t llanlan-Courtney race on Chau- .ake, in New York State, on Thurs- anxiously, proved a wretched fizzel after all. At the critical moment Courtney discovered a hole in his boat, refused to use any one of ‘ abs others oll‘ered him, and Haulan rowed 1 over the course alone, making the five miles ‘ in the extrardinarily fast time of 33.561, Ind took the $6,000 stakes. There can be but little doubt that Courtney’s shell was damaged designedlyâ€"perhaps with his own eonnivanceâ€"in order to prevent the race, as such care is taken of every great sculler’s ap- pliances that an accident rarely happens to any of them. Thousand of spectators throng- ed the shores of the lake for two days pre- Vious to the race, sleeping under sheds and paying extortionate prices for provisions. and a temporary railway, two and a half miles long, had been built parallel with the course. It is to be hoped that those who spent their time and money upon the scene may have been gratiï¬ed not only by the view of Hanlsn’s performance but also by a sight of the hole in Courtney's boat. Anything more disgraceful than the re- sult of the meeting of these two scullers at Chautauqua Lake it would be hard to imagine. The mutilation of Courtney’s boats was evidently done either by Courtney or his friends on the one hand, in order to have the race declared off, or by Hanlan or his friends for the purpose of securing for the Champion a walk over the course. The truth of the matter will probably come out yet, but mean-ime it seem quite unreason- able to suppose that the Canadians,' who had confidence in their chances of victory. and had staked odds on their man, Would do anything to spoil the race and render the-loss of the prize money all but a certain. :‘y. The recrimiuatory statements of the ifl‘erent parties are amusing enough in their Way, but, if the interveiws are correctly re- ported,they show the extentto which aquatic sport has already been_ad'ected by the pam- I e,,|:A--_ LL- East-013.33 Running Order I IIIJUl'la uu§ auuou "v-.- .V... - , ,, ' blim; spirit. If one side is to be believeJ,the men on the other are pack of unmitigated Icoundrcis, who Would not. scruple to sacri- fice honour and reputation for a paltry bribe. It must he said in favour of Mr. Ward And Mr. Davis that their version of the mat- ter has about it an air of greater probability than the stories of Courtney, Brister, and Frenchy Johnson, but Haulan‘s backers should remember and act on the maxim that no one can touch pitch without being de- ï¬led. THE rate for the Town of \Vhitby was struck on Monday night. For gen- eral [HIVI'INA‘SG 18 mills, schools 6?; mills, n1 I,A,A LL-.. ‘nn" total- 24:} your. ‘ JOHN MCDONALD. ‘3 Bolsover, l0lh Oct... 1879. NOTICE. TO THE PUBLIC ! l have also obtained the services of a ï¬rst- clua Miller, and as I have not the expense of a steam power can favorably com etc with any of the surrounding mills. To t one who Will patronize me with their gusting I will gua'autee both quality and quantity. ‘ 64? GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE coSz'vmcm). The hgï¬ilést price in Cash will be paid for too CORDS of ï¬rst-class SHINGLE BOLTS or aawlogs suitable for shingles. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER c ALL KINDS 9‘1“ _I_1_Io:.|f.\‘ 1‘5! 3:}: mum lillll‘l‘ Issuer “Marriage licences «nuns, comma, mums, wmps cunnv comes, anusnns, mums, VALISES AND ALI. KIND or HORSE runmsumc iae, PURE TEAS Which he is Selling at a Great. Bargain. Woodviue Harness Shop. Of a" Descrimionq, JHWEMHCM Variety. U HAVE PURCHASED the Water Power Mills belonging to the late Duncan Mc- e. of BOL‘SUVE l, and have put the CONFECTIONERY "mnemiwr um plnonwnoxb I " Norllmn Hotel." .3 KINDS ()l“ HI‘H'AIHINH tuna AND QUHIKLY EXECUTED. JAMES STUART, GRIST MILL MCLEOD’S, A LARGE STUCK OF GROCERIES CAKES, 8d). Sign 0! we “ Bee Hive mnnusnw, 1856. vwhiclin is'2i less tlian last 'mcova'rn my MATCH. D. B. MONAB 00. _ WUODVILLE: AND BOLSOVBR. OFFER CHEAP TO GOOD MEN, 100,000 FEET DRY FLOORING. 5,000 BUNCHES LATH. 20,000 FENCE PICKETS. 50,000 F'I‘. CLEAR and DRESSED ߠPartles‘in want of LUMBER will consult their own -.- urn (111 A D A N'l ON good Farm and Town Property, in sums of $200 to $20,000, at a low rate of interest, on most favorable terms of reâ€" payment}. @. G000 MORTGAGES AND MUNICIPAL DEBENTURES PURCHASED. rate. 128 LOAN AND INSURANBE gay, an unfail- mg cure for Seminal \Veak- ness. Sperma- ‘ 7 . ‘f‘ toxrhea, Itlnptii . 5,3 ». ‘ tency, am a {73% Baron Tm Diseases thatAftar Taking followas a se- quence of Self- Abuse; as loss of Memoyy, IIJniversal Lnssitudc, Pain in the Back. Dim- ness of Vision, Premature Old Age,and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con- sumption and z} Premature Grave. ‘ A ,,,I_:_L éï¬â€˜ull particulars in our pamphlet,which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be pent free by mail on receipt of the THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., Toronto, Out., Canada. ‘5' Sold m \Voodville by all Druggiets, and by all wholesale and mail (lruggists Ill Canard); and the United States. ll4-ly N B. â€"The demands of om business have necessitated our removing to Toronto. to which place please address all future com~ munica-tionsf GRA Y'S Speciï¬c MEDICINE. f'nADE 9153K. The Great TRADE M RK. mm Epcnshï¬m- A All classes of buildings insured at a low â€(O/WEI†10 ZOJUL 5- v... runny HHWMIF. or lmr.\'rm.\'s.â€"â€"Ask for Dr. 'l‘lumma Euloctric ()i‘. Sm: that the signature of S. .V. ’I'Iumms in on the wrapper. and the munch)! Nnrlhrnp Lyman are blown in tlmlmttlc, nml ’I'ul'ï¬ nu gllu'r. Hold Ivy all medicine (lmlcrs. Price 2.": cents. NORTH- IHH’ (x: LYMAN, 'l‘nrqnto, ()nt... l’rnprictors for the Dominion. Corner King and Church Streets. (NARTER 8w. (Em-ting done to and from the Railway Station and thr ong hike Villogn M: Moderate ratog. nu luv .n" I N01 F. â€"â€" i'éi};i;:icâ€"Selcctctl and Electerizcd 15 Money! Money ! on us before pmchasing elsewhene. TION IN QUALITY AN]: PETER CLIFFORD I House and Barn Bills Supplied on the Shortest Notlce. Exï¬reu parcels mom MONEY T0 LOAN . Fotheringham, D. B. CARMICHAEL, M anilla, Ont. \VOODVILLE. GENERAL AGEN '1'.â€" “‘1‘ AM 5' 'I I" vv using elsewheie. WI‘Eâ€"GUKRANTEE SATISFAC- IALI'l‘Y AND PRICE. Lumber can be had either at. Woodville or Bolsover. LUMBER. 75,000 FEET SCANTLING 350,000 FEET COMMON BOARDS A ND SHEETING. This Great Household Medicine ranks among the loading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills urify the BLOOD, and not most powerfu uly,yet soothing on the and BOWELS, givin tone, energy, and vigour to these great 3 AIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are conï¬dently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully eï¬icacious in all ailments inci- dentalto Females of all ages; and as 3 GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are Its Searching and Healing Properties are Known Throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, 0L0 WOUNDS, SORES AND ULGERS it is an infallible remedy. If effectually nubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures SORE THROAT, Di ptheria, Bronchiti', Cou glis, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Al)- acessess, Piles, Fistulas, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with di- rections for use in almost every language. The Trade Marks of these Medicines are registered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throu vhout the British Fosscssions, who mnv '00], the American Counterfeit: for sale, will he prosecuted. I’urchasors should look to the Lama). on tho Pots and Boxes. If tho address islnot 533 Oxford Street, London, thev arc spurious. Bane. Rolls and Pastry a smmtyg FAMILY BREAD FRUIT CAKES. MxXEDTEA. CAKES. QEQIQES SQLACWED. “ ADVOCATE,†Gout, Rheumatism, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, 00A, ABELNE THY, AND FRUIT I;IHUU1’J.‘,S \VHUI LSALE AND RETAIL SUB BUPIBE BOB '1 HF BERRIE' IS UNXLD unsurpassed. 1N THE COUNTY JOHN BERRIE, interests by 7 qalling 6412 500 Feet to Supply with Boots and Shoes. CALL AND SEE MY NEW STOCK OF Boots and Shoes REDUCTION A Large Variety of Ladies' Pmnellas, Cheap, LATEST STYLES ! FULL LINES ! Having rented Mr. WANTED ! FIRST-CLASS BREAD CAKES E G-l'aining Walput, ' FOR CASH Material on cost, and can consequently 3011 very cheap. which I have just purchased ALL WQRK @UAe-Ammm , WOODVILLE HARDWARE EMPORIUM THOS. ULGU STON, M16350 {SAM PBEU, Blmrvs and Gang Polwsa o MCMIIJLAN’SO CALI.- .AND SEE GREAT OYSTERS, 61c" 1N SF..- SUN. Glazier, Grainer. and Paper-Hanger. â€"AT A- in all theâ€"â€" . B. McKYES And everything in his line, at Renewable Prices, D. McLEOD'S bake shop and oven, begs to announce to the public that he 1: prepared to supply them with SPECIATY : Walnut, Oak. (light and dark) Maple and Burr W%lnut. THE Grain Cradles, Hay Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes HARVEST COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. 200m PER GALLON. PAINTS, All kinds of Hardware BARLEY FORKS I MACHINE OILS ! HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF VARNISHES, OILS, ONLY- T®©LS fl BRUSHES,