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Woodville Advocate (1878), 16 Oct 1879, p. 8

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0! M1 Dhs blew/e Z/té’l’)‘ art/62w .’ t t my “In” tho evening prcvinus. 01‘ before 8 o'clock an the morning: rcquziml. ALL KINDS OF Imvmuxh xm‘rLY . AND QUICKLY EXl-JL'L"J‘BD. .wlt-is no oxgggeratinn to any that health iq a ‘ goingredimmiu wlmt Um world calla tal‘ G.‘ A man without it "my Im a giant in in- 11m, but his Ilcmls will be flu; 4114-115 mi :1 W1. A weak mind in a swim! frmnc is H oh better than a giant mind in a crazy ,2 titution. l’rofessiunnl nml businvns 'on, who are continually thinking, and _,hou habits are sedentary, shunlul uM- VIC- RIA H n-qrnosmu'rus, the gloat brain and JAMES 3'“ U! i‘ HARNESS BIAKFR, S. \ “I” l‘ R M- humus, cottfimeums was P3 cum" cams, m’wsnes, mimxs, nuns A'un All. mm or none: runmsnmc NOTICE CONFECTIONERY 3: Endless .Vmiety. ”member ‘dhr plum-«next duOr bwflbmhom ”Mair-7’ nerve remedy. Til)! Dominion and Mnutrvnl 'l‘ulugmph ' mpaniea have reduced their rates for gea 20 per cent. that is to any, where . ants was fortllerly charged for a mvsqnge , nwords but 20 cents is now cullcttml. And‘thia reduced rate npplim tn all nn‘mz: Within the prnvincen 0f ()ntru'in :unl Que- bpo 1nd will extclul to offices on flu: (Minna. bum ind Oswego line, also to Buffalo, Dc- trait Ouvego. This action, on the p-‘rt of a telegraph companies is one that will he ailod by the pnlnlic with very uencral sat- _ notion justuow. as the fear was elm-tainml Kort timo ago on the anmlgmnnlinn of 1|“: ,. minim: with nu Ammimu lilml‘mt the _, owouldboinc’easml lush-3'1 of 1min; Madmen}. aWuodvillo Harness 311015.. D. MCLEOD’S, issuer of Marriage. licences Tun latest accounts fmm the White ,i vor A encv reveal a tale uf horrible but.- '3 ry. ‘very employee at the Agency up. , > to have been killed, and the Women .V Id children are missing. It is colcjactnrccl .- t they have either been carried olfus hus- ‘ elor butchered. -, 8A1. BAuuu, will lmtreceivo tlm testilnuny 1th» many thousands who luwe Ruccessfullv W it. they be acting wisely. It is one of it!” oldest aml best known remedies in the fDomlxu'on. For aulo by all dealers. \Vood‘viflc, August- "7th 187 ‘hich he is Selling M. n Uumt Bargain. {31‘1“ death aeutunw pusmul upun MIL-slur unto at the late Asaiza Court; in 5311mm: ' ”W. for the unmlur 0f Thuums (Junk. has 7 -. commuted to imprisonment in the 1 ton Penitentiary for a term uf scvun '731'1'110 capture of L‘abul by Sir Frederick Milfully confirmed. He visited the find“ on Saturday. uwl made a public eu- . ' into the city Sunday. The Afghan _ ‘ pl'baVo been completely routed. aml llm Mmembling to light lmvu retn med hume o Ameor is now detained as a. prisoner. 'tllo fact that his intimate pursmml ' .da were leaders in the revolt may be ac. V pied u rotty conclusive evidence tlmtlnis , Fidel) ly professions have been feigned - ughout. ‘ the iourynl [In hI‘I \',I-sI fur L’III n-pmt ., '0 confine III-5' IIIIIIJIV uthmluns jthiu the leusmmhlo limit. at an m:â€" Ollal hint. to all cone-annex! that h, “M be prudent InconIiIIu tImiI Uilflib‘ :fthin the legal hounds. 1 76WIIEN u mewupalmr reporter dis- vet-u that a (hm-Clive is Umlmn'uuring Jarret out any ufl'unu'er nguiuh't. LM: '1 Highs genorullv refrains hum all N'- woe to tlm luzit h-l \s im 3. mi thL l: ml '5 “8‘63"; the and t justh U. Ham v i» ,j‘y.“00!|8 on ”In (My v “201's Muir (If H U 7 Wilton Spectalw' ‘ lm wakes am uxn lfilOfl to this my: ‘ EL -‘n . I u. '1'. “0 from 7 116 to Liluu mu .m w .uh in n! \\ Mains-y kmmed pumms, In lmnuH- Uf ll thin imlhiluul “hum In: dusmihus :“ names, as In: i3 .. . 'hi slay o!ut((:li\'.re 0|!](1 u not he umw i: s keeping \\ ith “Shay as a citizen, um] tllm nli vuity At their Newman-share requested to URE TEAS A LARGE STOCK 01.“ GROCEREES GAKES, 8:0. Sign or we " Bee Live" Escripliuns, nanmusuau, 1856. G..C. SMITH. H UTUH ER 9. H CARTER c. (farting done to and from the Railway Btatibn (m‘l throng Milo Village at Moderate rates have we: used ; ,it has done wonders in hvnling'nml relieving 1min, sore throats. etc. and is worthy of the greatest cou!idcnce."-â€"- J'Hl‘ph Rumn. Township Percy. writes, " I mu yorsuadml to try M‘.~'l‘holnns’ Eclectn'o (M for a lame Imov which troubled me for Ull‘m‘, or four years. and I never found any- thmg; like it for curing lmncnesu. It is a great mlhlic benefit." ' "owner. or hil'l‘ATIuSfl.-â€".-\sk for Dr. 'l‘hmmw I'Iclcctric (M. Soc that the signature of .3'.‘ N. 'l'immnx in on the wrapper, and the muons of Northrop . Lyman ,nro blown in the bottle, mu] Tub no allm'. Sold by n” mmirvnm (le- tlmu» Price ‘25 cents. NORTIL l'u 11' I. \‘MAN, Toronto, Ont“, Proprietors for tho Dominion. thou law had no attack of it. I 'wunlll rec- mmm-ml it t« nll."â€"â€"J. ll. Earl. Hotel Keep- m- \Vust Shell‘orul. l’. (3., writes, ."l have been tl‘ullllled with liver rmupl-iint fur etc-V- cml years, and have tried «lill'cront. medicines with little ur no benefit, until I tricnl Dr. ‘ 'l‘lmmms' l‘lcluctric Uil, which gin: nu: im- 1 lnctlizltc relic-9', nml l “'ullltl say that l have i used it since with the host t-ll'rct. Nu unu l slum“ be without it. 1 lmvc triucl It nu my l lmrsm in (:ase' nf cum, \‘I("lllli-“. etc” mnl ’ tlzinl: it is equally as; guml fur lull-m ’w! for 1 i:.:\n."~A. Mayhem». Merchant, \‘i'nrkwnrtln, mites, “ l have sold Home lmmlrc'ls uf lmt- l (lug uf l‘lclcctric ()il.- and it is prnnnuncml by lhu public, ‘ one of the best medicine: they I 1. u ...... ...... 1‘ :L |,,, ‘ ' ' -.l.. X m It. -- r cl¢chic~3elected and ['I'Iccterized I I7) 'PETER CLIFFORD licml tho fIIHImIII; AMI!" be Imnviuucd: <â€" Thnnms HolIinsI-II, lnruhmn ¢' cIItrc, 1'. Q. , “rite, "I have been afflicted \IitlI I-lIcIIIII- utium fur the last ten \ ears. and have him! IIIHIV IcIIIcIliL-s “itlmut an) I'I-III'u, until 1 Um! ”I. ’gIIIIIIIIIIII’ l'I:k-vtIiu Oil and Mince “'HA'I“ THEY SAY OF IT! A FEW FAUI'S FOR THE PEOPLE.â€"~There are but few preparations of mediciuas which luwu witllsluwl tho impartial judgement of the people for any great length of lime. Una-nf lllesl: is Dr. 'l‘lmnms' Eclectric ()jl. THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., Toronto, Ont, Canada. G)? Sold in “'oodvillo by all Druggists, nml by all wholesale and retail (lrugglsts in Canada and the United States. - 114:1)! V. P».â€"â€"The demands of our business have necessitated our removing to Toronto. to which place please address all future cem- nmuicntions. cal-Full particulars in our pamphlctnvhicll we desire to send free by mail ttrevery one. The Specific Médicipe is sold by all drnggists at 8) per package, 0‘1- six "packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail ‘01‘1;ru‘ceipt of the money by addressing 7 ~ ueuce of SelLAbusc ; ms loss of Memory, Vniversnl Lassitmlc, Pain in the Back, Dim- ncss of Vision, Prcnmtnrc Old Age,and many other diseases'that lead to Insanity or Cou- sumption and {I Premature Grave. .. .â€" Befoi‘aThBth’ Diseases follow as a Express parcels carefully attendarl to. LOAN AND INSWRANGE GRA Y’S Specific IVIEDICINE. rrtA'oE’fgggx._Th_,e_ Great; TRADE MARK. @‘ Goon MORTGAGES AND MUNICIPAL DEBENTURES PURCHASED. N good Farm and Town Property, in O sums of $200 to $20,000, at a low rate of interest, on most favorable terms of re- payment. Q; Pmties m 11 nut ot LUMBER will consult tl1ei1 own inte1ests by calling on 118 below pmclmsiug elsewhe1e.\"1 Eu GUA RAN’J‘EE SATISFAC- TIONI IN QUALITY AND Pt' lC‘E. L11111be1 can be had eithel at \Voodvillu UI Bolsover. 100mm mam DRY FLOORING. .. 000 1mm ms LATH 20,000 FENCE PICKETS. 50,000 m: CLEAR and DRESSED MOWET 10 10.21.”. WOODVILLE AND BOLSOVBR, OFFER CHEAP TO GOOD MEN. D. B. MONAB 8600 Corner King and Church Streets. “RR Eng‘ushnem- IQ” 47.3 Ody, an 1 Mail- Money! Money ! House and Barn Bills Supplied on the Shox test Notlce MONEY 1‘0 LOA N . Potheringham, \VOODVI LLE. cdy, an unfail- ing cure for Seminal Weak- ness. Spar-ma.- torrhea, Impo-l tepcy, and Val] â€"-AGEN '1'. GENERAL t1 7 “r“ ' ' 1 , ézfAftAr Taking. QKCIGES SQ‘LQCIITED. Dunn. 3031:. FRUIT (1A mass. M IXEDTEA CAKE z’urch..- . .5; on the I -~ :; Minot 6:: .x‘ are spur» are rcgis‘ thruughu mav kcc sale, will FA M 533, O <' And are : thrnglu- rrcuons And cvel never be- The 1’: on] y at It is an nubbed ~ meat, it Bronchi ASTHA. scc‘sscss, Go .Hible remedy. If effectually ‘ rc neck and c ‘ 4 50m; THROAT, Diptheria, lest, as salt into Coughs," Colds, and even For (:‘ulhndular Swellings, Ab- . Fistulns, Rheumatism, ow w. I‘A “TI ES Si ' l’ l‘ l ,! I'ID \VHOLI'B.»\ LB. It: Se. For tlu as a l the c. hecou womL denta. vigor. Vlgou L1 [“1 This \ «.au nousehom Medicine ranks anon .119 leading necessaries o! 1.119. Thu lamoua Pills urify the BLOOD, and m most powerfu 1y, yet soothing on the The 'l LI\ - R, S'I'OMACH,:‘KIDNEYS, nd ‘ .VELS, giving tone, energy, and igou ' hese great A AIN SPRINGS OF .1 Fl . hey are confidently recommended 3 a 1 failing remedy in all cases where 1e c. tution, from whatever cause, has econ unpaired or weakened. They are 'oml- -y efficacious in all ailments inci- exitd. Females of ill antes: and as n 00A. A‘ALHX'E'I‘HY, AN!) FRUIT BISU 111“] ”CW”. ISALE NIH RETAIL. LUMBER. , 75,000 1610101? SCANTLING 350,000 FEET COMMON BOARDS AND SHEE’I‘ING. f :5. UNXLD (I of SKIN DISEASE, it has nm to fail. W0 CA3 h‘, and. Healing Properties u. .‘hroug‘hout the World. uf BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, 2-: as, sanEs AND moms .«zhculi look to the Label £53 I! the address ‘- treat, London, thev h‘,‘ all Vendors of Medicines ('n'illzcll World; with (li- . .- in almost every luu vuage. "Ha-M of these .\ cdlciues in Httmm. Hence, any one .v: iMfisln Possuasiuns, who ., l‘mn-riuau Counterfeits fur viil'l- .2ll'1'll. l W. D STREET, LONDON, ¢ ! Ointment are Manufactured if!" BREAD JOHN BERRIE, an: Entry :1 Spacialt? unsurpassed. ”or .King and Stuart 3% tJTfiTY FOR THE '34") H Material Furnished if Required. G'raining Walnut, Oak. (light and dark) Maple and Burr Walnut. Having rented Mr. D. McLEOD’S bake shop and oven, be to announce to the public that he is prepared to supply them With FIRST-CLASS BREAD 81 CAKES! H. McMILLAN’ i A Large Variety of Ladies' Prunellas, Eheap. GREAT REDUCTION LATEST STYLES ! NEW STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, THOES. ULOU SFON 500 Feet to Supply with Boots and Shoes. FULL LINES ! FOR {WASH WANTED ! CALL AND SEE MY on cost, and can consequently sell very cheap. Glazier, Grainer. and Paper-Hanger. levs and Gang PEQDJWE, which I have just purchased UYR'I‘EHH‘, dw- in all theâ€"â€" And cVL-rything in his line, at Reasmm} 1e I’riccs‘ SPECIA'I’Y : .. MIA :4! )N’ r 1mm (9 ‘x- L» k THE AT- «57:3 All kindsof Hardware PAINTS, COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. .20cts. PER GALLON. ’ x. HARVES? Grain Cradles Hay Forks, Rakes, 'Scythes, Hoes EARLEY FORKS! MACHINE OILS ! HARDWARE. VARNISHES, OILS, AND ALL KINDS OF BELL BRUSHES,

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