EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. SUBSCItIPTION~Only One Dollar ayear, Strictly in Adaance. AnvznTlsma~Yeurly Advertisements charged qnutterly; Transient Ad- vertisements, when ordered. “W «WI vmele vvvvvm â€AN QUEEN ’S HOTEL, Woom'ILLE, J. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. Bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars. Sample Rooms for commercial traveliers. Good stables and sheds. Atten- tive hostler. First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar well supplied with the choic- est liquors and cigars. ’Bus to and from all trains and every convenience for the travel- ling public. ELDON HOUSE, Woodvillc, T. EDWARDS, - Prc This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village, and has re- cently been reï¬tted and refumished, and is therefore most suitable for rommercial men and the public generally. The Bar is sup- plied with the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Good Stables and attentive Hustler. Henderson Cave. NORTHERN HOTEL, Woodville, ,BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. JUNCTION HOTEL, Lorneville. DONALD MCINTYBE, Proprletor. This ï¬rst-class hotel is situated at the Junction of the Midland and Toronto Nipisaing Railways, and is noted for its superior accommodation for tho graygllipg superlor accommouauon [or me bruvuunug public. The bar is always supplied with the best brands of liquors and cigars. Good stables and hustler. 145 ‘ inspector of Weights and Measures County of Victoria. Auctioneer, Land and General Agent. Debts and Rents collected. 1 v(:‘lork lab and 7th Division Courts County Victoria. Clerk Township of Eldon. Sec- retagy Eldon B. ’51. Society. ï¬gent. P. B. GEORGE \VILLIS MILLAR , n-.-_1._ n; Ivvw-J .- ............ S. Compau. Conveyancer, Cgmnï¬slioner 1n Queen’s ench. King Street, IVoodville. HUDSPETII BARRON, Barristers, c., c. Ofliceâ€"-â€"Kenb Sh, Lindsay. ADAM HUDSPE’I‘II. - JOHN A. BARRON. NV 1515mm»; PENTLAXD, Dentists, . LINDSAY, - ONTAIHO. One (I the above will be at Hamilton’s Hotel, Beaverton, on the SECOND MON- DAY of each month. He will Mao visit \Voodvflle on the. Second 'I'U ESDAY of each month, stopping at Mcl’hcrson’s Hotel. J. NEELANDS, LI .8. } J03. PENTLAND, L.D.8. Estimates furnished, and contracts taken for am: 01: {I}! of “3° n_l;ovc Work. Materials lur- nishml if rcquivcd. HAIR-DRESSING, 850 HAIR-DRESSING. SHAVINH, In tholatcxt $13104, at the “l‘urlnr†oppo- situ the Nurtiuun Hut-1, Wmulville. - PLANNG MILL AND Sash and Door I‘aotory 'l he snlmorilrals haw- nnw gut thu ir Factory litlml up in ï¬rst-class style :uu‘ are prepared tn furnidl anything that may be entrusted to tin-m iu the shape of L HAL WARD BROS SASH. Doons. AND BLINDS “ We gamma," BRIOKLAYERS, PLASTL'REILS AND )IASONS .c-c. PLANIWH. NLXTPHIXG. MOUIJNNG, SCROLL 3" \WIXGr c. an “hurt notice mnl at imttum prim-a. Also ghing‘us and lumber (pr sale cheap. GONTRAS‘HNG AND BUILDING 0 1.0 A )1 AT 131 v m 1’ 1-: 1; 01m. A \pl to l y W“. JOHNSON ' La“ omce, over \\ ntson' s Store. May 7, H579 [l2'- 3m] Llsnsn. gamma“! wards. TEQSIJRHJ'IKVGBBT J13†D. POWELL, mam (Emma. $10,000 agnsimï¬ warms. ll! PUBLIEIIID \\'\J(,)I)\' I l 1.1", â€"â€"BY-â€" Is proparcd to do A H PEG! A LTY. 3ch Music Bros. s u x M mm NG, Proprietor DYI‘IING, 'c., 8:0. WATCHMAKER . PHOTOGRAPHER. ONE noon WEST 0|? NORTHERN now. WOODVILLE, ONTARIO. is_now prepared to give Music Lessons on the Organ At her residence on King St, next door to Mr. McSweyn’a. Pu ils can be attended at there OWn residence i required. W. A. SILVBRWOOD, Ofï¬ce on King Street, or orders can be left at THE ADVOCATE Ofl‘ice. ONEY TO LOAN on FARM PRO- PERTY, for a term“? of cars, at a rea- sonable rate of interest. Iortga aes and Municipal Debuntures bought. Ag pyp DUN. CAMPBELL, Agent London and Canadian Loan Agency . Company, 67-13; WooanLn, ONT HENRY ED‘VA RDS is prepared to sup- ply LIVERY RIG-S at any time and on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH.‘ Sta- bles in connection with the Eldon House. If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a mortgage or other debts, we would advise you to see the reduced term: of the Canada Permanent loan and Savings Com- ny, which has made more loans to farmers or the last twenty-three years than any other You can get an time on want to repa , up to 20 years, he in amount of the nan is advanced, no deduction being made for commission, payments in advance or expences. For further particulars apply to MISS H. G. STOTT w- TERMS MODERATE. VOL. III. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Oï¬ice, EENBY EDWARD JR- MIRRORS, PICTURES, FRAMES, Small Ilouse Furnishings, Fiist door east of Northern Hotel, \Vood- ville, Ontario. L. 1!. C. 3., ELINBURGII. (LICENTIA'I‘E ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, AND LIL‘ENTIATB or ROYAL common or suuoEONsJ GYNEECOLOGYâ€"(Disemcs peculiar to “'omen) practiced in Hospitals exclusively devoted to Diseases of Women in London and Edinburgh made A SPECIALTY. PROF. LISTER’S Appliances and appar- atus for the Antiseptic System of Treatment low adopted hv all the leading Surgeons of Europe on hand. ._..... N. B.â€"â€"-Dr. McKay’s varied and extensive experience in tho llmpitals of England and Scotlandâ€"the four Diplomas which he holds from the best (follcges of the Mother Coun- try in addition to his Canadian Degrees should he a sure guarantee of his efï¬ciency. N. S. SHERMAN, Stationery, School Supplies ACCOUCII ICU 1i. Oflicc-Kiug-st., \Vnodviflc. JOHN Mc'l‘AGGART, Kirkï¬eld, Commissioner in B. R., Conveyancer. ____-.__. Appraiser fur the Canada Permanent Loan Savings (‘nmpanyx MONEY TU LUAN M a luw rntc u!’ interest and on easy terms of payment to suit, borrowers. Agentgfur the LANUASHIRE mm: 5; LIFE mmnmxum Co. Capital, sw,. 000,000. 'l‘hc STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO. Authurimd capital, $3,(HW,0ML The IS'ULATED RISK 8L PARMER’S FIRE INSU HANG-I4 ()0. Capital, $000,000 The ONTARIO MUTUAL an 1N- SURANCI'} (30., at London, Unt.‘ ' . s. LEEDHAM, sv 1:.\N(:‘13;'(‘i(»); “C London, ()nt. Agent for the sale of the \VIIMVN A., and LOCKMAN MAUI INI'JS. THE ADVOCATE. RCH. CAMPBELL, I BOUNTY AUGTIDNEER Money to Loan; COUNTY AUCTIONEER. MCKAY, M. Om to: End. Times. ND and General Agent. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND VVODVILLE WOODVILLE, ONT. J N O. C. GILCHRIST, WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, _OCTOBER 23, 1879. do of the celebrated LOCKM \N SEWING .. R. C. P. and 106 At night, when work is done, ’mid shadow: gray that darken, And cling about the window, where once the sun was bright, Sweet sounds come back again to which we used to harken, At night ! At nigh?» though-ye . ere old, and the gray “shadow; clinging, ' ' ' Presage to us that more where there is no more light ; Sometimes there come again sweet airs of ehildhood's singing, At night ! At night we two may sit in shadow, open- hearted ; Long since the time is passed when hope was all in sight! , Softly we sing the songs ,, of happy days de- parted, . At night ! At night the cricket’s voice sounds through the shalom dreary ; Our songs, alas] like his, have neither charm nor weight ; We only rest and sing, hushed hopes and o voices weary, ' - ,At night i â€"The Argosy. A GILDED SIN. BY THE AUTHOR or “ Dom Tnomm1 “ WEDDED AND PARTED," “A Bm on: non THE SEA,†“ Fnon GLoou TO SUNLIGHT," 6:0. (Uonh‘nuedJ ’Thil is just like Katherine's cheek,’ she said leughingly. And she looked so like her mother at that moment that he could have cried aloud in his longing love and pain. ‘Yon have learnéd ifo love Katherine. Veronica. 2’ he said gently. ‘Better than I love my life,’ she said;b1ush- ing to ï¬nd that she no longer said, ‘ Better thanTlove any one else in the world.’ He looked up at her suddenly. ‘ Have you learnt to love me, Veronica?’ he asked. “Yes, just as dearly,‘ she replied. Then they were silentâ€"éâ€"he mute with emo- tion, she Wondering that he should speak to her in this strainâ€"he who had always been so distant and so reserved. Then he was restless all the day. When eVening came, he asked Katherine to sing all her old songs to himâ€"the songs he loved best ; and Ver- onica fancied that his eyes ï¬lled with tears. Then, when it was growing later. he called Katherine to him. She knelt down by his side, and he drew her golden head down on to his breast. ‘ My child. my darling,’ he said, ‘ have I been kind to you 2’ ‘ Always, papa,’ elm replica. 3 ‘ Have‘yon hml a happy liloâ€"Katie, tel1 meâ€"n happy life '9' ‘ Yes,’ she answered. ‘ Papa, you know that I have never had one nmumnl’s care or ' trouble, one moment's sadness, our since I was a child.’ ‘ 'l'lmnk Heaven for that, l‘ he said gently. ‘ If l should die, Katie â€"¢lie nlul leave you â€"-\V0lll|l nny one ever make you think me unkindâ€"ever nmkv' you love me less 2’ \ ‘No, ncvr-rdmpu.’ she said, laughing at the llutlmI-â€"‘ nevur.’ magnum non “JUS’I‘B ouwm." ‘ Kiss me. Tail me you love me.’ he said. ' “'i'l you remember in the after years that. 1 would have given my lifu at. any time tn mm you from pai'n 3' ' ch,’ replied Katherine, and, obeying his wish. she clasped her tender arms round his neck. ‘1 lm'u you very dearly, papn,’ she said, ‘murc than I 01“ tell yun, mul l mulmx'v hing furthcdny tn cnme when you Wan be won; and well again.’ Later still, when Katherine was going tn her mom, he callml her to him. mu], taking the bright young face between his hmuls, he kissed it. ' Uuml ni- "ht, my tlarlinu, ’ he said, - ‘ and may Home" ever bless you. " She wondered at the Solemuily of the Words, littledrcalning that she had heard hi: Voice for the last time ‘ You are not quite so well to-night, Jan- pcr.’ said Lady Brandon ‘No,’ he replied. “There is r. strange flutteringltmyheartâ€".1 feel faintâ€"4t will pass away. 'l‘lm «lay has been 80 very warm.’ ‘lwislx,’ sniil Lmly Brandon, ‘ that you Would Consult Sir William Fletcher; they say that lie is the clevorest physician in Eng- land.’ ' 1 Will see about il,’ replied Sir Jasper. It. was a lovely Jum night. one of those night that never geim to grow dark; ‘16 “ Pro Bono Publlco.†23mm. MWWW AT NIGHT. air was rich and heavy with the odour of the sleeping flowers. the dew lay on the white lillies, ou the roses, on the purple passion- flowers. the wind stirred ever so faintly the tresh green leaves. It is one of those nirvhts when it seemed impossible to turn from the sweet face of nature. Veronica had atom for more than an hour at the open window of her room, when one of the servants came to say she was wanted in Sir J aspar‘s room. ‘ Is Sir Jasper worse 2’ asked Veronica in alarm. ‘ The valet said he seemed very ill, miss,’ replied the girl ; ‘ but there was nothing said ‘ about his being worse.’ I \Vithont loss of time Veronica left her room. She had not undressed. She still‘ wore her evening-dress of rich black lace with crimson flowors. She had taken the diamond stars from her hair, and the black shining waves fell in rich profusion over her shoulders. On her neck gleamed a cross of rubies and diamonds. She walked through the long corridors, where the moonlight lay in great silver floods, making everything else darker by contrast. 811‘ J aspen could not be worse, she thought; the servants were most of thein in bed, and there was no confusion. She went to the door of his roomâ€"a room she had never entered. It was ajnr, a (1 Lady Brandon stood near it. She looked very pale and anxious. She had on a white dressing~gown, and was toying nervously with the blue ribbons. ‘ I do not understand it, Veronica,’ she whispered. ‘Sir Jasper has sent for you and for meâ€"he wants us particularly. No one else is to come near. He looks So strange I am half frightened. Come in.’ Veronica. entered the statesmau'u chamber. It was a large and magniï¬cently-tm-nished apartment. ' She saw wonders of mscwoud and hub]. Sevres china, statuettes, pictures, and books. On the bed with its silken lazing- ings she saw Sir Jaeyerâ€"Sir J caper, with a 'grny look on his face and dark shadows round his eyes. She went up to him. and his eyes, looking into hers, told her that. same strange, ,unrevealed secret was betweenthexpw W ‘ "Close the door,’ he saidâ€"‘ fasten it se~ eurely- , no one must interrupt me. \larie, my wife, come here. It is you who will have to forgive me. I have sinned against you ; ‘ but my sin always appeared to me in a bet- ter light than that in which I flee it now. It is a gilded sinâ€"a sin so shrouded with sentiment, reserve, poetry, SGHSitivenBiE, that I hardly know where the wrong begins or endsâ€"a gilded sin, my poor Marie, and the punishment will fall on an innocent ‘ head. Veronica, co'ne nearer to me. I have 1 sent for youâ€"I have a story to tell. Kneel here where I may see your face. Keep those eyes~ dead Guilia’s eyes-ï¬xed on me to the last, that my strength mvl my courage may not fail me. Marie whom I have wrong- The nightlsmp was partly shaded ; its feeble rays fell on the gray face, on the dark wistful eyes, on the thin white bandsâ€"fell on the two kneeling ï¬gures, on Veronica’s beautiful face and Lady Bran lun‘s troubled features. The wind. when it stirred, sent a great spray of clematis boating against the glass ; outside the beautiful, solemn summer night luv brooding over the fair sleeping earth. I Sll‘ anspcr told his story. clearly, plainly, distinctly, descri'nng his mutives, hlnniing his own fastidious, sens tire reserve. blam- ing his own weakness and fully. which had led him so far wrongâ€"led him into what he truly called ‘ a. gilded sin.’ Lady Marie lis- tened with silent, hitter tears. o ‘ ed, give m tell you.’ ‘ So you \vere married before, Jasper, and never told me,‘ -l:e sobbed ; ‘ and I always thought that I was the only one you loved. How could you deceive me I†'I am sorry. Mario, for the past. I can lmnll y expect you to understandâ€"I can hardly understand myself ; it is so difï¬cult, looking back. I loved her so well and I Lost. ' â€"1:- her so soon. I could not utter her nameâ€"it toro my heart. I could not look men and women in the face while I talked of her, my dead lovo.’ ‘ ’l‘hcn,’ mid Lady Brandon, ‘ you have ul- wnya loved her best, Jasper, living or dead -â€":\lwz\ys the best." ' You have been a good, trne, tender, faith- ful wife to me, Mnrie.’ he returned, ‘ but she was my ï¬rst love.’ Veronica had listcnad like one in a dream This was her history than ; and the golden- hnircd sister whom Assnnta had never ceas- ed to mourn was her own mother ! Shn was the daughter of the famous statesman Sir Jasper Brandon, who was looking with such wistful eyes into her face. ' You are my own child, Veronicn,’ he said, while Lady Brandon Wept us one who could not be comfortedâ€"‘ niy own daughter give me your handâ€"I have a story ‘0 No. 149 -â€"ded Giulin’l child I I In" W often to take you in my arm and ‘1 I0. I dill not love you when "n whilpored to me that you had M701 ther her life; but Ihuve leumod .0 10‘ since you have been. here, my Ml Kiss me, Veronica. Say ‘Fathot ":1 just ouco.’ . _ . r:- Sllfl laid her lair loco on his, hllffl ed at its deathly chill.‘ " ‘ M y fatherâ€"any dear father 1' IN ‘ You love me. Veronica â€"yw {org ‘ I love you, and l have nothiugto See, father, I kiss you again.r Then Sir J asper took two pas“ under his pillow. ‘ There is another thing yet to bet said ; ‘ and this, my poor Maria, I in will feel. I feel it myself ; but I 0‘ dare not die until I have done }i Giulia’s child. It is the law of on one that 1 have neither the _power'5 right to changeâ€" that; tailinï¬ o. In the eldest daughter shell mooted Veronica Brandon, are my eldest so you are my heiressâ€"the heiress o Chace and the domain of Hi ntwood ‘ I hope not.‘ be mad faimly. â€"â€"Hcaven knows I feel it to he must be done.’ Indy Brandon had drawn her his feeble clasp ; her face flushed eyes were full of angry ï¬re. ‘ My child shall not be robbed, I ‘ I will appeal to all England. It be.‘ ‘ All England could not prevent i‘ he said sadly. ‘ My oldest dal'rgh be my heiress ; after my death she Baronass, Brandon. 1 am quite pm the nutter. ’ ‘ That cannot be,’ cried Lady ‘that is too cruel ; it will kill KI ‘ It. is wickedly nnjust,’ she wonder at you. Sir Jasperâ€"10o 'wl life have passed for an honorable u must not, you shall not do my wronL'.’ ‘ Hush, Marie !’ he said. andly.’ 7‘ reproach me, my dear ; I have 1 enough. Listen, Veronica. Thisisn in it you will ï¬nd repeated the .0011 ï¬rst marriageâ€"in it you will ï¬nd have made you what you areâ€"my hi hu ve inzuie handsomeiprovision for K -- handsome provision. Marie, for ya ‘ You have robbed us !’ cried Lad don. ‘ What am I to any to my (riding they hear of this 1’ ‘ The Baronet cortiuuedâ€" ‘ This second parcel, Veronicn,‘ 1 all: the papers you will need to pro identityâ€"the certiï¬cates 0! your 4 birth, umrriage. and death. .Then certiï¬cate of your birth, also. ’ an other-paper which your aunt Assnntl necessary to prove your claim. Tu] Veronica. Kiss me, my (how strength foils me. Promise me one your mother’s nameâ€"will you prom onica ?' ' With her white lips on his, whi no less white. she whisperedâ€" ' ' ‘ I promise. ‘ Be kind to my wife and Katha said.‘ l’iomisu me.’ . ' [ will,’ she replied. T hen she head, for a lmxg quivering. sigh, frightened her. ' _‘ Go and fetch Kutlnerinmf he I: -my own Knte.’ ‘ Arc y ou worse, Jasper ?’ cried My don, forgetting her anger in her four. A smile that Veronica. never forgo! 0\ er his face as he turned to her. ‘ No, not worseâ€"better,’ he said) 4 it :8“ now.’ And the next moment J (1994]. The two horriï¬ed spectators m at each other, unable to move. don cried out- \qu 9| lla‘. \luv ‘ He is «leadâ€"ho is (lead, Vei‘onim going up to the bewildered girl; ll both her hands.‘ ‘ Veronica‘,’ all ' hido these papers. Promise mo,‘ : me that you will not. inontion and all this until I have spoken to y SWear it.’ ‘ I promise,’ said Veronica. And then Lady Brandon seized rope and rang a hasty peal. (To be Continued. Parmmono’, Oct. l6 â€"A very l iluential, and enthusiastic meeting ing large delegations from Ferrel Bobcaygeon, Lakeï¬eld, Norwood: and the surrounding townships, members of parliament, and the. W both l’etcrboro and Victoria, wasJ this aitenoon for the purpose of the immediate construction of ti Valley Canal. The meeting was business one, as there was no diï¬ opinion as to its feasibility or desir the interests of the Dominion. R4 were pasucd nppointin o 4!.ng tee to prepare n mp et setting advantages of t e route and mm the Dominion Government and I' asking for its construction, and f funds not only to carry out the a read named, but also to send a d to .\ ontreal to bring the claim ‘ scheme before the mercantile co ‘ of that city. The meeting evicleh i business, and angered determine Ul Inn-- v.-, . business, and appeared dim-mined muumc unturned to secure the il construction _qt‘ thjs .lt‘mg-talked‘ ............... â€"-a result which should Bot, seeing that it can bé com ‘ waters of Lake Ontmio ' $3,000,000, or “on has.