINES ! 500 Feet to Supply WANTED ! {I}? OYS'I'ERS, «K . IN SEASON. .38) THOS. ULOU STON, FOR CASH ONLY. on cost, and can consequently sell very cheap. 0 WOODVILLE HARDWARE EMPORIUM which I have just. purchased Flaws and Gang PMWS, Glazier, Grainer. and Paper-Hanger. ~AT A:- GREAT -in all the-â€" And cvcrything in his line, at lh-asmmua Prices, and SPECIATY : LL AND SEE B. MCKYES THE ’AT‘ PAINTS, COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. 20cm. PER GALLON. All kinds of Hardware Grain Cradles, Hay Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes HARVEST BARLEY FORKS z MACHINE OILS ! HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF VARNISHES, OILS, T©©L§ ! twang“ BRUSHES, c.,

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