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Woodville Advocate (1878), 16 Oct 1879, p. 7

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01m Log-n «yaâ€"“1 I“ (loom. Eliot mixing in the 39:01»?ch the other dny‘. How ml and m tho do“ look, to be um. I but he: phnloiun n1 Ibo .mut mu: Moo. noun: novol." Montroal to not willing thst Toxonto ahonld excel her in anything. A Toronto journal having racontly clalmod lot lto city. that it la in o moot poatllontlal Itato morally â€"ln lact. tho ulckodoat clty ol tho Dominionâ€"tho Montreal Star comaa lorward to claim to: tho commercial capital of anboc that " our bywaya and tho habita- "tlona of our poor art a dlograco to "civilization. Wo havo a city cl churches "and aclty ol aln." And notwlthatanding tho plonttlul aupply of church“. and tollgloua lnotltutlona. “than la thla lact, "tint undo: tho vary aholtor of our “church". and bolero tho clan ol our “clvlllzatlon, oxlat a depravity and a “ wt‘otchodncaa not to bo ampaaaod among “ thoBojoamana ol Oantrallhlca.” Alaa l alaa l that tho authorltloa loom ac powotloaa to roman thou aonrcoo of lnlqn’ty. How glad Hamiltonian. ahonld bathat thalrllnoo ara out In ploaaantor ploooo than olthar Totonto or Hannahâ€"Hamilton Times. Tho ofilohl satisfies 0! m‘oido in France. which nppetr in due ooum every year. are than an mutating dooumentlrom mnny points 0! flow. . Although the ouhodox ballet oi Frenchmen in thlt «oh minmn nhout n time o! the papal-non of London drowns man by leaping of! London Bridge. than are good muons for tho belie! thus the suicide: In Paris nnd oshar French town- exceed in number not only those at the United Kingdom. but than or euy other netion o! equei size. The gross return oi voluntery deeths for 1877. which it now publiehcd by the Mieletere dc Justice, mchee the eppelling totel 0! 5,922, being no exceee of 118 over thet ol the preceding yeer, which wee itselt 882 shove thet 0! 1875. The tendency to entcide. ineteed of growing more techie with the proepect ol somewhat more proeperous times. con- tinues to intensity itcelt. end eflorde e eel y etrong index es to the stete oi socir'. ieeling emongrt elieieises in the country. A little neerer glence et the stetietict continue once more the conclusions elreedy drew: from them by philosophic enquirere, hrrdly one of whoee estebllehed theonee ie disturbed by the fleets mede known. Thus. the idee thet the see when eete of desperetion ere most com- mon is between twenty-one end lcrty ie egem supported by the figures. The proportion between men end women remeins. no it we hetero. in the retlo of lonrtoonc. The becee- lore ere etill more lrequently disposed to dcetroy their lives than those who find cou- eoletion in the cherme oi metrimony; whereee the widowe end widowers tsr outrun the nnmerried lolk in their euicidel tenden- ciee. The eneiysis would not incomplete un- less it included It competition between diluent trsdee end pretensions. Seen it comparison ehows thet out at the 5.92.2 eui cider. 652 could not be treccd to my particu- ler oelling: ol the remelnden 2,215 belong to the egrlcultureicleseee. 1.862 to the induc- trlel. 867 to the liberal proleeelonr. 545 to commerce, end 281 to the cleee oi domeetic eervsnts. In other wards. the percentege ls twice ee greet emonget tne literally edu- ceted cleesee ee emonget the indnelrrel end tracing popnlelione. end rather nigner monget these letter then in rent districts end emongst domestics. It is elso greater in towne then in the country, in the pro- Mr. Frank Muyo has awed from Liverpool en route tor this country. An eppeol hoe been heartily neponded to in England in ("or of Mr. Buoketone. who 7» represented a in “ absolute want." The veteran «to! token $300 I you from the the-trio“ (and. end John 8. Clothe gener- ously allow- him 075 o month. The Queen a tent 1111118260. the Prince of Wales 0126, nd a knot at autocratic patron: good lama. noting the Inbmiption eta-ted by George Auguutne Sole very hondsome. Musical and Drama“. Notes. A" the Chicago theatru now romnh open on Sands, ovoningu. Mm Ads Onvondiab will shortly begin :1: museum“ at the Onluornia Thom-e. Hr. end Mu. Stutton (Tom Thumb) live et Middleboro’. Meet. in a three etomy wooden manelon. tuteinlly painted. mth pun“ end buy windows comm-mung In exteneive View 0! veriegeted scenery. The home in luxuriously tarnished, end. emong other object: 0! interest, m e diminutive lowing machine end the Genenl’e grand pleno. two feet high. Denmen Thompson. in bi! Josh Whitcomb, hoe taken in $35,000 in hie tour weeke' engegement Lt MoViekex‘e. Ohieego. He in “ meneged" by one 0! a. firm of reedy-mede elothlere in that city. end the enormoue nttendenee in not a little owing to the per- eilteney with which hell-pogo end wholmpege edvertleemente heve been hurled et the public heedâ€"or eye._ but yea: Kete Olexton paid I donu- per mm for I borrowed baby to me in her phy of “Double Menlege.” During her summer veeetion ehe hue provided horse]! with ereel um. Olnnontend‘le noy independent. It 10.. wally duo to the no!" hand. For nil um I hand wu “ Wobuuon" . 1 made my bow. sud Ibo a?" by: bud. And unmodified, woun the wow» we thpnn. 802 figure was bouutltnl. tho 1.1 bar “co. Her ayes were wudiout with gonadal luu ; Bar dwoth In I. mixture 0! vial audlnco. And harp-mo (uh I’ve thud) wnm “ Wuhan- I th‘lded In oxuthv hero and then-- 1 nova: en joxad tho delicious 3. mm; n In about“: to soothe tellghuuro. And qumble. “By 000.30! what as beautiful Throughout the night I thtuek to her a! is ”(lubed be: wuldloo, and plum with he: tan, ‘ And 1 made her Inn 21 t1]! the noulycfiled. - to: momeumom um an summing mun. "'l‘ifidbbibi £an ihooroblnn on mv but duke; And the let me phy with nor V4 lghc-hnud glove. Am tgggb, on my thou), we'd exohungod our 1’ On: It on By George. twath I light (or me! 1 Eng Milled her win wlthlu-“ What’s Fwonoh tor Hubs-l " And I ma." Don'tyon know, mm Woboruon 7 " when we wavered. “ not Him,“ you please. bntfliththil." It In ygglly u dpgtbld lag! 99m. iogylorvy: SUICIDRS AND THEIR CAUSE. “on o! 23 t) 18 per 100,000'01 the pépu- Some Remarkable Sultana. A CORII’B‘I‘ITOB IN BIN. The I... It the In”. The v.8. War with the Utes. Particulars of the Plain at Milk River. Cunxxxa. anolm~A oourlorltom the ham brings the! following: “Bamoflold, Milk Rher. 003. 3. 6 [mmâ€"The Indium mu eurrouud no end pour in en el'lective tire from the commending blufle et e distence oi 500 or 600 yerde. Heving e croee fire upon our position, which wee choeen heetiiy, ell our horses end ell but twelve mulee heve been killed. We sheltered them ee best we could with weggone. but to no purpose. Oeptein Dodgee end Lient. Hughes. with 00. D. 9th Oevelry, eeme to our rescue yes. terdey morning et deybreek, eiter e ioreed night’e merch oi thirty-five milee irom Beer River. A lull in the tiring enebled them to come in end ehelter the horses es well es poeeible. taking them to the iortitloetione quickly, when the etteck redoubled ite inry. fled the heights been ecceesible Oeptein Dodge would heve eherged them with hie 00mpeny.while we covered him with our rider. But this being utterly lmposeible. the eseena being neerly perpendicnler, ell we could do during the day was to keep e good lookout from the loop-hoiee. end return the tire when an Indien ehowcd hie heed. Thie wee rere. er the Indiene heve rifle pits end loop holes. Before derk every horse but three 01 Dodge's commend wee shot down. We heve been very iortunete thet the Indiene heve lelt ue unmoleeted et night. excepting en ccceeionel shot to meke ue ecetter to our pite. We beve been eble et greet risk to heal oi! the deed enimsle every night, other- eiee the eteneh would be intolereble. A selly ie mede every night for weter two hundred yerds from our entrenchmente. Night before leet Privete Error. ol ()0. F. was shot in the iece while out with e periy eiter weter. The Indiene were only e few yerde ewey end were driven 03 by e volley from the guerd end trenchee. The field oi bettle wee edmlrebly chosen for defence by the Indiens end hed it not been lor {or Mejor Thornburgh’e edvence end the guerd oom- mended by Lieut. Uherry diecovering en embuecede, it ie believed the entire commend would heve been ennihileted. He eew e emell petty o! Indiens direppeer over e hill hell e mile in front end et once divided hie perty to recennoitre end on‘y;diecovered them when he bed linked their poeiticn by shout two hundred yerde. 0her.y rode beck et lull-peed with two or three men who were with him. end notified Tnornburgh. who hed e‘reedy begun e descent into the deep revine which wee intended to en- gnli the commend. The Indiens were die- mounted, lying down elong the cult of e high ridge for 100 yerde from the point where the deedly eeenult would have commenced. The troops were withdrewn e ehort dietence. dismounted end deployed in line of bettle. with orders to eweit the etteek. Lieut. ‘Oherry wee here ordered by Thornburgh to take fifteen picked men end meke e reconneizsnce end eommnnlcete ii possi- ble with the Indiene, or it wee thought they only desired to oppore hie epproech to their agency and would perley or heve big telk it they could be communioeted with. Cherry moved out et e gellop with hie men from the right flenk end noticed e like movement by ebout twenty Indiene train the left of the Indian poeltion. He epproeohed to within about 200 yerde oi the Indiens end took ofl hie bet end weved it. but in responee a shot wes_ tired et him. wounding e A men of his party and killing his horse. This was the first shot. and was instantly followed by a volley from the Indians. Work had now begun in real earnest; and seeing the advantage oi position he held, Lient. Cherry dismounted and deployed along the crest of the hill to prevent the Indians irom flanking his position. or to cover his retreat it he found it necessary to retire upon the waggon train. which was then coming up slowly. guarded by hieut. Paddock, Co. D. 6th Cavalry. Orders were sent to park the waggons and over than ten companies. In advance were Capt. Payne. 00. F. 5th Cavalry. and Capt. Laroson’s Co. E.. 8rd Cavalry. which was dismounted and deployed as skirmishers. Payne was on the left. and Lsroson on the right. From Cherry’e position he could see the Indians were trying to cut him oil from the weggons. and at once eent word to Thornburgh. who withdrew the line. slowly keeping the Indians in check until opposite the point which his men had. when seeing the Indians were concentrating to cut on his retreat Payne.with F Company at the 5th Calvary. was ordered to charge them. which he did in gallant style. his horse being shot down under him. end several of his men wounded. The Indians having been driven from this point. the company was rallied on the waggon train. Thornburgh then gave orders to Cherry to hold his position and cover Laroson'e retreat, who was ordered to fell back slowly with his let horses. Cherry called for volunteers of twenty men, who responded promptly. and fought with desperation. linearly every man was wounded before he reached camp and two killed. Cherry brought every wounded man in with him. Capt. Laroson. a brave old veteran. displayed the greatest coolness and courage during the retreat. sending up ammunition to Cherry’s men when once the were nearly without it. Thornburg started back tothe waggon train. after giving his final orders to Payne to charge the hill. and to Lemon and Chen to cover the retreat of the ioroe. a must have been shot dead when barely hall way there. as his body was seen by one of Laroson's men. with life extinct and lying on his face. The attack closed at dark. and soon every man was at work. enlarging1 the trenches. han‘lntgl out the deed orses. caring for e wounded end burying the deed. At daylight the attack was resumed and the tiring oi the sharpshooters has been kept up every day since and occasionally at night, sending us to our pits iue scramble. Dame, Oet. 8.â€"A despatch from Leed- ville says there i"). no Indians within fifty miles there. A dupatoh [tom Alma «pom Indium human than and Breckenridge. and 31m Bmkonfldso hu boon own], burned down. Tull upon [I donbhd. mum, 00:. 8.-â€"A null unis: {tom Souk. Blur. jut In. upon: am Mon!“ mhodjnyno’l 00:914an 9;; M99513: um. noon. mat a «van a m .kilflnfihlny-unn Indium, 5nd found than :11 m: A colored 0mm 00:5,“, olnod P: a. hat PM” night. Molnar” harm two in doing to. MBARIM MEETINGS IN IRELAND. Lonnon,En21-nd.â€"Four oonuty meetin swore held yeeterdey on the rent question one o 001k. where m erly now people Humbled: et Her - uomugh.Queen'e Oouut .Ihieh ettnoted 14, ; at Dunmere. Gelwey,e tended by ”.030. uni et Bell‘nmbo. in Mayo. The meet noteworthy lee- ture wet the general ebleuoe of priest: except at Met borough. where speecheewere mode by two. Dun n the matches oxiee oi “ Shoot theland- lords: “ Give them on ounce of loud." were head. Two tenente oi the Month eeute oi the Home“ of Heediext. whose egente. on well u the Morquie, hed xeeelved letten on Tuesday lent threeter'ng their death nnleu their rente were teduced. hue been privately oeutioned egeinet attending the meeting 0! tenentl this week to be held to: the purpose 0! lympethinln with the Mutant: and expressing their loy ty to his fem . ‘ At galliumbe. Duitt. an ex-Fenien prisoner. ineieted that the late outrage u Cee'leber we: not ngruien. Its object wu manifestly robbery. and he denounced the younger Smith an the musderer. Drum. Ont. - While returning home from the Chen Bapide on Thursday evening ihe dormer Aylmer, having on board ihe Vice-Bagel petty. bed a nurow escape from being out in two by e Union Forwarding Company’s unmet. which around her how. The letter. it ie uid, diepieyed no light. The meiier has been reported to ihe Marine De- pertment and In inventigetion wi“. in ail pxgbnbiiity “he piece. Lennon: Ont.â€"i’rlvate Bond, of the 7th Battalion. the eentry man who wee fined for assaulting the Chief oi Police at the Vice- Begel reception by remains to let him pen without a card at admieaion. eppeared in the Court to day and entered into bond: to proce- eute the appeal of which he gave notice. 001. Walker appeared and gave hell ior Bond'e appearance. There in a good deal of feeling etirred up about the care. the membere oi the Battalion thinking that Bond he: been hereh- ly dealt with by the civil powera. A member oi the Battalion writes a letter laying the men will not go on duty again it they are to be fined lor obeying the orderc oi their enperior omeere. The Battalion has teken the aubject up_in came“: 7 Lennon. Ont. â€"- Oeptun Wllllenu he! beeome I petty to the bell of Prints Bond of the 7th Bettalion, jolntl'y with Colonel Walker. At 3 meeting of noneommieeloned oflloere end privetu of the Bettnlion last night it was xeeolved that Bond bed only done his duty It the Vice-Bagel reception. when he is alleged to have eaeenlted the Ohlet 0! Police, end that he in entitled to oommendetion instead of blme. The eppeel will be energetically prosecuted by the Bat- tellon mambo". OMAWA. Datumâ€"The Government have adopted the Burton! Inlet Route tor the British Oolnmblo portion 0: the Canada Pacino Boil wey and tenders are now advertised for 127 miles of the road,dividodufollows: Emoryl Bar to Benton Bar, 29 miles; Boston Bar to lotton 99 miles ; ‘ Lytton to Junction Flat. 29} mile: ; Junction Flat to Bavnno'e Ferry. 40,} miles. Tender! will be received up to the 17th of November. British Columblo will noj‘eeculg fox: the pyelont, _ ' _ ‘ It is the intention of the Government to change the Dominion Land- Act, in mordanee with the representation 0: the Hon. Dr. Schultz, but nothing will be done until the return 01 the Hon. Mr. bowel] and Senator Aikine. who ere now on a. visit to Manitobn. It is probable thet uter- ante block: at twenty miles each within the reiiwey belt will be thrown open for settlement. the other blocks being held :0: sale under Iimllar regulations to those now in vogue. Squettere will not be intetiered with st present. to-da. It contained an Order-inflame“ pro hlbl a the 1m nation 01 came from the Btu.“ no the rovlnoeu 0! Ontario. Quebec. Nova Seeds. etc" owing to the prevalence of the cattle ammo another side. , 7 Klw You. - 6007. Arthur Guam». noyhcw by muting. o Fromm tho hMoriw, died in Broom on the m n't. “to: ho wool. of Inducflbn o “flaring. «and 1) “union poi-on placed by n «mm in on. of n can: to Imam whip; none. ml haul 31mm llknlly gutted. from an body into" dun: ondod his Tonox'ro, Ontarioâ€"Th1: morning the body of George Elmer, u oommenclel traveller belonglng to this oltynne ionud in e. ohtern in rear of o vacant hence on Lombard street. There was not. more than thirty tunnel of water in the ointerne The body woe removed to the Morgue, whet an inquest will be h this evening at 730 o'clock. flimee had b nduin'llns tor eome doye Belt. and it in m posed that while intoxicated otumbledinto ecietornend we: unable to help himself. He had no money on him, but several pawn tickets were ionnd in his pqqkets. Mom-nun. Quaâ€"Tho reduction in the rates of the Dounnlon Talents 11 Company's messages totwenty cents will. it ”bought. bum; about still lower rates. Montreal Telegraph Company 'a stock in wgak 313d- lo_wer, as g. manly: __ _ ii. M. steamship'rourmaline wi";it is stated. leave for Quebec on Saturday. and will probably accompan the steamship Barmstian. with Her Royal flia nose the Princess Louise on board. down to the Gull. A strange shooting case is reported this morn- ing. It a pears that a young student oi the 11ch Co lege. Ed. A. Philmore. trom Btrathroy, was returning through the College grounds about 9 o'clock on Baturday night. when some one near by presented a revolver and fired. The bullet eased through one oi Philmore's hands, he aving instinctively held them in front oi him. He set out ior home this morning. The aflair is wrapped in mystery. Some think that Philmme was mistaken in: one at the Protease“, against whom some one had sFite. as the wounded man has only been here our weeks. He thinksthe assailant was a Frenchman. Not since the year 1865 has there been ex- perienced Inch a state oi excitement in the tea trade oi Montreal as that taken place doting the sat few days, in which time it a estimated that inlly 104000 packages have changed hands. On Saturday the market was very excited and prices bounded up three to live cen sper ponnd,whioh is considered an extra- ordinary advance ior one day. Green teas under 300 per cund have all been picked up, and teas which t ee weeks ago cost 26c to 280 per pound arenovg selling s_t 33c and 3;“. _ with E kind in ineviiiblo. The only question now is 53m: 1- the moat "mm. mm a nu domhn. Thetonowlng hevulgolned theinequleeeeneo in the new Intonation-l code of ocean end River Signal: anoe.Germen ,Buuie. United Mammal , 8peh.Portugel,Be umbemnlrk, Sweden. )(etheflnde, Mutto- entry. Greece and Ohm. The new tu‘ee eome Into use in September. 18w. Thin iorenoon Jud e Monk peeled sentence on amen Kennedy, w a committed the terrible Grifllntown murder. He begen: " Prisoner. you heve been indicted. tried end convicted oi the crime of murder." In e shrill voice the women cried out.“ Not guilty 1" But the Clerk oi the court continuing, seid, “ Have you uny- thln to ofler to the Court why sentence ehou d not be pronounced egeinst you according to law, if eo gou must now otter it end you she“. be heerd." he now became even more excited, lilting up her heude exclaimed, " I em not full 1.” The orierol the Court then, eocord’ng 0 custom demended thet sentence of deeth be pronounced on the pri- soner. A mcneent ol hreethlese suspense ensued but it was broken by the :rlsoner. who exeleimed in e eleer voice- ' Flenegen eeid ' My God. the women’e heed is out ofl,’ end he run any Iem sure he in innocent. ior I seen him sleepn :he wee lying in the seme way when he wo eup - I em euro he in not guilty ; he new no one hill her: the men she let in the house hereeli killed her; Hrs Troy new him going round to let her in I wee eleepingi” "new {on enythin more to se " eeked t e Olerk o the Crown. " e ere not why: end thet's truth enewered the prisoner. er ips tremb with leer or emotion. She then begun e long en rern‘b ring _tel_h. shoutingseverel timee, "_I em not nmbung talk. shouting Coven] times " I am not guilty." Jud? Monk than untamed hot to be In on thus I: o Dooombernmld my Ink:- mpt as from Ch. prisoner. m. hmmnnm.Buu13.â€"Tho Nam Krcmja It” :9“ goons; 0; 11m; mg 70: Mg tad dean: m not be muttered with It talent. A31 any. of my 031nm 7 ”gm; was 717:8qu Minor Despatches. A Tribune to Geller-l lulu-[er laugh. Ion. Vanity Fair. 3 well‘known Engllnh eoolety journel. 3th dllenuee the propoeed emulat- metlon o! the G. W. B. end G. '1‘. B. in n reuntiune. 1t eeyl: “ The Genadlen peo- ple have given such large name 0! money to build up the entegonlun now sought to he killed thet they will not temely look on nt e prooeu which maker it ell In good u thrown no); Ind Great Western mnleontente w"! lend them nuhtnnoe. The notion so industrious!) elroutnted here' thet the omelet: 0! one roed enn work both learn: to no the height or ehrnrdlty. Money gntned In suing o! ulnrtel would be lost in error- end deteete o! muesement. And it the Grand Trunk is to monopolize the patron use, the put history _ 0! that rod is e r guerentee for either the mic ency or honeety oi the job. There who heve been in Oenede. or even e't meetinge oi Grend Trunk ehereholdere in London. know thet the eir le lull at remote. Grend Trunk omcieie heve for yeere poet been eccueed ol knowing eome royal reed to fortune, end there are not wentin ineteneee in the poet hietory oi the Great eetern of enormous iortunee being made by the ofiioere oi the reed, the media operandi being in too meny ceeee en open eecret. For the loot iew yeere the Greet Weetern hee been under the menegemeut 01 e men who was et flret heiled with ell aorta of ebuee end again-t whom every poeeible end impoerible error oi judg- ment end detect oi cherecter wee elleged. But the relorlner pereevered in hie conree. He eeved £200,000 It you in working expeneee end touted the robbers, with heevy lose to them end immense gein to the roed. Mr. Broughton wee eccneed of being e policemen where he ought to be e policy-men. But e re-eetion hee lot 11‘. end e treveller ln Oenede now lerrne thet he le quite the equel 0! ii! rivele in eheping the policy oi the reed. while hie edminietretion hee reeulted in e greet eeviog oi money, eccompenied with en eqnelly decided improvement in the perme- nent my end plent oi the Compeny. The eflect on the Grend Trunk people hoe been irrltetingâ€"nothing more neturel~end the endeevore oi their myrmidone to rig the merket oi public opinion hee been et.1hingly epperent on both eidee oi the Atlantic. The ‘ ' pooling ” oi receipte iron competitive pointe ie, we believe. the Greet Weetern peuecae for existing evile; but we hove no teith in euy Inch petch-work remedy. It would dis- penee with lone few eeleried “ toute” on both roede. end establish better retee; but. even it there were e little temporeu encceu in treining, the enimel ie bound to break down in running.” A circuler hes been tuned by the Minister of Custom: modifying the terms of the circuler ol Merch 5, 1878, reletlve to wreck- ing by foreign veuele in Oenedlen wetere. By this modification venele 0! any netlon- eiity will be allowed to go to the relief 0! wrecked veueie when there is denger of lose 0! .‘iie or property; but the privilege of wrecking veeeele end cergoee out upon Oenedien ehoree end etrended end wrecked. reqn‘~ing epperetue for their remove]. end of discharging cargoee into other veeeele. le etili reserved exclusively for Oenedien vee- eeie. We ere eireld thet even under the emeuded reguletiou there will be conflict 0! authority. ee who in to decide the queetion of whether there is denser or not 1 We continue to receive very encounging reports from California II to the eteedy recovety cl bueinue eflelre therefrom the elough oi deepond into which they were precipitated by the communletie egitetion of ieet summer. The people have hed enough of Keerneyiem tor the preeent. end are now turning ettention to more profitable thinal. The leteet received Commercial Herald came up t_h_e eltnetion in this my: “ There in certainly A very merked im- provement in commercial circles. Every one upon ’Ohenge seems to be greetly encouregcd. There in more enquiry for goodl. were: end merchendiee generally, and pv‘ee Itringe eppeer to have been loonened. Our banks ere more willing to loan money. Oepitelietl ere seeking inveetmente ior their idle eurplue. Bee! eetete is more nought alter, end tor many Iteple ertieiee oi merohendiee there is en inOreeeed demend. Bhlpe ere now eagerly sought (or. em} et advancing rater oi freight. Wheet loathe to be on the jump. Floor in also the turn dearer. Wool le diligently nought utter. Altogether there is a decided ehenge or thebetter.”â€"- . Y. Bulletin. \ Tan Hm: Ann Onrnxo Omen Smut.â€" A low monthe ego the Dominion Govern- ment eent en engineer to examine the Trent nevigetlon works, end the etch of Trent River, end report on the practicability of constructing e eenel irom Leke Huron to ere Ontario vie thet route. It in believed thet thie wee not done with eny eerione inten- tion oi ever conetrncting the cenel, but to provide e pleuelhle plee on which the Govern- ment could relnre to concur in the treneier oi the Trent nevigetlon worke to the Province of Onterio mede by the Mechenlie Adminin- tretion ehortly before it rained. The people intereeted. however, ere epperently not to be trifled with, end Boboeygeon. Trenton, Peter- boro', Fenelon Fells, end other Gentrel Onterio towne ere ehont lending depntetione tohinterview the Premier in lever 01 the re eme. In on amateur benefit st Munohutol for Mr. 0mm Calvert, " A: You Like It ” in to be ployod. with the Hon. Lula Wing field, Lord Powou Contt’l brother. 3. Orlando, ond Tom To, lor, odltor of Punch, ond Edmond Ynm, editor ol the World, in the out. Al Edmund You: in perpetual: cutting the lltomy thmat 01 Taylor In In: ”in," In plouontto tom than moot. In Halon Fault u to ploy Rosalind, nlthong h the It old enough to be gundmothor to mu Onon- duh ond our othor Rowland: 0! toodoy. M Pam tho onoo throw wreath: ol lmmortollu to ymn _Doj_gz_ot no Illa “guano “upon Jam 81-. Maximâ€"Thu man. who had a potmanom gaatrlo flatnla, tho malt of a m- ahot wound rooolvod In the was at 1812-14 at Detroit, and whoa. nano haa boon mada famoua by tho oxpoflmanto 0! Dr. Boaumont, lo um allvo. Ho lo mldlng at St. Thoma. an., and la swanky-eight yam old. Tho valvular oponlnc In hla atomaoh at!!! romalno. Dlmou hop“ to hold omu until mt Lam}, M my nu. In on!» to be able to uy um hm hm laud longor um: udboumo’l or Palmer-town, whou unto. ”on“! m tin. at any 0! their um". prod. or Inc. beforeâ€"tho twilight. in horâ€" 70th you. G. W. R. MANAGEMENT. Wrecking In vanadium Waten. Business In California. Ale lntereetin. Will I‘nee. Oonouuo. Oct. 7.~â€"'l‘he time oi the Court wee teken up to‘dey in e ceee wherein con- eiderehle intereet ie meniieeted end e mm 0! 840.000 involved. The oeee ie moet eeeiiy expieined by giving e ehort ehetch of than who ere perty to it. Over eeventy yeere ago there wee e family of Timline living in e vil- iege of Irelend. One by one they come to thle country. The youngeet eon. the lete Rev. Fether Timiin. of thie town. eeme e young men to Oenede. end entered e college Montreel end prepered himeeli for the print- hood. He acquired e ferm in e plece celled Dundee. in the i’rovinee of Quebec. end when hie brother John ceme out he eettled him on t. Another brother. Merlin. eemc on econ eiter. end the prieet eeld he might ehere the lend with John till he c‘duld do better. but owing to eome trouble with John’e wife Mertin ceme on weet end pro- ceeded to teke up e ferrn in the Townehl of Here. where e eieter wee elreedy eet Hie ehenty wee (put up. but heiore he got ieiriy to work he ieeppeered end hee never eince been heerd of. Some humen remeine were found in the bueh not fer fromhie ehent eome yeere eiter. end eboot wee fonnd endl entitled ee belonging to Merlin. 0n thie evidence hie iriende formed the eonciueion thet he hed ioet hie wey end hed died in the woode. Hie femily econ followed on eitrr him. but they never found ;trece of him. end took up land in the eeme townehip. Thie wee ebout the year 1844. Somewhere ebout or before tnie time the younger brother. the prieet. wee etetioned in Uohourg end remeined here up to the time of hie deeth tome three yeere ego. He eccumuleted over 340.000 in bent etocke. end held the title of e church percen- ege end echool property. The preeent lew- enlt eoncerne than two letter. but involvee flee the money. The pereone bringing the eeton ere the eone of thie Merlin Timlin. who wee loci in the woode. end the nephewe of the prieet. They ere endeevoring to breek the will of the prieet end prove themecivee the rightful heire. The pereonege ie now held by the preeent prleet of Oohourg. end the «heel- houee ie controlled by the School Boerd. The will of Fether Timlin iiret provided in: 83.000 being left hie merried Iietcr. neuted Kelly. elec eettled in Mere. end the rceidne to All-Hellowe College. en inetitntion neer Dublin. for the treining oi Getholie prieete. lnmehing hie will he eonght the edvice oi the Rev. Fether John Quirk. prieet et Heli- inge, not fer from Oobourg. Quirk wee ‘mede executor. The heire ere trying prove thet eome ef the meny chengee end ereeuree on the will were mede eiter Fether Timlin'e deeth. Fether Quirk. on the other head. eeeerte that they were ell mede on the expreee commend of Fether Timhn. The heire ere iurther endeevorlng to mehe out thet Fethcr Quirk influenced Fether Timlin to leeve the reel- due of hie fortune to Alioflellowe College. en inetitution where the former hed been educeted. but with which Fether Timlin hed never eny connection. Fether Quirk in hie teetimony geve en emphetic deniel to any euch imputeticn. Shortly before hie deeth Fethrr Timlin edded e codlcil to hie will. tehlng ewey the legecy of $8.000 he intended leeving hie eieter. end eubeti-‘ toting therefor en unity of $300 per ennum. All the evidence wee tehen to- .~ end ie conflicting on eeverel pointe. t will e‘l come under review before the full Court. end judgment will be given et Toronto. ‘ Bolloonlm ohonld howoxo ot tho tun! ngtono at tho Don. Pronouns to doooond on uronont woo am shot oc, Iom! whon ho ouahtod tonnd omwd o! poooonto onnod with uythoo, hotohoto ond otonom mm to: on ottook. 0n doolorlng. in good Bunion. thotho woo motto), uko thonuomo. h1m oxtondtng o crucifix, hodohin dtd oo, but ovon than would homily mopodhodnoton oxOoomk mind“ on! oxplotnod tho mntortoo ot boltoontng. Tho mutton ot bonndoty hotwoon g’uooo ond'l‘nr oy not hovtng boon Iottlod tho Oomnuolon mud to: thot pnrpooo. It to now bottom! to: Ito moody ootttomont on pondlna hotwoon tho 2mm Dece it Pay to lure Cheap School- 'l'cnchee-e V A men triee to be e termer end ieiie: Men to be e mechenie end ielie; trlee to be e lewyer end ieile; triee to be e minister end is not even good enough for thet; but one thing he can doâ€"he cen be e eehooimeeter. And lo you will find through the country echoolmeetere ere selected beceuee theyere cheep. You oen get them for 310 e month found. Bheme on the perelmony thet would teke e cent from the pey oi the men or women employed ee teeehere. Ii there in my proleeelon which ehould be mede lbw luteiy independent oi ell cere ee to the meene oi living it [I thet. I do not under- veiue my own proieeeion, but I think the echooimeeter etende neerer to God then e mlnieter oen. For myeell. I heted the school, I heted it in my mind. I heted it ht my body, I heted it in my effectionl. I hed no religioue netnre, no I could not hete it in thet. I hated school, end yet there eeme e eummer in old Litehfieid when in epite 0! teen end proteetetlone I wee sent out of the houee end to eehooi, end I found e eehoolme'em. comely. though with very pele iece. end youngâ€"not over eighteenâ€"who met me et the door end petted me on the heed end pleyed with my eurly heir. end the eetme down et her feet end mede me wheppy. She wee teken etch end died, but yhlie e_he_t_engh_t wee th_e_ only pieeeent time Englend he got I wheelbmow men; Robert Unrliele, e relldent et Bt.Anetell, who he coined some little eelebrlty u o pedestrien, he: etuted from the bench find on hie eontempleted welt to John 0’ Gtoet’l House and beet. He drlm e wheelbmow weighing ebout twenty-Ii: pounde. He pom delivering leeturee in the 593] ton- during hie much, on " to end Shedee of e Bhomn'e Life" en "Tote! Abotinenoe." He eerriee o logbook. whlehhe cote etemped et the verloue poet-once. at we. Hele confident of enooeedinz inhll Potion. I ever had In Ichool. There II no economy I0 penntloue. no wrong eo lotolereblefil that which cute down the ply ot the teacher. and elm ly become they with whom they hove to 0 etc onl children. Only chlldtenl Whoec children? our children. my chlldrcn. God‘e chlldten, the eweeteet blossom In the gerden of the world, to: whom much may be proud to do "nice. 1! they on neglected. you on to bleme, for I! you cued enough gout y,’ gt never would heppen.â€"-Hm Ward Bin-her. 0030 I130 FALL AIEIZEU'

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